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Beasts of Sky and Earth
Date of Scene: 01 May 2015
Location: Avatar World <AW>
Synopsis: Toph goes to check up on the badgermoles, Valka and Jarvis comes along.
Cast of Characters: 20, 301, 759

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    After changing to her usual green and yellow wardrobe the blind earthbender had set out for her birth place, the city of Gaoling. Well, not Gaoling itself. Toph's destination is the hills outside of the city, far away from the Beifong estate where she hasn't been for several months. There is even less reason to go there now, and while she is a bit annoyed at Jarvis' comment and suggestion that she needed protection. Not that she can blame him... Tony had been pretty clear on what he thought about Toph going alone to Gaoling after what happened last year. It does feel a bit strange to go to the badgermoles without him, even if she had fled here the first days after she learned about what happened.

    And sure enough, Jarvis should have no problem finding and catcing up to Toph as she doesn't bother changing her usual path from the warp gate to the caverns in the hills. Sure, she might snark about it, but she's not about to give trouble.

    As she heads up the hill she halts for one moment as Mark 41 arrives, though she doesn't turn towards Jarvis nor greet him. Instead she waits for their multiversal guest to arrive, lifting up her radio and fiddling with it to make sure it's broadcasting the signal so Valka can find her way here. Some human company might not be so bad too. Though the badgermoles seem to realize that their human friend has arrived, and a few of them are already lurking near the cavern openings, snuffling curiously. In response Toph does allow herself a slight smile, though she waits outside for now. "Just a moment, guys..." she assures them.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Mark 41 flashes overhead in a graceful streak of black and gold, pulls up and drops to a neat three point landing with one fist on the ground, in such a flawless imitation of Tony Stark's usual flair that it's difficult to believe that he's not inside the suit. Except of course that Toph can very easily sense that it's hollow.

As it rises to its feet, Jarvis's voice emits from the helmet. "I do hope this is not an inconvenience, Miss Beifong. But Mr. Stark's instructions were after all, quite clear. I shall endeavour not to get in the way." The empty helmet turns its glowing optics toward the cave, silently scanning and counting the badgermoles at the entrance. Not that they're the likely source of any possible trouble. No, that would almost certainly come from the direction of town, if at all.

Valka (759) has posed:
     Two stars to the right and straight on until morning. Speak friend and enter. Follow these coordinates through the gate and meet me in front of these caverns. Two of those sound very mystical - almost poetic in a sense - but the third seems rather simple until one realizes exactly what that third one entails.

     Valka and Cloudjumper's trip through the portal is rather brief, the reality of one world melting away while another fades into view, almost like one would focus a lens on a projector to snap reality more into focus, and soon she finds herself flying over the hills and valleys outside of Gaoling. Not that she knows the name, of course, having never heard it and never seeing a city so large and with such interesting architecture, but she does allow the dragon to fly leisurly toward the signal on her radio, nudging him with light taps of her toes on the sensitive skin on the back of his neck to get him going in the right direction. The dragon, too, is taking this all in, smelling new smells, seeing new things, hearing things that have never been heard by a dragon like him. It's actually quite nice for both of them, truth be told.

     Cloudjumper's wings beat in steady time as the duo loses altitude, coming in to land near the radio signal, and it may be quite easy to miss the woman astride the dragon if one isn't paying attention.

     Or is blind.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    It's all too easy to know that the armor is empty for Toph. And it's a rather grim reminder too...

    Inconvenience? Hardly the right word. And it's not like she can fault Jarvis either, as he is a program and not an AI. He's only doing what Tony told him to, after all. For now Toph remains quiet, not responding to his comment. Instead she raises her head as she hears something overhead, something weird that she hasn't heard in this world before...

    Hearing the wings of something large, Toph blinks. And as Cloudjumper lands, the blind girl's eyes widen in surprise. Woah, that is fairly large for something flying that isn't an air bison! But Toph doesn't seem afraid, she is used to large creatures. And it's pretty clear this is a multiversal creature. Not to mention Toph hears more than one massive heartbeat over in that direction. "So you're Valka, huh?" she asks in the direction of the dragon rider. Behind her the badgermoles creep out of their caves, and some of them seem a bit hesitant and not sure just what to think of the dragon. Some of them make warning sounds, though they aren't outright attacking.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Jarvis doesn't miss anything, being on high alert for the safety of his young charge. The frowning golden faceplate of the Iron Man suit snaps upward to track the progression of the incoming dragon across the sky; but its weapons systems remain dormant. Valka is, after all, expected. And Jarvis has immediate access to her Union personnel files which allow him to make a positive identification. "Greetings, Ma'am," he emits politely when woman and dragon are within earshot.

