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Lute and Sanary's Naval Training
Date of Scene: 15 April 2015
Location: The Citadel - Field of Trials
Synopsis: Lute teaches Sanary the basics of surfing on a creature's back.
Cast of Characters: 188, Sanary Rondel

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute is already waiting in the Field of Trials for Sanary. He's been training a lot with Yari recently, and so he's been here fairly early most every single day. He's ready for the fighting on the water as well. Though he still has his labcoat on and buttoned slightly, the only other pieces of clothing he is wearing are a black speedo, and a brown belt with his Pokeballs strapped on. So, honestly, he looks quite ridiculously dressed, in a way. But at the same time, he can somewhat pull the look off. Standing next to him is his I-Class Destroyer, the strange metallic ship spirit.

     He's currently standing on a beach, with a large body of water next to him. A place specifically made for ocean training. His hands are casually in his pockets, and he's just waiting around.

     He hasn't noted to Sanary that he wants her to wear a swim suit too, but he just somewhat expects she will. But, if she doesn't bring one? Well. It's the Field of Trials, one can conjure up things for training. And a swimsuit would count.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
    Unfortunately for Lute, Sanary's dressed in what could very well be her least flattering outfit. She approaches the field in a bluish-purple three piece suit, looking more prepared to go to a fancy party than actually fight anything. She's also probably wearing her bindings on underneath that, and she even looks mildly uncomfortable while jogging onto the beach.

    "Hey, Lute. Haven't been waiting too long, have you?" Slowing to a stop, the healer gives him a quick peck on a the cheek before getting a closer look at just what he's wearing.

    "... Uh. So you've been working too, then?" The speedo's definitely drawing some snickers, and she just looks confused by the combination with the lab coat. "I'm pretty sure people wear pants with these..."

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute doesn't notice the snickering. But, for a moment, he just ends up staring straight at Sanary. Because he is trying to hold back snickering as well. Sure, the suit isn't flattering, andhe could probably find her a suit that flatters her more. But. While Lute's own outfit is poorly matched, Sanary's is completely innappropriate for the naval training.

     "...We... We probably should have you switch into something, uh. More appropriate for the water. While it's good to learn to fight in a full outfit eventually, you really need a swimsuit for this."

     And then Lute pauses. A sudden realization washes over him. He facepalms.

     "...And that is not a swimsuit. This is."

     He focuses for a second, using the strange powers of the Field of Trials to conjure up a swimsuit for Yari. It's a black two piece bikini, fit for her sizes. Seconds later, a changing room also appears, so Sanary can have privacy to change. And Lute just sighs a little bit.

     He's so floored by this that he even forgets to kiss Sanary hello. Though he'll realize this fairly soon, most likely.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
    He does have a point. Although Sanary does know the basics of swimming, her real experience in the water only goes as far as moderately deep rivers and wading through them. Jumping ahead to trying to fight in /this/ probably wouldn't be the best idea.

    "Right. Yeah, makes sense. I don't know about the..." She trails off as Lute conjures up the bikini, an eyebrow arching slowly as she takes the thing and looks it over. "This looks like underwear. Weird-feeling, shiny underwear."

    What's she supposed to even do with this? She looks each part of the two piece over several times as she heads into the changing room, inspecting it to try and find any sort of hidden compartments or magic pockets or... Something!

    Or was this just one of Lute's ploys to see her wearing next to nothing? Sanary's convinced that this is probably the case by the time she comes back out in that swimsuit, fidgeting around awkwardly from the exposure of both her body (not bad) and combat scars (pretty bad). "A-are you sure this is right? There's no armor or places to attach an axe to... Is this really how you fight boats?"

Lute (188) has posed:
     Once Sanary is out of the changing room, and acting awkward? He walks forward, rather slowly. Doing his best to look at her face only, with some occasional failings. He moves to wrap his arms around her waist, hug her, and give a short kiss. And then, a smile, and he speaks again. His tone is cheerful, but he is also a bit in 'professor mode'.

     "You're in a bikini, is what it's called. Modern swimwear. It's made to be resistant to water, and not weigh you down. While we will eventually build you up to fighting in normal clothing in the water? For practice, we really /have/ to start you off in something easy to manuever in. I mean, look at me. I've done /some/ training with my full outfit, but still I do most of it in something like this. Sometimes ditching the labcoat. Heck, to start, you probably shouldn't even weild a weapon. Standing on a boat or something while it is moving is a /lot/ harder than it sounds."

