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Promises Between Friends and Soldiers
Date of Scene: 21 February 2015
Location: The Citadel - Medical
Synopsis: Sanary gives Yari a visit while both recover from their last operation. Frustrations and promises are exchanged.
Cast of Characters: 691, Sanary Rondel

Yari Takane (691) has posed:

By now clad in a hospital gown, her poor dress hanging desperately on a hanger in the room, Yari Takane fiddles with her magitek armlet. A few presses of a thumb has text slowly sliding down the projected screen as she pours over various reports on the Garleans tactical network. She's swift with a few replies, various orders, reprimands and suggestions as she does what little work she can.

Even injured, Yari Takane is a dutiful soul. Time in recovery is always vexing for the woman. She'd rather be out /doing/ rather than playing at desk work. It's an important part of her rank, and likely only to increase as she rises, but that doesn't mean she has to like it.

With a sigh, she closes the screen with a press of a button. Legs stretched out behind her while laying on her stomach, her tail wiggles beside her lazily. Reaching over, she takes her cup of coffee and sips. Definitely spiked. At least she's not smoking in a hospital.

Then, she smiles a bit as Sanary's voice comes over the radio. One arm holding her head, the slender ninja shuffles a bit so as to not lay on her wounded side so much.

"Miss Rondel." A pause.

"Thank you for coming." It's a strange feeling, having a visitor that /isn't/ a member of the Legion. A social life outside of her job simply is not something she has had. Strange, but she finds herself excited and a little happy despite the obvious exhaustion in her features. Getting shot sucks.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
And... Seventy-two. Finding the room in question was surprisingly easier than expected, although Sanary has gotten somewhat used to navigating the medical ward. Not enough to get around without bumping into everything, but at least finding her way to a given room was getting easier.

     She's also wearing a hospital gown, her usual coat and tunic combo left behind for cleaning. Aside from being a little sluggish in her movements, she doesn't look much worse than she usually does.

    "Yari! Hey. You feeling alright? How's the..." She goes quiet for a moment as she approaches the Au Ra's bed, even managing to stop once she reaches the side without walking into the bed itself. "Er... Your injuries? Heard you got shot pretty bad."

    Another pause. "Sorry. I need to get stronger so that doesn't happen again." Frustration is evident in her voice and expression, the girl gritting her teeth and not looking all too pleased with herself.

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
As Sanary gets over to the bed, Yari displays her usual Garlean lack of help. Especially after yesterday, she's certain the woman can get by. Nevermind that she herself hates too much generosity. Being doted and treated like an invalid is simply vexing.

"I am sufficient. While the bullet lodged in the flesh, it missed my vitals and arteries. Medical's painkillers are also helpful." A point to a bottle of pills at a side table. Then she blinks, and remembers. Ahem.

Yari can't help but chuckle a bit. "We /both/ must improve. I have already adjusted my training schedule. It seems I lack sufficient strength against heavily armored opponents in a direct battle. If you wish, you may join my training. My unit practices daily when not engaged."

A pause. "In fact, I must insist. You are blind, yes, Miss Rondel? I have some skill in fighting without sight. There is training that can be done to allow you to better avoid yesterday's mishaps." Rather than simple comfort, the Centurion offers help. From her standpoint, Sanary could use both the training and a morale boost.

Patting the bed next to her, she rolls over a little. Glancing over her newfound friend, she purses her lips.

"How are you? Were there after-effects of your opponent's darts?" Concern creeps into her voice.

Then a tilt of the head. "Did you by chance keep the darts?" Even so, there's a bit of professional interest there.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
The blind woman manages a slight nod, even chuckling for a moment. "They are. Lot easier treating people when they're not thrashing around..." She speaks as if this is coming from experience, although there's also a hint of discomfort in her voice. "But if you need some of the healing juice, you know I've got plenty of that."

     Wiggling her fingers for a moment, Sanary takes a deep breath and nods. "Yeah... I need to get better at that type of fighting and long-term healing. Can't afford to get winded like yesterday after barely doing anything." Her expression drops slightly at that, although she does manage a small smile at the offer of bed space.

    "That would be great. Anything to make me more useful than just a freaking... Healing sponge." She takes a seat gingerly, being careful not to sit too quickly just in case the ninja's tail happens to be there or something. "Darts? Is that what it was? I don't think there was much aside from the piercing..."