How the badgermoles might react, however, is an unknown quantity, and so the suit remains in on guard in sentry mode not far from Toph as its scanners continue to monitor the animals. "Miss Beifong, you may wish to console your friends that the dragon is not here to eat them."

Valka (759) has posed:
     "That's me, yes." A voice comes from near the dragon after he lands, the woman astride his back vaulting deftly off her spot between his wings and landing lightly on two feet, first left, then right, her bone staff held loosely in her right hand, the rattles buzzing for a second before stopping. She straightens, reaching up to pat Cloudchaser on the side of his neck, whispers something to him and nods her head upward before stepping toward the pair. Cloudchaser, so dismissed, snorts toward the badgermoles, platfully bumps Valka with his head and, with a beat of his wings, is airborne, hopefully soothing the badgermoles into not attacking.

     "It's nice to put faces to the voices I hear on the radio." Valka sounds cheerful, the rustling of her braids against leather armor heard as she bows to the pair, going down to one knee with arms outstretched before straightening again, leaning over to peer at the badgermoles in their caverns. "I do hope Cloudjumper didn't frighten them. He may look scary, but beneath it all he's just a big softy."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    The voice is instantly recognized, and as Valka gets to the ground it's easier to get a good 'look' at her. Toph does give the woman a somewhat wry smile. "I don't care much for faces myself, but at least I have a physical shape to connect the voice too," she offers with a brief shrug.

    The badgermoles 'watch' the dragon closely, though as it takes to the skies again they can't track it that well. Some of them raise their head and listen intently, though the large beasts quickly turn and begin shuffling off down into the safety of the caverns. No, unless they are directly threatened they see no need to pursue the strange creature. Likewise Toph lets out a huff. "They don't need me to coddle them, Jarvis. Besides, they are not hunted by any creatures around here. Other creatures normally look out for them." Who would be crazy enough to attack a huge creature weighing several tons who can bend the earth?

    "They will be fine, they feel safer underground anyway. You can come on down with me, they aren't dangerous as long as you don't mess with them," Toph says to Valka. "Kinda like your dragon, I guess. Are they common in your world?"

    With that Toph follows the badgermoles, half sliding down the slope leading down into the caves and amidst the badgermoles waiting there. Some of them seem curious about the new woman and the suit of armor that smells kind of familiar.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
"This is not my face," Jarvis explains pedantically. "I am an artificial intelligence piloting a mobile independently powered armor suit designated Mark 41. I do not have a body. Nevertheless the sentiment is appreciated."

The suit emits another of those sounds very like a sigh as it turns back to Toph, but it doesn't argue the point. Instead, Jarvis turns on the running lights and follows Toph down the path, repulsors kicking in with soft whines here and there where otherwise he'd have slid down the slope.

Valka (759) has posed:
     The oddity of a blind woman being able to get a physical reading of a person is pondered upon for a moment, but honestly, the solution really doesn't matter. What was said was said, and in Valka's world, that's quite enough. "Exactly like dragons. They're not tame in the least, but they do respect those who respect them. Treat them as you want to be treated and you end up fine." She looks up, shielding her face from the sun with her hand to watch Cloudjumper circle off to the east. "He's going to do a little exploring - find a high spot to look out over the countryside. Maybe find something to eat in a lake or an ocean. I've managed to keep him from getting farm animals for quite some time, now."

     Valka chuckles and begins to follow, peering into the cavern where Toph goes. The sound of rummaging in a belt pack can be heard, followed by the striking of steel against flint - a sharp cracking sound. Next, a hiss of something lighting, like gas escaping from a balloon, followed by metal snaps being buckled into place. A shoulder-mounted lantern, powered by Ziffleback gas. (Don't worry, it's odorless.) "Dragons are very common in my world. As common as a dog might be in this world." she replies to Toph, snuffing her lantern with a twist of her fingers when Jarvis' lights come into play, turning to look at the armored suit standing there. "You....do not have a body." She appears to wrestle with this for a few seconds before brightening a little. "You must be a ghost." Valka says with a smile, tilting her head to peer quizattically at Jarvis before looking down after Toph. "We should follow her, I think." And then, without waiting for a reply, down the woman goes into the darkness.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    The young teenage girl turns slightly back to Valka, raising her voice just slightly. "No dogs in this world. People say that the animals from my world are weird." Clearly she doesn't think so. "And as long as he stays away from people he's not bound to upset anybody. They are getting used to multiversal creatures, though as I told you dragons have been extinct for some decades here..." It's a shame, really.

