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Clacky And Clippy
Date of Scene: 25 April 2015
Location: Mojave Wasteland (NewVegas)
Synopsis: Two radscorpions chase Clicky, only to be stopped by the fortuitous intervention of Elites! Clicky introduces himself and they all get to know one another.
Cast of Characters: Kotone Yamakawa, 626, 636, 758, 761

Clicky (761) has posed:
The Mojave Wasteland is studded with the detritus of mankind's fall from grace in a hail of nuclear flame. Over and over the tales play themselves out of man's inhumanity to man, and those who work to overcome their terrible curse to build something greater.

Because war... War never changes.

This story begins with a pile of junk. There is nothing special about this pile of junk, simply another pile of broken, useless rusty metal and plastic, discarded trash and half-burned books from a time before the War. What is more important about this pile are the two large radscorpions clambering over the pile, clicking and clacking with terrible intensity as they chase their prey. One has a sloppy blue streak of paint down its back, and the other red. Their claws make clacking and clipping noises as they wave in the air, striking with enough force to shear steel.

Which brings us to their prey, what appears to be a somewhat coherent, moving pile of junk parts in the general shape of a dragon. A sheared wing armature, far too small to generate lift even were it whole, flaps uselessly. A tail, where an auger drill once was mounted, is separated in a spray of sparks as the blue radscorpion does what it does best. The scream emanating from the junkheap is much like a shrieking steam whistle, as said whistle pops out of the mailbox-like maw of the junk dragon. It scrambles away with astonishing agility for its size, turning its sinuous head to look at the pair. "Get back! Get back I say! Your clacking and clipping will end now! Go awaaaay!" With a mighty heave, the torso bulges, building up pressure...

And then a series of old golf balls spews from the mouth of the junkdragon, raining out on the pair of radscorpions. The junk dragon looks very satisfied for a moment. "See! Take that!"

The radscorpions are not impressed, their chitin plating having easily deflected the projectiles. "Uhhhh.." Clicky says... "HEEEEEELP!" He yells, the whistle echoing across the Wasteland.

Ryu (636) has posed:
    When Ryu heard the sound of combat over an open frequency, he moved quickly to prepare for combat. Gathering up his firearm and the sword, he moved with a speedy purpose and found an appropriately functional vehicle to bring to the location that Clicky needed help at. Unfortunately, a cheap two-door sedan-like car is not built for handling the Mojave and he has to stop it a fair distance from where Click's transmission came from and run, hoping that it won't be stripped for parts before he gets back.

    By the time he gets to the junk pile where another, but living, junk pile is being attacked, he is winded and sweating, the terrible desert heat cooking him. He throws off his gloves and his coat to the side before preparing to engage the radscorpions. He doesn't spare a second though, and fires the fire-based hand cannon at one of the radscorpions to try to blow a hole in its chitin while he makes his very aggressive approach.

    "I've got ya!" he calls out to Clicky reassuringly, hoping the junk dragon recognizes his voice from the radio.

Krezentia Einjager (758) has posed:
    "That's a distress signal, funya~!"
    "Sorry, what? Can't hear you over this sucker choking."
    We find Krezentia and Kopie, mildly lost, with the former currently holding a low-life nobody thug up by the throat and slowly crushing it.
    "My hands're full, though."
    "But I wanna see what's up, funya~!"
    "Well, I don't give a shit. This guy's amusing. Right guy?"
    A struggled nod in an attempt to stay alive.
    "How about we bet on long this it takes this guy to run out of air, funya~? If I win we gotta go see what's up, funya~!"
    "Psht, like I don't know how long it takes me to choke a bitch."


    A hoverboard flies over the scorpion chasing their prey, followed by a sphere of luminous purple light. Krezentia is laying on the hoverboard like it's a lawn chair.

    "Giant scorpions, funya~!"
    "Fuck you."
    "How long're you gonna be mad I won, funya~?"
    "I'm mad he didn't have anything cool on him. Whatever. Kopie, go play hero if you care to, I'm gonna watch. Though, the thing the scorpions are chasing looks rad."

    As the hoverboard follows, the purple orb descends. Lightning strikes from it, as the overly bright fairy shoots electricity out of her hands towards the scorpions. It's not all that amazing.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
There had been a call for help from Clicky over the comms, Kotone had tracked it down and had arrived on her own motorcycle one of the Knights she's started producing as of late. The sleek craft seemed able to handle the wastes well enough but she wondered just what sortt of trouble the junk dragon had got himself into.

She was making no attempt to hide her approach given the dust her bike it kicking up, and now she catches sight of the thing Clicky's dealin with.

"Oh dear god! That things, huge!"

