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Enter the Avatar! The Multiverse Express!
Date of Scene: 23 April 2015
Location: The Multiverse Express
Synopsis: Avatar Korra is tapped by the Tower of Fang to go after Orphen and stop him from stealing the Amulet of Infinite Combustion. Kyra accompanies him, having no idea that the Union would be on the opposite side. Yari is there to steal things!
Cast of Characters: Deelel, 437, 513, 626, 691, 703, Corona Arclite, 752

Orphen (703) has posed:
In this part of the Multiverse, it's the middle of the afternoon. A massive gate leads to an incredibly long platform that floats in the middle of the sky, as if it's its own little world. The tracks seem to be separate from the platform, apparently made of some sort of clear crystal, though the Multiverse Express has not yet arrived.

This gives people a chance to read the information that Korra would have shared with them, if they came with her:

A physical packet of information stamped with a red Tower of Fang emblem on the front. The silhouette of a sword with a dragon standing on the hilt, wings spread with its long tail going all the way down the blade

Where: The Multiverse Express
Who: Krylancelo Finrandi aka Orphen

Profile: Orphen is a world renown and highly gifted sorcerer with a talent for many spells, including elemental control. The core component of his spell casting requires the use of his voice. He is also an expert at hand to hand combat and melee weapons, particularly swords. He's around 20 years old and has a somewhat lazy and grumpy disposition. He's unlikely to respond violently to Avatar Korra until she makes her mission clear.

Mission: Enclosed are five tickets to the Multiverse Express, for you and a team if you choose to have one. The Multiverse Express is both a luxury train and a train that carries rare cargo. It spans at least fifty cars and seems to have a magical component.

You will try to make contact with Krylancelo and perhaps find out what his plans are. If this is impossible, then try to reach the artifact before he does. The artifact is the Amulet of Infinite Combustion. Its functions are uncertain, but it's said to be highly dangerous, and is a native artifact to our world.

Do not wear it under any circumstances, nor is Krylancelo to wear it at any time. Returning the amulet to us is a priority over defeating him in combat. But the Multiverse Express goes through multiple gates and multiple worlds, the trip may be extremely volatile. The luxury component is meant for those who can physically handle the trip. We believe that you will be more than capable.

Once we have the artifact, we will research it and then store it somewhere safe. Krylancelo is not capable of doing either of these things safely, so please, trust us.

Thank you.

- Childman Powderfield

Annnd... by the time they're done with that, a strange rainbow energy fills the formerly clear tracks, followed by the train as it pulls into the station. An -insanely- long train, at least 100 cars. There are numerous pure black beings, just... six foot tall, very thin blobs.

There's one for each variety of person. They insist on stretching a tendril and bringing that person to a car for their particular race, never speaking or making sounds. They even insist on taking Korra to a supposed Avatar Car, but they wait for spoken decisions. There are numerous names of races written on each car door in red, as well as multiple cars that say Cargo Car. But none of the race cars, including the Human Car, ever repeat.

That's around when Korra gets a message from Childman on her radio, a recording. It says, "The safest car is the Human Car. Orphen is most likely to have started in that one, so it'll be easiest to track him from there."

Orphen and Kyra apparently got on the train earlier. We'll find out about where they are after everyone has entered and made their decisions!

Korra (752) has posed:
Korra had left Naga behind - and she was beginning to wonder about the wisdom of such things.

There was a point where wonder and excitement at so many new things in the multiverse faded, and things just started looking a little... ... weird. This train might be a prime example of that. Glancing over her shoulder at those who joined her, Korra gives a brilliant smile and a wink, trying to exude the confidence she didn't quite feel. But... it wasn't confidence racing in her heart. Especially as the black blobs appeared, those strange tendrils reaching for them all.

It was a sense of... deja vu, of familiarity, of comfort. This whole thing was a bit... spirit world, after all.

"...I uh... what's that?" she says, biting her lower lip as she glances down the train. "...no - no - I don't want to go to the Avatar car - I think we should go to the spirit car! I mean human car! I mean..." Grasped in a tendril, Korra starts looking a little more panicky.

"The human car for me, please!"

She was pointing with more than a little insistence now.

Orphen (703) has posed:
The Multiverse Express! It's a strange train without any particularly uniform cars, other than the consistantly metallic and modern styled Cargo Cars. The other cars seem almost random, like a patchwork of trains. There's a car covered in plants, with the car itself appearing to be entirely wood. There's another car that seems to be entirely on fire. One seems to be a blue -cat-, but shaped like a train car. The Human Car seems to be modelled after a blue car from the Trans Siberian Express, windows and all. But the whole train, regardless of car, has rainbow wheels that seem to match the tracks, sparking with magic. In fact, any magical being should be able to figure out that the tracks and wheels are made of pure, solid mana.

Corona Arclite has posed:
"That's a heck of a long train." This coming from someone that sees massive trains on an almost daily basis. But those are big heavy neo-steamtrains that usually only tow a few cargo cars at a time, so Corona is still allowed to be a bit impressed. Enough that she doesn't notice the black... people until one of them is prodding her for a race. She ohs, then leans a bit closer to Korra to whisper. "It's a big train, maybe best if we split up, cover more ground, yeah?"

Then back to the... conductor, she guesses. "Well, iffen ya -have- a car for fox like people," she replies with a somewhat toothy grin. See if they even have such a thing.

Deelel has posed:
Deelel had to wonder how she got into this but well what can she do? Deelel would looks odd from the strange set up of her clothing, also the zippers on the baggy cargo pants? Seriously what was up with that? Also the tattoos on her arm which look like a computer circuit. Also her voice might sound a bit off to someone whose new to the multiverse. Even more strange was a mount on the back of her outfit on which a disc of some sort was locked into place.

Deelel had ended up with Korra as Korra asks about the human car as well.

"Human car!"

She didn't want to end up seperated from the rest of the group after all. Also why did it have to be tendrils?!

Annie Sandberg (437) has posed:
     Annie was already on board, seated comfortably in the Android Car. Not knowing about the mission that the others had been sent on, she was excited for her trip across the Multiverse that would bring her to a popular robotics convention. As the train pulled into its latest stop, she looked out the window at those assembled, waving to them with her face pressed against the square window.

Finna (513) has posed:
    "Whoooooooooooooiiiiiiii... there's no chance my own people'd be on this thing. We can't all stick together?" Finna's insistent, but THAT ISN'T TO SAY that she's not gaping and gawking at the incredible variety of cars.

    She once saw a train.

    THIS? This takes the cake. All the cake.

    "But where's it go..." Mutter, mutter.