     He neglects to mention that swimsuits do come in 'one piece' varieties as well, but. Still. Either way, she'd probably be embarrased. But, letting go of Sanary, he walks over towards Imima, petting her. And he smiles.

     "Since I don't have a boat... We're going to start you off by having to practice standing on Imima's back. She a ship herself, and it'll be good starting practice. We'll take it pretty slowly at first, alright? I know you're excited, but. Gotta start off with the simpel stuff first!"

Sanary Rondel has posed:
    There's a bit of flustered sputtering at the hug and kiss, although Sanary does settle down eventually once she gets a little more used to the idea of this... Bikini?

    "Weird name for this... This, but okay. I guess it'd have to be resistant to water being /this/ size, but... Hmm." She can't really come up with anything to refute any of what he's saying, and the healer does sigh in defeat eventually. "Yeah, it does sounds a lot more different than just standing in the water. Gotta get the basics, then the hard stuff. And.. Who knows. Maybe punching boats'll be good enough"

    Turning to Imima with a laugh, Sanary's expression softens slightly as she approaches the I-Class. She holds her hands towards her first just to give the destroyer a chance to get used to her presence again before even attempting to climb onto her.

    "She's okay with that? I.. Uh. Where do I even put my feet?"

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute shrugs a little bit at the confusion about the bikini, "Well, if you're worried that I'm trying to pull one over on you, you could ask Yari, or any of the other Confederates, about it. Hell, when Yari and I were doing naval training, she was wearing a swimsuit too, so."

     As Imima is approached with the hands out, Imima moves forward just slightly, letting herself be touched. She's quite a terrifying beast, but she still recognizes that Confederates, in general, are part of her Fleet. And Lute walks over, smiling.

     "Well. Let me show you, if you're not sure how."

     He climbs up onto Imima, pulling himself up and then shifting to stand. He's standing much like a surfer. Sideways, wtih feet shifted slightly for more balance. His knees bent. "It's really a /lot/ like any other martial stance. Bend your knees so you have more support, try and find your center of balance. The hardest part is that you need to constantly adjust as your ride moves. If you're on a boat and standing, for example? You'd give whoever is piloting orders, and then have to prepare for them. So say your orders are 'hard turn right', you need to brace your body to prepare for that."

     And, Lute leaps off Imima, rather casually landing on the beach. "Now, don't be surprised if you fall off. Even when it's standing still. It takes a lot of practice. I've had years of practice riding Pokemon, so I'm used to it. This sort of thing can help transfer to /other/ modes of transporation too, like standing on top of a car, or something like that."

Sanary Rondel has posed:
    "Ah, it's not that. I just... Don't get how anyone's supposed to put anything in these." Sanary tugs on the side of the bikini bottom and wiggles it briefly to emphasize the lack of everything. "At least a pocket or hook or... Something, you know?"

    At least she's getting more comfortable with it. Imima appears to be comfortable enough with her presence as well, and the healer backs up to watch Lute climb onto the Destroyer. She pays particular attention to his stance, her brow furrowing slightly as he speaks.

    "So you gotta worry about keeping yourself balanced with someone else moving, but that means... You can also throw your opponents off balance, too." Humming lightly to herself, the gears are starting to turn in Sanary's head as she approaches Imima again, putting a hand on her... Back? Top? Head? On her.

    "If it's like standing on a car, I think I can manage this." There's a confident grin on Sanary's face as she clambers on top of Imima, trying to keep her movements steady to not jar the Destroyer too much. She mimics the surfer stance from earlier, although she does wobble and crouch every now and then to steady herself with her hands. "So does she float over the water or go into it when you do this?"

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute circles Imima and Sanary a bit. Every now and then, he'll use a hand to gently push at Sanary's legs, to help correct her stance a bit. Occasionally, he pushes a bit harder than needed, to see if she can manage to stay up. He's a bit of a harsh teacher, though. So, fairly soon, he's going to push Sanary right into things.

     "Don't worry about pockets too much for now. You'll wear your normal outfit for naval combat eventually. Later we can get you a swimsuit more meant for battle as well, to help work your way up to being able to wear normal clothing in sea battle, one step at a time." And, a thought passes his head. Hrm. "...Also, make sure you switch back into normal clothing when we're done. I mean, I /did/ conjure the swimsuit using the Field of Trial's powers, so..."

