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Latest revision as of 01:51, 3 May 2015

Meeting the Rancor Hatchling
Date of Scene: 29 March 2015
Location: Pokemon-2
Synopsis: Lute has rancors. Sanary has spring rolls. Yari has an appetite.
Cast of Characters: 188, 691, Sanary Rondel

Lute (188) has posed:
     It's a sunny day in Phenac City as usual. Pleasantly warm The door to Lute's house is open at the moment, as is the back sliding door. Sanary should know by this point to just come in whenever. Lute himself is in the back yard, at the moment. With his newly hatched rancor. The creature was born a few feet tall, definitely larger than a lot of children. It has strange proportions in general, but as a hatchling, its head is still a bit oversized compared to the rest of its body. It clings to Lute's back, holding onto Lute's chest. At the least, it seems Lute has managed to successfully imprint on it.

     Lute, meanwhile, is just walking around. Talking to the creature. He's heard rumors that these things are able to learn language fairly well, albeit its unlikely they can speak. So, just like one would with an infant, he's walking around and pointing things out to the rancor.

     "That's the fence! It keeps our neighbors away. And the metal fence that pens off area over here is where you'll be when I'm busy, alright? You better get along with your brothers and or sisters when they hatch, too!"

     Floating behind Lute is an I-Class Destroyer, which is somewhat like an elongated metal head crafted with a tooth filled mouth. This is Imima, a pet he received from the Abyssal Fleet. Lute has given it orders to follow him at all times now. Plus, having it around will help the Rancor realize that it /isn't/ food.

     Which is part of why he invited Sanary over. To make sure the Rancor knows she isn't food.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     Sanary shows up at Lute's place with a greasy paper bag inside a larger plastic bag, knocking on the door once before standing there to wait for a response. She perks up slightly at hearing Lute's voice from around the other side, opting to just go around the building instead of through the house. With the fence there, though, she does end up having to go through the house anyway, but still.

    Peering through the sliding door at first, she slows down and stares at the two new creatures blankly. "...They look different in person." How's she supposed to react to them, anyway? They seem docile enough in regards to Lute, at least, and there's always the grease bags just in case.

    "Hey, Lute. Showing 'em both around the place or just the new one?" She breaks into a relaxed grin and adjust her grip on the bag, ready to use them as a distraction if absolutely necessary.

    Only if. Food's expensive.

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
After all that 'training', Yari needs one hell of a break. Thus it is that she shows up in the quaint little city. Like a proper ninja, she's leapt from rooftop to rooftop, before finally spying Sanary and trailing her all the way to Lute's house. She only drops the ninja-y facade she spies Lute out back. Sitting on the edge of the roof, she pulls out her drink: lemonade and rum for a nice hot day.

She's dressed in a blouse, belt, and khakis. A bit tomboyish today, or at least business casual, but it's the best she had for a 'modern' world on short notice. If anyone spies, her, they might assume she's a utility worker.

"...They really are cute in an ugly sort of way. I'll stick to magitek, however. Hello, Logan. Sanary." There's definitely some rings around her eyes. Yari didn't sleep much last night, after all, and she looks paler than usual.

Lute (188) has posed:
     As Sanary comes through the sliding door, the Rancor looks at her for a moment. And then it begins to snarl. Lute reaches back to try and pet it on top of its head a bit, to get it to calm down. All while talking to it in a cutesy voice like one would use for babies. "Oh, there there, shhh, it's okay. That's Sanary. She's a friend. Not food. Friend."

     The I-Class Destroyer seems a bit more uncaring about Sanary, at least. It just sort of stares at her for a moment while Lute is calming down the Rancor. But, once the rancor is calmed a /bit/, Lute smiles towards Sanary.

     "Well, just showing the rancor around. Need to think of a name for it. ...Also need to figure out what gender it is. ...Not sure which of the three I'm going to keep myself, either. I wanna raise all three of them, and keep one."

     But, he makes a motion towards the I-Class, "This is Imima, she's an I-Class Destroyer. One of the Abyssal Fleet. Say hi, Imima."

     Imima lets out a low gutteral sound from the back of its throat.

     And then, Yari arrives. It's been a while since Lute has seen someone just casually roof-leaping. Really? It's something he appreciates. He smiles, glancing up at her spot on the roof. And then, he blows her a kiss.

