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Lizard Problems
Date of Scene: 19 February 2015
Location: The Citadel - Medical
Synopsis: After a bit too much partying in the Citadel, Yari Takane has a bad day. Confronted with an embarrassing problem, Sanary Rondel assists her fellow Confederate. Sometimes it sucks to be a reptile.
Cast of Characters: 691, Sanary Rondel

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
Yari Takane has not had a good day. It all started waking up hung-over after a party with a few of her subordinates. Not quite remembering how she got into one of the Pleasure Palace's big comfy couches in an irritatingly pink outfit and with her helmet on backwards, she disciplined woman simply rights her helmet and slinks back to her room to shower off visions of regret dancing in her head.

Which turned out to only worsen her day. Even ninjas slip occasionally, and so she managed to get a nice bump on her head. Worst of all? There's a horrible, rough feeling on her back. Yari Takane is molting today, her greatest of embarrassments. Drying off, dressed in a loose bathrobe, she uses all of her ninja skills to arrive stealthily in the Confederate medical facilities. She all but slides into existence there, right out from behind a massive medical drone.

Zombies, drones...she's seen it, but hardly wants to be treated by such creatures. No, Yari is a bit of a traditionalist. More importantly, the seemingly stoic young woman needs some personal touch for something so purely humiliating! She's lacking her false arm today, as well, and so tending to her problem herself isn't viable.

Thus, the Au Ra is sitting upon a bed. After about five minutes of inwardly debating, she takes a deep sigh. "...Brave, Yari. This situation is nothing for a Centurion!" She quietly hypes herself up. A cough, and then she speaks into her linkshell.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
It didn't really feel like Sanary was getting anywhere listening to all these... Words. Did everyone using these machines really have to learn all this stuff? It was all just a jumble of terms that made absolutely no sense to the healer, and listening to all of it only made her head hurt. She lets out a weary groan before taking off the earphones, passing it off to one of the medical staffers around. "Yeah, I don't think this is gonna work. Thanks for trying, though. Back to work, back to... Work?"

    As she's about to leave, she slows to a stop and grunts quietly at the request over the channel. It takes her a few minutes, but she does eventually find Yari's room, stepping inside with a clipboard and chart in hand.

    "Alright, Miss Takane. It looks like your chart says... I can't read any of this shit." Tossing it aside onto what she can only hope is a table, Sanary rests one hand against the bed while facing the wall in an attempt to look casual.

     "Hey, Yari. What's giving you trouble?"

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
Yari very nearly jumps out of her own skin as that file goes to the table. Turning about, the Au Ra looks a sight. The most obvious problem is the bruise on her forehead, at least if Sanary could see. Frowning a little, she coughs as she tries to retain some dignity. Her tail curls up into her lap. She just sits there, staring into Sanary's eyes. Whatever it is, it's clearly bothering the ninja.

Closing her eyes, she wiggles a bit. Her breathing slowly becomes controlled and slow.

"I slipped in the shower and hit my head this morning. Minor swelling and head pain." A bump on the head caused such consternation? The woman is noted with some medical skill of her own. Surely she could have aken care of it!

Another long pause, and she just slumps forward with her hands holding her up.

"...And I...I have come into /that/ season. As Au Ra mature, we..." There's a deep, deep flush.

"Just check for yourself!" Comes the low, slightly desperate-sounding plea. Turning about, she undoes her bath robe and lets it fall to her waist. Thankfully, she's a slender thing, and has a wrap for modesty's sake. Scales and flesh mix, blossoming down her back to the root of her tail. Likely lower as well, but she doesn't seem quite that prepared yet.

Those scales are lacking their usual luster, rather dull in fact, and have a filmy white texture about them. A mere touch would show that they're dry, and indeed, the film seems both to be loosely attached but not causing outright harm.

"Help?" It's a please, embarrassed and a little meek. A far cry from the stoic soldier personality shown on the radio.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
    Luckily for Yari, Sanary can't see a thing. She does have a look of concern on her face, however, especially after listening to the Au Ra speak about the events of the day. "Eesh. Rough morning, eh? Don't worry, I'll get you fixed up and..." Just what did people in the multiverse use for monthly afflictions? The blind girl couldn't recall hearing any sheep over the past week nor even of people selling their parts, so there had to be some sort of fancy science equivalent.

