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Latest revision as of 22:04, 15 May 2015

A Shanty Built for Two ft Harry & Inga
Date of Scene: 08 March 2015
Location: Dresden's Apartment
Synopsis: Hary and Inga spend a weekend up in Northern Wisconsin
Cast of Characters: 206, Inga

Harry Dresden (206) has posed:
    If you want to test anyone's meddle, anyone who's from a warmer clime, take them ice fishing. If it's someone from the frozen midlands on north, take them out there to get fish and drink beer and also drink beer.

    That's been Harry's experience with fishing so far, and the Wizard isn't about to change it just yet. Much like the cabin, the Shanty is borrowed, one of the ones the local resort plants out on the ice for use. There's a case of beer in cans outside the front door, a warm heater inside the shanty and several holes drilled over the top of a weed bed in the dark depths of the lake.

Inga has posed:
There is Inga, sitting by the hole in the ice, pole in hand. She's sqewering some bate on the hook with casual efficiency. She knows what she's doing. She'd been taught, like anyone would be who didn't live in world where you could walk down to the supermarket and buy fish from across the world.

Thus, she's probably better at it than Harry is.

City boy.

"My mentor taught me to fish. Though we were usually gifted food, we did need to fend for ourselves sometimes. Prefered it that way. Eydis didn't really care to be around people. We had a little garden, too, and a family who'd provide us meat from their hunts in exchange for our blessing," she says, just relating a little story. She misses her mentor. It really hasn't been too long since she passed.

Suddenly, a question. "When did you learn you had a talent for magic, Harry?"

Harry Dresden (206) has posed:
    Harry's eyes wander a bit in the dark, as he sips on his mid-level craft beer. "Mmmmh, well, when dad died, it was sorta... made out to me that I was going to have it, and it was already manifesting, you know? I told you about being taken to Justin's as an orphan after they pulled me out of the foster system."
    The tip of Harry's ultra-light twitches, and his lip twitches as well. "The urge to magic fish out of the lake is astounding."

Inga has posed:
Inga listens, dipping her line into the water. She nods gently. "Yes, you told me about that. But it was...known that you would likely be a wizard, yes? It is passed on in the family?" she asks.

"Manifest....how?" she adds, imagining child Harry wrecking the house as he yells forzare everywhere. The thought makes her grin.

Harry Dresden (206) has posed:
    Harry sighs a bit. "Do they do fitness trials back in Viking times? We've got a thing we have kids do as they're growing up, track and field, stuff like running races, seeing how far you can jump, that sort of thing. And... I was still in foster care when I was going to elementary school. I was in the middle of a long jump competition when... I sorta pushed myself like 10 feet further than I was supposed to jump."
    "About two weeks later I was with Justin."
    He grumbles at that, and bobs the fishing pole.

Inga has posed:
Inga can't help but laugh just a little. It is so...it just seems so normal. "I suppose that would be a giveaway...and exactly what a young boy would do," she replies, then looks toward him.

Her pupils widen. Not so dramatic as eyes rolling back, but she only taking a little glance..

She smiles, but the smile fades. While the moment itself is a bit amusing, the lonliness of the child is not.

"As you know, the way I was found was considered an omen...and even when I was quite young I had visions. Some silly, some terrifying...then, before she died, Eydis predicted I would come here. Well, that I would travel the World Tree, anyway," she comments, frowning gently.

There's a tug on her line. She waits just a moment, then tugs hard, hooking the fish before she begins to reel it in.
% She gives Harry an innocent smile, hoping he's not a bad sport.

Harry Dresden (206) has posed:
    The Wizard mmmmhs and sighs. "Well. Both foundlings then. I'm okay with finding you. Or you finding me, however that worked."

    And then the line is whirring, and Harry grumps, shuffling around to get their bucket of ice water for keeping the fish in. "Alright alright, dinner."

Inga has posed:
Inga smiles warmly. "Either way, we are found," she replies, though she's trying not to loose her fish.

It's a great big one, so Harry can be a dear and help her pull the thing out of the water.

Inga laughs with delight to see the large fish she'd caught. "Indeed. I've no idea what sort of fish it is. I do not know what is native here," she offers.

After a few moments, Inga turns toward him. "I meant to ask you...what you think about what is happening with that world going through ragnarok. You seemed...uncomfortable when I was talking to Tomoe."