     "Hey, Yari. And yeah, I do really get what people mean when they say they're ugly, but... Yeah. I find them so adorable."

     He smiles at both of his visitors, before glancing back at the Rancor.

     "Do either of you wanna pet it?"

Sanary Rondel has posed:
    The snarl's not entirely unexpected, but still slightly unnerving at first. Still, Sanary does have the sense to keep her distance until Lute calms it down, and she snickers lightly at Yari's comment from above.

    "Hey, Yari. They really are, huh? Still, they're not as bad up close. And... Not as cute as pigs." Grinning slightly, she raises her free hand in a slow wave towards the rancor and the I-Class, approaching them slowly to try and not appear as a threat.

    She's wearing her usual coat today along with a tank top and sweatpants, and the bindings seem to be in place if the lack of chest bulges is any indication. "That nose forehead, though... Nngh. Looks even worse in person."

     Lowering the bag slightly to hold it by the handles instead, the healer cricks her neck lightly before shaking her head in response. "Maybe later. After it's done eating or something so it doesn't get all defensive or whatever."

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute shrugs a little at the comment on pigs being cuter, "I've never really been around farms much, so never saw baby pigs. ...Honestly, if I raised a pig, I'd probably end up training it for combat, too. Force of habit type of thing. ...Man, I know nothing about pig farming though. Or farming in general. Hell, I kill most plants I raise that aren't monsters. I hire a gardener to tend to the plants I have."

     He places his hands back on the Rancor, to help give it support. Occasionally, he looks over towards the metal fence containing the other two eggs. He is a /bit/ worried, since they haven't hatched yet, and they've stopped moving. He knows that animals aren't always guaranteed to survive hatching. But, he says nothing on this for now. Only the look on his face might give away his worry. But, he glances back at Sanary.

     "I understand not wanting to touch it, though. I mean, yeah, it snarled at you. I'm not even sure it's the best idea. I think usually its best to show you're not scared of it, but if it is snarling to begin with... Eh. It's a bit of a gamble, either way. Plus I've never raised these before."

     He smiles, glancing at the rancor again. Its eyes are closing a /bit/.

     "...I think it's getting a little tired, though. Hatching is incredibly tiring. Plus, it's still a baby."

     He sighs, "...Any ideas on good names for it, Sanary?"

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
Yari blushes for a moment at the blown kiss from Lute, but settles back after a moment. She smiles, and finally winks at the pair.

Her hand goes up. "...I think I'll pass. They're ugdorable enough from afar." States the ninjette as she just kinda watches and sips her drink. She glances at all this animal husbandry with the look of someone far, far removed from such things. It's a little fascinating actually.

Then she's saluting Imima! "Glory and honor, Miss Imima! It'll be a pleasure working with you, Ma'am!" Yup, she's saluting the I-Class as though it were properly sentient. Best to not assume, after all.

Yari tilts her head. "Thinking of raising one yourself, Sanary? I think 'Strawberry' might be a good name." Yari is terrible at names for horrible monsters.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
    "They're cute. Very... Squeaky. Dangerous to get attached to if you're planning on eating 'em." Sanary laughs lightly and glances around to try and spot that garden, turning back to Lute a few moments later. "Never thought about using 'em for combat, though. I mean, we had the one guard hog, but just the one after..."

    She shudders briefly and adjusts her eyepatch, trying not to think too much about that time. So much blood.

    So much.

    Watching Lute with the Rancor does take her mind off of it, at least, and she does come close enough to be within touching distance of the newborn. "Just don't wanna make it think I'm attacking it or whatever. Mm.. Ah, what the hell. Worst case scenario, I can heal myself backup." Although the healer doesn't actually touch the rancor just yet, she does hold her hand out to it slowly and stops just short of actually touching its nostrils.

    Those hideous forehead nostrils. "Names, names... Mm. Naming's never been much of a thing for us back home. Kinda hard to turn pigs into food after that. Maybe... Uh. Dips?" She shrugs. Names really are hard!

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute smiles as Yari blushes. Yeaaah, he expected her to do that at first. Though they've not met much, he can already tell she isn't used to anything romantic. Though, of course, he assumes Sanary is helping her get over to that.

     Imima actually looks at Yari after the salute. This might, in fact, be a surprise? But if one looks at Imima's face, is that... a smile? Or at least as close to a smile as it can make, perhaps? The I-Class is more beast than person. But, it is still a member of the Abyssal Fleet, a spirit of a ship. It might, one day, gain intelligence. And being saluted is a good sign of respect, still. So, yes, it appreciates it.

