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Training Match, Kuma vs Vivio!
Date of Scene: 04 April 2015
Location: Njorun Station - Ring of Philosophy
Synopsis: Kuma helps Vivio learn more about Multiversal combat by having a training match with her.
Cast of Characters: Shigure, 737

Vivio Takamachi (737) has posed:
    It seems Vivio has returned to the Ring of Philosophy again today, though at the moment she's not actually fighting anybody, but is instead just beating on some stationary target dummies.

    The young girl throws punches and kicks into the padded dummy. Floating in the air beside her, her plush bunny Device is also throwing punches and kicks with its soft, stubby arms and legs. If one watches enough, they might notice the two seem to be in almost perfect synch!

Shigure has posed:
    A deep sound, like a fog horn, before the lithe frame of Kuma appears from the entry way. She's got her rigging on again... or still, though the turret is now active, tracking as she turns her head in sync with the motion.

    She spots the girl, and offers a smile and a wave. "Hello, kuma!"

Vivio Takamachi (737) has posed:
    Vivio finishes one last kick against the current training dummy she is beating up and then takes a moment to breathe. She turns her head as she hears the greeting from nearby and smiles at the sight of the ship girl, "Hello, Kuma!"

    Vivio walks over to her stuff and grabs a towel. She wipes herself down and then looks at Kuma, "So how are you today?"

Shigure has posed:
    Kuma beams happily. "I'm doing alright, kuma~. How're you today, kuma?" she asks in return, offering a wave to the plush rabbit as well. "Mmm, you said you wanted to test yourself against other fighters, kuma?"

Vivio Takamachi (737) has posed:
    Chris gives a wave to Kuma while Vivio gets a drink. She then grins at Kuma, "Pretty good! The double long weekend has been fun so far!" She brushes some of her hair out of her face then nods in response, "Yes! My coach says that I need to experience more of the different combat styles in the Multiverse."

    Vivio's eyes seem to alight at the possibility as she asks, "Why? Do you want to have a match?"

Shigure has posed:
    Kuma nods happily. "First of the Kuma-class Light Torpedo Cruisers, Kuma, kuma! Ready for action, kuma~!" she chirps happily. "I'm armed with 14cm cannons, and 61cm Type 93 Oxygen Torpedoes!"

    She claps her hands and bounces on her heels, while a little Equipment Fairy pokes its head out of the turret on her rig, giving the cruiser girl an odd look.

Vivio Takamachi (737) has posed:
    "Ooooh, my! Sooo cute!" Vivio is over next to Kuma quickly, looking closely at the little Equipment Fairy. Vivio gives a little wave and a "Hello there!" Meanwhile, Chris floats in the air behind Vivio, its arms crossed with a -x- expression on its face.

But Vivio soon realises that Kuma has agreed to a match and so she backs up a bit and grins, "Alright then! I'm definitely interested to see how a ship person fights!"

    Vivio reaches up to grab the grumpy Chris out of the air and then calls out, "Sacred Heart. Set up!"

Shigure has posed:
    The Equipment fairy goes wide eyed and slams the hatch down on the turret as Vivio comes rushing up. Kuma doesn't seem to notice this, though, as she hops back. The turret tracks toward Vivio as she transforms.

    "Kuma has to warn though... My equipment doesn't have any 'settings' on it, kuma."

Vivio Takamachi (737) has posed:
    Vivio's transformation finishes, the now older girl nodding in understanding, "That's fine! I wouldn't be here if I didn't know how to protect myself." Vivio of course still uses her non-lethal magic, though that's standard for her no matter what type of fight she is in.

    Vivio stretches in her adult form for a few moments then slips into a ready stance and nods to Kuma, "Ready when you are!" Chris floats away a little to avoid the fight and get a good location to watch from.

Shigure has posed:
    Kuma does two things now. The launch rail shifts slightly, angling upwards, while another pair of Fairies set a small floatplane on it, before with a rush of steam, the plane launches with the signature buzz of the propeller.

    "Scout deployed, kuma~!" she chimes happily, while the turret traverses and tracks to the Mage, the barrel angling a little, before it reports loudly, spewing a gout of flame and smoke, as well as a shell of armour piercing material, and a high explosive core. "Don't underestimate me, kuma!"

