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A Tour of Alexander Academy
Date of Scene: 04 April 2015
Location: Galianda
Synopsis: Yari visits Alexander Academy with Sanary, and meets some of the locals!
Cast of Characters: 633, Lyria Mason, 691, Sanary Rondel

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
Centurion Yari Takane, after some red-tape wrangling, has managed to finally get a visitor's pass into Alexander Academy. The young Au Ra, thankfully, has a convenient excuse: one Sanary Rondel. Being able to claim friendship with an Academy member is helpful, after all. Thus, dressed in a red-and-black, gold-buttoned dress uniform, the horned one-armed woman makes her way into the Academy.

She pauses as she takes in the parklike atmosphere, the students going to and from from classes, and just the /peace/ it seems to exude. Though the woman definitely looks a bit lost as she peers over the holographic map she's managed to get on her magitek armlet, she still takes a moment to 'smell' the roses as she awaits the arrival of her favorite formerly blind warrioress-slash-healer.

Thought her physical oddities might get a bit of attention from the locals, alongside the military pips, metals, and regalia. Definitely not from around here.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
    Another day, another long series of classes. Even after being more directly involved in the multiverse and learning more than she ever thought possible, Sanary's grasps on days of the week and the concept of months is still somewhat shaky at best.

    She breathes a heavy sigh of relief as her real last class of the week ends, scrambling to get out of the classroom. Although she's normally one of the last ones to leave (mostly to avoid the rush of students trying to save a few minutes), she's got a good reason to dart out today: Meeting Yari!

     It doesn't take long for the healer to reach the entrance of the main building, pausing briefly just to mess with that one asshole that's always trying to push past everyone instead of just going with the steady stream of people. Grinning triumphantly at the muttering coming from behind her, Sanary eventually spots the Au Ra and picks up the pace to hurry over to her with the backpack in tow.

    "Hey, Yari. You.. Uh. When did you get this outfit?" She looks her over quickly before stepping forward into a quick hug. "Looks good on ya."

Soan Sagittarius (633) has posed:
     It does come to attention to a lot of people, probably not for the main reason that the majority of people are giving it to her. Extraversals are coming in more and more, despite the dangers that are present in the Galiandian social and political situation right now. Which is, as far Soan is concerned, a rather good thing. Careful interaction will help things along, instead of remaining distant and ignorant.

     Soan can recognise a fellow infiltration individual when he sees one. Thus, he does not bother to try to sneak up on someone else, instead coming around from the right, witnessing her peering over the map. Plus, she seems to be waiting for someone. That someone that comes around soon enough, one... he don't really know, beyond the fact that she's also not from around here.

     So, perfect timing to come out, then.

     "Hello, hello," Soan Sagittarius speaks up as he approaches the duo, hands carefully tapping along his jacket's pockets, making something tingle inside. 'Not being stealthy' is still something he's working on. "A visitor!"

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
As Sanary comes into view, Yari wastes little time. Striding forward with all of her Garlean pride, she pauses before the other woman.

Then returns the hug tightly and warmly, lingering just a moment. Then she lets go, smiling just a bit.

And even turns around a bit to show off the new uniform. "Just recently! I've grown a bit since I had the old one. Can't march without a proper fitting uniform, I'd be the disgrace of the Legion. So this is your school, hmm, Sanary? It's spacious, and well appointed. A little too open for my tastes, but I suppose it's not supposed to be a fortress or a military camp. What's the focus here? 'Adventuring'?" She smiles more easily.

"Our tailors and armorsmiths cannot be matched!" As always, she leans on pride in her country before herself. There's a slight blush though, and that tail wiggles happily.

She straightens, however, as Soan enters her field of view. Instinctual wariness fills her for a moment. It's hidden well, but to a proper Thief like Soan, it might be glaringly obvious. She too knows that particular way of moving, and how distinctly he's /not/ using it.

Her suddenly stoic look is ruined slightly by her lips quirking upwards.

She takes a step beside Sanary, and snaps a sharp, parade-ground salute!