     On one of his walk arounds, he leans forward to Imima, giving some minor orders. He's not speaking loud enough for Sanary to hear, though. But, for now, Imima is starting to shift a bit, turning to face towards the ocean a bit more. Lute grins a little bit. This should be fun.

     "As for throwing off your opponent's balance... Yeah, it depends on the opponent though. If you're fighting someone else who is on a boat, throwing them off and knocking them into the water is a /great/ strategy. Most weapons don't work well in water, due to its resistance. Your axe, for example. Imagine how hard it'd be to swing it with a lot of water pushing against you. Best bet is a spear or something. But, remember, there a lot of people out there who don't /need/ something to ride on. And that'd be the eventual goal for you, I hope. Yari is learning to walk on water. IF we can teach you to do that as a backup, and to use the speed of a vehicle to your advantage until you're forced to do otherwise? That'd be ideal. There are also those out there like the Fleet Maidens. They can just casually move along the water as if it were land. Hell, I think they're a lot /better/ on the water, even."

     And, with one final circle around Imima, Lute casually pats Imima on the back. Imima starts to move forward. Slowly at first, but beginning to accelerate. Lute moves alongside until they reach the water, speaking, "Well. She'll go into the water, just like a destroyer should. She's a sea vessel, after all. Only floats above the ground on land."

     And, the moment Imima /does/ enter the water? She starts going at a significantly higher speed, though only in a straight line. Lute is entirely expecting Sanary to fall off at a point, but he is hoping she won't. He's of the mindset of 'run before you can walk', more or less.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
    Treating Imima's topbackhead surface as the top of a car does help significantly as Sanary actually manages to maintain her balance, both with Lute's assistance and despite the curveballs thrown her way. Eventually, after several minutes of wobbling and flailing her arms about just to keep herself from falling off completely, she's even standing upright!

    "THat'll be good. I mean, all I've really got is the axes, but having the extra space is good." She snorts for a moment before breaking into laughter. "Ah, I'll remember to change. If not, I'll just steal your bikini."

    Luckily enough, Sanary doesn't notice that order given to Imima while continuing to focus on balancing herself, even adjusting her feet to face the other direction for a change. "That's actually part of my training. Grab an axe, swing it underwater so I can make my arms stronger. Still really hard, though, so I don't know how much it's actually doing." The thought of walking on water draws an interested hum from the girl. She doesn't say anything about it just yet, though, since standing with her head turned to the left seems to be giving her more trouble than the other way around.

    It's probably the eyepatch. Unluckily for Sanary, that's also the moment when Imima starts to move. "Whoa. Ah. Even when she's sleepi-" And then they hit the water. Sanary's able to keep her feet on for the first few seconds, bending her knees more to try and keep herself balanced on the Destroyer's back. It doesn't last long, obviously, as the speed eventually throws her straight off the back of Imima. She even skips the water once!

Lute (188) has posed:
     With Sanary's fall, Imima floats on back. Lute just shakes his head a little. Oh well. She'll get another shot. But he's still not going to go easy on her. Lute calls out over the water, rather casually, "Get back on! Learning how to deal with the falls is just as important as learning to stay on, if not /more/ important in the long run!"

     He reaches for a Pokeball, opening it, and Tentacruel appears. He climbs onto the back of the Tentacruel, and surfs over to where Imima and Sanary are. Worst case, he /will/ fish her out. But, he also knwos you can't actually /die/ on the Field of Trials. He isn't sure about making Sanary face 'death by drowning' first hand, though. At least, not yet. So, if Sanary has trouble getting up, his Tentacruel will, eventually, scoop her up in the tentacles to place her on Imima.

     For his part? Lute looks very casual riding on the back of a Pokemon. He's been doing this for a long time.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
    Floating comes to Sanary easily enough, at least! There's a bit of initial thrashing from the shock of falling off at such a high speed, but she does steady herself enough to grab hold of imima once she comes back. "Okay. I'm good at falling! This is... Lot faster than a car. I've been on cars and in moving cars, but... Uh. Not on a moving one."

    She lets out an amused laugh before swinging a leg back over the Destroyer and getting back up, adjusting her stance again with her actual eye facing forward this time around.