    She was probably jumping too far ahead, though. Treating one thing at a time would be much more efficient and keep it all manageable. "Alright. Let's take care of the bruise first. Might feel a little tingling, but that's normal." She turns around to actually face Yari, moving her hands forward slowly to actually find the woman's head.

    "Did some tests earlier and I found out how my healing actually works. So something like this shouldn't be a problem." She raises an eyebrow slightly at finding a horn in her hand in addition to hair, but gives it little attention as her hands keep moving along the woman's face to find the bruise. After breathing in slowly to focus her energy in to her hands, Sanary starts working the healing magic into Yari's head at a steady pace, drastically speeding up the healing process to any injuries in that general region. Bruises shrinking, flesh mending, and even a bit of pain relief mixed in for that extra soothing action!

    "Gotta ask, though... You're not human, right? What do women of your-well... Any species use for periods around here? And does your species not have them until now or something?"

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
There's a little wince, and an audible swish of tail. "...One must exercise discretion and restraint while in the Pleasure Palace. Even considering morale boosts, next-morning affairs can be..." Beat. She scowls deeply, and it shows in her voice.


But Yari turns about again, offering her forehead. The touch to her horn has her wiggling just slightly. Sensitive! But as that magic starts to work, there's an audible little gasp of relief. The pain of the bruise slowly ebbs away, and even the effects of her hangover start to lesson. She slumps a bit closer to Sanary, relief clear in her voice.

"Y...you are an excellent healer, Miss Rondel. What few aether-wielding healers we possess could use tutelage under you." It helps on the compliments when one's vulnerable and just feeling terrible.

"What is the foundation of your magic? You seem unused to its nature."

Then cue a more personal question! "E..erm. We do not possess that kind of human affliction. Our bodies are somewhat more efficient in that manner."

Then, her voice lowers. "...Au Ra molt as we mature. With my...injury...it is difficult to relieve myself. My greatest concentration of scales are on my back and stomach." Admits the woman finally.

Her legs rub together. "Th...the leather of my armor chafes it badly. When molting, the scales are softer, and can even be damaged if this excess growth is not dealt with." The poor Au Ra is flushed scarlet, and might feel warmer to the touch in pure embarrassment. Her tail is tucked between her legs like a puppy.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
Sanary Rondel snickers and gives Yari a reassuring pat on the shoulder as she keeps pumping the of healing energy into her head, her hands trailing the surface of the woman's head carefully to try and detect any other injuries. "Ahah... I get it. Still, didn't have you pegged as someone who gets that drunk." She sounds rather amused by that conclusion, although she does take care to lower her voice just in case.

     The healer beams at the compliment and takes a moment to just massage her scalp gently with one hand, the other hand putting the finishing touches on the head bump. "You think? I don't even know what I'm doing half the time, so I don't know how I'd be able to teach anyone else how to do it. It's like this... Extra energy moving around my body, I guess? And then it comes out and healing happens. Turns out it just makes natural healing... Er. Heal faster."

     Sitting on the bed, Sanary moves the massaging hand from Yari's head to her neck, still pushing out trace amounts of the healing energy for comfort rather than actual healing. "Huh... Sounds painful. I'll do what I can, though, so don't worry. Nobody else'll hear anything about this." She smiles reassuringly before moving the hand down further to feel the scales, her brow furrowing slightly after a few moments.

     "Gonna be honest, though. I... Uh. I have no idea what to actually do here. Want me to peel 'em off and patch you up as I go or something?"

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
The pat has Yari straightening a bit, then relaxing. A healer, and a /blind/ healer, is an oddity for her. There's something strangely comforting about knowing that Sanary can't see her in such a state. And the open, blunt personality of the woman after so much time with disciplined, straight-laced soldiers is both frightening, and refreshing. A total opposite to her. Her mind flits back to Gaius' commands. Make allies, be an asset.

Yari actually smiles a little, even if the gesture is lost on the blind woman. Her muscles certainly lose some of that tense feeling that's near-constant. Stress and a desire to be a perfect Garlean despite being a non-native to the great nation puts far too much stress.