"Glory and honor! Centurion Yari Takane, XIV Legion of the Garlean Empire! It's a pleasure to meet you, Sir. I hope it's not an intrusion. I'm a...good friend of Miss Rondel's. I was hoping to get a look around, maybe learn a bit more about her school." Strange, how she goes from familiarity to soldier-like professionalism in a snap.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
    "Old one? Wait, so you've worn this type of thing before?" Sanary gives Yari another once over as she steps back, a broad grin crossing her face. "This is the place! Everything's so much... CLeaner here than back home. I... Think that's the focus, yeah. Still have some boring classes for other stuff, though, but yeah."

    Laughing easily at Yari's pride in her own home, she raises an eyebrow at the sound coming from behind before turning around towards Soan. "Oh. Hey, S... Uh. Soan, right?" She gives him a blank stare while trying to recall just what his shtick was. Probably an upperclassman, but there had to be something else.

    "Yeah, Yari's with me. Figured I'd show her around this place. Not like there's too many classes going on this time of day, right?"

Soan Sagittarius (633) has posed:
     Soan watches Yari, giving her a look, eyes flying up and down her body as he observe her movements, how she reacted to him as he approached. Deeply ingrained military reflexes, a hint of pride, probably a bit green. He's seen that sort of zeal in Dragoon initiates. Hell, he's been through that, in his own ways. The Thief stops a few feets away, still idly, pensively tapping his clinging objects inside of his pockets until he is to a full stop. He smiles, grinning a bit at the enthusiastic display from the tailed girl. "At ease, Centurion Yari Takane. You're not in the Empire here, you're in Alexander Academy."

     The Thief relaxes, nodding at Sanary. Hm. Yeah, other Confederacy goign on, visiting a friend. Alright, fair enough. He also smiles at her. "Yeah, that's right, and you're Sanary Rondel, a new student too. I'm Soan Sagittarius," He says, turning around to lend out a hand to both in turn. "Thief, Secretary to the Light Warriors Club. Welcome. This is a pretty dead day."

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
Yari gives a nod and a little affirmative tail wiggle to Sanary. "Of course. The Legion has several uniforms aside from our standard-issue armor. The one I'm wearing now is the ceremonial one, mostly used for formal functions. There's also our dress-down uniform for when we're traveling by ship or on leave, or healing from battle. And of course different varients of all of them for different weather types. ...Sometimes I wish there was a skirted version, I prefer having a bit of air on my legs. More efficient to maneuver in, too." Explains the Au Ra.

Her own brow rises. "Mathematics is hardly useless in field operations." She chides lightly of Sanary. Then she leans in.

"And I'm not bad at them. If you need a tutor...well, I'll bring ice cream."

Pause. "What /is/ your favorite subject, Sanary?" She'll never turn down an excuse to learn more about the woman.

Soan might find this particular soldier to be a little more stiff than most. It's something of an infection in the younger generation of Garleans.

But at least she does indeed settle into an 'at-ease' posture, hand at first behind herself before she finally just opts to offer her arm to Sanary.

"I wouldn't want to be improper while visiting other lands, Mister Sagittarius. I'll attempt to act with proper decor. 'Casual' interaction isn't...something that's so common where I'm from."

Garlean society can be very much sticks-in-mud about rank, after all.

There's a deep nod to the man, though the curiousity reigns in her eyes.

"Is...it normal for criminals to announce their occupation here?" Comes Yari a bit more warily. She shuffles just a little bit closer to Sanary protectively.

"And what is a Light Warrior?" Her mind fills with images of blade-wielding glowing warriors, only to be swiftly quashed.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
    Sanary can't help but laugh at Soan's reaction to Yari, reaching over to give her a light pat on the back. "He's right. It's pretty relaxed aside from some classes and... Er. Some people." She glances around a few times at that, peering past both of them just to make sure nobody's listening in. "But it's usually not too crazy here."

    Blinking slowly at Soan, the healer nods once before shaking his hand firmly. Her grip's rather strong despite her size, and the skin is rough. Dry, even. "Name's familiar.. Er. The club, too, I mean. What do you guys do over there?"

    The idea of math being useful on the field makes the eyepatched girl pause, and the mention of tutoring draws an intrigued hum from her. "Sounds good to me. Don't know if I really... /Like/ any of the classes more than any others. The science classes are kinda interesting, though."

Soan Sagittarius (633) has posed:
     Close enough, Soan supposes. Even if she's from that Empire, Empires are huge. Empires have lots of people in them, that are different from one another. Attitudes changes. Still... it'll be best to be careful about this. Hanging around the two ladies might get some nice insights on the worlds they come from, and he's already getting plenty from them, whenever they wanted to or not.

