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(Preperations are made to farther defend Lava Dome from Neo-Sayain attacks.)
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Latest revision as of 03:25, 10 May 2015

AWftF: Hope For The Best, Prepare For The Worst
Date of Scene: 10 May 2015
Location: Reptilon <Rep>
Synopsis: Preperations are made to farther defend Lava Dome from Neo-Sayain attacks.
Cast of Characters: 325, 724
Tinyplot: A Wish for the Future

Allo (724) has posed:
Lava Dome was a lot more active than the last time it had visitors. This is mostly due to having a rather large contingent of soldiers, Dinosaucers and Tyrannos alike, now stationed there as a permanent security measure. The Neo-Sayains already tried once to disable the lifeblood of their planet and that is more than enough to encourage both sides to set their differences aside for its protection.

But Dino-power alone isn't going to be enough.

Several work stations have been set up for getting this new project under way. Rhapsody would of already gotten the message saying they were going to go ahead with whatever plans her guild had come up with, regardless of what the government continued to think about 'outside help'.

Allo was done playing by the goverments' stubborn rules. Tony Stark's sacrifice to save Lava Dome once was not going to be in vain.

As it was the Dinosaucer commander was standing by the work stations, going over some of the schematics for the facility itself with Dimentro.

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    The Guildmaster's arrival would not be a quiet one. With the equipment needed to create such a massive barrier in tow, Rhapsody arrives with a number of observerspheres, as well as a simply massive flying beast known as a stratozepplid, bringing in all of the gear needed for the Izzet Barrier Generator (With Sp. Cannon Feature.). Outside Lava Dome, the Guildmaster, and both her siblings, are working to coordinate the zepplid lowering it's cargo container. The guildmaster had a fairly stern look about her. If any of the Reptilon government officals were trying to prevent her from bringing in her gear? Well. She's dealt with the Azor enough times to know how to ignore them.

Allo (724) has posed:
"Sir?" Allo looked up as one of the security guards spoke up. "The Guildmaster is here. Looks like she could use some extra claws unloading."

"Good, good. Continue patrols. I want to know if there is even the slightest sign of something out of the ordinary." The guard saluted and walked off, and Allo turned to walk out the larger cargo doors that have been opened for the Izzets' access. "Guildmaster Rhapsody, good to see you again... though I wish I could say it was under less drastic circumstances." He's trying to keep a amiable enough mood, but it's easy to see how much the recent events are weighing on him.

Dimentro isn't far behind, bringing out a few hoverlifts and some additional labor-saurs to help with the unloading and moving.

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    The stern look seems to fade as Rhapsody sees a friendly face. A small wave, even a tiny smile, is given the Dinosaucer commander. "Good evening, Allo. It took a little longer than I expected but, well, here it is," she muses, holding up the rolled up plans before offering them to Dimetro. "No offense, but I feel he may understand these slightly better than you." It's not meant to be an insult, not one bit.

    The container door opens, the observerspheres land, and all manner of Izzet start to move in, and then out, of the cargo container. Mana vines, generators, and a lot of interesting devices with huge crystal-like lenses at their tops, start to march out of huge metal box carried mostly by weirds, and even the occasional, smaller, drake.

        Something more interesting happens a few moments later.

    A bit further out from Lava Dome, a lot more Zeppelids are landing with equally sized cargo containers. What comes out of -those- are Mana Tanks. The ones that Niv-Mizzet himself had designed but had never fielded for the Union. It would seem they are also setting up a sort of defensive perimiter around the volcano. She didn't say she was going to do this but, well, after Stark... can you blame her?

Allo (724) has posed:
Allo does actually snicker a little at that. "Of course he does, that's why he's here." He lifts his gaze to the.. uh.. blimp-beast? being unloaded. "That is definately one of the most unusual modes of transportation I have ever seen."

"Indeed lass." Dimentro turns and barks a few instructions while pointing, getting the bigger saurians with the hoverlifts to help cart the supplies into Lava Dome. "And when ye got a minute between loads, I be havin' something else needing to ask you."

The one creature was odd enough, even with warning. When more start landing farther away from the loading bay a few sentries start to raise their weapons, but Allo quickly waves them down again. "More of your assistance, Rhapsody? They're landing a bit far away from the bay." There's probably a reason for that, which is why he's asking.

