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Latest revision as of 14:21, 23 April 2015

Rock Fight !
Date of Scene: 16 January 2015
Location: Desert Mountains
Synopsis: It's a Rock Fight !
Cast of Characters: 513, 554, 678, 681

Rock Lee (678) has posed:
It's the middle of the day in whatever strange rocky plain Rock Lee has discovered within the Desert Mountains. He's chosen a small valley inbetween two small mountains that only rise to about 100 feet, both of which have flat peaks. The rocks around here are a dark brown, and Lee has already made two piles.

"I will now announce the rules!" he shouts, over the radio as well. "The rules of the rock fight are that you can only fight with rocks! Contact with something other than a rock will result in disqualification, but you may interact with rocks in any way that you find acceptable! I have created two honorably sized starting piles of rocks, but you may get rocks from any available source!"

Defiant (554) has posed:
     On the other side of the valley, opposite Rock Lee, the wind kicks up dust and grit. It is nothing to Defiant's green and gold powered armor, looking like some sort of high-tech knight, emblazoned with etchings of scales and other draconic designs.

     Defiant reaches to his back and pulls his spear free. He throws it behind him, without looking, and another armored figure in matching regalia reaches up to catch it effortlessly, without looking. Dragon stands by an idling mechanical dragoncraft, steam curling from the engine intakes.

     Defiant's visor doesn't move from Rock Lee as he lays out the rules. "Understood."

Finna (513) has posed:
    SOMEONE has managed to get Defiant out of their shell.

    THAT's enough to draw Finna's attention for sure.

    But the perky Exalt is nowhere to be seen... for anyone who isn't looking up. Apparently she doesn't seem to be intending to join the fight, at least... not in any traditional or expected manner.

    A red-tailed hawk is circling about not too high up though, clutching small stones in each talon!

    Is she gonna use them? Maybe. Maybe not. She's here to spy from the sky!

Rock Lee (678) has posed:
"Alright! If anyone else joins the rock fight, it will be fine!" Lee assures, then reaches down and lifts a single rock from his pile, then tosses it high into the air. "When that rock hits the ground... fight!"

He waits for the few seconds it takes for the rock to fall back down... then grabs another rock from his pile and tosses it directly at Defiant's chest. A rock the size of his own fist. "Rock fight!!!"

Defiant (554) has posed:
     It's hard to tell behind the armor and featureless helmet, but Defiant seems /stunned/ as the first rock bangs against the chest plate of his armor.

     Yep, it's a rock fight. For a brief moment, he's not sure what else he was expecting.

     Taking up a rock and settling into the palm of his hand, the one that is part of his cybenetic arm, Defiant hurls the rock like a fast baseball, aiming for Rock Lee's chest!

     He breaks into a run, moving at a diagonal angle to Rock Lee, to make it that much harder to get a bearing on him.

     Hopefully. Defiant assumes that Rock Lee has something up his sleeve if the fight is this... mundane!

Shukou Tateyaku (681) has posed:

     "B-but they're throwing rocks at each other!"

     Etranger looks up over her newspaper ("DARKDEATH EVILMAN DEFEATS TAX MAN! WORLD DEEPER IN CRISIS! SENDING DEATH MAN SOON! WHERE IS UNLOSING RANGER?") with a bored expression on her face. "Yeah, and?"

     "So...so won't that hurt?"

     "I dunno, probably." Etranger looks back at her paper. "Oh hey, Man Man and Ladyranger got married, huh? Good for them, I always thought they'd be a cute couple."

     Exasperated, the brown-haired young man looks to the side at his floating ghost companion. Pirohiko turns to look at Shukou and shrugs.

     "D...don't you think this is kind of an irresponsible use of my powers?" Shukou asks, his voice practically pleading, "I mean, it's...just a rock fight, right? What if I get hurt? Or hurt somebody? And what if something bad happens and I'm not there to-"

     "I've thought about it, and I've decided!" Pirohiko interrupts immediately. Etranger rolls her eyes behind her newspaper as the brown-haired scarf-wearing ghost floats in front of Shukou. "You're going!"


