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Latest revision as of 10:31, 26 March 2015

Date of Scene: 26 March 2015
Location: Southern Urbania
Synopsis: A night of love and an eternity's, why, they aren't even remotely alike...
Cast of Characters: 480, 686

Felicia (480) has posed:
     Felicia was an Urban sort of cat herself. Well, more of a city sort, perhaps more in her element in the glitzy and larger locations than someplace like Urbania. Urbania felt like an overgrown shopping mall at certain points, but she could still feel relaxed and at play here. And speaking of playing... she had been eyeing this little nightspot for just a bit now. A cheap tan trenchcoat around her shoulders with a pair of somewhat large converse sneakers to keep her somewhat disguised, if you looked past the huge blue hair. Time to see if this was the kind of place she could get a gig at.

Gakupo Kamui (686) has posed:
    There's an act on the stage here. Just one guy. He's dressed in a Victorian style man's suit, complete with lacy cuffs, a frilly cravat, and riding boots. It's mostly purple, much like his hair. But there's one thing he's got that's a little out of place. A pair of headphones, black and orange, that looks a little like stylized wings.

    But while it LOOKS like there's just ONE guy up there, it SOUNDS like there's a whole band up there! Drums, guitars, a brass section, a piano-- the works! Even some electronic sounds! Where's it all coming from? Well, he's singing, so probably him. Somehow. And what's he singing? Apparently a song about a vampire in love

    "Amore, amore - my true colors are, indeed,
    Carina, carina - a vampire of the night
    And my preference is young maidens and their blood;
    But when speaking of love, I do love you..."

Felicia (480) has posed:
     Felicia plods in, her footsteps soft thanks to those sneakers, not that she had noisy claws or something otherwise--she was usually pretty quiet. When she noticed the rather... colorful music with the man on stage, the long purple hair and pony tail, and the outfit--headphones shaped like Morrigan's wings? Oh man, her without a cellphone camera to taunt her with the image of Gakupo plus the message "boyfriend of yours got away?" of course, the cat lady becomes rather curious at the synthetic effect of the voice, as well as the lack of any other equipment. Were there speakers setup and he was just dubbing over it, or...?

     This required some inspection. Setting her jacket over a chair and carefully slipping her bare white furred feet out of the converse sneakers, she was swiftly hopping up to join Gakupo on stage, likely around that 'amore amore, carina carina my adorable kitten' section, sidling alongside Gakupo with her hands curled into paw-like fists and making a paddling motion with them through the air, like a cat waving her paws about, wearing a grin and just her fur now. If anything, it will give whoever else is here an... interesting show.

Gakupo Kamui (686) has posed:
    Gakupo is nothing if not a showman. So when an 'adorable kitten' hops up onto the stage RIGHT when he's singing about one? Well, of course he's gonna go with it. Costume? Who knows, here in the Multiverse. But it doesn't really matter! She's an adorable kitten and he needs one for the song. So! He reaches out to boop her nose! Because that's what you do with adorable kittens, you boop their nose!

    In all seriousness though, by the end of the song he'll be dancing with her properly if she'll allow it. And yes he can indeed dance! Though the story of the synthesized sound of his music will probably be easily told by her various catlike senses.

    He doesn't sweat. He does breathe, but he seems to be able to breathe and sing at the same time without a bit of trouble. He doesn't smell like a person-- he smells like plastic, metal, and electricity. And whenever he moves, Felica's ear picks up a very light 'whirr' sound-- tiny motors in his joints! His movements also have a very slight bit of an overcorrection bobble, like an animatronic figure. But the wobble is extremely minor, and it takes near-inhuman perception to pick it up.

Felicia (480) has posed:
     Felicia might have realized who Gakupo was, being in the same faction, but right now it didn't seem to matter too much. With the nose boop, Felicia blinked a little, looking honesly surprised, before she wised up and grinned a little back, her long pearly white eyeteeth visible over her plush red lips. When the gothic-dressed vocaloid makes motions like he wants to dance, well, her picked the perfect partner to do so. Balanced on her toes, Felicia's long-furred tail wraps around Gakupo's waist and would actually help anchor or pull him to her, an arm going around his shoulder, the werecat pulling herself in close.

     Brushing her poofy electric blue hair back, she's grinning the entire time. Felicia is the ever capable ham when she's on the stage, and as the lyrics of the song turns to the line 'amore amore now I request your blood' the catwoman makes a show of swishing that long blue hair of hers aside to display her elegant and creamy pale throat, the little band of white fur wrapping around it like a choker easily seen beneath the light. Her red lips voluptuous and neck bared, she brings a knee up along his side, red nails glinting as her toes curled, her eyes provactive and lovesick.