"When performed in moderation alcohol is an excellent source of unit cohesion and personal stress relief." In moderation. From the sounds of things, Yari might go a little overboard. Indeed, should Sanary eventually check her full file, a noted love of drink and tobacco is something of a health concern. Thankfully she's not done too much damage to herself thus far, and Confederate techniques upon her initial screening may well ensure she can see to her vices to their full extent.

She relaxes futher under that scalp massage, contact and relaxing magic further making the scaled woman slowly peek out of her shell of stoicism. By the time that hand reaches those soft, gritty scales, Yari's even biting her lip a little. Embarrassment flares at her source of shame! But confidentiality is offered.

"This debt will not go unpaid, Miss Rondel!" She pulls in her inner discipline to offer such a vow, pride swelling in her chest. For a moment, she's back to being a picture Garlean centurion.

Then she deflates. A deep breath, and a nod. "Optimal healing would involve peeling the molt slowly to ensure no scales are removed in the process while simulateneously offering tinctures, herbs, or healing magic on the scales themselves. I leave myself in your hands, Miss Rondel." Her entire body tensing up again, she'll let Sanary go to work. Poor thing looks like she's about ot have a bullet taken out of her.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
"Can't argue with you there. Those were the fun days. Kick out some bandits, take their booze, wake up in the forest somewhere... Wasn't fun having to find the others the morning after since they never let me drink, but still." Chuckling lightly to herself, Sanary hums to herself as she pokes and prods at a scale softly. This is certainly a first for the girl, although she seems more curious than anything else about Yari's physical structure.

    "Ah, don't worry about it. Still need to earn my keep and all that." She pauses for a moment, then smirks and gives the Au Ra another pat on the shoulder. "But if you find any good ways to keep me clean during periods, that should make it even."

     The healer goes quiet as she listens to the woman carefully, nodding slowly every now and then while weighing her options. "I think I get it. Hm... Alright. Might as well start from back here, then."

    Shimmying further back onto the bed, the blind girl puts her legs to each side of Yari and rests her hands on her back. "If something feels wrong, hit my legs or something so I know to stop." And with that, she takes hold of the molt with one hand while pressing her fingers against the scales with the other. Taking a deep breath to steady herself and her movements, she starts to peel at the molt carefully while pushing down against the scales and channeling healing energy into the latter, trying to separate the two as she peels the former off.

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
"Bandits are honorless scum." Comes the Au Ra with vehemence that's fierce and sharp. But then she calms.

"Reclaiming stolen supplies from said scum, is admittedly very enjoyable. I have noted a sharp increase in morale after such actions, particularly against deserters. When next we embark on such a mission, you are welcome to attend Miss Rondel."

The little poke has the Au Ra wiggling. Right now, they're definitely soft, and that one is a little loose. For all taht she takes care of herself, it's a difficult problem for any Au Ra. Particularly the smaller, more slender females such as herself. A shoulder pat, and she allows a full smile. It feels foreign on her face. But Sanary is blind.

"I will endeavor to research this. Mmm. Perhaps a proper herbal blend will lessen the symptoms..." Ponders the woman. She's on heck of an alchemist.

Hands gently touch Sanary's legs, gripping a bit out of irrational fear. With a breath, she calms, and gives an affirmative hiss.

"Understood. Please...gentle." Gulp.

The molt comes off mostly easily, sticking in a few spots that require a good tug. Every tug, however, has Yari biting her lip and hissing like a little lizardy puppy. It's a strange feeling. Not pain, but certainly not something she's enjoying.

The healing magic helps as well, up until getting to her mid-back. The molt up until then pops off in a single piece. From there, it seems particularly stuck upon a trio of harder scales.

Yanking and healing only make /that/ bit worse. The patch would heal right back on! Mere tugs won't work. Now, Sanary will need to get creative. There's a swat to her legs!

"I...it is /stuck/!" Comes Yari with more distress than she's given in the heat of combat.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
"I dunno... My village did what we needed to survive, they did the same. We were just better at." Sanary chuckles again. "Sounds good to me. I don't anything about formations or whatever, but I'll leave the thinking to you and the Legatus. Just point me at whatever needs healing."