     As Sanary holds her hand out to the Rancor, it opens its eyes a little more, and then snarls. But, after a second, it begins to calm down a little. It still doesn't look happy, but it doesn't look like its going to try and bite her. It's probably somewhat safe to pet it. Though, who knows.

     But, Lute does whisper one thing.

     "...Just don't make the motion too sudden or anything."

     And then he pauses. Considering their words a little.

     "...Alright, little thing. Your name is strawberry. The second one that gets born will be named Dip. And I think I'll name the third one Chocolate."

     These are, of course, the /best/ possible names for Rancors.

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
Yari is a silent perching ninja as she watches. Mostly so she doesn't wake the Rancor and accidentally get Sanary and/or Lute's faces chewed off. She does do the occasional fist-pump silently. Just imagine her with a pom-pom and cheerleader's outfit.

Go team.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
    That certainly worked out better than expected. Glancing between Yari and Imima, Sanary can't help but chuckle lightly before mimicking that gesture towards the I-Class. Granted, it's fairly difficult to do that while holding onto a bag of food, but it's better than the alternative of moving the hand near the rancor suddenly.

    "Strawberry, then. Heeey there. Not gonna hurt you, easy easy." Her tone changes almost immediately into a gentle croon, apparently used to dealing with more defense animals as she inches her hand closer. Even when she's practically about to touch the rancor, she gives it a moment to get used to her hand before petting it above the nostrils gently.

    "How about... Er. Imima? Is she all hard metal or... How's she even doing that? The floating thing."

Lute (188) has posed:
     As Strawberry is pet, it gives Sanary a look. It bares its teeth for a second, but it doesn't bite. It snarls a little, but it seems to just simply allow Sanary to pet her. But, after a moment, the snarling stops. It still doesn't seem happy, but, it's hard to tell when this creature is happy.

     Lute sighs in relief, though. He can feel the breathing on the Rancor getting a bit calmer. And, the creature finally falls asleep fully, as being petted.

     "Well... It's going well with this thing, so far. It actually did try to bite me a few times. But after it hunted a few more mice, it began to calm down towards me. ...It let me carry it before it fully calmed down, though. It's just... I think these things are fierce in general."

     And then, a glance towards Imima, smiling, "Well. She's one of the Abyssal Fleet. You can pet her too, if you want. She recognizes you as part of the Fleet already. The Confederate Fleet. She's basically the spirit of a sunken battleship, a destroyer. So, she's kind of like the ghost of a ship, which is why she's metal and floating. She gets along with us fairly well."

     A smile, "The Abyssal Fleet are good people. You should meet them. I've met Wo, Samar, and Ri, they were all fairly nice. ...They're not human, though. So don't be surprised if they don't get emotions."

Sanary Rondel has posed:
    "Atta gi-.. B-uh. Strawberry." The decrease in snarling is definitely a good sign, and Sanary does have a gentle touch when it comes to dealing with animals (even if her actuall hands are rough). "Yeah, it looks like it could be pretty... Yeah. Might even be useful for construction if you ever wanna build this place up some. Maybe a big ol' barn for everything..."

    She lets out a relieved sigh and retracts her hand turning to the I-Class again to hold her hand out in front of her the same way. "So a ghost, but not like... An angry ghost? Oh man, if everyone else back home heard about this..." Sanary laughs and pets Imima lightly, leaning over slightly to try and get a better look into her giant mouth.

    "They sound alright from the radio. They talk a little weird, but... Yeah, that would be interesting. Maybe see how they do their boat fighting thing in training, even."

    A pause, then a mischievous grin. "So how many of 'em have you dated so far?"

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
Yari rubs her chin thoughtfully.

"...Animals are difficult." Mutters the woman with a light frown as she observes.

"I need to meet the Abyssals as well. Maritime operations are not my forte." If she's ever going to surpass her mother, she'll need to learn /that/ kind of fighting too. Yari scrunches in thought, sipping on her lemonade. Mmm.

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute smiles as Sanary pets it. It's really a relief that the two of them are getting along, so far. He just looks into Sanary's eyes for a momen. "...Well. I've read some tribes use them as mounts. The Empire doesn't have a lot of information on raising them, so I'm just using what I know from my own knowledge to take a good guess. ...But yeah, we might be able to get some into construction. And hey, if we breed these things out later, the parents are supposed to train the young, so we could get generations of hard workers down the line."

