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Latest revision as of 18:55, 9 April 2015

Such Wonderful Toys
Date of Scene: 08 April 2015
Location: Galianda
Synopsis: Using some multiversal SCIENCE, Zwei and the Starbound Flotilla earn their pay (and also lay the groundwork for a massive shift in Galiandan magitechnology).
Cast of Characters: Kotone Yamakawa, 596, 627, 665, Starbound Flotilla, 673, Sanary Rondel

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
Some major changes have occurred in the staffing in FUJIN recently. One of the longest-running research projects in the organization was unceremoniously shifted around like so much putty, putting a heretofore unknown in charge of it. That's one of the things about being a meritocracy.

If you don't produce, bad things happen to you.

Zwei is now leading the project, with several assistants assigned to help them with any magical system interfaces they might need as well as to act as gofers. The Flotilla are also given a fast-track into the project for any who are interested in participating, and others with Zaibatsu links are kept abreast of the project based on Zwei's own predilections. Weiss had promised big results.

Souji is interested in seeing if she can make those results happen. It's not the first time someone has come into his office promising the sky. Some of them have succeeded and become richly rewarded. Others have gone down in flames. Time will tell which Weiss will be.

Souji has further enriched the project with a significant disbursement of materials and funds to construct specialized equipment. Let's just say he has a good feeling about this investment. A warehouse has been repurposed in Sector 13 with high security and a major overhaul in interior design, allowing Zwei and the Flotilla to build specialized equipment and deal with the power and maintenance requirements in their own special ways without worrying arount any interference from their more standard systems.

Now the question is, what is Zwei going to do with it, and what has Asche been up to on their estenstive 'resource gathering' missions?

Rory White (673) has posed:
    Believe it or not, Rory is here! She is also elsewhere, and that means the Rory that's here isn't using her usual high-quality Synth that resembles a human in a labcoat-like attire. No shiny blue hair and pleasant face.

    Instead, she's controlling a wheeled drone the size of a labrador. The drone's top side is full of manipulator arms ending in all sorts of tools and it sports tons of storage compartments. There's also a holoprojector and, believe it or not, the thing incorporates a miniature Desktop Cornucopia Machine suitable for fabricating wires, electronics components, and other things no bigger than a human hand. In small quantities, anyways.

    Doesn't quite explain how she's in two places at once, if anyone is even aware of that...

Zwei (596) has posed:
    As far as Zwei is concerned, the results are already guaranteed. Though it had only cursory knowledge of Galianda's unique physical laws before forwarding the contract offering, some time spent with FUJIN's extensive research database, powered by the ceaseless efforts of entire teams of scientists working in shifts to replenish their MP, has lead it to some extremely favourable conclusions. Between absorbing umpteen millions of mogs by eye, Weiss has been directly accepting shipments of the materials she had requested from Souji, and combining them with the massive amounts of offworld matter she had dragged in for the sole purpose of being recombinated into otherwise unbelievably expensive parts via TRANSIENCE manipulation. If they're willing to give it, she will have had the Starbound Flotilla putting their considerable fabrication abilities to work as well, doing the heavy lifting in terms of large scale construction.

    And what is being constructed? Why Galianda's very first synchrotron. Though exceptionally advanced by most Earth standards, the design is still basic enough to be loosely given that label, being the simplest form of massive particle accelerator that can be put to use with tools placed on a spectrum mostly within the 21st century. While Weiss has been directed teams into placing coaxial magnets and superconductors, Asche has been busy on the much maligned continent of Odin. Today, mere hours before the accelerator is scheduled for its first firing, the battle Armiger has returned, carrying several tons of raw material harvested from the monsters of the metallic deathworld; specifically chosen by their propensity for serving as the mana-containing animate core of the beings they had been retrieved from. Asche also has the role of actually powering the grotesquely energy intensive device, and so his arrival indicates that the process can finally begin. "Alright gentlemen and ladies! Look alive!" Weiss shouts, construction hat on for no practical reason at all. "We're going to be commencing laser cooling in five minutes! Battlestations everyone!"

