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Fast As Lightning - Cold As Ice
Date of Scene: 01 April 2015
Location: Urbania
Synopsis: Following a strange reading, Drift saves Ferham from becoming fembot street pizza!
Cast of Characters: 516, 694

Wally West (694) has posed:
Urbania is a busy place tonight. The city lights light up the sky and many people planning for their big April Fools surprises last minute. This means extra help is wanted to keep an eye on trouble, robbers, and other type issues.

Someone hired to keep an eye on the streets is the speedster mercenary known as Drift. Who speeds up and down the streets in a blur of black and red streaks. His silver visor reflecting the world as it speeds by and he easily flips over a car, before landing on the ground and bolting across.

As he runs, he checks the time and then skids to a halt right outside a dinner. He then slides right inside and sits at the bar, before smiling boyish at the waitress, "Hey there babe, do you mind a strange request? I'm getting pretty famished here and need to know if you guys can grill up like twenty hamburgers, ten hot dogs, make two, no, five chocolate milkshakes and some of those wonderful cinnamon buns." A few people give the speedster a very strange look at this request.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     Ferham had been over this part of the Urbania sector, but right now she's getting some really /funky/ readings coming from the streets below. As she soared over the landscape from the heavens above, she dipped and dived down lower for a closer look, finally having triangulated the likely position of the strange phenomeon she had encountered. As a result, there is what looks like an armored valkyrie woman coming down right in the street outside the diner, metal wings sliding behind fabulously gorgeous female form, before she's blanketed in headlights.

     Oh damn, Ferham must have been thinking, keep forgetting this tech level has those damn automobiles!

Wally West (694) has posed:
The waitress looked at Drift about then with a near deadpan look.

"What?" He said with a helpless shrug, "I burn a ton of calories doing what I do you know?" Though that is when a strange shadow glides down and due to the vehicles outside casts a strange shadow over the figure that arrived.

Drift narrows his eyes before his visor as he stares at the form, but given the headlights, the details are hard to make out. His first thought it was Hawkgirl coming to try and talk him to come back, but why would /she/ come out all this way? Hell-- why would /any/ of them come now?

The speedster looks back at the Waitress, "Seriously, I will make it worth your while."

The Waitress huffs and then walks off. It was hard to say if she was actually going to place that order or not, however Drift's interest was up one who was stalking outside the doors as his gazed moved back.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     The figure was definitely feminine, though the details were quite unlike Hawkgirl, bit too much armor, and those wings were solid, red and metallic, more mechanized and bereft of any feather patterns. There was that helmet too, quite a bit valkyrie-esque--but did Wonder Woman have any heroes exactly like that associated with her?

     Right now however, the woman was illuminated heavily by those headlights coming from an oncoming semi-truck, which didn't look like it could stop safetly in time, the driver laying on the horn frantically.

     Ferham, to her credit, had reflexes enough to turn and try to dive out of the way, though it didn't look clear if she had time to make it. This was a bout of carelessness that seemed to be costly.

Wally West (694) has posed:
Drift started to take notice that this woman was /no/ Hawkgirl or anyone he knew from he young days leading up to some events. Yet when the the horn lays on and those green eyes view out for the speedster it was obvious things were about to go very /very/ wrong. He was /not/ his mentor, he was /not/ Barry Allen, and while he may have tossed away every mantle, he still had that heart.

Like slow motion for Drift, he moves across the distance, running outside and sliding out in front of Ferham, before spinning up his arms. In doing so he starts to generate a cyclone of air to rush right at the semi. The hope was to cushion it, forcefully slow it down and keep it from just-- flipping over as well.

To the actual eye?

Ferham would see that red and black blur and then suddenly a young man standing in front of her creating a cyclone of wind with his arms moving so quickly that they are impossible to differentiate the rotation speed.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     Ferham was fast, though she had no warning, and the light had confused her--as sudden bright light is wont to do, and she wasn't sure she was fast enough--

     Thens uddenly, a red... cyclone? Something in front of her, suddenly buffeting the front of the semi-truck and causing it to skid to a stop, just inches away from the tips of the man's fingers. He'd be able to feel the heat generated from the engine from beyond the truck's massive grill.

     Fer had stumbled, picking herself up from the rough asphault of the paved road and up on her knees.

     "Who... who are you?" she asked, looking up at him from her hands and knees. Probably not the worst way to meet a lady.

Wally West (694) has posed:
Drift doesn't move nor does he flinch either when the Semi truck comes only inches from him. His black covered finger tips just inches from that grill he can feel the heat coming off of and while he stands there for a bit, he nearly lets out a sigh of relief.

The people in the restaurant cheer from their sudden hiding behind their tables and more then likely that Waitress probably wont have any trouble making him that order this time. Though the sounds of cheers causes him to lower his head. Not in joy or embarrassment, but there is slight frown on his face.

Though when Ferham speaks up, the young man turns to face her and puts on a smirk on his face. Her reflection in his silver mirror visor that hides his eyes. "Who am I?" He asks her back, before grinning and extending his hand out to her, "I'm Drift, but you can call me whatever you like babe." He says with that grin becoming a bit more playful.

"You're lucky I was around or this may played out a bit differently and that would be a real shame."

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Drift," Ferham muttered under her breath, picking herself up off the street from her hands and knees. She'd lend her gloved hand out, just in case he wanted to try and help her up, otherwise brushing herself off and getting back to her heeled boots. "I'm just glad you were here, I had been tracking a strange reading--something moving very fast, almost missed it, was that you?" she took it as this was a fine time to step out of the street and to the sidewalk, to relative safety.

