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Latest revision as of 15:16, 1 May 2015

Taro, Resident M.D
Date of Scene: 30 April 2015
Location: The Citadel - Medical
Synopsis: Taro sees to a well-cooked ham.
Cast of Characters: 399, 516

Ferham (516) has posed:
     Ferham has been brought in a few days ago, and while the immediate major damage to her body and lack of energy has been dealt with, she seems to be still a bit... well, out of it. She's laying on a Reploid recharge bed in her black undersuit, a few wires snaking out here and there from around her body. Her helmet is off and that black hair of hers is pooled around her head. Though there is still the smell of ozone and maybe even a little burnt hair at that. She doesn't... look like a burn victim, good thing synthetic skin is easy to heal and replace. No Freddy Krueger look going on here.

Taro (399) has posed:
    This is one of those cases which calls for an expert. And he -is- the greatest living roboticist that his world has ever produced.
    Taro reads through Ferham's medical chart on his way to the bedside, a blue-purple glimmer of one of his cyber-elves fluttering along beside him. His expression is a touch darker than usual, brow more deeply furrowed. "They really should have called for me sooner," he mutters.
    But that attitude is (mostly, not entirely) checked at the door as he arrives. Short steps lead him to the bedside monitors, which he appraises before turning to check on the reploid herself. "Ferham," he says quietly, calmly. "Are you awake?"

Ferham (516) has posed:
     There is a gentle stirring as Ferham blinks a little and her arms and legs shift, as if she's making sure they're still attached and work. "Oh, hey there, father... I think I failed us at that... rookery zone," her voice sounds a little hoarse, as if she hasn't had water in a long time. Perhaps immolation does that to one. She tries to sit up a bit, raising her head a little, her hair however didn't look singed, thankfully. "I'm a mess, unfortunately. Was worse when I came in," she shook her head a little, before putting it back down. "Turns out dragons have really powerful jaws," she winced as she flexed her left arm a bit, that part was one of the most severe areas, having been apparently bitten by huge, strong teeth.

Taro (399) has posed:
    As she tries to sit up, Taro moves to set a gentle if firm hand on her shoulder in an attempt to prevent her from rising farther. "You should lie still. Moving will only aggrevate your injuries."
    Provided she doesn't try to actually get up or out of bed, he'll move back, if only to take off his gloves and tuck them through his belt. "So long as you gave as good as you got, then it was worth it, hm?" He watches as she tries to move her arm, then glances at the monitor again. "Do you have any particular attachment to this shell of yours? It may be simpler to replace the arm than to repair it."

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Ow... you're right," Ferham winced again, settling back against the recharge bed like she was becoming inert, like a crash dummy, almost. "To this shell? that's... my arm, are you talking about replacing my body? I'm... high performance," Ferham looks just a little distressed about this, nodding. "You should have seen the other guy... that's what they say, right? Yes, I gave it my all," she sighed a bit, leaning back against the bed, looking over. "I might have to have some parts replaced, but I'm not an automobile, I can't just swap out huge parts of me," though she made it sound like it was something she was not okay with, rather than impossible.

Taro (399) has posed:
    "Not your entire body," Taro clarifies as he shakes his head. "Your core systems are intact and what damage those have taken are easily repairable. Just your arm." He personally seems to be unbothered by the idea of merely replacing it, though he doesn't seem to be deaf to her tone of voice. "Though if you'd rather I repair it, I will, even if it will take longer."

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Maybe... maybe I'd have you do that, if you have time," Ferham sighed a little, her green eyes rolling about as she looks around the room, looking a little uncomfortable. Or maybe embarrassed. "I am just half ashamed at having dropped the ball and lost the area, and half at being made so helpless like this," she groaned. "I guess the whole non-violent approach didn't work out for me, this time... I gave them several chances to disengage, but... organics seemed to be impassioned for things like this," she shrugged.

Taro (399) has posed:
    "Dragons, or at least many of them, have a tendency to feel emotions deeply," Taro observes, "and that can be a driving force for their objectives. Not to mention proud. To have disengaged may simply have not been an option in your opponent's opinion."
    Taro turns away from her to begin rifling through cabinets, finding tools to supplement the ones on his belt and setting them on a tray. "Myrrh," he calls to the 'elf that's still fluttering about, "I'll be sending a list of components to the stores. Those which they can't provide I'll need fabricated. Go find one of out other priests and set them to that task, would you?"
    'Of course, Em Taro!' the 'elf warbles. 'Be right back!' And it zips away on the errand.
    The tray is picked up, only to be set on a rolling table, which is wheeled to her bedside. "You may be in for a long night," he warns.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Uhn.. so I noticed," Ferham shrugged a little, making a face at the discomfort from moving her arm the wrong way. "Well, I made an attempt, I suppose that's what the responsible thing might have been," she nodded a little. Her head snapped over as the manbot goes about rifling through his tools and setting them down. "Looks like you have good enough assistants," Fer teased Taro just a little, watching him confer with his cyber elf companion. "In for a long night? Pfft, if only," she shook her head a little, clearly facetiously there, leaning her head back. "How have things in the church been?" she nodded to him.