Sanary Rondel has posed:
    After the last day's events, Sanary needed a break. Mentally, anyway. Physically, she's pretty much fine and ready to work. It's for that reason that she's here today, dressed in a three-piece suit rather than her usual crappy coat and tunic getup. She has a brand new gunaxe dangling from a hook on her belt, but other than that? She could probably fit in with any other formally-dressed security guard.

    If she wasn't picking her nose, anyway. It's itchy in there. Although she's not expecting any sort of media coverage, she has learned just enough over the past few weeks that appearances actually matter sometimes. Then again, she's not entirely sure what she's there to do, but the healer's not about to turn down a chance to see new tech in action.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Roller Rory is not alone, Kotone is arriving shortly after her. She's got used to the idea Rory can change bodies more easily than even /she/ herself can. So it's really not something that puts her off too much. She follows the drone wondering just what Zwei is doing. She's curious about the project as well, after all. She has been pretty curious.

Artyom W. Valodjn (665) has posed:
    Artyom has been particularly interested in this specific project. As he puts together the mechanisms that will become the Zaibatsu's space-exploration division, the problem of convenient mana storage has been somewhat of a recurring issue. Now, though, they may be approaching a solution.

Or rather, their newest contractor may be.

    The Titanic is present, though he can't claim to know what all these giant humming machines might be doing. Particle accelerators aren't exactly a familiar technology, after all.

    This kind of construction, however, is right up Amaterasu's alley. Some of them had carried about material within protective suits, others worked with Flotilla matter-manipulators to set up devices none of them really understand. Yet others drove around forklifts or other vehicles.

It's a busy time, down here!

But now, it's finally ready. Artyom and his fellows give the demonstration a wide berth as they watch.

Just... in case.

Starbound Flotilla has posed:
    The Starbounders are here!

    They've been here for a while, in fact. The gang's all at work as Weiss needs them.
    George has been handling integration of heavy-duty equipment, moving things around, welding them into place, wiring up power, handling any heavy lifting the surprisingly strong Weiss isn't doing with those teams...
    Pavo is a wonderful design optimizer, she's been making sure she earns her credits here by helping creatively and dynamically improve magnetic patterns and impulse levels through data gathered from parts-level test-runs.
    Seft, of course, has been busy handling raw materials, pumping them into and out of a massive magnetic crucible she's set up to annihilate material impurities with incredible speed, while also setting up psionic sensor equipment that will hopefully gather MP-related data.
    Albert is hard at work linking and optimizing laser equipment, as well as the magnetic equipment. In fact, he's already finished working out the bugs from a slapdash sort of magnetic timing control system.
    Biteblade is hard at work ensuring zero pressure variances, and accelerated-particle injector systems are being checked and rechecked and often the performance is being refined as Biteblade uses an incredibly creative mind to intuit its interactions with MP.
    And Moonfin? Well. Moonfin's taken a managerial role. Which isn't a euphamism for slacking off, no; he's actually been constantly and consistently helping people with exchanging information, scheduling breaks, getting food and water, and has absurdly optimized the FUJIN assistants' performance with strategic tea breaks.

    They all, of course, call out as soon as Weiss speaks up.
    "Ready over here, stuff looks like it won't explode."
    "Floran finish with injectorsss! No pressssure problem too! Ready!"
    "Hmmh. Laser systems magnetic structures on-mark. Ready."
    "Aye, cap'n! Ye bendy magnets all worked out perfect!"
    "Nervous. I am prepared to assist in data-gathering, Zwei-unit."
    "The calm that comes before the storm ends early. I have been prepared."

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
Souji himself is present, standing to one side and watching attentively. He is fairly sure that this fantastic device will be worth the expense. And if it isn't, well... It'll just be considered later.

He is quiet, making quick marks on an mPad with a stylus, perhaps doing his homework while he maintains his own presence. He is capable of multitasking fairly well, though not to the degree or Rory 'Fork It' White.

Rory White (673) has posed:
    What is Rory doing in all of this?

    Setting up sensor networks to take readings. A variety of modified Saucers emerge from one of her roller-drone's and plink little networked sensor packages all around the area. Can't leave it up to just Seth znd Zwei!

    The drone's holoprojector thrums to life, creating an image of Rory White in half-scale above it. Except she's not in her usual attire. Instead she's in a completely form-fitting white suit that's covered in strange blue glowing circuit lines. Would look right at home in Deelel's world, that's for sure! "I don't think I've been this excited for quite some time! What about you, Kotone?"

