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AWftF: The Expedient Route
Date of Scene: 29 March 2015
Location: Reptilon <Rep>
Synopsis: Princess Dei and Kakarot have a clandestine meeting to discuss the various leadership problems on Reptilon. Dei's solution is pretty direct.
Cast of Characters: 114, 723

Genghis Rex (114) has posed:
Kakarot finds himself alone at the specified rendezvous point at the Serpent's Spine. THe towering rock structures rise high above the mountain range like the teeth of a great dragon looking to swallow up the sky.

Being a mountainous region, there are many remote areas that do not see heavy or any traffic. Small cave beacons to the Saiyan to enter. What little light creeps in through the opening doesn't reveal how complex or deep this cave system is. It is dark and quiet and the only hint of anything beyond the shadows is the smell of a water source, deep in it's depths.

From the darkness, two goggled eyes take an interest in Kakarot's presence, a small cackle echos through the cave, "He is here, mistress."

Kakarot (723) has posed:
Kakarot normally has no need to hide himself or his presence in any way. The appearance of a thing has a lot of advantages.

But he is no fool. The lack of something is as important as the presence of it. This is why he is here, now, entering a cave for a clandestine meeting. He moves with sure grace as he approaches the cave entrance, walking with a solemn air in his golden armor, with his cape snapping behind him in the wind.

He enters the cave without hesitation. He is not so foolish as to believe he is invincible, but he knows better than to show anything less than steelclad confidence with /this/ person... If his intelligence is correct.

Genghis Rex (114) has posed:
A small theropod slinks out from the darkness. He is the smallest Reptilonian, Kakarot has ever seen. At about 3 feet tall, he is thin and frail looking, with a long slender neck and blue feathers poking out from his garments, which appear to be an odd mishmash of wires and gadgets. His goggled eyes are particularly disturbing as they are wide and vacant - the eyes of someone who has either been brainwashed or is not totally living in a reality with the rest of the universe.

He sets down a can of 'something' at Kakarot's feet, then backs away, sitting down on his rump and staring up at the Saiyan, a weird, psychotic look of playfulness on his sunken features. He then pulls out his own can, identical to the one he placed in front of Kakarot, and cracks the top like a soda, then downs the beverage greedily.

"I am Ceasar." He says in a high pitched quivering voice, then taps a few buttons on his tech covered forearm, a lifesize projection of Princess Dei leaps out from a projector strapped to his forehead, "This is mistress ..."

The projection of Dei stands about 7 feet tall. Her well muscled form is not hidden below her rows of yellow feathers and battle armor. She is fit, incredibly so and moves with a grace and regality that is learned, not bred into someone. Her eyes scowl with an intense ferocity that is only matched by her brother.

"Welcome ... Kakarot, is it?"

(Should Kakarot drink from what Caesar offered him, it is a sickeningly sweet fizzy drink, sorta the Reptilonian vrsion of Red Bull)

Kakarot (723) has posed:
Kakarot picks up the can and opens it, and takes a drink. He hums for a moment, and then drinks down the rest. It does not, however, give him wings.

"Nice to meet you, Caesar." He comments. However interesting the off-kilter dinosaur tech is, that's not whe he's here.

The projection is. There is a faint twitch in his expression as he sees that despite coming to this remote location, she is still not risking herself in person.

Wise enough, but the paranoia is evident. Kakarot looks over the projection, studying Princess Dei's features carefully as his Scouter glints in the light.

Her address is noted. "Yes. King Kakarot of the Neo-Saiyan Empire. And you would be Princess Dei of the Reptilonians, I presume." He says, smiling faintly. "This is not the first place I would have expected to have negotiations. I am guessing your proposal is going to be ... unusual."

Genghis Rex (114) has posed:
Dei eyes Kakarot coldly, the feathers on her neck lifting slightly, "Unusual is one word for it, I suppose."

Her eyes widen as Kakarot drinks the "Red Bull" and she glares at Caesar, "Why would you bring that disgusting swill to this meeting? "

She snarls and turns her head back to Kakarot, "Yes, I am Princess Deinonychus of the Tyranno Empire and RIghtful heir to the throne of Reptilon. The Red Tail for Brains that flipped your table the other day is my little brother, who has the same claim. Your little invasion drew him back from ... well, seemingly from the dead."

She clenches her claws together, "Imagine my surprise on both parts."

Kakarot (723) has posed:
Dei exudes the feral cunning of a predator. Her irritability and agitation is evident, while Kakarot is comparatively placid. Pleasant, even, with that almost Goku-esque smile.

It's the eyes that foretell the terifing capacity for destruction inherent to this man's presence. He shrugs faintly as Dei harangues Caesar for his drink offering, and spins the can idly in one hand lightly as she reveals her full heritage.

An eyebrow arches. "The rightful heir, eh?" He pauses for a moment. "His appearance must have caused a lot of upheavals here and made your other problems a bit more complicated. Now not only do you have Allo and his group to deal with, but also a challenge to your inheritance."

