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Dragon Racing in Berk
Date of Scene: 06 May 2015
Location: Isle of Berk <BK>
Synopsis: Zephyr challenges Cloudjumper to a race!
Cast of Characters: 162, 759

Valka (759) has posed:
     The sun is bright and the weather is warm. For Berk, that means it's not overcast with a temperature hovering a little bit around 20C in the shade, a bit warmer in the sun. Valka is sitting quietly in one of the fields surrounding the village, watching Cloudjumper worry with the new hatchlings, teaching them the best way to dive for fish from one of the shorter cliffs. The hatchlings are fearless, hurling themselves into the void with wings that sort of work, splashing into the choppy surf, and emerging, more often than not, with a cry and empty jaws. When one does manage to catch a fish, the rest of the hatchlings crowd around, each trying to snag a bite and see the prize that the lucky dragonling caught.

     The grass is tall - about knee high in most places, others tromped down flat where dragons have decided to use them as impromptu napping spots, and it's at the edge of one of these that Valka sits, waiting for her visitor from afar to make an appearance. A voice over the radio but one who could fly. One who wished to challenge Cloudjumper to a race. Should be fun.

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    With a sound not unlike a Night Fury in battle mode, Zephyr appears overhead, the distant rumble of a sonic boom finally catching up with her arrival as she desends. She's wearing a much different outfit than the last time she was here. Instead of a wheel chair, and parts of a military uniform... she's got a /really bright/ suit of armour on. Breastplate in orange and yellow, a battle skirt in yellow with orange trim, bright yellow boots that armour her feet, and a large bracer on her right forearm, bearing a blue gemstone set into a purple coin, which in turn is set into the silver metal.

    She looks over at the hatchlings and Cloudjumper, offering them a polite wave, before heading over to Valka. "Yo. Not a bad time, is it?"

Valka (759) has posed:
     That sound, initially, is what catches Valka's attention, her clear green eyes scanning the sky for the source of the sound. Generally it's attached to a black-winged dragon ridden by her son, but today, it's caused by a brown-haired woman in some really bright armor. Cloudjumper pauses in his teaching, watching Zephyr drift down from above. He does seem surprised, too, since it's without a dragon. And, as she descends, Valka herself rises, dusting herself off, even though there really isn't any dirt to dust off, and walks closer to the landing zone, giving the visitor a smile when she's greeted.

     "No, no. Not a bad time at all. You know how it goes, with the world sometimes. You take your peace when you can get it and enjoy it while you can." Valka turns to look at the dragon and the hatchlings, tilting her head over to look at Zephyr in her gleaming armor. "You look considerably better than you did the last time I saw you, Zephyr. Is your friend not coming, as she did last time?"

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    "She's got work to do with my Dad. Not that she didn't /want/ to come, y'know?" Remarks Zephyr as she shifts her position a little, hands on her hips cockily. "Yeah, well, when I said they let me outta medical cuz I was doin' better, I meant it. I heal fast anyway." a total lie, since she was laid up for over a week with Mana Burn.

    "Peaceful times are a rarity these days... it's good to find them, yeah." she replies, then looks over at Cloudjumper again.

Valka (759) has posed:
     "No, no, I understand. Just let her know that, if she ever wants to come visit, she's more than welcome to. Berk is surprisngly welcoming to just about everyone these days, as long as they're nice to the dragons." Valka takes a step back, turning to look the brown-haired woman over again, giving her a smile. "Besides, you healing fast means that you get a nice workout with Cloudjumper to see if you're still on the mend, or how much you need to wait before hand, right?"

     Valka whistles and, with a snort, Cloudjumper sends the hatchlings scattering and makes his way over to where she and Zephyr stand, bending to give the other woman an exploratory sniff before looking to Valka. She lifts a hand to pat him on the cheek, looking to Zephyr as well. "You wanted a race, didn't you?" she asks, teasingly. "Want to see what the dragon has in him?"

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    Zephyr nods a bit. "I'll let 'er know." she replies, before looking at Cloudjumper as he walks over. She starts to reach out to pet him, but thinks better of it. Best not annoy the beast that could probably bite her in half if it wanted to. "Yeah, I guess pushing myself'll let me know just how much of an idiot I am." she remarks wryly, then reaches for the coin on her right forearm. "Divine Wind? Set up." she says to it, kissing the gemstone, before it's engulfed in purple light and expands out into a HUGE, double bladed battleax. <ALL SYSTEMS GREEN. READY SET.> chimes the Device merrily.

