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Latest revision as of 12:05, 16 May 2015

Into the Earth Temple!
Date of Scene: 11 May 2015
Location: Aselia
Synopsis: Lloyd invites Toph to the Earth Temple in Aselia.
Cast of Characters: 20, 373

Lloyd Irving (373) has posed:
    It has been a long time in the works, but finally Lloyd has managed to set up a visit that he had promised to Toph. And so, as the sun reaches high into the sky of Aselia, Toph's radio would recieve a set of coordinates from the swordsman. The area is mountainous all around, and the temperature is a few degrees cooler than everywhere else in the world (aside from Flanoir, of course). The entire area speaks of Gnome's influence: the purity of stone and earth all around is unparalleled in Aselia, and there's a distinct sense of power and awe in the air. Lloyd, for his part, is dressed in a black t-shirt, black pants, and his signature heavy red boots. Across his back are two short swords, and Toph would immediately be able to sense that they are earth-attuned blades, the brown swords speaking to the respect he has for this location.

    Even if the Summon Spirit is a bit... kooky.

    And so he waits, leaning against a rock face in front of the bridge leading into the domain of Gnome, the Earth Temple.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    The blind girl has no problems finding her way to this place, which does remind her a bit of Mithos's world. But then again, that was another Mithos than the one who hailed from this world. While Toph has spoken with Lloyd several times on the radio, they haven't met face to face that many times, now have they? So there are several reasons to accept his invitation that was issued a long time ago, but that they haven't had the opportunity to act upon before now.

    The earth and its qualities does draw the attention of the earthbender, and she walks carefully, every step used to study the area and the earth around it. It smells nice here... so clean. The earth is full of nourishment, rich and free from disturbing elements. Just the kind of earth that any earthbender loves to handle. So she seems a bit lost in thought as she heads towards the bridge. But Lloyd doesn't need to worry, she does offer him a brief salute. "Heya." Clad in her usual bending clothes and with her satchel flung across her back, Toph is at least dressed appropriately for the area.

Lloyd Irving (373) has posed:
    Lloyd chuckles slightly at the salute, but watches Toph walking with interest. Knowing that she senses through seismic cues, it's fascinating to watch her explore the area. "No need to formal salutes," he says, pushing off the wall. "I'm not sure if you ever visited Mithos' version of this place, but I think it's pretty much been untouched by all the chaos that happened four thousand years ago," he says, "This is Gnome's domain, the Earth Temple. I've told him that there's someone that appreciates his talents, and he's eager to meet you."

    He glances around, then shrugs. "Apparently not eager enough to meet us out here, though. Do you want to head toward the seal, or would you like to explore out here a bit more?"

    As pure as the surrounding area is, she would no doubt be able to sense the nearly untouched nature of the temple inside, the sensations of monsters tunneling around and going about their daily lives. They won't prove to be an issue, though, hiding beneath the ground. Gnome's orders, most likely, knowing that they are on their way.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    The salute itself was far from stiff, and Toph isn't exactly known for her tendency to follow authority, now is she? Even when speaking to officers she has a tendency to be overly familiar, and it should be known that even Pepper had problems in the beginning when trying to enforce simple hygiene in the Stark mansion after Toph started hanging out there.

    The teenager shakes her head. "No, I didn't visit this place in his world. Though he did visit Malibu along with Gnome on several occasions," Toph responds. It's almost like meeting an old friend again. Even if it's not the same Gnome. But of course an earthbender would be happy to be in such a place, to meet a spirit of the very earth itself. For Toph it's even stronger, since the earth gives her all of her strength and allows her to be independent and strong despite her disability.

    At his question whether they should proceed or stay, Toph waves a hand. "Let's head to the seal. I have already seen the area through my feet anyway, it's not like my vision is clouded by things blocking the view." Unless it's water or air.

    That very seismic sense does allow her to see the monsters, but indeed, why bother them if they aren't a threat? Besides, Toph is pretty certain she can handle any potential trouble that comes along. Especially with all this earth around. "This place is really impressive, though... are all the temples like this?" she asks as they begin heading towards the seal.

Lloyd Irving (373) has posed:
    As might be expected, the seal is at the deepest point in the temple. Luckily, all the traps and paths had been cleared last time they were here, so him not having the Sorcerer's Ring wouldn't be a problem. He leads the way, staying close enough that his steps don't get lost among the rest of the temple's activity. He eyes around the area, keeping a lookout for the Gnomelettes. Either they are at the seal with Gnome, or off searching the world and getting into trouble.

    He guessed the latter.