    The girl does not comment on Valka's guesses concerning Jarvis, and it might be easy to see that her face is blank and expressionless for a moment. Though she does smile a little when one of the badgermoles sticks its face up into hers and gives her a long lick, drenching the front of her tunic in saliva. Toph in turn reaches out to scratch it between its unseeing eyes. More of the badgermoles seem curious when Mark 41 and Valka join them, and a fairly large one sniffs curiously at Mark 41, trying to catch the scent lingering inside the suit. And wondering why it's empty and moving. A smaller one ventures closer to Valka, though it's still larger than her. Just... small for a badgermole.

    "Badgermoles are sometimes tamed here and used for various stuff, though most of them live in the wild. They don't like people messing with their cubs or invading their territory, but this pack here has known me since I was six," Toph explains.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
"No, I am a computer program," Jarvis explains, rather uselessly to one with no frame of reference. "Although I suppose you could say that my primary 'consciousness' resides in a secure computer server some worlds away. Although I am not, in the traditional sense, truly 'alive,' I do possess self-awareness." He hesitate, then lowers his voice to a more discreet tone, though he well knows that Toph can still hear him. "My creator -- Miss Beifong's adoptive father -- was killed in action recently as part of a Union operation. The term 'ghost' may not be the best to use at this time."

The suit maintains pace behind Toph with an even, soft clanking noise of metal on earth. "Additionally," he continues in a pleasant conversational tone, "badgermoles seem to be connoisseurs of music. Regardless of the quality." He lifts a gauntlet to stroke the nose of one of the large one snuffling him. "I believe they detect Mr. Stark's scent still on the suit," he observes. "I don't suppose that an attempt to explain remote operation to them would bear out anything useful."

Valka (759) has posed:
     "The same could be said about every world that's been pushed together into the multiverse, in one way or another. I visited Bahamut's realm recently, and there were things that...well...I couldn't really make sense of without a lot of explanation from my host. Still, this world did have dragons, so in a way it's more like my world than that one." Valka pauses at the mention of Dragon extinction in this world, thinking about Cloudjumper for a moment. "You need not worry about him. Unless I'm nearby, he generally stays away from anything populated. Even though he weighs as much as a boulder, he's smarter than some of the boys in my village. A pity there are no more. I do enjoy discovering new species of dragon. Was it hunters that caused their extinction? A disease, perhaps?

     Trying to explain remote operation to Valka would be just as useful as trying to explain it to the badgermoles at this point, to be perfectly honest. Jarvis' explanation gives Valka an expression of docility and semi-understanding, but in fact the concepts just completely go over her head. Sure, she knows some of the words - secure, worlds, self-awareness, even. But computer? Program? Greek to her. She simply smiles politely, nods, and turns, offering a hand to the 'small' badgermole sniffing at her, letting it get a good idea of what she, and by default, a dragon, smells like.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    There are few sounds Toph's sensitive ears can't pick up, though it's clear that she ignores Jarvis's hushed words in favor of giving the badgermoles some attention. Most of them gather around the blind girl as they know her, and some of them seem to nudge her a fair bit, sniffing at her and licking at her face if they can get to it.

    "Some worlds are similar," she agrees with Valka. "And it was the Fire Nation's royal family that's to blame." A heavy sigh leaves the girl as she closes her eyes. "Apparently it was considered cool to hunt a dragon to show how manly you were. Seems the last dragon was killed before I was born." No, that's nothing to rejoice. "They were the original firebenders of this world, and even though most firebenders are dunderheads in my opinion... it's still bending."

    The young badgermole sniffs at Valka's hand... then licks it carefully and lets out a low murring sound before it presses its head against her shoulder. Seems somebody wants attention!

    Jarvis too seems to get some appreciation as the large badgermole leans into the scritching and closes its eyes. As for what he is, Toph assumes that Valka did not really get it since she only nods. "Technology is kind of like making magic that you can explain. Jarvis is a being created without a physical body, his mind is inside a metal box. Though he is able to control the armor that... his creator made," Toph explains as best as she can, trying to keep it simple and phrase it for somebody who comes from a world without technology. Perhaps it was a bit easier for her to accept and understand it at first. "... you'll understand more when you've been in the multiverse a bit."

