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Latest revision as of 09:16, 8 April 2015

~Mr. Stark~
Date of Scene: 06 April 2015
Location: New York-199999
Synopsis: Two engineers and one earthbender shares waffles and the wonders of Stark technology.
Cast of Characters: 20, 301, 736

Tony Stark (301) has posed:

The directions Jarvis beams over to Gogo's radio are, of course, impeccably accurate, and so she should have no trouble finding the correct warp gate route to Malibu. She will of course recognize the area and find the house easily enough, having been there once before, and she'll find the front gate open to her. As well as the front door, as Jarvis will greet her with a polite, "Mr. Stark is out on the patio. Straight back, through the kitchen, you can't miss him."

And Tony is, in fact, lounging on the patio on one of the deck chairs, enjoying the indirect sun over the bulk of the house, and ocassionally popping a blackberry into his mouth from the bowl on the table at his elbow. The life of a billionaire is tough.

GoGo Tomago (736) has posed:
GoGo finds her way there easily enough. She had to stop at home for... Ugh... her backups after her favorite outfit was shredded. Luckily, her friends managed to make even a sundress look tough enough for GoGo... Or so they said! She's in her suit as she rolls up, a red one this time. As we all know, the red wunz go fastah.

"Thanks Jarvis, and thanks for putting up with our little sparring practice the other day." she says as she rolls through the gates.

"Mister Stark!" she says, bowing respectfully as her discs roll to a slow stop. Alright GoGo. He probably has a million eager fangirls already. Play it cool. Don't be a twerp... Then she takes off her helmet and sees him clearly, up close and in person for the first time, and she doesn't even have time to wave goodbye as her brains fly out of her ears.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    The sunlight is nice, which is why Tony isn't alone this morning.

    In another deck chair Toph is somewhat resting with a book in her lap, and a Stark tech glove on her left hand that she moves over the letters, a look of concentration on her face even as she keeps her eyes closed. Her fingers move slightly faster than they have done before, though her reading speed is still slower compared to most people. But still, she seems determined to finish up today's reading session before their guest arrives. The blackberries will have to wait.

    Though she did already shower after her bending session this morning, so she's somewhat clean and dressed in casual clothing and appropriate for the warm weather.

    When she hears GoGo greeting Tony though she turns her head perches up over the back of her chair, grinning. "Heya Wheels! Sure didn't take you long, huh?"

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony cracks one eye open and looks up at the girl hovering over him, his gaze flicking fairly obviously from head to toe, taking her (and her tech) in with an intent interest that belies his lounging posture. He takes his time, several seconds, committing the vision to memory, and then he opens his other eye and smiles lazily. "Hi." He stretches prodigiously in the chair, satisfying little popping sounds emitting from the region of his neck and then sits up.

"Of course it didn't take her long, she's got that sweet ride," he offers Gogo a smirk though he addresses Toph. "Anyway, who'd dawdle when /I'm/ at the end of the road?" Back to Ms. Tomago, "Please, call me Tony," as he pushes himself up and out of the chair entirely. He's shorter in real life than one would think. No less handsome though, of course. He offers a hand to shake. "Have you eaten? Wouldn't want to do science on an empty stomach."

GoGo Tomago (736) has posed:
"I certainly wouldn't." she says, for a moment cursing the Korean ancestry that makes her look just a touch younger than she really is. Keep it together, Wheels. Wheels? Damn it, that nickname Toph gave her is sticking!

"I uhh... No, Mister... Err. Tony. I haven't yet." she says, closing her eyes for a moment, willing her blush to go away. After a moment, she shakes his hand, smiling brightly. "It's really an honor to meet you, Mister Tony. We haven't been 'unified' for very long, but we're all about tech where I go to school, so your name came up almost immediately.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    It's a bit hard for Toph to 'see' everything that's going on around her when she's lounging in a chair, though her ears are as sharp as ever. When Tony talks in that way his adoptive daughter can't help but roll her eyes in exaggerated exasperation. It's part of the deal when you live with teenage girls in the house!

    And she also hears GoGo's heart flutter, and she turns her attention to the guest. "Relax, Goldie isn't about to bite your head off or anything. And he's used to fangirls." Indeed, he is really famous in the multiverse. Seems most Union people get to know him quickly, huh?

    As for breakfast? Toph grins and takes off the glove and puts it aside along with her book. Reading can wait until later! "I'm starving!" And Tony does make pretty good breakfast.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony grins at 'Mister Tony' and grips GoGo's hand firmly, attempting to show his own respect for her as an inventor through that little gesture at least. As a Union officer he does get to review all of the personnel files and her name got flagged by Jarvis, too. "Of course it did," he agrees amiably. "I'm a pretty big deal." And there's just barely enough sardonic self-deprecation in his tone to keep that from being a statement of /complete/ narcissism. Barely.

He turns to shoot Toph a Look. "If someone had been out of bed in time she could have had breakfast when /I/ ate," he remarks.

"A protein shake five hours ago does not particularly count as breakfast, sir," Jarvis puts in from one of his hidden speakers.

