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(Battle Rondo! Saiga vs Lizbet on the Oil Rig!)
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Battle Rondo! Saiga vs Lizbet!
Date of Scene: 16 May 2015
Location: Busou Shinki Battle Arena
Synopsis: Battle Rondo! Saiga vs Lizbet on the Oil Rig!
Cast of Characters: 309, 368

Tesla Armadia (368) has posed:
"I still say you could go help your friends if you need to, Master."

"There will be plenty of time to assist them," Tesla replied to the tiny girl standing on her shoulder as they walked up to one end of the Vizualizer arena. "But that doesn't mean I should not be here for you while you're doing your big tournament showing for the year."

"If you insist~" Saiga jumped off into Tesla hands so she could be lowered down to the arena. Once she's clear of her Master she activates her Slipway connection, and in a flash of energy the rest of her heavy (at shinki scale at least) machinery appears around her. She gives one of the large loader arms a flex. "All systems are functioning normally, Master."

"Good. Give her hell," Tesla replied with a thumbs up and settled into her spot.

Lizbet (309) has posed:
    Lizbet exhales.

    She doesn't really have to breathe, of course. She's liquid cooled, not air cooled. Still, she finds that simulating steady breathing can help her to relax. After a few more moments, the blonde shinki opens her eyes and and stands up from her lotus position, casually walking to the Visualizer.

    She conjures forth her armour mid-stride - you'd think that would trip her up, as her armour adds about an extra centimeter to her height to make her as tall as MMS 1st and MMS 3rd chassis shinkis, but she's practiced doing that often enough that the step-up is just instinct now.

    The VicViper-type Shinki looks across the arena at her opponent with a rather stoic expression.

Tesla Armadia (368) has posed:
As the two Shinki take to the field and armor up, the world around them seems to distort briefly as the Visulazier randomizes through the list of variable arenas and all the holographic systems sync into place. In the end reality is restored to visual clarity and:

    Standing high above the waves in the middle of an endless sea, this Battle Field is an commercial oil drilling platform. Pipes and equipment crowd the top decks in impossible mazes, filled with flammable black liquid. Catwalks and steel walls form basic structures and buildings, and the lower decks form a more claustrophobic battle arena than most. It's all scaled to shinki size. Oil drums and large tanks, processing and drilling equipment, living quarters and control rooms. A large tower looms over it all, with a helicopter landing pad nearby.

Almost immeadiately a faint smile cracks Saiga's lips. "Oh, I remember this place." She plants one broad foot down to brace herself and strikes a boxer's ready pose... Which is immeadiately mimiced by both her larger exo-frame arms, and the smaller ones that protrude over her shoulders. "Alright girl, it's time I get to see what you can do!"

Lizbet (309) has posed:
    Lizbet watches Saiga coolly as the world sees to change around them. "Grapprap. Stock armour? Minimal ranged ability. No obvious flight pack. Master is a known Confederate operative." In a flash of light, her left hand is suddenly holding a hand-cannon about the size of her entire forearm. She aims at one of the pipes close to Saiga and shoots a single pellet of energy - which strikes the pipe and promptly ignites the flammable liquid inside.

    Meanwhile, Lizbet fires her thrusters and takes to the air.

Tesla Armadia (368) has posed:
"You're just a little bundle of cheer, aren't you." Saiga deadpans at the flat delivery of Lizbet's analysis. Her own scanners are working, but rather than her opponent the survey gear is taking stock of the environment around them, almost immeadiately giving her a basic heads-up on the oil rig's layout.

So when the pipe POPS just past her head she's only doused in the ignited spray for a few moments before she clamps one larger manipulator around the pipe just above the break to squeeze it shut and stave off the flow with only minor burns to show for it.

"Yeah yeah, so I can't fly and don't lug around a big ass gun. Love how you all think that immeadiately gives you an advantage." Someone was picked up some of her master's snarkiness it would seem.

The other manipulator grabs a chain that, were this a real rig, be used to strap down heavy equipment in rough weather, and tosses the end up to one of the smaller and more dexteritous arms. Saiga twirls it overhead a few times, then flings the hook after Lizbet as she takes off with her thrusters. "Leaving so soon? But this CHAIN REACTION is just getting started!"

Lizbet (309) has posed:
    The hook comes flying at Lizbet, and strikes her in the face! Or, well. It glances off her cheek, anyway. She seems momentarily dazed by the attack, either way - but her armour automatically reacts, producing a second hand-cannon on one of its under-wing hard points. Which promptly transforms into an -actual hand- and grabs at the chain.