    "Oh, I bet Pepper liked that," he says, chuckling. No doubt Gnome's uncouth nature wouldn't set well with Toph's adoptive mother. "Yeah, Mithos had the advantage of being able to summon Gnome to him. I have to go to the seal if I need to visit him, or hunt down Sheena. Hunting her down is an exercise in futility, though." He allows his wings to flare out as he leads them down a narrow earth bridge, leading down into the temple's depths. "Hehe," he replies after a moment, "I guess not. It's pretty dark in here, but I'd imagine you can 'see' everything, huh?"

    His boots click against the stone, and he's reminded of fighting down this corridor last time they had been here. "Yep!" he says, smiling a bit, "All the temples are the largest concentration of the element that the Spirit represents. My favorite is probably the Ice Temple, due to its proximity to Flanoir, then this place for its peaceful air." He hated the Darkness Temple, though. As dark as the Earth Temple is, the Darkness Temple was just disasterous.

    "I visit all of them from time to time," he continues, "for materials, and to check on the Spirits. I need to keep an eye on things, to make sure nothing is going too horrendously wrong. After Mi... Yggdrasil emerged from me again, I've been trying to keep a more active eye on things. I've killed him twice now. I'm not convinced he won't rise again." He crosses his arms as they walk.

    After a few minutes, Toph would likely be able to sense the purest earth yet, rippling out from around the circular seal ahead. Hovering above it is Gnome, the mole-like Spirit of Earth, bow spinning and shovel in hand. As they come into view, Gnome lets out a laughing greeting.

    "Heya there Lloyd! And this must be that earthy girl, right? Heya earthy girl!"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    It's not a bad walk, though then again Toph does not know just what Lloyd and his companions had to go through when they first came here, all the traps and all the enemies that hindered them in their journey to save the twin worlds.

    A faint snicker leaves Toph, and she looks amused. "She was thrilled about all the dirt everywhere, yeah..." So he has to come here or possibly track down his summoner friend if he wants to see Gnome. Or any of the other spirits, she assumes. That's kind of impractical. But it does make sense too.

    "I don't need light to see, just earth. And considering how much earth there is in this place I can see everything that moves in here. All through the area." Her range is rather large, it seems. Not that she speaks about how large it is most of the time.

    Yggdrasil. The man Mithos became due to hardships that he faced. It's a bit surreal to think about, considering how nice Mithos had been. Her expression is pensive, and she sighs a bit. "We can always hope he doesn't," she offers. Though indeed, it would be stupid to not be prepared for the worst. Perhaps it's something she should ask him about later sometime. But not now.

    Not when they are about to meet Gnome. The cheerful greeting does bring a faint smile to the girl's face, recognizing the voice easily enough due to her sharp ears. "Heya Gnome." It feels a bit strange that this version of him doesn't know her name. But she's dealt with multiversal variations of the same person before. So she steps up and introduces herself properly. "I am Toph Beifong. The greatest earthbender of all time. I work with Lloyd in the Union, where I'm a junior officer. I... met another version of you before."

Lloyd Irving (373) has posed:
    The walk is a fairly pleasant affair now, but before they had to escort a Gnomelette down without letting any monsters get to him, and the monsters had been highly aggressive. He shudders inwardly as he recalls, but keeps his focus on things ahead. "Oh yeah," he says, chuckling, "I could only imagine." He rolls his neck slightly, suppressing a shiver. The temperature goes down a bit as they descend, but it's not oppressively cold. Unlike his favorite temple.

    Lloyd nods a bit, smiling softly. "It's a pretty incredible skill you possess," he says, "It's hard to imagine navigating without it or eyesight." Memories of the Darkness Temple seep in again, and he shakes his head. "But to see everything in the area... that's incredible!" As the topic touches back briefly on Yggdrasil, Lloyd frowns. Mithos had succeeded in killing him in their last encounter, awakening his latent powers. The coldness with which he had cut down the First Seraph still haunts him a bit, the lack of emotion in the gesture a constant source of nightmares for him. "I'm... unsure if I want him to come back or not. Things... have always been complicated where Mitho... Yggdrasil is concerned." He has to stop himself from coloring the Mithos that had joined the Union with the brush of his corrupted self. "But it would be best if he just... stayed dead this time."

