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Latest revision as of 03:53, 25 April 2015

Enter the Remodelled Destroyer
Date of Scene: 24 April 2015
Location: Njorun Station - Ring of Philosophy
Synopsis: Cirra finds Shigure in the Ring. Stuff happens
Cast of Characters: 675, Shigure

Shigure has posed:
    Shigure stands in the middle of the large arena-like Ring of Philosophy, looking at the ceiling as the projectors piece together the construct. An island, water surrounding it, and a light drizzling rain falling. "Mmm, perfect." she comments to herself, brushing one of her bangs behind her ear. "Lets see now... Can you create some I-Class Abyssal Destroyers?" she asks the air. A bleep registers, and what information the Union database has flows in to fill out the shape of three of the little 'whale-like' Destroyers in the water. "Mmm." she checks her rigging, but doesn't head out just yet.

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
Cirra had heard of this room. This virtual reality made by holograms. She steps inside of it just as Shigure request the island, wtaching as the land and the ocean and constructed from hard-light or whatever it is they use.

    And the I-class, it's the first time she's seen an Abyssal. She stares at it through the red visor of her helmet, memorizing it's bizzar mechanical form.

    "Are you training?" She asks Shigure without any other fanfare of her arrival.

Shigure has posed:
    Shigure startles, turning quickly towards the source of the voice. "U-Uhm..." eyes wide for a moment, before the voice clicks and she relaxes. "C-Cirra... don't sneak up on me like that." she places a hand over her chest, and takes a breath before replying. "Y-yes... normally I would use the lagoon at Hikari, with targets controlled by one of the others... but our alliance with the Union has opened up many new avenues for training."

    She makes a sweeping gesture. "This place is amazing... and I have been told that I will not even use resources while fighting here."

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    Cirra reaches up and pulls off her horned helmet to let her silver hair spill out. She gives Shigure a - amall- apologetic smile. "You looked focused, I Wasn't sure if I was interrupting."

    The Judge glances around again, "Truely. No injuries sustained or or reserves consumed?"

Shigure has posed:
    Shigure smiles back. "It's okay... I should be used to it by now, with Yuudachi around." she shrugs, then looks at the frozen forms of the I-class. "I must be at the top of my 'game'. I cannot let the Fleet, or my friends, down. Not anymore."

    Looking back to the Judge. "That is what I was told. Request a battlefield... as long as 'Punishment Mode' is not active, no wounds or resources are consumed."

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    "Punishment mode? Sounds rather dire." THe Judge looks at the I-Class again, then back at Shigure, "Show me. The Abyssals I mean, I've no experience with anything like them, nor trying to help an lly on the sea while I'm bound to the land."

Shigure has posed:
    Shigure nods. "Um... Activate." she calls to the air, unsure of where to actually look while doing so.

    The effect is instantaneous. The I-Class roar... a mix of an engine revving and what might be a whale being run tail-first through a mangle made of barbed wire. A horrible sound.

    Shigure turns quickly, instinct taking over as she reaches back. The cannon back-pack unlatches, rotates down on two mechanical arms, and settles into her grip, trigger handles extending before the loading arms retract back. "Destroyer Shigure, Heading out!" she states firmly, before kicking off the island onto the water, skating out to meet the formation.

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    Cirra turns to watch as Shigure takes off across the water. She doesn't just watch Shigure though, the I-Class, she watches them keenly even as she mentally notes how terrible that sound is. A vile creature.

    "Does something like that even eat- hmn." she summons her Judge Blade, just in case the simulation decides she's a target. Still how do you support a sea battle from land?

Shigure has posed:
    Shigure takes aim with her cannonfa, the turrets on the outer side rotating and firing short 'bursts' of six shells, three from each barrel. They're autocannons! Not much to look at, but might do some plink damage as she gets closer. The big main cannons belch smoke, flame and high explosive shells, causing the girl to lean back each time from the recoil.

    The I-Class, in return, extend large cannons from their nightmare teeth-lined mouths, and fire back, both at Shigure, and long-range at Cirra. Seems the drawing of that blade marked her as a participant!

    "Do you have any long range abilities?" asks Shigure, her voice coming tinnily through Cirra's radio.

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    The cannon fires, and Cirra leaps sideways, fliping over in mid air before coming donw on her feet in the sand. She consdiers what Shigure says, "Only one."

    The Sword splits in halg and the hilt turns itno a grip. She holds the weapon up with the pommel at her shoulder and pulls a trigger.

    A crystal knife-like 'bullet' fires from between the two halfs of the blade, straight for the I-class that shot at her.

Shigure has posed:
    Shigure mnns, and flips her cannonfa around, firing blanks to boost her speed forwards. Shells explode around her, showering her in water and shrapnel, but she closes in on her target, and SLAMS the reinforced butt of the cannon into the things mouth, causing it's cannon to misfire as it gargles in surprise and pain. It detonates spectacularly and begins to sink in a growing pool of viscous black oil.

    The I-Class that fired on Cirra tries to evade, but the crystal knife digs into its upper jaw, dislodging a few teeth and making the thing cry out and flail, splashing oily blood all around.