    "If you can't figure out that mobility is an advantage, there may be little you can learn from this tournament." Another shot is fired. "TWIN!"

Tesla Armadia (368) has posed:
It should be noticed that Saiga doesn't try to move out of the way. If anything she walks right into the double gunfire, hitflashes visible as the shots rack damage upon the Grapprap. But the model had some considerable durability for their toy-like scale, and in spite of the injury Saiga is still smirking.

"And a dependance one an asset is still a liability," she snaps back. Her larger exo-arms lower down to the deck of the rig. Was she going to rip up something else and throw it again?

But then she suddenly pulls her legs off the ground and uses the greater power of those large mechanical arms to throw -herself- off the deck, and aim one of her heavy boots at the other Shinki in what will hopefully be a surprising maneuver.

Then one of the manipulators grabs onto part of the overhead rigging to keep her from flying right off the edge of the platform.

Lizbet (309) has posed:
    Lizbet is absolutely caught off guard by the sudden flying kick. "OPTI- Agh!" She's even interrupted in the middle of an attack call. Now that's just rude!

    She's sent hurtling back, away from the oil rig and over the water. Naturally, she manages to arrest her momentum with her flight back. "...As I was saying. OPTION!" She calls out, summoning one of her ovoid red-and-off-white drones to her side. It promptly goes zipping off to shoot at Saiga while Lizbet darts around the oil rig to come at this from another angle.

    Her armour isn't as sturdy as Saiga's. It's already starting to show damage.

Tesla Armadia (368) has posed:
"That's what you get for thinking I haven't thought about to fight you air troopers," Saiga shouts back as she grabs onto the rigging and pulls herself up. There's repeatedly ping ping pings as the option pelts her with fire, shooting up holes in the machinery on her back as she climbs onto the next deck. It hurts but it's an annoyance trying to distracted her, compared to the real focus of the fight.

Lizbet can fly around all she wants, Saiga already has most of the oil rig layout in her head, suspecting the option fire to be a decoy to some extent. So the flier is likely to come around from a different angle. Bless her Master for teaching her plenty about actual tactics along with the machines she's made for proper warfare. So when Lizbet does come flying back around.


The shout is the only warning coming as Saiga leaps off her spot, aiming for the other Shinki and slamming her back down to the decks below again.

Lizbet (309) has posed:
    As Lizbet comes around from the side, she switches to a long rifle, held in both of her hands. Assuming her distraction worked, she holds it up to aim right where she's expecting Saiga to be...

    And then she looks up in surprise as Saiga just comes leaping down atop her and slams her down into the deck.

    She shakily gets to her feet, frowning at the now-trashed rifle in her hands. Aw. She was looking forward to using that. "...Points for style, at least..."

    Then suddenly she has a pair of green beam-kukris in her hands and is stabbed at Saiga right for the CMS. "Fangs of the Adder!" she calls out.

Tesla Armadia (368) has posed:
Saiga backs up from her opponent after the impact, hydraulics hissing and clicking as she gets to her feet and moves. Well okay she probably doesn't literally have hydraulics at her size but she's designed to make all the sounds one would expect from heavy machinery.

When Lizbet lunges at her she leans back, locking her legs for stability and dropping one larger arm to the ground for bracing. The move doesn't avoid the attack, but the energy blades dig savagely into the electronics of her lower torso rather than into her chest. "Oooh, apt name, that certainly stings!"

Then the other larger arm grabs onto Lizbet to pull her and her weapons free. "But you made one mistake."
All the monitors zoom in for a close-up view as Saiga gets right face-to-face with her opponent. "I -like- playing up close and brutal."

The exo-arm arm tosses Lizbet off... Only for Saiga to heave the other one out of the bracing position into heavy swing towards the other shinki. "DOZER FIST!"

Lizbet (309) has posed:
    Lizbet takes a crushing punch right to the gut - but for some reason, she refuses to be flung away, and instead fires her flight back up at an angle so she goes over Tesla's head instead. "You think playing to my strengths is a mistake?" The kukris vanish. A -sword- appears in their place. A sword that's roughly as big as she is outside her armour - that is to say, about fourteen centimeters long. It's wielded in two hands, obviously!

