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Revision as of 03:02, 2 April 2015

Five Nights At Freddy's
Date of Scene: 01 April 2015
Location: Strait of the Americas
Synopsis: 3spooky5me
Cast of Characters: 2, 40, 255, 626, 655

Homura Akemi (2) has posed:
    One can trace the call to a normal, boring iteration of Earth. It is almost night in a nondescript city, most likely New York-- the fact of the matter is that where isn't important, because there's nothing to really look at. The location, however, isn't one where you'd expect to get a call from; nor are there police cars in front of it. For all intents and purposes, it's a small office building, or what must have been years ago anyway. Now it's just a discolored wreck, evidently one that a large fire claimed, though the walls and roof are still standing.

    The door is half open, but dust all around it suggests nobody's been in there for a while. Nothing is lit inside, while the one light over the entrance flickers on and off.

Eleanor Lamb (40) has posed:
    It's not as if Eleanor had other things to handle tonight. Psyber spouting his inner thoughts, the girls missing, and more. But this was an emergency, or at least it seemed to be and fires need to be put out. And so Miss Lamb stands slightly confused outside, flipping her wrench absently in her hand. "Honestly, I'm not seeing anthing here, are you? This is... This better not be a prank."

    "Listen to me, today of all days."

Dominic Masoch (655) has posed:
    'HEY I'M WALKIN' HERE YOU COUNTRY RUBE <Rant rant rant>'

    Dominic flinches as yet another busy New Yorker screams at him for not watching where he's going on the street. Unfortunately for that guy, Dominic is Ramuhan, which is Magical New York. Dominic is dressed in jeans, a shirt, a leather jacket and carrying a cane to avoid using a sword. And he's not a Prince for the day, so the jeans-clad Fencer shouts back.


    If nothing else, Kyra may be rubbing a LITTLE bit of delinquency into him. He approaches the house somewhat casually, though, "I thought there would be authorities here. Did we get the address wrong?"

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    By Dominic's suggestion, Kyra accompanied him to respond to the very brief and cryptic message sent out to the police in...Earth? Yes, it looks like another Earth. There were many iterations of 'Earth' out there and fortunately some brilliant individual had long start appending numbers to them to differentiate them all. As far as Earths go, this one seemed fairly strange to her, evidently lacking in magic altogether. But a good multiversal explorer such as herself would not be deterred!

    As she arrives, Kyra already has her phone out. In fact, based on the way she's holding it she seems like she's recording herself and/or what's in front of them. "Oh, it could be more of that 'April Fools' trickery that's so popular today, Dominic!" Kyra sounds extraordinarily excited.

    She flips the phone so she gets a good look at the delapidated building. "Someone probably called a fake incident into the cops. But we can't be sure about that really, unless~" Kyra waggles her fingers, "We go in and investigate!"

Setsuko Kaminagi (255) has posed:
    It's rare for Setsuko to find herself in any situation that isn't either already a fight, or soon to devolve into one. It's her nature, and she's long accepted it; even whim or whimsy seems to take her to one battlefield after another.

    A strange police call is not her usual fare, however, and she's hoping that for just this once, perhaps it will be easier to resolve.

    The building is regarded with a suspicious frown, before the swordsman turns to look at Eleanor with a slightly raised eyebrow. "I almost hope it is. This is the sort of place that bodes ill for most people if it's not a prank." She turns to glance Kyra's way. "I don't know. We don't usually get intercepted calls like that which turn out to be pranks."

Homura Akemi (2) has posed:
    If it's a prank, there's no signs of the pranksters anywhere, or of the cops taking it seriously. The windows of the building are barricaded, and none were breached. There's another entrance, on the other side of the building, but it's barred shut, and just as dusty. So if this is a prank, there'd have to be another way into the building, which seems unlikely.

    Going inside reveals a black and white checkered floor, and a hallway. It continues ahead for a while and turns right, but halfway there is a door on the right leading into another room. Well, doorway, there's no actual door.

    There is barely any light inside, most of it coming from the door leading outside-- so past this point, the group will want to bring some light to the table!

Dominic Masoch (655) has posed:
    Dominic has light, thankfully. One hand fishes around in the pocket of his jacket before pulling out a pen-sized flashlight. He flicks it on and looks to Kyra, "It would be a terrible prank were it actually one. It lacks humor or originality," He adds, scowling a bit. He shines the light around.

    Eleanor and Setsuko, for their parts, get a polite nod of greeting. He recognizes both, having seen them in varying operations. Setsuko more than Eleanor.

