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The Broken Ones
Date of Scene: 16 May 2015
Location: Urbania
Synopsis: Ice cream and discussing less than ideal family situations is something both Toph and Kyra can appreciate.
Cast of Characters: 20, 626

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    It's a relatively sunny day in Urbania, the spring weather nice and warm without making it too hot. People are up and about, most of them seem to be in high spirits as they wander to and fro with their errands. Around a certain ice cream store people seem to be extra happy as they eat their cold and delicious treats, both older and younger people.

    There's a teenage girl who is far more subdued though as she waits outside, hands in the pockets of her cargo pants. It's not often that Toph is wearing casual clothes outside of home. But here she is, wearing a somewhat fashionable, yet comfy brown shirt with lacing in the sides, as well as an oversized hat covering her head, including the massive hairbun there. Over her shoulder she's carrying her satchel, and her wrists sport some metal bangles.

    For now she waits for Kyra to arrive, silent and ignoring everything else going on around her.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    OH NO SUN. Kyra has her hood up, even if it's hotter that way, since her extremely pale, almost greyish skin burns pretty easily. This isn't the white mage's first time in Urbania but it IS a very big city so there's still quite a lot she hasn't seen yet. Hanging off her back is a backpack that is shaped like an adorable, fuzzy moogle.

    It takes a minute to find Toph since Kyra's not seen her in casual clothing yet. "EY TOPH!" She sounds...well, not as cheerful as she usually does which is something the earthbender is going to easily pick up on.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    With as sharp ears as Toph has, it's pretty easy to tell that Kyra is far from as cheery as she usually is. Which comes as no surprise, really. "Heya Kyra," she greets the older girl, and well... the white mage should know that the blind earthbender is not in high spirits nowadays. That shouldn't be entirely new, either.

    Toph pushes away from the wall and offers a slight punch to Kyra's arm, though it shouldn't hurt. "Let's get some ice cream," she says and walks over to the door, pushing it open and heading inside of the nice and cool shop. There are a few free seats, but it seems to be just as busy inside as it is busy outside. So Toph turns her head just a bit. "Do you want to eat in here, or should we find someplace quieter?" she asks, deciding that Kyra should decide. They are going to talk about some stuff that she might not want strangers to overhear, after all.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Kyra's noticed that Toph just hasn't really been herself the past month or so as well. She's well acquainted with the reason why for that too and seeing Toph does remind her that Kyra should at least be thankful she hasn't lost anyone she cares about recently. "Oof." Kyra overdramaticizes with the punch. "Right in the white mage muscles!" Or lack thereof, in a way. There's at least some meat on her bones now that she has to haul around the extremely heavy CURE-ALL.

    The CURE-ALL is notably absent from her right now, the alchemized weapon stashed back at her apartment.

    "...hmm." Kyra murmurs as she notices just how crowded the shop is inside. "Let's grab some ice cream and find somwhere quieter, yeah." It certainly does sound like she'd rather not have random people overhearing the details of her current drama. "I think there are a couple parks nearby that'd be good for that." she says as she steps into the line for orders.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "Yeah, the parks are nice to sit in. Just the occasional people walking by," Toph nods in agreement. She herself isn't very touchy feely and the type who easily shares her feelings. "I'll order for us, my treat," she adds and heads up to the counter. Fumbling in her pocket she pulls out some cash and hands it over to the cashier behind the counter. "Give me one of the large buckets, add in some extra chocolate sauce, snickers, oreos, nuts and cream."

    It takes about a minute, and then Toph is handed a bucket of ice cream that has lots of flavours mixed in with various cookies, chocolate, sauces and cream. Toph grabs two spoons and several napkins before she turns and heads back towards the door, gesturing for Kyra to follow. "Let's go find somewhere to sit and eat."

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "Oh, hey, thanks Toph." Kyra quickly supplies once she reveals that the ice cream is totally on her! Her smile widens just a little more when they wind up getting a big ol' bucket full of ice cream. "Niiiiice." she drawls after the order, also grabbing a few napkins.