She's heard about Rad Scorpions before but she's never seen one for real, it's bigger than she thought it would be. She takes a moment to unholser a side arm and fires a bolt or two at the creature hoping to get at least one of the creatures attention off Clicky.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:

    Kyra will NOT LET THIS STAND! Once she learns that he's in trouble in the wasteland of NEW VEGAS based off of the beacon coordinates, she's even /more worried/. What if it was a fiend! What if it was a crazy bottlecap-obsessed outlaw!? CLICKY IS PROBABLY FILLED WITH BOTTLECAPS OH GOD!

    Familiar with the world, Kyra's taken a hit of RadX beforehand. She's also come with heavy ordinace beyond her usual throwable explosives. She's taken to carrying a grenade launcher with her recently-an actual one, not the grenade-launcher looking CURE-ALL.

    "HOLD ONTO YOUR BOTTLECAPS, CLICKY, I'M HEEEERE! -wait, giant scorpions? Oh!" suddenly Kyra sounds slightly less urgent about the situation.

Clicky (761) has posed:
Distress beacons have a way of drawing attention! Clicky seems to be in luck today as the interplanar adventurers descend upon the pair of irradiated giant scorpions with the fury and destructive force of a group of exceptional murder hobos.

Ryu blasts one as he arrives, the flame-based weapon blowing a hunk of chitin off of one of them and opening up a WEAK POINT for Kotone to exploit. Her bullets strike fast and hard, punching into the scorpion and ricocheting off of the tough chitin as bullets are wont to do. It falls over, going limp.

Meanwhile, the other gets straight up electrocuted. Electricity gives no damns about chitin armor bullcrap, it's electricity. There is a sizzling noise as the other radscorpion gets murdered by a fairy, collapsing in a heap of slightly burned scorpion flesh.

Meanwhile, where's Clicky? He vanishes into the junk. "Is... Is everything okay?" says Clicky's voice from within the junkpile. It shifts, and the neck pops out, to look around curiously at his saviors, The cracked lenses iris open and closes a bit, shifting focus. The mailbox flap to one side waggles as the mouth opens, Clicky trumpeting in happiness. Just as predicted, Kyra might notice that his 'teeth' are in fact rows of bottlecaps. "Yes! My saviors have arrived! You are wonderful people, yes! I must repay you for this kindness! But first, repairs!" He descends into the pile, and then the junk that makes up Clicky sort of... /de-merges/ from the junk pile, like a part of it just got up and moved with him. He hums a high-pitched, jaunty tune amid the clicks and clacks of his operation as he quickly picks up the fallen auger and holds it up to the end of his tail, bringing the oddly prehensile thing up. Sizzling noises follow as a tiny arc-welder pops out of a cuckoo clock facing on one side of his body and begins welding the part back into place.

As he works, he talks excitedly. "So yes! Thank you all for coming! I am very happy to see you all! I am called Clicky! I am wandering through these new lands to share my gifts with people! I make... inventions!"

Ryu (636) has posed:
    The scorpions are killed quickly and easily, a fact that has Ryu visibly relieved. He moves to retrieve his gloves and stuff them into his belt, then tie his coat around his waist with his sleeves. The fiery hand cannon is placed back in its holster roughly, and he approaches the radscorpions, kicking at the one he shot with a boot to check just how dead it really is, his mouth creased into an uncomfortable frown. It's only after this that he looks up at the excited junk dragon with his bright gold eyes.

    "That's great, Clicky," he says, somewhat distracted by other matters. Such as how unpleasantly dusty and hot it is in this desert. He looks up at the sky, squinting at it with that same uncomfortable frown. "What I would give to be an ice-breathing dragon right now," he muses to himself. He finds a piece of junk to sit on and looks at Clicky more directly, lifting another piece of scrap to hold over his head so the sunlight isn't beating against his face.

    "What sort of inventions were you looking to make out here?" he wonders at Clicky, once he is slightly more comfortable. Being able to think past the climate lets him acknowledge the presence of Kyra, who gets a greeting wave, and others such as Krezentia, giving all of the others just a curious glance.

Krezentia Einjager (758) has posed:
    Well, that worked.
    That's basically the first time Kopie does anything immediatly useful and effectice. She is not going to complain, though! The little fairy continues flying down until she reaches a few feet off the ground, the light bubble around her dimming enough that she's visible in her ball of magic. It's still present, though. Presumably she's using it to keep the radiation at bay? It probably wouldn't work for very long, but it's better than nothing.

    "Hi, funya~! I'm Kopie, and--"
    "Name's Krez. You a freaking dragon made of junk?" comes the second voice, as the hoverboard descends and then comes to rest on the ground, the blonde girl still on it like it's a lawn chair. "This place is fucked. I mean, besides killing and maybe cooking giant obviously toxic scorpions, the hell would anyone even come here to do?"

    There's still blood on her hands.
    Probably should have wiped them or something.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    All ready to start blowing giant scorpions away with a grenade launcher, Kyra finds that Ryu, Kotone, and Krezntia have already destroyed them before she can fire a single shot. She deflates a little at this and lowers her gun-yet, at the same time, not that upset she didn't have to get up close and personal with giant scorptions. A Clicky disappears into a junk pile, Kyra approaches the pile to look for him, "Hey Clicky, it's alright, you can come out now." She tells him, leaning over the pile seconds before he pops out inches away from her, giving her a great view of the mailbox mouth and bottle cap teeth.