Eleanor Lamb (40) has posed:
    Eleanor Lamb huffs, before she pulls out a 'light'. And by light we mean she flicks her free hand, and the skin there crackles and crisps and start burning. Like actually burning. She doesn't seem to mind the fire though. "Right, well. This place is awful enough already, and I'd rather... hnnn. Give it a once over, see that there's nothing wrong and then we can be on our way home and none the worse, right? Right."

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "What, a spooky abandoned building?" Kyra responds to Setsuko, "You're right, this is the perfect place for a Random Encounter or something nasty. We should be on our guard, then." As she says that, she shifts her position a little so she's behind Dominic.

    But to Dominic: "Yeah...not like those Heaven or Hell guys, they're actually kind of funny today." She fiddles with her phone for a moment and what normally functions as a camera flash also turns out doubles as the 'flashlight' app on this particular phone. So not only is she recording everything she moves her phone around at, she's also illuminating the area too.

    Then Kyra swings her phone around so she can record the fact that Elanor is apparently on fire. "Does that hurt?"

Setsuko Kaminagi (255) has posed:
    "For what it's worth, I sense no forthcoming battle," Setsuko says as they slip in the door, close behind Dominic. "Which means that either none is forthcoming, or that it's so minor that it escapes even my senses." The fact that Eleanor's hand is on fire doesn't seem to perturb her. "...That might be a good thing, though. In these close confines, I can't use the Zanjintou's full power safely." Not unless she wants to bring the building down around them, anyway.

Eleanor Lamb (40) has posed:
    Eleanor smiles over at Kyra. "Pain is a fleeting concept. Also no not really."

    The hand, which is apparently burning itself up, doens't stop, and doesn't seem to be actually consuming the flesh from her bones. Looks nastier than it is, maybe?

Homura Akemi (2) has posed:
    Flashing the various lights around mostly reveals a lot of loose wires coming out of the ceiling. A huge fire hazard-- oh. Well. That might certainly explain that. There's also some plastic debris on the floor, far too mangled by the fire to recognize. Charred, but it was probably a toy.

    The hallway ahead turns right, and there's the door on the right halfway to the corner that goes into a side-room. The building is fairly quiet, besides the creaking of the floor where people walk. Doesn't seem like it'll fall on your heads, at least.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "But it does hurt a little?" Kyra asks curiously, watching the burning hand. Because of her SCIENCE LEARNINGS she can tell that the burn is unnatural and the skin and flesh is not peeling away like it would with actual fire. "Huh. Cool."

    As they walk down the hallway, Kyra elects to explore the open room on the right with no door. She first shines her phone/light in before stepping inside.

Setsuko Kaminagi (255) has posed:
    Setsuko, meanwhile, decides to reach for the door with her left hand.

    Her right has a sword in it. Just in case.

Dominic Masoch (655) has posed:
    Dominic looks pretty annoyed at the building that's falling apart, stepping along with Kyra to try to keep up with her. He's just looking around.

Eleanor Lamb (40) has posed:
    Eleanor sighs a bit but follows along with the others. Her wrench crusts over with ice as she moves. "Please be careful nad let's make this... not as dangerous."

Homura Akemi (2) has posed:
    The side room seems to have been an office, given the burnt down desk and trash can. There's a box of toys in a corner, or what's left of one anyway. It's more like the remains of a box with a puddle that must have been a dozen plastic figurines. Most interesting is that the left wall has a large window, surprisingly still intact and only lightly covered by sooth, which peers into the hallway past the corner.

    Through the window, one can see a doorway leading into another room. From there, two pinprick glowing white irises stare at the group, evidently belonging to a small shape.

    You could break through the window to reach it faster-- leave the room and follow the hallway to it-- or stare back, if you wanted?

Dominic Masoch (655) has posed:
    Dominic spots the melted figures and those draw his attention to the point that he doesn't see the white eyes staring at the group. He tilts his head a bit and heads over to the box int he corner, wanting to investigate just WHAT the figurines were before melting, "This is baffling."

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "Anything salvagable in there, Dominic?" Kyra asks, inspecting the rest of the office, her 'loot it like a dungeon' instincts kicking in. It doesn't /seem/ like there's anything worth something in this burnt-out old husk so far. Searching the office, she pokes around the desk before looking up through the window. "...uhhhh."

    Kyra lifts her camera/phone at window. "Anyone else see that?"