"Fine. Point. Waffles it is. Toph, bring that bowl of berries inside." He claps a hand on GoGo's shoulder to guide her back inside with him. "Don't worry," he mutters sotto voce. "This is one of the few things I /can/ cook." Aloud, "Dummy! Come on, where's my assistant?"

"Scrubbing the oil stain from the garage floor, as you left him last night sir."

"Oh, right. Okay, one of you can be my assistant. Eggs, milk, from the frige, chop chop." He himself rummages in a cupboard for the waffle iron.

GoGo Tomago (736) has posed:
As much as Gogo likes Toph, and knows that her blindness doesn't actually hinder her, there's that tiny, niggling doubt in the back of her mind. So she leaps to help Mister Tony! Popping up, she rolls to the fridge. She pops it open and starts grabbing eggs and milk, letting the cool air chill her blush.

"So how long have the two of you been father and daughter? I mean, you don't really look alike at all." she says, turning and nudging the fridge closed with a bump of her hip.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "I WAS out of bed," Toph protests, "I was busy bending on the beach! And I don't like those protein shakes either." She does as bidden though and picks up the bowl of berries as she follows Tony and GoGo. At the whisper she does speak up. "Yeah, he might not be able to make a lot of stuff, but he makes decent BLTs, mac and cheese and waffles."

    When GoGo leaps into action and starts assisting Tony with breakfast the blind earthbender sets the bowl of berries aside and sits down on one of the stools, leaning slightly on the counter. "Oh, he and Pepper adopted me mid-August last year. I have been living here over a year though, Njorun was a bit boring. And I have all my lessons here, and Goldie has been my supervising officer for a long time. Young Elites aren't left unsupervised for many reasons," she explains with a shrug. She can totally take care of herself, though!

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony pauses and lets his eyes go unfocused for a moment as he thinks back and counts dates in his head. "Yeah, about... eight months now. Officially. Pepper insisted. She'd been mooching off of me for a lot longer than that," he shoots Toph a teasing smirk, that though she can't see she can no doubt hear in his tone. "Her biological /father/ -- well I'll let her tell that story if she wants to." He busies himself dumping flour and sugar into a mixing bowl, and accepts the milk and eggs with a grunt of thanks. "One of those cases where being rich and famous helped. They don't usually let joint adoptions go through before the adopters in question are actually married."

GoGo Tomago (736) has posed:
You can almost see GoGo crashing and burning before she ever got off the ground. She doesn't QUITE drop the eggs, but she collects herself almost immediately. "I... see. Doesn't sound like you had a very good home life, Dust Bunny." she says, before going to the sink and washing her hands, scrubbing every last piece and particle of dirt off of them, as if trying to distract herself.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    The whole deal with her biological father is a long story all right, and Toph sighs when Tony brings it up. "My father always thought I was weak and helpless because I was blind. Even after he learned what I can do. I ran off, helped the Avatar in my world, joined the Union, helped the Avatar save the world, discovered metalbending, nearly died last year, and now I'm here."

    That's as much as she wants to say on the topic today, it seems.

    "My home life is good now, though. Besides all the freaking lessons every day I can't complain," she shrugs before changing the topic. "What about you? You still live in your world or have you settled in at Njorun?"

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
"Hey, I could have sent you off to a private boarding school," Tony points out. "Tutoring sessions with Jarvis are pretty sweet. I WISH I could have had lessons like that."

"Alas, sir, you had to build me first."

"Cart before the horse, I know. Man, kids these days don't know how easy they've got it." He dumps waffle batter into the iron and lets it sizzle, and cocks an eyebrow at GoGo, curious to hear the answer to Toph's inquiry himself. "I hear Njorun has pretty nice digs. I can't imagine living there though. I mean, why would I leave this?" Indeed the only extended stays he's made at Union HQ have been a result of his own medical confinements. And even then he's lawyered himself out early.

GoGo Tomago (736) has posed:
"No Sir. I still live in San Fransokyo. I go to school there, so until I graduate, it's just easier for me to live on Campus." she says with a grin. "I'd LOVE lessons from Jarvis. But there's no real substitute for work with your hands. No Offense, J."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    At that comment Toph /laughs/! "Yeah, right! You really think they would be able to keep me there against my will?" The blind girl smirks in Tony's direction, looking rather smug. "I would be out of that place faster than a muck toad would jump out of boiling water!" But indeed, private boarding school sounds far worse than her curent lessons.

    "My bending is more important to me anyway," Toph shrugs. Besides, if she didn't pick up metalbending in the first place Tony would have been toast. Or boiled.

    GoGo did mention school, didn't she? Toph can't help but look curious. "Maybe I should come with sometime to see what it's like," she suggests. "So are you studying engineering? Or something else?"

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
"None taken, Miss Tomago," Jarvis replies coolly. "Although I will point out that Miss Beifong does use her hands in the course of her reading lessons."

"Purely for the sake of accuracy," Tony puts in.

"As you say, sir."