     Soan's grip is strong and firm, as he lets out a brief laugh, waving a hand in front of himself dismissively. "Oh, no, no, I assure you, Ms. Takane, that all of my activities are duly noted, filed, reported and observed at all times. I am no criminal and I am up to date on my daily pick pocket rates, have no fear. Thief is my Job, that is all. If you DO lose something, feel free to report it to the nearest shady man in the corner wearing a black feathered fedora."

     He thrust a thumb in a corner. Indeed, there is one right there, who looks absolutely bored.

     "The Light Warriors is a club that's been formed since Galianda unified, as you call it. We are interested into the Multiverse at large and learn about it."

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
Yari to her credit, /tries/. Perhaps a little too hard. She takes a deep breath, lets her muscles relax, and plasters a goofy grin on her face.

"...Like this?" Pause.

The grin subsides. "...Ridiculous." She chides herself. 'Relaxed' is a skill she hasn't been trained in.

A finger goes to her chin as she regards Sanary.

"Mmm. I would've thought aetheric manipulation and healing...they have classes like that, right? Would have been your favorite. School just not your 'thing'?" See? She can use the hip words.

Yari slowly looks to the man in the corner. Frown. /FROWN/. For a stealth specialist and ninja, she gives this whole concept a baleful look, directed at the scary looking guy.

Soan is an aquaintance of Sanary's, so he gets a pass. "...So the skills of a criminal are codified and regulated. Interesting. I wonder if the Emperor would...mmm." She cuts herself off before she says anything. It's certainly intruiging. Then she's trying to dig into the local 'net, only to scowl, and finally gives up. She finally pulls out a piece of paper, feeling like an utter savage at the moment.

"'Job'...oh. Mmm. Curious. Mister Saggitarius, does this Academy host 'adult education' type courses that other high-level learning establishments on other worlds offer? I might be able to learn a few things useful in the field from the description here." She holds out the Generic World Information Pamphlet.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
    Following the gesture to the man at the corner, Sanary squints at him for several moments before shrugging dismissively. "Eh. Seems legit enough to me. He's not gonna charge us for any of that missing stuff, is he?" She continues to stare at the corner man as she speaks, unsure of whether or not to even consider speaking with him in such a situation.

    Then again, there's always the option of beating him up. Either way works.

    Noticing Yari's odd grin, the healer bites down on her lip to suppress her snickers, looking away for a few strategic seconds before reaching over to pat her shoulder.

    "You'll.. Uh. You'll get it eventually. Just gotta keep practicing at it." Drinks could help, too, but she's not about to recommend that just yet. Not until they're off academy property, at least.

    "Ah, there's some basic magic theory classes, but I'm not 'advanced' enough to take any of those yet." She sounds just a little irritated as she says that, rolling her eye once. "Even though I'm already... Ah, whatever. Just gives me more time to get really good at it before those classes start. Could definitely be more interesting than it is now, though."

Soan Sagittarius (633) has posed:
     The man in the corner barely even acknowledges the glares headed his way. Either he's used to them, or his eyes are fixated on the crowd around them, watching. Keeping track, much like an extremly bored accountant would be forced to count the files by alphabetical order. In reverse.

     "Oh yes, they are, in the school, anyway." Soan says, keeping his hand out of his pockets. He wouldn't want to spook the Ninja. Good lord, that girl is even more strung up than he was when he arrived here, all theses years ago. "The Department of Rogues is very strict on the matter. Many Thieves are hired by the police when they graduate, after all. Do not worry about being stolen, however, it is an opt-in when you sign up at the school."

     The Thief nods again, a brief, faint frown appearing on his face. "There is, but I'm afraid it may be a little more complicated than that." Soan begins, "I'm not the falculty, but the school board may have problems with your Empire's stance upon aggressive expansion and would likely be unwilling to accept student from it's citizentry, unless serious negociation and concessions would be made by the Empire. Until such things could be accomplished, it will be very difficult to enlist into a class until then."

     He saunters from the subject, nodding at Sanary, wriggling his fingers. "Yes, indeed! There's classes on Magic, for all the fields and degree of expertise, combat classes, more liberal subjects. The campus is a large part of the moon after all."