    "I know just the place too." Kyra says as they step out of the door. She'll lead them both to one of the bigger parks in Urbania, which is good in there case because there's a lot of open space. Trees dot the area, the large of which have picnic tables set under them directly in the shade. Kyra picks one of these to sit at, giving their ice cream a better chance to not melt immediately.

    "Say...how have you been hanging in there? You've had to deal with a lot of waiting." Kyra asks as she sits down.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "Hey, I was the one who invited you. Besides, I owe you for helping me stay out of medical a few times," Toph asides to Kyra. And then they are off, Toph carrying the precious bucket of ice cream as they make their way into the big park. And it seems better to sit in the shade of a large tree. It's nice with sun and all, but not too much.

    The question takes Toph by surprise, as she thought that they were going to discuss Kyra's situation, not hers. But Toph nods slightly, her expression neutral for now. "Yeah... never thought I'd hate waiting so much," she sighs. It's been over a week since they gathered all the Dragon Balls, but...

    Toph sighs, then decides to change the topic. "So... I heard the rumours, and I did hear what they said on the channel. Is there anything else I should know to get the whole picture?" she inquires, deciding that it's better if Kyra willingly gives up information rather than having her prying into it.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    To Kyra, it at least felt like something worth asking about as far as Toph went. In a way, they were kind of partners in trauma at the moment. "Aww, hey, don't mention it. I am the aggressive support after all!" Kyra beams, glad for the complement.

    Evenly, Kyra nods, "I think it's Kakarot being a butt right now that's the problem. Until that threat is gone and we're sure the Neo-Saiyans aren't killing more people...well I guess they gotta hold off on making wishes." She doesn't sound like she enjoys seeing the issue dragged on either.

    The topic shifts and Kyra takes in a breath. Before beginning, she gets herself a spoonful of ice cream. "I've never really brought up the whole family thing with the Union before, right? Or the Cosma stuff. Cosma's a religion on my world that worships the ideals of the dead creator goddess, Cosmos. There's no real authority on how the worship is supposed to be so there's lots of ways to do it, some really strict, some really easy-going. My family was big on the strict side. Really big. They also held me back and homeschooled me a lot more than they did my older siblings because they were worried about my magic. I didn't actually realize it until I went to school and met everyone else how much I was missing out on. And when I did, I quit it. The religion that is."

    She sounds like she's smiling, "That didn't go over so well when it happened. But I guess it was tolerated since they thought I'd come back. So, it's like, this crap with my folks has been building up for a while."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "Kakarot is far worse than that," Toph mutters as she sits down and begins scooping up some ice cream with her spoon. "But... yeah, Serori explained it to me. It just doesn't make things any easier. It's been a whole month since..." The blind girl doesn't finish the sentence, instead she shoves the spoonful of treats into her mouth rather forcibly.

    There had been mention of the church of Cosma yesterday, and Toph nods to show that she is intact listening. It's interesting to hear, and to know that there are other people who have had a similar upbringing to her own.

    "So... your parents were worried about your powers, and did what they could to hold you back. Lemmie guess, they were against you going to school too, huh?" she wagers.

    Toph takes some more spoonfuls of ice cream as she listens to Kyra explain the situation. "So... they are basically angry that you're not as religious as they are?"

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Kyra makes a small noise of discomfort as Toph trails off in the middle of that last sentence about Tony. "It can't be much longer."

    "Pretty much. Well..more exactly, it turns out I was born with a whole lot of magic particles. Like the amount you might see on a Summoner because they need that many to do what they do. So I spenta most of my life wearing an item that restricted access to it." She pauses, "I don't think I've mentioned that before, huh...yeah. They didn't like me being out of their sight but I was eventually allowed to go!" She adds, resentfully, "All my other brothers and sisters got enrolled in Alexander Academy as soon as they could."

    There's a long, thoughtful silence as she considers Toph's question. "I think that's a part of it. I think they're mostly angry that I'm not obeying them and letting them dictacte my whole damn life." Bitterness roils off her words.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Hopefully it won't be long until Serori can make those wishes... and hopefully the family can be reunited again soon. Toph only nods her head once, her expression not revealing much of what she thinks. But it sure looks like there is a whole lot on her mind.