    As they reach the seal, however, he stops talking about that unpleasant business. "Hello Gnome," he says, "It's been a little while, huh?" He draws his swords, showing the Earth Spirit his handiwork. "I turned that raw Ruby into these. I thought you might like to--" He's cut off by a raise of Gnome's shovel. "Yeah yeah, cool stuff angel boy," he says, "Nice beard, by the way." Lloyd grumps, but smirks anyway, slinging the weapons back on his back as Gnome approaches Toph. "Toph, huh? And you've met another me? That's crazy!" he says, his tone amused. "Angel boy tells me that you see with the earth. That's so cool! It's always nice to meet someone with PROPER respect for the earth." The Summon Spirit lands on the ground in front of Toph, leaning over her and looking her over. "So tell me about yerself, Toph," he says, using her name. He clearly has an interest and respect for the earthbender. "You say you're the best ever, but can you really compete with a Spirit of Earth? I pretty much own everything earth-related, ya know."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    The chill of the area doesn't seem to bother Toph, as she seems far more focused on Gnome himself. And somehow she can't help but be amused when Gnome cuts Lloyd off, only feeling slightly sorry for him being brushed off in that manner.

    If there's anybody who has the proper respect for earth among earthbenders, it's the blind girl who was pretty much helpless until she learned of her abilities. Toph doesn't raise her head when Gnome begins inspecting her, instead she stands still and seems rather at ease and not intimidated by the much larger spirit. "Well, the other you wasn't crazy. And yeah, I sense the vibrations in the ground, and I can sense the presence of earth. Without earth I would just be a blind girl, with it I'm powerful, what's not to respect about it?"

    What's there to tell? The most important things have been said. But sure, she can elaborate a bit on her bending. "People from my world sometimes have a connection with an element, and I was born an earthbender. I have yet to meet an earthbender who can best me or bend the earth like I do. And... well, I sparred with the other version of you and his summoner, it was pretty fun." Why not demonstrate a little? Toph raises her right hand, her palm facing the floor as she shifts her fingers and pulls her hand up... and the floor rumbles slightly as a large shape rises from it, shaping itself into... Gnome. A victorious Gnome holding his shovel triumphantly above his head.

Lloyd Irving (373) has posed:
    Lloyd chuckles, standing back as Toph and Gnome communicate. It's a fascinating thing to watch unfold, even after seeing her meet Mithos' version of Gnome before. Gnome seems to approve of Toph, and he stands back, nodding vigorously. "Hey, I'm never crazy," he says, laughing, "I just like to have a good time, ya know?" The bow on his head spins a bit as he listens to Toph, his respect for the bender girl clear by the way he doesn't try to cut her off. "That's the spirit! Never met someone, other than me of course, so tuned to the earth!" The Summon Spirit floats off the ground, spinning excitedly. "Clearly the earthbenders are the best, right? So you're the best of the best! Better than those lame windbenders, I bet." He chuckles loudly, the sound resonating through the chamber.

    Gnome blinks, then smiles wide. "Oh yeah? How'd that go? And if it was another me, who was the summoner? The only recent ones are Mithos and Sheena. One of them, or was it someone else entirely?" He seems really interested in this duel! But then she demonstrates her bending prowess. Gnome watches the shape rise... and when it forms into a statue of him, he claps! "Ooh!" he says, his excitement almost palpable. "So cool!"

    She'll feel the impact of his shovel against the ground, and then there's another rumble. The Spirit closes his eyes, and then... CRASH!

    A lifesize statue of Toph pops up next to the statue of Gnome. She's in the pose she had used to bend the statue, and the detail is incredble. "I know you can't see it in the traditional sense, but I'm going to keep these here. You're truly something else, Toph Beifong! Shame you can't be a summoner. We could hang out all the time!"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Having a good time she understands, and Toph does look amused. "Of couse earth is the best! And yeah, airbenders do get a bit silly. I had to teach one earthbending, it was a pain in the ass!" she laughs. Indeed, this version acts like the other one, just as loud and confident as she remembers him. Which is good.

    "I think it was pretty much a tie. And... it was Mithos. A young and happy version of him," Toph explains with a sad smile.

    It's a good thing he approves of her bending though, and she in turn blinks when she feels the earth being manipulated. Only to /grin/ when she seems to realize what he bended. "Oh, I can see it all right! It looks exactly like me too!" she exclaims, then walks over and reaches a hand up to touch the face of the statue. That's her nose, all right! As for being a summoner? "Pffft, gotta give people a fighting chance against me. I prefer to handle things myself. So..." She pulls her hand back from the statue. "Have you two known each other for long?"

