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Battle Rondo:Ulaire vs Kaede
Date of Scene: 11 May 2015
Location: Busou Shinki Battle Arena
Synopsis: Kaede and Ulaire fight in the first round of the Battle Rondo!
Cast of Characters: 312, 414, Sanary Rondel

Kaede (312) has posed:
    The Arena is packed with people, every seat filled, both with humans, and many shinki that came to watch their sisters duke it out. The announcer activates the Visualizer, and with a swirl of coloured light, the holofield is set.

    A shinki-scale city. Set during nighttime, with all the streetlights on and the buildings lit up in a majestic fashion, it manages to be both generic as well as invoke the image of many major cities. Most notably, it resembles a cross between New York City and Tokyo and contains landmarks from both, such as the Empire State Building and Tokyo Tower. Raised multi-lane highways cut through the city, while surface streets divide clusters of enormous skyscrapers into blocks and form an iconic concrete jungle. Enormous video screens and billboards hang on the sides of some buildings, advertising various real world companies.

    From one side, floats out the cyan and blue Raptias, clad in her armor with her visor up. She waves her shield at folks, but is notably lacking her Master. "I apologize for my Master not being here... she had an incident and was wounded, but she's here with me in spirit! I won't let you down, Master!" she says, looking at one of the cameras, before entering the field. She appears on the big screens, showing her far larger than she really is, in the middle of the city.

Revan (414) has posed:
     On the other side of the arena, a black-clad Waffebunny floated outward, her signature rabbit-ear visor on top of her head, blades 'sheathed' into where shoulderblades would be.

     "Reporting in," she announced with a crisp salute to the cameras. "I hope to make you proud, Master!"

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     Taking a sip of some sort of disgustingly green beverage, Sanary's in the commentator's seat for today's Battle Rondo match! She's looking over some papers while the finishing touches are being put on the arena, mussing about with various documents and tapping the microphone nervously just to make sure it's working as intended.

     This isn't the first time she's seen a microphone before, but it's definitely the first time Sanary's ever been in such a position. She spares an anxious glance at all the other recording equipment surrounding her, then takes a deep breath before finally speaking up.

     "G... Good evening, ladies and gentleman! Welcome to the Busou Shinki Battle Rondo! Today's match is being held in the Cityscape arena, known for its scaled replicas of famous landmarks from New York City and Tock..." Quietly. "Tock-i-o?" More loudly. "Tokyo!"

     She takes a moment to sip more of that green liquid, audibly gagging slightly before continuing. "Our first contestant today is Kaede, the Raptias-type in blue and... Lighter blue! Our next contestant is Ulaire, the Waffebunny-type in black! Both of them are fearsome fighters, but only one can win today's match. Now let's get things started!"

     A dramatic pound on the table! "May fortune smile upon your fight, Shinki! Now begin the battle!"

Kaede (312) has posed:
    Kaede salutes to Ulaire, grinning brightly. "Lets make this a good match!" she says, then brings her visor down over her eyes, as the announcer calls out the starting run.


    As the city springs to 'life' Kaede activates her jets, and surges forward as her blades materialize on her shield and blaster. She skims across the ground, and turns herself into a shinki-size blender, slashing and stabbing with all four blades.

Revan (414) has posed:
     Ulaire's otherwise stoic soldier demeanour broke out into a friendly smile as she saluted back. "I'll do my best! You can count on me!"

     The Waffebunny didn't charge forward immediately, however. She had to show her hopeful Master how effective she could be at range /and/ in melee combat! In spite of her enjoying the match as any proper shinki should, deep down, she was worried. If she didn't win, would her potential Master not want to adopt her? She had to make a good showing, her future depended on it!

Ulaire opened with some light ordinance from her sidearm, the smaller handgun in lieu of the heavier machinegun. Firing off a single round, as if zoning where her opponent would manoeuvre.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     "And they're off! Kaede gets off a sneaky surprise attack at the start of the round!" Sanary certainly seems to be getting more into the fight and the commentating role as the fight begins, bobbing back and forth in her seat while watching everything unfold.

     "Kaede's gone in for a close range assault with a load of blades! Three, no.. Four! Ulaire looks to be going for a safer option of shooting at range to wear her opponent down, so who knows where this fight'll go? It's too close to call right now, so keep your eyes and ears open, people!"

Kaede (312) has posed:
    PRANG A piece of shoulder armour pings off as that bullet strikes the charging shinki. Kaede just giggles, and with a pirouette, makes to stab a pair of blades into the Waffebunny's midsection, then fire the blaster attached to them as a follow up. "You're pretty good! Not many shinki can hit me when I'm goin' that fast!" she says, staying in close.