Valka (759) has posed:
     "Oh, don't worry. He'll let you pet him." Valka chides when she sees the hesitation. Thing is? When the kiss ot the coin happens, and everything starts going all sparkly? She pauses. "What in the Gods' names..." Valka murmurs to herself, taking a step back once the woman is engulfed in purple light, the battle axe making an appearance. Cloudjumper gets in between Valka and the other woman, too, protectively shielding her with his wings until it's obvious that this isn't an attack, and even then, he simply watches, wary. "Originally, I thought you had a dragon, or a machine...but I guess that axe helps you fly?"

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:

    Zephyr herself drives the end spike into the ground, and leans on the metal of her weapon as it speaks. "Yeah, what she said. I /can/ use my flight spells on my own, but they take a /lot/ of focus and more mana than if I was using Dee here." she adds, grinning a bit. "Sorry if I spooked ya." she says, looking at Cloudjumper apologetically.

Valka (759) has posed:
     Cloudjumper shifts his not insubstantial weight from one foot to the other, bending his head to peer quizattically at the axe now positioned in the ground just so and then the woman standing next to it. "So Divine Wind," Wow, she's talking to an axe, "acts as a kind of....lens? For your magic? Makes what you put out that much stronger? And...my apologies but...mana? I'm not exactly sure how magic works. Is that the...coal? Fuel for the magic?"

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    <INDEED.> replies Divine Wind simply. Zephyr expands. "Yeah, kinda like how you can make the light from the sun tight enough to start a fire with a piece of glass? Kinda the same here. Dee takes care of all the calculations and high end math, I just dump mana, 'fuel' into it and away it goes." she remarks. "Like she is right now, Divine Wind is built for mid-long range combat. She's got an alternative form for close range, but right now, I'm not fightin'." she adds, then watches Cloud Jumper curiously. "This must all be really confusin' huh?" She directs this at both Valka and Cloud Jumper.

Valka (759) has posed:

     The large dragon blows out a breath, looking to Valka, shifting his weight again, his wings unfurling, flexing a bit, and then pulling close to his body. "I find that understanding some things requires a bit more brain power than I have, so the simple explanation of 'power booster for magic that gives advice in battle' will suffice until more enlightenement becomes more available." Valka chuckles softly and then remembers her manners. "It's nice to meet you too, Divine Wind."

     Valka leans against the large dragon who, after a moment, covers her shoulders with one of his wings, looking to Zephyr, then Valka, then Zephyr again before giving a huff. This causes Valka to look up at Cloudjumper, who then looks from her, to Zephyr, and then back again. "What?" She asks, straightening, looking to Zephyr. "Here? Now?" Cloudjumper huffs and bonks Valka lightly, seemingly giving assent to her question. With a tilt of her head and a chuckle, Valka looks over. "He's wanting to see how fast you can fly. Up for a race?"

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    Zephyr smirks a bit, and nods. "Yeah, sure! Think we're good to go, Dee?" she asks the Device, which chimes resonantly. <ALL SYSTEMS GREEN. MASTER!> it replies, which is all the teenager needs. She shifts her footing, as a spell circle forms under her feet, a diamond-shaped arrangement in dark purple. <FLIER FAN.> the words stated in a more automatic tone than the other vocalizations from the Device.

    Four purple 'pixie wings' fade into place over her shoulders, and she levitates off the ground by a foot or two. "I'm ready when he is. Don't expect this to be easy though."

Valka (759) has posed:
     "Oh, I don't think he would be challenging you if he thought it would be easy." Valka replies with a smirk, using her staff to pull herself up on to the large dragon's back. He bends his legs and unfurls his larger rear wings, flexing them, sending a rush of air as he flaps them once, roaring a challenge to the much, much smaller brown-haired girl.

     Valka watches quietly as the wings make an appearance, wanting to reach out and touch them but thinking better of it. She looks to Stormchaser, then to Zephyr. "What do you think would be the best? First 'round the island? Something to test speed and agility at the same time? Cloudjumper's fairly good at both."

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    "Once 'round the island should do it!" replies Zephyr, grinning a bit as the Stormchaser roars in challenge. "Think you can keep up, big guy? Lets find out!" she goads playfully, floating over to line up with the dragon so it's a fair start. She even drops back to the ground, planting her feet and setting a ready stance.

    "I'll let you count us down. From three to one!"

Valka (759) has posed:
     The Stormchaser's bellow gets the attention of several people (and dragons) on the island, who turn to look through windows or go to high vantage points to watch the dragon versus flying woman challenge.