    At first she is quiet too after Kyra has given a few more details concerning her childhood and how her family treated her. But then Toph raises her head a bit, her face turned towards the mage. "Seems our childhoods were pretty similar. Except I was born blind and my parents didn't realise just how much potential I had. Nor that I would grow up to be the greatest earthbender ever. But they restricted me too and wouldn't let me out to even play with other kids, and my father... he was angry when I wouldn't let him dictate my life either. So I know what it's like. And how much it hurts." The blind girl's expression should relay that fact well enough, considering the sad smile there. It's not pity. It's the face of somebody who has known that same pain, and been torn in the same manner that Kyra is now.

    "It's never easy... being somebody else than the person your parents thought you were and ought to be."

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Kyra's eyes soften a little bit, the hard, bitter tone she had when describing certain bits of her childhood dropping away, "You too, huh? They held you back because they thought you wouldn't be able to handle it, right? It makes no sense, though, you were born that way. You didn't lose anything, you just instinctively did things differently." She huffs, "Parents can be /so dumb/."

    She considers something that Ainsley said to her the other night. "Hey Toph, do you ever miss your real parents?"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Toph nods her head, seeing no need to sugarcoat things. This is a private conversation, and it's not like they will blabber about it to anybody else. Kyra needs to deal with her situation, and perhaps Toph likes having somebody else who understands the conflicting emotions. The need to be independent, and the desire for parental approval.

    "Even when they learned just what a powerful bender I am, that I even invented a whole new type of bending, my father still wanted me to return home and be somebody who I'm not," Toph sighs. The ice cream is tasty at least, and she crunches on some cookie crumbles along with some sauce. "I guess it's hard for parents to understand that we are strong, and that we need to figure out how to best use our powers. Since we are the ones who know how they work best."

    That question is sudden, but not entirely unexpected. Though Toph does take a few seconds before she answers, lowering her face so her bangs obscure her eyes. "... I do," she responds truthfully. "Even if Tony hated my biological father, even if some of the Unionites despise him for what he did to me... he's still my father." The girl's tone of voice is rather subdued compared to her usually loud manner of speaking. "That's what makes it even harder. You know that the person is doing something wrong, that they should do differently... but you still care for them. Others can tell you what horrible people they are... but you still can't forget that they are the ones you depended on while growing up."

    The ones who fed you. Who was there when you was scared. Who comforted you. They were that before they were the ones who held you back.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "Yeah. Or that we want to be our /own/ people. Not copies of oru parents or siblings or whatever they're trying to do." Kyra swipes a snickers piece right out of the bowl with her fingers. "Well whatever, they won't be able to do that to me anymore. I'm /free/ now. ...mostly."

    Being Cherem did come with some unfortunate complications to be encountered later, no doubt.

    Kyra watches Toph intently as she answers the question, extremely curious. It's perhaps even more shocking when Toph reveals that she does, just like Ainsley said she does and just like Ainsley claimed that Kyra would one day. "Mmm. After you broke it off with them, Toph, did you...think that you wouldn't miss them but wound up realizing that you did? 'cause I'm not sure if I miss them now."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Again the earthbender nods, leaning on the picnic table with one elbow. "Exactly... my parents thought I would be a lady without a voice, that I would be obedient and not focus on my bending. Neither of them are benders, so... perhaps they didn't understand just how important it is to me. I bet that your magic is important to you too, right?" she asks and digs out a rather large spoonful of ice cream and cookie crumbles.

    It's a harsh truth, and Toph hesitates just slightly before she nods. "Yeah... at first I was just relieved that I was free to travel the world and be me. But as time passed... I began to miss them. I won't lie about that. Maybe you will miss them, maybe you won't. But... I know I can't go back to that. This hurts, but... it hurts less than having to be somebody I'm not. Freedom is something that I will not go without again. And besides... you're an adult, at least close enough." It's not like she needs adoptive parents at her age. "It helped when I joined the Union. And to have people who lets you be yourself."