    "AHA! Just as I thought, you are filled with bottlecaps! You better be extra careful here, they use that as currency."

    She steps aside, giving Ryu a thumbs up as per way of greeting. She grows a little wary all the sudden as she notices Krezentia. Uh. Yeah. She was kind of sort of fighting that girl by proxy a few days ago, wasn't she? "...inventions obviously. Hello! Were you not /just/ listening to Clicky? I mean, look at the guy, he could probably make an invention out of anything."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa is going to pass on looting the scorption's however she does take a moment to get some better visuals for her own personal archives however. Given her work out here, she then thinks Kyra might like some samples for study and does her best to gather such up. Once that's done she looks over to see where Slicky is and she smirks a little bit.

"Come on lets get you patched...."

she pauses as he goes to bigs comes back together and seems to be looking much better now.

"I heard you are an inventor, Clicky I have to say you have an apperance unlike most anything I ever seen in the multiverse."

He looks as junky as she sometimes feels but well he's seems to be in such good spirits it's honestly infectious.

"I'm Kotone Clicky and yes Kyra's right people consider that to be money around here."

She looks to Ryu and gives him a bit of a nod and a wave.

"Hello to you Kopie and Kez, good to meet you."

Krezentia Einjager (758) has posed:
    "Sure I listen," Krezentia glares towards Kyra. "But that's only half the answer, yo. Why here? This place is a shithole. I mean, a shithole'd be insulted to be compared to this place. Radiation's pretty high in a lot of spots, a buncha someones must have gone to town with nukes or somethin'." She shrugs. "Musta been amazing to watch. But 'nyway. That's why I ask. This doesn't look like prime shop location. Lots of scrap, maybe."

Clicky (761) has posed:
The welding only takes a little bit. Once her's done, the drill whirrs on the tail and Clicky's mailflap waggles some more, clearly satisfied. "Woohoo! Now I can do this PROPERLY!" He says, before immediately scuttling up to Ryu and grabbing his hand with both claws and shaking effusively. "Thank yooooou again! What do I want to make?! Well, anything that helps make people happy! Inventions are meant to be shared! To inspire! It is very good! One moment!" He turns, practically diging into the junk pile and rummaging around in it. There is a few moments, before he erupts back out, holding a dignified old hat. He quickly strips some metal and plastics off of hunks of junk, shaping them with speed and care. Welders, clippers, and a horde of other tools pop out of his body in various directions, and he passes the thing along his body to make sure everything gets a turn. After a minute or two, he holds it up. "TA-DAAAAAH!" It looks like he took the hat and them merged in a hamster wheel, as well as a small canister of something, some curled wires, a card dealer's visor, and a tiny fan that hangs off of one side. "This is for you!" He declares to Ryu, putting it on Ryu's head. It's a little heavy, but not uncomfortably so. Then he looks around for a moment and snags a small lizard from the ground and sticks it in the wheel. When he does so, the fan turns on and the wires start cooling, providing a fresh cool breeze. "Air conditioning hat! It is very useful for you in hot places! Just make sure to feed power source!"

Clicky doesn't seem too worried about radiation, but there does seem to be some degradation in his junk. And there's a few glowy spots. If that's from radiation or just something he stuffed in his body because it was glowy, it's hard to tell. Kopie gets a tiny handshake since they're a fairy. Krez's question causes Clicky to look up and smile again. "Dragon... Yes, I am a dragon! Many people tell me that. It is not a pleasant environment, but it has a lot of spare resources!" If you like rusty and mostly nonfunctional junk. Krez also gets a handshake, the junk dragon seemingly not too worried about bloody hands.

Kyra then points out his mouth is full of currency. "Bottlecaps!? But they are so useful! Why do people keep using useful things as currency?" Clicky huffs for a moment, before brightening. "Oh yes! I promised to share sounds with you!" He pops open a door on his side and pulls out something that looks like a harmonica had a drunken affair with a triangle and trumpet. "Here is soundmaker! I wish to give it to you!" He presses one of the valves on the trumpet and it begins to play brass band music while somehow sounding like a wheezy tuba. He presses another and a rubber squeegee pops out. "It also does windows! Multifunctional!" He hands this to Kyra. "Keep it ane enjoy!"

He nods to Kotone. "I have not met anyone like me, but it is okay! I like seeing different people! If everyone were like me it would be hard to share things I have not already thought of, yes?" He laughs, a clanky, steam-whisty sound, and looks between Kotone and Krez and Kopie. "How can I help you all for coming to help me? I wish to give you gifts!"