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
Yari stands straight as Sanary pats her shoulder. She visibly tries to pick up the pieces of her dignity she just self-mutilated. It's a rough process.

"Mmm! I'll train for that situation, too!" Comes the woman, all full of heart and pep and confidence.

It's Yari's turn to shoulder-pat. "Foundations are important, Sanary. Even the Lord Legatus practices those every day. They'll save you more often than any advanced spell, sword, or technique. Experience and repitition is everything, no matter what you're doing."

Soan's hands are definitely being watched, too. The ninja is one full of paranoia, at least when it doesn't concern Sanary.

Then she rubs the back of her head, and waves her hand dismissively. "No, no, Lord van Baelsar would have my head if I created a diplomatic situation like that." From her tone, she may be being literal.

Her face does brighten a little though. "I appreciate the warning, though. It'd be deeply uncomfortable at any rate." She briefly considers the idea of forgery here, but would almost bet there's classes on taht here /too/.

"What made you want to be a Thief, anyway? Erm. That is, if it's not too personal, Mister Saggitarius."

Sanary Rondel has posed:
    Did she opt-in to that? Well, Sanary hasn't lost anything particularly valuable yet, so maybe not. It's apparent from her face that the thought is still nagging at her somewhat, though, but at least she's not freaking out or anything. That would just make her more of a target.

    "Yeah, I've been... Actually, a little lazy with the magic training lately. Been doing a lot of strength training, though!" A wide grin crosses the healer's face as she raises an arm to flex it, only realizing afterwards that her coat is hiding absolutely everything. "... Well, it's there. Just... Yeah."

    She clears her throat awkwardly as she lowers her arm, then crosses both behind her head idly while listening to the two. Shifting her attention between Soan and Yari slowly, there's another thoughtful brow furrowing before she looks towards Soan again.

    "Wait. So does that mean you got to pick being a thief and weren't just... Like... Born into it or something?" Just the notion of having that choice appears to be throwing her off.

Lyria Mason has posed:
As the trio seem to be talking a women with long braided blue hair, goggles, tattoos and looks like she's ready for te beach almost comes upon this little gathering. She gives Soan a grin looking at her friend for a moment.

"Hey Soan good to see you."

She turns her attention to the two guests and gives them a grin very much like the one Soan got.

"Welcome and I'm Lyria Mason good to meet you and yes poltical problems seem to be the order of the day around here some times."

She pauses at the talk on Jobs gong quiet to let Soan explain things a bit but she'll be happy to speak up afterwards.

Soan Sagittarius (633) has posed:
     "You're quite welcome. You seem to be a rather decent lass, personally." Soan admits, lifting back his hands, arms, to cross them over his chest, giving the ninja a slight grin, one that he also turn at Sanary. "It's a bit more complicated than that. We're not entierly sure yet, some people have predilection toward certain Jobs, some earn into it, some have natural talents. It's not always set in stone, they are merly sets of abilities that crystalises as one practice their talents."

     The Thief gives Lyria a nod as she comes by. "Hey, Lyra." He interrupts, then continues his explanation facing the Legionaire and the Student. He seems quite at ease to talk about this.

     "As for me?" He says, head tilting to a side, eyes looking upward at his forhead in the effort of concentration. "It always came to me easily. I suppose growing on the street as a wee boy and stealing the Grandmaster's wallet may have something to do with it."

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
'Lazy'. Those words have Yari rounding on Sanary, her hand on her sides. The Centurion /scowls/.

"...Sanary Rondel, have you been slacking!?" Firm, Centurion glare here, boring down into poor Sanary's eyes.

Reeeach! She'll try to tweak the woman's ear!

"That's it! No squid ice cream for you tonight! Triple training instead! Bring your spandex, you're going to need it!" Then she lets go, relents a little, and pats Sanary on the head. Muss muss muss. She can only stay /so/ angry with her.

Then, Lyria! The woman snaps another sharp salute. "Centurion Yari Takane, XIV Legion of the Garlean Empire, Ma'am! A pleasure!" At this rate, half the Academy's going to get saluted.

"So I've been told! I'll be cautious, it seems non-humans are a bit of a problem right now. And I'm not that good at politics." Yari's version of 'politics' tends to be applying a blade to some guildmaster's throat.