     Cloudjumper eases a bit to the side, as to not knock Zephyr over when he unfurls his wings, giving them, and the two smaller wings beneath them, a flap, sending grass and dust scattering. It's quite a sight to see the massive beast lining up with a much smaller woman. "Once around the island sounds fine. Just watch the columns on the edges. The openings are smaller than they appear. Trust us." CLoudjumper gives a huff and he readies himself. "On your mark? Get set? GO!"

     With a roar and a mighty heave of his wings, Cloudjumper is off!

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    Zephyr is rocked by the sudden gust of wind from the dragon taking off, which stalls her for a moment. That moment is filled by the purple 'wings' turning into white 'jets' as the Device chimes. <BLITZ MODE>. With a crack like thunder, the mage is off, seeming to vanish in a blurr of motion. The boosted speed doesn't last for long, and she blurrs back in, in front of Cloudjumper, the 'jets' turning back into 'wings' before she rolls onto her back and grins.

    She wings back over, doing an outer barrel roll, then diving down closer to the water. "C'mon! That the best you got!?" she goads, laughing as she skims the water's surface.

Valka (759) has posed:
     At this point, Valka is pretty much just hanging on for the ride. When Cloudjumper, the Stormchaser dragon, gets it into his head that there's a race to be had, Gods help those who are challenging him! He was feeling rather pleased with himself, thinking he had left the woman behind, but when she appeared in front? Well, he gave a little of a jump, bellowed again, and beat his wings even quicker, in counterpoint to each other, sending up spray as he picks up speed!

Valka peers over the dragon's ruffled neck at where Zephyr flies ahead, reaching down to pat Cloudjumper's neck, whispering something to him and ducking back down. The dragon, after a moment, picks up altitude, larger wings pushing, smaller wings gliding....going up and turning sharply, staying close to the island, heading right for the gauntlet of towers near the shore!

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    Zephyr looks back, seeing the dragon pulling up. She then looks ahead at the towers of stone by the shore, and adjusts her angle, pulling up as her outfit flutters in the wind rushing past her. She grins even wider, this is gonna be /fun/. "Hey! You're almost as good as Rainbow Dash! You should give her a hit up some time!" she bellows over the wind. "Pegasus Pony from Equestria, fasted flier in her own world!"

    Turning her attention back to the pillars, the mage slows her momentum. Divine Wind chimes as well, coinciding with a switch in the purple 'wings' to green, elongating out from 'pixie' to 'dragonfly'. <GALE SHIFT.> Looks like her top speed's been cut down, but as she flies, it's like she's 'skating' between the pillars. More agility, less speed?

Valka (759) has posed:
     Valka would respond but, you know, wind noise and all that rot means that it's not going to be too easy for her to do so. Instead, she just hangs on and enjoys the ride, sliding around the dragon's sinewy neck as he twists and turns, all without a saddle! "I've been to Equestria!" Valka calls during her maneuvers. "Didn't meet Rainbow Dash, but did meet Twilight Sparkle and Spike!"

     Cloudjumper rolls on his back into a dive, turning altitude into speed, heading right into the maze of columns and, with deft twists of his tail and smaller wings, rolls and dodges around the obstacles with well-practiced grace. Something that big shouldn't be able to fly as precisely as he is, but he's doing it! And, even with the technology, he's keeping up with Zephyr!

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    Zephyr is actually falling behind! The practiced ease and high speed mean that the more methodical way Zephyr's navigating the maze is much slower, more time consuming, since she has to be able to see what's coming, instead of knowing what's ahead from prior knowledge.

    Once she's free of the maze though, she swaps back to the purple 'pixie' wings, and surges forwards, easily getting to top speed over 'level ground' as it were. However, she lost a lot of ground and using her Blitz mode repeatedly isn't something she wants to do.

Valka (759) has posed:
     And now clever viewers will notice what the problem might be with lugging around so much weight - even if it is all muscle. The maneuver that got Cloudjumper ahead, gaining and losing altitude, along with the knowledge of the maze of colums, had him pick up some speed and a decent amount of distance, but sadly, the blitzing Zephyr and her rocket-booster wings (or flaming wings, as Valka will call them,) can close the gap on the straightaways. It's a classic race, and as they fly past the village, the cheers from the onlookers (and the roars from the dragons) can be easily heard over the rushing of wind and crashing of waves!

Cloudjumper flies low, sending up a rooster tail of water as he goes, making another turn in to start along the northern coast of the island. This part has no columns...a straight shot to the last turn and on to the finish!

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    Zephyr pushes herself to the limit. This isn't a phrase, this is her way of life. Always right at the edge. However, being at the edge means it's an easy slip to falling over it... and that's what happens here. Zephyr pulls up alongside Cloudjumper, and looks about to pull ahead in the final leg.