Tony dumps the finished waffles out on plates, scoops up the bowl of blackberries and shakes out a generous portion of the little fruits onto each waffle. "Bon apetite," he declares. "Whipped cream in the fridge if you want any. God damn, I'm awesome at this domestic thing. I'd like to check out San Fransokyo's tech school sometime," he continues on another topic without missing a beat. The mercurial brains of geniuses and all. "I mean I'm sure you guys are years ahead of what we had at MIT, if only by virtue of it being..." he counts in his head, "almost thirty years since I attended." He pops a blackberry into his mouth. "Turn and turn about. I show you my workshop, think you could get me a tour?"

GoGo Tomago (736) has posed:
"Get you a tour, sir? You show up there, my friends would LOVE to have you. Fred too... He's more a science 'enthusiast' than an actual student." she says, just a little disdainfully. "Wasabi works with plasma and lasers. Honey Lemon is a chemist, best I've ever seen. She can calculate the precise mixture of elements to create just about ANY effect. Hiro's working on robotics, and his big..." she trails off for a moment, face tightening as she sits down to the waffles. "His big brother was a robotics expert too. Created Baymax."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "I doubt running your left hand over a page counts as working with your hands, Jarvis," Toph mutters, though she perks up visibly when the finished waffles are set out. Though indeed, the blind girl does scoot off of her stool and heads over to the fridge to get some whipped cream, shaking the can before she applies a generous amount on top of her berries. And she's already in the process of rolling up a waffle with her right hand as she hands the can of whipped cream over to GoGo. Of course she takes a huge bite and doesn't swallow it before she turns slightly towards the older girl.

    "So what kindah shtuff are yah workin' on there?" she manages to ask. "Beshides the suit and wheels?"

    To hear about the other students she works with sounds interesting. Though Toph's face drops as she hears GoGo being reminded about Hiro's big brother. That is a sad story.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony catches the 'was' in there and doesn't pry, just nods quietly. "I think I read a reference to Baymax in your file. Medical robot? well anyway I'd love to see it all." See, he CAN be a congenial and enthusiastic colleague when you aren't Justin Hammer. He foregoes whipped cream on his own waffle, though he does sprinkle a bit of powdered sugar on before he digs in. "MY first robot," he also talks with his mouth full, "was Dummy. Who you'll meet downstairs. He was my senior project at school. He's not much, just an arm really, but he has his own kind of pathetic charm I guess. I built You to keep him company after graduation. Nothing better to do."

GoGo Tomago (736) has posed:
GoGo will take whipped cream on hers though, and rummages around for some juice to pour for everyone. "Medical Robot, and Hiro programmed a chip that gave him Karate skills as well. Just never take out the medical chip."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Oh yeah, Dummy. Toph snickers a bit when the robot is mentioned, though she focuses on eating her waffles. She seems rather pleased with this morning, homemade waffles, having a friend over, and Tony seems happy that he gets to brag and show off. It's a good day in the Stark household, all right.

    "So medical robot that can also kick ass. Sounds useful." As for the medical chip, Toph blinks. "Now why would you want to take out the medical chip out of a medical robot anyway?"

GoGo Tomago (736) has posed:
"You wouldn't. But when you do, it removes everything on that chip, including personality. He can very well become a killing machine if the karate chip were left in without the medical one... He's got enough sense to keep the compartment locked though."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "Well, that's good to hear! It would be kind of ironic being killed by a medical robot," Toph comments before she stuffs her mouth some more and chews on the waffles. All in all she eats rather quickly. Bending does build up an appetite, and her morning workout routine is nothing to laugh about.

    "Do many of you guys build robots? I mean, you built your wheels and all..." It should be interesting to see if there's anything that could benefit the Union there.

GoGo Tomago (736) has posed:
GoGo shrugs a bit. "Well, we all work on different things. Wasabi and I were the ony ones who had any real training in fighting before we became heroes. We do BEST when we're working together." she says, between bites of waffle. Veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery slowly, she inches her hand over... and then rests it on the tabletop. "Weird question. With all the 'earth-power'... Are you ticklish? Wasabi's super-ticklish, but he's a big, tough dude."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Finishing up the last of her waffles Toph wipes her mouth with the back of her hand and lets out a burp. No, she never complains when Tony makes breakfast. "Yeah, fighting together is important. Kinda helps when I can't see stuff in the air." She does blink when she feels GoGo inch her hand over. And at the question her expression turns serious. "You don't want to ask me that question in this place where there's enough metal for me to fight off an army," she states in a firm manner, not moving in her seat.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
And as the question of Toph's ticklishness comes up, so do Tony's eyebrows, climbing up his forehead with a look of curious amusement. "Toph IS a big, tough dude in her own right..." he muses, then laughs at the metalbending threat. "Maybe better not to find out. C'mon, if you guys are done eating let's head downstairs. Jarvis is Dummy done with his chores yet?"

"The stain is no more, sir. The evidence, as they say, has been disposed of."

"As it should be," Tony agrees. Evidence of his fuckups shouldn't be left lying around. Even if it was just an oil leak.