    Suddenly Toph lifts her foot, then kicks it down into the cave floor, and a small earthen pillar rises up behind her just as she moves to sit down on it. "You want a dumpling?" she asks Valka as she reaches into her satchel.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
"Indeed," Jarvis states agreeably, keeping up the scritching as it seems to be well received, "when our world first unified we were for some time at a loss as to how to explain 'magic'. I had some frame of reference, at least, from popular fiction and the introduction of the Asgardians to our own realm, but I do know that Mr. Stark found it MOST frustrating, for some months before he came to the conclusion that each world has its own set of physics. I am still processing the fundamental differences between the known universes. I suspect I will be doing so for some time."

"--Miss Beifong, it seems unlikely that at the technology level of THIS world, and how much of it remains unexplored or at least remote and /little/-explored, that a definitive declaration of a species' extinction can be made." Translation: They COULD still be out there, somewhere.

Valka (759) has posed:
     The badgermole investigating Valka causes the woman to shift back slightly - not in fear, mind you, but more to get into a low-to-the-ground position that allows the Badgermole to look more closely at her. She makes a noise, similar to the sound the Badgermole made, except a bit lower in her chest, shuffling slightly closer before reaching out her arms to more easily scratch the fuzzy thing behind his ears, on top of his forehead, and pretty much anywhere else she can reach. "Who's a good girl, then?" she murmurs to the animal, looking over at the sound of rock rumbling against itself, just in time to see Toph sit on her pillar. She pauses for a moment, considering, reaching beneath the badgermole's chin to scratch - a spot that, on dragons, is quite enjoyable to them.

     "It would make the most sense to have a world in that way. I mean, we breathe the same air, if you throw something up it will fall, water, temperature, color, sound. A good way to look at it might be a single basic world that is modified by the people in it, like a lens that changes the way you see light. Tilt it one way and you get a world of magic. Tilt it another, and you get a world of dragons, but no magic. A third way and you get minds in metal bodies like Jarvis, here." She looks over at Jarvis. "Dragons are considerably harder to get rid of than a few hunters, even if they are determined to wipe them out entirely. Surely there are remote islands, mountains and the like, inaccessable to those without access to things like flight or Earthbending, in your case." And, in a stage whisper, leans over to Toph. "Jarvis uses a /lot/ of big words, doesn't he?"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Another badgermole joins the other and sniffs at Mark 41, licking its head curiously and snuffling some down its back. Though it does make a frustrated sound too, bumping Mark 41 with its nose.

    There's less confusion with Valka however, and the badgermole cub sniffs some more at the woman. Though this close Valka should notice something... the eyes of the badgermoles are pale and blank with no pupils, and they do not seem to follow her with their eyes at all. But still, it responds to her movements, copying her and making some more of those sounds. And the scritching? It seems the badgermole can't get enough of it! And the chin scratching? The badgermole pants, opening its mouth with its tongue lolling slightly out. Some of the other badgermoles follow, bumping the woman with their noses and seems to want some of that chin scritching as well. One of them even flops down near her.

    Toph calmly pulls out a piece of cloth from her satchel and unwraps it, revealing some freshly made dumplings that seem to still be warm. One of them is held out towards Valka, and Toph listens first to Jarvis, then to the viking woman talk. And what Valka says does seem to make sense, at least from what she's heard seeing people describe lenses. To her they don't exactly mean much. "All I know is that dragons haven't been seen in years. I'm not the leading authority on dragons either, I prefer badgermoles," Toph states with a shrug. And when Valka whispers that comment, Toph does manage to keep a deadpan look on her face as she mutters back.

    "You have no cruddin' idea..." Lucky her who gets to practice reading and writing with him.

    The dumpling is basically shoved into Valka's hands, and Toph begins eating her own. "With the war over it should be easier to travel around the world here, but... I've been busy with multiversal business," Toph explains to Valka. "You are free to explore here though, they know about the multiverse well enough. You don't seem like the type of person who wants to cause trouble anyway."

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
The armored suit emits another faint clanking noise as it has to take a step forward to maintain its balance as one of the badgermoles gets a little bit insistent with the headbutting. Jarvis raises Mark 41's other hand to give that one headscritches too. All while keeping his scanners trained on the tunnel from whence they came. Just in case Toph's biological father -- or anyone else who might do her some mischief -- might follow them. "With a sizeable vocabulary," Jarvis states serenely, "one need not resort to the use of words such as 'crudding'."