Lloyd Irving (373) has posed:
    Gnome laughs. "Teaching an airhead earthbending? Yeah, I bet that was a pain alright. They're not grounded enough to deal with the earth!" Puns, puns ahoy! His shovel smacks against his hand for emphasis, and Lloyd watches with a smile. He chuckles loudly again. "A tie? Man, that's pretty impressive! I don't think anyone but Mithos was able to actually best me alone. HIS party had to fight me four on one," he says, gesturing toward Lloyd, who flushes slightly. "We needed you to form the pact, Gnome, to save the--" Cut off by that shovel again. "I know, I know. It was still dirty, though."

    Gnome frowns slightly at Toph as she smiles sadly. "Yeah... he was a pretty upbeat kid. Then he sorta lost it. Glad you got to meet the good version!" He offers a smile, then lands back on the ground.

    Gnome laughs. "Well yeah! You're standing right there, and I'm pretty good at moving the earth myself. Glad you like it, though!" His bow spins again, then he laughs even louder. "Haha! I like your style! You have a point though. We'd be way too strong as a team!" At her last question, Lloyd steps forward. "About 6 years now," he says, smiling serenely. "Sheena made a pact with him around then." Gnome pffts.

    "Damn cheating--" Lloyd cuts HIM off this time, with a glare. "It was all for the best, though. World is saved, and I get to meet sweet new people! When I actually get summoned or visited."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    This might be a different version of Gnome, but it's still the same personality that she came to like. For a moment Toph is silent, listening to Gnome explain how Mithos did indeed fight him on his own, and then how Lloyd needed the help of his friends. At that little banter between the two Toph can't help but grin a bit. "Maybe that just shows that you became stronger since you met Mithos?" He was a good kid, really. And it's surreal to think that he turned twisted. Especially considering how much fun he was to hang out with.

    An earthen spirit and the greatest earthbender would be a strong combination, huh? To be able to fight with spirits in this way does seem handy, and Toph arches an eyebrow when Lloyd says that his summoner friend made a pact with Gnome THAT long go. Back when she herself was just a little brat. Well, a smaller brat.

    "Can't you leave the shrine of your own will?" Toph asks at that comment. "I can't imagine too many people visiting here..." Sadly enough.

Lloyd Irving (373) has posed:
    Gnome laughs, then flexes, looking not unlike the statue Toph had bent of him. "Oh yeah, you know it! I only get better with age!" he says. Lloyd smirks slightly, listening to the boisterous Spirit. "Even with four of us, it was a tough fight," he admits, "Then again..." he shakes his head, "Never mind." They had fought Mithos as a team as well, so that speaks to both of their strengths. "Mithos was a magic swordsman summoner. He was like a one-man team by the time we fought! Crazy kid, that one." Gnome reflects on Mithos as well, though he's not soured on the subject.

    "Yeah... saying it like that makes me realize how long I've actually been in the Multiverse," Lloyd says. "I was just a teenager back then, and now I'm in my nearly-mid-twenties." He runs a hand through his thick hair. "A lot has happened since then."

    A lot.

    "Nah, I have to stay here and provide the world with earth mana," Gnome says, slightly grumpy, "Luna and Aska, though, one of them can leave their seal freely, while the other serves as the seal Spirit. Lucky Light Spirits." He shrugs loudly. "It's not so bad, though. I like it here!"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    The multiverse is a strange place, and Toph sighs. "I have been in the multiverse for nearly two years now," Toph offers to Lloyd as she thinks back. Many things have happened since she herself joined the Union, and it is kinda weird to think about...

    So Gnome has a duty to perform here, it seems. Toph nods at that, offering Gnome a brief smile. "It isn't bad here at all. The earth is so... clean. Nothing corrupting it, I have barely smelled earth like this before...!" And heh, silly light spirits. "That does make you more unique.

Lloyd Irving (373) has posed:
    Lloyd smiles. "I've been here for five," he says, "I've seen faces come and go, and forged relationships that I couldn't and wouldn't trade for anything." He inclines his head toward Gnome, offering the Spirit another smile. "I'll try not to make the next visit so far away."

    Gnome chuckles. "Just make sure to bring Toph along!" he says, "She's a lot more interesting to talk to than any of you." Lloyd crosses his arms, then turns to Toph. "Hey, she's her own person you know. I'd imagine she'll come back and visit, though." He smiles toward Toph, then moves closer to the two. "Those statues are impressive pieces. I'm not sure even Dad could best the detail on them!"

    Gnome chuckles. "I surround myself with only the finest earth. Only the best for the best, ya know?" He taps the ground with his shovel, pulling up a cube of the rich earth and handing it to Toph. "Here, take some with you! I'll bet you can do something pretty awesome with it if you try!"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Five years is a long time... and even in the short time Toph has been in the multiverse, she has met people and made friends who sadly are no longer here. Of course, there's one voice she misses more than others, but Lloyd is well aware of that by now.