Then a look to Soan. She actually looks a little taken aback. "...I wouldn't say that." You don't get to be a decent person, and be a spy and assassin. It's just not in the cards. Or maybe that's just Yari's self-doubt calling.

Yari's soon 'tapping' away on her gauntlet, the screen making notes as she does so. She's absorbed in the talk of jobs!

"Mmm...aetheric patterns that give special skills." She mumbles.

Then she openly smiles. "You're doing well for a 'street urchin'. Wish we could reform our own criminal element like that." It'd be a lot strong nation, after all.

Her stomach grumbles. She flushes a little. "Erm...is there a cafeteria? As the guest I'd be obliged to buy." Lunch for everyone, it seems.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
    Looking over at the new voice approaching, Sanary moves her hand from behind her head briefly to give Lyria a lazy wave before putting her hand back. "Hey there. Sanary. Good to meet ya." She looks her over a few times, having some trouble recognizing her. Then again, there /are/ numerous students around the school. It wouldn't be practical to try and know all of them.

    Nodding slowly at Soan's explanation about people's affinities towards jobs, the healer takes a long breath before checking her pockets, glancing around a few times just to make sure nobody's trying to steal from her. Even with so many people around, she can't help but be paranoid after all the talk about Thieves!

    Her focus shifts rather abruptly at that shout, getting a deer-in-the-headlights look in response to the glare. "H-huh? Just in magic because-Erk! E-easy!" She squirms around from the ear-tweaking and slumps against the Au Ra, mumbling incoherently moments later once she stops. "I've been doing more strength training, though... And what's this about spandex?"

Lyria Mason has posed:
Lyria Mason says "Ah so they are asking about Jobs humm?"

She nods a little bit and then looks to Yari for a moment.

"Ah one of those under General Gaius's command I'd take it?"

She's heard of the empire it was agressive, but from what she knew of it's forces in the multiveres, she'd even aided them once during a dragon attack.

"Woah I'm one of the rare not noblity at this school. I'm not even a ship captain yet."

She notes for a moment and she nods to them.

"Yes a lot of people are spooked about the extraverse to be honest. I'm just the daughter of a mason and an honest merchant captain."

Wait 'honest Merchant captain' that sounds like it could be something else there.

"Yes there is one, you looking to be hungry? Also humm spantex if you can pull it off? Why not show what the gods gave you."

She takes another look over Sanary for a moment.

"Still I think you both will have fun around here."

Soan Sagittarius (633) has posed:
     Soan watches the interaction between the two women, a small smile forming up. Well, at least they do seem friendly enough with one another to add reprimands at one's laziness. The Thief lets out a brief laugh at the display, more snickering to himself. As politely as possible, anyway, if it is possible at all. He's doing an effort, anyhow. He does keep close attention to Yari's reaction to his statement. Very interesting, that.

     "Oh, if you say so, Ms. Takane. I've only known you for five minutes, after all." The Thief replies, peering into her eyes, small smile in the corner. He has quite ordinary eyes, all things considered, yet they remain piercing. "Indeed, Non-Humans are to be escorted at all times while visting School Grounds, as it is for their saftey."

     Soan unfolds his arms, letting them lay lazily by his sides, leaning against a street light. It disagrees with him, impotently the Fira bulb sparking briefly at his leaning. "I'm not sure it's an /aetheric/ pattern," He answer to her mumbling, quite loudly. "I'm not a psychopattern expert. What I /do/ know, is this great pizza joint outside campus, two streets right and one straight. They have a good special going on right now."

     He turn to look at the Healer, grinning. "Oh, perhaps she intend to put you through training. Spandex breathes a lot."

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
Sanary's words seem to /slightly/ mollify Yari. Slightly. "/Balance/, Sanary! Overspecialization makes you weak! Too much armor and you cannot move! Too much speed, and you fall from the slightest breeze! I'm glad you're getting better in strength, but don't neglect your other talents! That magic of yours is powerful. You can do something I can't. You can /save the lives/ of your friends, and even my men if it comes down to it."

She softens a bit. "So don't get 'lazy'. Please." That last bit is lower, concern aching in her voice.

