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Latest revision as of 03:55, 28 March 2015

Date of Scene: 28 March 2015
Location: Neo Arcadia-00001
Synopsis: After Taro is disarmed by unknown thugs, Ferham visits him in the reploid ward of a hospital in Neo Arcadia.
Cast of Characters: 399, 516

Taro (399) has posed:
    'His Eminence? He's in the hospital. A minor injury, I assure you. He'll be fine.'
    That's what Ferham was told when she dropped in to see him at his lab. Followed by directions to Neo Arcadia Temple Hospital, a mere stop away on the express e-train, and his room number.
    Assuming that she stops at the information desk or at one of the nursing stations to ask for directions, finding said room inside the hospital tower isn't too difficult. Unsurprisingly, the Saint Diego wing bears all the signs of being for reploids and other machine-based persons. the air smells less of disinfectant and more of VOCs, plastics, oils, and metals. It's probably not too unlike a hospital ward in Giga City, except with more cutting edge equipment.
    Also unsurprisingly, His Eminence has a private room at the end of the hall. Spotlessly clean, clear walking space around the patient's bed, vitals monitors mounted on the wall for the patient and a workstation near the door for the caregivers, a vidscreen and a window to improve morale, a couple of chairs for visitors, and since this is a religious-affiliated hospital, a holoicon of SHODAN hung on the wall. The 'bed' is a more ultramodern version of a recovery pod from Ferham's time, but still close enough that she'll easily recognize it for what it is.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     And that would be about all she stays to hear before speeding off. Ferham didn't need a teleporter handy, or transportation, she could fly herself. And that she does. She's quick to get there, in fact even forgoing a set of civvie clothes, she hadn't shown up in that tunic dress Taro would likely recall her in. Instead she opts for a different sort of disguise, one that's moreso to let her move about easily and less so about deception. Well, mostly.

     Giving a rap outside the door, she enters, more or less without making it apparent who it is. Of course, Taro might not recognize the vixen beauty that strolls in. Humanoid of course, with a fullbody fox-like suit and a trio of plushy tails, the figure and hips Taro would likely to recognize, if he paid attention--her face half-hidden behind a rosy-colored visor.

     "I heard you were hurt, didn't realize they gave you the royal treatment," she paused for a moment, gesturing a black-clad forearm towards Taro in his rather large repair bed.

Taro (399) has posed:
    "Enter," Taro calls at the knock at the door without looking in its direction. He is doing his utmost to be a good patient rather a tyrannical one, and even resigned himself to wearing the local version of a medical gown - though mercifully the Neo Arcadian version does not induce drafts down the back, thank you. His right arm is conspicuouly absent, the sleeve flat, and his right pants leg has been rolled up just above the knee so that they could apply a nanite dressing to his shin. His left hand is bare for once, wrist cable plugged into one of the bed's I/O ports. But his hair is brushed and he doesn't appear to be in any pain. Merely inconvenienced.
    There's also a bit of an odd musty odor in here. Golem scent, if Ferham's ever had the pleasure(?) of Meeting Number Nine.
    He does look up and over as his visitor reaches his bedside, and he arcs an eyebrow just slightly. But the voice he recognizes once Ferham speaks, and he hints a faint lopsided smirk. "Not the duty nurse, I see...good evening, Ferham. Are you trying out another new look?"

Ferham (516) has posed:
     There wouldn't be any noise from boots this time around, so it might be a little confusing on just how fast she gets into the room. This was a feature of her suit, not a bug, we can assure you. Gloves that resembled the black legs and paws of a red fox reaches over and ran gently across the empty sleeve, noticing it was inert and flat as dirty laundry. Those gloved hands he'd recognize were definitely humanoid, though capped in little pointed claws.

     "So what did they do to you?" she blinked and sniffed at the air, if she was Wolverine she might growl and comment on the scent, though she has been around Nine enough before to realize that strange funk that always seems to be present. Pheromones, of some sort, she must have figured. "Palling around with Nine, I see," she commented again, walking around him and then making eye contact with him, reaching up to pull the cherry red goggle-like visor up, so she can see his face. One of her green eyes seems to shift back from red to green, but just for a second.

     "I'm merged with my support unit, I didn't want to walk in her in my undersuit, I might have been mistaken for another patient," she nodded.

Taro (399) has posed:
    Taro does not like to make direct eye contact with people, and so after meeting her eyes for a moment, his gaze follows Ferham's visor as she shifts it back away from her face. "A case of mistaken identity," is his dry answer, "which turned out to be far more unfortunate for them than for us." A faint amused sound at the mention of Nine. "Yes. He can be quite the mother hen. I finally had to send him out for a while so that I could have a proper nanite treatment. He's allergic."
    He then makes a small gesture with his left and only hand in the direction of one of the chairs. "You're welcome to sit, if you like. How is the merger working for both of you?"