Gakupo Kamui (686) has posed:
    Gakupo does make a show of following the curve of her neck as she offers it, but he's also still singing, so he's obviously not going to bite her. Besides that, he doesn't have the teeth for it anyway. And he doesn't even smell biological, much less like something that would bite her. So she's perfectly safe.

    The song ends with a big band-esque segment, during which Gakupo will attempt to sweep Felicia into a ballroom type dance. When that part ends, he'll try to dip her! Not to worry, either, he's quite srong, for a human, anyway. There are stronger Elites, but he's strong enough not to drop her!

Felicia (480) has posed:
     The latter half of her left foot and toes clinging to the floor still as she has sort of 'dance glomped' the vocaloid, she's surprisingly light for how toned or muscular she might look, so when Gakupo swings her along with him in the sudden dance, her feet are back down and already moving, the paw pads on her soles giving her excellent traction on the stage.

     That large plume of blue hair hangs down as she's dipped, a rumbling purr from the back of her throat audible even over the last of the music, like the engine of a small car. Of course, before Gakupo can pull her up, she's closing her eyes and going in for a full, red-lipped kiss on him, uh oh~ one of her furred feet and legs going up in the air, letting him support a good portion of her weight as her arms go around his shoulders.

Gakupo Kamui (686) has posed:
    That's a little unexpected! But it's okay. Gakupo is, again, a showman. Besides that he's not capable of physically blushing. And so when she plants that kiss on him, he returns it! Though demurely, and will pull away a short moment later. He won't rip himself away from her, no. And he winks when he can see her again.

    Once the song's done, he'll help her stand straight and say to the audience, "Everyone please give a hand to my adorable-- and mysterious-- kitten~!" And bow!

Felicia (480) has posed:
     Poor Gakupo, beset by such a wild and wicked werecat, like able to hear as well as feel the moan Felicia returns with that kiss, hastily entwining her tongue with his before he has time to pull away. It's quite the spectacle, the catwoman's tongue hanging out between those pronounced fang-like canines of hers, green eyes half-mast and still locked on the purple ponytailed man.

     Bowing is practically second nature for Felicia, her tail curling and artfully contorting into a <3 shape for the crowd to see as she bows right over, flipping her hair back and pushing it back behind her shoulders. "Hi there, violet, I'm Felicia," she curls an arm around his shoulder again, hugging herself a little close, still purring like a jetski engine. She leans into him with one of her feet pushed up and back into the air femininely.

Gakupo Kamui (686) has posed:
    Eep~! That's embarrassing! But no blushing, thankfully! He'll help her offstage (because he doesn't want to get too much attention up there, not like this~!) as she introduces herself, and smiles. "My name's Kamui Gakupo~," he offers. "I'm very pleased to meet you, Miss Felicia. So, what brings a pretty little kitten such as yourself to this neck of the woods?"

Felicia (480) has posed:
     When Felicia is led offstage she expects this is where she might get tossed out the back, as has happened before--but this does not occur, a bit to her surprise. "So do I call you Kamui, or Gakupo?" she asked, the city accent evident in her voice by now, in more conversational tones. It sounds like New York in there, or maybe Jersey. "I came in here to see if they might have any use for my act, but I think they already got their hands full with you, batboy," she extended a white-furred index finger and booped his nose back, like before.

     "It's alright though, I'm not bitter," she sidles up to him again. "I'm pretty sweet, actually, ah-thank you," she grinned cheesily and snickered a little at her own humor, likely for effect.

Gakupo Kamui (686) has posed:
    "Kamui, if you like," Gakupo offers with a wink. And then he laughs merrily at the noseboop! As for the club? "Oh no, I only play there sometimes. My mother set it up for tonight because she wanted to get the word out about me being able to sing. And that I was sapient, you know?" Pause. "Oh! I forgot. I'm a Vocaloid-- an android that's made to sing. But I'm.... 'real', you know?"

    He chuckles at the mention. "Well, I know what will make you sweeter~. Do you like ice cream? I know a place that serves the dairy-free stuff, and it tastes just like the real thing, too." Non-dairy because dairy is bad for cats' digestive systems, and he doesn't want to give his pretty new feline friend a tummyache!

Felicia (480) has posed:
     "Real? oh boy, looks like we got a lot to talk about--sure I'd like some ice cream, bonus points if it doesn't break down my digestive system," Felicia grinned and gave the vocaloid a pat on the shoulder, likely following him out for a tasty frozen treat. It was still running through her head that the fellow she'd danced with was a robot, well, she'd fought robots before, but they were... well, not quite like this!

     "So uh, who's your mom?" dun dun duuun.