    For now though she tries to not think about that. Instead she smiles a bit when Gnome urges Lloyd to bring her along the next time he comes to visit. "Yeah, I'll come and visit again. Not many people can appreciate the earth enough, and even fewer are worth discussing it with, you know?" When Lloyd points out the detail in the statues, Toph nods. "Gnome and I are connected to the earth in a very special way, it's not just earth to us. Without the earth I would not be able to fight." And indeed, the earth around here is special.

    There's a curious look on Toph's face when Gnome taps the ground with his shovel, and she blinks before her face brightens up. For some people recieving a cube of earth might not mean much, but apparently the blind girl is /happy/ about it as she is handed the earth. "Thank you! And yeah, I could... I will have to put this with my collection. I collect earth, rock and metal that I bend," she explains.

    Then she looks like she has an idea. "Maybe I should bring a badgermole with me the next time we visit. They are the original earthbenders from my world, and I think you both would like them!" She turns her head slightly towards Lloyd to explain. "I brought a few over to Dun Realtai to help Bedivere with the fields there, and they got to start planting their crops early."

Lloyd Irving (373) has posed:
    Lloyd has seen more faces than he can remember in his years in the Multiverse. He's lost allies, seen allies coming back, lost enemies and had them come back. The Multiverse is a crazy place, and Lloyd has seen things that he almost can't explain with words. It has been an experience, but it's one that is lacking in a certain department. Something that he may or may not ever be able to fill.

    He shakes his head, turning his attention back to the matters at hand.

    "Good! It gets boring talking to lofty angel types all the time! I like down-to-earth people the best," Gnome explains, the Spirit looking happier than Lloyd had ever seen him. He was glad that Gnome was able to have someone to talk to, and he guessed it would be a good experience for Toph to have another person... Spirit... to help her occupy her time.

    At the mention of badgermoles, Gnome does a twirl. "The creatures responsible for your art? Totally bring one by! I'd like to see what sort of creature these badgermoles are!" Lloyd nods as well. "I've heard you talk about them. I would like to meet one too!" he says, offering a bright smile. "They'd probably get a kick out of Gnome here."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "So do I," Toph smiles when Gnome states his preference for down-to-earth people. She too seems to be smiling a bit more than she did when they first met up, and Lloyd should know that the girl perhaps needs it with recent events and all. "Sure, people like my bending and all, but I don't think they really understand it and appreciate it the same way benders can, or other people who can shift the earth with magic or whatnot," she shrugs.

    Badgermoles is another topic that Toph likes, and upon getting a chance to discuss them, she is not slow to elaborate. "Badgermoles are bigger than you! Let me show you..." Here the earthbender shifts one foot so she sinks down into a wide stance, and she lowers her hands, index and long finger extended on both before she punches out and drags her hands up. In response the earth shifts, and behind the Gnome and Toph statues another statue rises, this one a full size badgermole. It's huge. The size of a bus, large paws with sharp claws, a long tail trailing behind it, and small ears... it's certainly not a creature you want to mess with. "They are blind, like me! And they are the original earthbenders, I learned by studying them! Most of the Union people who have met them have loved them, Bedivere even wants some of them to move into Dun Realtai, so we're going to try and persuade them to stay. It's not like you can boss a badgermole around nor easily keep them somewhere against their will. Only dunderheads would do that."

Lloyd Irving (373) has posed:
    Gnome laughs. "They're the best!" he says, twirling his bow rapidly. Lloyd crosses his arms, rolling his eyes in a comedic fashion. "Sorry I'm not down-to-earth enough for you two," he laughs, then shrugs, "This must how other people feel when Dad and I talk blacksmithing and forging." He laughs again, the earth blades on his back pulsing with mana a bit. Everyone has their interests, and those tend to be tied to something vital to them. For Lloyd, he would be nothing without his swords. Toph learned to earthbend and 'see' through the art. No doubt she is interested in getting to meet others with similar skills, and Gnome is the best his world has to offer.

    As the topic switches to badgermoles, both Lloyd and Gnome listen with rapt attention. And then she bends a badgermole statue.

    Gnome stares at it, while Lloyd recoils, eyes wide.

    "They're... huge!" the pair say, almost in unison. "Holy cow!" Lloyd follows up eloquently.

    "Those are some big creatures!" Gnome says, "Wouldn't want to meet them in a dark tunnel, no siree. And they trained you?" Gnome nods. "Ah, so you have blindness in common! No wonder you took to their earthbending so well, Toph!" he continues.