    "... I know the name. It's K-uh.... Kaelin?" She glances over at Lute and the Tentacruel as they swing on by, crouching for a moment with her hands on Imima's back before giving the I-class a quick pat and standing back up with a determined look on her face. "Ready to go!"

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute chuckles a bit, as Sanary manages to grab ahold of Imima. There is a fond smile on his face. This is actually something about her that reminds him of himself, quite a bit. Being able to get back up after a really hard fall, and dedication to keep trying no matter what.

     "Yeah, they're pretty fast. They have to be. In naval combat, you'll often be fighting other ships. They have large amounts of weaponry designed /specifically/ for hitting opponents at a distance. But, if you can get in close? Most ships aren't made for melee range. It's their big weakness."

     He crosses his arms a bit. His stance is a /lot/ more casual than what he is teaching Sanary, but he's also a lot more used to this. It actually takes a whole lot of work to pretend to be casual, though. But, he knows how important it is to remain calm around your opponents. Throw them off their game.

     The tentacruel, though? It nods a bit, and speaks, "Tentacruel." <...Yeah. It's Kaelin. Thanks for remembering.> Most people don't learn the names of Pokemon, so it actually does in fact cause Kaelin to appreciate it.

     Lute doesn't give Imima orders this time as well. Instead, it just starts to move forward, at a bit slower of a speed. This was part of Lute's instructions. One time /really/ hard, and then slow down a bit. Kaelin moves alongside Imima, with Lute watching Sanary to make sure she's keeping her stance correct. He'll shout out where she has her pose wrong as well.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
    "So what you're saying is... I just need to get in close enough to hack 'em up." Grinning broadly, Sanary's stance becomes significantly more confident as she straightens up more to try and match Lute's. If she can manage that, then fighting can't be that much harder.

    She falls off immediately.

    Round three. She's facing forward with her right eye, crouching slightly lower than her last stance, and looking significantly steadier than before. The healer flashes the Tentacruel a quick grin before focusing on the task in front fo her again, the decrease in speed helping a lot. Granted, she's also being more careful after the first two tumbles.

    "Although if I ever have to fight an actual ship and not one of the Fleet Daughters... Probably gonna need something bigger than an axe." She's definitely finding it easier to balance in such a low stance, although she does try to stand up every now and then to try mimicking Lute again.

    That, of course, leads to more falling.

Lute (188) has posed:
     Since Sanary is doing such a good job at getting back up, Lute isn't helping at all. He's just observing, and smiling. He does shake his head a little, and give one piece of advice, "Reach the casual standing phase later. For now, focus on the surfing style pose. Again, I've had years of practice at riding Pokemon. I don't expect you to get it immediately. Though, yeah, we will sign you up for surfing lessons like Serori suggested. It'd be good practice."

     And then, the talk of Fleet Daughters versus actual ships. At this, Lute just has a hearty laugh. "The Fleet Daughters /are/ actual ships. They can even turn into them. Even in their human forms, though, they have tons of cannons and whatnot. But, if they /do/ turn into a ship? Just leap onto them. It's generally a bad idea if a ship is designed to fire at /itself/."

     He pauses a bit, considering. Once Sanary is up from her next fall, he speaks, "...But. There are probably ways you can fight full out battleships with your axe. It'll take practice, but I've seen people do /insane/ things with weapons. Hell, with practice, you could probably cut a ship straight in half with a single blow. ...I don't know how to do that, though, I just know that there are people who can do it."

Sanary Rondel has posed:
    Sanary lets herself float on her back for a moment to catch her breath. "Heh.. Yeah, it's really... Really different from cars. Lot more swaying here." Climbing back up onto Imima again, she takes that safer stance again before giving the Destroyer another pat to keep going. "Isn't this surfing? Or is that a.. Something else completely?"

    She winces slightly at the mere thought of transforming into a ship, even scratching her arm for a moment just to make sure she's not inadvertently doing that somehow. Nope, still arm. She laughs at the mention of ships shooting themselves, a thoughtful look on her face.

    "Well, you never know. I mean, if you don't want the enemy getting your ship, then self-shooting cannons might not be so bad."