Tony will lead the way down the spiraling staircase to his basement workshop, and as he keys the bio-lock open and steps into the garage, Dummy is there to greet everyone with an oil-stained push broom still in his claw. In fact it's handcuffed to his claw. Tony's mind works in strange patterns, sometimes.

"Welcome to my parlour," he quips as he undoes the cuffs on the robot.

GoGo Tomago (736) has posed:
GoGo just about loses it when she's shown the workshop, and it takes all of her self-control to NOT giggle and clap her hands like a little schoolgirl. "This is amazing, Mister Tony!"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    At least Tony knows better than to try to figure out if the earthbender is ticklish. Instead she jumps off of her stool and follows Tony down the staircase to the workshop, the most fun part of the house! When Toph 'sees' Dummy though she arches an eyebrow. Why would Tony have a handcu-- no. Better not ask that question out loud. Because she has learned how Tony's mind works at times.

    "It is pretty amazing, huh?" Toph admits on behalf of Tony, then points down to the floor. "And you aren't seeing just how many suits are down there in storage. It's pretty fun to see Goldie work his magic, he even made me a Braille glove so I can read normal writing." Since she has seen the stuff down here she decides to flop down on the futon and get comfy for a bit while her waffles digest.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
"Tony scoffs with laughter as he tosses the handcuffs aside onto a table, freeing Dummy to trundle off across the room without his pushbroom. Where is he going? Where do robots go, we may never know.

On display currently is a skeletal shell of the soon-to-be Mark 43, laid out on a table with bits and modules laid out around it like someone was in the middle of a demented game of Operation and stepped aside for a moment. It's hooked up to monitors which display diagnostic data in floating holographic screens. Off to another side, there's a half-assembled (or disassembled? hard to tell) motorcycle, and Tony's programming workstation looks to have been left in a state of mid-work as well, with scribbled notes piled on the desk, an Iron Man themed screensaver on the display, and a congealing mug of cold coffee next to the framed photo of Pepper that he keeps by his elbow.

Stark hooks his thumbs in his belt loops and rocks on his heels. "So... yeah. This is it. Whatcha want to look at first?"

GoGo Tomago (736) has posed:
GoGo seems paralyzed by indecision... "I want to look at the suits first." she says finally. "I've been making my own lately, and I've admired..." she looks at Tony and blushes. "A lot of your work."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Toph nods in approval at the decision of wanting to see the suits first. "They are pretty cool! And so many of them too," Toph nods, pulling her feet up so she can begin picking at her toes. Man, GoGo really is a fangirl, isn't she? It's kinda funny, really. Most of the people who really know Tony well are rather relaxed around him, it seems.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
"Your wish," Tony quips, implying that it's his command. "Jarvis, who do we have on deck? Roll 'em out."

A section of floor sinks downward into another spiraling staircase leading down to the sub-basement. At first it's just lined with wine racks, but then a circular space irises open to reveal the vault beneath. From this yawning black cavern -- dotted with the standby lights of the thirty-odd suits stored in their berths along the walls, a gunmetal grey suit rises up on a platform, stands at statuelike attention for a moment, and then suddenly shifts into "life" as Jarvis takes control and walks it up the stairs.

"Oh yeah, I wanted to take another look at the stealth model," Tony recalls his exhausted decisionmaking from the night before. "Okay then, GoGo, this is Mark 15, or Sneaky as I call him -- Jarvis show her what he can do."

The suit seems to shimmer for a moment, as the refractive light panels covering it switch to active mode, and then it fades from view, becoming a difficult to focus on Predator-like waver in the middle of the workshop.

GoGo Tomago (736) has posed:
Poor GoGo is nearly drooling like a hungry dog. She loves the tech, and seeing so much advanced stuff is putting a serious strain on her self-control. "This is... This is amazing. Where do you find the time?"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "By skipping meetings and such," Toph quips up from the futon as she plucks away a piece of dirt lodged between her toes.

    As for Sneaky? Toph does remember last year at Tony's birthday party when he had worn the suit in order to surprise his party guests. "Goldie is a genius, all right. A suit for every occasion."

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony gives Gogo another quick look up and down. "I'd ask if you want to try it out, but I'm not sure you'd fit," he remarks apologetically. "They're all kind of -- you know -- designed around me."

He sticks his tongue out at Toph. "well this is kind of my job, now. I used to spend all my time down here designing bombs and stuff. Now I... work on this. And ocassionally I make genius brainwave inventions like Toph's reading glove. Well, and I still supervise R&D for the company, but seriously, I've given my guys there enough to keep them occupied for years." He smirks. "Making Pepper CEO was the best decision I ever made. She can handle all the meetings and financial planning and crap, that's what she likes doing and she's better at it than me anyway. Focus on your strengths, I say."

Still in show-off mode, he twitches his fingers in a particular pattern and then extends his left arm in time to neatly catch one of the Mark 42 gauntlets as it sails across the garage toward him and latches onto his hand. Show-off.

GoGo Tomago (736) has posed:
Show Off? GoGo does NOT mind... "I think if you worked together with my friends, we could create a really incredible suit. I mean, Hiro specializes in micro-robotics. Honey-Lemon is a chemistry expert. Wasabi is FANTASTIC with high-precision lasers... Just. Ugh. Fred's the only problem. I could sneak the others away without him noticing though."

