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Latest revision as of 16:41, 2 April 2015

Playing With the Baby Rancors
Date of Scene: 02 April 2015
Location: Pokemon-2
Synopsis: Sanary visits Lute so that they can play with the baby rancors.
Cast of Characters: 188, Sanary Rondel

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute is in his back yard at the moment, as he has been quite a bit. He's inside the metal pen for the rancors. Strawberry the Rancor, who luckily is in fact a little bit more pink than most Rancor normally are, is on his back. On his front is a similarly sized rancor of a more normal color. Dip. And, running around the pen, chasing after a chicken, is Chocolate.

     Harp is actually out there with him at the moment. Sighing heavily. While she likes Pokemon, she isn't a huge fan of other monsters most of the time. But, she's been roped into helping Lute a bit. Plus, it's been a bit since she's seen Sanary. She's currently standing by a cage packed with chickens, giving them a bit of feed. Mostly just making sure they stay alive until they get a chance to be let out for the hunting.

     The door on Lute's house is open as usual, as is the back door.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
    Sanary, as has been the trend recently, arrives at the house with a MYSTERY BAG! It's not nearly as greasy as the spring roll bag from last time, but there is a heavy onion scent coming from it. She knocks on the door once to announce her presence before continuing towards the back, pausing by the back door just to watch the two work with the creatures.

    "Heeey, Lute. Harp. Looking busy." Grinning lightly, she raises the bag just to make its existence more obvious before coming through that door, wearing her usual coat and tunic combo. "Brought some breakfast.. Lunch... Whatever. So which one's which?"

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute smiles, waving at Sanary. He really seems happy. Odds are, some of the most fun he has is just spedning time with his pets. There is a bit of a bounce to his step, and he is petting the rancors on occasion. Though, he seems to be avoiding Chocolate a bit, while he hunts. He motions to his back, followed by his front, "Well, the pinkish one on my back is Strawberry, the one clinging to my front is Dip. And the runt hunting a chicken is Chocolate."

     Harp rolls her eyes a little bit as she hears the names again. She tosses a handful of feed into the chicken pen, before walking over to Sanary. She moves to wrap her arms around Sanary for a second, and give her a soft kiss. She smirks, and says, "...And, because Lute is busy dealing with those things..." And, she leans in to give Sanary another kiss, on Lute's behalf. After, she just keeps one arm around Sanary's waist, and turns to look towards Lute.

     Lute sjust watches, of course. Smiling. But, once Harp is done greeting Sanary, Lute motions towards Chocolate, "Hey, wanna try holding him after he has caught the chicken, Sanary? I'm trying to get them to bond to other people. Even Harp held one of them for a bit while it was sleeping."

Sanary Rondel has posed:
    Looking between the three rancors, Sanary studies them from a distance for a few seconds before blinking slowly at Harp's sudden approach. Before she can respond, however, she's cut off by the two kisses. There's a flustered blush on the healer's face as she holds an arm around her lightly, leaning into the second kiss and wobbling in a brief daze.

    "H.. Hey, Harp. Uh. Well. They look like they're growing like... Normal?" How would she be able to tell if they were growing normally, anyway? They didn't look anything like pigs, but there had to be some similarities to those or other animals. Still, for them to grow that much in such a short time...

    It was a little freaky. Turning to Lute and then to Chocolate, she breaks into a light snicker and calls out to the runt. "Just grab it! Ah... Yeah, that sounds good. He... Probably won't bite me too hard, right?"

Lute (188) has posed:
     It's hard to tell if Chocolate understands the Sanary's encouragement. But, soon after, it manages to make a leap for the chicken. It grabs and bites at the same time. The chicken is now a bloody mess, and the runt rancor just keeps swallowing off bits of it. The chicken flails around a bit even after its dead. Once the rancor is finished, it spits out a bit of bones from the chicken. It still has a bit of blood trailing from its mouth.

     Lute walks over, and grabs Chocolate. Lifting with the hands. The other two rancor growl at Chocolate a bit, with Dip even trying to take a bite at him. Lute sighs, "No, Dip. No. No biting your brother." He walks over to the edge of the pen, setting Chocolate on the fence. Holding him still.