He considers this for a moment. "So you want me to uncomplicate them for you?" He guesses.

Genghis Rex (114) has posed:
Dei narrows her eyes, "Very adept.It would appear that your mammalian brain is a bit more evolved than the ones I am accustomed to."

Dei splays out her arms in a grandiose gesture, revealing razor sharp claws at the tips of each finger, "But, if you MUST know, I am wanted now! Like a common criminal, because I may have made a few off hand remarks to my ... heh 'beloved' little brother ... and maybe gave him a few scars to contemplate my words more seriously."

"When he was dead and gone, the empire united under my leadership ... as it was always meant to be. Now it is fractured. I have my agents ... he has his. Such chaos cannot hope to defeat you, not with a third party like the Dinosaucers in play ..."

"So yes, Kakarot. You have put me in a bit of a dicey predicament ... but, I do not blame you. You are simply following your nature ... and that is something I can get behind."

She crosses her arms, "My brother is a spoiled, impetuous child, but possesses a level of determination that would be idiotic if it weren't so inspiring to those around him. He will never need knee to you. No matter what you offer. He will NEVER forgive you, no matter what agreements are achieved ... even if you recant on Reptilon and join his coalition of Super-Mammals. One or both of you will die, he'll not let this slight slide."

"Allo is my brother's polar opposite. He'll strive for peace, but not at the costs of the freedom of his people. He'll fight you till his last breath if that is the cost of Reptilon's continued existence."

"I, on the other hand, understand compromise and understand the severity of what stands before us. Eliminate them, both are weak in much the same way. Both inspire with their tenacity. Put and end to them and the people of Reptilon will have nobody left to follow but me."

Kakarot (723) has posed:
Kakarot folds his arms, but doesn't answer the backhanded compliment immediately. He waits, letting Dei set out her terms and confirming his assessment of the lay of the land. As long as two of the three were alive, Reptilon would never have peace.

Of course, how much that matters to Kakarot is up for debate. "I have yet to see how well he can actually fight. Maybe he'd actually be a challenge. But then, if he was capable, he'd have simply challenged me if he wasn't a screaming child." He sighs for a moment. "So you want me to kill your rivals for you." He makes a wry smile. "How... cold-blooded of you." He shrugs, and then gestures. "Regardless, in exchange, you'll accept the deal I laid out for your brother. You will get to maintain most of your local authority, and a portion of your resources and fighting men will join the PTO, fighting to forge a worlds-spanning empire that will stand the test of time. You will receive protection by our own people, the finest warriors in the universe."

He pauses once more. "Is this... acceptable?"

Genghis Rex (114) has posed:
Dei curls her mouth into a cruel smile, "I care nothing for the freedom of the pathetic mortal fools that infest this festering mudball. They were born to serve me. They were to DIE for me, if need be. What difference does it make to me if they serve you in the process? Give me what is mine, end this idiotic slatemate and you can do whatever you want with them, so long as they do it in MY name."

Kakarot (723) has posed:
Kakarot's expression remains the same, but there is a certain glint in his eyes. What does he see in this hungry, ravaging dinosaur woman? "Very well. I will solve your leadership problem for you. Just do not forget our agreement when the time comes."

He looks to Caesar, watching him for a moment, and then looks back to the Princess. "Is there anything else you wish to discuss?"

Genghis Rex (114) has posed:
"My brother a prideful fool. Many years ago he gave his heart to another; then after a brief courtship, she rejected him. He's never gotten over it. He still pines for her like the child he is. Endanger her, kidnap her, do whatever it is you want with her and he will be powerless to fight back. More so, she is Allo's comrade ... so you tie his claws as well. Her name is Teryx. Do with this information as you see fit. We will meet again when these two ticks are out from under my scales."

The image of Dei fades, leaving only Caesar sitting on his tail, eating popcorn ... where the hell did he get popcorn? His wide, goggled eyes swirl around in his head, then focus on Kakarot. The demented look is unchanged, in spite of the things Dei said about him and those that serve her.

This is how she does it. She somehow holds sway over them in such a way that independent thought is no longer or barely present.

Caesar cackles and darts into the shadows of the cave, leaving only tracks in the dust behind him ... and a cup of popcorn.

Dei maybe be more dangerous than both of her adversaries put together.

Kakarot (723) has posed:
Kakarot turns and leaves the cave, exploding into motion as he soars straight up into the air like a rocket... But much faster. As he reaches high orbit, he taps his scouter.

"Gaplan. Did you get it?"

The answer is a low grunt of affirmation over his commlink.

Kakarot sounds satisfied. "The Princess stinks of treachery. Be prepared."

There is no response as he heads back to the Bardock, entering his flagship once more.

The time to entertain this farce is rapidly drawing to a close. Princess Dei has given him the opening he needs to bring this to an end.

Or perhaps... a new beginning.