Harry Dresden (206) has posed:
    The fish... is a big crappie. A pan fish of some renown in northern Wisconsin, and saught after for its delicious flesh. Mmmmm. Actually, that's the sort of fish that are up on the wall in the cabin.

    Harry grumps and starts getting the fish off the hook and tosses it into the bucket. "Mmmmh it's not... that wasn't uncomfortable at Ragnarok. That was honestly me being anxious about killin' people in the hospital by being there, I swear I am with you on how you want to handle Lezard, alright?"
    He's smiling. "Honestly. Hospitals suck."

Inga has posed:
Inga looks confused for a moment, then understanding dawns. "Ah, with all the 'machines' and what not. Yes, you should stay away from the hospitals I suppose...but there are other things to be done. I talked with Alif about moving the people to a more secure location, then warding it. I could certainly use your help on that," she informs him. It would be an awful lot of work to do all on her own...but would she feel better if he were there, or worse? Worrying about him? Well, at least she'd be looking after him if he was with her.

"As for Lezard...I do not even know what I can do about him. I only hope he does not sway the people to think the gods are their enemy," she answers, sighing.

"I felt the presence of Thor. I called on him, and he answered. The gods still care, even if they've not been worshipped for...who knows how long. The humans are not alone...but..." Inga sighs heavily, closing her eyes. "I think, in the end...if any are to survive it will not be there," she continues with a sort of finality. A vision? Or merely an educated guess?

Harry Dresden (206) has posed:
    Harry snorts and sighs. "That man is a menace, but I think he can be... ealt with. But yes. You need to do what you need to do. I'm not... a godly man in any sense of the term, really, but I'm not about to stop you from handling things in the manner you're needing to handle them. I'm just a dumb fella who solves crimes. You're the conduit for Thor and the Buzzing."

Inga has posed:
Inga sighs heavily. "I do not know /how/. He is...like me somehow. Immortal, maybe," she says, shaking her head.

She turns toward him then, reaching up to place her hands to either side of his face. "Please stop that Harry. You're amazing. I do not like to hear you downplay yourself so much."

Harry Dresden (206) has posed:
    Harry sighs and grumps and leans into the touches, stubble rubbing at Inga's palms. "It's been ages that I've been doing that, it's gonna take a while to fix it, you know." A kiss at the inside of a wrist, and he hmphs.
    "Also even immortals can't always handle the pressure. One day something's gotta give and that's when you make choices." He sighs. "Though for people like Lezard and Loros, that time's far past." A smile. "You're still a young godling, after all. You've got all the time in the world."

Inga has posed:
Inga presses her lips to his gently. "Tch, well, I have time," she replies. Lots of it, it seems.

The color drains from her face when he calls her a godling. Her hands fall and she takes a step back, shaking her head. "Don't say that, please," she whispers.

Harry Dresden (206) has posed:
    Harry coughs and grumbles. "Sorry, I won't. Promise. Caretaker then? Curator? Something like that."

Inga has posed:
Inga nods, swallowing. Her mouth has suddenly gone quite dry. "That's...that's not what I am. I am Chosen but...I..." she shakes her head. "I don't know what I am, but I am not a god. I serve the gods..." she trails off. It is deeply upsetting to her.

After a few moments, she leans toward him again. "I'm sorry. I'm still...I still have so little idea what is happening to me. And the others. What it means. I can see so many things...but not this. Not yet."

Harry Dresden (206) has posed:
    Harry sighs and plants a hand on Inga's head. "I know, I know. I'm still trying to figure you out too, you know. Hell, I'm trying to figure myself out, so what does that say about me? Huh?" A grin, but the levity is let go as she remains worried.
    "...This is honestly one of the reasons' I don't do this sort of thing. Premonitions for wizards like on the Council just get us all muddled trying to puzzle out if they're real or just... bluh. I dunno."

Inga has posed:
Inga chuckles softly at his words. "Yes, well, we may never figure ourselves out completely. It says that you are human--and so am I," she replies, a bit vehemently.

Inga relaxes a bit against him, nodding. "It can be stressful. People will blame you if you get it wrong, or if you tell them what the do not want to hear. All the people I have given visions for so far, here, have been...well, very mature about it at least. But there is so much pressure. I can tell when an outcome is more likely, and if it is /almost/ a sure thing...but, never completely. And if you tell everything you see...some of it will not happen and it will haunt them. The possibilities...can drive someone mad. I am grateful I do not see my own fate as often as others," she replies.