     "It'll be good training! You never know when you have to defend yourself from or with rocks! Besides, you've got your amazing finishing move: Unlosing Cobble Road To Victory, right?"

     "But that's not-"

     A pair of Prinnies grab Shukou by the arm and drag him over to the teleporter. Etranger lazily leans over and his the button, and Shukou, screaming the whole way, vanishes. Etranger sighs and turns the page.

     "What a sissy."


     There's a flash of bright blue light as a young man in a red jumpsuit and glasses is teleported in. Next to him is a brown-haired ghost in a yellow jumpsuit and no legs. The ghost looks around for a moment, hand over his eyes to protect them from the shade.

     "Rocks, rocks..dirt...rocks...people! Yep, this is definitely the place!"

     "A-are you sure?" Shukou demands.

     "I'm sure! I'm sure! I can tell - this is a place where people are about to have a crazy battle! This is the place! Geography Ranger!"

     "That's not-"

     "You better go change! We don't want you to miss this?"

     Shukou sighs and slaps the belt around his waist. It locks into place with a click, the V on the front spinning into place. "/I/ want to miss it," he mumbles, "Evasive Ranger."

     "Hahaha! Now you're getting into the spirit of it!"

     Shukou frowns, but walks forward. He holds out his hand upwards and poses like he's making a muscle. "HERO CHANGE!"

     The V-thingy on his belt spins. As it does so, he's lit up by a red light. Suddenly, no longer is he a mild-mannered young man with a stupid-looking bowl-cut and glasses! Now, he's some guy in spandex flipping forward towards the battlefield, because that's a thing that happens in Henshin Cutaways!

     How did he get that spandex on so fast, you ask? Well, that's simple! The SPACE POLICE beam it onto him with magic! Don't ask questions like that in a show like this, dummy!

     He lands. There's an explosion behind him for exactly no reason. Music starts playing loudly over the existing soundtrack!


     Shukou looks down at his belt. "Wh-what's with that-"




     "Wh-what does that mean?!"

Rock Lee (678) has posed:
Lee holds his arms together as the rock collides, then starts to shake his arm and hold it, blowing on the wound. "Owwww!!!"

He seems to not be quite prepared for it at first, then he takes a deep breath. "Alright! I think we're all warmed up!" He says with a few more shakes of his arm, then stands in front of his rock pile. "I won't hold back my rock throwing skills!"

That's when he starts tossing, very, -very- quickly. The fist-sized rocks are thrown with an incredible amount of force and precision, and they start to bounce rapidly inbetween the mountains like very hard super balls. Most of them are on a trajectory that will inevitably end in going straight for Defiant. But the ones that aren't, well, Lee is starting to run around, kicking and punching bouncing rocks -at- Defiant.

His pile no longer exists. He threw the entire thing. "Oh hey, it's Unlosing Ranger! Here, have some rocks!" he yells in mid-jump, then kicks about five rocks in Unlosing Ranger's direction. "Make sure you catch them!"

Defiant (554) has posed:
     That... is a lot of rocks. It's enough rocks with enough force behind them to be worrying. Defiant stops in his tracks, kicking up dust and stand, and seems to decide to charge straight at Rock Lee in response.

     The rocks clang and clatter against Defiant's armor, sending up sparks and putting mean looking dents in the green and gold plating. Some, thanks to Lee's expert throws, impossibly strike him from behind! Defiant raises his arms, blazing with a grey corona, and relies upon his disintegration fields to simply annihilate the next wave of oncoming rocks, turning them into dust and smoke.

     As one of Rock Lee's stones bounce across the ground, Defiant ducks to one side and strikes out with his foot. He catches the rock and, with all the strength of the augmented limb, kicks that one right back at Rock Lee!