    She slices the sword down, aiming to lop off one of Saiga's smaller exo-arms. "My name is Lizbet," she says, calmly, as she hops back - but not too far. "Originally registered by Sanada Kyousuke. I have studied the way of the sword for seven years." She points her blade at Saiga. She's grinning. "Melee combat is where I truly shine!!"

Tesla Armadia (368) has posed:
Saiga ducks her head to the side to avoid catching part of the sword edge with it. Metallic shreiking rings across the oil rig arena as the blow severs off the right side manipulator and it clatters to the deck next to her. That and the gouges in her lower body look pretty nasty, even for a simulated fight.

"Yeah, well, shine on -this-." The remaining shoulder-arm rises up, but what she actually uses is the floodlight attatched on top of it, flashing the blinding illumination right in Lizbet's face. That's not going to blind a shinki for long though, so Saiga makes quick to capitalize on it. "It's not what you know.. It's knowing how to use it!"

Both exo-arms rise over her head, lock their clamps together, and swing down in a bizarre mecha arm version of a double axehandle blow on top of her foe. "Lemme show ya why I'm called the ROCKCRUSHER!"

Her full name is Saiganki, you see. A japanese word for just that -- rock crusher.

Lizbet (309) has posed:
    Lizbet yelps as suddenly she's getting light shined in her eyes, bringing one hand up to block it - but this doesn't really distract her as much as Saiga may have hoped. "Not what I know but knowing how to... what does that even MEAN?!" she practically shouts, as she shifts sideways to avoid the crushing blow - which hits one of her wings and RIPS IT CLEAN OFF.

    Welp. She's not flying anymore.

    "Oh, whatever. Take this! Hissatsu: Blazing Red!" she shouts out, slashing a wide arc at Saiga - with a beam blade suddenly coated with fire.

Tesla Armadia (368) has posed:
Well that was somewhat anti-climatic in the results. But it did disable her flight capability by the looks of it, so that's a small benefit Saiga is not going to complain about.

The crazy thing is that when the girl swings her blade in an arc, Saiga uses one of her larger arms to block the strike. The surge of fiery energy from the blade washes over her with the impact, leaving a charred coating of black and grey over most of her construction yellow exterior. That is going to be hell to clean up afterwards.

"Pff. Fancy ass weaponry. At least you've at least got some skill to put into it." Saiga turns her head to spit some cinders out of her mouth. This may be a fight but she's not rude (or pissed off) enough to spit in her opponent's face. That would just be unsporting. And she's too busy not showing how beat up she is. The best way to do this?

Forgot the pain and just smash her own head into Lizbet's. Followed by thrusting one of the protrusions of her knee towards the other shinki's midsection, and then top it off by grabbing her with the working shoulder manipulator she still has while Lizbet is recoiling, and slam her down into her knee -again-. Twice if she can pull it off.

Lizbet (309) has posed:
    Lizbet is easily manhandled by Saiga - her armour is crushed and cracked, pieces just -falling- off of her, the Grapprap's superior strength doing quite a number on it. Lizbet is tossed away like a rag doll, rolling over and over before coming to a stop.

    Then... she gets up onto her feet, banishing her armour back to the Slipway as she goes. Wait, what? "You're... ha. Not as bad as I first thought. Unfortunately..." She snaps her fingers.

    Four options materialise next to her. "I want to win."

    "FLYING TORPEDO! STORM!" And then, well. Rockets. Dozens of them.

Tesla Armadia (368) has posed:
Saiga points at Lizbet with one of her normal hands, for once. "That is what I was talking about, knowing what to do with ... uh..." She pauses as the options come out and start powering up to attack.

"Oh strip my gears and call me a stick shift," she manages to quip off one of Tesla's alternate euthaisms just before the drones open fire.

SO MANY MISSILES. And the simulation of an oil rig is authentic right down to the point of lots of things that burn and explode, so the results of getting bombarded in shinki sized Macross Missile Spam is there being multiple explosions, flames, and giant plumes of thick acrid smoke in the wake of the whirlwind attack. You would think this match was being directly by Michael Bay or something!

But amazingly that devestating attack is NOT the end of it. There's a stagger in her stride because one of her legs got mangled by explosion debris, but Saiga does walk out of the clouds of burning smoke and embers. Although thick her mechanical armor couldn't soak an entire chain of explosions without getting chunks torn out of it, an a rather large piece of shrapnel sticking out of her shoulder until Saiga grabs and pulls it free. There's bits and pieces falling off as she stomps up, but all the pain is just fueling her towards one likely final strike.