    She's weird. She is human. She is also Fox. Both are real. She's also a Lunar. Who knows whether they have anything accomodating that.

    Finna'll get very, very worried if they do.

    But while she's with the others...

    "We'll figure this out somehow! The goal doesn't really have me enthused but I wanna see what's going on!"

Orphen (703) has posed:
The black blob person, let's call it a Conductor, starts to gently lead Korra to the Human Car. The Conductor trying to pull Deelel tries to get her into the Data Car, but when she says human, it instead vanishes and the one pulling Korra grows another tendril that reaches for Deelel.

The androids on Annie's car are a wide variety. In fact it seems as if it was simply -guessed- at what counts as an android or not. There are reploids, humanoids, a cyborg or two. It's as if the people packing the passengers was a little confused about the definition. But they're all offered human food by floating Roombas that roughly match the diameter of pizza trays.

One simply has to order and their heads will slide open with a plate of food, then a drink will rise from a circular hole. The android car is pretty futuristic looking in general, with LED lighting, and everything, including the exterior of the car, made of metallic blue panels or, such is the case of the seats, a comfortable soft white plastic.

A Conductor starts to pull Corona to the Kit Car, that is exactly what it says on the door! This is another wooden car, seemingly carved out of a massive tree trunk with the occasional leaf sticking out of a tiny branch here and there. The Kit Car has no benches. Each side of the car is one long bed with a single white sheet, and short wooden gates that separate each for a little privacy.

Serving everyone on the Kit Car is a red haired young woman with brown ears and a puffy brown tail. She serves actual foxes, some foxes with multiple tails, and many of the other varieties here. When Corona arrives, the woman turns to her, away from the people lounging around, some outright sleeping. "Hello! My name is Koto. I assure you that I am -definitely- a fox person, not a youkai cat moonlighting inbetween tournament announcements! Please, let me show you to your seat!"

The Human Car is a pretty standard luxury car. Wood, leather, cushion! The Conductor leads them to a spacious table that even has a nice light above it, before he promptly disappears. They're instead served by a human waiter in a black suit. "Hello, and welcome to the Human Car. How may I serve you?"

Meanwhile, Orphen and Kyra! They're sitting in the -other- car seemingly made completely of plants. The Veggie Car. It's full of potted plants and some trees growing right out of the seats. They're at a rather uncomfortable table with benches covered in lumpy vines. He's leaning his elbows on the table. "It's almost time. I don't... I don't -think- these things can actually see us. So it's a great car to hide out on. We need to get that thing before the Tower of Fang makes their move."

Korra (752) has posed:
"OK!" Korra yells back as the tendril kinda starts carting her off to the human car - and those that chose other cars would hear the voice of the Avatar getting quieter before she was deposited in the same. "Uhm! Yell out if you see him!" she says. Nevermind the logistics of... hearing the others here.

Upon arriving in the Human car, Korra... well, she gives a slightly sheepish wave. "So... uh... anyone see a sorcerous guy run through here? About 20-something, probably looked up to something?" she asks. A beat, and she glances towards Deelel. She... didn't really have any context for robots at all, and Korra, well. If she didn't understand something (and oftentimes, even if she did), a quiet acceptance was her default mode. "So - I'm Korra, by the way. I'm from Republic City, if you know where that is... thank you for coming with me," she says, even if her face was already turning serious, her eyes scanning the crowd.

The waiter in the black suit - Korra turns her smile on him. "So... if you've seen that guy I was talking about, it would be really helpful if we knew where he was, and, also..." A pause. "If you were carrying a deathly artifact - where would you keep it?"

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Being surrounded by vines, incidentally, is one of those multiverse things Kyra's going to have to start getting used to now. She looks around the two of them as she sits at the table across from him, warily. "It's pretty hard to tell just how sentinent plants are until they manage to talk to you anyway...sooo..."

    Kyra leans forward to look her magic teacher in the eye, completely unaware of the Union's role in the pursuit of the 'dangerous sorceror' on behalf of the Tower of Fang. "Which car is it on?"

Deelel has posed:
Deelel was getting pulled to another car thankfully this is changed as the crew listens and she's pulled along with Korra. Soon she's set down with Korra and she looks over to her for a moment.

"Humm I have his image.

"I know of it, I never had a chance to visit it sadly. No problem, and lets see if we can find them now?"

She's scanning the crowd looking for their target humm? Where would they be. She notes quitely to Korra.

"Either on their person or stashed away somewhere...like the cargo car."

Corona Arclite has posed:
Kit Car? Dang, someone dropped the ball on that one. I mean, fox car. Box car. Could of been plenty of set up. Then again, maybe 'fox' was too generic.

Despite the.. weird being towed around by black blob conductors in such a way that she can't even track how many cars they went through to get her to the Kit Car, Corona retains her composure to properly greet the keeper of the car. "Right kindly of ya, ma'am." Polite hat tip and all. A good cowboy always has time to be polite to folks just doing their job.

Also gives her an easy slip into striking up a proper conversation while being shown to a seat. "So I hear this train carries cargo as well, Miss Koto. Anything particular, or is it as," she pauses a moment to glance over her shoulder, "varied as yer passangers?"

Annie Sandberg (437) has posed:
     Annie is very appreciative of the service, and orders some orange juice while she continues looking out the window. There's a bit of commotion as some of the passengers want to go on different cars. The part about being pulled onto the train by black blob things was... strange to say the least, but they seemed to have been gentle about it with her. There was still a long way to go for her, so she considers getting up to explore a bit sometime and see what some of the other cars were like. She hoped they'd be as interesting inside as they looked from the outside.

Orphen (703) has posed:
The waiter, a young caucasian man in his late twenties himself, shakes his head. "I don't know anything about the cargo of the train. Waiters are hired for survivability. But there was a guy with a red headband and some kind of jacket vest, and a young girl who called him Master. They both went through that door." He points forward. The very next car is actually the Android Car. "You're allowed to cross over, but you absoutely should -not- get onto the roof of the train. You'll probably die. And some of the cars have people who, um, eat humans."

"I'm not sure -what- car it's on. One of the Cargo Cars holds magical artifacts, and I heard a rumor that someone was going to break into it. So I'm waiting for that so that I'll know exactly what direction to go in. Things are a little complicated..." Orphen points to the door they came from. "That was the Human Car. But if I've been paying attention every time we stopped, I think we've -gained- cars. So it might not be as safe as I thought to move too much."

