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Latest revision as of 18:42, 14 April 2015

Lute and Kari Meet Up
Date of Scene: 14 April 2015
Location: Techno Urbania
Synopsis: Lute and Kari meet for the first time and hang out.
Cast of Characters: 188, 276

Lute (188) has posed:
     It's a pleasant day in Techno Urbania, with the sun shining high and the sky clear of clouds. Lute sits in a park in Techno Urbania, on a bench. And, though it is a 'park', considering where this is, it's far from natural. The grass is artificial, as are the trees in the area. Metal bits stick out of most of the plantlife that /might/ have been natural otherwise. And, for some reason, the park has a large number of rotating metallic discs. It's hard to tell if they serve any purpose, or are just there to make this place look more technological.

     Lute leans back in the bench. He's more or less the same as usual, dressed in casual clothes. But, with the warm weather, he's able to dress a bit more casually than usual. So, he's ditched his T-shirt, and simply wears his labcoat on his top, only partially buttoned. And he feels like a badass for it.

     He looks at the sky, pondering. He doesn't recall if he has met Kari before. So, this will be a new experience. He went on a date with Fuki, but. He isn't sure whether to expect this to go the same way or not. He knows that Fuki appreciated being treated just like any other human, though. ...Will Kari react the same way? Still, he's going to view her as basically human anyways.

     He remains rather calm, though, and just starts staring at the various rotating bits of machinery.

Kari Wolf (276) has posed:
    Park #1701, colloquially known as Enterprise Boulevard Park, is a place where Landscaping Concepts (a wholly owned subsidiary of Wiownu Mega Corporation) tests out the latest in urban landscapes! Which is why everything is artificial, the grass is as soft as microfiber cloth, and the trees are really cell phone transceivers.
    Kari Wolfari hops up onto the back of the bench where Lute is sitting, in her standard Howling armor since it's easier to get around by skating. "Hi Lute! Why aren't you wearing a shirt? The forecast today says the ozone's thin and everybody should be wearing sunscreen, heavy clothing, and sunglasses..."

Lute (188) has posed:
     With Kari's arrival, Lute just smiles. Her question surprises him, but he just shrugs a little, grinning. He's actually gotten incredibly used to non-humans, in a lot of ways. "Well. When the sun is out, it feels warm against your skin. I've got sunscreen on, so it'll protect me from the sun. So, wehn the sun is out, I like the shed a /bit/ more clothing. ...Plus, I like to show off my midriff a bit. Because I work hard at maintaining it."

     He holds out a hand towards Kari, palm flat and facing up. "Hey, hop on. I'll set you on my shoulder, and give you a ride as we walk around. At least if that's okay with you."

Kari Wolf (276) has posed:
    Kari huhs? "Is that why I see cats laying in the sun?" She climbs into Lute's hand.
    "So it's like when Master goes to the beach and wears a bikini because it shows off her hips?" She asks, thinking about Zarenna's recent vacation. The drones come out in tiny flashes of light, keeping an eye out for weirdos that might hassle Lute or Kari. "I slashed that guy's tires." she says consipiratorially. She points out something that resembles a H3 that's parked in a handicap spot without plates or placard. The tires are indeed very flat. And the tail-lights might also have been shattered by tiny fists as well.

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute grins, nodding a bit, "Yeah, it's /exactly/ like that. ...What exactly do your Master's hips look like, though? Can you give me any pictures?" Lute smiles. Yeeees. Bikini season is coming. It's still a bit early, some beaches it might be time already, but. Still!

     But, for the comment on the tires, Lute laughs a bit, "Awesome. Cool. I /really/ appreciate a destructive streak in a woman. ...Man, maybe we should just go around vandalizing things for a while."

     And, this being Lute? Before he sets Kari on his shoulder, he pulls her in. And kisses her on the forehead. Then he'll set her on his shoulder.

Kari Wolf (276) has posed:
    Kari projects a little holographic display of a selfie type picture that Zarenna and Kari took at the beach. It doesn't actually show anything much below the collarbone, but Zarenna has sunglasses on and bright green hair in a pixie cut (except her roots seem to be purple? Hard to tell with the bright light...)
    "We found a beach in a place called Middle Earth and it was really neat! She found this old rotted-out longship and a skull." Photo of a skull with it's dome caved in and bleached white by time and the sun. Then the skeletal remains of some ancient longship washed up on the shore.
    "We could wreck things at the junkyard. The school district thought it'd be a good idea if teenages could get their destructive urges out so they have guest hours where you can actually smash up junk like cars and washing machines and evil shinki-eating vending machines!"