    She goes quiet once Lute starts speaking of cleaving boats with an axe, and even seeing people doing what.. Might have been that? Whatever the case is, it does make her slump just a bit. "I hope so. Mm... Still, what're the odds of that actually happening? I mean, I'm not exactly on the level of Serori or Gaius or... Uh. Hell, a transforming ship girl."

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute shifts on his Tentacruel, taking a seat. He's began to realize that this might take a while. It's easy to forget your earlier days, of not being as skilled. It brings back fond memories at least. "Well. Surfing is done on a board, though this counts, somewhat. Plus, the more practice, the better. Worst case, though, if you end up on a naval mission anytime soon? Try and flag me down to come with you. Because I can help you stay stable for the length of the battle. I have tricks I could use to help. But, the more you can do on your own, the better."

     Once Sanary starts comparing herself to others, though? Lute slides into the water. He swims over to Sanary, and shifts to float next to her. An arm, wrapped around her back, supporting her. He gives a more gentle smile at her, looking her straight in the face. Which he has somewhat been failing to doup until now.

     "Look, you'll reach that point, one day. I started off as one of the /weakest/ Pokemon Trainers. And now, I'm considered a major threat across the whole Multiverse. You'll be able to reach new levels of strength. And you've got a great power already. You're great at forming alliances. You'll keep learning from your school, from the other Confederates, and reach the point where you'll be one of the Multiverse's strongest fighters."

     He moves in for a quick kiss. It's a bit tricky to do while floating, but he manages. Possibly by abusing the special properties of this place to make it easier.

     "Just take it one step at a time, okay? Start small. Start to learn to cut through steel. Then work your way up."

Sanary Rondel has posed:
    "Yeah... That should help, too. I've seen some people take swimming classes at the Academy, but their arms are kinda... Full of water when they do that." Sanary chuckles lightly and glances at her swimsuit. "... And they usually have a lot more coverage than this."

    If she wasn't thinking that something was off with the bikini before, she's definitely thinking it now. Not for long, at least, what with Lute coming into the water with her. She's caught off guard by that momentarily, shifting about in her floating position before just settling back to look him in the eye as well.

    Technically between them, but still. "Mm. I dunno how useful an alliance'll be if it's with the people we're kinda... Directly against, aren't we? And my parents are still pissed, so that's-"

    The kiss comes at a convenient time, defusing what could have been her starting to ramble incoherently. Instead, she just looks flustered and distracted again. "Y.. Yeah. I can manage steel. Wood and iron don't stop me much any more, so steel can't be that much harder."

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute focuses a bit. Suddenly, there is a bit of a shift in the landscape. A small island is forming below Sanary and Lute, pushing them up a little bit. He figures, if they're going to rest? Might as well have some sand to lay on. And, once it forms, he grabs Sanary, and pulls her on top of him. He's actually trying to be comforting right now, more than anything, and his eyes remain entirely on Sanary's own.

     "Alliances with the enemy can be useful, but you have a number of bonds within the Confederacy as well. We need to keep these bonds strong. Use them. A number of people care for you, and I'm sure each one of them is willing to help you reach a new level of strength."

     And, as it is revealed she can cut steel, he smiles, "Well. Cutting steel is a good step. We keep you training, and we can make it so it'll be effortless. ...Maybe I should have you train with Serori sometime. She's pretty tough. I'm sure she has some methods that could /really/ boost your strength."

     And, wrapping his arms tightly around her, holding her as close as possible, Lute moves in for another kiss. A deep, long kiss. He smiles, his breathing slow, as the kiss ends. "...Sanary. I want you as strong as possible. I want you to be one of the strongest warriors in the Multiverse. Because, the stronger you are, the less likely it is I'll lose you to battle. ...The friendships with people in the Union might help with that, at least."

Sanary Rondel has posed:
    The shift in terrain is more jarring to Sanary than it probably should be, and she actually yelps a little at the (relatively) solid ground coming out of nowhere from underneath her. She relaxes once she realizes what's happening, at least, and there's another slow grunt of surprise at being pulled on top of Lute.

    Not that she's complaining or anything. "Heh... Yeah, I /do/ know a lot of people now, huh? Definitely been learning a lot more here than I ever could back home." She chuckles lightly and scratches her cheek. "Although the steel thing is more like just... Denting it over and over until it breaks. Still not strong enough to go right through it yet."