    Lloyd stares at the statue. "I hope... they like me. They are REALLY big..."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "Some of us prefer our feet on the ground where they belong," Toph teases Lloyd with a smirk. "And hey, I wouldn't mind checking out your forge sometime, I like metal and gems too, remember?" It could be really interesting, and perhaps she would learn something new? It doesn't hurt, and maybe she could help Lloyd out some too.

    Somehow it looks like Toph is pleased when the two are amazed by the statue she bended, and she /beams/, reaching out to pat the badgemole statue on its foreleg. "They sure are! Not everybody gets this large, but this is the size of the leader of the pack that I know. And well, if you meet one, it's mostly underground." There's a fond look crossing Toph's face as Gnome poses his question, and she nods. "Yeah... I ran away from home when I was six, and I ended up in a cave. That's where I met them, and they seemed to like me. They use their bending to see and interact with the world around them, and I picked up on that. Which is why I bend differently from other earthbenders, and why I'm better at it than other earthbenders." It's a confirmation of that comment, really.

    As for Lloyd's worry, Toph snorts. "Don't be a big baby. They are nice as long as you don't mess with them. If you're really worried, then sing to them. They /love/ music." Which should be reassuring, right? "I'm not going to let you meet them alone either."

Lloyd Irving (373) has posed:
    Lloyd chuckles. "I can understand that. I'm more comfortable in the air these days, so I guess I'm not good earthbender material, huh?" He laughs a bit, Gnome too engrossed with investigating the badgermole statue to be concerned with conversation for the moment. "Well, there or in the forge. You should come visit my shop soon too, Toph." He smiles, chuckling slightly to let Toph know the gesture is there. "I'm curious to see if you can metalbend into swords."

    Gnome rotates around the statue, smiling as he does. "This is the leader? Do you think he'd be interested in coming to visit?" Gnome asks, his shovel vanishing from his grasp. "I want to meet the best of the badgermoles! So cooool!" The Summon Spirit is like a child faced with the prospect of meeting a cool new friend, and it's not that far from the truth. The Earth Summon Spirit was so far off the beaten path that he didn't often get visitors.

    Gnome nods. "And so kind-hearted, too," he adds, "Making sure you were okay and teaching you a badass earth style in the process. My kind of creatures!"

    Lloyd smiles. "I'll be on my best behaviour," he says, chuckling again before shaking his head. "I think my singing voice might just upset them."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "Maybe," Toph shrugs and turns towards Lloyd. "And yeah, I can probably come visit soon enough and check out what stuff you have there. And of course I can metalbend swords." At least she should be able to. She can bend other shapes, so swords should be just as easy now that she has gotten the hang of it. "Maybe we could work on a project together?"

    Her attention is brought back to Gnome, and Toph nods. "I don't see why not as long as he isn't away from the rest of the pack for too long. And this place should be a nice place for the badgermoles to visit too, they might enjoy the feel of this place." It's kind of cute how he seems so excited about this too, and Toph smiles softly. "Yeah... I like to think they understood me. I wouldn't be who I am today if I hadn't met them. I... probably wouldn't have left Gaoling and entered the multiverse without them." Which she has often thought about.

    Lloyd's comment does make Toph blink. "I doubt you sound like a screeching lizard owl. Seriously, even if you can't carry a tune the badgermoles don't mind, they just like music. Just hum softly if you are worried." He really is overthinking it, isn't he?

Lloyd Irving (373) has posed:
    Lloyd smiles. "Sure! A custom project would be really cool!" he says, beaming. "I'd like to see what you're able to do with the materials I work with on a regular basis!" A joint project could end up as anything, and the prospect is pretty exciting. "We can talk about that on the way back," he adds.

    Gnome twirls even more excitedly, his bow like a helicopter with his excitement. "Yes! I'm going to meet a creature that might be able to match my own earth prowess! This is gonna be so awesome!" Gnome stifles his excitement, nodding a bit. "It seems like they must've understood you if they took you in. They look pretty intimidating, but I bet they're gentle to friends and those they can sense could be friends, right?" Gnome lands in front of Toph, waddling toward her. "Send word with angel guy there when you can bring them by! I'll make sure to make things accomodating for them!"

    As Gnome does a little dance, Lloyd chuckles. "Hum, huh? Alright, I can at least do that."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    The blind girl smiles too and nods at Lloyd. "Lots of possibilities on stuff we can make, so it wouldn't hurt to narrow down our choices." It should be nice to expand her view too when it comes to multiversal materials.

