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Rocket's Rare Burger
Date of Scene: 15 May 2015
Location: Bar and Grill at the Edge of the Multiverse
Synopsis: Rocket orders a rare burger, and meets Jayne. Jayne has never met a talking raccoon before. Or one that orders burgers rare.
Cast of Characters: 273, 781

Rocket (781) has posed:
Aboard the Rack 'n' Ruin, Rocket rolls out of his bunk and pulls on his jumpsuit. After checking the placement of his handguns he steps towards his cabin door and into the barracks corridor only to immediately turn aftward to head towards the lounge to grab a snack and see how Groot has done on the 'project' he said he was going to work on. However, passing though the door between the ship's two corridors he instead steps into the Bar and Grill at the Edge of the Multiverse.

Its a typical night at the Bar and Grill, staff moving about and a decent crowd about the place. The door closes behind him and he immediately opens it again only to find it leads somewhere other than his ship for the moment as someone else was approaching the door who looks shocked at what he sees - either the bipedal raccoon or the bar behind Rocket.

Rocket pushes down his own surprise and turns away from the door to go to the bar where, after clmbing up onto a stool, he orders a beer and grabs some peanuts from a bowl on the bartop and pops them into his mouth one-by-one as he half turns to examine the place... perhaps trying to inventory those around him or just watching the people there.

Malcolm Reynolds (273) has posed:
    It's a pretty typical evening, or at least, as typical of an evening as one can get in the Multiverse. At least, there's no major intergalactic incidents brewing at the moment. Or, at least not in the immediate vicinity of the Bar and Grill.

    You take what you can get.

    "Here again??" comes a voice from the direction of the aft section of the ship that's currently coasting in to dock at the Bar's external manifolds. Complaining, as usual. "Aw, come on, Mal, we just docked here two nights ago!"

    "This is the only place that serves alcohol within a week's trip in any direction, Jayne. Jen mei NAI-shing duh FWO-tzoo (Extraordinarily impatient Buddha), you complain if we don't drink, or you complain if we do. Gettin' real tired of that mouth of yours.."

Serenity coasts calmly in undre her pilot's guidance, and shortly, connects with the port on the outside of the Bar.

Rocket (781) has posed:
Rocket's beer arrives and the bartender asks him if he wants to see a menu. "Sure do, I was thinking how much I didn't want what was in the ship stores when I woke up," he says as he picks up the pint-sized mug and washes some of the saltyness from the peanuts away with a gulp only to pop another peanut into his mouth after setting the mug back down on the coaster the barkeep had provided.

Malcolm Reynolds (273) has posed:
     Well, Jayne shuts up shortly. Thankfully. The large, gruntish figure makes his way through the newly established port along with a handful of other figures from Serenity, past a few of the station's workers near the airlock.

    "First round's on Jayne," says a brown-haired figure wearing boots and suspenders, leading the group into the bar. "For not being able to keep that mouth of his shut long enough to give us all a half-second of peace an' quiet," says Mal.

    Jayne's initial cries of protest are quickly drowned out by the rest of the crew voicing their approval. The large man grumbles his disapproval, then makes his way over to the bar while the rest make their way to an unoccupied booth. Jayne casts a look over at the raccoon seated down the bar a ways, peering a little closely, as clearly, he's never seen a raccoon drinking beer before.

Rocket (781) has posed:
The menu is delivered to Rocket and he looks over it. He doesn't notice the arrival of the large surly man and the rest of the Serenity crew. Instead, as soon as he can, he orders a hamburger - with no bun or condiments... rare on lettuce with pickles... "Yeah, you got that right," Rocket says to the barkeep when the man questions the order, "Serve it on an open faced lettuce leaf, rare with pickles."

Malcolm Reynolds (273) has posed:
    Well, Jayne just sorta continues to gawk over at the raccoon, mouthing somethign wordlessly, perhaps expressing his amazement/amusement/confusion at why there's a beer-drinking raccoon in this bar, or why the raccoon is current ordering a burger. Either way, he snaps out of it after a few moments, then finally places the group's drink order.

    "Yeah, it's all on me," says the gruniths figure, sliding the payment across the bar, with a surly tone to his tone and a disgruntled look back at his shipmates.

    The Captain just drums his fingers on the table, waiting. A glance is given in the direction of the raccoon, yet unlike his muscle, the ship's captain doesn't seem to think too much of it.

Rocket (781) has posed:
While waiting for his 'burger', Rocket notices Jayne's focus on him and he looks back at him. Then he finishes his beer and asks for another to be brought with his meal. Apparently he did notice the arrival of the ship because he asks Jayne, "What's the name of your ship there?" nodding in the direction of where the Serentiy is docked.

Malcolm Reynolds (273) has posed:
    Well, it takes Jayne a second or two to figure out that the raccoon just actually spoke over at him, and is actually asking him a question. Instead, he just kinda studder-steps, nearly spilling the crew's drinks on his way over to the table.

    Thankfully, that second or two gives Serenity's captain enough time to stand, scoop his drink from Jayne's platter, and make his way towards the bar, a seat down from Rocket.

    "Name's Serenity," says the man, in a friendly-seeming, relaxed sort of tone. He has a roguish, rakish sort of smile to his features that seems to suggest he knows how to be pleasant when the situation calls for it.

    "What's a...fellow of your...well, ah..." says the captain, as though trying to find a way to word it. "Have to admit, haven't run into any others of your sort here in the 'Verse," he decides on, at last.