     The kiss is returned eagerly, the healer only momentarily pausing after realizing that they're still technically in the Field of Trials and not actually an island in the middle of the ocean. "I don't plan on dying anytime soon, Lute. If anything.. I should be more worried about /you/." Grinning mischievously, she sits up just enough to move her arms to his wrists, then tries to pin his arms down from there.

    "I don't think I've ever seen you actually swing a weapon around. Have you?"

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute chuckles a bit, "Well. Denting steel is the first step. I... really don't know much on how it works, though. I think that there are a lot of ways to do it. Putting energy into the weapon, understanding how the spirit of metal works, stuff like that. No idea who would be able to manage this stuff."

     And then, Lute's wrists are grabbed, and he is pinned. He fights back some, but it's he's actually having trouble. Despite how much he works out, despite his strength? Sanary is fairly definitely stronger than him, physically. Lute has a lot of Pokemon, a lot of tricks. But, without his Unown boosting him? He's more or less a normal human.

     "...Yeah. Odds are, I'll be the first one to die. It's part of why I want so much power, though. ...I really don't want everyone I care for to lose me. I mean... I love you, Sanary. I love Yari too. I love Miko, and Sarracenia. I don't want to make any of you mourn over my loss."

     And then, the comment on a weapon. He chuckes. "Well. I used to have skills to use weapons. Back when my body's physics worked on the Pokemon-6 stuff. Used swords, and whatnot. I can still manage with the Unown boosting me. Hell, I fought D one on one, in a duel, with a sword, and won. ...But can't quite cut steel, though."

Sanary Rondel has posed:
    "Hmm. I've got a new axe from Souji and Audrey that I haven't had a chance to use yet. I'll bring that next time." Sanary sounds rather excited about that possibility, even hopping in place slightly. "It shoots stuff, but it looks like it could cut through things real good. I just... Don't want to break it or anything."

    A frown crosses her face at Lute's admitted weakness, and she eventually lets go of his wrists to lay on the sand beside him. "Okay... I gotta introduce you to Mike, then. Met him with Kilik the other day, showed me some punching moves. His arms are.. Like... Bigger than my /head/." She laughs. "Between all this training? We're gonna look so weird. But... You know what? We'll be able to protect everyone that way."

    She furrows her brow again at the mention of the Unown, sitting up to give his arm a light poke. "Hmm... That might do, but you might not always have 'em with you. Like... Well, like how your body's physics don't do that now. So you're coming with me to train with Serori, got it?"

Lute (188) has posed:
     "Ehh. Don't worry about breaking it. Axes are meant to be used. But I'm sure it can do some amazing things, if it's from that world. Should be pretty cool, and I'm excited to see it in action."

     But, as Sanary let go, Lute chuckles a little. "Ahh, feel free to pin me down whenever you want. I don't mind. ...But, well. I can only get so strong. I weightlift most every day, train a lot. But still, I can't reach the level of strenght I used to have. Used to be able to reinforce myself with Ki. ...But, the Unown help. And if I /am/ out and about? The Unown are with me. I'm never defenseless."

     He reaches up to grab Sanary, and try and push her over. He's still /fairly/ strong, but still, any attempt to resist him trying to pin her would work. He chuckles a bit, at the mention of training with Serori.

     "I've... actually trained with Serori before, though it's been a while. She's fairly strong. Though, the first time she and I fought, both of us using our full powers against eachother? I won. ...That was a couple years back, though, I think. We're both different now. No idea how it'd go now, especially with my new powerset. Would probably be incredibly close, though, especially if I'm using my Unown."

Sanary Rondel has posed:
    Bringing the axe along next time is something Sanary's clearly looking forward to even after calming herself down. She raises an eyebrow at his suggestion of pinning, a low snicker escaping her moments later. "Perv. Hmm... I've heard that Ki word thrown around a couple of times. At school sometimes, even. Is it just a thing that's common everywhere except in my world?"

    Lute's attempt to push her over goes rather well between catching the healer off guard and not putting up much of a struggle, the same mischievous grin from earlier returning to her face. "Does sound convenient to have a bunch of... Whatever those are on standby all the time, at least. And having a lot of helpers like Imima here must keep things interesting."

    She lets out that quarter-whistle/mostly-blowing noise at Lute recounting his previous fight with Serori. "Reeeeally now? Huh. That... Actually makes me feel better about my odds, then."