    Is Gnome about to dance off through a wall or something? Toph grins a bit, resting her hands on her hips. "Yeah, they are gentle giants if you ask me. And I am sure they would love anything you can do to make them feel welcome!" The Earth spirit is bound to be something that the badgermoles would be comfortable with if she's right, and she always is!

    At least when it comes to earth.

    With that Toph turns her head slightly towards Lloyd. "We probably should only bring one or two, it wouldn't be practical to bring them all here. It might also disturb the monsters around too."

Lloyd Irving (373) has posed:
    Lloyd nods vigorously. "Yeah," he says, "I'd imagine you'll be most comfortable working with Ruby, so we'll incorporate that into the design somehow." He chuckles a bit again, wondering what piece would be manufactured from their joint effort. However, his mind snaps to reality as he's forced to duck, Gnome having resummoned his shovel right at head level to Lloyd. "Hey, watch it will ya?!" he calls, laughing.

    Gnome is still pretty giddy, but he's starting to settle down. "I'll try and make the area around here wider to accomodate them!" he says, dancing around his circular dais. "Even one or two would be just fine. Ooh, I can't wait!" He does another jig, then settles down. No wind-down, just done. "The monsters will be fine. They're under my control now that I'm awake. But maybe that is for the best anyway!"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Toph shrugs. "Any gems would be fine, but you are the one with the seeing eyes, so you can probably tell better than me if we a colour scheme is needed," she responds before she too ducks, though she sees the motion coming before Lloyd does. Not to mention she is shorter and doesn't need to duck much as she leans forward just a bit.

    "By the sounds of it you're almost planning a party for them, huh?" It's tough to keep back some laughter, and Toph nods in agreement. "The smaller ones might get intimidated or extremely playful and make a mess anyway, and you don't need to meet them all anyway. Even if the cubs are rather cute despite the fact that they aren't that small anymore, they are bigger than me."

    Though Toph has one final thing she wants to show Gnome too. "One moment," she says, then reaches into her bag and fumbles around in there. After a few seconds she withdraws her hand, pulling out a big clump of metal... that begins to shift as if it was clay, shaping itself from geometric shape to geometric shape. First a cube, then a sphere, then a triangle... "I thought I should show you metalbending while I was here!" she states proudly to Gnome.

Lloyd Irving (373) has posed:
    Lloyd approaches a bit closer, smirking a bit. "Ruby is the gem of Earth," he says, "which I figure should make working it rather easy for you!" He reaches out cautiously, moving to rest a hand on Toph's shoulder. "I am!" Gnome says, spinning around, "It'll be wonderful! We'll learn all sorts of things about each other and share culture and tunneling tips!" Gnome dances a different jig, then spins again. "It's going to be the best thing ever!"

    Lloyd laughs, the excited Summon Spirit raising his own spirit. The two of them interacting is a sight to behold, and Gnome's excitement about the badgermole encounter is rather endearing. As Toph fishes out a clump of metal, Lloyd and Gnome both watch it with fascination. Gnome's eyes literally glow with excitement, clapping at the shifting shapes. "Whoa! Whoa whoa whoa! You are INCREDIBLE!" Gnome cries.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    At that information Toph arches an eyebrow. "Just in case you forgot, genius... all the gems come from the earth," she states. "I can bend all sorts of gems, no problem." Seriously. It's logical!

    It seems that Gnome is easily excited, huh? Toph smiles brightly when he even seems to approve of her metalbending, and she continues bending the metal more, this time moving the fingers on her free hand as she makes it shift into a more elongated shape. "Yup, I /am/ incredible all right," she agrees with a slight chuckle, then she works on shaping the iron composite... into something circular before she adjusts the metal further.

    After a few seconds she holds up what appears to be a crown to Gnome. "Might as well bring a gift when you visit, right?"

Lloyd Irving (373) has posed:
    Lloyd smirks. "I know that, but some of them are more attuned to other elements, at least in Aselia," he says, "Ruby is the most earth-rich of them all, being imbued with earth mana." He shakes his head. "But I know your skills. So I guess that IS a moot point, huh?" He laughs, then watches as she forms the metal in her hand. Gnome is unable to take his eyes off the metal, watching each shift in form with increasing vigor. "Ooh, whatcha making? I can't wait!" Gnome says, clapping again.

    As the crown takes shape, Lloyd watches. Her mastery over metal is as impressive as her control of raw earth, and it's a sight to behold watching her delving into her craft. He sees the shape unfolding, and smiles as Gnome doesn't seem to catch on. And then she finishes her project and overs it out to the Spirit. Gnome's eyes go almost comically large as he takes it from her and holds it like it's some sort of priceless artifact. Which, to him, it is. He holds it up, examining it with awe. "F... for me?" he says, eyes trembling with emotion. He then places it on his head, doing another dance. "I am the king of this Temple!"