Revan (414) has posed:
     Ouch! The first of the Rapitas's attacks was bad enough, but that combo took even more of a chunk out of her. Ulaire grimaced slightly, sending her sidearm back to the Slipway and going for the wing-like blades. "You're...pretty good, too..." she managed. Time to mix it up with a little melee now. Unfortunately, she was slower that the Rapitas model, but she might be able to knock out a good blow or two.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     "Ooh! Looks like Kaede's keeping the pressure up at close range for this one. Ulaire's gonna need to find some way to put some distance between 'em if she wants to stay out of the range of those nasty swords!" Adjusting her tie, Sanary sits up slightly in her seat to get a better look at the action.

     "But what's this? Ulaire's switching to her own blades now, and she's landed a solid hit on Kaede! Now things are really heating up in this battle of speed versus power!" She's sounding much more fired up herself, although there is a bit of throat-clearing a moment later.

     And sipping that disgusting green goop. So disgusting, but so addictive.

Kaede (312) has posed:
    Kaede giggles again, then blinks as she brings her buckler up to try and parry those blades... only to have the shield cut in half, and that hand severed at the middle of the forearm. Sparks spray from the damage, but Kaede keeps on giggling, it might be kinda disturbing even. "Oooo, I think I need a HAND here... maybe I'll take one of YOURS!"

    The grin under that visor is almost too wide, as a flash of Slipway leaves the Raptias wielding only one blade in her remaining hand, aiming to slash and slide at Ulaire's arms in return!

Revan (414) has posed:
     The gunbunny managed to get a good one in, but she hardly dared to let up, particularly against a speed-based shinki. Doubly so with a jarring slash at her arm. Her armour held up well enough, but that was going to need some serious TLC later.

     So kaede was a little...psychotic. Oh well, it wasn't as if an arm couldn't be replaced. And maybe that meant she was having a good time?

     " have a lot to lose, so 'm afraid I can't lose to you!" Kicking her thrusters into overdrive, Ulaire flew back into shooting range, now swapping out her blades for her machinegun, firing off rounds to (hopefully, but probably unsuccessfully) slow her opponent down.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     Sanary lets out a semi-whistle, semi-blowing noise at the sight of Kaede losing achunk of her arm, furrowing her brow once the Shinki starts giggling. "Nasty hit right there, but Kaede doesn't sound too worried! Little... Creepy, but she's getting right back in there like nothing's wrong!"

     "And now Ulaire's trying to maintain her distance again, swapping out those blades for a big ol'..." She pauses, covering the microphone with one hand while muttering an aside. "What's it called?" Another pause, and then back to the microphone. "Machine gun! This might just do the trick if she can keep it up for the long run."

Kaede (312) has posed:
    Kaede grins a bit, dismissing the blade in favour of something a wee bit bigger than her little Blaster. The Talon Bolter materializes in her right hand, and she braces the heavy Rifle on the stump of her left arm, taking aim as those bullets rain down around her, one punching through her upper torso across from her CMS, another pinging off the leg brace on her right leg, denting the armour there.

    "Wanna play the long range game? I can play long range~." she chirps happily, charging up a shot, then loosing off a heavy blast of coherant laser energy!

Revan (414) has posed:
     Guns were something the Weapon Rabbit could definitely appreciate. She almost let herself become distracted admiring the Talon Bolter a split second before she tried to evade. It wasn't entirely successful, and Kaede seemed to be doing steady, consistent damage. Meanwhile, Ulaire's seemed to be in spurts. That was not a good sign.

     But she strengthened her resolve again, firing off another round before the Rapitas could close the distance. or so she hoped.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
    "And just when we thought Kaede was all about getting in close, now they're both getting into a gunfight with lasers and bullets! The Raptias is taking some hits from the Waffebunny, but I don't think she even cares." Another sip, another wince. She'll get used to it eventually.

     "The two are taking steady damage, but neither one is letting up. Shots flying, Shinki getting dinged up, and these brave fighters just keep on going. Oh! Here comes another volley from the Waffebunny!"

Kaede (312) has posed:
    Kaede lifts off the ground, jets whining to life as her backpack shifts to flight mode... just in time to her one of those nacelles struck by a bullet, making it jolt, shudder, then explode. The remaining Nacelle rotates into a central position to maintain balance, and the Raptias surges forwards towards the Waffebunny again, firing shorter, lower power shots as she tries to close in again. "Come here, I've got a present for you~!"

Revan (414) has posed:
     Ulaire dismissed her machinegun just in time; Kaede was closing the gap again even as she fired, though they seemed to do little damage. Well, that wasn't too bad, since the entire point was showing her hopeful master what she could do. It happened to be good tactically, but maybe she was a little too eager to win the buyer over.

