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Latest revision as of 09:17, 8 April 2015

Date of Scene: 18 March 2015
Location: New York-199999
Synopsis: Evangeline comes over to Malibu to help Toph clear out some of the freezer.
Cast of Characters: 20, Neuroi Girl

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "Miss Beifong, I strongly suggest that you use less chocolate sauce on the sundaes, Miss Potts ha-"

    The sound of Jarvis' voice is cut off by the sound of Toph shaking the can of whipped cream, and she leans slightly on the counter as she applies a messy amount of delicious fluff to the large bowls of sundaes that she is busy preparing. There's been way too much ice cream in the freezer for way too long, and it needs to be cleared out sometime, right? Besides, Evangeline likes sweet stuff, and it's been a while since Toph has spent time with the neuroi girl.

    "Hmmm," the blind girl muses, then opens her mouth to put a small spray of whipped cream on her tongue. "Too bad we don't have strawberries." Jarvis, seemingly having given up on discussing nutritional values with the young girl, lets out a sigh. "Might I suggest cherries, miss Beifong?" That does seem to catch her attention, and she arches an eyebrow. "Eh, why not?" She puts down the can, then heads back to the fridge to hunt down the final ingredients for the best sundaes ever.

Neuroi Girl has posed:
     As Toph goes to fetch cherries for the no doubt delicious sundaes, there is a ring of the doorbell. Jarvis's cameras would show it to be Evangeline, floating just off the ground outside the door, arms held in front of her politely. Knowing that Jarvis is there, she looks into the nearest camera and offers a little wave. "...hello..."

     Then...she just floats there, apparently waiting for the door to be opened. There is no movement on her part until that happens.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    The doors unlock and open for Evangeline, allowing her access. And as she enters, Toph comes rushing out into the hallway, carrying two large sundae bowls. One for each of them.

    "Sweet, I was worried you wouldn't get here in time, these are already starting to melt! I added extra chocolate sauce, sprinkles, banana and whipped cream. Hopefully they will be just as good as Pepper's sundaes. Or better, since I added a bit," or rather quite a lot, "of extra chocolate to them." That said, Toph begins heading for the patio. "Come on, the weather is nice, and we can sit in the shade so our treats don't melt that easily." Jarvis opens the patio doors, and Toph hurries out. And behind them, slinking down the stairs, comes Buster, meowing as he rubs his head against Evangeline's leg in greeting. Also, the humans have treats!

Neuroi Girl has posed:
     Evangeline floats inside once the door is open, then follows after Toph toward the patio. She looks down as Buster rubs against her, then reaches down slowly to attempt picking him up. She has seen Yoshika with cats before, so she knows the good way to hold a cat. She cradles Buster against her chest gently as she floats outside.

     "..Pepper...makes good sundaes...?" she asks as she follows Toph, her movements very quiet and with her floating it might be hard for Toph to know if she is actually following.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    The sleek black cat lets out a 'meow' when he is picked up, and he sniffs at Evangeline before he turns his attention to the sundaes that he sees and smells ahead. For now he seems content with being carried. As long as he can get closer to the sundaes.

    Toph nods at the question. "She does, they are excellent. Lots of energy, just what I need from some serious bending sessions." It's not too hard to follow where Evangeline is for various reasons, the earthbender has various methods of keeping track of what's going on around her. The sundae bowls are set down on a table, and then Toph flops down into a sun chair, getting comfy. "So...! What's new? Anything happened lately? Been a while since we last met and hung out..." It's sad that with them all being busy it's a bit hard to keep up with things.

Neuroi Girl has posed:
     Evangeline floats after Toph, then similarly takes a seat when she does. She keeps holding Buster, almost snuggling him against herself. "...beyond the usual Neuroi attacks...there has been nothing to report...I have been too busy with defense of the Strike Witches to make trips into the Multiverse. But, today all the witches are at the base, so I am free for some leave." she says as she sets Buster in her lap carefully, then starts scratching gently around his ears with her slender black fingers.

     "...and...what about you...? It sounds like you have been quite busy yourself..." the little Neuroi says, turning her faceless head toward Toph before reaching out to take the sundae meant for her.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Toph nods her head a bit as she gets comfortable, and she reaches out for her own sundae as well. "I haven't really been to your world much. Glad that it's been quiet though... there's always so much crud to handle elsewhere in the multiverse, huh?"

    Buster doesn's seem to want to stay on Evangeline's lap as he tries to get closer to the cold treats. Though he sticks around when she picks it up, meowing... and pawing at her arm. Share the goodies with him, human! Scritching he doesn't really care for much now.

    The blind girl takes a large spoon of ice cream and stuffs her mouth, then shrugs. "My birthday was last week, other than that... the usual fighting, been working on my bending. Though I haven't done many missions lately. I should do something about that, really... There's just so many things going on witht he Union, you know?"

Neuroi Girl has posed:
     Evangeline nods lightly in agreement with Toph. "...There is...always many things happening..." she says. When Buster paws at her arm, Evangeline tilts her head slightly. "...you...wish to pet me...?" she asks Buster before she grips her spoon and scoops up a nice spoonful of ice cream and the various toppings Toph has provided. She then lifts it to her face like a normal person would and touches it to the area where a mouth should be. The ice cream and toppings glow a moment, then disappear in a little swirl of color and light that soaks into Evangeline.

