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Latest revision as of 02:29, 13 April 2015

Training on the Lake
Date of Scene: 10 April 2015
Location: The Citadel - Field of Trials
Synopsis: Yari and Lute get some training in! Yari practices water-walking ninja hacks.
Cast of Characters: 188, 691

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
Today seems to be training day for Yari Takane. Having holed up in the Citadel's Field of Trials, the woman is wearing a one-piece bathing suit. Not too far off from one that a professional swimmer would wear, it's all practicality and sleekness over showing off her form.

But it does a fairly good job of that by nature. Clingy material tends to. The conjured area seems to be a running track encircled around a deep lake. The ninja wipes her forehead and horns a bit as she ends her run, slowing to a walk until her breathing normalizes. A glance at a stopwatch has a nod. Ten seconds off of her usual time. She's getting better, but not yet close to that Assassin class servant she fought.

Still, it's a minor victory as she seeks to push her body to its limits. Doing a hand-stand, the ninja starts doing upside-down pushups, soon grunting with exertion after about the twentieth rep. As her radio beeps, however, she pauses and stands up. Grabbing a cooler full of Nator-aide, she opens one. The yellow kind, because she's not feeling hip or edgey today.

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute himself took a little bit to get here. Having just woken up, he needed a short bit to get himself together. Get clean, dressed, clean up his hair a bit. Hey, it's training, but he still feels a need to look /good/. Hell, today he's even wearing his normal outfit. Why train in training clothes when your day to day combat is in your street clothes?

     But, as he walks into the Field of Trials, and heads to Yari's location, strutting with his hands in his pockets? He feels a bit overdressed. And surprised that Yari is in a swimsuit. Before he can even say anything, he just ends up standing there for a moment, staring blankly forward at Yari. His mouth, a little opened, caught in a thought.

     It will take him a moment to think of something to say, unless Yari breaks him out of it first.

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
Yari, for her part, doesn't immediately say anything. It's a little embarrassing, and a little flattering at the same time. A cute little blush creeps up her cheeks as she's just so openly watched.

Then her Garlean backbone reasserts itself, and she turns around, and generally just shows off with a slight smirk to her features. She even /winks/ at Lute as she tries to turn on the charm. It might be a little awkward, but she quickly gets into it.

"Hello Logan." She finally offers, arm on her hips, and just smiling now. Her head tilts slightly, tail wiggles, and she laughs.

"I'm glad you approve of my training outfit. So did you want to try a run, or..." She waves a hand at the lake.

"I actually had some training that's a bit out of the ordinary planned."

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute finally brings himself back to reality as Yari starts speaking. And, he smiles a bit. While Yari is awkward with her charm? Lute himself has a strange sort of natural charm to him. He moves the hair out of his face a bit with a hand, fairly casually. Strands of it fall back in front of his eye. And, he moves forward towards Yari. He wraps his arms around her in a tight hug, and embraces her. His lips linger on hers for a bit.

     Once it finally breaks, he smirks rather casually. "Well. Of course I'd approve. You, in that outfit? Really looks great. Though I think a bikini would be more suiting for you."

     Looking towards the lake, he smiles, "Well. I'm find for whatever training you want. I'm up for most anything. Really, you're the expert on this sort of thing, so."

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
Yari's efforts at charm are dashed as she's swept up first into a hug, and then into a kiss! That blush reappears, at least until she finally settles down and returns it with some gusto and agression. Competition seems to run in her blood.

"Think so? But that's not really suitable for training. When I can get you and Sanary together...maybe even bring your wife along...we'll go to the beach."

Then, she nods. "I've been reading a few Confederate manuals, and I'd like to try to make up for my...lack of water based combat."

Then, she closes her eyes, and aether begins to gather at her feet. Then, she steps out onto the lake. Concentration is clear in her face as she walks on the surface.

"You have 'water type' pokemon, yes? I'd like them to make things difficult for me. I've been practicing, but there's no use in a skill like this if I can't use it in adverse conditions."

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute aggressively kisses back. Of course, his hands are all over the place. Seems he is willing to rise to the level of competition. But, as the kiss breaks, he grins.

     "...Well. Water combat. I've actually been practicing at this a lot recently too. Trying to prepare for another attack on the Fleet Daughters, so really? Yeah. Perfect training choice. And though I left her near the entrance..."

     He whistles. Something comes over. An elongated creature of metal, with a mouth. The I-Class Destroyer, Imima. It sort of just hovers along the ground, until it moves into the water. Lute also pulls out two Pokeballs. From one, a Tentacruel is released. From the other? Giratina.

     Also, Lute starts stripping down and removing his clothing.

     Oh thank god, he has a speedo on underneath. He smiles, stretching a bit, "...Also, I've been wearing a swimsuit under my clothes for a while now. So. Yeah, I'm basically ready for water combat whenever now. Let me know when you're ready!"

