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= Aliens in the Mountains
Date of Scene: 06 May 2015
Location: The Great Mountains
Synopsis: Banjo arrives on Earth. XCOM is watching for signs of their invaders attacking other worlds. They pick up Banjo's craft, and go to investigate.
Cast of Characters: Kotone Yamakawa, 62, Sanary Rondel, 773

Banjo (773) has posed:
    Streaming through the outer atmosphere above the Great Mountains is a foreign looking space shuttle. As it resists the intense heat, hull aglow with orange and reds, it begins to leave a trail of equally golden energy behind it as it streaks through the blue sky. Eventually, when it passes through the atmosphere entirely, the ship begins to slow. Eventually, the thing settles on the ground with a gentle thump, still steaming from the flight.
    Only moments later the hatch pops open, and out emerges a young Namekian. Still a child, given his small and lean looking form. His green skin reflects nicely against the sky, his short antenna twitching and moving as it catches various forms of energy around. With a shuffle he pads along the grass, keeping an hand outstretched and touching the hull. As if using it for protection. "Finally on earth." He mumbles, looking around once more with bright white eyes.

Elise Leroy (62) has posed:

    Bradford frowns a bit. "They're finally checking out other worlds huh? Strike One? We've got a priority one alert. Big Sky has the coordinates, but it's offworld, we won't have RecSat coverage. Unknown craft type, unknown force composition... I'll call in some Elite reinforcements, but I doubt we'll get much response, if the grapevine is anything to go by."

    Elise hmmphs as she moves to suit up. "Understood Bradford, keep me advised. Strike Elements, arm up with the new Laser tech, we're going to need all the punch we can muster for an unknown. Piledriver, you get that new Railgun the eggheads cooked up? Good."

    The Dropship launches less than five minutes after the alert, and the big, blocky flying brick swoops over the landing zone approximately ten minutes later. "Central, Big Sky... looks like a one person craft, unable to identify any crew on fly-by. Deploying Strike Team for ground level seek and engage."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa was on the Skyranger and would be ready to get off after the rest of the squaddies did. She hoped it wouldn't go like her last outing. Samsara as command calls her in the field made ready with her new SHIV to get of the ranger once the rest of the strike team is deployed.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     Another day, another training session! Sanary seems to be in good enough spirits as she pushes herself to cross one of the mountains in the region, her usual gunaxe and bell tied to a rope around her waist. It's tough work just trying to get up this high, but there's sure to be some sort of reward in the long run for going through this kind of hell, right?

     Right. Granted, the rewards don't always make sense, but even the increased stamina from making such a trip is reward in itself. Spotting a weird spikey thing descend from the sky is just icing on the rward cake.

     ... Wait. Spikey thing descending from the sky? That's definitely not normal. The girl seeks out a small pile of rocks to take cover behind as she observes the strange... Whatever it is for the time being, peeking out every now and then just to make sure she doesn't need to flee or something.

Banjo (773) has posed:
    Banjo seems oblivious to anyone that may be around. At the very least, he doesn't pay anyone attention. He just continues to get a feel for everything that is around, head rotating back and forth. The green skinned alien from Namek looks confused at first, stepping about in a full circle multiple times before stopping. "There," He murmurs to himself, looking off into the distance and focussing upon something far out of sight. "That is Namekian energy. Must be where Dende is." A small smile suddenly graces his face. "This is going to blow his mind, seeing another Namekian come to visit him. Ha!"
    Turning back to the ship, Banjo begins to lock and secure the hull. Earthlings weren't normally dangerous! Or so he was instructed. But you never know.

Elise Leroy (62) has posed:
    Elise exists first, her Bolt Rifle strapped to her back, while her Laser Pistol rests in a practiced grip, glowing menacingly red along the acceleration coil. Viper comes next, toting a regular Shotgun and a Laser Pistol at her hip. Fast Lane follows, with a Laser Rifle, while Piledriver clumps down, toting a big old Bi-pole Railgun. Casino follows, toting a rotating barrel 'Minigun' style device that glows red along the inner coils, and links up to a large Backpack cooling tank. Nightmare follows next, toting a regular .50cal slug thrower sniper rifle, and a laser pistol.