Rocket (781) has posed:
Rocket can't seem to help himself, when Jayne missteps he smirks as he holds back a chuckle. When Malcom comes over he nods and says, "Not surprising cause there ain't no thing like me, 'cept me." He takes a sip from the newly delivered beer as his food arrives from the kitchen - a pile of not quite raw ground meat on a lettuce leave with long slices of pickel laid across it. He then says, "I'm called Rocket, what're you called.... Captain?" The last word is said with a guess but he obviously sussed out the relationships between the crew.

Malcolm Reynolds (273) has posed:
    The man's roguish grin crosses his features once more, though this time, there's a definite tinge of amusement to those cerulean eyes, at Rocket's reply.

    "That's a way t' put it," the captain replies. "Name's Malcolm Reynolds. Captain of Serenity," he answers, tilting his glass over towards the window, where outside, the oddly-proportioned cargo ship is docked.

    "I s'pose I'd be able t' hazard a guess why y're called that, hm?"

Rocket (781) has posed:
Picking up his meal which he has decided to eat as a wrap, Rocket says, "Sure, why don't you," before he takes a large bite crunching though the fresh lettuce and crisp pickels.

Malcolm Reynolds (273) has posed:
    The space cowboy takes a long pull from his glass as Rocket starts on his meal.

    "Well, Jayne's a fair hand with most weapons, so I'd imagine you 'n him might get along.... Save, well, you know... Jayne not gettin' along with most folk..." the captain muses, sliding a glance back towards his crew, and the aforementioned weapons expert.

Rocket (781) has posed:
"I could compare notes with him sometime, I'm sure," Rocket says after washing down the first bite of his meal. "I'm willing to admit that I've held a weapon or two in my past." He pauses a moment and obviously contemplates taking another bite but then asks, "Have you been in this insanely mixed up world long?" and /then/ takes another bite.

Malcolm Reynolds (273) has posed:
    "That's assumin' he's the note-takin' type," replies the space cowboy, with a bemsued glint to his eyes. "Got t' be the readin' sort for that, mind you," he says.

    The captain takes a drink from his glass, thinking a moment after the raccoon's question. "Since Unification? Been a few years, I'd reckon... Though, all it did was make a big 'Verse a little bit bigger.. Haven't seen too much of my own section of the 'Verse, figure I'd never see all of it, let alone everyone else's, now."

Rocket (781) has posed:
Rocket chuckles softly at Malcolm's comments about Jayne. "Sounds like a real mouth breather," he says softly, so that his words don't carry to the subject of them. He then says, "Are you with the Union or..." he trails off, sometimes its better to let the person you are asking questions of fill in answers on their own rather than feediing them information to parrot back.

Malcolm Reynolds (273) has posed:
    "Yeah, well he's a real somethin'..." returns Mal, bemusedly. The man's tone is ironic, though it's clear he still bears some affection for his crew member, regardless of the teasing.

    "Not with the Union," comes the captain's reply to the raccoon's question, shaking his head as he sets his glass back down. "Not with the 'Feds either, much as I love a good fight 'gainst some big government what's tryin' to tell a man how to do things on his own," he adds. "Just here to find some jobs. Don't much care what they are, so long as it keeps us flyin'."

Rocket (781) has posed:
Nodding as he finishes the final bite of his... 'burger', Rocket wipes a napkin around his moth before speaking again. "Have you heard about the Syndicate then? Sounds like you could benefit from the organization."

Malcolm Reynolds (273) has posed:
    The captain tilts his head to this, something seeming to click behind that gaze of his. "Done a few jobs for them, as I recall," he replies. "Fellow named Johnny, out near New Vegas. Done us a kindness more'n once, and I'd not forget it," he says.

    "That's about as much as I'd interacted with 'em. Didn't heard anything else. Didn't care to, really."

Rocket (781) has posed:
"I might be be able to send some work your way also," Rocket says. "Do you have a preferred way to be contacted?"

Malcolm Reynolds (273) has posed:
    The captain reahces forward and snags a spare napkin, leaning over the bar, and snagging a pen out of the barkeep's apron, with a quick wink to the bartender's surprise. He scribbles down a few numbers on the napkin, then slides it over to Rocket.

    "Wash keeps that frequency turned on in the helm," he says. "Just give us a call," he says.

Rocket (781) has posed:
Rocket tucks the napkin into a convenient strap of his jumpsuit. Looking around again for a moment he then asks, somewhat sheepishly, "How do I get back to my ship from here? Do I need to hire transport or will that door that bought me here take me back now that I've eaten here?"

Malcolm Reynolds (273) has posed:
    Mal gives a sort of devil-may-care grin, in reply to this.

    "Always a safe bet, tryin' the same way you ended up here," he returns. "It's a big 'Verse out there, an' gettin' from one place to another isn't as hard as you might think, sometimes."

Rocket (781) has posed:
Rocket hops down off the stool he was perched on and nods to Malcolm and then tips the hat he isn't wearing towards the Serenity crew. "I'll be in touch Captain Reynolds, nice t'meet you."

Malcolm Reynolds (273) has posed:
    The captain raises his glass over towards the departing raccoon. "Best of luck out there, Rocket," the space cowboy wishes, before kicking his stool around, sliding down from his seat, and strolling on back to his crew.

Rocket (781) has posed:
Rocket heads towards the door he came in from and finds, in fact, that going though it now takes him into central corridor of the Rack 'n' Ruin as he'd expected the door to in the first place. As the door closes behind him he can be heard calling out, "Groot, you're going to have to try to explain how this quantum stuff works to me again. Maybe I won't get a headache as quickly as I did last time?"