    That is, until she suddenly clutches at her chest, and drops out of the sky like a stone, skipping across the water like said stone hurled by a child. She then begins to sink, while her wings 'fizzle' out, shattering into purple motes of light.

Valka (759) has posed:
     Luckily, Valka seems to be looking over at the moment that Zephyr slips past the limit and clutches her chest. "No!" She shouts, standing up to her full height and intentionally leaping up and back, the leather wings built into her armor snapping out and pulling her off of the dragon's back, the woman twisting to the side to avoid Cloudjumper's tail as she falls towards the water. Somehow she manages to keep the other woman in sight, wincing as she skips over the water like a well-thrown stone. The leather 'wings' built into her armour help her to glide instead of falling like a rock.

     The thing with gliding, though? You really don't have much control, or propulsion, so when Valka gets close to the water she pulls in her arms and legs and skis across the water before tumbling head over heels a few times, sending up a giant splash. Thankfully, it was near to where Zephyr started sinking, so she starts to swim, calling for Cloudjumper as she goes, diving down, trying to catch the woman!

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    Divine Wind is pulsing its gemstone rapidly, though whatever it's trying to say is likely lost in the water. Zephyr herself is limp, but only sinking slowly. Valka can easily catch up and drag her back to the surface, and being a waifish young woman, she doesn't weigh that much. Her Barrier Jacket also seems oddly water resistant, not absorbing any of it so it doesn't get heavier.

Valka (759) has posed:
     The onlookers witnessed everything from their vantage points, and already people are running to the docks to get a boat out there, while another is quickly saddling their dragon to fly out to help. Cloudjumper, when Valka left his back, immediately circles back and around, hovering over the bay where the two women vanished, watching for a bubble, some sign of them, since diving on top of them would probably not be a very good thing.

     The surface of the water where Valka and Zephyr entered is ominously still, the waves covering the pair. Suddenly, with a mighty splash, Valka breaches the surface, holding Zephyr against her chest beneath the arms, floating on her back to keep her face out of water. "Cloudjumper!" Valka calls, coughing up some water, "Get Divine Wind. We're fine." She looks over toward the shore, relieved to see a boat coming closer. A hand moves to Zephyr's neck, checking for a pulse.

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    Zephyr still has a pulse, and a DEATH GRIP on her Device. The weapon still cluched in the vice-like grasp of the girl's left hand. She's unconscious, but seems physically fine. Maybe it's something to do with her magic.

Valka (759) has posed:
     The boat with the rescue crew - two of the burlier vikings in Berk - draw near, one tossing a rope to help Valka float and pull herself in. The other viking takes Zephyr and Divine wind out of the water using a block and pulley system - almost like a fisherman's net with some bracing to allow for water flow out. It's surprisngly gentle. He moves the pair, Zephyr and Divine Wind, out of the water and lays her down on her side on a makeshift pallet on the floor of the boat. Valka pulls herself to the deck with the rope and sinks to her knees, coughing out water, looking to the pair. "Get us to shore." she murmurs, looking to Cloudjumper before giving a wave. "I'm okay, you big lump. Head off and rest. I'll worry about our guest."

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    <JACKET PURGE!> chimes Divine Wind. Now that the girl is out of the water, the Device releases the Barrier Jacket, itself turning back into it's standby mode as well. <LINKER CORE ANOMALY DETECTED. STABILIZING.> states the Device as it hovers on its own over the girl. Zephyr winces and jolts once, before groaning. <STABLE. ALERTING UNION MEDICAL.>

    Zephyr's eyes open and she lefts a hand to her chest. "Gnnnhhh... guess I over did it again..." she says softly.

Valka (759) has posed:
     "Oh gods, girl, did you give us a fright." Us being Valka and Cloudjumper, of course. The woman sits close by, lightly stroking Zephyr's hair as the pair of vikings row the boat closer to shore, watching her before looking up to make sure Cloudjumper has gone to do whatever it is that he would like. "Well...you said you were looking for your limitations, but you didn't need to push yourself so hard." The woman leans back, water streaming out of her armor still, her head going back to look into the cloudless sky. "Truth be told, you were winning there at the end."

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    Zephyr coughs a little, groaning again as she rubs at the crest of her sternum. "Yeah... I was pushing, pouring mana into my flight spell... guess I just... pushed too hard." she chuckles weakly, which devolves into a coughing fit, hurking up some water from her lungs. "Glfk. Too much fun, not enough focus." she adds, then looks up at Valka. "Sorry."