Ryu (636) has posed:
    Ryu makes a surprised face as his hand is taken to receive a handshake. The energy is definitely not something he is used to dealing with, by the pronounced and uncomfortable frown it creates on his face, but he doesn't complain outwardly about it. "I'm Ryan," he replies. "Also a dragon." He looks incredulous while Clicky is cobbling together something from a hat, and the heat keeps him from wanting to move around too much...

    Until the hat is put on his head and starts blowing air against him, an effect that makes him look up with a dumbfounded wonder. The scrap he was using to shield his face is dropped unceremoniously to the floor and his mouth drops open in innocent wonder. He reaches up to adjust the hat, and generally all ability to think about what just happened is lost while he's examining this funky-looking cooling hat.

    He looks at Clicky after this with nothing but the most powerful fascination, standing up from his seat to regard him as he speaks to the others. His fascination fades to neutrality as he observes the blood on Krezentia's hands for the first time. He doesn't ask, but he does recognize her voice from that fight that bled onto the radio, so the suspicious look is quite easy to read on his face.

    He steps closer to Kyra, likely sensing her discomfort with all of this, but also to get a look at the strange musical gadget she was given. At this point he's just accepting that the hat he's wearing is functional without really thinking about how weird it is. "Rhapsody has to meet this guy," he thinks aloud.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "Why not?" Kyra shoots back at Krezentia without thinking about it much, just spurred on by the belligerency that's already developed between the two of them. Sure, there were a number of reasons, right? "Scrap without much other people to touch it, though!"

    Clicky sure looks like he likes scraps!

    Speaking of: she watches Clicky pull stuff out of the pile, assemble it together out of tools, and invent something on the spot. Kyra lets out a low, impressed whistle as he passes off the hat to Ryu. "Wow, just like that."

    He passes her a "soundmaker" which plays brass band in her face and inadvertantly blows her hood back off her head. "...ooh." Of course, Kyra immediately starts playing around with it, forming all kinds of noises with it. It gets pretty annoying pretty fast, actually. "I'm Kyra, by the way."

Krezentia Einjager (758) has posed:
    "So you make... hats? And musical instruments?" Krezentia seems perplexed by the evidently living pile of junk. Despite looking like junk, the ease with which it moves around, even reconfigured itself (in a way) earlier, implies it isn't 'just a pile of junk'. It's okay, the thought to call him that still crosses the Magi's mind, as she shakes the being's hand.

    Kyra gets another shrug. It isn't so much that Krezentia doesn't seem to like her, so much that she doesn't seem like a people person. And, likely, the fact she's antagonistic by nature. Calling nukes entertainment is probably a sign. "I'unno, but if I was gonna set up shop somewhere I wouldn't pick a radioactive wasteland full of raiders. Or I'd murder the hell outta 'em first. Kill the wildlife too. This place looks great for sport, not so great for pushing wares."

    Though, free gifts are free gifts. "T'be honest I'm not a big tech seeker. You wanna help me anyway, though..." She grins. "How 'bout you lemme copy yer systems? Been a while since I got a new toy."

    Kopie on the other hand has something much more simple in mind. "I want a portable TV! My size, funya~!" Being a foot tall is suffering.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa is just curious about Clicky she's clearly studying not as a thing but as a person. She pauses looking as he gives something to Ryu and giggles a little bit. It's not a mean laugh it's just honest amusement from the sounds of it.

"Because they are hard to produce now from how it was explained to me to be honest. Yes things would be boring if eveyrone were the same."

The borg come to mind rather rapidly there. however that thought fades she looks to the two people he doesn't know that well that being Kopie and their companion.

"Well it would be rude to not accept your kind offer, Clippy and I'm Kotone."

Clicky (761) has posed:
Clicky looks over them all without judgement, with the same bright eyes and smiling expression. Innocent might be a word to describe it. Or maybe crazy? Ryu calls himself a dragon, and Clicky shuffles over, the sinuous neck lengthening a bit as it curls around Ryu to look him over from all directions. "Ooooh, another dragon!" He exclaims, and then the head pops up and around Ryu to smile at him... upside down. The eyes rattle and google a bit from being upside down. "I've never seen a dragon like you before! Very interesting! I would have mistaken you for a human!"

The junkdragon uncurls from around Ryu, and nods. "I have heard Rhapsody on radio! Very interesting with her Zappy League, yes."

He shuffles back over past Kyra, bobbing his head with a happy look as she gets ever more annoying with the soundmaker. "Ryu, and Kyra, and Kotone, and Kopie and Krez! Many new friends today!" Krez asks what he makes and Clicky replies, "Yes! I make them and more! Much more! Many interesting and fun things!"