     Out came the blades again as the.../enthusiastic/ Rapitas closed the gap. And there was a distinct lack of quipping as the Waffebunny tried to maintain her cool and professional demeanour, taking a swipe at her once she was within range.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     "And that's a direct hit to the Raptias'... Flying part! But Kaede's regained her balance, and she's charging right back in there to bring the fight to the Waffebunny!" What was that thing, anyway? it's easy enough to see, but complicated tech definitely isn't Sanary's strength. Commentating is certainly coming more naturally to the girl, however, and she's getting even more fired up.

     "Looks like Ulaire's ready for Kaede this time, though. She's got her blades out, and they're getting back into for a close-ranged fight! The Shinki today are really going at it today. Switching weapons left and right, darting in and out of close combat range, and I won't be surprised if they start throwing buildings around sometime soon!"

Kaede (312) has posed:
    Kaede takes another hard hit, spinning off out of control and through a building, sending glass splinters flying. She bursts out the far side of the building, and turns, pouring some power through one of those curved blades and SLASHING through the entire building, making it slowly begin to fall over onto the Waffebunny.

Revan (414) has posed:
     That was sure a creative way to fight, dropping a building on her. While Ulaire managed to escape getting completely flattened, she essentially had to manoeuvre so that the windows were what came down over her, basically crashing through successive windows. Not as much damage as it could have been, but it still didn't leave the Waffebunny unscathed.

     "Using the environment...nice move!" she congratulated as she came through the last one, diving forward with both arms and blades outstretched and on Kaede.

Kaede (312) has posed:
    Kaede brings her blade up, and attempts to parry those swords, though her much smaller weapon can't hope to cover the entire range they're slashing. She at least gets to keep her other arm this time, but takes a good slash down her front torso for the trouble, exposing the inner workings and letting sparks fly.

    "I was taught by the best." she replies, shifting her position, and attempting a heavy, reverse round-house slash.

Revan (414) has posed:
     While her hit landed, it wasn't nearly as crippling as Ulaire hoped. But before she could come up for a follow-up, she was met with a nasty reverse slash which did more that just scuff the black paint. There were a few wires exposed now along her upper chest area, and that wouldn't buff out had it been outside the arena. "I can tell..."

     And then went for a rather unorthodox attack on her part. Instead of attacking with her weapons, a heavy combat boot-like foot shot out for a side kick at Kaede's torso.

     Hopefully her hopeful master would see that she had some decent hand-to-hand combat programming, too!

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     Sanary cringes slightly and stands from her seat, a lightly chuckle escaping her. "And the buildings are getting into the fight now. Ulaire just sent Kaede through a building, so what's the Raptias gonna do? Send the building right back at her!"

     "The building's landed, and... Is that it for the Waffebunny? Wait.. No! Somehow, she managed to escape getting flattened! What's next, she's taking the fight right to Kaede who's not backing down even with that nasty slash! Those two are just going at it like a... Uh. A pair of... Um."

     What would be a good comparison for this, anyway? This is the first time Sanary's ever seen Shinki fight, after all, so coming up with a fighting analogy is proving to be a little difficult for her.

     "... A-and now Ulaire's not even using her blades! That's one powerful set of feet right there, but will it be enough to score a victory?"

Kaede (312) has posed:
    Kaede grunts as that boot lands against her midsection. But she looks up, grinning as her visor flicks up from her eyes. "I have you now."

    She grabs the other Shinki's ankle, and shifts her remaining jet back to it's extended position, turning it on full blast and starting to spin rapidly. She tilts, and aims to release Ulaire right at the ground!

Revan (414) has posed:
     The Waffebunny was clearly surprised. Admittedly her move was meant more to stun than do much damage, so she wasn't terribly surprised it didn't. But the Rapitas might not have necessarily anticipated the move, but she more than adapted when Ulaire was caught and thrown into the nearest building. It more than dented the back of her midsection unit...but on the other hand, she was out of immediate melee range. Shanging to her sidearm again, she fired off another shot at the speed-based shinki.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     All this commentating is making Sanary's mouth dry. Thankfully, there's the sweet refreshing taste of... Wait. Is that actual water under the desk? There's a bit of rustling noise, then a satisfied sigh once the commentator gets a nice sip of good ol' fashioned water. It's the wateriest!

     "Fist-fighters better be taking notes here. Just because you've only got one hand doesn't mean you can't throw someone like Kaede just showed us here! Ulaire's definitely keeping that in mind, and she's keeping her distance to fire away. Good plan, especially since she'll want avoid taking another big hit like that last one!"