And then, as the beasts continue to crowd him, he considers asking Toph to explain to them that he is not Stark, only his proxy, regardless of what the suit smells like. And that there's no point trying to tear it apart to get at the creamy center. But then he determines the simpler course, and begins to play soft string music over the suit's external speakers. Something from Pepper's playlist, probably. "I wonder," he muses softly, so as not to disrupt the music, "whether in the current state of your world's political situation, rediscovering dragons is quite in the best interest of its people at this time."

Valka (759) has posed:
     It appears Valka has made a new friend - or several, as the badgermoles crowd around her. She doesn't panic, instead offering chin scratches to each one that comes close - even daring to pat the baby's tongue lightly, being sure to keep hands out of the way of teeth. "Friendly, aren't they?" Valka asks with a chuckle, getting on one knee. Somehow, in the midst of all the scratching and surrounding by badgermoles, she does manage to snag the offered dumpling, crossing her legs (with a baby badgermole seeking attention over her shoulder), and, after a tentative sniff, delicately starts to take bites from the dumpling, chewing and swallowing. There's really no hesitation, either - apparently trusting the voices over the radio comes easily to the red-headed woman. "Ignoring light, then...how about...vibration." Something's dawned on the woman. "How a vibration feels different through metal, or wood, or stone, or air, or water. There is a single basic substance of the universe, and it's all on how the vibrations go through it that end up determinine the kind of world it is."

     Valka takes another bite of her dumpling, mmm-phing. "S'good." she murmurs, swallowing after a moment. "If you want to have a search for Dragons in your world, and you decide and believe that it's a justified search, political things notwithstanding or otherwise, I'm sure we could get a Hobblegrunt or Windstriker to give you a ride while we do some hunting around." She snickers. "Mister Jarvis, sometimes crude words do fit the subject at hand better than the most eloquent of speeches...." trailing off at the sound of music.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    While the badgermole seems to like scritching well enough, though the second still seems a bit confused as to why the suit is empty and smelling of that one person who has visited them from time to time.

    At Jarvis' comment Toph lets out another huff, munching on her dumpling and talking with her mouth full. "Iht's totally ah word," she says between pieces of meat and dough, then swallows the food in her mouth. "You know I can speak like you do, I just don't want to." It might be hard for Valka to imagine taht the girl sitting there is the heir of one of the most influential families in this world. She certainly doesn't act like it.

    The moment Jarvis starts playing the string music, all the badgermoles in the cave turn towards Mark 41, clearly listening to the soothing sounds. And one by one they begin to let out soft rumbling sounds, clearly content. Toph too recognizes the song, though she doesn't comment on it as she continues eating. "These badgermoles are friendly, yeah. They are used to humans, and they have known me for 8 years now," Toph explains as she eats. As for the metaphor of vibrations, that does make more sense, especially to somebody who uses vibration in order to 'see' the world around her. "Huh..." she muses, clearly contemplating this. Not that Toph is overly philosophical, but... the idea is interesting, she must admit.

    As for any potential search for dragons, the blind girl shrugs. "You are free to do what..." However, the girl pauses when Valka talkes about rides, stopping mid bite as she narrows her eyes. "I don't know those names, but... I'll pass. I don't like flying." Appa she's gotten used to, but he sort of did this gliding through the air. Dragons have these wing movements, don't they?

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
What the badgermoles may not appreciate is that, whenever Tony visited them, Jarvis was there too. If not riding along in a suit, then keeping tabs on his master via the CODEC implant in his ear. So he knows exactly how to handle the beasts. As they begin to rumble and sigh to the music, he carefully extricates the Mark 41 from the slightly precarious position he'd found himself in, and moves through the group to take up position where he can more effectively cover his young charge and her guest.

Valka (759) has posed:
     "Most of our curses are tame compared to 'crudding.' Lots of things relating to dragon dung, unsure lineage of ones parents, or obvious physical differences. The dragons, though....well, their names do sound terrifying, to be sure, but they're really not that bad. I mean, take the Terrible Terror. It's about as big as a cat, will curl up in your lap, and makes cute squeaking noises when you pet it." Valka keeps scritching the littlest Badgermole with one hand, eating with the other, watching the others turn towards the armoured suit in rapt attention.

     "I pretty much already know what might happen if I fail in my search....but what if I do find dragons?" Valka's face goes deadpan, her voice monotine. "Obviously I should go to this fire nation you spoke of, while mounted on my dragon, and offer to show them where to find more, right? They sound like reasonable people, after all."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "Crud is a pretty tame word, yeah. I have heard far worse before I left this world already," Toph states, then decides to explain to Valka. "I hung out with big, buff wrestlers from when I was ten."