Shukou Tateyaku (681) has posed:
     Oh god, wait, what-

     Shukou gets literally no warning before he's clocked in the head by three rocks in solid succession. The Unlosing Ranger goes flipping backwards from the force of the impact. He lands solidly on his face, hitting the two rocks that he *didn't* manage to catch. There is a loud, pained groan as he impacts them, and the sound of glass breaking.

     Don't worry. It's just his eyeglasses. The Unlosing Ranger suit is *much* tougher than that.

     Pirohiko floats over to the Unlosing Ranger and pokes him gently, which does very little good, as Pirohiko is a ghost. His fingers go right through the Unlosing Ranger. He pokes him again.

     "Well, the Space Police haven't recalled him, so he's probaby alive!" Pirohiko announces cheerfully.

     The Unlosing Ranger emits a loud, pained groan of affirmation as he attempts to roll over onto his back. With very great effort, he manages to do so.

     This is a mistake, because he has glass all over his eyes and that really really hurts.

     The Unlosing Ranger theme song keeps playing. Pirohiko bends down and mutters something to Shukou.

     "Come on, come on, you have to get back up! The Unlosing Ranger's reputation is at stake! I know that guy just machine gunned like five rocks but you can do it! Just use your Unlosing Cobble Road To Victory!"

     "That...isn't...a real...thing," Shukou mutters, "That's just...you told me to..."

     "Whatever! You'll be fine. It's just some glass, we'll fix your eyes after you die." Pirohiko leans over. "That'll probably be kind of soon, you're /super/ bloody. Oh well! You'll be okay! Encouragement Ranger!"

     Shukou fumbles for a rock. Eventually, blinded, he manages to grab one. He equips it to his Right Hand. Then he picks up another rock and equips it to his Left Hand.

     He pushes himself up, his face bloody and covered in glass, and takes up a boxing pose, wearing the rocks like boxing gloves. Wh-what kind of technique is that?

     "It's not a technique!"

     You're not supposed to hear me, I'm the announcer! Now get out there and fight, or something like that! Do your best, Unlosing Ranger!

     D-did you just make an unpleasant gesture at me under those rocks?! I can see that, you know! Because I'm the announcer!

Rock Lee (678) has posed:
"What the--" Lee tries to catch the rock, but it impacts with his vest, which thankfully provides a -little- protection. But he still goes flying back into the side of the mountain, then slides down, rocking as he slumps against the ground. "That... that was a hard rock!"

"Whoa, he did it, boxing rocks!" he shouts as he looks over at Unlosing Ranger.

"Alright!" He starts to stand, holding his chest. Then out comes a kunai with an exploding tag tied to the end, which outside observers may not be able to identify without ninja knowledge. Be he throws it into the side of the mountain immediately behind Defiant, and then throws a match right after it.

Once the match hits the tag, large boulders mixed with smaller rocks are blown out from the side of the mountain, some flying dangerously out of it, while others simply slide down the side. "More ammo!" he declares, while flipping out of the way of a particularly large boulder that goes flying at him.

Defiant (554) has posed:
     Defiant turns to watch as the kunai goes flying past. He turns back to Rock Lee, "You missed," he states, voice obscured by some mechanised filter but not obscured enough to eliminate how /smug/ he sounds.

     Except, as it turns out, he didn't.

     When the mountainside detonates, Defiant is hit by that same large boulder that Rock Lee manages to evade.

     For a few moments, it seems like Defiant has been crushed at the worst, pinned at least. But, out by the dragoncraft, the other helmeted figure doesn't seem concerned.

     After another moment, it's clear why. Defiant rises to a standing position, with the boulder raised above his head. With a roar, Defiant throws the giant rock in Rock Lee's direction!

     Those were some incredible upgrades he got, it seems.