"Oohohoho, the cargo..." Koto holds her cheeks, looking suddenly suspicious, as if she's being asked to do something illegal. "Well, you didn't hear it from -me-..." She leans into Corona, whispering, "But I heard each Cargo Car has different things, they just leave them unmarked to discourage thieves! Oh, and it grows and loses cars. Some say that there's more than one Multiverse Express, different routes. But you can never see the others, you always think you're on -one- train!"

She holds her hand out, motioning toward Corona. "Tip... tip..." she whispers, trying to be subtle.

Meanwhile, in one of those Cargo Cars, the magical artifact one, in fact, is where Yari has been stowed away. It looks almost like auction storage. Strange clocks, grates, treasure chests. The place looks like a completely normal cargo area, with metallic floors and walls, and simple lighting. There's a sign next to each door of the area: 'Do Not Touch Anything. Train Will Not Be Responsible For Death. Train Does Not Live In House. Train Cannot Be Sued. Train Transports. Train Does Not Protect. Train Has Warned You. DO NOT TOUCH. TRAIN SEES YOU TOUCHING!'

Orphen (703) has posed:
Meanwhile, the train has begun to move. It doesn't sound like a regular rail, it sounds like there's constant electricity sparking under the floor. But one doesn't actually -feel- the pull of movement. Outside the windows is nothing but sky now, -very- fast moving sky.

Korra (752) has posed:
Watching the waiter as he explains the situation, Korra gives him a grateful nod of the head. "Thank you - he's up to no good, so if you see him again, watch out, okay?" she tells him, glancing over her shoulder towards the others on the human train. "That's a good idea, um... friend," she tells Deelel, giving her a smile too.

"Come on, let's... whoooooooa!"

It was right at that time that the train started going into motion. Korra had excellent balance as a rule, so she kinda just tilts forward with the motion of the thing, her eyes going outside.

"I bet he's going to strike soon, now that we're moving!" she says. It was with boundless energy that she leaps forward, moving to slam open the door indicated by the waiter.

Orphen (703) has posed:
Now that the Android Car door has been swung open, Annie can see Korra! And numerous androids look toward her. One particularly robotic guy has a mouth full of nuts and bolts. He may actually just be a robot.

Finna (513) has posed:
    "Girl, Iiiiii.. THINK... he's asking about food, not magical artifacts and sorcerers." States Finna, whose fox ears can only be seen by people who are looking VERY CLOSELY... or have strong wills. Well, without the latter, even the former won't always help. But they're on high alert and her tail's wagging. "Me, I'm always hungry. What's on the menu?" ... is she planning to EAT while on the move? She... might just be.

    "Survivability's a heck of a trait to be picked for. This is a train like no other!" Finna gives Korra the -weirdest- look.

    But one look into those icy blue eyes and she'll get the feeling Finna's STARING INTO HER SOUL. ... Or maybe nothing quite that severe, but either way...

    EITHER WAY, there's a message in that stare. A message that hits like a hammer to the face through sheer body language. 'Are you trying to tip off your quarry the instant you're aboard?'

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
Yari Takane is here! And has been for a little bit, being one of the first ones on the train. Why? Because she managed to hide away in a cargo box before coming here. Peeking out of the crate she has had as her home for the last hour or so, she steps out and gently closes the top. Despite her method of entry, she's dressed as a passenger. Red dress, snazzy heels and a travel bag are the order of the day.

Once the train is good and rolling, she starts to look over the rather odd warnings. A sentient train with self defense mechanisms...well, it's the Multiverse. She's seen stranger already. Rather than immediately begin looting, she touches her armlet and brings up the aetheric scanner. Starting to scan the area, she'll hunt for potent artifacts...and most importantly, potential signs of magical traps. Her tail, meanwhile sneaks into her bag and pulls out a very necessary piece of ninja equipment.

A crowbar. These crates can be hard to get open.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "Tricky." Kyra scrunches her nose, now wishing that Soan was around for this. He'd no doubt appreciate the challenge of trying to steal something from a multiversal, expanding-contracting train of this variety. "So we're going to hold on and wait for that break-in to happen...and take advantage of whatever commotion it causes, right? 'cause if they're all focusing on this one thief, maybe we can slip in and get what we want." There is a pause and a paranoid look comes over her. "Wait, what if this thief is actually with the Tower of Fang? Would they hire someone to steal their own artifact?"

    Kyra frowns as she hears a door slamming and looks beyond her Master to the door to the Veggie Car that faces the door to the Human Car. "...hey, uh, did you hear something?"

Deelel has posed:
Deelel listen to the man for a moment and thinks for a moment. She nods at the information which is useful after all. That should be of use right? She makes note of it and she gets why people are seperated on the train it's enviormental factors and such right? She looks to Korra thinking abotu the information they said.

"Makes sense."

DEelel sighs a bit anf follos along after Korra and she notes

"Right but keep alert about the make up of the passengers on the train."

Annie Sandberg (437) has posed:
     Annie looks up toward Korra with a big smile as she enters the car. "Hi!" she says, glad to have a visitor from elsewhere. A lot of the other androids were... not very much fun to talk to, she'd discovered. But Korra looked to be a human of some kind.

Orphen (703) has posed:
The waiter suddenly reaches into his blazer, then pulls out a menu that's a single page, holding it out to Finna. "A Psychic Menu. The diet of humans is far too complex to create a single menu, so the Psychic Menu measures your psychological expectations of a restaurant menu and offers a total of twenty items."

In Yari's Cargo Car, there are no traps, but this place is -full- of magic. The floor is magic, the walls are magic, whatever is in the boxes and treasure chests have some particularly strong magic. The clocks are magic!

"Of course they'd hire someone to steal their own artifact. I'm counting on it. I don't expect them to leave their world, they're worried about being attacked and they'll keep their best sorcerers at the Tower itself. But they won't send anyone without experience either. So they're most likely to hire someone off-world." Orphen groans and pulls his legs up onto the table, sitting back as he tries to get comfortable. "We should have stayed on the Human Car, with food."

Meanwhile, the windows suddenly shift as the train moves -directly- through a gate. They're suddenly in the middle of Space, with sparkles and bright clouds everywhere, and not a planet or stop in sight!

Orphen (703) has posed:
One of the androids sitting in the corner starts to rapidly tap at its table, staring at Korra, his mouth practically foaming as he watches her. He looks mostly human, but he has metallic teeth and green geometrical lines in his skin. He seems as if he's trying his best to exercise self-control.

Corona Arclite has posed:
Corona Arclite's ears twitch, mostly because she -can't- hear the sort of click-clack and chugging machinery she's accustomed to on a train, nor feel a familiar lurch of motion as it starts moving. But there's that electrical sound, and that helps keep her from getting her hackles up. Just a very sophisticated train.