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony rubs at his chin with his gauntleted hand. "Well I don't know, I think it's already pretty incredible," he states with really false modesty. "I HAVE been looking into the idea of a nano-suit though. Something that could shift its molecular composition depending on what I need. Adaptability, see that's the thing right now." He waggles his fingers to display the glove again. "That's where I started with this one. This is -- well this is PART of Mark 42. I have a bunch of microemitter implants in my muscle tissue that it can read remotely and respond to. So I can summon it from just about anywhere." He extends his hand to point at Mark 43, the half-dissected skeleton on the work bench. "THAT, is the next evolution. I'm tying it into the same remote control idea but it's designed to be more modular, so like, say I need a bomb-disposal unit right now, instead of switching to another suit I can call up just that module and bam, it integrates into that one. Mechanically it's a nightmare," he admits. "Mark 42 was difficult enough and it's all just one suit in pieces, really."

GoGo Tomago (736) has posed:
"I'll talk to Hiro. His micro-bots might be the key. Mentally controlled, they can basically become anything you need them to, in theory." she says, getting out her pod and calling up the video of Hiro's demonstration. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJupofhcWTM "What do you think? He made that in just a couple of weeks. I'm more a mechanics person than robotics. I made the zero-g, frictionless mobility wheel." she says, growing a bit tense as she plays the video.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony watches the video demonstration with close interest. "That's impressive," he has to admit. "Of course they'd have to be a lot smaller to do what I'd need... a LOT smaller." He rubs at his chin again, this time with his naked right hand so he can tug on his beard. He thinks it makes him look smarter. Behind his eyes his mind cranks into gear, contemplating various miniaturization possibilities for some moments before he relegates it to the back burner of his brain and blinks his attention back to the present. "But hey, yeah, I wanted to get a good look at your wheel, too. Is it really a hundred percent no friction? I assume it's based on magnetic fields?"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Toph snorts. "You never went for the easy stuff, Goldie. You love working on difficult stuff, stop pretending to be modest! " She turns her head slightly towards GoGo. "The video sounds cool. "

    Because Toph can't help but joke around concerning her blindness.

     Here she begins picking at her nose. "Have you built anything else? Or do you have any other ideas? "

GoGo Tomago (736) has posed:
"Hiro put that together in just a week or two. Imagine what he could do with months or years." she says. "As for my stuff? Yeah, totally frictionless, and it uses magnetic fields. Plus some pretty neat tech to make it homing and snap back. Doesn't matter how far it goes, my babies always find a way back to mama!"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "You should spar with her sometime, Goldie, " Toph suggests. "She's really quick, and we figured out some sweet stuff we can pull off together with her wheels and my bending. Jarvis probably has it recorded, we did it by the driveway. "

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
"You know I'm not big on full contact practice fighting," Tony mutters, but his mouth pulls to one side speculatively. "I WOULD like to see how you move with those things," he admits. "What do you use for propulsion? How do you handlt braking? With me it's all just repulsor thrust and counter thrust, flaps and wind resistance, the usual drill."

GoGo Tomago (736) has posed:
The following explanation gets into some rather intensely technical details. Combining the control method of the microbots with frictionless and... At this point it goes way beyond what most people know about science and technology, but GoGo rattles it off like it ain't no thang.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Toph doesn't seem to catch most of the technical jargon, though she doesn't interrupt GoGo. She does focus on picking her nose clean, flicking a booger off to the side. "We do need to spar some more too. Without me using bending and without you using your suits." It's a random comment, really.

    "And here people wonder I stick with bending... it's simple compared to the stuff you are prattling about, Wheels." Though Tony probably gets all of it, knowing him.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony is able to follow along without difficulty, being an engineering prodigy himself and all. "Of course," he agrees as all of this sails right over Toph's head, "when you explain it it's obvious. But kudos to you coming up with the idea in the first place. Jarvis you're taking notes, right?"

"Always, sir."

Stark nods. Never know when some random physics equation could come in handy in a future project. Though of course he respects patents, having enough of his own.

"--although," he suggests, "If you ever want to try out a repulsor-powered thrust jetpack I'd love to see how fast we could get you going on land. Mark 40 can break Mach 5 but that's flying, not really the same thing."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    At that Toph blinks and sits up on the couch. "I totally wanna see you using a repulsor while on those wheels," she states, her expression firm. This so needs to happen. "Maybe she can wear the gloves?" she suggests. "I can help her break if she needs to!"

GoGo Tomago (736) has posed:
GoGo Tomago whistles quietly... "Mach 5... I can hit only about 200mph at this point. But even so, it lets me turn on a dime and participate in comprehensible melee AND ranged combat. I'm not JUST about pure speed."

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony nods, with a little rueful smile. "Yeah, Shotgun can't... exactly turn on a time at that speed. I actually have to lock all of the suit components past about Mach 1.5. Any little deviation at that speed could send me into the ground fast." He glances to Toph. "She could TRY the gauntlets if she wants to, but I'm not sure how that'd affect her maneuvering. They're not just thrust, they're flight stabilizers."