Shukou Tateyaku (681) has posed:
     Oh good, nobody's throwing rocks at him this time. Shukou considers this for a moment, then punches his rock-covered fists together. Well, he can't actually see anything, so-

     So he just goes running towards the sounds of Defiant and Lee fighting. He swings his fists wildly in front of him, spinning them like helicopters. Helicopters weighted with rocks. There is no particular skill, talent, or badassery here, except for the fact that he's able to lift these rocks and spin his arms rapidly while his eyes are covered in blood and glass.

     "Yes! That's the Unlosing Cobble Road Of Victory!" Pirohiko pumps his fist.

     "NO IT ISN'T," Shukou shouts.

     "I guess that's true...it's not really a finisher if the fight's just started, is it...?"

Rock Lee (678) has posed:
"Whoaaaaa!" Lee probably can't survive that if it hits directly, at that force. A saner person with his speed might dodge, but he's considering that it could be what Defiant -wants- him to do. So instead, as the rock flies at him, he begins to rapidly punch the side of it, each punch sending him progressively further back as it impacts with the rock.

But this punching serves a purpose. It slows the rock itself, which does inevitably slam him into the wall, but it doesn't -kill- him.

He groans, pinned, then starts to push so that he can -breathe-.

"You really are strong, but... Unlosing Ranger has spirit, and a good idea!" He checks his ribs, which, from that squishing, hurt a lot. But he keeps going.

He slams the sole of his foot intot he large rock to send it sliding across the ground, then begins looking around... "Ah, that one is perfect!" He extends both arms, then the bandages around his arm unwrap enough to wrap around a rock about the size of a small wreckling ball. Then he just -pulls-.

He pulls with enough momentum to lift it into the air, running toward Unlosing Ranger now. Then, once the bandages have a firm grip around the rock, he grabs them with both hands and starts spinning it rapidly above his head. "Rocky Road of Youthful Spirit!!!" he shouts, trying to smack the Unlosing Ranger with the gigantic spinning rock.

Defiant (554) has posed:
     Defiant pauses as that rock slams home against Rock Lee. He advances towards his opponent, scooping up a rock in each hand, stepping past the boulder as it comes sliding towards him.

     He hesitates as Rock Lee goes after /another/ opponent. He'll wait and see what happens next, settling his stance into something to allow him to move in any direction if he comes under rocky fire.

Shukou Tateyaku (681) has posed:
     Shukou is not...a good fighter. Lee is an excellent fighter. Shukou is not very strong. Lee is very VERY strong. Shukou is flailing his arms wildly with some rocks, blind,in the hope of hitting smething. Lee is an excellent martial artist with tons of training.

     So when Lee smashes his head in with a rock, he, uh, gets his head smashed in with a rocket. Shukou fumbles backwards and falls down as blood covers the rock.

     There's a flash of light and a noise like a siren going off somewhere in the distance.

     VWOORP. Shukou's body vanishes. Pirohiko watches him go. "Well, at least we'll be able to fix his eyes! Don't worry, he'll be alright! You killed him, but it's okay - he probably gained something out of i-"



     Pirohiko frowns. "Nope, nevermind. Oh well! Can't win 'em all!"

Rock Lee (678) has posed:
"Whoa, he died?! Oh... he is alright? That is good! I was worried. I did not think I would kill him just from that!" Lee continues swinging the huge wrecking ball-like rock above his head, using his entire body to control it. Then he carefully turns around to watch Defiant.

"You are tough, I know you will not die!" He charges forward, then suddenly changes the trajectory of the rock, swinging it -up-, then tries to bring it back -down- over Defiant's head. "This is the true power of rocks!"

Shukou Tateyaku (681) has posed:
     "It's okay!" Pirohik says, offering Lee a thumbs-up as he floats, incorporeal, behind the young man, "He'll be fine! The Space Police are taking him to the Dark Clinic even as we speak! Besides, he knew what he was getting into! It was a lucky shot on your part! Good-Luck Ranger!"


     Etranger turns the page of her newspaper as Shukou's corpse is rushed past her and into the Dark Clinic.