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Are you even specced for combat? you need to be more careful," Ferham's tone shifted a bit in urgency, as if trying to caution him, with just a hint of annoyance evident in her voice. "Oh, good, I thought I smelled Nine, glad he was with you," she sighed a bit in relief, realizing that the Golem King was no joke. They didn't call him that for no reason, after all.

     "Really? him?" Fer raised a brow, but slipped up beside the bed, running a black-clad hand up Taro's now missing forearm area and to where it met his body. "So you're getting your arm replaced? And it's fine, Trance has her circuit crystal onboard my body. She's sentient, but she has her own thoughts and whatnot at times. It's kind of like having two minds in one body," Fer didn't sit, though she stepped back a little.

     Almost all at once Ferham's body seemed to distort and shift, as if there was suddenly a heat mirage between her and Taro--the image of her twisting until Ferham was standing there again, now in what looked like a white nurse's minidress, going down to about mid-thigh, complete with a red cross emblazoned cap and a pair of stiletto high heels.

     "Ahem... as you can see, she has a bit of a sense of humor at times, at that," the now Nurse!Ferham folded her arms over her front, as if not entirely amused with this sudden outfit change.

Taro (399) has posed:
    "It was a surprise attack in the guise of an accident," Taro explains. "Had I been in full combat armor, likely I would have fared better." His limbless shoulder shifts under her hand as he shrugs mildly. "The arm was a complete loss, literally, so I'm having a new one fabricated." He almost sounds like he's used to losing arms like this. (Then again, he -is- an engineer known for building mechanized weapons...)
    Both eyebrows arch as Ferham's foxish form shifts to blend with the surroundings. To a certain degree at least. Ahem. The amusement shows more in his eyes than around his lips. "So she does. Good evening to you as well, Trance."

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Ah, right, you could just use a suit or a platform to keep yourself safe," Ferham realized this a little too late, making her look a tad off the ball there. She was from a time when well, ride-armor existed, as did chasers, so even non-combat models could use them to great effect, but her and the others on Giga city had very little of such, so you were sort of expected to handle yourself.

     "Glad there was no extraneous damage to your frame or core," she reaches up and readjusts the nurse cap over her shoulder-length black hair, stepping back a little closer. There is the sound of what might have been a little giggling out of nowhere, but definitely from Ferham's general direction, not in her voice.

     "Yes, as you can see, it's Trance's instinct to disguise herself, even if there's no immediate danger," Fer gestured to the risque nurse outfit, showing off a good portion of her legs. "She also has a bit of mischievous sense of humor," she closed her eyes with a little grin, sighing. "Anyway, you're alright then?" she stepped closer, now giving him a bit more of a closer examination.

Taro (399) has posed:
    Taro finds it quite funny, really. "So she does." Then, a nod, and while he's trying to sound assuring, his voice is still tinged with amsement. "I will be fine. My core is undamaged, and my frame is flexible enough that most of it withstood the trauma of the accident. My arm took the worst of it, along with the SUV. But then, it was a terribly primitive vehicle."

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Good... I would be..." she seemed to hesitate as she tried to find the words, her voice cracking a little. "I would be distraught if you were horribly damaged," a hand moved over to smooth back the black hair of the Reploid on the repair bed. She definitely /had/ seemed a bit more gentle since Taro helped her fix that issue of hers, more caring and less aloof than she had been. This was frankly a pretty positive thing, all in all.

     "Sorry, I got a bit emotional there," she calmed and recovered herself, taking a breath. "Terrible tin-can like things, yes, probably folded up like one too. Oh well, least it would have given you some cover," she leaned back a bit, giving him some more personal s pace.

Taro (399) has posed:
    Another arching of brows, this time milder. Genuine care? In later restrospection this will be less surprising, but for now he is caught off-guard by it. Taro lapses into silence, as much due to that as to let her continue.
    When he speaks again, he is not dismissive of those feelings. "I will be fine," he says, this time in firm assurance. "I am being seen to by my best medicas, and I am being mindful of all of their instructions and advice."
    He wrinkles his nose a bit, though it is at the memory of the event, not at his company. "Supposedly it had all of the modern safety features," she can hear the quotes around the phrase, "but the end of the twentieth century Earth is incredibly primitive compared to either of our worlds. I'm thankful that their intended target wasn't with Nine and me at the time. Sir Hellsing is a strong and spirited woman, but she is a human, and they can be painfully frail."

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Next time we field you, I would like to see you in an exo-suit, or at the very least a goliath-class Ride armor," Ferham nodded at that, her arms folding over her front again. "It was yes, there is probably less than 50$ worth of steel in that vehicle you were in," she had likely already been looking up specs of SUV models as she listened to him, raising a brow at the mention of Integra.

     "What? they were after Sir Integra Wingates Hellsing?" Ferham had likely heard of her before, since she was part of the organization. "Was someone trying to assassinate her?" now this was intel and news that was very much to her interest.