GoGo Tomago (736) has posed:
"Hey, if you can build it, I can use it. I'm double-majoring in Industrial Tech and Mechanical Engineering. And there's nothing I can't use with just a little practice."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "Come on, it would be interesting!" Toph comments with a bright smile on her face. "I mean, she doesn't need to go at full speeds all at once, right?"

    The blind girl gets up from the futon and stands there, brushing off her t-shirt with a grin and faces GoGo with a grin. "I could bend a circular arena for you down at the beach or something?" Oh yes. Toph is totally up for this.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony shrugs. "If you want to." He disengages the Mark 42 gauntlet from his own hand, apparently with just a thought, frowns at it for a moment, then makes a gesture with his other hand, summoning the right-hand one as well. He catches it, rather than putting it on, and holds up both units for GoGo's eyes. "These aren't going to fit very well, but they have their own internal power supplies." He has a dim flashback to a birthday party several years ago, putting the gauntlets on some random girl and hooking them to his chest battery so she could hover over his shoulders... he's not sure if that falls under the column of 'good times' or 'man I was drunk' or possibly both. "--Enough to play around with a little," he continues with a tiny shake of his head to dismiss that thought. "Just don't try to fly out over the bay or anything." He starts to walk up the curving ramp to the driveway. "Let's do this outside. Toph, I think a track is probably a good idea. Something with nice big banks."

GoGo Tomago (736) has posed:
Grinning GoGo's greatly grab gauntlets greedily, examining them in minute detail. "This is some primo work." she says as she follows Mister Stark outside... Thankful that he can't see her, she takes the opportunity to give his glorious backside a once or twice over. 'Damn that's hot', she thinks to herself.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Indeed the gauntlets are a work of art. As is Tony's ass. He's only aware of her commentary on the former, however, as he leads the way up and out, and then down around the house to the beach where Toph can bend and shape at will without messing up the lawn. Yup, Pepper's a lucky gal.

GoGo Tomago (736) has posed:
"Pepper Potts is one lucky bitch. Just one day in her shoes..." she mutters under her breath as they emerge, blinking, into the daylight. Not even realizing what she said, she follows Tony out into the yard.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    It's a good thing Toph isn't aware of the commentary on Tony's ass either, and she follows them outside to the beach happily. Though she blinks when GoGo mutters under her breath. Eh, better let that one slide.

    Once they arrive at the beach though she cracks her knuckles. "Hold onto your panties, ladies," she states before she assumes a wide stance, reaches out with both arms... and bends something LARGE. It rises up from the sand for a mile up the shoreline, and it takes some seconds for it to fully rise. But there it is. A large track with high and smooth walls to keep GoGo safely confined once she gets in.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
"One day in Pepper's shoes and my feet would really hurt," Tony quips back, evidently having overheard, and not being the slightest bit put-out by the comment, if he can be so irreverent. "Seriously, I don't know how she does it in those heels."

GoGo Tomago (736) has posed:
GoGo Tomago grins and claps her hands together... "Now you're sure these things are relatively safe, right?" she asks, looking to the gloves/gauntlets. "I mean... They're pretty hefty. What kind of output do they have?"

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
"Safe?" Tony retorts with an air of disbelief. "Of course it isn't /safe/, we're talking about enough thrust to get you airborne here. Not that that's the goal. Here, see." He splays both hands out in front of him and the gauntlets leap from GoGo's grip to affix themselves to his hands, the individual pieces ratcheting outward to cover his forearms as everything slots into place. "Little tough without the boots," he grunts, but thrusting both palms downward he's still able to easily output enough force to lift him up off the ground. "Oh man this is weird," he declares, cuts power, and drops back to the sand. "Hold out your hands," he instructs GoGo, and when she does he'll make a sort of pushing gesture and send the gauntlets flying from his own hands to hers. They don't fit very well, being sized for him, but well enough for a little landbound messing around. "The /basic/ operation is simple enough," he explains. "Just pull your wrist back, the harder the angle the more power you're going to get," and he demonstrates the basic hand motion for her. "These are operating on their independent power supplies so you're not gonna get /full/ power, but it'll be enough to get in trouble." Oddly enough he says this last as if that's a good thing.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Toph stands by calmly as Tony demonstrates how to use the gloves to GoGo, resting her hands on hips and with a calm look on her face. It would be cool to try on the suit sometime, but still, as Tony has said before, it isn't exactly a good fit for young girls who are not all that tall.

    "I can soften the sand pretty easily if you do go flying over the edge, Wheels. Don't worry. And with those gloves and wheels on I can tell where you are at all times," she assures the older girl.