But then Kopie asks for a small portable TV! Her size. Clicky thinks for a moment, adopting a Philosoraptor-esque pose for a moment before he nods. "I have an idea!" He says, a bulb lighting up to punctuate his exclamation on the back of his head. He turns and rummages in the pile once more, pulling out a broken TV. It's huge and bulky and black-and-white because it is Pre-war junk. He tinkers with it, stripping pieces out to make a smaller, almost toy-like version of it. He pulls out the glass and chews on it, spitting out a glob of molten glass with a "PTUI!" and reshapes it using a plastic mold to make something about the right shape, adding a complicated series of antennae and metal caging around it, which spreads out into a pair of junky wings made of plastic and strips of tin. He presses a button on it triumphantly!

And a light turns on inside the TV as it makes a ticking noise. "Hum? This is not television!" He proclaims as he peers at it. The ticking continues, until it makes a 'ding' noise and turns off. At this point, the wings spread and it begins to hover, floating around in a circle. "Oooh! Flying function works! I am not sure why it is not making the visuals!"

He does, however, shoo it towards Kopie, where it orbits her. "Maybe try hitting it a couple times? I am not sure. Sometimes reception is bad."

To the more attentive, it looks more like a tiny EZ Bake Oven than a TV.

Clicky (761) has posed:
Kotone is next, Clicky rummages once more, digging into a car and pulling up a number of strips of rusted metal, and shaping them with intricate care into a small sphere. "This is one of my favorites! Here!" He hands Kotone a small metal ball with a button on it. When pressed, the ball pops open and unfolds into a metallic flower.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
"Uh...huh. Well there's plenty of MURDER going on in this wasteland." Kyra remarks, not exactly sounding thrilled about it like Krez herself might.

    tKrezentia does trigger Kyra's Antagonist Sense. Though to be fair, she did kind of see her sending Magi to slaughter members of the Holy Church. And she considers nuclear warfare great entertainment. And has mentioned casual murder at least three times in the course of this conversation. This things probably don't sit well with a lot of people! Maybe not here specifically, but...

    The fairy asks for a small TV. Kyra looks on to Clicky expectantly, curious as to if he could actually deliver. He gets to work and Kyra watches him carefully. He...sort of succeeds! Kind of! Naturally, Kyra leans in to get a closer look regardless of how hostile the fairy and Krez are.

Ryu (636) has posed:
    "I can shapeshift, this isn't what I'm supposed to look like," Ryu explains to Clicky, the excitement finally becoming contagious. He seems to have grown accustomed to the innocent and helpful junk dragon, and is more than happy to watch him invent and talk. He smiles warmly at the fact that he remembers Rhapsody, comforted that the two of them might meet on their own without his intervention.

    He can't help but stare each time Clicky cobbles something amazing together on a whim. The dragon is very magical to watch, and it certainly helps improve his mood about this very hostile place. He takes his hat off and sets it on Kyra's head so she can feel the cooling air, too, wanting to share the amazement with someone that he knows.

    Ryu, at this point, is trying VERY HARD to overlook Krezentia's behavior, it's easy to see how tense that Magi makes him. Every time she mentions killing something, he resists the urge to make a face about it fairly poorly, because he highly disapproves. Kotone's presence is just accepted, given a glance here and there as she interacts with Clicky.

Clicky (761) has posed:
Krezentia then asks to copy his systems. "Do you want to make things too?" He replies to Krezentia. "That is wonderful! I would love to see you make inventions! Do not worry, magic is part of inventing too!" He proclaims exuberantly.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa is certainly taking intrest with Ryu and then looks back to Clicky for the momet lisning she seems to be in a good enough mood, even if they are lost in a post nuclear wasteland. Okay it's not that bad given how other placees on this world might be.

"I'm a mechanic myself by trade I do a lot of work with machines."

She's also watching the other gifts with interest. She has ot think that Clicky is pretty creative and then she presses the ball as its' handed to her.

"Oh what is ... this is wonderful!"

She seems to be pretty happy with the flower.

Krezentia Einjager (758) has posed:
    Did he just spit glass and more or less make something out of junk in a few seconds? Alright, that's impressive. It might not BE a TV for sure but that's some impressive tinker work nonetheless. Krezentia whistles, watching the little floating device hover around.

    Kopie attempts to catch it to see what it is, or what it does. If it really doesn't look like it'll turn on, she'll give it a jolt or three! ... and if it opens up, she'll produce an M&M (probably out of one of Krez's pockets) and stick it in there. This is SCIENCE, and both the fairy and her owner seem curious to see what was made, to the point the Magi wouldn't care if Kyra got uncomfortably close. Not that she would.

    She does idly answer Clicky though: "Oh, I don't make stuff. I copy stuff. Mostly, when I beat someone up, but people can volunteer fer it. Doesn't hurt. Gives me a new power though. Just a touch, if you want. No idea what it'll give me for ya, but I'm not picky."

Clicky (761) has posed:
Ryu's response causes Clicky to nod! "AHA! Shapeshifting! Makes sense! some people are afraid of dragons! Rawr, scary! But I am not scary and you are a good person!" Kotone's happiness causes Clicky to click and make a whistly chirruping noise in happiness. "It is good! I am glad you like it!" He says.

