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AWftF: The Eleventh Hour Offer
Date of Scene: 16 May 2015
Location: Reptilon <Rep>
Synopsis: An enigmatic being contacts Kakarot to offer him something unusual, even while the planet he lives on dies. What do they want... And will Kakarot accept?
Cast of Characters: 216, 723
Tinyplot: A Wish for the Future

PHONE: Tshallandria says, "Still waging your war I see. Interesting. Alright then. I would speak with you on matter of ... business ... if you are currently free."
PHONE: Phoning Tshallandria, Kakarot says, "I can't imagine what you could possibly want of me besides my death, but very well."
PHONE: Tshallandria sighs, "If I truly desired your death, I would have been trying to kill you. The two do go hand in hand. No... I hold the Saiyan race in some affection. I will be there... shortly."

Kakarot (723) has posed:
His army is a shambles.
His flagship, annihilated.
His lieutenants, dead.
His life, soon to be over.

But he could call it nothing besides victory.

And yet, what a pyrrhic victory it is. Upon one of the remaining intact mesas of Reptilon, Kakarot lies on his back, staring up at the clouds that roil and crackle through the shattered sky, the herald of a dying planet. It is only the machinations of the desperate Izzet that have kept the planet from imploding under its own disrupted internals when Kakarot blasted through the planet not an hour ago. His few remnants of his troops have been dispersed to hide and recuperate for the final push, to spit in the eyes of the great factions one more time before the planet implodes. He can't even leave.

He used his starship to distract them long enough to allow him to charge his attack. In the emptiness, he laughs. He laughs, because he can do nothing else. The interruption of the mysterious person on his comms did not stop it. Far from it. He laughs even harder.

The Multiverse, full of surprises.

Tshallandria (216) has posed:
    A moment later Tshallandria simply materializes in the air, "Well." She glances about before she narrows her eyes and shakes her head, a slight expression of irritation on her face. "It seems that things have gone farther then I expected."

    There's a soft chime of chainmail as she walks the rest of the way over to you, and sits down, "So." She focuses her eyes on you, and the wind simply dies, "I take it you're laughing because you've truly accepted the idea of dying?" She gestures to the side, "or do you have a plan in place to escape the wrath of the Super-Factions?"

Kakarot (723) has posed:
Kakarot is too tired to be surprised at the sudden manifestation of Tshallandria. He simply looks over in the goddess' direction, still smiling. "I'm going to die. That was never in question. It's just going to be in a time and manner of my own choosing."

He grunts as he sits up. "So what do you want? I have no idea who you are or what you want with a Saiyan who's waiting for his funeral pyre to go up."

Kakarot (723) has posed:
The question gets a look of puzzlement from the King of the Neo-Saiyans. His exhaustion is sugh that he's not even maintaining the focus to control his expression. He runs a hand through his spiked hair, then flops over onto his side, propping himself up on one elbow while his tail snaps back and forth idly, as if ticking the time until the planet crumbles. "Interesting proposal. So what exactly does this rebirth entail and what do you get out of it?"

He's tired, not /dumb/.

Tshallandria (216) has posed:
    Tshallandria's milimetric smile grows a bit, "I am the infernal goddess of battle, dominion, surpassing one's limitations, and most importantly enlightened free will." She chuckles, "As I said, I like your race. You're quite excellent at the first and the third. The second ... well. I think the state of the planet proves you've ... botched that a bit." She chuckles, "The Fourth? That's why you're here, You made your choices, and now ... You are accepting the consequences."

    She gazes at you for a moment before she chuckles again, and makes a gesture like she was drawing a knife against her left palm, and a moment later a few drops of blood fall to the ground, and vaporize into nothingness, before she gestures at you, and you start to feel rejuvinated ... a bit. Enough to take the edge of the exhaustion off. "What do I get out of it..." She chuckles, "You would be swearing your soul to our afterlife. Not directly to me, but to our afterlife. There would be conditions of course, but ... Each time you die, you would be reborn with the same potential that you have now. Each time with an affection towards my worlds, my people. You won't fall here because you lack personal power, Kakarot. You'll fall here because you lack manpower."

    She gestures to the side, "I'm also the patron being for a large number of adventurers who will also be reborn to my people, with the same affections... My empire may be small change compared to the superfactions, but with as many aurics as I have collected... We will not be an easy bite for either of them."

    She chuckles again, "And as a being as close to an immortal as one gets here, I intend to go right on collecting those of power, and reincarnating them as many times as they die. You ... would become a part of that."

Kakarot (723) has posed:
It's at the assertion that he's botched in the field of dominion that Kakarot laughs. "This isn't /my/ planet." Kakarot points out. "My empire is perfectly safe. You have to understand, this planet... and I... Am dying because of basic principles, duty, honor, and enough hypocrisy to choke a Namekian."

The rejuvenation surges through Kakarot, and he grunts, flipping to his feet. "I failed because I came out here about twenty years too early. Had I had time to forge my empire before running into the unmitigated greed and lust for dominion that I've experienced thus far in my time in the Multiverse, I would be bargaining with the Union and Confederacy in a position as equals. Now..."

He looks out over the crackling planet. "Now I just get a chance to spit in their eyes before the end."

He looks back to Tshallandria, and gestures. "So tell me, which side do you work for? I'm curious."