Taro (399) has posed:
    "Ah, you haven't seen my combat armor yet, have you. Remind me after I'm released from care, and I will show you."
    Then, Taro returns to the story and explanation. He hasn't forgotten that his remaining hand is still tethered by the I/O wire, and so he keeps his gestures small and shallow. "Given her line of work and her position, it's no surprise that she's made enemies." He glances up at her, belatedly realizing that Ferham may not know much about a situation with which he's become now painfully familiar. "I'm not sure how much you know of Sir Hellsing, but Nine and I have been assisting her with her artificial vampire problem. While her organization has been making inroads on that, we still don't know who has been creating them. Then there are those who object to how influential she is, and are doing what they can to break down the order she's been building in their country."

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "I'd like that," Ferham nodded, her attention entirely on the male Reploid in the repair bed. "Artificial vampires? sounds sticky, I take it she was targeted to stop someone's operation?" Fer thought about it a moment, this sort of thing happened. Someone tried to disrupt someone's criminal activities or plans, and not long after attempts on said person's life would be made. It was like clockwerk.

     "So they were looking for her and found you huh? Guess I need to go hunting," she looked a tad bit more serious at that, some steel creeping back into her looks and body language. Unhappy bird woman was unhappy.

Taro (399) has posed:
    "I believe it had been intended as a warning to cease and desist." Taro's expression darkens somewhat, his brow furrowing and frown deepening. It sounds like he's taken the attack as a personal affront. "It instead became a warning to whichever group tried this foolishness. Nine can be very...persuasive...when he puts his mind to it." A pause. "Once the fight was over, Nine saw to me until help could arrive."
    While he may be poor at showing emotions himself, he can read them well enough, and so Ferham's unhappiness does not go unnoticed. "Mm. If you plan to go hunting, I can see about requesting you as a temporary addition to M Squad. It would be easier for all involved if you have some connection to the Hellsing Organization rather than working as a lone hawk."

Ferham (516) has posed:
     Ferham's eyes cast a glance at Taro's now missing arm. "Some warning," she muttered, not looking quite happy at that still. "He's genetically augmented, a good soldier," Fer nodded and agreed with Taro there, she'd seen him in action before--at least from recordings. "He's also surprisingly down to earth for someone like that, as weird as he can be," she walked around his repair bed, those red stiletto heels click-clacking. "Temporary addition to M-squad? who're they?" she tilted her head, a bang of dark hair falling over one eye and cheek. "You want me to work with Hellsing on this then?" she asked, sounding as if she didn't mind the idea of that, necessarily.

Taro (399) has posed:
    "He is a monster." There is no insult there. In fact his tone is closer to affectionate. "He has his better days and his worse days. Still, he is aware of most of his issues and tries to keep the worst of them in check."
    "M Squad is the squad I've been helping to assemble, to deal with multiversal threats both inside and outside Hellsing's territory," he goes on to explain. His eyes track Ferham as she paces, his head tilting as needed when she almost steps out of his view. "It probably would be better. The planet hasn't been acclimating well to the Multiverse. Understandable, I think, considering the horrors its world already has. Having a connection to the group responsible for eliminating such horrors would be to your benefit." His voice takes on a mildly wry cast. "Provided that you don't mind working with the likes of Lady Psalm, Nine, and myself, that is?"

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Definitely someone you can rely on, in either case," Ferham smiled just a bit, amused that Nine was probably better at handling his issues than most 'normal' types seemed to be.

     "I might have problems if the creatures they're dispatched after are sentient, but I'll give it a trial basis to see if i can help with uncovering this plot," she relented a little. "I'm less cold than I used to be, figuratively speaking, my cryogenics system is fine, I assure you," she winked down to the bot beneath her. "Of course I wouldn't mind working with you, not at all. When do you need me to report?"

Taro (399) has posed:
    "Fighting unwelcome Elites is part of her purview," Taro answers honestly. But since that also falls under the Confederacy's purview, he seems to expect that will not be an issue. "Also, the vampires are sentient, and while the artificial ones are fairly easy to dispatch, the true vampires are exceptionally difficult...I will forward the report on the Incognito Incident later."
    He gives a faint ghost of a smile at her wink. "Let me speak with my superiors there before I say yes or no. My influence is great here in Neo Arcadia, but in England, I am there by contract."

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "I see, well, this will be interesting to see if they can be taken in without killing them," Ferham replied slowly, nodding to Taro. "Please do that, as for right now however... might you like to go for a walk?" Ferham looked around to see if there was anything like a wheelchair or the like that she might cart Taro about for a little stroll. Undoubtedly having such a good looking nurse tending to him personally would make quite a lot of the other models jealous in that ward.

Taro (399) has posed:
    "Mm." It's a skeptical sound. From what he's seen of his employer, she seems to lean very heavily towards taking no prisoners. Occasionally to his chagrin...
    Taro looks down at his bandaged leg. "Walking may not be the best idea...though I suppose a trip to the atrium in a wheelchair may do some good." While there isn't one in the room, undoubtedly there's one at the nurses' station...and if he asks to borrow it, who exactly is going to tell him no?