Clicky seems to have no problems with Krezentia's proposal. "Oooh oooh, go ahead! I would love to see what happens!" The dragon's drill tail patters the ground at high speed. whup whup whup whup whup! Meanwhile, the tiny TV Bake Oven accepts the M&M and whirrrrs. When done, there is a ding, and it disgorges a tiny fresh-baked chocolaty cookie! Weird, she didn't put in cookie materials... OH WELL, TINY FLYING COOKIE OVEN.

"There is much violence! I have had to do much running when I have been here, I am thinking it might be a good time to find another plane-gate. What lands have you all come from? Are they as amazing as this one?" Clicky asks, looking to Kyra hopefully. She has cool stuff, maybe she has some cool directions to give too!

Ryu (636) has posed:
    "You shouldn't go to my world," Ryu tells Clicky as if on reflex, immediately becoming sad that he even has to say that. It passes quickly. "It's not that amazing, though. Besides casual use of magic, it's kind of a crapsack of a world." He shrugs at Clicky after that, and adds, "People also think dragons are demons there. So I can't really go back there, myself."

    He gives a wan smile, then turns his head to look at Kyra, wondering if she'd guide him to her world instead.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Hostile or not, there is science to be had. Kyra's pretty curious as to what this 'tiny TV' can do, especially if the fairy finds the need to start putting M&Ms inside of it.

    Ryu plops the AC hat on her head and Kyra peers up at it. After a few minutes, her eyes widen. "Oh, wow, that works really nice." She'll happily let it stay on her head for a few minutes because this desert wasteland is pretty awful to someone who grew up in an always-raining, extremely humid city. Cooling down is heavily appreciated.

    "...welllll, I'd like to think Galianda is much better than a radiation-infested post-apocalyptic wasteland! It's pretty different from here, though, since everything runs on magic particles and our world isn't a giant ball of dirt wrapped around molten magma. You could come visit-" she rattles off the coordinates to her warp gate, "But you need to be careful. It's filled with Humes and you might get mistaken for a random encounter."

Krezentia Einjager (758) has posed:

    Kopie grabs the cookie with both hands and starts munching. This is a lot of sugar for a tiny fairy, Krezentia will regret the decision dearly later. But in the meantime, the fairy has a tiny cookie oven that turns M&Ms into cookies. Life does not get TOO much better than that.

    The Magi, on the other hand, extends an arm out towards Clicky. "Well, grab my hand and think real hard that you're lending me your strength. We'll see what happens." Though, on the subject of home worlds... "And eh, I'm from a place called the Holy Empire. Not really that holy. Kind of awful in its own way, but not as much as this place. Doubt you can really make much worse than here, honestly. Y'd need a very creative and very hateful god. Plane-gate, that what you call the Warpgates or is that another thing?"

Clicky (761) has posed:
click click. Cliiiiick wheeeeze. Clicky listens to the various people present explain some things about their world and why he SHOULDN'T go there. "Hrmmmm. It sounds like a lot of people need some help! Maybe I will find a way to do this without making them all sad. But we can always travel and be friends, Ryu! It will be good times." Kyra gets a momentary look of confusion and awe. "Magic particles! It sounds interesting! I have been called random before, but not an encounter! This would be different!"

He wobbles a bit and then takes Krez's hand. The camera-like eyes iris closed as he makes a good impression of a THINKING HARD FACE. After a few seconds, he asks, "Is it working?"

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa says "Well thank you Clicky I will be keeping this, I have to say it's prety clever. As for my world? We don't have a drop of magic and I found the majority of worlds are balls of rock with a magma and iron core. Kinda like a massive cosmic candy if you think about it. Also keeping to a group is a good idea Clicky, it's something I learned in my time here."

She carefully returns the flower to it's ball form to better store it in one of her pockets.

"My planet is creatively known as Earth. Sometimes Terra and rarely Gaia."

She looks over to Kyra and makes a bit of a amused face at het. Kre and her companion also get listned to.

"Sounds like an empire that used to exit, it was neither holy nor what it claimed to be."

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "Yeah, the MP is the fundamental unit of physics in my world. At the particle level, it powers /everything/. Other worlds tend to work differently." Kyra looks thoughtful for a moment, "You know, I bet I could use my /considerable power/ on Mognet social media to prevent people from trying to hurt you. Hmm, let's see. Hold still for a moment."

    Kyra pulls out her phone and takes a picture of Clicky! She takes a /couple/ pictures of Clicky, actually. Then she gets close to Clicky and takes a selfie with her and him in it.

    "I agree that your world is pretty awful, though." Kyra points at Krezentia as she reviews the pictures she takes, trying to decide the ones she wants to post.