    The thought of eating or drinking something for handling her own afflictions draws an intrigued hum from the healer. "I've been wondering about that, but-sorry. I'll.. Ask about that later." Furrowing her brow at the troublesome chunk of molting stuck to the scales, The healer works on trying to work around it for the time being, doing largely the same thing she had been doing for the less troublesome spots.

    "Sorry about that. Do you see any... What're they called? Doctor knives... Scalpels! I'm thinking maybe I can separate that part from the rest of the stuff that already came off so we can deal with it on it's own instead of... Uh." She wiggles the larger portion of molt still attached to the problem section.

    "And then once it's separated, I could try and pull it off again, then heal any scales back on since... Erm. These look pretty stuck on. It'll probably hurt like hell, though, so it's up to you if we should try something else."

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
"Understood. It will be an excellent learning experience." Yari has never commanded someone blind. It'll be an interesting thing to attempt.

Working around it meets with some success. Minor bits and pieces flake off. But tugs have her swatting Sanary's leg a little hard. Eyes clenched closed, the ninja is definitely not looking happy right now. With another deep sigh, and after squeezing Sanary a bit with her tail, she lets go. A flick of a hand, and then there's something placed into a hand. It's a kunai, and a thin, almost needle-like one.

"That should suffice for the task. I will endure any pain for the glory of the Empire!" She proclaims proudly, straightening and trying to look the picture of a soldier. Her tail is quivering a little though.

"Do it." With another flick, she's down some whiskey from a hip-flask, and is suddenly smoking. Ninja-vice-jutsu is ever helpful for a woman like Yari Takane.

"Th...thank you." She mutters again, quiet, and a bit muffled. She even blows her smoke /away/ from Sanary.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
The healer winces slightly with each whack, her own movements in handling the molt softening each time. She also redoubles her efforts on transferring the healing magic into Yari as she works, although her pace does slow down a bit as a result of the extra exertion.

    "You're doing fine, Yari. Just got this chunk left and then we can work on the front. After that... You have anything on the legs or arms or wherever?" Taking the kunai, she takes a moment to feel where the actual blade is before setting it aside, then gives the Au Ra's tail a light pat. Gentle, but a little damp from the work.

    "Here goes. Just think about... Tiny sandwiches?" It was the first thing that popped into her head.

    Grasping the kunai again, Sanary takes a long breath before lifting the molt from the scales as much as she can and slicing it off in one quick movement. She wastes little time in setting the kunai on her lap afterwards, then pressing her palm against the wounded area to channel a much more potent wave of healing energy into it. The Au Ra might even be able to see the faint glow of the magic at work without having to actually turn her head, although it would be significantly easier to notice the cleric falling over on the bed even as she continues to pour the energy into her lower back.

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
"O...okay." Mutters Yari. A nod.

"My stomach, though I already took care of that. The...thighs as well, but, that I can..." She cuts off there, suddenly all the more bashful. While not exactly modest thanks to the camp environment, /this/ particular matter is one even she finds almost too difficult to deal with.

"Some of it is stuck, like my back."

"Sandwiches. Delicious, chocobo egg sandwiches." Is her new mantra as the healer goes to work. As the kunai cuts, she cries out in pain, though the healing magic certainly eases her words. Slowly, scales and flesh knit back together. Breathing hard, the lizard-ninja just flaps unto the bed once Sanary's done.

"I...how does it look?" Really once healed, those scales are shiney and brilliant in their usual blue lustre. Quite pretty perhaps, and a little slick.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
Sanary Rondel raises an eyebrow as she pushes herself back up into a sitting position, still somewhat dazed even after that burst of healing to the now-fresh scales. She lets out an understanding grunt at the mention of the other stuck scales on the thighs. "I see. Er. Get it. Not see because... Gaius never told you, did he?" She snickers lightly and exhales slowly, taking the opportunity to catch her breath before touching her hand to the previously-troublesome spot.

"Can't really say how it looks since I can't see, actually. Feels fine, though, if they're supposed to be a little slippery." Chuckling again, she gives the Au Ra another reassuring pat on the shoulder before moving around her to get off the bed, albeit somewhat clumsily with the light-headedness lingering from earlier.