    The group fans out, and skulks along the trail, keeping a ten meter spread as they approach the landed craft. "Ice to Central, approaching the landing site. No sign of XRay activity so far... I don't like this."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Samsara aka Kotone had left the craft and was sending out the SHIV ahead of the live forces. The drones so long as they had a person on one end? Would be able to get scouting done without risking the life of a scout. Which is what the thing existed for. the weapons are reayd but not actively firing as she attemps to get sensor readings to see what she can get from the ship and any crew tht it might have. She is as ever hanging back from the squad and unaware of Sanary for the moment.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     Peering out from behind her hiding place, Sanary hums softly to herself upon spotting the strange-looking green guy. Child? Well, the good news is that he doesn't seem to be too deranged or ready to blow something up. The bad news is hearing more people and some sort of robotic... Thing approaching from further down the trail.

     Retracting her head to resume hiding behind the pile of rocks, Sanary rubs her neck lightly while trying to figure out just what to do here. Are they hostile? Are they just here to investigate the place? Is hiding back here even really going to help?

     It takes her a little while, but the healer does eventually figure out something that just might work: Pretending to be sleeping behind those rocks! It's not the most comfortable place, but people get tired, right? Nobody could fault her for taking a nap after a long hike.

Banjo (773) has posed:
    As Elise's group approaches Banjo and his ship, the young Namekian appears to finally pick up on their presence. With a tilt of his head, the green skinned youngster props on his feet, head tilting at the incoming figures. He waits for them to get within clear visual range, lifting a hand up to wave in a friendly enough fashion. As his eyes settle on the weapons, he looks to take a nervous step back. "Uh. Hi? Are you guys here to take me to the Guardian?"
    Sanary remains unnoticed, her sleeping plan apparently working wonders!
    "My name is Banjo." The young one greets somewhat maturely to the group of armed figures. "I'm from New Namek, the same as your Guardian. I know I look a bit different, but I don't mean any harm to you. I'm just here to learn."

Elise Leroy (62) has posed:
    Elise lifts a hand, fist closed. This causes the entire unit to stop on a dime, weapons ready. "Central, XRay located. Not one we've come across before. Is Vahlen seeing our suit feed?" she asks as she brings that fist to press to fingers to her ear. Whatever's replied, gets her to drop her hand, and holster the pistol. "Apologies. I'm Commander Leroy, Extraterrestrial Combat unit, XCOM. We detected your ship approaching much like the alien craft from our own world, and came to investigate." she takes a step forward... but not too far, while the rest of the unit, lowering their weapons, remain on alert. Piledriver finds Sanary, and calls over in a synthetic backed voice. "Got a sleeping hiker over here Ma'am." The big, clunking footsteps of the MEC would probably wake the /dead/.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa Would pick up a few things and see the alien is talking, introducing herself and not attacking. She orders the SHIV into patrol mode away from the group for the moment. She also is keeping quiet as Leory does the talking, for the moment.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     Sanary fights the grin trying to creep its way across her face at the booming voice buying her act, although it is fairly easy to do so considering just how loud and strange the voice is. Plus, the footsteps aren't exactly reassuring. Groaning tiredly as she pushes herself up, the girl tugs on her shoulder lightly before peering out from behind the rock.

     "Uh...? What the... What's all this... /This/?" She doesn't have to feign being tired, at least, since that hike really did take it out of her. Although she gets up onto her feet, she doesn't come out from behind the rock just yet to stare at the XCOM troops in front of her.

     "So. Uh. Yeah. What's with the green kid?" She gestures at the Namekian and keeps tugging on her neck, wincing a bit at the audible crack coming from it. She really needs to fix her sleeping posture, fake or otherwise.

Banjo (773) has posed:
    "Oh." Banjo replies stiffly, frowning suddenly. "I didn't know that the Earth had these sorts of defence patrols. I figured I could just land and no-one would even know." A hand lifts, index finger scratching his cheek. "Well, XCOM. It's good to meet you. Did you, uh, want to look at my ship or something?" The young Namekian seems a bit confused as to what process he needs to follow. "It has no weapons or anything, so it's not very exciting." The green skinned alien pats the hull gently. "It goes fast though." Clearing his throat, he cracks his neck. The loose martial artist-type gi that he wears flutters just a bit in the wind that sweeps through. "Look, I do have to get going though. So whatever it is you need to do, can you do it?"
    A look goes to Sanary when she reveals herself from behind the rock, Banjo blinking in some mild surprise.