Zwei (596) has posed:
    If Zwei is at all nervous about showing this project off to Souji (and if it were capable of expressing so), it isn't showing it. Asche is of course expressionless due to having a lack of mutable facial features, and Weiss looks nothing less than giddy with anticipation. She pops off a thumbs up to the members of the Flotilla as they confirm the last minute adjustments and green status across the board, before waving down at the observers gathered on the deck. There's no special need for a compartmentalized design seeing as the synchrotron will gives off negligible radiation and its cooling is entirely self contained.

    "Alright, first things first!" Weiss crows as Asche boosts over the outer torus, settling to one of the relay stations, and accessing a cable jack the width of a human leg. "We're confirming extraversal physical laws observed in Galiandan materials! Why you ask? Because even if a rock here is made of mana particles and falls due to the Pattern of the planet, it still functions almost identically to gravity. Doesn't that make you curious? The obvious thing here is thus: we're firing native iron particles harvested from Odin through a 300 Tesla coaxial field around six strong-focusing relays. If iron here works like iron everywhere else, a normal magnetic force should accelerate it. And once it accelerates? We smash them into each other! That confirms the nature of particle decay, and establishes our fundamental particle for the radio cavities to detect." She waves to the control floor. "Fire at will!"

Sanary Rondel has posed:
    The entire explanation just goes completely over Sanary's head, and there's a blank stare on her face just to really hammer that in. Still, she does understand some of the words without the context of everything else in there, and it's... Something to look forward to. Maybe. "Smashing, eh? Should be fun." She chuckles lightly and crosses her arms over her chest, eyeing what she hopes is the part she's supposed to be paying attention to in the center of the... Whatever it is.

Artyom W. Valodjn (665) has posed:
    Artyom makes a sound that is simultaneously uncertain and tentatively fascinated. His fingers curl tensely around the armrests of his rather massive folding chair. "What happens," Artyom asks, his brow furrowing, "If they do not... decay like you intend? What sort of, ah, side effects might occur?"

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa looks over to Rory for a moment at the holoprojector and the display.

"I'm curious to see how it goes but your acting like it's your birthday."

She likes science but not quite as much as her friend does. She looks at the suit for a moment longer.

"I like the suit it looks good."

She now turns her attention to the Zwei's actions.

"Humm that does make me curious I admit."

However Odin, she's not sure you could pay her enough to go back there. However she watches as the level is pulled as they day.

Starbound Flotilla has posed:
    "Activating stage one." Albert says, grunting.
    "Avast! Lasers gettin' power, cap'n!" Pavo says, immediately setting them to begin the linear plasma acceleration for the injectors.
    "Floran confirm, resssonant pulssse time right. Floran think, lassser ready to begin linear acceleratorsss injecting!" Biteblade says, tapping away at a holographic interface.

    George calls out, grinning, to Sanary. "Smashing, yep! Basically this kind of science is just crashing shit together to see what comes out. Honestly, in my opinion, pretty much the best. 'Course, I don't have a good history with linear particle accelerators, so I think..." He steps back a bit. "I'm gonna back off on this, yeah." And then Artyom gets a grin and a nudge with his elbow. "That's what we're here to find out! Me? Well, way I think it'll turn out is, we'll get some confirmation that Mana Particles configure in 256-particle solid-matter units and that we'll get to see what fundamental particle-wave-thing holds /those/ together, instead of the atomic forces for atoms everywhere else. That means there'd be a huuuuge jumpstart to non-organic MP storage and manipulation."

    "Or maybe it blows up. Science!"

    "Nervous. Activating injector accelerators in three, two, one..." Seft says, and starts the sequence. Now it's time to see: Does iron from this world obey the same laws in terms of BEING accelerated in the first place? If so, it ought to get pushed into the loop easily with a quick laser-cooling burst!

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
Souji looks unconcerned about the possible side effects. Either he's not worried about possible effects, he doesn't think they could kill him and/or wipe out most of the Sector, or he has some kind of assurance that it'll be safe.

Or maybe it's something else. MYSTERIOUS.

Souji does not interrupt Zwei as they explain what's going to happen and give the order to get the party started.