Ryu (636) has posed:
    The offer that Clicky makes to Ryu has him surprised, but only briefly. It occurs to him that the dragon's innocence plays into so easily saying they should adventure and be friends. And, honestly, he doesn't seem opposed to the prospect of befriending the junk dragon, nodding once he gives it some thought. "I can tag along with you. It'll help keep incidents like this from happening again," he says, gesturing with one of his hands to the dead radscorpions. He looks back to Clicky while he holds his hand out to Krezentia, curious about how Krezentia's powers work...

    He's frowning, though, because he's reminded of her behavior and what she might use that power for.

Krezentia Einjager (758) has posed:
    There is a brief, draining feeling for Clicky. It is not harmful, although maybe it feels a bit weird. Like having your existence tugged just a bit in Krezentia's direction. Her eyes go from red to bronze, and her hair and shirt shift to a more rust-colored tone. She takes a step back and then lifts a hand.

    This causes a circle of random junk and debris to start spinning around her like a protective shield. She lowers the hand towards a direction where no one is currently at, and the junk launches harmlessly into the distance, presumably falling to the ground or disappearing before it goes too far.

    "Oh man. I like. I guess I owe you one now." If she feels like it, anyway. She's a bigger jerk than she's letting on right now, but being social netted her a new toy, so, you know. Don't bite the hand that feeds you... at least until you're done eating?

    "Thanks. And yeah, well, Holy Empire's made its bed, just a matter of letting it lie in it. Where you from, Clicky? No 'ffense but you don't really look like you belong in this place. You're not radioactive wildlife or a bandit."

Clicky (761) has posed:
Clicky looks impressed at Krezentia's demonstration of what she managed to glean from his magical essence or somesuch. "Ooooh, very neat! Now Krez can move materials like I can!" He claps his claws together, applauding, and then poses for the selfie with Kyra, giving his best happy face!

Hopefull it doesn't make him look like he's about to try to take a bite out of her. That would be /awkwaaaaaard/. "I love picture time!" Clicky replies. "I hope we get to see lots of your friends! That would be amazing!"

Ryu then accepts his offer, and he once again almost curls around Ryu. This is kind of funny because he's almost the size of an economy-class car. "Woohoo! Excellent! Splendid! We will be best adventuring friends! And maybe you can show me another gate to travel!"

Krez brings up a good point, and Clicky responds, "It is true, I am from another plane! Demiplane of Invention, Leonis, a land of creations and wonderful magics all working together! I left to go learn more and share my skills to help make people happier. Imagine my surprise when I found out that the Great Wheel was just part of an even bigger multiverse! It is so big I can't wait to see all of it!"

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa says "That sounds like a plan put social media to good use for once, right?"

She seems to like Kyra's plan abnd thinkj it's a good one.

"A Demiplane of invention, wait your seriously a level of existance that's all bout that one concept?! Well I'm not sure anyone can see all of it even gods, but you will never run out of things to do here, I will give you that Clicky."

Krezentia Einjager (758) has posed:
    "Demiplane? The hell is a DEMIplane? What's demi about it?" Look, Krezentia's never been to any of those worlds with tons of planes and different words for them, you'll have to walk her through that one. Though she doesn't wait to follow-up with: "And wait, so you're from a... world dedicated entirely to magical inventions? So you're less a dragon and more an invention elemental? Or something like that?"

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "I want to bring you to meet my friends sometime! I know one who'd really like you-Lyria-she's into mecha and stuff bigtime. You could also come to Ramuh. Our city is a city of constant innovation! Everyone has invention in their blood!"

    Then the junkdragon reveals that he is literally from the /plane of invention/ and suddenly Kyra feels a little bit outclassed. It would explain the ease as to which he could put things together! Speaking of those, however, Kyra puts the AC hat back onto Ryu's head.

    "Well obviously it's like a plane only /sort/ of like a plane." Kyra might be making that up.

Clicky (761) has posed:
"Well see..." Clicky pops up a small chalkboard out of his back while he puts on a comedically oversized pair of glasses that magify his camera-lens eyes even more. A piece of chalk on a thin limb begins scribbling over the chalkboard, making different shapes while he replies, "A plane is a theoretically infinite space. Planes connect to each other either through gates or a form of intentional movement between the metaphysical concepts. What matters most is intent! A Demiplane is much smaller, a limited personal space that is usually created by powerful mages in order to have personal space or other reasons! They float on the Ethereal Plane of emotion and dreams!"
5rHe leans in then and stage-whispers, "And ghooooosts! Spooky, yes?" He pulls back out. "Invention elemental? I do not know! People call me a dragon and I am happy to be called a dragon, so I accept that." He junkshrugs. It's simple enough for him.

the chalkboard and glasses are stowed back away when Kyra proposes she take him to meet her friends and visit Ramuh. "OOooh! That would be wonderful! I would love to go visit another place full of invention!"