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
Yari just watches as the I-Class floats along. Her brow rises. She really can't get over the I-class. It's kind of creepy.

She takes a deep breath, however, and nods. Aether flows harder into her feet, and she tries a few jumps, jogs, and generally limbers up.

"Alright. Let's do this." She gets into a guarded stance, arm out defensively before her.

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute smiles, pointing forward. "Imima! FIRE! Giratina, to the air! And, Tentacruel, into the water!"

     The creatures go to work immediately. Giratina flaps its massive wings, and goes skyward. It starts to circle the lake at a decent altitude. Its eyes continue to look down towards Yari, keeping track of her location in the water. The Tentacruel leaps into the lake, diving into the water. Hiding. This is a fairly simple strategy, really. Air superiority, plus underwater Pokemon hidden as a trap.

     Lute himself? He moves to stand on top of Imima. His stance is fairly casual, though it is actually taking him a lot of effort to stay on the Destroyer as it starts moving forward. It starts out fairly simply. Opening its mouth, its cannon is revealed. A shot is fired forward, an explosive round aiming to try and impact straight into Yari.

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
Yari tries to keep Giratina in her peripheral vision, but that's difficult when they're in the air. Thus, most of her attention is on Imima and Lute, all the while keeping her senses open as Tentacruel dips below the water.

Then Imima's mouth opens, and so the ninja does a leap. Kicking up her legs, she manages to evade the initial shot barely, some of her bathing suit singed from the explosive shot. It impacts a tree, and blasts the thing to bits back on the shore.

Then she lands, and wobbles as she shinks up to her ankles only to be bouyed back up by aether. Then she's rushing towards Imima in a zig-zag pattern, trying to aim a flying kick straight for Lute!

Lute (188) has posed:
     Despite the fact that Lute is taking this seriously, despite the fact that he is in the middle of a fight? Lute still has his normal smirk on his face. This sort of thing? He finds thrilling and fun. Combat is something that he basically lives for.

     As Yari comes in, Lute quickly gives orders, "Imima, reverse! Fire again!" But, then Yari leaps forward, just as Imima is beginning to open her mouth. And so, Lute has to deal with it. He isn't the best fighter, or at least, not anymore. But, he still knows some tricks for dealing with kicks. He swings his right arm into a block, trying to push the kick away from his body. He doesn't fully stop the kick, though. Instead, he just redirects it to his side. Not enough force with the block to throw off Yari from her whole 'walking on water' thing.

     He simply shouts, without looking at Giratina, "SWEEP IN AND SLASH!"

     And with that, Giratina flies down, in an arch. As it does so, claws on its wings try to slash at Yari, aiming for her torso. Giratina is also trying to pull Yari away from Lute a bit. Lute has been focusing on formations and battle strategies, and it is one thing he realized: While Imima is best in front, without other Pokemon getting in the way? It's best to keep the opponent at a distance, so she has more time to aim the cannon and fire.

     And, as Lute rights himself up a bit, he moves the hair out of his eye again. Mostly for show, rather than really caring about the hair being out of his eye. Gotta keep casual, even in the middle of battle.

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
Unlike Lute, Yari is all business. Clinical in a fight, that soldier's mask is on tight as she comes in for the kick. Her foot slides off of that blocking arm, and again she's forced to concentrate on the landing. She doesn't even get a second kick off! At least this time she sticks it without bobbing. Already she's breathing hard. Clearly this isn't something that's without effort.

Then down comes Giratina. Yari does an impressive back-bend, those claws slashing not quite as deep as they would have had she remained still. Falling into a roll, she backs off, conveniently putting her nicely in range for Imima's cannon fire. BLAM!

Several hand seals, and a bolt of lightning intercepts the cannon round, only for it to explode in her face. She's sent flying by the blast, landing and floating in the water as she blacks out from the impact for a good ten seconds.

When she comes too woozily, she peers at the oh-so-casual Lute.

"...I can see why you use that. It's effective at messing with your opponent." She'll clearly need a minute, holding her ears from the ringing.

Lute (188) has posed:
     The casual look remains on Lute's face. He simply stretches, casually. And, even as Yari is talking, even as he listens to what she has to say? He speaks, casually, "Imima, fire."

     And, the I-Class opens its mouth again. And Lute goes into lecture mode a bit. He is obviously having quite a bit of fun. He knows this is just training. And yet he's not holding back, at all.

     "Yeah, she's pretty useful. But, honestly, you need more practice. Besides, would you /really/ stop to take a breath during the middle of battle? Hell, it was almost too polite for me to let you get back up. Also, Wrap."

     Whether or not the cannon hits this time? Tentacruel reaches its tentacles up out of the water, trying to bind Yari by her arms and legs. Bits and pieces wrap around her body as well. The limbs are stretched if they're grabbed, as well.

