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Latest revision as of 00:49, 17 May 2015

AWftF: Gundam Therapy
Date of Scene: 16 May 2015
Location: Reptilon <Rep>
Synopsis: Allenby comes to claim a long-overdue promise to battle with the King of the Neo-Saiyans.
Cast of Characters: 723, 760
Tinyplot: A Wish for the Future

Kakarot (723) has posed:
Reptilon is dying.

Ancient glaciers creak and grind, the massive edifices collapsing and melting down upon each other as chaotic weather fronts not seen in millions of years roll across the planet. It is only the machinations of the Izzet which allow the planet these moments to make their peace.

Some might have considered it more merciful to simply let it die.

Kakarot stands, a ragged man bereft of the symbols of his kingship, looking out over the destruction and chaos. This is what he sacrificed those lives for. This is what he has traded his empire for.

He is going to watch this, and savor every moment.

Every bitter moment.

Allenby Beardsley (760) has posed:
    Time was running out.

    Not just for the planet, but the man that would do /this/ to the planet. Kakarot himself knew he was not long for this world even if, if Allenby understood this correctly, he too could be wished back with the Dragonballs one day by an errant, escaped follower. It was mindblowing to think that, coming from a world where Dead Meant Dead. (Until DG cell zombies became a thing at least.) In spite of the developments, she wanted to follow up on that promise.

    Kakarot will see the Nobel Gundam fly, searching for the King, navigating through the dangerous weatherfronts and effects brought on by the dying of the planet. Normally it'd be impossible, amongst all the chaos, to pick out the Neo-Saiyan. However, Allenby managed to procure a scouter, which had been picked apart and made into a new sensor for the Gundam. This way she is easily able to find Kakarot based off his power level. The Gundam, breaking through the clouds, lands on the steadily melting ice about fifty feet from him, lowering to one knee. It's less a position of deferrence for Kakarot and moreso a good re-launch position. The cockpit door, located just below the bow on the Gundam's chestplate, slips open as Allenby drops down.

    She doesn't approach him, remaining at the feet of her Gundam. "Hey!" she calls out, "WOULD YOU STILL DO THAT FIGHT? OR IS IT KIND OF PAST THE POINT OF NO RETURN NOW?" She's very well aware that he could just straight up kill her-but a LOT of people have threatened her life lately when she asked about fights and strangely, she was pretty okay with mortal peril.

Kakarot (723) has posed:
Kakarot was not expecting a giant robot to appear. He remembers seeing it earlier, back when the attack on the Bardock occurred. Back when Rex thought it was clever to send in a team to sabotage his communications systems.

It seems so long ago, now.

He shakes his head, clearing it of such pointless ruminations. There is something he needs to focus on. Kakarot looks up at Allenby, an eyebrow arched as he looks her over, considering.

"Why? Do you really enjoy fighting that much?" He asks, his voice somehow carrying over the noise. It's a simple question.

Allenby Beardsley (760) has posed:
    "YEAH!" she calls back, now electing to walk towards him. "BUT ONLY AGAINST PEOPLE THAT POSE A CHALLENGE!" Seems Allenby's leaving the giant robot behind her, either confident enough in her abilities to outrun him if she needs to get back or simply not caring. She's able to drop her volume a little as she gets closer. "In fact it might be one of the only things I enjoy now."

    She stops and rests her hands on her hips. "So how about it, Kakarot? Just a spar, you and me. None of this Reptillon grandstanding or Saiyan race succession stuff. Just our fists."

Kakarot (723) has posed:
"That's it, huh?"

Kakarot pops his neck, and limbers up his arms. "All right. Why not? One more for the road." He falls back into a fighting stance, and gestures to Allenby. "Lets see what you've got." Looks like he's letting her make the first move.

Allenby Beardsley (760) has posed:
    "Yeah, that's it. Nothing else." Allenby holds her arms out in a disarming fashion, "I'm not here as a Confederate assassin or anything like that. Hell, my team doesn't know where I am right now, I didn't tell them anything. Especially Vegeta. He gets downright pissy when other people go to fight you." That's not entirely true, unbeknownst to Allenby, between the various GPS-enabled devices in her Gundam which are functionally tracking devices and the chip implanted in her own head.

    She too shifts into a fighting stance, widening her base and dropping her center of gravity. A moment of (relative silence, crumbling planet aside) passes between the two of them before Allenby darts in, her stance dropping low as if she was going to go for a takedown or low leg sweep. Only she pops up at the last moment with a right cross right at Kakarot's face.

Kakarot (723) has posed:
The fakeout is good, Kakarot moving with blurred speed to intercept a low attack that isn't coming, when Allenby's changeup clocks him across the face with a meaty SMACK. Kakarot immediately jumps backwards, giving Allenby some ground in case she tries to follow up and he shakes his head. "Well then, you've got some bite to you. All right, let's do this right. Let's see how far you can go."