Elise Leroy (62) has posed:
    Elise shakes her head. "We're not from this world... You've come into what we call the Multiverse. Look, since you need to report to your superiors, and we don't have jurisdiction to detain world-local residents, you're free to go... but take this radio with you. It's set to the Multiversal Broadband... maybe you can find some people there who can help instruct you on this place."

    She pulls a rather standard military Radio from her belt, one of those hold-the-button types you hold in your hand and offers it to Banjo. She then lifts her hand back to her ear. "Mission aborted. Central, we'll need to refine the MV Scan to filter out these false positives... try working with Seraph, Durandal might be able to help too." She then salutes, and makes a couple gestures. One finger straight up, making a circle motion, then she turns and heads away. Sanary, for the most part, is ignored, save for a simple nod to Piledriver, before the team return to the Skyranger.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     Sanary raises an eyebrow at the conversation between Banjo and the XCOM squad, quite relieved at not being questioned about her presence. Granted, it really was a stroke of luck that she just happened to be here instead of any other mountain, but... Maybe they weren't Union members, either.

     Whatever the case is, it's certainly better for the healer than if she did get pulled aside. Turning to Banjo, she squints slightly to get a better look at him from a distance. "Have I... Seen you before?" There's definitely something familiar about the way he looks, but just where could she have seen him before?

     It's right on the tip of her tongue, too. "Mm... If we haven't, never mind. You gonna be okay going... Wherever?" There's definitely something familiar about him. She just can't remember what, but it can't be that important if it's taking her this long.

Banjo (773) has posed:
    Banjo takes the radio with a bit of hesitation, looking between it at Elise. "Multiverse?" Had he taken the wrong turn again? "Er, okay. Well � that does sound tricky. Thanks for the tip." Wrinkling his nose in some mild annoyance, the young Namekian suddenly begins to float into the sky. Under no jet powers or devices, he simply levitates. Lifting to about ten feet high, he stretches out his arms and hands.
    When Sanary asks him her question, he shakes his head. "Sorry." He replies. "We've never met. This is my first time off of Namek, so I have never really met anyone before. It's possible you saw another Namekian though? Like Dende. We all look pretty similar. Green skin and stuff." His head tilts in a slow nod, the boy still floating there. "Yeah, I should be fine. I know where I need to go. How about you? You look a bit sore after sleeping on those rocks. I can probably carry you to where-ever you need to go."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa :eakes a moment to look Banjo over as she lowers her weapon and smiles a bit at the Namek.

"I'm Kotone Yamnakawa and sorry for the ahem meeting like this."

She's very glad this turned out well all things considered however. She now looks to Sanary for a moment tiling her head and gives her a wave before turning back to the alien.

Elise Leroy (62) has posed:
    The XCOM squad file back into the Skyranger unceremoniously. Once everyone is aboard, the Dropship lumbers up into the air, rotates on its VTOL jets, then switches to the forward jets, lancing away at a much faster rate than a craft that size has a right to go. It's heading towards the nearest Vehicle Gate, breaking the sound barrier not long after it leaves the mountain side, leaving the crack to rumble like thunder through the valleys and foothills.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     "Must've been another... Er. Namekian, you said?" Peering at Banjo, Sanary does nod after a few moments. It's hard enough telling people apart sometimes, so whatever a Namekian is would probably be even harder to distinguish. She laughs lightly a moment later and cricks her nick again, sounding fairly relaxed despite how tense she was moments earlier.

     "Eh? Nah, I'm fine. Thanks, though. Actually doing some training out here just coming up here. Hard part's gonna be heading back down, actually..." She doesn't look all that equipped to go down a mountain outside of just following the trail, but... Well, that's something to worry about later if she does come across any strange terrain. Kotone's reaction to her does throw the healer off for a moment compared to her companions, although Sanary recovers quickly enough to snap her fingers to her head in a quick salute.

     "Oh yeah. Sanary Rondel. Don't worry about it. You two be careful, then, eh?"

Banjo (773) has posed:
    "Lovely to meet you, Sanary. Very well then, if you're fine, I won't press." Banjo speaks with well-practiced manners. "Take care yourself. Good luck on your training." With a wave to the remaining gathered people, Banjo begins to press up further into the air. And then, once he has cleared the tree tops, he is flying at a decent speed up and away from the scene. Heading north it seems!