Kaede (312) has posed:
    Kaede grunts again, starting to really feel those shots pile up. She darts aside, sliding behind a building to take a little bit of stock. Left arm inoperable, heavy torso damage, she's lost half of her flight pack... and she's at the disadvantage at range. Ammunition stores... three 'Bolts' left, full pack in the Blaster... She summons the rifle, drops the half spent power pack, and straps it quickly to the Blaster, which she secures into her hand.

    Swinging back around the building, she fires a full burst, and powers her pack as fas as it will go, dodging and weaving as she tries to once more close the gap.

Revan (414) has posed:
     Ulaire was hardly in better shape. Arms were still operable but there was exposed cable and wiring all over the place, and if her right leg took much more damage that would likely be inoperable soon enough. She needed to get serious...well, /more/ serious than she already was.

     Especially after Kaede's next attack. Serious damage to her left shoulder, the armour cracking and falling away, leaving it almost cables and wires barely holding it together. Swappiing out her sidearm again for more heavy artillery, she fired a single burst rather than a steady stream.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     "I gotta say. I really need to get these kinds of weapons for myself one day. These things Ulaire and Kaede have been pulling out are freaking crazy! The Waffebunny's shots are really starting to make their mark on the Raptias, and there's only so long these two can keep going at this rate."

     Sanary's on her feet now, barely blinking her eye at all just to keep track of everything going on. "Blades, lasers, kicks, and throws! Ulaire's taking the hits just as well as she's dishing 'em out, and she's going for the big guns once again. I wouldn't want to be in there fighting against these two, no matter how small they are!"

Kaede (312) has posed:
    Kaede loses her legs, sawn clean off as that burst of bullets slices through her waist area, the severed limbs falling limply to the city streets below. "Not good enough!"

    That cry comes with a creepy chuckle, as a flash of light has two of her blades affixed to the barrel of her Blaster, as she drives in through the hail of bullets with a singular intent.

Revan (414) has posed:
     Kaede was definitely...something. She took that blow like a champ, but then something was just...wrong. And there was some odd instinct -- or something like instinct -- which warned her to Get The Hell Out of the Way.

     And not a moment too soon, as a torrent of bullets was headed her way. Deftly, Ulaire kicked her thrusters up to maximum, evading the rain, albeit sacrificing her left leg below the knee in the process. Her mobility halved, she would have to end this soon.

     Once more setting her machinegun to a single burst, Ulaire trained another shot at the formidable Rapitas.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     "Oh, shi-mmf... Shoot!" Thankfully, Sanary does catch herself before saying something regrettable. There could be kids watching this, after all. "Between the two of 'em, they've got two functioning legs. Both of them are really taking bad hits here, and the fight might just end here in the next hit!"

Kaede (312) has posed:
    Kaede takes the burst, unable to get out of the way in time. It tears through her shoulder, ripping her right arm out at the socket, and dislodging her flight pack, sending whats left of the Raptias plummeting down into a heap in the canyon between two buildings. She tries to claw along with the stump of her remaining arm... but it's obvious she's done.


Revan (414) has posed:
     Ulaire was fairly certain she was not going to be able to take another hit like the previous one, and if the battle dragged out much longer she was certain she was going to lose. But her gamble paid off, and her chances of being adopted increased that much more.

     First, the Waffebunny saluted her opponent. "It was a wonderful match! I'd be honoured to face you again soon!"

     Next, she saluted the direction of the Virtual Masters. "I hope I've made you proud and I hope you'll make me your permanent shinki!"

     And finally, she turned to the cameras projecting the match to the general viewers. "And thank you all for watching! I hope you all enjoyed this match! This is Special Forced Lapin Ulaire, signing off!"

     And off she went on her remaining thruster.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     "And the fight is overrr! The winner of today's match: Ulaire, the Waffebunny!" Sanary goes all out in rolling her R's for that last bit, practically shouting into her microphone like some sort of insane football commentator. She doesn't even flinch when she downs the rest of that green juice in one go, taking several deep breaths just to try and calm herself down.

     "This has been a great match. Ulaire! Kaede! I'm sure you've done your masters proud in this amazing battle. We hope to see both of you again in the Battle Rondo Arena." Is there even a script at this point? There's probably one buried in those documents somewhere.

     "My name's Sanary Rondel, and it's been awesome being your guest commentator for tonight's Busou Shinki Battle Rondo Arena. Good night, everybody!"

Kaede (312) has posed:
    With another swirl of light, the Battlescape dissolves, and the damage, save for some minor paintwork damage, restores so they Shinki can leave under their own power.

    Kaede salutes to Ulaire, and grins genuinely, none of that creepiness. "You're strong! I'd like to fight you again sometime!" she says, then flies off to find her Master.