     ""..ah...I missed your birthday..." Evangeline says, her head drooping just a bit. "...I am sorry...I will get you a present..." she adds, then scoops up another bit of the tasty sugary, energy-packed snack.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Buster meows again, this time louder! And he paws even more at her arm. Toph arches an eyebrow. "He doesn't want to pet you, he wants you to feed him treats. He thinks he wants people food, but most of the time he doesn't. He might like the whipped cream and ice cream though," Toph shrugs. Indeed, Buster leans up to get close to Evangeline's face, even trying to get to the spoon!

    The apology earns a hand wave from Toph, who doesn't look bothered. "Not everybody could. And no rush. When's /your/ birthday, by the way? Have you celebrated one before?" Do neuroi even have birthdays? If not, they can always make one up. Everybody needs their own special day to celebrate.

Neuroi Girl has posed:
     Evangeline doesn't seem to mind being climbed on like some kind of climbing tree. "...oh...he likes ice cream too...?" she says as she stares at Buster when he gets closer to her face. She even allows him to lick her face if he so wishes. When he tries to get the spoon, Evangeline doesn't see a reason to stop him. She just holds up the spoonful of ice cream and goodies and allows Buster the lick at them or nom them as he sees fit. "...I...celebrate the day I chose my name...I call it my Naming Day...but, I suppose I could also celebrate my birthday...even though I was not actually born in the way humans are..."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "Maybe. Mostly it's part of the whole deal of being a cat and thereby wanting anything people eat, even if it's not tasty for cats," Toph says calmly as she enjoys her treat. Man, this is good.

    Buster seems to think the same as he leans forward, half closing his eyes as he licks at the ice cream. And then begins to purr softly, settling on Evangeline's arm.

    So Naming Day, huh? "When is your Naming Day? It is close enough to be considered your official birthday, right?" Why bother with tiny details? It's not like they matter too much in this sense. "We're different like that, but at least we can celebrate and have fun in the same way, right? I'd totally come to your Naming Day party, and so would many other people in the Union too. Heck, some Feds even showed up to mine. And nothing bad happened, but then again it's not like they would dare." The young earthbender closes her eyes and makes a sound of approval. "Man, these mini marshmallows make sundaes sooo much better."

Neuroi Girl has posed:
     Evangeline turns her head toward Toph as Toph speaks about birthdays, then looks back to Buster as she answers. "...my Naming day...is April 17th..." she says as she lowers her bowl of ice cream and lets Buster claim it. "...I celebrated it last year, and several people came to my party...I got many gifts...it was...special..." she says before looking over at Toph again.

     As Buster enjoys the sundae, Evangeline keeps scooping spoonfuls out and absorbing them. Cat germs are no danger to her.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Buster is one happy kitty when Evangeline doesn't push him away, and he eagerly licks and licks at the ice cream, even grabbing a piece of crushed oreo between his teeth before he begins eating it.

    "Uh, you might want to push Buster away, he isn't supposed to eat chocolate stuff," Toph warns Evangeline, arching an eyebrow. The last thing they need is more cat puke!

    "But yeah, April 17th, huh? Can I assume I'm invited this year? It's only about one month left. Anything special you want for your Naming Day?" Toph inquires curiously before stuffing her mouth full again.

Neuroi Girl has posed:
     Evangeline headtilts a bit as Toph points that out, then lifts the bowl away from Buster. "...you cannot have chocolate stuff..." she says, shaking a finger at Buster in a reprimanding fashion. However, she isn't going to deny the kitty completely. She just switches between spoonfuls of chocolaty stuff for her and mostly ice cream stuff for Buster.

     "...you are invited..." she says to Toph without turning her head. "...and...Mr. Stark and Ms. Potts are also invited...hopefully more of the base's staff will show up this time...I hope the Strike Witches can make it..."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Is that a light snicker leaving Toph when Evangeline reprimands Buster? Quite possibly. Buster in turn only meows at Evangeline and sniffs at her finger before he ducks his head down into the bowl again, content to lick at the ice cream.

    "I will let Mister Stark and Miss Potts know they are invited to your party, Miss Evangeline," Jarvis informs the neuroi girl in his usual calm manner.

    "Toph seems happy that her adoptive parents are invited as well, and she smiles and nods. "I'm sure several Union people want to come too. Make sure you ask Faruja, he gives out the best gifts ever," she asides with a smirk.

    By now Toph has finished her bowl, eating rather quickly. The bowl is set aside, and she stretches out a bit where she sits and lies back.

Neuroi Girl has posed:
     Evangeline again lifts the bowl away from Buster and insists he eat only the spoonfuls she offers him. "...yes...Faruja should be invited...and Good Nanoha...and Ainsley...and Zephyr..." Evangeline says softly. She pauses when Jarvis speaks up, then softly says, "...thank you, Jarvis...and you are invited too, Jarvis..."