     And then, a glance at Imima. A grin, "Well. I wouldn't say they aren't angry ghosts. In fact they're incredibly angry. But the anger is aimed at specific people. The humans of their own world. They're ships who were abandoned and forgotten, so of course they're mad at the people who abandoned them. ...Ehh, the Abyssal Fleet's higher ups tell it better than I do."

     A glance at Yari, "...And yeah, that's part of why they gave me Imima. To make me better at Maritime Operations. Imima is faster on the water. I've been practicing standing on her back in the middle of battle, too. When I fight the ship girls next, I'm going to /win/."

     But, then, the question of how many of the ship girls he has dated. He just shrugs, "I went on a date with three of them at once. It's hard to tell if they even really understood what a date /was/. I mean, I kissed a few of them, but they really didn't feel /anything/ when I did so. No anger, no joy. I kind of feel bad for them, but... I also relate. My other side is a sociopath who is mostly emotionless. ...So I can understand what it's like."

     He glances back at the Rancor.

     "I'll probably lay him down in the pen soon, since he is sleeping. I think the others might hatch later today, or tomorrow. Hatching attempts can take a /lot/ of energy, so the ones in the eggs are probably resting til they try again."

Sanary Rondel has posed:
    Sanary lets out a light blowing noise vaguely similar to a whistle, but not quite there. She'll get it eventually. "Sounds like you've got a lot of work if that's the plan. Hm... Maybe I can help with that. Even if I don't know shit about construction or rancors or... Anything except pigs."

    That could be an issue, actually. She shrugs it off, though, and pets Imima a bit more, then glances between Lute and Yari a few times while raising her bag. "Oh yeah! I brought some of these 'spring roll' things if either of you are hungry. Don't know what's in 'em, but they smelled good."

    She takes one out and dangles it for a moment, staring at greasy fried wrapping skeptically. "Sounds simple enough, at least. 'Angry revenge ghosts that won't kill us' is good enough for me. Especially if they can handle fighting on water. That can be rough."

    The healer takes a bite of the food and furrows her brow lightly, eventually turning back to Lute. "So they don't feel stuff? That's... Damn. That sucks. Well, you tried." Another shrug. "Could be because of the ghost thing, maybe."

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
Yari ponders a touch. Her head tilts. "Why /are/ you fighting so hard for the Abyssal Fleet? I can understand duty, however, no offense...but you strike me more as the type to be personally motivated. Are you trying to befriend them?" Inquires Yari from on high. Her voice, for being so quiet, carries well. It's a soldier skill.

Sanary looks down. Mmm, spring rolls. Cue the woman suddenly being beside Sanary, tail flicking like a puppy, as she eye-begs at Sanary.

Hungry lizards are hungry!

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute walks over to the pen, unhinging the door. He still looks at Sanary and Yari as he does this. And, rather carefully, he kneels down, setting Strawberry on a bed made of hay. He stands up, wipes his hands off, and walks out of the pen, closing it.

     "Well. I'll appreciate any help you have to offer, Sanary. Honestly, a lot of the time it's just getting other people around the creature, so it can get comfortable with people. And learn the difference between a friend and an enemy."

     And Lute just shrugs a little. Sanary and Yari both have a lot of questions about the Abyssal Fleet, and he's not sure he's the best to answer. And so he just does his best, "...You two really need to meet them yourselves sometime. They'll explain better. But, yeah, they can't quite feel things. Some of them are beginning to feel some stuff, though. They're like one big happy family, though."

     "...And I'm not quite sure why I'm so in support of them. But, really, just.... By defeating the Ship Girls, they'll become Abyssal Fleet members. IT's really effective. ...And I do consider the Abyssal Fleet my friends. And I cherish my friends."

     He smiles though, "But, well. Should we go inside and enjoy the spring rolls for a bit? I haven't eaten much yet, was to focused on watching the first one hatch."

Sanary Rondel has posed:
    Yari's query does make Sanary ponder briefly, a low hum escaping her as she fishes out a second spring roll and holds it in front of the Au Ra's mouth. From the looks of it, there's way too many of the things in her bag, and the only thing keeping the paper bag from falling apart is the blindingly red plastic bag supporting it.