"Welp. I guess there is only one thing left to do." A few sparks crackle around the exo-frame loader arms as she pours the last of her power into them. The protest a bit from the abuse, but one grabs onto one of the pillars of scaffolding holding up the higher decks of the rig, and the one swings over to grab the other pillar opposite of it. Metal can already be heard groaning from stress as she tightens her grip, and grins a bit of a lopsided, pained smile at Lizbet.

"One proper finale... BRINGIN DOWN THE HOUSE!"

And with the strength she has left Saiga just RIPS the two scaffoldings out, bringing part of the upper level and the multitude of crates and barrels and other heavy stuff stacked upon it crashing down from overhead.

Bet Lizbet -really- wishes she still had her jetpack working right now....

Lizbet (309) has posed:
    Lizbet can't help but smirk as. Well. EVERYTHING explodes. She takes a few steps back to make sure she's not in the line of fire and just hums idly to herself. But then... Saiga's walking out of the flames. "...Hm. Tougher than I was expecting. Oh, well, one more aught to-"

    And then the sky is falling. Lizbet looks up and sighs. "Oh hell." She quickly brings up her Options above her to act as an improtu shield - as barrels and random bits of metal and other sundry debris crashing down atop them. The end result is... a pile of busted scrap plastic and metal, burying Lizbet alive.

    There's silence for a while. Did Saiga win...?

    But then Lizbet bursts back out of the debris, gasping, leaning heavily on one leg. She's grinning, though. "...Impressive. Good... tactical use of your surroundings," she mumbles, her voice giving an odd electrical whirr, and... oh God is she missing an -eye-? This... this is all simulated, right?

    "I'm afraid," she says, as she approaches the Grapprap. Rather slowly, at first. "However... that you..." She promptly leans forward and -leaps- with her remaining good leg, taking her sword in both hands. "Have LOST! HI-OUGI! Zugaikotsu Hyakuretsu!*" Her sword glows a brilliant red as she swings it in a savage downward arc, aimed for the top of Saiga's head - with enough force to actually split her 'skull' in two if she can't dodge it in time.

    *Secret Technique: Skull Hundred-Crack

Tesla Armadia (368) has posed:
Saiga .. actually smirks a little bit again. "Yeah, I know."

She -does- have the sense to try and move her head out of the way. But the mangling of her leg betrays her and as soon as Saiga puts weight on it to move something in its endostructure snaps from the weight of her heavy load. The angle does still spare her head as luck would have it.

But the blade just tears deeply into her body instead, her casing and armor already tremendously damaged from the explosions. There's just nothing left to resist the sword beyond not being sliced entirely in half, and that may just be by virtrue of all the additional connections to her back by the exo-frame the blade would of also had to cut apart for her to literally be sectioned up.

Saiga drops to her knees. "But losing.. doesn't mean... giving up!"

She just kind of slumps as she slides off the sword afterwards and collapses to the rig deck, leaking lubricants and such all over the plating in lieu of having any sort of blood to be oozing out of wounds instead.

Lizbet (309) has posed:
    Lizbet smirks a little bit, then wrenches her sword back, before flicking it to the side - to clean off any 'blood', as though it were an actual sword. And then it vanishes.

    Lizbet raises her fist in victory, then just kinda... slumps to the side. "Haaa..."

Tesla Armadia (368) has posed:
It takes a moment for the systems to be sure the fight has actually ended before the Visulizer shuts down the simulation. Wouldn't want that to happen at the wrong time and a final attack really turns out to be final, after all.

Saiga just rolls over onto her back, dismissing her heavier equipment back into slipway as she does so. "I know that's simulated damage but it doesn't make it -hurt- any -less-..."

Lizbet (309) has posed:
    Lizbet stands up straighter once the Visualizer disengages. She lets out a long breath. "You fought well," is all she says to Saiga, before just... walking off, while the crowd cheers.

Tesla Armadia (368) has posed:
"... She's not much of a talker, I guess." Saiga shrugs a bit as she gets up. "Yeah, you too!" she manages to shout before Lizbet is out of range, then trundles back to the other end of the area. "Sorry Master, I guess I'm just a one rounder this year."

"But your performance was as entertaining to watch as it ever is." Tesla picked the robo-girl up and replaced her on the shoulder Saiga useually sat on. "Compatition is much like war itself," she continued as she turned to walk out. "You can't win them every time."