She's about to spin some about working for a place that deals in a lot of cargo and might be interested in the Express (which wouldn't even be a lie!) as a reason for her question, but she pauses at Koto's change in demeanor. She even gives an eyebrow raise for measure. Changing cars like that, that would be something else. "Would be useful for gettin' stuff multiple places at once..."

It takes her a moment to realize what Koto is gesturing for, and flusters a bit as she lowers her voice. ".. Oh rawght, sorry, got distracted by the view..." She fishes some coins out of a belt pouch and passes them to Koto.

Gold coins. Really. Brimsteel still uses coins minted of actual gold and silver.

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
With no magical traps, and despite the warning bells going off in her (perhaps paranoid) head, Yari walks over to the most powerful feeling treasure chest she can find. Pausing, she kneels, and takes out a pair of lockpicks. From there she'll start to try to fiddle open the lock with them, relying on her ninja security training.

Should that fail? She'll instead go the route of brute force, wielding that crowbar to physically wrench open the chest. Stubborn this lizardess most certainly is! All the while, she occasionally glances around her, senses keened for intruders and keeping her armlet running to trace moving magical signatures: i.e., people.

Korra (752) has posed:
Stepping quickly into the Android car, Korra steps to one side, and allows Deelel to follow in after her.

It was about this time that the hairs on Korra's neck stand up a bit, the Avatar glancing back into the human car... and landing on Finna. Lips pursed, blue eyes bright and wide, Korra blinks at the Lunar Exalt at that stare, feeling that... well. It was a bit like the stares she used to get from her mother, when Korra didn't realize it was Wrong to earthbend a bully into a snowbank. Or waterbend a bucket of water so she could reach the chocolates her mother stored in a high place.

Korra feels heat in her cheeks, and she glances forward into the Android car again, when she... notices the stare of the robot. "I um..." A pause. "...which way to the cargo car?" she asks the android - and the car in general, her eyes going between everyone. And landing on Annie, too.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "So instead it'd be up to us to intercept the artifact-carrying thief!" Kyra slams a fist into an open palm. "From an extraversal thief! Uh. Extraversal to you since the Tower won't do their own dirty work." Kyra stands up at this point and walks from the table down to the door to the car. "Well if you don't like it in here, we could always go back, right? To the human car that is." Speaking of, though, Kyra pauses to listen at the Veggie Car door for any signs of suspicious noises. "Hey Master, I swear I heard something loud in the direction of the Human Car. Sounded like something banging?"

Finna (513) has posed:
    "Oooooh!" Among the things showing up on Finna's menu... several kinds of fish dishes, pizza, steak... yeah LOTS of meat. Lots and lots of meat-centric dishes except for the pizza... which seems to be the only thing of a 'modern nature.'

    But before she can place her order... "Ah..." Looks like Korra's on the move. "Might have to put that off... right to the chase?" The last bit's mutered. UNHAPPY, but oh well. She can always come back later. Maybe?

    Siiigh. "Lead on, then!"

Orphen (703) has posed:
Koto takes her coins and coins them, her eyes practically full of dollar signs. "Mrrrow, thanks! You know this job doesn't even have benefits?! I get a bag of coal with every check in the mail!"

Yari's lockpicking is successful, and she finds that there's a single amulet sitting on top of gold coins. The coins themselves register as magical, but the amulet stands out. It has a chain of thin gold links, which are attached to an orange sphere that seems to house a single yellow flame.

That's when every single car on the entire train hears a booming, incredibly deep voice, "THE RULES OF TRAIN ARE BEING BROKEN. TRAIN WARNED. TRAIN SAID DO NOT TOUCH. YOU HAVE TOUCHED! CARGO CARS ARE SACRED. FREE TICKETS FOR ALL WHO CAPTURE THIEF! TRAIN TURN ON CENTRAL AIR AS MOTIVATION!" That's when everyone on every car, where such a thing is advisable, can feel a cool breeze.

This is about when the Conductors appear, though they're see through now. One can easily walk through them. They all seem to be walking in a single direction, as if to offer a guide to the Cargo Car. This will mean walking through more cars.

Orphen stands, looking from left to right. "Yeah, uh... let's go back to the Human Car first. It might not be a good idea to immediately meet the thief." He decides this as he stands, then takes Kyra's hand. He walks in the opposite direction of the Conductors, swinging the door open to find... The Rhylian Car. This car is damp, brown with dirt, and incredibly musky. It's full of gigantic 6 foot cockroaches who all sit at their tables, hunched over and hissing, eating piles of garbage. They seem to completely ignore the existence of Kyra and Orphen. "Yeah, let's... let's just keep going."

Corona Arclite has posed:
Corona Arclite tsks. "Someone should have a talk with the management 'bout tha--" And then there's one hell of a loud, yelling alarm. Not very discrete, that one... did it just say 'the train' like the train itself was talking about itself? Honestly, that wouldn't surprise her at this point.

She doffs her hat again to Koto briefly. "Pardon me miss, but that's the call to duty. Y'all might.. wanna stay clear of the cargo cars, sounds like it might get messy."

With that done Corona returns the hat to her head and turns to hurry to the next car. And try to figure out just where she's going.

Orphen (703) has posed:
Yari can go either way!

The car toward the direction of the Human Car says Her Car. The one in the opposite side says Data Car.

Annie Sandberg (437) has posed:
Annie's about to answer that she thought she'd seen something like that a few cars back, when the train itself offers a better form of directions than she could give. "A thief? Wow, I hope they're not too dangerous. Maybe I'll go see what's going on. I mean... free tickets would be fun!" she suggests.

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
That amulet is taken without a second's thought. Stuffed into her travel bag, she lumps it in with the tommy gun and crowbar she brought. Yari's heart darn near rips out of her chest from frighten when that alarm goes off. The subsequent cool breeze does a little bit to calm her, however. Central air systems are /awesome/.

Gently closing the treasure chest, she takes a deep calming breath. With a mask of neutrality on her face, she lights up her black and red pipe, then looks to her choices of cars. Despite not really trusting the train, she's far more human than data, and so takes a quick glance to ensure no one's currently about to burst through the door. Then the well-dressed ninja nonchalantly walks through the door, looking as calm as you please despite her heart still pounding. She tries to do so swiftly enough without looking unnatural.

She'll also make sure she has her train tickets on hand, just in case she runs into a Conductor. It was smart to get tickets under an assumed name.