Souji puts on some safety goggles. Because eye safety is important.

The infinitestimal piece of iron appears to obey at least similar magnetic laws as to iron from other locations, because it goes into the acceleration loop just fine. ALL SYSTEMS NOMINAL, YOU MAY FIRE WHEN REA-err, wrong script.

Rory White (673) has posed:
    "What exists in the biggest and the smallest? Extremes of every kind are where you find the answers to questions and even more questions, Kotone! Of course this is exciting!" And of course it doesn't make a lot of sense to pretty much everyone, maybe. But at being complimented... she smiles. "You do? I -predicted- it would be more pleasing! Glad to hear it is..."


    All her attention goes to every single available sensor in the area she has access to!

Zwei (596) has posed:
    "It's very fun!" says Weiss. "In fact, let me provide some visual aides!" Without actually producing an emitter of any kind, it can be presumed that Zwei is responsible for the gigantic holoscreen that has suddenly appeared for everyone's benefit, showing an extremely detailed, real-time diagram of the torus from a bird's eye view. The rendition is entirely fabricated from the data Asche is receiving from the relay station, rather than being an actual diagnostic, and so it has great artistic license to be fancy. The actual inner workings are slowed down millions of times so that glowing indicators can be placed on the component particles of the kinetic stream and which magnets are alternating in sequence. The equivalent of an electron microscopy view is also provided for each station at various checkpoints, which which tiny black trails can be seen whizzing through photo negative white.

    "Side effects? Don't sound so worried! Even if they were to go off like magical antimatter, there's so little mass involved in the reaction that it couldn't possibly harm you!" Why does it not sound reassuring when explained so vigorously? "We've got them in a stable loop now, confirming that ferrous magnetism is within acceptable error tolerances between worlds. Now what would happen after we smashed iron atoms into each other at these speeds elsewhere would be that their energy would overcome the force that holds them apart, fusing them into a heavier element. Iron is uniquely the exact point of mass at which this fusion takes in, rather than gives off, energy. You have five seconds to place bets on what will happen!"

    Weiss is doing all the theatrics but Asche is really the one running the show. Modulating double digit gigawatts through the array, he precisely switches a set of dipole magnets to deflect two streams into one another, colliding the particles right at the checkpoint for everyone to see on camera in all its science channel glory.

Starbound Flotilla has posed:
    "Informing. Iron particles holding steady in the loop, accelerating at estimated rates." Seft says, running over her data. "Optimistic. No major multiversal physical propery variance detected. Activating psionic sensors." The radio cavities are lined with a strange array of lit-up particle detectors inscribed with a strange neurological sort of design. They're meant to be receptive to human thoughts... But in a way, that seems analogous to MP particle exchange around here. Maybe it can detect that, and... associated things? One hopes, anyway.

    "Dipole timing accurate within measssurable variance! Big robot friend isss quick for thinking!" Biteblade says, eagerly piping up from her interface. "Activating other sssensors."
    Albert looks up at the machine while still typing intensely away. "Data-stream to our storage is confirmed with no issue. Zwei unit, yours obviously needs no checking."
    Moonfin doesn't do too much that's productive; he's more about people than particles. As such, instead, he does something nice here for those less... Scientifically inclined. Opening one palm, he begins showing a translucent holographic display. While the Starbounders might not have the sensory equipment required to render particles in high definition in real-time... They do have S.A.I.L., who will collate all the data and render it in the form of a panning shot of a speeding iron particle. Whatever happens next -- revelations of its structure or otherwise -- should pop up on-display easily for the others to get to see, all parts labeled educationally. He's making a big show of it, especially how he's got both his main two eyes closed, looking at his display only with the serene third eye.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa looks to Rory and says.

"It's got it's worth ya but some of it just goes over my head. Still I enjoyed science when they let us do stuff. Rather than text books."

Well if they are going ot blow up there's nothing she can do at this point. Also Zwei wouldn't blow the whole place up on purpose right? She watches the results for now, she wonders about what else they could be doing with. She listens wondering given on this world she's kinda going against how it's reality works right?

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
Souji continues to watch without comment as switches are flipped, dipoles realigned, and particles accelerated at the speed of stupid into their target.