Taro (399) has posed:
    Taro then rolls over a chair to match the table, sits down, then adjusts till he finds the level to his liking. "Myrrh and the other cyber-elves think highly of me, even if they don't think as much of my titles," he says with a hint of amusement. Once he's settled, he moves to gently yet firmly stretch out Ferham's injured arm flat and slightly away from her body so that he can work. While waiting on the replacements, he can tend to disassembling and removing the damaged parts. "The Church is..." He makes an almost amused sound, "Well. There's been some debate about one of the finer points of the CyberGoddess' teachings, but I will not bore you with that. Overall, it's small but steady, and our work continues. I've seen a few new faces in the temple during services, along with the regularly devout."

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Oh, new converts, eh? That's good," Ferham said idly, turning her face away from the arm and where he was working on it. She didn't seem to want to examine the finer points of her body being opened up like that. It was a little unsightly for her to look at or think about, apparently. "Any new modeling careers being started?" she apparently was referencing the one member of his congregation she had suggested get into it. She vaguely remembered the blue haired Reploid girl. "You seem to have a hnack for attracting those sorts," she teased him just a little again, due to that little excursion he'd taken on her head that one time.

Taro (399) has posed:
    Taro is not offended by Ferham turning away as he works. While compared to organics there is a certain 'neatness' to machine physiology, there is a certain understandable squamishness to watching one's own repairs. Still, if she hasn't turned off her sensors in that arm, she may notice he has a deft hand. Only the exact amount of pressure needed to cut or to unplug and no more.
    "Model...? Ah, that. No, Vicar Acacia is more likely to rework the design of any clothes you send her than to be photographed in them. I think she was flattered, though, once she got over her initial surprise at your suggestion."

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "I wasn't sending her any clothes, those are expensive, and besides... I like to think I'm more reserved than that," Ferham smiled, indeed having turned off her pain receptors in that limb. She still winced here and there when she felt the tension of what he was doing over there, still able to feel when he pressed or moved her around. Sort of like when a dentist's patient can still feel things in a base sense rather with fine things. "Ah yes, that was her name. Cute one she was, some potential there," she said cooley, her chest rising and falling as Taro worked. "What's the prognosis, doctor? am I to be fieldstripped for spare parts?"

Taro (399) has posed:
    Quick, efficient, accentuated at times by the drop of a broken connector or actuator dropped into another tray for later recycling. "I meant that as theoretical example, Ferham. I didn't honestly suspect you or anyone else had been sending her any clothes. Except possibly Central Laundry." Humor delivered in deadpan form. He lapses into silence for a moment as he teases out the mangled servo that was keeping her arm from flexing properly. "I think you will survive, and be fit for either of your careers once your repairs are complete. I'm assuming you yourself are still keeping a hand in the modeling business?"

Ferham (516) has posed:
     Her eyelids twitched as did the corner of her mouth as the broken parts were removed and tossed into the tray. This was almost like the dentist's, in osme way. She took a deep breath and nodded. "Yeah, work has just been alright, since my time out patrolling has been a little light, I suspect I will need to make up a bit of that when I am repaired," Fer replied, shifting her legs about to see if her legs and knees were still flexible. "Least those are still working, so my modeling career isn't dead in the water. I am told my legs are one of my best qualities," she rolled her eyes.

Taro (399) has posed:
    "Mm. Well, I'll let the experts in fashion to be the judge of such matters." Taro does a bit more checking to ensure that no damage has been overlooked, that all is to his satisfaction. A few suspect clips and a scre are removed because they just might be suspect.
    He's finished just in time for the replacements to arrive. A human...well, no, cyborg in a cassock of a lighter shade than Taro arrives with a rolling cart with the needed compoenents, on which Myrrh has hitched a ride. One is deferential, one less so. "Your delivery, your Eminence." 'See, everything you needed, Em Taro!'
    The elecronic fairy then alights, to land at the corner of the 'bed' where Ferham can see her. 'Are you feeling better?'

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Good thing I'm in very capable hands, many sets of them," Ferham smiled a little as she noticed Taro and his subordinate handling her replacement bits, peering at the cyberelf when it lands at the corner of her recharge bed. "Yes, I am, thank you," she replies swiftly, peering at the interesting looking being before looking back to Taro. "Thank you again for this, Taro.. I didn't want to part with one of my original limbs just yet," she grimaced just a tad before her face softened, peering up at the ceiling. "I think I might power myself down a little till you're done, as fun as this, just give me a signal, okay?" she asked, reaching over to squeeze one of his hands.

Taro (399) has posed:
    Ah. That explains the attachment. "Of course." Whether that's to the thanks or to her plans isn't entirely clear, though he does continue with, "I'll wake you once I've finished and it's safe to reactivate."
    He'll fall silent then, letting Ferham rest while replaces that which he had removed. It will take some time still, but the results will be worth the wait - one fully functional arm, as good as if not better than before it had been mauled.