     She sounds confused, furrowing her brow for a moment before sighing and shaking her head. "Chucked it after I pulled it out. Ugh." Her hands tremble while she clenches them into fists, looking even more frustrated than before. "You got shot and still covered me just fine, but I went to shit after a shitty little /needle/..."

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
That tail of Yari's flicks a bit in amusement. Luckily, she's pulled the thing close to avoid that age-old tail problem.

"Understood! Your technique is very effective." While certainly not as long-lived as the Legion's, Sanary's pure power of healing is effective.

Listening to the frustrated soldier-slash-healer, Yari ponders. Silent for some time, she finally reaches out. Touching Sanary's cheek, she'll gently turn her to meet Yari's eyes if she doesn't pull away. It might be a useless gesture for Sanary, but the soldier's gaze has grown stern, confident, and authoritative.

It touches her voice, too. "Sanary Rondel, as far as I am aware, you do not have the battlefield experience that I have. I was raised by the Legion. Even then, my performance yesterday was abysmal. However, confidence is the key on the battlefield. If you are unsure of your abilities, then you will fail as surely as the enemy's blade to follow. Currently you are doubting yourself. You believe yourself weak. That may be true. But you are also doubting your ability to overcome your weakness."

Bonk! A swat atop the head with a closed fist. Just light enough to sting.

"If you cannot believe in yourself, then believe in me. By my honor as a Centurion, should you train under me, I will teach you to fight again as a proper soldier. You will be molded, tested, beaten, and battered. But you will not break. I will find the strength in you, Sanary. Reforge it, make it stronger. It is a promise from a soldier."

A sharp, audible salute. She winces.

"And as a friend."

Sanary Rondel has posed:
The healer sits up slightly at the contact on her face, the frustration giving way somewhat to a look of confusion. What was with the face touching? Was she getting ready for a kiss or something? Sanary had seen many people in her village doing this exact sort of motion, but... Oh. Her confusion is cleared as Yari speaks, although uncertainty does continue to show in her eyes.

    She muffles a light grunt at the whack on the head, opening her mouth instinctively in protest before shutting up again. She remains silent for a while as Yari finishes, a light sigh escaping her. She opens her mouth and closes it again, waging a battle internally on just how to react to all of that. As the seconds pass, however, there does seem to be a bit more fire to the girl's eyes despite the lingering uncertainty in her voice.

    "... You know what? Let's do it." There's a quiet laugh. "So what if I can't see or heal for that long? That just means I need get strong enough to end the fight before anyone needs healing. And if anyone gets in our way, I'll just beat 'em down until they can't."

    A broad grin comes next as Sanary hits smacks her fist against her own shoulder audible. Perhaps a little roughly at that and even with a slight wince, but she looks more confident than she had this whole time. "That's my promise to you as a friend. And a soldier, I guess."

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
As fire comes into Sanary's eyes, Yari feels herself smiling wider than she has in years. She's quiet a moment, tail wiggling happily, before she remembers herself. With a deep breath, she calms into something more appropriate for such a solemn moment!

Which Sanary shatters with a laugh. The ninjette first frowns, then titters, and finally giggles.

"None will withstand us! That is what I want to hear. Provide me with a list of your favored weapon and armors, and I will write up a regime. Endurance training will be our priority."

A promise, a swat on a shoulder, and then Yari's tone solidifies into something approaching normal.

"Promise accepted. In my professional opinion as a soldier, this is deserving of a morale-boosting outing." With that? She'll attempt to haul poor Sanary over her shoulder like so much grain, and begin sneaking out of medical like a proper ninja.

"You are being requisitioned for ice cream." And into the shadows she goes!

Sanary Rondel has posed:
Hearing that giggle is enough to cause the healer to giggle herself, mixed in with a few snorts for good measure. "Sounds perfect! Aah... Definitely axes. Armor... Haven't thought much about that before. Too expensive." She furrows her brow at the thought of actually wearing armor for once.

    "Drinks this early? But I thought you-" Sanary lets out a startled yelp at being hauled up so easily, keeping herself mostly still just to make sure the Au Ra doesn't aggravate her own wounds any more. She can't help but laugh again at all the formalness, however, an appreciative grin forming on her lips even without Yari being able to see it from that position.

    "Yes, ma'am. Moving out!"