Tshallandria (216) has posed:
    Tsallandria chuckles, "Curious? Well then." She laughs softly, "I suppose I'm a Confederate. Mainly because the Union botched the initial contact between my world and the rest of the Multiverse. I would have held off joining either side, if given the choice, but... It quickly became apparent that I and my armies could not protect our world alone." She shrugs, "Otherwise, I have friends and followers on both sides of the war. Even some of your own race follow our ideals."

    She glances at you curiously, "As to meeting the Union and the Confederacy on equal terms... You do realize they have more soldiers then there were stars in your old dimension?" She frowns slightly, "You also realize you haven't really faced the most powerful aurics on either side? Most of us..." She shakes her head, "Most of us consider this to be rather... Distasteful, wasteful, dishonorable, or foolish. Pick one."

Kakarot (723) has posed:
"And one of my Saiyans is worth a thousand of theirs." Kakarot spreads his hands. "Or at least, I would say that, but it becomes pretty irrelevant now. No point in measuring whose tail is longer. I went into this knowing what I was getting into."

He reaches over and slams a hand into the top of the mesa, digging his fingers into a crack in the stone and pulling up a plane of rock which he lays back on, folding his hands behind his head. "I have to wonder... What happened that required you to join either side? For me... Well, the greed of your Vegeta and his Queen, Colonel Serori, did a lot to cause this to happen in the first place. Do you know the history of my people?"

He pauses, and then explains. "My father freed our people from the control of a ruthless tyrant. We were working to make our people tougher, better, to prove that they are in fact superior instead of just mouthing empty phrases. I was continuing that... But I also swore that our people would never be bound to the whims of a tyrant again."

He then leans forward a little. "So you can imagine how it felt when I met these strange beings, these /Saiyans/ who not only willingly bowed down, but demanded that we do the same. To surrender to an overwhelming, tyrranical force."

He pauses. "Or we would die. They'll say otherwise now, but as we all know, the winners write the history books."

He spreads his hands. "So you can see my position. I chose to remain true to my principles. The Neo-Saiyans will never serve another being. Never forget. Never again."

Tshallandria (216) has posed:
    Tshallandria gazes at you calmly for a moment before she smiles and her eyes flicker, a strange combination of dull red and brilliant azure, "I know a bit. I used to enjoy fighting a different version of you quite a bit. His power was more then impressive, Even if he couldn't best me." She shrugs, "So I do know a bit of ... some of the Saiyan's histories, not yours, but enough to get some idea of what you're saying and why."

    Her lips pull into a grin, "And here I am asking you to submit, to something you're not sure you believe in, but not to bow to it any fashion, unless you choose to do so." She chuckles, "Mindless subservience is aberrant to me. As I stated, my prime aspect is Enlightened Free Will. Understand yourself. Understand what you believe. Unstand your choices. Make your choice. Accept the consequences. Do what you will mortal. The empire is built on this. The Old gods, My birth father was destroyed for this and his many other sins."

    She shakes her head, "If it comes down to it, I'll do what I can for your people, under the same terms." She shrugs, "Starting a divine war to steal some other afterlife's souls is ... irresponsible. To say the least. That is why I would requre your oath to enable you to reincarnate into our afterlife."

Kakarot (723) has posed:
Tshallandria's words cause Kakarot to consider for several moment. Possibilities flip through his mind as he traces down the potential paths. Weighing the options. The pros and cons.

What is said, and more importantly, what is not said.

Finally, he smiles. "Maybe if you were the original envoy from the Confederacy, things might have been different." He grunts, standing. "I appreciate you taking the time to come out here and make the offer to me. I understand what you're trying to accomplish and I respect that." He shakes his head, then. "But I think I'm going to have to take my chances with my own afterlife. I know where I stand. I know where I am going to go. And I deserve it. Every bit of it. The only reason I'm alive now is I still have one thing left I have to do to guarantee the future of my people."

Tshallandria (216) has posed:
    Tshallandria nods, before she stands and offers you her hand, "Die well Kakarot." She smiles slightly, "We will honor your choice, as you deserve." She pauses, and glances up at the sky, allowing the wind to start up once more. "And you are right. We must all pay for our sins... Even I will in the end, If FATE ever allows me to die..." She chuckles, "And if it doesn't, then I suspect that will be it's own form of payment."

    She looks back at you for a moment, "And thank you."

Kakarot (723) has posed:
Kakarot nods in return, standing up with a smooth motion. There is no trace of the imperious King of the Neo-Saiyans there, just a man who has seen his fate and made peace with it. He smiles then, that strangely Goku-like grin creasing his face. "Maybe if we meet again someday I'll buy you a drink." He laughs, taking Tshallandria's hand. "Good luck in the future. If the Multiverse deals everyone hands like the one I got, you're going to need it." He nods, and slides back down on the ground, folding his hands before him, probably getting ready to take a nap on solid rock on a dying planet.

He's going to need everything he can scrape up for what is left.

Tshallandria (216) has posed:
    Tshallandria smiles, "I think we will. Eventually. If I recall correctly, your world will eventually reincarnate you. I hope you retain your power." She chuckles, "I intend to make certain that me or mine won't require luck. Till we meet again."

    With that she raises up into the air and vanishes.