     "Huh...President Brick Oldlama's gonna try and solve the Darkdeath Evilman problem, huh? Jeez. Americans always think they have the answer to everything."

Defiant (554) has posed:
     Tough or not, that rock will /hurt/ if it connects. Raising an arm above his head, Defiant triggers his nanothorn projectors and holds his ground. His forearm parts the rock in half, letting it fall to either side of him.

     That solves the initial problem, but now there's half a boulder on either side of him.

     This is a problem, especially because those projectors in his arms aren't made for such constant use against such large objects. r
     So, Defiant whips a rock at Lee's face. Defiant until the end, it seems.

Rock Lee (678) has posed:
"Will the Unlosing Ranger be back?" Lee suddenly wonders, at least until there's a rock flying at his face. Then the bandages unwrap from the rocks and he rapidly wraps them back around his arms. Then, just as he's about to dodge the rock, he smacks him directly in the forehead.

Blood spurts, then... he just sort of falls back and lays there, in a daze. "Uggghhh..."

Shukou Tateyaku (681) has posed:
     "Huh? Oh, no, he's dead. He'll need to be reconstructed. That'll take a few days!" Pirohiko waves his hand. "Don't worry about him. You should focus on-"

     What happens exactly seconds after.

     "-the rocks! Early-Warning Ranger!"

Defiant (554) has posed:
     Defiant has to turn himself side on to squeeze out of the halves of the boulder with a rather horrific squealing of metal on stone that persists for about half a minute.

     He turns his featureless visor down to look at Rock Lee, sporting a mean dent where an eye should be. "I think I've won."

Finna (513) has posed:
    The red-tailed hawk drops its rocks.

    They plummet to the ground RIGHT for Defiant's helmet.

    The cape has been pranked!

Rock Lee (678) has posed:
Lee stands, rubbing his bloody forehead. "Now that there is only one person who has not been seriously injured, Defiant wins!" he shouts, watching as the hawk drops a bunch of rocks. "But I think we all had fun, didn't we?! And we put on a proper tribute for Toph!"

Defiant (554) has posed:
     Defiant just nods, holding one gauntleted hand out towards Rock Lee. "It was an interesting fight," he states.

Defiant (554) has posed:
     And, with his hand outstretched, there's an almighty 'clang!' as a rock from out of nowhere bounces off the top of Defiant's helmet. He turns his helmet to look at Rock Lee, clearly thinking he's responsible!

Rock Lee (678) has posed:
"There is a hawk!" Lee points up at the sky, blood spurting from his forehead when he lets go of it, then he quickly covers it again. "I should go seek medical attention!" he decides, standing up and stumbling toward Defiant to offer his hand. "Before I lose all of my blood!"

Defiant (554) has posed:
     Defiant nods. "If you wish for our assistance, there are medical supplies aboard the Pendragon and Dragon is well-versed in first aid."

Rock Lee (678) has posed:
"That would be nice! I am not severe, but my ribs really hurt, as well as my chest, and I believe the rock opened an artery! So first aid should be fine!" Lee suddenly walks around to Defiant's back, then tries to hop on up and drape his free arm around the armored man's neck. "To the Pendragon!"

Defiant (554) has posed:
     Defiant is an imposing figure in his armor - six foot of smooth armor plating. Luckily, there's enough raised areas that Rock Lee can find to grab hold of and the mechanisms in the armor mean that Defiant has no problem with the extra weight.

     The Pendragon is something like a quadrupedal mech that evokes the idea of a mechanical dragon in full barding combined with the sleek lines of a fighter jet.

     As Defiant approaches, Dragon just tilts her head to one side. As if pre-empting her response, Defiant just curtly says: "Don't ask."

     It's one of those days. Still, weeks ago, he wouldn't have tolerated /any/ foolishness. He'a improving - slowly, steadily, Colin's getting there, becoming a bit of a better person.