Kakarot raises a foot, and then slams it down on the glacier, causing it to begin cracking and trembling with a colossal blow. With a lunge, he drives in with a low straight palm strike, attacking over and over in a flurry as he dances across the crackling ground. Hunks of it begin to shudder and fall away, rapidly approaching the battle area.

Kakarot doesn't seem to care.

Allenby Beardsley (760) has posed:
    "Ooh, fast." Allenby mutters in the exchange when Kakarot moves to meet her. She finds herself saying that a LOT these days, come to think of it, since there weren't many people back on her world that could match her trained speed. Unfortunately for Kakarot, though, when he jumps back, Allenby's already pushing off to catch up with him, intent on staying in punching range. She's seen saiyans throw ki blasts, after all.

    The ground starts to crumble underneath her as she moves in which does noticably change up her footwork but she transitions from navigating a smooth surface to a jagged one effortlessly.

    The sudden onslaught of aggressive blows is met at first with blocking but just doing so leaves Allenby's hands and forearms hurting already due to Kakarot's intense power. Her strategy changes suddenly to using diverting motions to guide oncoming strikes away from her body instead of absorbing impacts. It's only at this point that she's able to try slipping in counterpunches. She's able to keep up for a good while too and she looks /excited/ as she does so.

    But eventually the exchange ends when Kakarot lands a low strike to her stomach that's hard enough to send her flying, her back hitting an upturned piece of ice as it crumbles off the glacier. For a brief second, she lies there, an opening provided. But if not taken, she'll push herself sideways and right herself, leaping between piece after piece of ice to close in with Kakarot again.

Kakarot (723) has posed:
Kakarot isn't using his full Saiyan power here, that much is obvious. Is he conserving himself for some reason? Either way, he seems pleased with Allenby's capabilities, as she manages to land several blows that sneak past his guard. When she goes flying, Kakarot stays right on top of her, leaping to slam down into the breaking ice chunk and sending it skidding down the side of the glacier with the pair of them on it. He spins, kicking out to juggle Allenby up into the air before he spins around and follows up with a quick axe kick to bounce her back down into the the accelerating glacier chunk. "Come on, fight harder! Show me your limits!" Kakarot barks. "Show me your love of battle!"

Allenby Beardsley (760) has posed:
    It was only a second and Kakarot /really/ took advantage of it. Allenby is impressed. And in pain. Mostly in pain as she is air juggled, something that nobody has managed to do to her before. The final kick smacks her down into the chunk, cracking it further in half. Once she lands, she rolls backwards, now perched on one of the glacier pieces. He shouts at her and she narrows her eyes. "/Harder/?"

    Unlike Kakarot, she didn't come at him holding back. She knows how serious this guy is. A small angry noise escapes her as she she rolls forward into a backspring that is actually a double-legged kick aimed at Kakarot's center mass.

Kakarot (723) has posed:
The double kick take Kakarot right in the solar plexus, causing him to exhale with a low WHUFF as he is flung off of the skidding ice chunk. He hits the side of the glacier, his feet skidding wildly as he kicks up frozen ice and rocks with his bare feet... And yet somehow stays standing as he almost skis back and forth, catching his breath as he slides along. With a whip of his arm he slams into a passing boulder with a clothesline, sending some chunks of rock flying back at Allenby. "That was good! Keep it up!" He throws himself forward with a burst of ki, using his Saiyan abilities to quickly get back onto the ice chunk and prepare another assault... But, much like many things related to smashing people around, this is probably when he's most vulnerable.

Allenby Beardsley (760) has posed:
    Allenby launches herself off of him after the kick connects, acrobatically landing on one outstretched hand before she flips herself upright on the now much smaller ice chunk. She does it just in enough time that, once Kakarot smashes the rock at her, she's able to launch one of those furious flurries of punches, smashing each rock before they hit her. "Hah, I've seen THAT before!"

    Seeing him moving to rejoin her on the ice chunk, Allenby leaps forward in a burst of speed that would be hard to follow for human eyes. Of course, to a Saiyan, they probably see this kind of thing all the time but it makes it so Allenby is THERE, flying through the air with a knee bash aimed at his face. The follow up is smooth as she reaches forward, plants her hands on his huge shoulderpads and hauls herself overhead, twisting in the air and then throwing her full weight down at his back.

Kakarot (723) has posed:
Allenby sees her chance and takes it! BLAM! The speedy impact causes a surprised intake of breath from Kakarot, moments before there is a crunch from his face, Allenby flipping around to smash him in the back. The impact sends him tumbling forward, flying off of the sliding ice chunk just as it hits the ground.

With a titanic crack, a chasm rips open in the ground, sending it flying up into the air, the gaping hole spewing sulfur and spatters of lava into the air. Kakarot grapples the edge of the ice plaftorm, hanging onto it despite the fact that he can fly. Why is he -

And then he yanks downwards, inverting it as it flies through the air.