    Still, it's a fried shell with greasy vegetables and meat inside. There's no way to pretend this shit's healthy.

    "Definitely gotta ask 'em about this stuff once we meet. Sounds a little too over my head, though, so... I'll just focus on training." She laughs lightly and finishes her first spring roll. "And if you're vouching for 'em, then that either means they're useful or they're hot. Might as well try, right?"

    Without waiting for a response, she's already starting towards the door with the bag in tow. "Yeah, let's eat these before they get too soggy. Might've bought too many, but... Ah, lunch and dinner."

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
Yari ponders the matter, then finally nods. "Mmm. Well I suppose as long as you're assisting the Confederacy, the reasons don't matter. Maybe you'll find out in time." Notes the woman.

"The 'Harbor Princess' I've been told is most approachable. Perhaps we can arrange a meeting, the four of us." Suggests Yari to Sanary and Lute. Then she looks a little more excited at the mention of 'inside' and 'food'. Hungry yari's.

Then she grabs both arms of Sanary and Lute, and tugs them along inside with hand and tail.

"You are both being requisitioned for lunch! Forward, brave Confederates!" Hard to tell if she's joking or just being silly.

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute was just going to casually follow inside. But then Yari surprises him, by by being grabbed by the arms. Well. At the least, it seems Yari is getting a /lot/ more casual in social situations. And even making jokes at her own uptightness in normal situations. But, as she grabs him? He simply moves in close against her as they walk in.

     "...Yeah, let's eat at the table I have in the living room. That way we can all cuddle with eachother on the couch as we eat."

     Yeaaaah, he figures they might as well get comfortable with eachother a bit. He smirks. Man. When will his luck /ever/ run out?

     He gives Yari a quick kiss on the cheek. He'd kiss Sanary too, but she's on the other side of Yari, so. But, he smiles, continuing on a bit.

     "Well, you guys can meet them sometime I'm sure. Just ask around. Ri is a bit hard to understand, as a warning. The other two I met, Wo and Samar... Samar is the one who understands emotions the most, but I think I got along with Wo better. ...But eh, you guys will see who you get along with when you meet them."

     And, a pause.

     "And yes, most of them are hot."

     Yeah, he confirms what Sanary thought. Lute is fairly transparent.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
    Sanary nods at Yari's suggestion. "That'll work. Just as long as we're meeting above water and not in an underwater base or... Flying somewhere." She shudders again at the thought of flying. Stupid deathtraps. Her train of thought is interrupted by being grabbed suddenly, though, but she does laugh moments later and goes along with it.

    "Mission accepted! And after we eat, we'll probably get tired. This stuff does that sometimes." Somehow, the healer does manage to return the kiss to Lute, then pecks Yari as well. Might as well, considering how relaxed they're getting with it already.

    "Samar's the one that talks in the most... Uh. Regular way, right? And Wo kinda pauses a lot?" She snorts lightly at the last part, shaking her head a few moments later.

    "Of course."

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
The kiss to the cheek has Yari visibly trying not to blush. And failing. At least she's slowly making progress! Slowly. In return? She leans in, and actually /nips/ at Lute's neck lightly before pulling away.

Au Ra can be strange. At least she didn't horn-butt him.

"I'm still tired from recent events. I could use a morale booster." Agrees the woman, tugging the pair inside. Then when there's a couch? She's the first to kick off her shoes and fall into it. Sprawl. She'll leave the other two to figure out how to sit with her like that.

"Mmm. I'll have to see that for myself." Notes Yari regard the Abyssals.

"Always above water. I prefer a boat to swimming."

Lute (188) has posed:
     The nip to the neck takes Lute by surprise. This is part of why he doesn't date furries. He didn't expect it from an Au Ra, but still, it's not as bad as /some/ people he has heard of out there. Or dated in the past. So, he doesn't mind too much.

     "Yeah, Samar is fairly normal relatively. But yeah, talk to her sometime. Trust me, you guys will get along with all of them."

     As Yari lays across the couch? Lute, of course, takes action. He has the perfect ideafor where to sit. Or, more accurately, where to sprawl as well.

     He just moves to lay across Yari, wrapping his arms around her.

     And then, a glance to Sanary, "Quick, come on, lay on top of me. We'll pin her down."

     He has come to the conclusion that his life rocks.