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Welcome To Angel Grove
Date of Scene: 21 May 2015
Location: Angel Grove
Synopsis: Kimberly invites Jazz to take a look at her world, though the Cybertronian has more in store for her than she realizes.
Cast of Characters: 762, 786

Kimberly Hart (786) has posed:
Angel Grove. A peaceful, welcoming town forever cast in the warmth of the Californian sun and drawing in crowds from afar to enjoy all the sights and scenery a city by the sea has to offer.

In fact, the shore is the perfect place to hang out this time of day, so it would explain Kimberly's presence outside one of the local cafes just before the boardwalk. She figures it's a good a place as any to meet up with her newfound acquaintance, who she invited over to her universe to tour. Still.. Kim has a bit of a troubled expression as she waits at an outside table, dressed down for the warm weather in a pair of highwaisted shorts and a pink tank top. She hoped she gave him good enough instructions on how to reach the place from wherever he landed, but she was still a tad worried. Well, if he has trouble she supposes he'll contact her, so with a soft sigh she returns to idly stirring her smoothie.

Jazz (762) has posed:
There was a roar of an engine, before a Porsche is seen pulling around a corner. It wasn't speeding, but for this time period...? It looked like a heavy custom job. Someone who had money maybe. Once the vehicle pulled up into the parking lot, those heavy tinted windows hid anything from sight. At least that was till a a tall half African American at the height of six foot one stepped out of the vehicle.

He had on a pair of shades over his eyes with a blue mirror tint, a bandanna over his well kept dreadlock hair that was pulled back in a pony tail. Along with a sleeveless shirt and pair of navy jeans. He had a jacket, but he tossed it into the back. Which is were he also stared down at his holster for his handgun. He stared at it for a moment, before he closed the door.

Then the African American started to walk toward where Kimberly was, but it was easy to tell he was looking around--- probably trying to spot who, until he saw her and tilted his head faintly with a soft smile. "Dun mind me askin', miss... But are ya Kimberly?"

Kimberly Hart (786) has posed:
Kimberly Hart rouses from her thoughts and glances up when the sounds of a high powered engine hit her ear, those brown eyes landing upon the sleek Porsche that nearly glides to a stop in front of the cafe. Whoa. She's never seen a car that sleek before, so it's no wonder she can't take her eyes off it. ..At least until the driver steps out. There's something familiar about him, but can't quite place it until he finally speaks up.

And the moment everything clicks is the moment a bright, sunny smile lights up her features and she stands. "That'd be me. And you must be Jazz. I'm so glad you made it! Hope it wasn't too difficult finding your way around." Eagerly she steps up to the tall man and outstretches a hand to shake. "Welcome to Earth. Or ah.. my Earth, at least."

Only after Kim lets go does she lean slightly to the side to look over the car behind him. "That's an amazing looking ride. Seriously, you must've been getting stares the whole trip here. Did you bring it from where you're from?" She glances back, rather curious to know about his own universe.

Jazz (762) has posed:
Jazz can not help but smile as she looks on at his 'ride' and does shake her hand firmly, though for him-- it is a pretty light touch. He then follows her gaze back to the 'car'. "Mmhm. I was turnin' a few heads, but I typically do." He says with a playful grin.

"Like ta get a closer look?" Jazz asks her with a grin before he taps his chin to he question taking on a deep thought on it. "Yeah, we got a few cars like this. I've swapped out some models over time, because ya get tired of one look an' ya move onta another, ya know?" Jazz then chuckles a touch, "Bu' I think I'll be keepin' this one. It has class an' style, both traits I like."

Kimberly Hart (786) has posed:
Kimberly Hart looks a bit surprised at the offer, but smirks and nods. "Sure, I'd love to." With permission granted, she steps up to the Porsche and leans down some to get a better look, a hand reaching out to smooth gingerly along the side. "I think it's a good look, honestly. It's got that sort of racing look to it, but also gives off some professionalism."

Standing back up straight, she smirks over her shoulder to Jazz while rounding the car to get a full look. "My friend Tommy's really into mechanics, so I'm trying to learn a few things from him about cars. Still have a ways to go, but I can tell this is some high class work." Circling once, she comes back to Jazz and motions to the table she was just at. "By the way, did you wanna grab something to drink and chat a bit before the 'grand tour'? I ah.." She rubs the back of her neck, expression betrayed her with a sliver of anxiousness. "Like I said, I'm still learning the Multiverse, so I'm pretty curious about your world, too. Hope that's okay."