     "Might as well get the worst part over with, then. I'll get the rest off your thighs first, cut around it, then... Couple of options." She puts her hands on her thighs, squeezing every now and then to work on finding a good spot to start from. "I could do the cutting and healing thing again for each one separately, but it'll take a longer since I'll be healing one at a time. I could also try cutting both first and then healing them at the same time. It'd be faster, but... It'll hurt on both sides at the same time."

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
And now Yari just feels like a cad.

"E...erm." Awkward. The ninja's skills fail her here. "I meant no dishonor. My sincere apologies, MIss Rondel. Should you require renumeration for this insult, I will provide it to the best of my ability." She says somberly. Seems the lizard takes this sort of thing seriously.

"Slippery, slightly smooth? You are an excellent assistant." There's a smile in her voice. A little wiggle of tail, and for a moment she's a woman feeling /good/ about herself. But that warmth fades a bit. They're not done.

Without much shame, Yari simply removes the robes. Well-muscled thighs are offered to Sanary quietly, face impassive. Inwardly, she's sobbing a little. Heart rate is definitely up, the poor lizard.

Through a bite of her pipe, she nods.

Then she remembers she's blind. "Do them both at once. I do not wish this to linger...please." Another little plea. This is terrible but the lizard is nothing if not appreciative.

"After this, I will treat you to fresh hydaelan ice-cream and tea." Decides the woman. Debts are to be paid, after all.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
Sanary actually seems to light up somewhat at the apology. "Like I said. Don't worry about it. Gaius never told you and it never came up, so how were you supposed to know?" A confident laugh erupts from her throat at the praise, her fatigue momentarily forgotten as she flexes an arm for show.

    "I'm excellent at anything I focus on. I was a great fighter back when I could see, and I went from that into doing this stuff just a couple of weeks ago." She lets out another laugh before settling down to get back to work.

    Bracing her hands against Yari's legs as she shifts into a kneeling position, she locates the two stubborn chunk of molt and wiggles them briefly, then looks up at the Au Ra. "Oh. If it feels weird or awkward, let me know. Also, sorry if I fall in the wrong... Er. Direction." It's the healer's turn to blush slightly as she finally notices just how precarious her own position is in relation to the woman.

    "... Chocobo egg sandwiches! Hyaelan icecreamandtea. This'll be over soon. You're doing fine" Flashing her the reassuring smile, the healer closes her eye while nodding and muttering to herself. It doesn't seem to be a chant so much as it's just her own attempts to psych herself up. She repeats this several more times before allowing her eye to reopen, a confident look on her face. Without another word, she holds the molt away from the scales with one hand while carving it off with the kunai in the other hand and using her elbow to try keeping Yari's leg still in the process. Once the first thigh is finished, she moves on to repeat the motion with the other leg and moving at a constant pace so as to not extend the pain any longer than necessary. Once the second chunk is removed, she quickly gets to work on healing the wounds, her teeth gritting and her arms trembling from exertion as she puts what's left in her reserves into restoring the scales as quickly as possible.

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
At least Yari seems a little more relaxed as the insult is passed by. "Your mercy is commendable, Miss Rondel." A curious tale pokes at that flexing arm. How strong! Curiousity lingers in her gaze, but the lizardy one doesn't ask. She gets the answer anyway.

"A war wound...my condolences." A wince there. She knows all about those. At least hers didn't take her out of the fight.

A thought strikes her, but she witholds it for now. Could not the blind be taught to fight again?

The little wiggling of the molt has Yari wiggling when it gets dangerously close to yanking out a scale. "G...gentle! More to the right!"

The precarious position is far less of a concern. Chest swelling again, Yari hisses proudly. "You are an ally. I would gladly sacrifice my body for your protection. Do as you must! This too is training!" There's even a tiny salute. What a strange, strange woman.

Yari repeats after her doctor, wincing and and breathing all the harder. Teeth gritting, she's definitely not having a good time. But she endures, crying out every now and then. Her tail has latched onto an akle of Sanary's and is giveing a squeeze every now and then. But when it's done, and that magic does it's work? She slowly calms. A deep, long breath released, and strong arms reach out for Sanary.