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    A nod, "Mana tanks. My father designed them, only produced a few. I ramped up production," she says much to the point, not caring to elaborate on a reason. "I don't care if these sayians say that there's only four of them, now. I don't buy it,". Kakarot's pride be damned. She doesn't believe a word of it. In the end, she expects him to act the same as any tyrannt. To do what needs to be done to get his own selfish way.

    A breath. A sigh. A shove of that latent anger, and she turns her attention back to Dimetro, "By all means, ask. I'm sure my magewrights and your people can get everything setup on their own."

Allo (724) has posed:
"An energy source besides Lava Dome itself. Good thinking." Allo nodded in agreement. "At the very least he's trying to get us to let our guard down again by thinking we've bested the majority of his forces." He turned his attention back to the other two, folding his claws behind his back idly. The only real outward sign of how much this ongoing struggle had him on edge was the occasional curl and twitch of the tip of his tail. "There's also the chance that even if it is true, some of his men will defy the order to continue fighting at his side for the sake of glory. And he does not strike me as the sort to deny that sort of zealous bloodlust if he can use it."

It takes Rhapsody speaking up again and a helpful soft 'ahem' from Allo to get Dimentro's attention away from watching the mana batteries being unloaded. All this technology powered by magic is facinating in its own right. But personal marveling later, business now. "Ah, yes, sorry." Dimentro rubs the back of his masked head with one hand. "Was just admirin' yer work over there."

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    Rhapsody blinks once, then, "No no, Assault Tanks. Vehicles with cannons, Allo. Kakarot can say he sent his warriors home all he wants, I don't listen, or trust, the words of tyrants and killers. People that would destroy a planet to make a point," she explains. "They will not fire anywhere near Lava Dome. They are defensive placements, nothing more," she notes. Her gaze would slip to Dimetro next, "Ah, thanks. I wish I could say I designed .. any of it." There's a hint of something in her voice there..

Allo (724) has posed:
Dimetro actually laughs a little at that. "Hah! She got ye on a homophone there Allo. Crazy language, using the same soundin' words to mean different things."

"I stand corrected." Allo takes the little blunder in stride and clearly not offended by the correction. "It's difficult to tell from this distance. My familiarity with technology outside of our own or Earth's is still very shaky," he admits. "But that's why I have people like Dimentro and you here. I can strategize all day long but it won't get anywhere without the equipment and labor to get it done. And you're right about not being able to trust anything he says about his numbers or intentions."

"Aye, and speakin' of which." Dimentro plucks a holo-display disc off his tool belt and holds it up in one hand, turning it on to display a smaller scale blueprint of the super-volcano and facilities. "We've got additional shieldin' on the outside thanks to you and ya guild. But I was wonderin' if we coulda put an extra smaller one -inside-, as well." He taps a claw of the other hand at what would be the core of the volcano at the center. "But this one aimed or whatever ye call it for a forcefield inward. If an eruption, even a small one, did occur, it would help to contain it."

"As much as I believe your additional defenses will be enough," Allo pitchs in afterwards, "as far as military strategy goes I can't overlook the potential chances that they will still find a way to try and set off an eruption. Even the smallest of odds can't be left to chance."

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    That gets a small thoughtful noise out of Rhapsody. It probably sounds a lot like the ones Hall makes. Probably where she picked it up, to be honest. "Ryxinel! C'mere a second," she calls. Her brother, who had been organizing a lot of the equipment installation, glances up and wanders over. She takes a brief moment to repeat Dimetro's question, and it just causes the red dragons sibling to smile.

    "Well, I made a lot of extra shield lenses in case any of the math was off. Right now, though? Math is looking right, so, I think I can arrange the extras in a way to do that for you. Let me get a few magewrights and we can head down and take a look."

Allo (724) has posed:
"Wonderful!" Dimentro shuts off the display and clips it back onto his belt as he turns to follow Ryxinel. "I'll come with ye laddie, it'll take an engineer's access to admit ye all into the workin's around the core chamber... Plus I really wanna see some of this marvelous tech up close for meself."

The engineer's ethusiasm does get a brief smile out of Allo. "Thank you," he replies to Rhapsody as the others walk off to get to work. "The assistance, both defensively and offensively, means a lot to us. I don't want it to come to it, but if Lava Dome -does- erupt, this gives us a chance as stopping it. Or at least slowing it down long enough for evacuations. The Union is providing additional spacecraft if it becomes necessary thanks to Sky Lynx's efforts."