Sensors read the reaction, the particles fusing and then collapsing in a tiny flash of energy, dutifully recorded on the sensors as the particles smash into a target plate, as well as the various interesting byproducts.

Notably, there's a good deal more particles released than what would occur in a more 'mundane' clump of iron. Are they interacting with something in the environment, or was it released in the reaction?

Sanary Rondel has posed:
    Sanary keep her eye on the thing, tilting her head slightly at the increasing number of particles. Not that she has any idea of what she's looking at, but she can at least pretend to notice something.

    "Impressive. That's very... Uh. Smashing.. -y." Keeping her arms crossed, she brings her hand up quickly to brush her nose before nodding. "Lots of science going on... Looks good from here."

    Truly a credit to her people. No, really!

Zwei (596) has posed:
    The particle collisions are captured in glorious high resolution on the holographic screen, viewed from several independant angles at once as the sensors detect the energy release to such a fine degree that it looks more like flying shrapnel rather than a wave of heat. "With no real analogues to things like valence electrons, the accessible energy required for the endothermic reaction needed to bind iron into a heavier element is non-present, and so the particle breaks apart under the force. Here we see a breakdown into fundamental mana particles, as evidence by the way the Pattern of the environment influences their path. These mana particles aren't the same thing as MP useable by a human being however, and even if they were, we'd never be able to give everyone a tiny, inexpensive particle accelerator! However, let's see what happens when we use iron that specifically stores and uses MP as an energy form. Even more specifically: iron from the heart of a /nightmare golem/!" Weiss says in the most enthusiastic of tones, signally Asche to pop one of the cargo canisters and insert one of the containers within into a holding injector, where it mechanically inserts the tiny sliver into the kinetic stream, breaking it up to repeat the same process the mundane iron had gone through.

Rory White (673) has posed:
    "Magic physics!" Rory exclaims excitedly. Her hologram sort o bounces in place and the drone's manipulator arms wave around excitedly! She is definitely a little kid here.

Artyom W. Valodjn (665) has posed:
    Artyom's expression twists into something that is somehow terrified, enthralled and excited all at once. It's terrenthraxcited. That is a word now. "I have no idea what you are saying," Artyom says, staring at the massive holographic display and the brilliant lights dancing within, "But it is fascinating. I am concerned. That is part of a Nightmare Golem's core. Might it... Might it take possession of all /this/ metal?"

That would be /very very bad./ Nightmare Golems are bad enough, but SUPER SCIENCE NIGHTMARE GOLEMS!?


Sanary Rondel has posed:
    "That's just a name, right? Not a..." Sanary trails off as she rubs her neck, a skeptical look coming over her face. Why would something even be called a Nightmare Golem if it wasn't... Nightmarish in some way? "So that name means... What, it causes nightmares? Belongs in nightmares?"

    Clearing her throat, the healer laughs suddenly with an overly confident grin plastered on her face. "Ah, well, it can't be too bad, right? Probably just a name someone gave it to sound more impressive. We'll be fine!" She laughs again, not taking her eye off the reaction for even a second.

Starbound Flotilla has posed:
    "Oh, oh oh oh, I'm seeing what this is." George says, grinning wide and snapping. "I get it, I get it! Oh man. I'm figuring this out!" He leans to one side, grinning at Sanary. "Big behemoth jerks, wander around being assholes. We actually used some Odin stuff in figuring out the Nightmare GOLEM armor and our other metallokinetic induction stuff, it's really cool!" Artyom gets a nudge there. "So, don't worry! Should be fine. Probably will! I think. Look, this is why Murasame hired /action/ scientists, not the regular kind. If any of this turns into a horrible monster, we're good for containment and coverup too, y'dig?"

Starbound Flotilla has posed:
    Biteblade is the one who speaks up here, continuing George's thoughts! "Floran think, Floran underssstand robot idea, a bit! We ssscan, firssst for data of normal Odin iron, then Nightmare iron! Sssubtract data of normal Odin iron from Nightmare iron, learn about fundamental particlesss for magic! Right? Crossssreference data, learn what isss energy kind that make moving. Oh!" And they type rapidly. "Sssecond ssstage injector, isss ssstill fine! Working good! All green, robot friend."

