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(Rhapsody and Deelel meet with Allo to better establish what can be done to help protect Reptilon.)
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Latest revision as of 17:47, 15 April 2015

AWftF: A Second Start
Date of Scene: 14 April 2015
Location: Reptilon <Rep>
Synopsis: Rhapsody and Deelel meet with Allo to better establish what can be done to help protect Reptilon.
Cast of Characters: Deelel, 325, 724

Allo (724) has posed:
The carrier ship was a lot quieter than it had been for previous visits. Most of the Dinosaucers were planet-side, dealing with the latest in the string of events. Freeport took another beating last night, and while the damage to the city was less this time, the harm done in other regards was much much more.

Teryx was the only one to meet the visitors, and that was partially due to crossing paths as she was seeing to gathering more medical supplies before returning to the surface. Not that it stopped her from helpfully pointing the way out. "He's in the meeting chamber."

The chamber had been set up for a meeting, but now it was as quiet as the rest of the grand ship. The table was scattered with bits of files and data cards, but no one was doing anything with them right now. The chairs were unoccupied, as Allo was standing at the viewports at the other end of the room, staring at Reptilon below and lost in his own thoughts.

The inevitable had happened. Things were only going to go downhill from this point, now...

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    Too many things. Even all the way in Nivix, Rhapsody had gotten at hint at what had happened. There was a fight. Negotiations have clearly failed. Someone died. None of this was good, at -all-. Having thisnews delivered to her earlier in the morning today sent the Izzet into a frenzy, trying to finish their preparations before bringing all the equipment they could to the Lava Dome. Considering all those events? It was time to pay the planet another visit.

    This time, the Guildmaster of the Izzet arrives, seemingly, alone. One never knows if Sidonia is about, but the safe bet is usuallly 'yes'. After encountering Teryx, the dragon starts toward the meeting chamber, hoping that her presence can help. somehow.

Deelel has posed:
Deelel has beena ware of the crisis on this world but has had her hands full with trouble of her on own of the Grid. Still you do not just take from others you also give back maybe she can help a little bit here? So here she was clad not in her normal light suit but the outfit that was born of the events leading up to Afterus it does look like a program tried to make a light suit out of human made material though. She's following along and is clearly taking interest in the palce as she's a bit behind the guild master known as Rhapsody.

Allo (724) has posed:
Teryx remained at the door, and after a moment emitted a soft almost squack-like 'ahem' to get Allo's attention. "Commander, you have some visitors."

Allo actually started for a moment as the sound pulled him from his thoughts. He turned partially to look at the doors, then at the disorganized table, then up to a time display. Finally he turned to walk back to the table proper while rubbing the bridge of his snout with one hand. "I'm sorry, I completely lost track of the time. Thank you Teryx." He jestured towards some of the smaller chairs that had been left at the table from the last time they had off-world visitors. "Have a seat, ladies."

Allo was maintaining his usual collected nature... But it was the composure of a leader tha had been through only the first of very long nights. It was hard, but they had to keep going forward. Stopping would only be losing. Only giving Kakarot what he wanted.

"Sorry about the.. haphazard state of affairs. One of our collaberation meetings was... interrupted. It is good to see you again Guildmaster, Miss Deelel." He paused to pull his own chair out, but didn't sit down just yet. "This is about Lava Dome, I presume."

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    "It's about helping," Rhapsody responds quickly. "I received a news report from Freeport this morning from a few folks I had left behind to keep tabs on things. I heard about the fight and well, I can't imagine things here have gotten better as a result. Allo, there's no more time to deal with beuracrats. I deal with them enough at home. You need -action- and you need it now. So. Ask me for what you need and I will have the Izzet all over it. Just. ASK." It's not an order, but she's insisting. She's clearly had enough of being on the sidelines at this point.

Deelel has posed:
Deelel is taking a moment to get situate her self a bit more. She looks from Allo to his companions. She bows a little bit and moves to sit down for a moment.

"Yes given how Kakarto's army has laid into this world. It's likely going to be a key place to defend."

She looks over to Rhapsody for a moment and thinks

"Still I could provide a little help I'm afraid it's not much but some hardware from the grid would be unexpected to his forces."

Allo (724) has posed:
Despite the stern insistance in Rhapsody's words her response brings a genuine, if subdued, smile to Allo's tired expression. "No, you're absolutely right. This 'truce' has been little more than Kakarot amusing himself watching us scurry, but the governments have sat on it anyways, hoping it would somehow pan out. But this isn't working out their way... So we're going to have to do it our way. So the losses already taken aren't in vain."

With that he settled down in the chair. He'd been standing up way too long as it was, just staring out and dealing with his own thoughts. Now was the time to actuaslly -do- something. "Deelel is right, Lava Dome is still a primary concern... But we'll take any and whatever help you or the Union can offer. Even if both sides of our planet are unified, a full out war is going to stretch us thin. We need the help. They're too stubborn and full of their own ideals to ask for it from 'outsiders'. I haven't seen much of your Multiverse, but I was on our counterpart Earth for several years. I've seen what humans and those like them can accomplish despite their size and relative vulnerability."

Allo paused a moment, shook his head a little to keep from going off on a tangent, and looked back to the others. "I'm not too proud to ask for the help they won't. They can chew my tail out for it -after- Reptilon is safe again."

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    It's only after Allo has clearly made his decision that the Guildmaster takes a seat at the table. "I'd rather ask for forgiveness than sit by and watch a world end," she remarks before folding her arms on the table. "If you ask the Union for help, I'm pretty sure you'll get it. They have come to the aid of Ravnica four times in the past already, I can't imagine they would say no to you."