The smile fades again as quick as it came though. "In the worst case possible, at least I can see to it my people survive and all Kakarot is left with is a useless rock instead of the satisfaction of wiping us all out."

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    "I wish I could offer more, Allo. I really do. I would move Thirix itself but, well, Niv-Mizzet didn't want me to have access to making that decision so soon. I don't know if I'll ever be allowed to do so. Thinael has been very tight lipped about me getting 'the keys' basically," she explains. "Mm... Maybe I can show you the Second Spire some day. The fact it can lift off and fly would have been such a great asset here.."

Allo (724) has posed:
"It's okay. He's right, too much power in one's hands at one time, even with the best intentions, can lead down an uncomfortable road. And you're doing more with what you have provided that you may realize right now."

There's a pause, and a bit of the smile, a small bit, does return. "Trust me, I know all about parental figures and their indirect methods of teaching lessons. My aunt and uncle would do the exact same thing when they were around." A faint chuckle. Maybe at himself for deducing what sort of person Rhapsody was talking about. "Even these days when I can understand why they did so, it's still annoying that they did it."

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    At least Allo seems to understand. That, on some level, helps a bit with the Guildmaster's slightly stern mood. It may have softenend, but some part of her just seemed a little colder than back when she had first come to Reptilon to find out how she could help. All of this was the first time she had really felt any pain due to a war. "I appreciate that.." she finally muses, gazing off toward where Ryxinel and Dimetro had gone. "It's just strange when I feel like the more obvious choice wasn't me."

Allo (724) has posed:
Somewhere in the back of his mind Allo is wishing they were still here so he didn't have to do all this on his own, but he quickly shoves the thought back down. Now was not a time he could allow his doubts in his capabilities as a leader get to him. He had to remain practical and strategic about this, because he knows, even if they are fighting for the same cause right now, Rex is likely to go for the quickest and most brutal approach. So it came down to him to see to it that the needs of the planet and their people were not cast aside just for victory.

"When I was first put in command of the Dinosaucers for the mission to Earth I use to think the same thing. Surely there would of been some other dino more suited to the task, and more willing to take up doing so... But now I see that my own compliance with myself was -exactly- why they picked me. Simply because, even with the potential, I would of never taken the first steps myself, or seen what that potential really was without being thrown into the proverbial fire against Rex and the Tyrannos."

A brief snort flared his nostrils. "I believe the Earth term is 'tough love'.."

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    That actually manages to get a laugh out of Rhapsody, "Well, you may just be right, Allo. Thank you," she reiterates her appreciation. She really needed to hear more of it. She'd just been so insanely busy lately that she didn't get to see a lot of her friends lately. "I hope the shield and the tanks serve you well, Allo. And I really hope we don't have to turn on the 'surprise' part of it. I don't think Kakarot will be prepared to see a huge shield suddenly turn into a blast instead.

Allo (724) has posed:
"I am sure they will. I don't want to use the extra 'surprise' as you put it... But in these matters it is best to be prepared and never use it than not have it when it's needed." Allo turned his gaze towards the tanks again. "Care to show me one of your tanks? So I can be familiar with what is at our disposal now. It's inevitable they will come try for Lava Dome again."

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    "Ah, they're tanks?" she laughs a little, rubbing at the back of her head. "They're armored vehicles with a cannon at the front end. The blast it projects is actually a reaction between blue and red mana because in normal situations the two types do NOT work well together.

Allo (724) has posed:
It takes Allo a few moments to piece that comparison together in his mind. "... So it's some kind of magical antimatter, then." It's the best he can come up with it. And that's only from having listened to his fair share of Dimentro ramblings.

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
"That's a really good comparison, actually! Maybe not -quite- so violent, though. I don't think anyone in the League is actually interested in working with that stuff. They like their explosions but those ones are REALLY big.."

Allo (724) has posed:
Okay so other than power source it is similar to the Tyranno tanks. Allo files that away for later, now that he's certain it's not some kind of alternate device with a similar name. Never know what the Multiverse is going to crop up at them. Or so he's been previously warned. With that matter sorted out he starts to walk back towards the loading bay. "Everything seems to be in order out here then. We should head inside to assist the others and make sure the assembly doesn't take longer than necessary to complete it all."

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
"Sounds like a good idea. I'm glad I got to help out here on Reptilon, Allo. I hope everything ends well. I dunno, there's a phrase Niv used to say. 'hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.'"