That explains it. "Wish I had you to practice against back home." Kakarot calls in the chaos. "You're as good a workout as any Saiyan!"

Allenby Beardsley (760) has posed:
    Allenby lands crouched on the platform, unconcerned as Kakarot goes flying off the edge and equally so when lava starts to spew up underneath them both. In fact, she's more worried about the ice completely melting before it passes over the chasm.

    She sees the saiyan hanging on the edge, though, which does strike her as weird. She KNOWS Saiyans can fly (she's a bit jealous of that ability) so then why would he-

    She feels the ice chunk tilt forward violently and suddenly understands. She throws herself backwards in a flip, hands violently gripping and digging in to the ice of the edge of the platform as it flips forward. Then, with her backwards momentum, she continues to swing herself upwards, over the edge so she lands on what was once the bottom of the ice.

    "Hah!" she turns to face him, slipping into a fighting stance again and making a 'come at me' motion with her hand, "I'll take that as a compliment!"

Kakarot (723) has posed:
One day, perhaps Allenby, too will fly. Or maybe become a tiny inspirational fairy for a kungfu fighter who can only speak with his fists because he's a dumb shounentard. But that's besides the point.

Allenby manages to stay on her feet as they fly over the chasm, and Kakarot lunges upwards, propelling himself low with a sweeping kick before pouncing, attempting to grapple Allenby. "Good, because it is!" He laughs. "It's good to be able to just fight without having to worry about anything. This is... therapeutic, I think."

Should he grapple her, he turns and simply hurls her towards the opposite side of the cliff that they're flying towards, probably slamming her into it. Hopefully she won't have the bad luck of being in the spot the chunk of ice is going to hit, because that would just be terrible.

Allenby Beardsley (760) has posed:
    Seeing him coming in low, Allenby's actually able to launch herself over him to evade the kick, only to be snatched up in mid-air by the Saiyan. She squawks in surprise, about to pry herself out before he throws her into the cliff, cratering and crumbling the rock and ice as she strikes it. Despite the strength of the impact, she doesn't black out at all-fortunate for her because the ice chunk IS heading to the spot where she finds herself partially embedded and thus she has some time to react.

    Pushing herself harder than before, she leaps free of the cliff directly at the ice chunk, striking it at a slight downward angle on the edge. This seems to have a similar effect to Kakarot's stunt from earlier except instead of fully flipping upside down, it's struck with only enough force to half-flip, aiming the surface that the king was standing on directly at the cliff face. The strike also provides Allenby another jumping off point, sending her flying back at the cliff, but this time to land on top of it instead of in it.

    Allenby finds herself breathing hard and covered in sweat when she lands-and not just from the nearby lava. "Damn, you're tough to keep up with. But.." she grins, "...I /like/ it."

Kakarot (723) has posed:
Allenby's mad skillz turn a potentially disasterous affair into a powerful counterattack! Kakarot rides the chunk towards the cliff, arms folded and smiling (and with a broken nose) while Allenby hammers into the wall. He's planning to just ride it into thw wall when Allenby rebounds off of it, slamming it into the side! Kakarot pitches forward, taken by surprise as he is slammed between rock and cliff with a terrific impact, burying him in the side.

All goes quiet for several seconds, the Saiyan stuck in the cliff with the rock hanging out of the hole made there like a cork. Is he dead or something?

The side of the cliff suddenly begins spiderwebbing, brilliant ki leaking out of the cracks before there is a deafening explosion. Kakarot hangs there in the air, his aura flaring around him as he looks over towards Allenby... And smiles, dropping back down to the ground and grunting, putting a hand to the massive bruise across half his body as he sits. "That was fantastic." He chuckles. "I wish I could do this more often. But I think I'm going to have to call this one a draw, all right?" He grins. "You're a tough opponent. I think you'd be able to make me go all out... But I can't afford to do that right now."

Allenby Beardsley (760) has posed:
    Allenby actually has to back up from the edge of the cliff as Kakarot maeks his move to break out of it since she doesn't want to get stuck in the explosion of ki and rock. Still, even with the distance she takes, it doesn't allow her to completely escape flying rocks, forcing her to either break them or dodge. It does put her out of the range of crumbling ground.

    She looks up at him as he floats in mid-air, jealousy over flight powers returning, and whistles. "I wish you could do it more often too. Hell, I wish I could try you in that super saiyan form of yours to see how long I could last."

    She walks over to him and puts her hands on her knees to lean down at him, which puts her at about eye level. "It's a draw." she holds out a hand to him to fistbump. "Hey...we should do this again. If you...ever happen to be around again, I guess."

    Oh great, she made it awkward. She quickly follows up with, "Speaking of not affording things...I should go before my team gets too suspicious and starts asking where I am."