Looking to Lyria, she stiffens. "...You know the Lord Legatus?" Comes the woman, stepping forward a few paces. She's not quite agressive, but there's suspicion that doesn't exactly ease off.

"...I guess I can't blame them. It was a shock for me, too." More than a few of her Troopers had /hid/ in several closets in the DReadnaught when they Converged. She'd been happy for the excuse not to face it all at the time.

Then she perks up. "Pizza!?" Her tail waggles excitedly, and for a brief moment, she actually looks her age. Ahem! She calms down instantly.

"...I'll be hereby requisitioning yourself, Miss Rondel, and Miss Mason for a scouting mission of this pizza parlor." Comes the woman formally, saluting!

Nod! Nod! "Training!" She comes in agreement. This woman's serious about it.

But Soan might just pick up all the lovely horrors of a commander, assassin, and ninja all wrapped up into one person. For the keen, there's a lot broken inside of Yari Takane after the life she has, and continues to live. It's rarely easy, being a soldier.

Tail and arm will soon be trying to drag the group along.

"To victory and cheesy baked goods!"

Sanary Rondel has posed:
    "Wh-what's so funny, Soan? It's just..." A light blush colors Sanary's cheeks as she trails off, squirming a bit more in Yari's hold. She's still got a reputation to uphold, after all! Even if that really only consists of being blind (sometimes) and healing people.

     Still, what if someone from home saw her? She'd never recover from that! Yari's words seem to hit their mark, at least, and the healer lets out a quiet whimper before finally nodding after several moments.

    "A-alright. Mm... Just gotta figure out how to work on that and the strength training enough, then."

    Sanary's expression drops slightly at Lyria's mention of nobility, her gaze focusing on the blue-haired woman moments later. "... Wait, wait wait. So people like /us/ are the weird ones, then?" She opens her mouth to say something before closing it, a low hum reverberating in her throat. "Then that means... We're moving up, then?"

    That doesn't sound all that bad to her, actually. Finally easing up in her tone, she relaxes quickly enough at the mention of food. "Yeah, I could go for pizza. It's-whoa!" She's cut off by the dragging, although there's not much resistance from Sanary what with the prospect of /pizza/ and all. Who could resist that?

Soan Sagittarius (633) has posed:
     "I am no Noble either, for the comments. You ladies have fun. I have rounds to do." Soan observes Yari's reactions, as well as Sanary's. The one-eyed healer seems more... balanced as far attitudes are concerned. He's been raised most of his early life in a Warrior Monastery, so he knows what dicipline does to people, drills, hard training, self control. This is... different. He supposes he's just observed and talked to her for a few minutes, yet much of it seems quite obvious to him. He supposes if the Empire find talent that don't fit their crutches, they bend and hammer it into a shape they like, damned if it got a few hiccups.

     Soan don't answer Sanary, beyond giving her an amused, silent smirk at her as he step off, the group being dragged off to be delivered on wonderful pizza. In fact, as soon backs are turned, or looked away, the Thief is gone. To finely honed senses, he left by around the tree, before his trace just vanishes completely on the ground.

     Dragoon Man will have some observing to do if this continues.

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
Finally, Yari seems satisfied. "We'll become strong. I promise!"

Yari then stands up straighter. 'Nobility'. The mere word has her frowning. "The true kind of 'nobility' are those who prove themselves with strength, talent, and constant training! Only the best, strongest, most cunning and able in their fields should lead! Any thing less is a state of savagery!" Clearly, the Garlean Kool-Aide is strong with this one.

But then there's pizza to be had. Yari gives a nod to Soan. The man, in fact, is definitely worrisome. She doesn't like those keen eyes. To her, it's like he may just see a little too much for her liking.

The man gets a salute. It's a rare person that can put her on edge like that. "...I'd like to meet you again, Soan Saggitarius. Until then."

Who knows, maybe she'll even meet DRAGOON MAN.

Lyria Mason has posed:
Lyria Mason says "Yes I encountered him when something from your world was attacking the wider multiverse. Your nation's military deployed to help contain the drakes attacking."

SHe notes she looks at them for a moment hoping there's no issue here. She looks over to a Sanary and may have put her foot in her mouth.

"ERr wait what I'm sorry. Some of them are amazing, others, would get the black spot from their crews if they were from my plate. I'm sorry I didn't mean any insult I'm not one for my speech craft."