Korra (752) has posed:
A handful of moments, and Korra stares back at the weird android that was eyeing her as soon as she had entered the car. "Eyes the other way, buddy!" she says to him, pointing two fingers at her own eyes - before pointing those same fingers at the android. Creeeepy.

Glancing back towards Finna, Korra looks between her and Deelel. "We're too late!"

Dashing forward then, Korra follows the blobs of conductors, ducking around them - or through them in one case. "Sorry! Excuse me!" she says, hoping that the other two were keeping up. Smashing open the door, Korra runs through this car, hardly taking a moment to glance around at the... stark light and dusty floors of the Mummy room, its accompants wrapped in bandages. Well, except for the one nervous-looking woman holding a six-year old in her arms, looking at the bandage-wrapped zombie that was attempting to smile at her.

Through another car, dark as night - then another, then another. But would she reach the cargo car in time?!

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Kyra looks up at the announcement, a little startled. This is the first time she's ridden this train too. "Wow, I should have guessed that an elaborate train like this would have ome kind of elaborate security system on the cargo cars! But air conditioning as incentive, that's a little weird."

    At Orphen's plan, she nods before getting pulled along into a very smelly car filled with giant cockroaches. On instinct, as she does when confronted by giant insects, she reaches for one of her guns. When none of them get up to attack, she relaxes, pulls out her phone, and takes a picture of the scene.

    "...yeaaaaah, let's keep going."

Finna (513) has posed:
    "Not too late! We don't know if the one who grabbed it is the right person... and where exactly are they going to run to?" She points out the nearest window. "They're on the train-- oh for..." With Korra rushing off, Finna decides to shapeshift. Her whole body scrunches down into a much smaller size, clothes becoming fur and... WHOOOOSH!

    The fox is off. She has no trouble keeping up in the corridors, her small size making manuevering VERY easy.

    But the Mummy car slows her down, if briefly. She glances around, shakes her head... and onwards!

Orphen (703) has posed:
When Corona heads to the next car, the door says Botein Car. It's all similar beings with thin, frail looking brown bodies, all sitting perfectly still. At least until one of them suddenly turns its head to look at her. Its eyes and mouth are creepy and not particularly perfect circles, seeming like bottomless pits. All she hears is a strange tongue click from the mouth hole, and it doesn't move its head even an inch until she moves past it a few feet. Then a few more turn their heads, with their own tongue clicks, and then they go quiet and stay there, frozen.

Unfortunately for Yari, as she chooses to go through Her Car, the car seems to be a very simple train car. not fancy, just a classic old timey wooden car with cushions on the benches and such. Through the windows she can see that they've stopped on top of a massive star. Though the windows seem to protect them from the heat and any blinding brightness. There are strange energy beings who likely enter their own personal car, before the train immediately starts up again. The door does not open for anyone who could not survive on a star.

At the back of Her Car, Yari will see a single female figure sitting on the train. White dress, long black hair, not moving at all. Safe?! The Conductors do not enter this car.

Soon Korra finds herself in the Rimmerworld Car, where all of the men are the same man and constantly sing a song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fWWE-2SWIBQ

Beyond that, they enter the Rhylian Car, standing opposite of Orphen and Kyra. Orpnen's eyes widen when he spots Korra. "I'd be careful in this car if I were you." he warns her. But he very clearly matches the description of the target. He even has a girl with him, Kyra!

Corona Arclite has posed:
This train really did have a lot of different people on it.

Some more creepy than other... yeah....

"And I thought the zombie cyborg gunslingers back home were bad," Corona murmurs under her breath. And makes sure to get very quickly though that car.

Time to NOPE on out of here to the next car the Conductors are going to.

Deelel has posed:
Deelel has kept up with Korra and the strange sights of the various other cars. It's quite the head trip and she passes through the Rimmerworld car in short order. She long has assumed material space is just /insane, helping to make a universe had just helped to affirm that thought. This train does it even some more and now they are facing down Orphen and Kyra?

Deelel seems to know Kyra and she just /string at her./

"Greeting Kyra."

She does see things match up and now she's starting to wonder what's really up here.

Annie Sandberg (437) has posed:
    Annie follows the others, looking around with some interest at the various creatures in the other cars, rushing quickly past the ones that seemed a bit menacing. At last, they'd stopped. She wasn't quite sure why- it didn't look like either of these were the thief they'd been instructed to find. "Um, hello," she says, peeking out from behind the rest of the group.

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
Yari pauses as she gets to see /star people/. Even with the absurdly creepy lady in the room, she can't help but admire the beauty of these strange star-people, the celestial body that her people have yet to touch. She smiles just a bit at the sight.

Then turns back to the single occupant. She dips into a half bow even as the hairs on the back of her neck go up. Something feels /off/ here. She'll glance down at her armlet, trying to get a discrete magical readout of the woman.

"...Oh. Excuse me, I thought this was the lizard car. I'll be on my way, Miss." Then, even though her muscles are coiled and ready to pounce like a cat in hiding, she starts slowly walking towards the door to the next car in line. She makes a mental note of where her kunai and bombs are hidden, just in case. Her eyes never leave the oddly silent woman.

Korra (752) has posed:
We... won't talk about Rimmerworld car. Needless to say, Korra left that car wide-eyed, however, and almost visibly shaken.

Casting a look back over her shoulder at the others that were following her? Where did Finna go? She seemed to be gone - and there was a fox there now! And Annie! "Uh... hello!" she tells the robo. Korra gives both a sharp smile, before turning her eyes towards Orphen, taking a step firmly forward into...

Wuuufuuu, that stench. Korra lifts up a hand to cover her nose briefly, glancing first towards the cockroaches, then towards the sight of Orphen and his companion. "In the name of the Union...!" she says, dropping the hand away from her nose to point towards Orphen. "Drop the artifact and come with us, Krylancelo!"

Finna (513) has posed:
    From a car full of STRANGE SINGING PEOPLE To... giant cockroaches...

    Finn would ask if she wasn't actually in the Wyld, but she'd know if she was. It's still creepy enough to get her jumpy and on edge.

    But she steps gingerly through the ROACH COACH, navigating around feet and following a particularly familiar scent.. if just arely.

    That's why, very soon, Kyra might feel like her head's gotten heavier - no, something's ON her head.

    A fox with white fur's balancing on Kyra's head, having jumped up from behind.

    Somehow without messing up her hair.

    Somehow without falling off...

    The vixen just leeeeaaaans forward to show upside-down fox face right in the middle of Kyra's vision, and chirps a wordless question best described as 'buh?'

Orphen (703) has posed:
Corona actually opens the door to Her Car. From one creepfest to another. Just in time to face Yari, the thief! But who knows if she is the thief?!