Kari Wolf (276) has posed:
    Kari giggles a bit when Lute kisses her on the forehead. Just like Master used to do!

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute is pleasasntly surprised that Kari takes no offense to the kiss, and in fact giggles at it. This, within Lute's mind, has upgraded this from being just a 'casual meeting' to being a 'date'. He honestly doesn't even think of whether or not Kari thinks of it the same. He just assumes.

     Lute looks at the projection. Hrm. He... might need to meet the Master, one day. He is guessing that she dyes her hair, hence the two colors. "...Cool. Maybe I should take you and her to a beach sometime. Possibly Fuki, too." He ponders a bit, thinking on the future.

     And Lute shrugs, "Junkyard would work, but honestly, I prefer the vandalism I do to have a more personal touch. ...Or we could just wander a bit. I've never really spent much time in Techno Urbania. Know any cool spots around town?"

     And Lute stands, just starting to walk casually, picking a direction at random.

Kari Wolf (276) has posed:
    Kari ohs. "If you can make her take a vacation, she'd probably go. We only went because Santa Claus gave it to her as a Christmas gift!"
    The city takes an unexpected twist as a 'grove' among the tall towers opens up to reveal a paved area with some benches and tables scattered around a fancy holographic light display that changes and might also be some kind of clock or fountain, with food trucks of various types parked here. Not roach coaches, but food trucks that resemble midget hover buses with gourmet food being offered up to the office workers and residents nearby.
    Kari points one out. "That's Mr. Richardsen's food bus. He serves eel and kidney pies, and Yorkshire puddings and meat pasties and crumpets and bis... well, he calls them biscuits but they look like cookies to me..." The bus says 'Pavement Pub' and advertises selling domestic and import beers in addition to various British (or what passes for British in Richardsen's native part of the Multiverse) food.

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute sighs, "I'm glad you two got something from Santa. He never gives me /anything/. But, still, I can probably find /some/ way to make her go on a vacation with me. ...Or at least a date. I mean, hey. I've got you here on a date, right? I can probably manage a date with your Master, too."

     As Lute listens about the Food Buses, he smiles, and explains, "Well, that food bus is based on another country. They use terms differently. So a buscuit is basically a cookie. ...Also, I think 'pants' in the UK means 'underpants', so be careful talking to them."

     He contineus walking, not overly hungry. He just wants to keep going, and learn more about Kari. "...So. How long have you been active? And has it always been the same Master? What's your life been like, overall?"

Kari Wolf (276) has posed:
    Kari listens to Lute. "... I think Master might hit you with a power wrench if she thought we were out on a date..." She comments before listening to Lute's explanation of terminology.
    Kari ehs. "I'm 21 months old and I've only had one Master. I get left at home a lot so all I had to do was watch TV, and then I saw this ad about joining the Confederate Army and so I joined. Because I thought that fighting the Confederate's enemies would impress Master, and then she got upset for awhile about it. Then she built me new armor and she seemed to be less upset about me fighting people. Now I have a new sister that Master and Taro built, and she's named Harriet and she's big and scary!"

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute chuckles a bit, "Hey, I went on a date with Fuki, you know. And her Master was more puzzled by it than mad. So I doubt your Master would think any differently. ...Besides, it wouldn't be the first time I got hit for going on a date. ...Besides, why do you think I kissed you? It was to judge if this was a date or not."

     He keeps walking, listening rather calmly as Kari explains, "Well. It's nice to know the recruitment ads pick up good talent on occasion. I always assumed they were a waste, because it usually just brings in grunts. Glad you decided to serve the Confederacy rather than the Union, though, especially seeing it sounds like it was a whim. ...I'll have to meet Harriet sometime, too."

     He pauses, considering. He's somewhat determined that a good way to judge a Shinki's personality a bit is to ask about their Master. And so, he asks, casually, "What's your Master like, anyways?"