Starbound Flotilla has posed:
    "Warning. Increased fundamental particle quantity per reaction. Attempting to parse sensor data." Seft says, her eye-visor beginning to display a flat line instead of displaying eyes. "Unknown reaction source. May possibly be inducing reactions in surrounding environmental fields. Configuring multiple gauge symmetries for potential fields." The erchius-based psi-receptors light up, as they begin to vary their properties. They're trying to establish Gauge Symmetry with various possible fields, as one might attempt to understand the Higgs Field, Electromagnetic Field, Gravitational Field... With enough variance, something has to catch on the next hit, hopefully.

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
Souji arches an eyebrow as he considers the ramifications of what is being proposed. He does some mental calculations as well, and allows himself a minor grimace.

If this turns out how Zwei hopes, Nightmare Golem Core Iron is going to get even /more/ expensive. Ugh.

The metal particles accelerate, being broken up far, far more slowly than the original sample. The iron is incredibly dense. It's still iron, but the utterly pure material extracted from the remains of a Nightmare Golem is often considered the finest metal in the land. The variety of high grade, pure metals one can find from the scavenging ways of the Golems give it extreme demand in crafting high-grade magitechnology, and the difficulty in harveting significant amounts due to the danger (and the Odynari wanting to keep muchof it for themselves to assist their eternal war against the Golems) results in a low supply.

Nevertheless, Asche has acquired sample necessary for scientific examination. The particles are sent flying theough the synchotron, colliding with each other in a very different reaction. There is a bright flash and snap of energy to accompany the rest, the energy quickly dissipating.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa looks to Sanary for a moment.

"No they are nightmares. Animated metal, which tries to kill anything that's not them. God help you if you have cyberware they can consume /that/ too."

She does not want to go back to Odin, she really doesn't want to go back. She's also got a feeling it's one of the ones she helped to bring down at that camp, the heart that is.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
    "... Oh. That sounds fun." Sanary's laughing even more as she backs away slowly, sounding significantly more confident than she actually is. Her eye is... Something, after all! It's certainly not natural, and she's not too keen on finding out whether or not the Nightmare Golem or whatever is feeling hungry at the moment. Then again, she's also not entirely sure what she's looking at or if it's dangerous as it is.

Rory White (673) has posed:
    "I don't have nearly enough quantum physics knowledge to know quite what's going on here at all!" Rory complains, although it's a light complaint. And maybe her main instance would understand, but the Fork isn't doing too well at it.

    But it is recording everything.

    "But staying far away from these Golems is definitely smart."

Zwei (596) has posed:
    Weiss giggles in an entirely unreassuring way at Artyom's completely legitimate question. "The magnetic field inside the toroid is strong enough that the chance of that little golem core overcoming it, even were it still possessing sentience, would be infinitismally small!" then to Sanary. "The latter! Creative, isn't it?" She pretty much gives the floor to the Starbounders as the golem particles essentially annihilate. "Correct! MP stored in a circuit, such as from a human or monster, is incotrovertibly tied to a physical container, but only the metaphysical Pattern of it is important. Cutting a human open doesn't make them bleed MP after all. Here though, if we completely annihilate the subject matter down to the basest building blocks, the Pattern ceases to exist in any useful sense! There can't be any pattern in a single point of data after all! The MP contained within the circuit is released in its ground state as the container that channels it ceases to exist, discharging it into the Pattern of the environment. This is basically exactly what we want in a mana battery! However, smashing extremely rare nightmare golem materials together in a giant particle accelerator isn't actually useful in practical purposes to a handheld battery. Does anyone have any guesses what the workaround is~?"

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa thinks for a moment and thne speaks up.

"I'm likely off the mark but in the same way metal was use in old chemical batteries after a fashion to cause a reaction to make power, or in this case to give off MP that someone like my self could make use of to operte devices that run on MP?"

Starbound Flotilla has posed:
    "Avast! Aye, Kotone's got an idea there!" Pavo says, looking eagerly at the readouts and putting a feathered wing-like hand under her beak. "Ye get somethin', hmmmm... Somethin' like a lithium-ion battery, right? Ye need MP release for somethin' actin' on its natural pattern state. A Pattern externally preserved but naturally decayin'. Or a Pattern naturally emittin', but externally stabilized. But... Hmmmm, ain't a pattern I can think of, ain't based on the Golems, no. Ye need somethin'... Hmmmm. MP can't be contained, 'cept in a pattern made for it, but ye can't have people carryin' around a golem heart...."