"THAT IS THE THIEF, TRAIN SEES ALL!" is suddenly shouted into Her Car. Which seems to trigger the girl as he hands slam down into her table almost like a tape fast forwarded. Her arms are green, nails chipped, and she begins to emit a growl like some sort of cat. Otherwise, she makes no more movements... yet.

"Krylancelo?" Orphen asks as Korra addresses him in -that- name. He almost immediately frowns. "I guess you're who the Tower duped into coming after me. Do you know what these people do? They have a monopoly on magic, they research dangerous things that they shouldn't be poking at. And when their students suffer, when their students need their help..." He face twists, and he slams his fist against a table, which gains a sudden hiss from the cockroach. "A thief has already stolen something, I was going to use it as a smokescreen to take the artifact. I am not going to let you stop me. So make your decision now. Kyra, stay behind me. They wouldn't choose someone who couldn't match me."

Corona Arclite has posed:
Corona Arclite nearly runs smack dab into the horned woman. Which causes her to take pause a moment as she steps back again, tail fwishing to keep her balance. "... Well that's the tallest kobold I've evah seen." Though that Yari doesn't match the occupants of the creepy ass room is one thing.

When THE TRAIN so helpfully points it out, that's another.

"Okay thare missy," Corona holds up one gloved hand. "Why doncha just give back whatever it is ya snatched and no body's gotta get hurt."

Naturally the other hand is reaching for her holster, having been through enough train hijackings to know how often they don't listen to reason.

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
Yari doesn't move her eyes from the growling Creepy Lady, or Corona when she enters. But when that train rats her out, there's almost palpable waves of anger directed at its metal walls. One part of her is impressed. The rest is just angry.

It seems subtlety right at this moment isn't called for. Tossing her bag to her tail, Yari flicks her hand and a poisoned kunai appears. She'll look first at the Creepy Woman, then Corona, backing up to the middle of the car with curious ninja speed. There's likely afterimages from her sudden rush. She doesn't like her positioning, but in a place like this, there's little she can do.

"I'm not a kobold, Ma'am." She starts, voice even and professional.

"And I'd rather not hurt anyone myself. I can't give this back I'm afraid. Step aside, ladies. I don't exactly have much time here to waste." Polite for a train robber, this one. Her feet widen just a touch.

Otherwise, she doesn't make the first move, warily watching the pair.

Korra (752) has posed:
And Korra takes a moment, takes a moment to pause - to hold her hands in front of herself, the woman assuming a martial stance, one foot forward - knees bent, her other hand curled into a fist and held at her side. It was a very Earth stance - one that might remind people of Toph's own style - if they had seen such a thing. Although Toph... kinda evolved it into her own style at this point.

Narrowing her eyes upon Orphen - it was perhaps obvious that the Avatar had wanted - wanted a black and white villain to fight against here, and the woman purses her lips.

"If you're not the thief," says Korra slowly. "...you're also not taking the artifact, either - it's coming with me, alright?" she says, her foreward reaching hand twisting further into a fist. One thing about this train, too...

Well, Korra's mind starts flashing, sparing a glance for the cockroaches. Not a lot of water or earth to bend.

...there was a lot of air, but let's not talk about that either right now.

Corona Arclite has posed:
"Apologizes 'bout the race confusion, ma'am." If nothing else Corona is courteous enough to apologize for the mix-up. "But that don't change that ya got somethin' that ain't yers, and the operation wants it back."

But instead the lizard-lady backs away in a flash. Not a surprise at all. Even though she doesn't really have anywhere to go? She's either crazy... or she has a back-up plan. Possibly both. "Didn't wanna hurt ya, but."

Like a proper gunslinger Corona quick draws the gun from its holster and fires at Yari!

With grease. Clingy, slippery grease, hard to stand up on or hold things grease from her liquid dispenser gun.

She did say she didn't want to have to hurt her, after all.

Annie Sandberg (437) has posed:
     Annie just watches for a bit. Right now it didn't look like anyone was really in too much danger right now. There was still room for this to be resolved peacefully, which is definitely what Annie would prefer. "So, um... what's so important aout the thing you're looking for?" she asks, feeling out of the loop regarding the backstory.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Look away for just ONE SECOND and suddenly Orphen is being cornered by Korra on behalf of the Tower of Fang. There's no recognition of Korra, whom Kyra has actually never met before, but Korra's words and Orphen's reaction make it clear that she's probably here with the Tower of Fang. "-whoah now!" She moves to stand next to Orphen, even though he's telling her to get behind him.

    "I dunno, Orphen, if we both take her then I don't think you'd have to worry about her for long-" she pauses, then stares at Deelel. "...what the hell are you doing here, Dee?" She teeters suddenly, feeling her balance off before noticing the animal on her head. Or more specifically, she notices the fox on her head when she peers over into her face, upside-down.

    Instinctively, Kyra reaches for the shape-changed Finna with both hands to pluck her off her head. "Ummm..."

Orphen (703) has posed:
"No, I'm taking the artifact. I'm not letting the Tower of Fang have it, and I don't even know who you are." Orphen looks back at Kyra, then notices the door. It says Her Car. "The cars changed. Get ready to run, Kyra. We can't fight in this car, those creepy things might get hurt." he says, right before that booming voice says in -both- cars this time.

"TRAIN HAS RE-ARRANGED CARS, THIEF IN NEXT CAR, CATCH THIEF GET TICKETS!" With that said, Orphen holds his hand out toward Korra, suddenly saying, "I Call Thee, Element of Fire!" and launches a small fireball right at her, before heading to the door just in time to open it and see...

Creepy girl in white bursting by Corona when she smells that opening and hears the commotion. It all disturbs her, and she starts to scream. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!" at high pitches. Her hair is going wild, her face twisted, eyes black. She tears through cockroach people, who seem entirely indifferent to the deaths of their species. She just jumps to one after another.

Deelel has posed:
Deelel listens for a moment and wonders about this she thinks about this for a moment but can she take the word of this guy whom she knows very little about? She's seen what dooms day items left about /can/ do. She knows this well but the possiblity someone's trying to play the Union is also something to take into account. Deelel is looking at Kyra nad makes no grab for anything, Kyra would know what seemingly innocent looking items on Deelel's person are weapons. This is also quite ahem the mess she's fallen into at this point.

"Might I suggest we attempt talking this out? There are people I know who could help to verify your claims, sir."


"They came to the union for help, in containing this item."

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
There's a slight nod, and her bag-holding tail flicks dismissively. "Not the worst I've been called."