    With that Toph sighs. "So... being chaos born is a bad thing, huh? Whatever they mean by that."

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Kyra sneaks another scoop of ice cream before answering, "Oh yeah, it's very important. It's important to everyone on my world-the squelched my potential. I just think about what I might be capable of if I hadn't been held back-like maybe I'd already be a doctor." Her other hand drums her fingers against the table, her nails against the wood making an annoyed-sounding rattle.

    When she listens to Toph explain that at first, she too didn't miss them, but over time did, Kyra grows quiet. She stops eating ice cream and stares blankly at the bucket while she, finally, comprehends that she won't be able to go back to her parents /ever/ now. "I'll just have to learn to deal with it then, just like you have, Toph."

    She shakes herself out of her introspection on that note and takes the spoon again, "Yeah, it's kind of like calling someone pure evil. Chaos-or The Enemy as people in Galianda will call it, is basically the opposite of Cosmos."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "Then we have that in common too," Toph says somewhat softly. Though she does look like she is sorry for Kyra being restrained, unable to explore her magic and develop it. "I don't really get why they would want to stop you from learning healing magic. I mean, there's nothing bad about wanting to heal and protect people. Heck, I can get why my father didn't want me fighting. But you don't do anything dangerous unless you decide to heal people in battle. Even then, fighters would protect you." At least Toph focuses on protecting her allies during battle.

    Learning how to deal is sometimes easier said than done, but Toph offers a weak smile to the older girl. "Sometimes it's all you can really do." No, Kyra's parents seem less reasonable than her own. After all, her own father did try to keep her at home last year. With disastrous results that nearly killed the earthbender if it hadn't been for the Union's interference.

    Another sigh leaves Toph, and she cants her head slightly. "You're not evil. I consider myself a pretty good judge of character, and you are less evil than a fluffy little bunnyroo," she states firmly. "It's just their attempt to hurt people who don't share their faith."

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "They didn't...they just had me learn it in /their/ way and I think that messed me up a little." Kyra frowns, troubled, "Ainsley helped me understand that a while ago and it's something I'm still trying to fix. You're lucky it's not happened around you yet but sometimes the healing magic doesn't work."

    Kyra prods her spoon into the remains of the ice cream-which frankly isn't that much right now since both have done a great job at eating it. "If I ever need an example, I'll look to you, Toph." she grins.

    "Whew! I'm glad you think so Toph. You're right though. I'm pretty sure they only said that because they know it'd hurt me and anyone that associates with me. More of their political bullshit, really."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "Political bullshit all around," Toph nods in agreement. "We... we've hurt our parents without meaning to do so by being ourselves, and then they try to hurt us in return." The blind girl digs out another scoop of ice cream and chews on some snickers pieces there. "And you'll get better with your healing magic now that you are free to develop it. Like how I was able to discover metalbending." Kyra is good, and if that was her while she was being restrained, then surely she will be able to get even stronger now. At least Toph believes so.

    Toph pushes the rest of the bucket towards Kyra, then licks her spoon and rises to her feet. "I know it's hard and that there are many things you're feeling now. But it gets better. Nobody should sacrifice their own freedom just to make others happy. Least of all people who do not appreciate you for you. Besides... the Union is your second family." Another weak smile, and Toph reaches up to wipe at her mouth with the back of her hand. "I... should head back now. I hope that I helped you feel a little bit better at least." Because Toph knows some of what Kyra is going through.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "Yeah. ....yeah." Kyra sounds a little uneasy. "Hurt them without meaning to...I might have wanted to hurt them a little for what they've done. I guess....maybe that's why things turned out so badly."

    She chases away this depressing thought quickly and snatches up the bucket, finishing off the rest of the icecream, slightly-soggy oreos and all. "You're right. I got the Union. Thanks, Toph, for this..." she gestures, "...oh, yeah, and the ice cream. Hehehe." It was comforting, at least to know that there were other people that have gone through something similar.