     "I'm Ferham, by the way, it's nice to meet you," she scanned him with her eyes again, looking over his costume. "Something tells me you're a metahuman, am I correct?" she put her left hand on her hip, looking him over with a bit of scrutiny.

Wally West (694) has posed:
Once Ferham moves her hand out, Drift makes sure to take hold with firm grasp and give her a lift up to her feet. He crosses his arms over his chest and leans back slightly on his heels, though keeping at least enough balance on one foot to not topple over backwards. "Yep, that was probably me. I am one of the fastest alive and able to travel at mach speeds with ease." He says with some pride in his voice.

"As for a Metahuman? Yeah I am." He tilts his head as he stands up fully and arms move to rest at his hips. "Though not by choice, but then again," he muses a bit before he continues, "Who is by choice, right?"

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Much faster than even me, a high-performance model, it appears," Ferham accepted the helping hand from Drift, getting herself up and safetly out of the way of anymore traffic. She blinked a little at his question, considering it. "Well, maybe some people choose things like this, powers, but I didn't choose to be made, so I think I know what you mean," she nodded, leaning back a little, eyes peering at the truck as it might have still been stopped. The poor driver, she briefly considers.

     "Is he going to be okay? maybe he needs medical attention," she gestures with her chin, her own arms wrapping around herself, as if she might still be recovering from the shock of almost becoming a hood ornament.

Wally West (694) has posed:
Drift tilts his head as Ferham brings up the driver, "Huh? Oh yeah!" Oops! Somewhere in his grave, Barry Allen just face-palmed. The Speedster moves from where he was standing to the door and opening it carefully in all but a split second. If the door was jammed, he would just vibrate it off the hinges, while speaking to the drive. "Hey, you alright in there? Need me to take you a near by hospital or anything?"

Ferham (516) has posed:
     As Drift moves toward the driver, she follows, curious. Her boots make a click-clack noise on the pavement that's suggestive of heels, well, because they were heeled. "He looks alright, he might just be in shock, lets help him and get his vehicle off the road, huh?" Ferham offers, gesturing to the large semi-truck and then looking back at Drift. "Funny, with an outfit like that you sure seem to be a nice guy, what's that mark? Shazam?" Ferham had apparently mulled over what she knew about costumed, tight-wearing superheroes in the short time the man had been distracted. "Look is a little dark, though," she winked.

Wally West (694) has posed:
Drift helps the man out and gives the guy a pat on the shoulder, including letting him no damage came to his rig and no one got hurt. Though to Ferham's remark he rolls his green eyes behind the visor and then stares at her, "Seriously?"

"Shazam?" Drift shakes his head before he faces her fully and crosses his arms over his chest. "Its a lightning bolt which represents the ability to move at the streak of lightning and act as part of the Speed Force." The young man places up both of his hands there. "...and before you ask what is the Speed Force. It is a complicated deal and take far to long to explain."

Drift then places his hands down. "And I guess I'm a nice guy, but in the end I'm a mercenary and who says mercs can't be nice guys right? We just do stuff for money instead of for free charity." He then jabs his thumb to the dinner, "They owe me dinner and besides," Drift then steps up a bit closer to Ferham, crossing his arms over his chest once more. "If I didn't act this once out of charity, a beautiful lady would have been street pizza."

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Well, I didn't mean to be offensive," Ferham replies, her voice a deep but velvety mutter, shrugging a little. "Speed force, so you're... the Flash?" she asked, she then peered toward the driver's truck, noticing it was likely still idling there, in park. "I see, so a mercenary?" she asked, turning back to speak to Drift.

     "I have to thank you for saving me, I do not think that would have killed me, but it would have been very... unpleasant," she bowed her head a little, then smiled. "And besides, compliments will get you lots of places with me," she winked at him again, then climbed half into the man's truck to pull it over to the curb. "There, should be good now, sorry for taking so much of your time.

Wally West (694) has posed:
Drift watches Ferham move the truck off the curb, something he maybe /could/ do, but wasn't going too. Mostly cause while he wasn't saying it out loud, his body was getting pretty famished. "Me? The Flash? Hahaha. No. I mean, there is a /ton/ of other Speedsters out there that use the Speed Force, some the so called good guys and others who are dirt scum."

The Speedster then shakes his head slightly. "But nah, I'm no Flash, he is... he was... well... I suppose is be right depending on which world but... anyways... they are far better people then I am." He rubs the back of his neck slightly, "And like I said, my name is Drift and I'm not insulted at all. I mean, pff, this is a massive universe and all."

The Speedster shrugs a little, "No worries about time, as I can easily make it up. I'm just waiting for my large order." He then gets a sheepish smile, "Curse of speed, you know? Your body just chews through whatever you give it."

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "So... you're 'A' Flash? Or just someone with powers like him?" Ferham shrugged, she didn't seem too concerned with details or someone's life story, she did seem grateful that she had been saved however. She held out a hand for him to shake. "Well, I hope we can meet again soon, I think I may have interrupted your dinner experience," she pointed toward the diner.

     "Alright, well I should be going now, I might be in need of your... special skills sometime in the future, stay safe," her wings slid out from her back and she seemed to lift up--her heeled feet hovering off the sidewalk for just a moment, giving him a little waggling finger wave and blowing him a kiss before she took off into the sky, the stars above twinkling like diamonds in black velvet.