Vivio Takamachi (737) has posed:
    Vivio resists the urge to squeal in joy at the sight of the faeries launching the small plane. She's in a fight now, which is serious business!

    Ignoring the scout plane, Vivio watches Kuma's turret closely. She then raises her hand up, a Round Shield forming just beyond it as the barrel fires.

    The explosive shell impacts the magical barrier, exploding in a blast of fire and smoke. As the latter clears, Vivio still has her arm out and it is smoking a little, suggesting some of the blast got through. But the damage looks minimal.

    Of more concern would be the orb of crackling iridescent light growing just beyond Vivio's finger. The Mage grins as she says, "I won't!" She then calls out, "Sonic Shooter... Fire!" Kuma will probably recognise the attacks as the streak of light bursts away from Vivio and homes on on the ship girl, exploding on impact.

Shigure has posed:
    Kuma shifts her stance, and leaps to the side, skidding with a squeal of metal against the floor as her 'hull boots' strike up sparks. Some of the shooter bullets manage to slam into her uniform, ripping fabric away but only leaving scorch marks on the skin underneath.

    As she comes to a stop, the cruiser girl grins almost ferally. "Launching Torpedoes, kuma!" she crows, voice becoming husky and a bit animalistic... wait, torpedoes?!

    With a quick pirouette, and a roundhouse kick, a pair of metal 'cigars' appear, then detach from the ankle rail of her right leg, arcing gracefully towards Vivio. That foot plants, and the other lifts in a continuation of the kick, sending another pair of torpedoes arcing away. They're done in a spread formation, to make dodging more difficult.

Vivio Takamachi (737) has posed:
    As Kuma prepares to fire her torpedoes, Vivio taps her feet against the ground. As she does so, wheels made of mana appear on the bottom of her boots. Now standing on the magic wheels, Vivio crouches a little as she prepares...

    The torpedoes come down around Vivio, going up in several explosions! But before Kuma even has a chance to confirm a hit, there's a rush of smoke as Vivio comes blasting out of the torpedo volley aftermath. Her Barrier Jacket is a little scorched in places, but she's still moving quickly. She rolls along, skirting around Kuma as she picks up speed before quickly arcing in towards the ship girl.

    Rapidly closing the distance, Vivio jumps at the last moment and brings a foot around in a speed-boosted roundhouse kick, Revolver Spike!

Shigure has posed:
    CLANG! The kick connects with the steel hard crossed arms of the ship girl. THe impact knocks her backwards, kicking up sparks again, while another 'scorch mark' appears at the impact point. A team of fairies drop down on little ropes and apply... band aids? Well, they're hull patches, but they look like bandaids. "You're fast! You'd probably give Shimakaze a run for her money, kuma~!" she compliments, before she reaches up and grasps her ahoge.

    Pop, shring, clink. The oddly springy formation transforms into a three section staff, which the girl flourishes a little before locking it into solid staff mode.

    She doesn't attack again just yet, thought the solid sounding CLUNK from her turret means it's reloaded now.

    Meanwhile, that scout plane? It's just buzzing around, likely recording the fight.

Vivio Takamachi (737) has posed:
    Vivio skates away and spins around to face Kuma again, skidding to a halt. She can't help but giggle at the sight of the faeries applying bandaids. At the compliment, Vivio heh and rubs the back of her neck, "My defense isn't too strong, so I have to focus on speed. But I'm still pretty much stuck to the ground!"

    Vivio then blinks as Kuma turns her hair into a weapon... Waitwhat? Okay, /that's new/.

    Right then. Vivio has tested her opponents defenses and observed the results... Time to get serious! A triangular spell circle appears on the ground beneath Vivio, several orbs of iridescent light coming to life around her and crackling with energy. Vivio flings her arm to the side, "Sonic Shooter..." She then swings her arm forward towards Kuma, "Phantom Shift!"

    The orbs all dart forward, beginning to fly towards Kuma. As they get close, they burst into multiple smaller beams that rain down on the ship girl.

    Vivio doesn't remain idle though during the assault, crouching again her mana wheels kick up energy and Vivio launches forward, heading directly for Kuma.

Shigure has posed:
    Kuma shifts her stance, and flurries with the staff, parrying some of those beams in a flourish. She can't deflect them all, and several leave more scorch marks on the Cruiser girl's exposed skin, tearing through the largely regular fabric of her uniform.