     "Don't worry. He shouldn't bite you /hard/. He's full, and he's actually a little bit of a wuss. The other two have hunted pigs a bit, but he was scared of them. ...In fact, he's the only one who hasn't bitten me. I'm a bit worried he might be /too/ docile. Though, hopefully he'll grow into the bloodlust a bit."

     Harp just gives Lute a really flat look. And then she blankly turns her head to Sanary again, "...You really don't have to hold it if you don't want to. I mean. There is no guarantee." Despite saying this, though, she lets go of Sanary, and reaches to hold the bag for her. She knows that they... /should/ be docile enough not to bite humans. Hopefully.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
    There's a light whistling-like blowing noise from Sanary at Chocolate's lunge, a light grin crossing her face at the success. "Not bad... Decent start." She laughs more freely after Lute speaks, furrowing her brow moments later in thought.

    "Well... If this one turns out not to be much of a hunter, you could always put him to work on... Construction or something. Maybe on smaller projects if he can't reach too high." She grins slgihtly at Harp and shakes her head, handing over the bag before approaching the pen.

    "Aah, it should be fine. We had a couple of angry hogs and they didn't bite too hard. Usually. Except for... The one." The healer sounds just a little uncomfortable speaking about the last part, a brief shiver going through her by the time she reaches the fence. "... But I'm sure Chocolate here won't be like that. And if he does? Just means he is meant for hunting. Or military work."

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute chuckles a bit, "Well, I don't think construction is a good field for these things. But I could figure out /something/. Besides, some people might just want one as a pet. ...Still not sure which of the three I'm going to keep, myself. They're all adorable."

     As Sanary approaches, Chocolate growls a bit. But, his posture is a lot different from when Sanary pet Strawberry. It looks more on the defense, as opposed to being willing to get on the offense. Trying to back up a bit. More flight than fight.

     Harp just stays back for now, shaking her head a bit, "Really, Sanary, no offense, but. I have no idea how you could live on farmland. I mean, I go crazy without a shower, let alone having to deal with dirty stupid animals." Harp shrugs a bit, "Though, from what I've heard, you /really/ like modern amenities like showers now. So I bet you can't imagine living without one, either."

     Lute holds out Chocolate for Sanary. Though he's still on the defense, the fact Lute is holding him out to this stranger makes him a /bit/ less frightened seeming. Lute chuckles a bit, though, "You know, that pig sounds dangerous. It'd be interesting to meet a pig that violent. Though I hear there are some /massive/ boars out there, some as big as horses. That's one thing I'm interested in checking out eventually, too."

Sanary Rondel has posed:
    "They look like they could be strong enough for that, at least. Don't know about training 'em to build, though, so that's something else." Smirking slightly, Sanary keeps her movements steady while watching Chocolate, holding a hand out to the creature to let it sniff or even nip at her hand first. "Easy. Ain't gonna hurt you, kid...."

    Turning her head to HArp, she chuckles again and nods. "I was born on one, so that helped a lot. Although... Yeah, showers /are/ nice. I don't know how I used to get by with just two baths a week. You know I used to get a lot of crap back home even for doing that twice?" Another chuckle.

    "If you ever visit, by the way... Might want something to keep your nose closed. Especially around the pen."

    Leaning over to make herself look a bit smaller as Chocolate is held out, she reaches over to take the rancor slowly, still keeping her movements steady and mostly predictable. "Oh, you would've loved him. If he wasn't... Er. Trying to eat you." She coughs awkwardly. "Or eating someone else... That happened once. Wasn't pretty, but hey. The thief got caught."

Lute (188) has posed:
     Chocolate is nervous at first. But, Sanary is learning well. Her hand reaching out slowly helps calm it down. It sniffs at the hand. And, once it is finally grabbed? It reaches its arms towards Sanary, to try and grab hold of her torso. Its legs wrap around her waist. And, Lute smiles as he watches.

     "...Well. This is is... Going incredibly well. ...The other two wouldn't let Harp hold them unless they were awake. Chocolate will be easier to raise."

     Lute opens up the pen, walking out. Though the two Rancor on him are still awake as well, they're remaining calm. Lute smiles. Even as carrying the Rancor, he leans in to give Sanary a quick kiss on the cheek.

     "How about that food now? They'll just cling to us while we eat. They know we're the Alphas after all."

     And wtih that, the group goes to eat from the Mystery Bag.