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute looks down at Sanary. He moves to just sit on her a bit. He's not trying too hard to pin her at the moment. This is just some mild fun, after all. Pretty soon, the break will be over, and they'll be back to training. At least, for a bit.

     "Ki is fairly common. It's just energy from one's own body. Doesn't really exist in my world, that I know of. Not even in most worlds. ...Though, my world does have rumors of some sort of power that people can manifest, but not sure details. Not quite psychic power, but... Power of their spirit or something? Called Aura, but different than the 'aura' as it related to Elites."

     And, a grin, "Yeah, the Unown are convenient. I'm still practicing with them though. Like, even through our training, I was peeking in on them on occasion. Seeing through their eyes. Didn't see much interesting, but. Helps me get used to having multiple eyes at once."

     And, a grin. "Well. You might not be able to beat Serori yet. But, still. You should be able to hold your own. She has... grown quite a bit since then. So have I. But seriously, part of why I pick her? I know for a fact that she won't hold /anything/ back against you. ...hell, I'm worried I might be going too easy on you, but eh." He shrugs a bit.

     And, a grin, "Buuut. We should start getting back to practice. ...Unless you want to just break now to get ready for class. ...Or if you want to spend some time with me at my home before class begins."

Sanary Rondel has posed:
    "Getting comfortable?" Chuckling again, Sanary gives Lute's side a light pat before trying to roll from side to side slightly just to see what he'll do. Not quickly or all the way to the side to throw him off or anything, but just enough to say if he'd end up teetering or something.

    "Hm. Doesn't sound too different from MP, then. Just a different name. I wonder... What if it's the same thing I've been doing?" She shrugs lightly and crosses her arms behind her head, really getting into the relaxation now. There'd always be time for training afterwards, anyway.

    "having a bunch of flying eyes sounds fun. But... What if one of 'em rolls around while you're looking through it?" She glances around briefly. "Are any of 'em with you now?" She'd probably regret trying to roll it around while Lute was looking through it, but it'd be worth it.

    "Yeah, Serori doesn't sound like the type to do any of /this/. Still, this is good, too." Moving one hand from behind her head to behind Lute's, she pulls herself up to initiate a kiss this time around. "Probably should be practicing since we're here... Although your place doesn't sound too bad right now."

Lute (188) has posed:
     As Sanary shifts, Lute manages to stay fairly stable. It helps that Sanary isn't trying too hard, but he pushes his legs against her to keep her pinned a bit, and he leans forward to grab her shoulders a bit, supporting himself on her. "Yeah, it's /really/ comfortable." He smiles, looking Sanary over a bit. He feels he doesn't need to say more than that.

     "And Ki is different from MP and Magic, but it's similar. Not really the same, but I don't know the full details of why. I know Pokemon, not Ki and Magic. No idea how similar either of those things are to what you use, though."

     And, to the question on the Unown, Lute just gives a sly smile, "Oh, that'd be telling. Seriously, sometimes I like having my little surprises. But I will say that I avoid looking through them if they're spinning. Makes me dizzy. Otherwise, it's /really/ great having lots of eyes all around."

     Lute's quite happy that Sanary started this kiss, and he kisses back, even opening his mouth a little bit for this one. As it breaks, Lute simply just looks content. He says nothing on Serori. Really, it's not his place to talk on his allies. He doesn't like gossping /too/ much. But, he'd likely have to agree, at least a bit.

     "...Yeah. Let's go back to my place. We can have a quick lunch, and then, you know. Hang out for a bit."

     And with that, the ocean begins to dissapear. Lute stands up, and holds a hand out to Sanary, smiling.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
    "Mm... Good enough." That answer was better than him telling her she was uncomfortable or too hard or something, at least. Sanary's definitely not the softest person around even by her own world's standards, but she's not about to think too hard about the physics behind that.

    Plus, physics is hard. "Well, as long as didn't sneak any into the dressing room while-you snuck some in there, didn't you?" A light blush colors her face even with the grin tugging on her lips. "Then again... Doubt I'd be much better. There's a.. Lot of people that come through this place."

    It's definitely not the first time she's thought about it.

    After getting up with Lute's assistance, the healer hurries to the dressing room to change back into her physically-existing suit before the room poofs out of existence. She's even got lunch planned out this time around!

    Lasagna. With too much cheese.