Ryu (636) has posed:
    "Oh." The AC hat is back on Ryu's head, so he adjusts it carefully and smiles over at Kyra appreciatively. This is, notably, before there's a junk dragon coiling around him. He cannot handle being around sun-heated rusty metal and junk like that, and tries to pat Clicky on the neck to show some sort of friendliness. "Alright, alright... Hell, this form doesn't handle deserts well at ALL--"

    A glimmer of light, and he actually shrinks in height, much of his outfit and even his weapons seem to vanish, and soon there's a pearl-scaled dragon standing there instead of a human. The wingless mythical reptile rumbles. "That's better." His scales are annoyingly reflective under the bright desert sun.

    He still has the AC hat on. He takes it off and offers it back to Kyra. "You need this more than I do," he tells her. "Are you sure you don't want it.

Krezentia Einjager (758) has posed:
    "So... powerful mage guy decides he needs an entire halfdimension dedicated to invention, just sort of makes it, and it latches itself on the dimension of emotion and dreams, and then it's its own world? Either your world has very few powerful mages or a LOT of smaller worlds."

    Krezentia considers.

    "There a halfplane of pineapple juice and soda?"

    Important questions and matters.

Clicky (761) has posed:
"There could be! We should look sometime, that sounds like fun!" Clicky replies. "But yes, that is basically how it works. The cosmology is a little complicated! But so fun!"

When Ryu turns into a dragon, Clicky is suddenly paying close attention, skittering around Ryu and examining them closely with those oversized glasses again. "Ooooh! You are very dragony indeed! White dragon, do you breathe cold then? Maybe it works differently in other planes and you are white-hot! Yes! Or a fire dragon who lives in an ice cave for balanced comfort!"

Krezentia Einjager (758) has posed:
    "I think blue is ice, usually. Or maybe I'm thinking lightning," Krezentia considers, examining Ryu's form only briefly. "Might depend on the world too. Green's wood or nature in some places, but in others it's acid. Found that out the hard way once." That was extremely unpleasant. "White... yeah, maybe ice. Or holy? Or he's from a world where color's irrelevant and they all breath fire anyway." Constants, the one thing the Multiverse CAN'T do.

    "And wait, what happens if two powerful guys want to create the same world? Like, demiplane of invention. What if someone else tries to make it now? There gonna be two of them?"

    The Warpgate system must look confusing as hell over there.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Kyra happily takes the hat back from Ryu and plops it on her head. A look of relief overcomes her face. "Yeah, exactly. An artificial plane. A demiplane." Kyra might be making this part up too, based on context. Her world really doesn't have /planes/ persay, but it does have different dimensions. "Maybe some wizard made a demiplane of pinapple juice and soda to set himself up for mixed drinks for life, I dunno. The multiverse is weird so I bet it exists somewhere."

    Kyra shrugs nonchalantly...and brings out her phone again so she can take a picture of Ryu and Clicky together. Just a couple dragons hanging out!

Clicky (761) has posed:
"Ooooh, such variety! It is amazing! I wonder what it means?" Krez's dissertation seems to be endlessly fascinating to Clicky. "If two wanted such a place then there would be two of them! It is not so limited! If you are a powerful mage, maybe /you/ could find out how to make one too!" And then KREZENTIA WOULD BE THE POPULAR ONE! HO HO HO.

Clicky makes sure to pose again when he sees Kyra taking more pictures. He seems to enjoy being photogenic!

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa listen as kyra mentions a friend of her's and nods a bit.

"It is quite a city I been there due to some work I had in the past."

Souji has paied pretty well all things considered. She thinks and the contiunes to ponder about the demini plane that Clicky has spoken of.

"Fair enough I can't really argue you do seem to look like a dragon to me."

She looks over to Kyra, and smirks at the phone she also starts snapping few herself of everyone hom is here at the moment.

"I think you might like my world Clicky but ... I don't think it would take too well. You'd be mistaken for a robot of some sort or trouble. Lot of new thing have been invented there in my life time alone, all sorts of medical technology, information tech.

Ryu (636) has posed:
    "Light. Holy is a word for it, but I'm not really connected to any sort of god so it's just Light," Ryu explains to Clicky, and therefore also clarified for Krezentia. He looks aside at her for a moment. While he does this, he reaches out to touch Clicky on the snout and casually maintain some comfortable personal space distance, though he doesn't stop the examination. His hand pulls away when Clicky is getting his picture taken, looking at Kyra dumbfoundedly and probably contrasting Clicky's exuberance a lot.

    His voice is notably coming from a sort of human speech mimickry trick using a crystalline noise coming from his chest and throat, and not from his mouth. It has an echo and sounds strange.

Clicky (761) has posed:
Clicky is gently kept from violating Ryu's personal space too badly. It's kind of cute, really, with the exuberant junkdragon being calmly kept fromt climbing all over Ryu to examine minute details. Whirr whirrr click honk. "I am glad this happened." He prounounces after some time. "I got to meet many new friends! I am going to definately have to explore other worlds and planes and see what new and fun things I can find, and new friends to share with!" It looks like all those warnings are probably going to go to waste. Oh well.