Valka (759) has posed:
     "Shh, rest now. It's fine. It was a lot of fun, and I can't wait until we get to do it again." Valka is gentle, patting Zephyr on the back to help her cough up the seawater, making sure she stays on her side so that water isn't breathed back in accidentally, looking up now and again until the bump of the dock against the hull of the boat signals their arrival. Valka stands and steps out of the boat on to the dock, letting the vikings lift Zephyr out of the boat, watching as they carry her carefully to the largest of the buildings in the village - the great hall - where Valka keeps the guest rooms.

     Zephyr is placed, if she allows it, on one of the beds in the guest quarters and is left alone. A few minutes later, Valka appears, out of her wet armor and in a simple brown dress that covers her well, and knocks. "Zephyr? Are you up for a visitor?"

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    Zephyr is sat up when Valka shows up, leaning against the wall with a little holographic screen open, which she taps to close. "Yeah." she's taken off the camoflage pattern jacket, and sits in her tank top and cargo pants, legs folded under her in a cross-pattern.

Valka (759) has posed:
%R      The door is opened and Valka enters with a small tray of things - water and fruits - before pushing the door behind her closed with one foot. She approaches and sits on the foot of the bed, the tray placed within easy distance for Zephyr to grab. "Divine wind said something on the boat....Alerting Union Medical. Is someone going to be coming to check up on you?"

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    "Probably. Darma's probably on her way to scold me for overdoing it." replies the mage. She reaches for a piece of fruit, and munches on it idly. She's silent for a long moment, then glances over. "I have a serious defect with my Linker Core... it's the source of my mana." she ponders. "Like the source spring for a river, I guess. Mine has a 'fault' in it that makes it 'leak' when I use too much mana, too fast."

Valka (759) has posed:
     Valka sits quietly, taking one of the fruits for herself - an apple - that she bites into with a crunch, chewing and swallowing before speaking again. "We'll delay her for you to get yourself right first. No sense in being scolded, after all, if you don't want to hear it." Valka chuckles quietly, leaning on the foot of the bed, pulling one leg beneath herself, listening. "Like a leak in the pipe leading from the source..." she trails off. "And it overwhelms you."

     Valka tilts her head to the side, looking over after a moment. "You were pushing fairly hard....I'm just glad you're okay."

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    Outside, the voice of Darma can be heard, as a large panther-like dragon bounds into the town center. "Where is she? I know she's here somewhere!" She does /not/ sound happy, though she doesn't stay in War Form for long, turning back into her humanoid shape with a wash of green light. "Whelp! What have I told you about pushing yourself after getting out of Medical for Mana Burn! You Linker Core can't take that kind of strain!"

    Zephyr winces a little bit. "I don't wanna hear it, but she /is/ right... I messed up."

Valka (759) has posed:
     "I see." Valka says quietly, looking over at the entrance of the main hall as the commotion kicks in. Zephyr's not being hidden at all, and Darma's pather-dragon form does get a few people scattering out of the way, a few dragons' hackles rising, before Valka calls out from the room they are in, allowing her access to the main hall. She sits quietly. "I will take responsibility as well...if I had not been racing you, this would have never happened."

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    Darma comes storming in, ear frills pinned against the side of her head. She looks like all the world to be about to scold the Mage... but instead, steps over, and hugs the girl instead. "Don't make us worry like that again." she states firmly.

    Zephyr looks surprised, and hugs back after a moment to register what's happening. "I'm sorry Darma." she replies, then looks over at Valka. "I agreed to race. You didn't do anything wrong, I coulda said no."

Valka (759) has posed:
     Valka seems surprised as well when Darma reacts in the way she does. Not as a vengeful woman who is angry, but as one who is more concerned about the person she is put in charge of. "She just had a bit of a fall." Valka says softly. "We were racing and...well...I guess you know, thanks to the magic thing."

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    Darma looks to Valka, and nods. "I know about the 'magic thing' yes." she turns her gaze back to Zephyr for a moment, then bows to Valka. "Thank you for helping her." she says before straightening. She turns back to Zephyr, and moves to scoop her up. "Come on, whelp... lets get you back to Medical to make sure your Linker Core is recovering."

    Zephyr erks as she's hoisted up like that, but can't really say anything against it, merely hanging on. "It was fun. Tell Cloudjumper I'm eager for a rematch when I'm fit and able." she says, before she's carted off in a princess carry.

Valka (759) has posed:
     "You're welcome back any time." Valka says with a smirk, watching as Zephyr is hefted up like a dainty princess, getting to her feet too and following them out. "We'll be sure to do it over water again, just in case you push yourself too far again."