Eleanor Lamb (40) has posed:
    Eleanor does not like any of this, not even the slightest. It reminds her far too much of Back Home, of the darker, awful places in Rapture, of the little spots where... where her Sisters used to congregate when scared.
    A primal little shudder, before the Lieutenant proverbially hoists her big girl shorts and points at the eyes. "Keep an eye on those, Kyra. If they scarper, go through the window if you must." And then she's off like a breeze, chasing down the halls trying to reach the Thing from the other side.

Homura Akemi (2) has posed:
    The toys are too far gone to tell what they used to be. But Dominic does find something made of metal stuck between two halves of the mass of molten toys: a hook? Yeah that's a hook. The exaggerated hook of a pirate. Unsafely sharp, for something that was in a box of colorful toys.

    As Eleanor leaves the room and others no doubt keep eye contact with the eyes, something loud suddenly clatters in the ventilation shaft. Sounds like someone is crawling in there-- AWAY from this room. The implication, unfortunately, is that something was watching.

    By the time Eleanor reaches the hallway visible through the window, the eyes in the next room have disappeared. Peering through that door reveals a hallway going left-- a door straight ahead, another that must lead to the same room on the far left wall, and another room to the left.

    It is through the far left door that another pair of those eyes watch. This one belongs to a pitch black humanoid figure, barely visible without getting closer-- only visible through the fact it's darker than the ambient, poorly lit rooms right now. Though humanoid, the proportions are wildly off, somewhat bloated.

Dominic Masoch (655) has posed:
    "Looks like toys. A pirate is all I can make out here," He looks over to Kyra, shifting his glance towards where hers goes as she tries to record whatever's in the window. Dominic carefully shoves the box aside and looks deathly serious. The seemingly-normal cane he holds in his other hand is gripped tightly, "This location is greatly suspicious. I would suggest we depart."

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Kyra does indeed keep eye contact and light from her phone on the eyes. Out of the corner of her own, she watches Eleanor's approach, though not looking forward to the option of leaping through the window to chase after the figure. Hopefully it wouldn't come to that, but-

    The loud clattering nearby startles Kyra and she looks away from the figure towards the entrance of the ventillation shaft, her eyes wide. "There was something in the vents that just ran away from us." She backs away to Dominic, grabbing onto him. "Uhhhh...I agree, let's go get Eleanor and get outta here." She practically drags him at this point, leaving the office and rounding the corner after Eleanor.

Eleanor Lamb (40) has posed:
    Fuck you ghost baby, Eleanor is better with vents than you are. The Sister clambers around to face the Figure, not even panting from her run. That hand crisps even hotter, and then the Sister aims her thoughts at a point between herself and that door, igniting the air to cast a further light on th situation. "SHOW YOURSELF."
    It is a Mom Voice. A very directed Mom Voice.

Setsuko Kaminagi (255) has posed:
    While Eleanor faces the figure down, Setsuko puts her superhuman hearing to work. She intends to follow the sound of whatever is crawling through the vent as far as she can, tracking it either to wherever it might eventually leave the air ducts, or somewhere that she can potentially go up there herself.

    (given her frame, the latter is not that likely, but it never hurts to check.)

Homura Akemi (2) has posed:
    Eleanor shines a light! On... nothing at all.
    It's gone too?

    Setsuko follows the noise; she treks through the hallway and door, reaching Eleanor. Two doors ahead, one to the left-- while Eleanor saw something in the rooms ahead (which is now gone), Setsuko's hearing puts the vent crawling in the left room. Another pair of eyes watches from within that doorway, another tall humanoid figure with odd, bulky proportions. Is that a hat?

    Kyra and Dominic will find the door they took to come into the building slams shut. There's a figure standing by it-- at least, until it gets illuminated, at which point it's gone. Was that a beak?

    Might not be a bad idea to regroup.

Setsuko Kaminagi (255) has posed:
    As is typical for her, Setsuko takes a few steps ahead without hesitation, meeting the eyes of the strange, staring figure directly. As if to counter the ominousness of the darker-than-dark, eerie figure with white pinpoint eyes, she allows her divine aura to seep out, just a little. A faint, hazy corona of glowing blue fades into view around the swordswoman; she becomes utterly still, simply keeping eye contact, as if in answer to the thing's presence.

    'I see you. And if you are hostile, I'm prepared for you.'

Eleanor Lamb (40) has posed:
    Bother. Bother and damn it. She was going to get all messy.
    Eleanor taps Satsuko on the shoulder, drops her satchel, and then, like a light is up and into the vents herself. There's a squeak as she puffs at the dust, and then she's crawling/scooting after whatever it is up inside of there.
    She hopes she's right, she's bigger than she used to be.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    This is going to be some...pretty interesting footage later since Kyra's phone is still recording as they're swinging around and examining this place. As was the case with the other loud noises, Kyra immediately looks in the direction of the door slamming, shining her light down the hall to where it happened moments later to a shut door.