     And Lute just stands there casually for a second, smiling, as Giratina flies overhead.

     He's a lot more hardcore and strict in training than many might think.

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
Yari's no fool, and shaking off her daze, scrambles away from the shot. It misses her by half an inch, singing her skin. Not her most graceful escape, but she's on her feet.

Despite the situation, Yari looks pleased. "...It seems I underestimated you, Logan. Good. No, I wouldn't. Maybe there's a Garlean heart in you after all."

"Of course, that's why we're doing this."

Then she's caught by Tentacruel. Bound up and struggling, she soon stops, and gathers her aether.

Then shoots a bolt of electricity right at herself and Tentacruel, writhing as she tries to shock them both.

Lute (188) has posed:
     The electricity does a fair amount of damage to the Tentacruel, its tentacles and body spasming. Lute pauses, wondering. He knows the Fleet Daughters are basically metal ships in human form. Might they able to be prepare and mimic this tactic? His battles with them keep flowing through his mind. Still, though, he acts, and fast. "Giratina, Shadow Ball. Imima, fire!"

     The moment the Tentacruel lets go, Giratina stops in midair. It opens its mouth, and a massive shadowy ball is fired down towards Yari. Imima does similar, firing another cannon shell.

     And Lute then immediately gives /another/ order.


     And, Imima is starting to rush towards Yari. He's caught on. Once she is hit, she has trouble righting herself, or geting up. That's the weakness in her strategy. And he wants to force Yari to have to adapt.

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
With the pair of cannon fire and shadow ball coming for her, Yari chooses what she hopes is the lesser of two evils. She can't quite evade, and so tosses a kunai at the cannon round, hard. It detonates, and the blast pushes her back. Then she takes the shadow ball to the face, or more accurately, the arm as she blocks it. There's definitely some skin missing after the blast, her arm red, bleeding, and horrible looking. At least the rest of her is alright. But then she has a Destroyer ramming her.

Already woozy after the last strike, Yari thinks fast. She quite simply dives into the water, turning off her aether until Imima and Lute passes over her. Then, concentrating, she turns the aether back to her feet and blasts out of the water in a blurr of gravity and magical powered charging! She'll attempt to carve up Imima and Lute alike with swift slashes of another kunai, this one poisoned. Should it effect either of them, they might find their vision swimming just a bit.

Lute (188) has posed:
     The knife has some trouble cutting Imima, but Lute is cut quite readily. His vision goes blurry, but, he remains focused. Even as the knife cuts his body, his arm goes in, grabbing at Yari's arm. Specifically, aiming for the wrist. Making it harder to stab him, is the goal.

     Still, though. He has a plan. He can win this. And so, as he bleeds, he acts out the plan. Still holding her wrist, he reaches forward. Grabbing her. Trying to embrace and kiss her.

     And then, while she is likely completely surprised? If he managed to get her wrist? He'll pull the wrist at her, trying to make her stab herself with her own knife, in the confusion.

     Yes, he implements his flirtiness into his fighting style.

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
As it turns out, wrestling Yari is actually a decent plan. She's fast, slippery, and agile, but strength isn't her forte when it comes to grappling. Her wrist is caught just as she's getting ready to leap away, and then she's drawn in.

The kiss helps, as it takes her off guard! She wiggles a bit, and tries to bite him a few times, but it's likely of little use. She even wraps her legs around him, squeezing to try to get him to let her go.

Shank! She gets a stab right in the side, and as her vision swims, she uses her tail. She passes out from her own poison in a fit of irony. That tail, however, /does/ keep squeezing as it tries to get at Lute's neck though.

Lute (188) has posed:
     The poison is making Lute a bit drowsy, as well. His Pokemon, for their part? They're honestly annoyed by this turn of events. The Tentacruel and Giratina just quietly move back into their Pokeballs. Imima is less sapient, but still is well trained. And so, she sort of starts drifting back to the shore. With Lute and Yari still on its back, until it just drops them off.

     Even with the tail wrapped around his throat, Lute moves to pull the knife out of Yari's hand, and toss it to the side. He tries to keep Yari supported, so she won't fall into the water. And then once on shore, and once Imima dumps them off, he just sort of lays next to her. He tries to pull at the tail on his throat, so he won't pass out.

     Successful or not at removing the tail, he's going to likely pass out from the poison soon anyways. Plus, sleeping should help heal his wounds. So he simply just leans into Yari. Kissing her again. Cuddling her. Despite the fact that both of them are bleeding quite a bit. And the fact that she's unconcious. He figures she probably /wouldn't/ mind this.

     Though he is aware that she might hurt him for this later if she /does/ mind the fact they're both collapsing to sleep/unconciousness, cuddling, in the Field of Trials, a public training area for Confederate Elites.