GoGo Tomago (736) has posed:
There's one thing you need to know about Gogo. She's a daredevil. There's nothing she enjoys more than putting her life on the line in some ridiculous stunt. With a howl of delight, she zooms off, building up speed on her familiar discs for a short distance down the track. She slides up. then down the sides... And then shoots off! With a HUGE grin, she thrusts her arms down, jumping from one track to the other with a short, spinning twist.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony stands to the side of the track next to Toph, arms folded, grinning a little as he watches GoGo... well, go. "Odds she ends up in the ocean?" he asides to the young earthbender in a low, mischievous voice.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    There's a grin of amusement when GoGo takes off at high speeds and gets onto the circular track. And as she shoots off with the gloves she sure seems to have even more fun.

    "Fifty fifty?" Toph shrugs. "If she does you need to be her big hero and fish her out, though. I'm not going in there!" she states firmly. Water is so not her element.

GoGo Tomago (736) has posed:
Ah the freedom of SPEED! GoGo zooms along the track, and STUNTS. She throws herself into ever more elaborate stunts, allowing herself to get closer and closer to the edge of losing control... But she doesn't, instead using the thrusters to stabilize herself, seeming reluctant to use them.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
If Tony is disappointed by not seeing a young woman go just subsonic on his beach, this is more than made up for by her actual use of the stabilizers for their intended purpose. His eyebrows hang out in an impressed position as he nods, watching her streak and flip around the track. In his mind, he begins building a mental schematic of a jetpack rig with repulsor stabilizers actually /fitted/ to her... yeah, he could definitely get this girl screaming.

In the... speed demon sense, that is.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "At least it seems like she's having fun," Toph comments, then grins, reaching out with a hand... and then bends a ramp far up ahead of GoGo. They did do this earlier, so she should know what this means. If she wants to, Toph can always use her bending to make the track even more fun for the speed junkie!

    "Some of you guys really like speed, huh? I don't really get the appeal, but oh well! It can be useful in a fight, I guess."

GoGo Tomago (736) has posed:
Oh hell yeah, GoGo likes speed! The faster the better! Once she gets up to her top speed, her voice crackles over the radio. "Toph! I need some targets!" she yells out, ready to throw.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
"Speed's all right," Tony agrees, almost absently as his eyes continue to follow GoGo's progress up and down the beach. "It's the flying part I really like. Which I know you hate," he grins down at Toph. "But it's like... well I guess it's like surfing the earth is for you? Totally free, you know -- what does she mean by target?"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "The only way I will go up into the air is if I really have no other choice," Toph nods, "Or if you are there to catch me." Because Tony is the person she trusts the most in the Union. He's caught her before, after all.

    When he wonders what GoGo means by targets Toph only grins, raising her arms again. "This!" Toph latches out with her arms in succession, several pillars raising up all over the track, spread out unevenly.

    "Earth surfing is fun, but it seems she likes this far better than I do like speeding. I can't go that fast either. It would be far more fun speeding down a hill, I guess..." Maybe that's something she can take them on sometime? People do seem to like skiing down slopes.

GoGo Tomago (736) has posed:
With a hoot, GoGo Launches herself into the air... And with a jerk of the thrusters, THROWS her discs at the nearest pillar. The earthen pillar she aimed at essentially disintegrates as the high-speed discs slam into it. "Oh fuck me sideways that was so cool!" she shouts.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
"We should find you some nice downhill tunnels to go sliding through," Tony muses. "That HAS to be a theme park somewhere in the multiverse." His eyebrows pop up a little more and he lets out a snort of laughter at GoGo's exclamation. "Don't tell Pepper you're listening to this kind of language," he remarks with amusement. "You know she'll blame me."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Toph laughs out loud at GoGo's exclamation. "First you ask me to marry you, now this? HOW INDECENT!" Toph calls, then she blinks at Tony's comment. "What? Pepper knows I was a professional earthbender in Earth Rumble VI? With big, crude guys? Does she really think I grew up around only that flowerly language?" she asks. Seriously, she has heard so much foul language that she doesn't even dare say all of it in front of Pepper. "I probably have a bigger dictionary of swear words than you have. But don't worry, I won't tell her, I know better," she assures him with a punch to his side.

    "And you totally need to take me to an amusement park sometime! Isn't the measle outbreak done with now?" Toph asks Tony further before she bends some more ramps and a loop for GoGo.

GoGo Tomago (736) has posed:
"Indecent nothing! Do you have any..." she cuts herself off as she was ABOUT to say something about mister Stark, before realizing whose company she was in. She continues her target practice for a while... Then she grins... "Hey Toph, can you take me out over the water? I want to try something."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "Do I have any what?" Toph asks with a laugh, grinning. It is fun to mess around with others girls, and GoGo certainly has the sense of humour.

    The request to bend something for her over the water though, that does make her blink before she kicks the ground, and she makes part of the track extend into a spiral that goes out over the water before it drips into a steep slope down over the water and back onto the beach again.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
"Gonna end up in the ocean~" Tony singsongs softly, his grin only broadening at Ms. Tomago's suggestion of further indecency. Oh man, she must be fun to go drinking with.

"We can go to Disney if you want," he offers casually. "No more measles. I can take you on the spinning teacups and see how long it takes you to throw up."