    Such weird dragon names, but eh... so what? "Maybe I should meet some more of your dragons sometime." Certainly there are more Union people who would want to do that as well. "Do they come in even smaller and bigger sizes than a cat and the size that your dragon is?" Because there are some huge ones out there, like the Union general as well as the undead dragon Sindragosa.

    Just what /would/ happen if dragons were found in this world? Toph ponders this as she chews on her dumpling, then shrugs. "Eh, not too sure. The Fire Nation would be interested for sure, especially the Fire Lord. He's a buddy of mine, and not about to burn your ass off if you want to see him. He would want to keep them safe, that's for sure." As for reasonable people? "The current Fire Lord is reasonable, though his predecessors had noodles for brains," Toph says quite honestly, frowning a bit as she thinks back.

Valka (759) has posed:
     Valka ponders this for a moment, polishign off her dumpling, wiping her hands on the knees of her armor, and turns to scratch the blind little Badgermole while the others are entranced by Jarvis' music. "That is one of the advantages to new worlds - finding the new curse words. If there's one thing people know how to do enthusiastically and in a multitude of ways, it's insulting others. More arrows in the quiver, if that makes sense."

     "If you'd like to meet them, I'd be more than willing to set up a sort of show and tell for the union. I mean....they're friendly enough, and they really aren't shock troopers or anything like that, but they will help out if it's good for the rest of the nest." Valka leans back a little, pillowing herself on the soft fur of the Badgermole, still scritching with one free hand as she thinks. "It might be a little work, convincing the dragons that the Union is part of the nest, but in the end, it might be for the best. Like you and your badgermoles, I don't want anyone hurting the dragons." Notice, not her dragons, the dragons. Period.

     "Dragon sizes...well, the smallest we've found is the Terrible Terror. A lot of the names were given when we were fighting them, so they're suitably scary or ominous when said." Valka chuckles and lifts her hands to put air quotes around each word. "I mean 'Monstrous Nightmare,' 'Deadly Natter,' 'Windstriker,' 'Stormcutter,' 'Monstrous Nightmare.' Enough to keep your babies in bed if they think they'll be devoured outside of their sheets. We even have a book, the Book of Dragons, that fills in some of the gaps of what we know. And it's been re-written since my emergence and the peace between the dragons..." There's a soft sigh, Valka leaning back again. "It's taken twenty long years to change those views, and it's growing, like a garden in the springtime." She waves a hand.

     "Anyway. Dragon Sizes. As small as a cat is the smallest we've found so far. Largest we've found is a Bewilderbeast. They're....Gods...enormous. The size of a small mountain, at least. More than a hundred fifty meters tall, weight....I can't say because I don't know. Jaws that could snap a ship in half with one bite. Horns....well, we're building a building inside one of the Bewilderbeast's broken horns right now."

     The whole 'dragons being found' thing, Valka ponders for a moment. "I think, then, I will let you decide, since you invited me to this world. If I manage to find them and if I can soothe them enough to let me near, you will be the first to know."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    For now Toph lets Jarvis remain on guard duty, focusing on Valka as they discuss the topic of dragons. And swear words. A weak smile crosses Toph's lips, and she nods her head a bit. "Gotta say it's fun to swear now and then." Heh, this lady isn't too bad.

    It would be interesting meet the dragons if they are really that different and unique. Animals are great fun, and it seems like the dragons from Valka's world are not like the dragons that they already have in the Union. "Eh, I doubt anybody in the Union would want to harm the dragons either, we have several dragons as members. Some Feds did bother the badgermoles last year, but I taught them a lesson. They're my friends, even if they are animals." Not to mention her earthbending teachers.

    The names of the dragons do sound weird, and Toph blinks where she sits, arching an eyebrow. "Huh. You fought them?" Sounds like they thought they were more dangerous than they were or something? It would explain the names. It's good to hear that they are at peace however. Cloudjumper didn't seem intent on causing throuble either, and well, Valka seems like somebody who cares for animals too, considering how she's snuggled up against the small badgermole, who seemingly does not mind being a large pillow. No, it's content and listening to the string music.

    "That big, huh... I don't need to meet dragons of that size," Toph assures Valka, looking slightly amused. "The smaller ones will do. Perhaps it would be better if some of us Union people went to your world instead of you dragging all of the dragons here."

    As for the possibility of finding dragons here? Toph listens to Valka's suggestion, then offers a brief nod. "Sounds good. Dragons aren't exactly known to be blood thirsty around here, none of the bending creatures are." Perhaps it would be good if they could find dragons... if they are out there somewhere.