    The third Destroyer turns on Shigure, and instead of firing its cannon... retracts it and spits out a quartet of jabberjawing torpedoes!

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    Well at least her weapon is effective, so far. THe Judge turns and rushes the other way along the beach as the last I-CLass fires torpedos. Can she shoot them? No, the crystaline projectiles would just deflect in the water, she needs something that can penetrate the water in a wider area.

    Cirra pulls a tarrot card from her side as it glows brightly and throws it to the ground, "The. Brair!"

    A patch of thorny bushes sprout from the ground, weaving their way through the water to try and intercept some of the torpedoes

Shigure has posed:
    Shigure erks as she spots the wake of torpedoes in the water. She can't dodge them in time, and one leaps out, latching onto her rigging before detonating. The remaining three are caught up, and detonate harmlessly in the briar patch, launching huge plumes of water into the air.

    The damaged I-Class regains control, and fires again at Cirra, while the torpedo launching one turns and also fires at the Judge, having deemed Shigure a non-threat.

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    I-Class turn on Cirra and fire. The Judge turns and runs down the beach again, but one of the shots impacts just on her heels, sending the Judge up and through the air. She sucks breath in through her teeth and looks down at her pursuers. "Tch, they don't go down very easily, do they?"

    The crystal sword-rifle is brought up and fires, twice as she comes down, hitting her shoulders and rolling in the sand.

Shigure has posed:
    Shigure emerges from the smoke cloud, one of her cannonfa a twisted wreck, and her uniform shreddes from the blast wave. She narrows her eyes at the Torpedo I-Class, and rotates her own torpedo launchers into position, unleashing a full barrage of eight Long Lances. They impact at the same time as Cirra's crystal shards strike the other I-Class, causing both to wail, and begin to sink as they spew out thick black oily ichor.

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    Cirra lands in a roll and somehow manages to get on her feet after the impact, snapping up her sword-rifle to watch the I-class destroyers sink. "Hmn."

    "I almost forgot it wasn't real."

Shigure has posed:
    The battlefield shimmers, and the island 'resets' the oil vanishing, and the I-Class fading away as well. The 'damage' to Shigure's rigging also 'resets' in a wave across her body, one moment it's there. The next, it isn't.

    The Destroyer skates over to the shore, looking up with a smile at the drizzling rain. "What a comfortable rain." she muses from nowhere, returning her cannonfa to her back. "It feels so real. I can see fleet exercises taking place here once I inform the Flagship."

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    Cirra looks up at the rain, "Yes..." It rains all the time on Ramuh. Even when the sun is out, it's raining. "You are a ready and capable fighter Shigure. And you work hard for the fleet. They should be proud of you."

Shigure has posed:
    Shigure looks over at Cirra. A ghost of a smile crosses her lips. "My contribution to the fleet is but a fraction." she replies. "Only when peace has been restored to our waters, can I truly be proud of my efforts."

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    "A Good attitude to take." Cirra nods. "How was your... remodleing? I can see some difference but-" Cirra shrugs her armored shoulders, "It's not something humes would go through, I think."

Shigure has posed:
    Shigure looks herself over a little, then brushes her hair back again. "It... was strange. I already had a remodel once before, but they only refitted my equipment with updated models of the same type." she glances over her shoulder at the large cannon barrel. "This was a major remodelling... they stripped out my old equipment, and fitted brand new weapons. They reinforced my superstructure too..." she blushes at that, since she's a bit more busty now. "It, didn't hurt though."

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    Cirra looks at Shigure, "I noticed." She cracks a very rare smile, "They say a woman's looks are her greatest weapon."

Shigure has posed:
    Shigure blushes brightly at that. "C-Cirra..." she chides gently, reaching over and lightly shoving the Judge.

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    Cirra laughs, it's not the cold cruel laugh you'd expect from someone like her. It's like the sound of crystal goblets being held up to toast. "I'm just repeating what Landon's sisters always tell me."

    "But you're doing well. That makes me glad."

Shigure has posed:
    Shigure smiles, then giggles as she lifts a hand to cover her mouth. "I... am glad I met you... I am glad I met everyone." she seems genuinely happy, unlike the emotional trainwreck that was sat at the end of the pier, all those weeks ago.

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    "Good." Cirra nods, it's not just gladness that she feels. Seeing someone else pull it together after that much pain... The Judge needs that. She never tells anyone that, but she does. It helps repair herself in some small way.

    "So... what /do/ you eat? Please don't tell me it's all oil and metal."

Shigure has posed:
    Shigure mms? "Oh, we Resupply with fuel drums and steel... but we can eat anything a human can." she replies. "Remember, we had curry during the base tour."

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    "It was so spicey I had mistaken it for flamable." Cirra deadpans.

Shigure has posed:
    Shigure places a hand on Cirra's shoulder. "Be glad Hiei was not involved. It may well have been." she replies.

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    "I will memorize that name, and avoid it." Cirra says solomely.

Shigure has posed:
    Shigure mms. "Should we go get something to eat, then?" she wonders, tilting her head curiously to the side.

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    "That sounds like an excellent idea." Cirra agrees. She puts her helmet back on, "Apperances to keep up." She turns and heads towards the exit.