    After that's said, Rhapsody finally lets a smile lip onto her features. "We just have to figure out HOW the Union will help, that's the big question. If Lava Dome remains the focus, then I'd like to get the defenses set up as soon as possible. Once that's taken care of, we can see about trying to figure out what to do with these 'neo-saiyans'."

Deelel has posed:
Deelel says "It's the primary source of power for this planet. It's also used for other imporant functions as well. Take that and the planet will be crippled at best. At worse it may fall entirely. Look far as the tyrants I seen? Rex is no offence lower on the scale than a lot. If was was past hope? He'd not have set down his weapons to work with you on this right? You have the right attiude on this. Humm a few bits of weapon emplacements won't do much but on the other hand. I wonder how Kakarots cyber security is. You could bring in some union specalists or even hire someone likr Rory White for dealing with it. I might be able to help a bit if there's no native mind to his ship's systems."

She shift herself in the chair a little bit thinking about how might Karkarot act?"

Allo (724) has posed:
"There's no denying that Genghis Rex is a tyrant. But he's a tyrant that at least wants the planet in one piece to rule over. I'm well aware that putting differences aside is out of it being the most convenient means for both our sides, but I'm hardly in a position to know the... what was the human phrase?"

"Strange bedfellows?" Teryx was still standing at the doors. Mainly out of her own concern for how Allo was holding up under all this. He had always been good at hiding how much something tore at him inside. Yet here he was, doing his job, being the leader. Despite how much he hated the position he was constantly thrust into.

"That's it, yes... I swear they were easier to remember when Sarah or David were around to use them."

Teryx smiled a little herself at the mention of their past human allies. The moment was short lived though. "I need to get back to the medic support operations, Allo."

"Please do, Teryx. I'll be planet side as soon as I can be to help." Allo shifted his attention back to the discussion at hand, and back into the seriousness. "That's the other reason I want to ask for help. Your Union operation is more familiar with these 'Sayain' than we are... As well as the Confederacy that is aiding the Tyrannos. I should be asking you for the advice," he admits somewhat tongue-in-cheek. "While Lava Dome will surely be a big target to them, I'm not putting it past them trying to to to other areas what they've done to Freeport, if it can disrupt our infrastructure farther.

A pause, then Allo added with very clear disguist in his voice "Or it entertains Kakarot farther to do so."

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    A wince from Rhapsody, "Yeah, I can't say I've dealt with them much myself, but we've had a few in the Union, fought a few too. They seem to come in a pretty wide variety of 'flavors' Allo. I can't really offer any advice on them myself."

Deelel has posed:
Deelel thinks for a moment and nods to Allo.

"He's rational in that respect and does wish to see his species surive as well. He's not utterly blinded by his desire to rule to not put surival of the species first. Yes it can make it such."

She notes as she looks to Teryx for a moment then back to Allo. the Basic seems to be taking a lot of visual notes of the place.

"Have you considered miss information and an attempt to lure Kakarot or his alites somewhere? Given how I'm having to fight Clu back on the Grid? We can't work directly against him or we'll get slaughtered. We need to think much like that. The Sayains want a straight up fight, we fight Gurrla warfare against them. Hit them with non standard tactics keep them off balance and do not give them the glory of battle they desire."

Allo (724) has posed:
Allo nods a little to Rhapsody. "Of course. I wouldn't expect everyone to know everything about everyone else. But you do have the allies to ask for insight. I understand that you have your own wars to fight as well, but we need your help and we'll take whatever the Union can give us."

Followed by a cock of his head at Deelel. "That is some good insight as well. We need to get to them in ways they won't be ready for. Try and bring the fight to our terms rather than theirs. We do have the home ground advantage if nothing els--" A beep from his comm interrupts him. "--Excuse me." But instead of bothering with keeping it quiet he taps the comm speaker on his chair. "Allo, here."

"We've got a bit of a, uh, situation down here chief." Stego's voice crackles from the radio. "There's near rioting from -both- camps over Brachio's death."

With a groaned sigh Allo hung his head a bit to rub his temples again. "I was afraid of that. Brachio was a celeberty on both sides. The Tyranno Empire may try and make a maytyr out of him... and frankly while I dislike the idea I can't blame them for trying. Try to give our people something to rally behind."

A shake of his head and Allo got up from his chair. "I should get down there. I really don't like being the leader that sits back and gives orders without following them himself."

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
The guildmaster gives a nod, "Go handle it, Allo. I'll see if I can get you some information or some help or... something. One or the other. It'll actually be nice to show the Union i'm -doing- something other than running the Izzet in Ravnica. Gotta earn my keep somehow, right?" ahahahaha ha ha. ha. ha...... yeah.

Allo (724) has posed:
Allo .. actually smiles faintly, an understanding one. "Trust me, I know -that- sentiment all to well. There's members in the government who still think I only have my position via family rather than effort." It's a fleeting moment though. "I wish I could better express my gratitude for the assistance. Rest assured, when this is all over with we'll find some way to return the favor. If you need assistance with bring equipment or supplies to Reptilon, let me know. I can send Stego with his transport so you don't have to deal with ... twitchy native defenses. -Everyone- is extra tense after the last few nights."

Deelel has posed:
Deelel is used to righting bigger badder foes, she pauses as Allo gets called away by something or another. However it seems to be veyr imporant as sh hears about a few other things. Oh dear it doesn't sound good she simply gives him a nod as she says.

"Go, do what you need to do Allo. We'll do what we can to help you where we can. I'm also sorry about the loass as well."