If anything, she grows more weary. Corona draws, and that quickdraw is faster even than Yari imagined! She doesn't even have time to get a handseal off, instead chucking her kunai right at Corona! Specifically, the foxgirl's gun arm, right towards the shoulder. Should it hit, if she has no resistance to poisons, Corona might note just how much it /doesn't/ hurt. The poison on the weapon isn't lethal, but rather numbing! Enough so that with a little time and luck it might make her arm sluggish. But at least it doesn't hurt, in all likelyhood.

The greasy blast has Yari leaping /upwards/ and flipping around. But it's not good enough! Her right leg gets caught in the blast, and her resulting kick-off back to the ground has her tumbling and tripping, only to end in a roll. She manages to step out of her heels in the process, leaving her leg soaked but her bare feet free. But it does mean she's relatively open to Corona, and possibly Creepy Woman! She's going for something round and distinctly grenade-like, a pin falling out as she tosses it towards the pair! It's a smokebomb, and the wild toss she gives it sends it careening for Corona, as the Creepy Woman goes tearing off towards cockroach car.

Yari isn't getting in the way, that's for darn sure.

Korra (752) has posed:
The fireball arcs towards Korra, and in a matter of moments, her stance changes. Gone was the horse stance of before. Korra stands up straighter, her ponytails drifting with the motion. Firebending was a short, efficient sort of style - at least, Korra thought of it as such in the back of her mind. Very direct. Very quick.

The fireball strikes Korra, and Korra pushes her hands forward, palms together - and the fire... bends around the avatar. Pulling her arms quickly back, the flames follow her fingers, Korra making a long circular motion around her body, the fire burning in the darkness. And in that moment, a little grin touches her lips.

But two things cause her to hesitate from twisting the fire right back at him. Well - three. One was the way he spoke. Two was the fact that the cute fox was over there now, and three...

Three was the woman setting herself on the cockroaches. Korra's lips purse tighter, and she levels her gaze on Orphen proper. "The amulet needs to come with me," says Korra, her tone of voice low - almost pleading now. Spinning around, her hands - both of them - draw near her feet, a fireball dancing near her foot.

With a snap of her kick, she sends the fireball arcing towards the woman in white. "Hey you! Stop that right now!"

Corona Arclite has posed:
Corona Arclite yelps as the kunai catchs her upper arm. But then she's also distracted by the Creepy Girl running out. "Hey don't just go runnin' off, there's other bandits out the--" Corona pauses in warning the strange girl about running off when she sees her fly off at the cockroachs. "--Sunnova!" So much for being nice and not scatterblasting the entire car with her shotgun.

She turns to shoot the spraygun to disable the Creepy Girl as well, but her arm is already feeling heavy from the poison, making it unsteady. Then smokebombs!

Cussing, Corona staggers to the side a bit, fumbling with her good hand to get her goggles on and neckerchief up over her mouth. It'd be quicker if she wasn't trying to do it one handed. THANKS NINJA. She's not out of the fiasco but it's going to take her a moment to reorient.

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
Yari isn't about to let this opportunity pass by, as her smoke bomb and poison proves useful. There's a veritable breeze that passes by the fumbling Corona, speeding past her and bursting through the door to the next car! Like a proper jerk ninja, she'll even aim a passing sweeping kick to poor Corona's legs, aiming to knock her off her feet so that she can't pursue!

And given the carnage Creepy Girl is likely leaving behind, the red-dress bandit will try to give the woman a large berth. That bag is still in her tail's grasp as she ducks into the next car! The lizard-tailed woman does pause, looking for her compatriot...and for the woman who spoke over the radio.

Annie Sandberg (437) has posed:
     Annie is quite shocked by the appearance of the Creepy Woman, echoing her own scream and jumping away to briefly hide under one of the seats. "...So much for a peaceful resolution," she says sadly, regaining her composure as it seems the direct threat to her has passed. "I don't know what to do now." Even if she wanted to fight, which she didn't, there wasn't really a whole lot of room to maneuver in a train. She'd try helping the cockroach people escape from Creepy Woman, but they didn't seem too concerned about their potential deaths, so maybe they didn't mind it?

Finna (513) has posed:
    This is a develpment Finna hadn't been counting on exactly. Plucked and now held in Kyra's hands, Finna makes another questioning noise - a trilly chirp-like sound! But make no mistake, she's listening to all of the discussions.

    And aside from licking Kyra's hand a few times in a way that's sure to tickle, she's decided to do nothing.

    After all, everyone else already has this well in hand.

    And then... someone startles the Witch.

    With a hiss of protest Finna sort of SLITHERS along Kyra's hands like a snake and dangles from her neck carefully, using her tail as support. Her body turned KINDA LIQUIDY for a moment there, weirdly enough...

    All she does?

    Position herself to guard Kyra in case this startled She-devil comes after HER...

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Kyra accecpts Finna's sudden change of position with poise, acquiring a very fancy white fox lunar stoll around her shoulders. It's this action that clues her in onto the Lunar's mischief-meaning she's pretty sure it' Finna that was just in her hands seconds ago. "Fancy meeting you here!" Kyra laughs.

    "Most of these cars are going to be filled with passengers! I don't think we'd be able to fight in any of them safely!" Kyra points out, a little panicked by the thought of being told to run. She doubts this train was equipped for fighting in it, period! Heck, she expects the train to complain about it somehow.

    Kyra's still a little too distracted by Deelel being there to run-"Get going, I'll catch up, Orphen, don't worry!" She herself wasn't the Tower's target by the sound of it, giving her some leeway. There was also another uncomfortable fact here: "The Union did WHAT?" She looks from Orphen to Korra, observing their exchange of fire, before everyone is interrupted by an unhappy crazy girl that aggresses on the bystander giant cockroach passengers of the train. "Whoah, what!?"

    Nevermind the dealings for the artifact, Kyra is definitely not okay with people suddenly showing up and indescriminantly killing like that. She does run for the door, but she doesn't leave, not without working her needlegun free so she can take a tranquilizer-filled shot at the crazy girl.

Orphen (703) has posed:
"Of -course- they came to the Union for help, they think they're benevolent. The Tower of Fang does good, but they're also full of corrupt people who get other people hurt. I would know. I am -not- letting them have something like that." Orphen explains to Deelel, right as Yari's smoke begins to fill both cars, which causes a -great- deal of confusion.

A fireball hits the woman in white, then shotgun blasts, and she screams, high pitched, suddenly on the ceiling of the cockroach car. She's crouched in a corner of the ceiling as she seems to stick to the wall, cowering in pain.