     Soon enough Evangeline's bowl is empty, just chocolate sauce and melted ice cream remaining. She looks at it, then looks at Buster licking her spoon. "...I need a tongue..." she says, then she move the bowl closer to her face. She holds it there, close to where her mouth would be if she had one. Then...she goes still.

     It is a long enough pause that Toph might wonder if something is wrong, but then, the area where a mouth should be parts just a bit, and out snakes...a tongue! Well, it is more like a tendril, with how it is rounded and cylindrical in shape. It is metallic black, just like the rest of her, but it at least serves its purpose. Evangeline slooowly and carefully collects the remains of her sundae on that tongue, then pulls it back into her 'mouth'. It closes, and there is no evidence she ever had one.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "An invitation would be wasted on me, Miss Evangeline," Jarvis replies, "As I'm not a person, nor would I be an active participant in any festivities you might have planned." Toph however snorts. "Jarvis can be amusing by how much he babbles, though."

    The chairs are not metal, which makes it a bit hard for them to carry vibrations. And while Evangline is sort of metallic in composition, it's a bit different than pure earthen materials. So when Evangeline opens her 'mouth' and extends her 'tongue', Toph is blissfully unaware of what's truly going on. Buster however lets out a hiss, arching up his back as he pulls away slightly and looks rather spooked.

    "The hell, Buster...?" Toph questions, blinking as she sits up a bit in her chair.

Neuroi Girl has posed:
     Evangeline pauses as Buster hisses. She watches the cat for a few moments before extending that tongue again, this time toward him. Is it really so scary? she is wondering to herself. "...but...you 'babble'...and you can run Mr. Stark's suits...you could use a suit to attend the party..." She pauses again, tongue waggling lightly at Buster. "...why do you say you are not a person...?" she asks Jarvis.

     She offers no explanation to Toph, since she isn't sure what to explain yet.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "I am a program made by mister Stark to assist him in his daily tasks and affairs, miss Evangeline, as well as additional tasks he assigns me," is the proper reply Jarvis provides, and Toph groans a bit. "I'll tell Goldie that you want Jarvis to come too, maybe he can bring one of the older suits." Because let's face it, Tony /loves/ showing off his suits and creations. So he probably won't object to bringing Jarvis piloting one of the suits to a party if it's asked of him.

    Meanwhile Buster is still not too happy nor certain about the 'tongue', but at least he is no longer hissing. Instead he just looks like a deer in headlights. Toph decides to do something, so she extends her hand... and bends the spoon into a small ball that rolls across the patio with her finger movements, and Buster raises his head... then leaps off of Evangeline's lap and begins chasing it.

Neuroi Girl has posed:
     Finding her suspicion confirmed, Evangeline pulls that tongue back again, then watches Buster go play with that ball of spoon. "...people thought I was not a person...then realized I was..." she says, as if to explain why she invited Jarvis. Evangeline looks at her bowl, held in both her hands, then looks at Toph. "...Goldie...is Mr. Stark's nickname...?" she asks.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Toph lets the ball roll to and fro using her bending, and Buster seems happy to chase it, obviously knowing this game well enough. "Eh, I keep telling him he's a person if you ask me, but he keeps on denying it. Have Goldie explain it to you sometime if you want..." Speaking of Tony, it seems that Evangeline gets the gist about Toph's nickname for the man.

    "Oh yeah, his suits are made of a gold-titanium alloy... so I started calling him Goldie. One of his many nicknames," she responds with a casual shrug of her shoulders. "Most people need nicknames if you ask me. Plus it's fun."

Neuroi Girl has posed:
     "...nicknames are...fun..." Evangeline says softly as she watches Buster. She is quiet a few moments before asking, "...what would my nickname be...? ..is Eva the only nickname I need...?" Then, she looks toward Toph again. "...do you have a nickname...? ...perhaps...ice creamy...?"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    A nickname for Evangeline? Toph seems to consider this, biting the inside of her lower lip where she sits, bending the bended ball back and forth, making Buster skid a bit along the patio. "I didn't really consider one for you in the beginning since you were getting used to talking, all the other stuff was something you was busy trying to learn and adjust to... so I kinda forgot. Either way, I think Sweetums, Sugar or something similar would be fitting for you. Considering how much you like sweet stuff anyway."

    Oh man, she didn't just ask her for her nicknames. Perhaps Evangeline will regret it as Toph takes a brief breath... and begins. "The Blind Bandit, Pebbles, Mudbrain, Dirtbender, brat, Stark Junior, Rocket Bullet... just a few of the more common ones."

Neuroi Girl has posed:
     Evangeline listens to the list of nicknames, then headtilts. "...and...which is your favorite nickname..?" she asks before considering her own. "...sugar...I like sugar..." she says, though she could be talking about sugar the substance as much as sugar the name. "...sweet stuff...someone at a bar called me that once..."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Which one is her favourite? Toph shrugs a bit. "Dunno. I kinda like them all..." Nicknames are amusing, indeed. And well, it does seem like Evangline likes the concept. So Toph makes a mental note to find a proper one for Evangline. All of her friends need a proper nickname of their own, after all.