"Are...you alright?" That exhaustion and trembling concerns her as she tries to take the woman's shoulders and generally pull her closer so she doesn't fall.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
"Sacrifice? Nah, don't do that. If I'm ever in a po... Position where I'm that weak and you still have that much energy, you're better ooff leaving me. No sense having us both get killed." Sanary chuckles as she pours more power into Yari's thighs, going as far as making direct contact with her hands just to reduce the distance between them. The tail squeezing her ankle goes unnoticed as all of her focus is in redirecting that energy from her body into her hands and into the wounds.

     "And... There we go. Feeling... Okay now?" She breathes a heavy sigh of relief as she finishes, wobbling slightly even with the Au Ra holding her steady. She doesn't even try to resist as she's pulled over, and even winds up just falling against the woman with a dazed groan.

    "Sorry. The... What'sis. Healing? Going that fast is... Yeah. Just need a... Head down sec."

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
"A Centurion's duty is to her men and allies. Out of the question. I will not abandon an alley if it is in my power to change." Fires off the woman suddenly, and with a little heat to her voice. Her muscles clench, only for her to relax somewhat.

"...My apologies, that was unnecessary. This...season makes my emotions troublesome."

Even the soldier can't help but blush a bit now. With the healing, and the rubbing, it's practically a massage. And it feels good, tension easing out of an over-worked body. The stress of combat and command is high, and Yari is suffering for it. Nevermind being a spy.

"M...much better. You have done admirably. When next I molt, I will be certain to come to you. Better than an Au Ran mother." There's newfound respect in her eyes and voice.

Frowning lightly, as she looks at Sanary, Yari finally comes to a decision. As she slumps over, the deceptively strong woman starts to lay out Sanary in a more comfortable manner. Wrapping her robe over Sanary as a blanket and pulling the woman into something of a hug, she lets her head rest on her thighs. Despite being a lizard, Yari is rather warm.

"You require rest. Ask, and I will attend to your needs." There's a hip flask set on the table. Also a glass of water as a nurse-droid comes rumbling by. Yari even gently strokes Sanary hair as she starts to sing a little lullaby. No words, but the tone is soothing and pretty.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
"Fair enough... Ah, it happens to everyone. Don't get too hard on yourself." A tired chuckle escapes the blind girl as she settles into Yari's hold, she certainly seems to be adjusting fairly well to the position she's in. "Kinda makes me worried what an Aura.. Au Ran mother would do in this case, then."

     She giggles lightly and curls up just a bit, sounding mildly delirious from the fatigue and incredibly relaxed from the nigh-cocoon she's in between the robe and having her head on Yari's thighs.

    "Feel like taking a nap, but then it'll be harder to sleep later. And what about the rest of your molting?" Sanary yawns and curls up just a bit more, practically melting from the hair stroking and the lullaby. "Didn't even finish... Things..."

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
"...They would use teeth and claws. Without the healing." Is her perhaps slightly concerning answer. Quiet reigns for a while as Yari focuses on keeping her newfound compatriot comfortable and ready to drift off. She finds herself smiling, relaxing as she attends to the blind woman. This is nice. Much like her spy-missions where she is allowed to get closer to others. But here, there's no deceit, no deception.

Is this friendship? The thought has Yari warming a bit.

"You have taken the worst of it. The rest can be done once you are recovered. I know the look of an exhausted soldier. Sleep. If necessary, later I will make you a sleeping tea." A little pat to the melting woman as her lullaby continues, all warmth and gentle song. Yari smiles the entire time, feeling happier than she has in years.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
Sanary Rondel grimaces just a bit, smacking her lips a few times in mild disapproval. "Eugh. That just sounds bad for everyone involved..." Even in her half-concious state, she still finds enough energy to chuckle at the thought. It's not enough to stop her from relaxing, of course, even turning over slightly to get into a more comfortable position.

    The notion of putting off the rest of the process isn't too appealing to her, but it's also too comfortable to just... Get up. She nudges Yari's leg lightly as she tries to find some more unremoved molting, but barely even gets to her knee before letting her arm droop back down.

    "Hmn... Alright. Just a nap, though. Can't sleep too long or I'm doesn't get... Good sleep." The girl continues babbling to herself incoherently as she finally dozes off.