    As the dust settles from the bombardment, Vivio would be faced with the very real possibility of getting clotheslined by that staff as it slices through the air, accompanied by two roars. One from the girl, the second from the report of her shoulder turret firing at point blank range!

Vivio Takamachi (737) has posed:
    Vivio may recognise the danger, or she may not. Either way she still continues her charge, but then raises her arms up at the last moment. Kuma's staff smashes against said arms, quickly halting the Mage's forward momentum. The damage is minimal, but it does put Vivio in the perfect position for a point blank shot from that turret!

    The shell smashes into Vivio's chest and explodes, sending the girl flying back and bouncing across the ground a couple of times. She plants a hand into the ground and shifts her flight to land on her mana wheels, spinning around a couple of times until she skids to a halt.

    The hole in Vivio's Barrier Jacket, revealing the softer skin beneath, is a testament to the firepower of the ship girl. Vivio's hand shifts barely and she then cries out, "Phantom Smash!"

    Hidden amongst the barrage of attacks and Vivio's following charge, a pair of beams that had secretly curved away from her previous attack had swung around. The beams of vivid multi-coloured light are now moments from exploding against Kuma's back!

Shigure has posed:
    KYAH! The beams slam into the backpack rigging, sheering off the middle smokestack cap and sending the girl stumbling forwards, before a secondary explosion tears off the turret, sending it skipping and bouncing away.

    She stumbles, then keels over onto one knee. "For Kuma to get in this shape, what a disgrace, kuma..." she groans, one eye winced shut. Looks like she can't continue to fight... thought as the Ring resets, the damage reverses instantly on both sides.

Vivio Takamachi (737) has posed:
    As her Barrier Jacket is miraculouly restored by the Ring, Vivio drops to her knees and lets out a sigh of relief. With that direct hit, she hadn't been in much better condition than Kuma!

    Taking a few moments to recover, Vivio gets back to her feet and walks over to Kuma. She grins at the other girl and says with excitement, "That was fun!"

Shigure has posed:
    Kuma stands and grins happily at Vivio. "Yeah! You're really strong! I think you'd give even Admiral Nagato a run for her money, even if she is one of the Big Seven, kuma~!" she replies moving to hug the girl without even thinking about it.

    The turret traverses to the side, harmlessly pointing away from the girls, though the Equipment Fairy pokes its head out again, peering up at Vivio and the floating bunny.

    Meanwhile, the Scout plane circles in, signalling for retrieval.

Vivio Takamachi (737) has posed:
    Vivio lets her adult form release in the shine of light, before she looks embarrased at the compliment, "Thanks! You're pretty strong too... That last shot was quite the blow!" Though at the idea of going up against Nagato, Vivio ehehes, "I don't know about that... She sounds strong!"

    As Kuma moves in for the hug, Vivio doesn't seem to mind as she hugs the ship girl back!

    Meanwhile, Chris floats down in the direction of the Equipment Fairy, holding an arm out in greeting much like it did for Yunomi's companion.

Shigure has posed:
    The Equipment Fairy is a little wary... but takes the offered plushie paw in both hands, giving it a quick shake before flailing as its hat nearly falls off. it flails for it, grabs it then sticks it back on, holding onto it with one hand.

    From this close range, more Fairies can be seen milling around in the girls rigging... could they be her 'crew'?

    Kuma herself eases out of the hug, then reaches out to catch the scout plane in both hands, the small-bird sized craft shutting off the engine to glide into the girls arms. "You did great Reimatei~" she chirps softly, then reaches over her shoulder to place it back in the catapult, where the pilot is relieved, and the craft removed to be stored... wherever it came from.

Vivio Takamachi (737) has posed:
    After the hug, Vivio giggles some more at the sight of the faeries, "They're adorable!" She's never really seen anything like them before! Though they do sorta resemble the Unison Devices... If they were a little more like cartoon characters.

    Anyway, Vivio smiles at Kuma, "Thanks for the match! I'm definitely feeling more confident about being in the Union... But, it's probably time I get home..." Vivio walks over to get her stuff, calling out, "Come on Chris!"

    Chris pulls himself away from the faeries, floating over to join Vivio. Vivio waves to Kuma, Chris doing the same.