Kari Wolf (276) has posed:
    "Oh no, Master and I lived in a Confederate protectorate at the time." Kari quickly explains, "We moved to Urbania because they don't allow military-grade shinki where she lived before."
    "Master is..." Here, Kari hestitates. "... usually working. But when I was first activated she was around a lot and she did things like read with me, take me out to the parks to meet other shinki and their masters. I think she worries about Harriet and me even though she's never home. I think maybe she really built Harriet to make sure I wasn't alone at the condo so much."

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute smiles, "Well, glad that you're doing your patriotic duty to the Confederacy. I mean, I'm just in it for selfish reasons, myself. Seeking power and wealth, more than anything. ...Hell, before I unified, I wasn't even really the type to join one of the local criminal teams even, but hey. Still fit in very well."

     And then, the talk on the Master. Lute listens to this closely. It surprises him a bit, in several ways. But, already, an image of Kari's life, and her master, are forming in his head. "...Well. I'm sure she cares about you and worries a lot. ...I'm surprised she has to work, though. Your salary as a Confederate should be enough to cover things, I think. What's she do for a living? ...Hey, maybe if possible, I could find some way to help her out, so she can spend more time with you."

     A pause. Considering. He really isn't sure how to put this part, but still, he wants to learn more. "...So, how do you view your Master, and how does she view you? Friends? As her child? As.. something else?"

Kari Wolf (276) has posed:
    The answer as to what Zarenna does is pretty simple. "She works for the Confederacy's R&D department! I think she likes her work, but she has been home a lot more since she built my new armor. Like, a regular schedule instead of coming in really late and leaving really early. Oh... um..."
    Kari thinks for awhile. "I dunno, I guess she sees me as her daughter?" She shrugs.

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute just grins a bit. Daughter relationship, huh? Yes, as per his one track mind, the fact that they don't view eachother as a couple is a bonus for him. Still, though, the main factor here is just getting to know how his allies tick. He works with these people all the time, and having bonds with each of them helps make the whole thing a lot more effective.

     "Well, if she's home more, that's good. But if she's been busy wtih research, she's probably just trying to do everything she can to keep you safe, huh?"

     He keeps walking along, rather casually still. He's pondering a bit more. What else to learn about Kari today? ...Well, once again, he's thinking of this from an alternate angle.

     "You're friends with Fuki, right? How did you two meet? Also, like. Curious what you think of me, so far. Do you /mind/ if I consider this a date?" Yeah, learning about someone through their views of others is a fast way to learn about them.

Kari Wolf (276) has posed:
    Kari looks fairly confused. "I don't know Fuki that well, I don't remember if we've even fought together. Isn't that like me asking you if you're friends with somebody just because you're a human like them?" She ponders aloud.
    Kari ohs. "You're okay! And you can call it a date if I can call it a not-date!" She says cheerfully.
    Here, the walkway goes up and into a very large walkway that's covered with a transparent roof, letting the sunshine in to illuminate the Garden Walkway. Plants and trees are plentiful here, and have the added benefit of being real. It is a relaxing spot, insulated from the noise of the skyway above and the highway below, decorated in sandy browns and concrete colors. Automated roomba-bots keep the place clean of trash and plant debris. There are small fields of well-maintained grass here, where people are reading or having their lunch. Along the long pathway of this highway-wide pedestrian path, one can see a canyon of skyscrapers.

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute stops in the walkway, just for a moment. To stare at Kari. A bit embarrased. "...Sorry. For some reason, I figured the Confederate Shinki would know eachother pretty well. I mean, hell, on the broadband, I hear the Union Shinki talking all the time with eachother in a very familiar manner." Lute is actually faltering a bit here. He realizes that this is a pretty bad social faux paus, to assume that just because they're both of the same 'race', that they know eachother.

     But, he's come to another conclusion. While robotic life has a wide range of ages, Kari seems a lot younger than Fuki, mentally. And so, he chuckles a bit, "Well... I'll consider it a psuedo-date. I mean, you don't seem like you're actually ready to date even. No offense, but you seem a bit young mentally." And with that, he does reach over to pet the top of Kari's head a bit. From what he understands, most Shinki like this a bit.

     He starts walking again. Sighing. He /wanted/ to do vandalism, but really, there are simply far too many people for him to get away with doing any right now. Instead, he just keeps walking, enjoying the scenery.

     "...I'll probably need to take off /fairly/ soon. It's getting close to the time of the day where I need to take my Rancor hunting a bit. Getting them ready for battle, eventually."