GoGo Tomago (736) has posed:
"Alright... Time to do this thing!" she says. And then she goes quiet, crouching down and sending herself out at top speed over the water. Aiming the thrusters slightly downward and behind her, she balances precariously... And ZOOMS out onto the water, leaving a plume of water behind her.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "You still need to fish her out if she does fall in," Toph reminds Tony. And she grins when GoGo goes racing over the water and she hears the water get thrown up into the air by her speed. "WOOOOOOH!" she cheers.

    This is really fun to witness all right, and well, it does give her further ideas for battle and how to work with the older girl.

    "Oh, Disneyland would be awesome! And if I don't throw up I am totally going to need cotton candy and hot dogs." Then she grins. "I would like to try those big roller coasters too!" They are made of metal, after all.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
"Hot dogs, cotton candy, not throwing up," Tony notes down. "Check. Okay then, we're set for your next birthday." Surely he's teasing. He wouldn't make her wait almost a whole YEAR for Disneyland.

He lets out a long, low whistle as he watches GoGo kick up sheets of water. That's pretty damn fast. Of course he can do that to but he can /fly/. And -- he cranes his neck for a better look -- she doesn't seem to be using the Iron Man gauntlets for lift. He cups his hands to his mouth. "Watch out for sharks!"

GoGo Tomago (736) has posed:
Sharks? Fuck Sharks. Sharks had better watch out for GoGo! She laughs and turns back to the beach, eventually fetching up on the shore in a spray of sand and water. "That was amazing!"

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Well of course it was amazing, Tony Stark was letting her use Iron Man tech. He laughs as GoGo comes in to shore, and beckons her over. "Very nice," he approves. "But I think we'd better let the gauntlets recharge now. The independent power supply wasn't really designed for extended use. Still, cool, huh? I could totally get you set up with a more permanent unit if you want to go that route." He'll just bill the Union for it.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "A whole cruddin' year?!" Toph exclaims, then huffs with a frown crossing her features. "What about we go there for YOUR birthday?"

    As for the sharks, Toph rolls her eyes. "Pepper told me there aren't any big dangerous sharks around here. Besides, you haven't seen a sea serpent, have you?" Those are bigger and badder! Not that she has seen one, but she /has/U heard one. It's close enough. And here GoGo comes, and the blind girl applauds with a grin crossing her lips. "So you had fun, it sounds like?" And huh, him making something for GoGo sounds like a fun idea. "Stark tech is fun. Though it kinda beats a reading glove when it comes to fun, huh?" she teases. She is grateful for the reading glove, even if she won't say so out loud. Besides, it's far more fun teasing Tony. Neither of them like being sappy in front of other people as well.

GoGo Tomago (736) has posed:
"You know," GoGo says, pulling out her smartphone... "There's no minimum drinking age in France. We could go there for your birthday and get you hammered. You're what, 16?" she asks Toph, looking to Tony for confirmation.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
"Try fourteen," Tony snorts, reaching out a hand to ruffle Toph's hair lightly. "And the last time she got hammered it didn't turn out so well. I think Disneyland's probably safer. We can't go on MY birthday though, what about the karaoke competition? The multiverse has /expectations/ of me, now!"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    At that Toph blinks, remembering elven wine and a headache. "I just turned fourteen," she confirms, standing still as Tony ruffles her hair, and it poofs slightly. "I... kinda drank too much. That was when I was thirteen though." Maybe she could try some lighter alcohol for her fifteenth birthday? Maybe in smaller amounts too.

    Oh right, karaoke. "What about doing the karaoke at Disneyworld? Couldn't you rent part of it for one evening?" It seems like a really good idea in her mind!

GoGo Tomago (736) has posed:
"Huh..." she says, looking to Tony... "You let your 13 year old daughter get hammered?" she asks, sounding a little disappoving.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
"Let? No," Tony scoffs, his hand dropping from Toph's hair briefly to her shoulder to give it a little squeeze. "It was an accident. I just helped her through the hangover. But she can tell you that story." Probably he shouldn't have brought it up in the first place. But at least he's /trying/ to let her save some dignity now.

Tony purses his lips and considers. "...maybe," he ponders aloud. "I mean if /anyone/ could rent out Disneyland... but it's still Disney. Guess I can talk to Pepper about it."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    A heavy sigh escapes Toph, and she crosses her arms across her chest, not moving Tony's hand on her shoulder. "I... was given food from some guy for helping him with my bending. I didn't know the drink was alcoholic until it was too late," she explains. "Next time I will drink less. And something not so heavy on the alcohol. Like mimosas or something," the girl shrugs. "Don't blame Goldie. He might be an asshole, but he's /not/ a bad father." Her look is serious, she truly means that comment.

    tAnd she'll have a good time punching anybody who criticizes Tony for his job as a parent.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
"Decent father, still an asshole," Tony murmurs, then shrugs. "I'll take it."

GoGo Tomago (736) has posed:
GoGo Tomago ohs, then nods. "Well accidents happen, and no matter WHAT his reputation ight be, I have no doubts he does his best." she says with a smile. "Hey, accidents happen, and sometimes you make bad choices. Doesn't mean you're a bad person."