"Kyra, they're Union, stay with them. There's no point in you getting into trouble over this." he instructs, and if they look through the windows, they'll see that they're currently moving through a massive emerald city full of various golems made out of a wide variety of ore.

There don't appear to be any stops here, and Orphen grabs a white card from his pocket, tossing it directly at Annie. She seems harmless enough, and possibly the least likely to rip it up or burn it to a crisp. There's just a single number scribbled onto the back of a random inn business card. He doesn't offer any context, not while everyone can hear.

"Thief!" he yells as he turns around to grab Yari, wrapping his arms around her waist. "I Dance, Through The Dimensions!" That's when Orphen and Yari... vanish. By the time the smoke clears, they're just gone, and everyone is left with the chaos. of mutilated insects and a startled girl stuck to the wall.

Corona Arclite has posed:
Corona Arclite got kicked while she was proverbially down, damn ninja! Thank goodness there was enough smoke no one else saw it.

It takes a moment for Corona to stumble into the same car as the others, goggles up and bandana around the lower half of her face. And her right arm slumped at her side thanks to the numbing poison.

The bandana also does a great job of stifling whatever cursing she's probably doing.

Orphen (703) has posed:

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
Yari is suddenly grabbed by someone! A shout of 'thief' does have her calm somewhat! Its' the voice of her new 'partner'!

She does grab for her tommy gun anyway, briefly pointing it at Korra and company! Just for a little insurance. Then in a poof, she's gone with Orphen!

Still holding that tommy gun. She's sure as heck going to make sure he coughs up proof and a reliable contact number before giving up that amulet. Is it, in truth, a self-combustion amulet?

Annie Sandberg (437) has posed:
     Annie catches the card deftly out of the air, looking at it curiously, until her dilemma is solved by the disappearance of the targets. Getting out from under the seat, and still not really sure what's going on, she made her way back to the Android Car quietly, staring at the card.

Korra (752) has posed:
"Wait! I...!" Korra twists around after delivering that fireball to the witch, the woman stomping her foot into the ground. By her feet - some of the dirt around the garbage that the cockroaches lived in coalesces into a pebble, and launches itself at Orphen... too late. Coughing with the smoke, Korra reaches out her hand to the wall, the Avatar casting her eyes around.


Pursing her lips tighter, Korra's nostrils flare a moment. What probably ticked the train off in the first place - or added to it, at least, was the second stomp against the floor of the thing, similar to the one that kicked up the dirt in the first place. Although this one was harder. So much so that the whole car kinda quivered from the stomp.

Or the crazy woman killing everyone.

Paling a bit at what was being screeched over the radio, Korra holds her hands up as if surrendering. "The thief... got away, train! Um. If I help you put the ghost zombie girl thing back in her car, will that make everything ok?" she asks, her voice kinda plainative.

Of course, even with her being the Avatar, she was still so new to the multiverse. "...is this... normal?" she asks Deelel, Finna - and well, anyone else in hearing distance.

Orphen (703) has posed:

Finna (513) has posed:
    "... We-well... remind me to never personally offend this train's god." Finna speaks, head hanging a bit, after realizing what just happened...

    "I thought the mission sounded way too unusual! But I didn't think they'd just -DISAPPEAR- on us... where did they go?!"

    Though in the interests of keeping in the good graces of this strange train spirit... Finna resumes her normal shape, hopping off of Kyra... and gets a good look at the injured banshee-person on the ceiling.

    Things get very Spider Woman in the next moment. She raises both hands up towards the creature and sprays a generous helping of STICKY, TOUGH, ESSENCE-CHARGED SPIDER SILK.

    Clearly hoping to just drag her back to the proper car...

Corona Arclite has posed:
"Specifically, no. In general, yes." In other words, weird things as a principle of the matter.

"I don't think it wants help." Corona shrugs, and trudges off to find somewhere to sit down, shaking her head a little. "Best just wait fer the next stop to get off, kiddo."

"I ain't drunk 'nuff to deal with this now."

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    For the purposes of actually physically being on this vehicle that is now talking to everyone with dire warnings about violence, Kyra's actually going to listen to both this and Orphen's sensible words. She's not going to fight with the distressed woman, especially now that the others have her well in hand and have stopped her homocidal behavior.

    "Er-! Alright, but-!" Kyra doesn't get to say much more to Orphen before he runs off, leaving her with Finna, Deelel, Corona and Korra. "Uhh. Hi everyone, let me just preface this with 'I did not know the Tower of Fang would go out and hire /Union/ people to stop Orphen.' I guess they have a huge amount of influence if they can do that."

    She lets out a small 'aww' as Finna vacates her perch around her shoulders.

Korra (752) has posed:
"Ok, ok! I'll go sit down!" Korra says, holding up her hands still as if surrendering. Casting Finna a glance, Korra kinda lets her shoulders slump a bit, the young woman stewing.

Her first mission as the Avatar. Her first real mission - and she failed. At least there was Corona again, the woman given a nod of the head as Korra starts heading back towards the human car. "I think everyone should return to their seats - as... soon as possible."

Orphen (703) has posed:
The woman growls and hisses when she's wrapped in web, jerking around as her joints constantly pop. But she can't seem to break out of the web. She in fact just seems to get herself even more tangled. "MOOMMYYYYYY!" she screeches, but no one comes. At least not yet.

Maybe mommy will come when everyone goes to sleep, or at night when one is innocently brushing their teeth in the mirror.

Deelel has posed:
Deelel is reaching for a baton on her leg, it's the staff thankguylly but she doesn't even get a chance to use it. As OPEHEN VANISH happens. She moves forward and checks to see what's up with this. No he's gone and now there's a crazy woman she just shakes her head for a moment and looks to Korra.

"Yes, this sort of thing happens a lot. The multiverse can be like this but this is a bit out of the norm. I suggest we listen to the train before it gets any more angry."

WIth that she's heading for the human car at this point.

Corona Arclite has posed:
Corona Arclite reachs over to pat Korra's shoulder before she wanders back to the Kit Car. "Can't win 'em all, gal. At least no one put the thing on and blew us all up with fire." And after that, she ambles off. Hopefully this train serves drinks, because good grief does she need one now.

Finna (513) has posed:
    THAT gets a wince. But Finna just carts the webbed-up ghost-girl off back the way she came. Once she's THERE, and dumped off? And presumably the door is shut? ... The Essence wilk just dissolves into nothing.

    Of course Finna's going to be at least a car away when that happens.

    "Thaaaat got creepy fast..."

    She's normally fearless.

    But this one has her spooked, and looking like it.