    "Ye need... Ye need, ye need, ye need a pattern that rejects MP? Somethin' sends it back out? Somethin' resistant, and ye put one inside another G'yarrr, no..." She's clearly grappling heavily with this, as are a few of the other Starbounders. They got the other one predicted, but looks like someone else should take the guessing game here.

Artyom W. Valodjn (665) has posed:
    "Mmmn," Artyom's brow furrows. So they're not using the Golem Cores outside of this demonstration? That is good. Very good. But one of the reasons that they're doing all this is to build... well, basically, magical androids. Among other things. Perhaps a pattern based on Golem-Core wouldn't be such a god-awful idea?

No. No that's just a terrible idea.

    "Unless there were a pattern that could... Spiral this 'fundamental particle' within a particular body of mass. Thus contained, we could disintigrate the mass by some process, and release the energy stored within." Artyom rubs at his chin. "That... How much power could we /get/ out of something like that? And the system does not seem to be... rechargable, as I imagine it presently."

Zwei (596) has posed:
    "You're close!" says Weiss to both Kotone and Pavo simultaneously. "The principle of a lithium ion battery is that the charged lithium ions move to one pole when discharging and back to the other when recharging. The principle we have here is that MP automatically flows to the area of greatest Pattern, like electricity flows to its opposite charge. We can sidestep the entire need for nightmare golem iron by finding a suitably paramagnetic material out of more common monster parts, with the highest conductivity rating that is cost efficient. We can't smash them up inside a tiny battery, but then, what if we already /pre-smashed/ them? Each one would possess a tiny amount of MP without any means to relocate it should something happen to it. Now we've already proved that sufficient energy causes a particle to annihilate rather than to fuse, so what happens if we have a very small circuit accelerating only a single monster 'atom' around a track, carrying a tiny load of MP, and that atom collides with a larger particle, at too little of a speed to annihilate, but too great of a speed to stick? Logic dictates that it would pass on its MP to the Pattern charged 'pole', where it will accumulate, but since this pole can be as arbitrarily small as we choose, enough 'atoms' hitting it will cause it to eventually reach its decay point, discharging its energy into the next greatest Pattern, like say, a computer it's plugged into! Then, the next two 'atoms' in the cycle collide to form a new particle, and the process repeats. None of the particles are annihilated, and they can be freshly recharged with MP any number of times since they have natural MP circuits, with only a tiny amount of electricity needed to power the magnet while in use. Now I bet you're thinking: doesn't this have a glaring downside? You'd have to manufacture each and every battery using monster parts smashed to teeny tiny pieces. Well! Guess what /only/ the Murasame Zaibatsu has access to!" she gestures grandiosely to the synchrotron.

    So it's a monopoly, is it?

Starbound Flotilla has posed:
    Pavo snaps. "I got it! Ye keep a sustained, contained loop, ye get bursts, bursts o' mana particles comin' out! Ye make enough of 'em, ye get a stream, ye make... Kluex damn!" She says, laughing! "Smashes the particle enough to give a constant stream o' the stuff, aye! I'm seein' what ye mean! Avast, me brain's already gushin' with ideas to get Erchius to make this crazier, but shiver me timbers lass, ye might be onto somethin'!"

    "Eager. Manufacturing of a contained magnetic-suspension particle loop is not outside of our abilities." That's Seft speaking up in her synthetic monotone again. "Enthusiastic. Determine your specifications for manufacturing and the Starbound Flotilla will have a crafting apparatus to begin manufacturing of prototypes immediately. We will need control mechanism manufacturing assistance. Miss White, Miss Yamakawa, they can assist in designing the specifications for this. I believe we will have many prototypes ready within 12 hours."

    Moonfin has reacted in the entirely proper way. "Borne by the mad energy of genius and creativity, one finds themselves doing much and sleeping little. Now is the long marathon of the mind. I have coffee." He does, in fact. Several trays full of the stuff. He apparently believes it will be a long night.