    "Shit, I think this place is haunted. And us with no necromancer..." Kyra mutters, turning away from the door, "I guess there's always banish. C'mon, let's rejoin the others-!" Kyra moves with quickness, moving down the hall and coming upon Setsuko just as she starts to summon her battle corona and just as Eleanor scrambles into the vents.

Dominic Masoch (655) has posed:
    Dominic takes a more protective stance, hovering around near Kyra as best he can. He was lacking his normal sword for the hostility this time around, and looked more nervous because of it. The door slamming causes him to narrow his eyes, "I don't have any moves of great efficacy, simply my normal roster of abilities."

    He follows close after her, trailing along while she tries to find the others.

Homura Akemi (2) has posed:
    The noises in the vent stop; and the figures, they're gone. They provide no answers-- they say nothing, and they make not the tiniest noise. Though visually there, sharpened senses could have likened them to illusions, most likely.

    Eleanor finds dents in the vents, like something heavy crawled through, violently, and fast. The tracks stop in the same room Setsuko is looking into, where the last figure was.

    Nothing stops Kyra and Dominic from regrouping.

    The room is a long hallway, with yet another doorway at the end. On the ground is a cassette player, with a radio. If people turn it on, it plays the call from earlier again. Evidently, people are meant to be in this room.

    But after the call ends, there's music. A gentle tune, right out of a music box, recorded after the call, as such:

Setsuko Kaminagi (255) has posed:
    The figure is gone. Setsuko's aura fades again, and her stance relaxes just faintly. Something playing tricks on their senses, then. The swordswoman comes to a decision, and closes her eyes entirely; her attention goes instead to her superhuman senses of hearing, touch and smell, letting them see for her without the tricks that light can play. She also begins paying more heed to her supernatural sense, in case there's anything it can pick up. Dim though it may be, it's better than nothing.

    Perhaps Kyra, Eleanor and Dominic might think it odd that she comes up alongside them at the cassette player with her eyes closed, but it doesn't hinder her in the least. "...I don't recognize this song. We were led here, but why?"

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "Uh...were you able to actually catch those things watching us?" Kyra asks, observing how wound up Setsuko is right now. "We saw something close the front door but there was nothing there. But the door's definitely closed." She realizes they didn't check it to see if it was locked or not-it wouldn't matter to Kyra, actually because if they needed an exit she would MAKE one.

    She's quiet as she listens to the tape play, frowning, "I'm pretty sure that was the same call from earlier though. Why? I'm still betting it's an April Fool's prank." She switches the phone's camera to selfie mode so she can record herself talking for a second with the music playing in the background, "Yep, we totally got punked for April Fools."

Dominic Masoch (655) has posed:
    Dominic grips the cane in his hand all the tighter, unsheathing a sword from it just a little and ready to strike if need be, "I do not like this current situation. I feel as if the best option would be to make the most expedient exit from this location possible." He firmly states.

Eleanor Lamb (40) has posed:
    Eleanor pops out of the vent, huffing and puffing, covered in dust. She's also fuming mad. It's a good wy to cover unease. "Bother all of this, let's go I am... not in the mood for any of this in the slightest." Puff huff.

    Far too much like home far far too much. Eleanor's bluster is not doing a good job.

Homura Akemi (2) has posed:
    As everyone idles in the room, five presences suddenly flare up-- the corners of the room darken, and pinprick white eyes stare. And then... everything goes dark!


    The four of you come to in a large lobby. You seem much shorter-- looking at one another reveals that you are spirits, probably children. At the far end of the room, there's a stage, and a doorway leading left.

    You can tell that you're dead-- not you, but whoever this person is whose role you are currently playing. This is merely a vision, and you'd be certain your real body is completely fine right now. You're angry. Vengeful. Confused. You don't even know where your body is.

    You see a shape cross into the door leading to the left. It seems in a hurry. There are mechanical parts on the floor here and there, but you lack the ability to pick them up to examine them.

    The lobby is otherwise deserted. It looks neglected. There are tables with rotten food on them and party hats.

Setsuko Kaminagi (255) has posed:
    The spirit that is Setsuko almost immediately turns to lunge after the shape going into the door to the left.

Eleanor Lamb (40) has posed:

    And then Eleanor is dead and she's twitching. "THIS IS LESS THAN OPTIMAL." She's insubstantial though, and not enjoying it. She gets her not-feet under her, and follows after Setsuko. :