    Toph has literally made the Spirit's day.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "The multiverse is weird," Top concludes with a shrug. But hey, if that makes sense in this world... she might as well go with it. Not that colours matter to her anyway. "We'll get started on it another day when we are in your forge anyway."

    While Toph is unable to see the excitement and surprise on the Earth Spirit's face, she does hear the emotion in his voice, the way he moves and how his heart beats. There's a smile on her face as he takes the offered crown. "Yup, all for you." She should have made a crown for the other Gnome she met too, but... better late than never. And this Gnome is just as likable as the other one.

    "Of course it's /your/ temple! You're the Earth Spirit, and this is the Earth Temple. And metal is of the earth, it's purified and tempered. It's only proper to pay tribute when you visit, huh?" Seems like Toph has no problems being a bit submissive to other people and Spirits she likes. Why, she even reaches out and punches Gnome in the arm in a friendly manner before she turns her attention back to Lloyd. "We ought to head back though, I don't want to worry Pepper too much."

Lloyd Irving (373) has posed:
    "Just now figuring that out, Toph?" Lloyd asks with a laugh, "I mean, just think of this situation. A Seraph and an earthbender visiting a Summon Spirit. That's odd." Mostly because earthbenders didn't exist in Aselia, but shh. It's a moment, okay? "Right, no need to rush," he says, nodding in agreement.

    Gnome's excitement is palpable and infectious, and Lloyd can't help but smile brightly. "No... no one has brought me tribute in thousands of years! This... this is the greatest thing I've ever gotten! Thank you so much. I'll have something super cool for you next time, okay?"

    Gnome winces slightly, then cuffs Toph on the shoulder with one of his stubby little arms in return. "Don't be a stranger!" he says, before he goes back to dancing around with his crown. Lloyd smiles, nodding a bit. "Alright, let's go then. You... really did a good thing for Gnome. He's been pretty lonely since we saved the worlds..."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    What kind of a silly question is that? "No, got that one figured out when I was first handed a radio by the Union forces," Toph states with a shrug. "And I've seen odder," she adds. Indeed, this is a moment, and Toph focuses on that. It's something happy, and it brightens up her day when she has clearly brightened up someone else's. Especially when it's somebody she sort of hung out with, even if it was a different version of him. It's like meeting an old friend again. "Don't worry about it, just keep this place in shape and I'll be back with my other buddies soon enough, promise!"

    By the looks of it the little girl isn't bothered by the little punch, and she grins as Gnome continues his little happy dance. "Hey, I like him. Earth and all, you know?" Toph responds to Lloyd as she turns and begins to head towards the entrance along with the seraph. "And I know what it's like to be lonely too."

Lloyd Irving (373) has posed:
    Gnome calls back, "I promise! Just you wait and see Toph! See ya later!" He goes back to dancing, clearly super excited by the crown on his head and the new statues in his chamber. With that out of the way, Lloyd falls into step behind Toph. She could feel the way just as well as he could see it, so leading her out isn't necessary. "Yeah, I thought you might like to meet my time's version of him since Mithos is gone to parts unknown." He hadn't heard from the boy in months, perhaps longer, but knew that Elites often had things they had to handle for themselves.

    Lloyd falls into step next to Toph, and at her last statement he claps a hand on her shoulder. "I know that feeling myself. It's... no good."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    There's no need to lead Toph out of a place that has earth or any of its derivations present, as she can 'see' perfectly well. "It was nice meeting him again. Sort of. He's just like the other one I met..."

    She falls silent, though she does blink when Lloyd places his hand on her shoulder, turning her head just a little bit, enough that he might catch the look on her face. A look that's a bit more serious than what is usual for her. Instead of responding she only gives him a slight nod, then she turns her attention forward again as she keeps on walking, silent for now.

Lloyd Irving (373) has posed:
    Lloyd smiles a bit sadly as Toph speaks. It was like making friends with someone again, that never knew about her to begin with. That seemed to be the easy part about all this, if he had to guess. The hard part was the fact she had mentioned being lonely. "Yeah, I don't think the Spirits change all that much over time," he says, "Judging by Gnome there, anyway."

    When she turns to face him, the look on her face causes him to look down at his own feet. The subject was hard to talk about, and he didn't feel up to breaking the silence that falls. So he keeps quiet, his footfalls matching Toph's stride for stride.