Jazz (762) has posed:
"Its fine! We just have a /long/ history and I hate to bore you with all the lengthy details right now." Jazz explains to her and then smiles softly as he places his hands in his pockets. "Thanks for the compliment... on the car. Always figure its a good idea to take care of such a thing, after all... treat something with respect and it will give you back that same respect."

"Also tryin' ta learn some stuff about mechanics huh?" He chuckles a bit, before lifting up those shades to show off those blue eyes which is a stark contrast against his darker skin. "I may know some folks who could help ya, bu' I'd probably have to pull a few strings."

When Kimberly motions over to the table and offers a drink, Jazz chuckles a touch. "I actually had something to eat and drink before I came here," He tilts his head faintly in thought, "But if you got stuff ta still finish, we can sit there an' talk while you finish up... Though if your really gonna understand my world--- we probably gotta go out of city limits. I'd explain, but we'll save tha' for last, I think."

"So--" Jazz will easily follow her wherever she may go. "Wha' can ya tell me about your own world?"

Kimberly Hart (786) has posed:
Kimberly Hart nods in agreement about respecting things, but is ultimately left staring a moment when Jazz finally moves up his sunglasses, caught up on the rather vibrant blue of his eyes. However, she's quick to catch herself and clears her throat softly while glancing away briefly and smirking. "Yeah? That'd be awesome of you if you could.." Tech may not be her strong suit, but it helps when it comes to understanding her zord better.

She eager to sit and get to know him a bit better, but his odd offer of going to the city limits garners a curious, yet confused look from her. "Well.. hmm." A glance back to her abandoned smoothie. "..Didn't really want it anyway." Kim ultimately decides to take the other route and smiles back at him, her attitude chipper once more. "Let's head out, then. I know a great place out there to view the whole city from."

Assuming they'd be riding in the car, Kimberly slips into the passenger seat and clicks in her seat belt before settling, hands folding in her lap and attention turning to the driver beside her. "Honestly? It's a bit plain, in a sense. Typical Earth with typical humans going about their typical lives. I guess the only difference would be Zordon, my sort of boss, fighting Rita Repulsa and Lord Zedd. Why they fight is a bit of a long story, but me and my friends do what we can to try and stop them. Like I said over the broadband, giant robots versus giant monsters, heh."

Jazz (762) has posed:
When Kimberly decides to get in, Jazz unlocks the doors and has to really remind himself to actually /do this/, instead of just doing it automatically. Which cause him a low whistle to himself as he pops down his shades, cause he almost forgot.


The interior of the car is really nice. Leather seats, leather interior, with a bit of chrome and some polished wood. It looks like a stick shift and the dash on the driver side however is--- odd. Like the dials and things are not standard at all for a car, the only small give away that something is up.

One he starts up the engine, the Porsche roars to life and Jazz throws the car into reverse, after he places his own seat belt on--- which he almost forget to do as well. "I'd have a little fun with ya by showin' ya some tricks... but I'll behave." Jazz muses with a smirk once he pulls out from the parking lot and then hits the road.

As he drives he listens to her explain stuff about the city. Average town, average people... all but the Rita and Zedd. "Rita an' Zedd huh? They tha ones sendin' tha monsters I take it?"

Kimberly Hart (786) has posed:
Kimberly Hart definitely takes note of the interior, which is by far the fanciest she's ever been in... excluding her zord, of course. And the dashboard does get a curious look, but she tries to remind herself that he's from somewhere that's probably completely different than her own. "Tricks, huh? Heh, maybe you can show me up at the lookout point." Which she provides directions to as they go along, sending him out towards the city limits and the 90's cliche cliff edge that overlooks the whole of Angel Grove.

During the ride she sighs and nods to his question, sinking back in the obscenely comfortable passenger seat. "Pretty much. They want to invade and take over Earth. Why? No clue. Probably for general evil reasons. I know Rita tried once before in the past, but Zordon trapped her away for a while." She stares out at the road ahead and purses lips slightly in thought. "Being a Ranger.. kinda threw me for a loop at first, but I'm glad to help out if it means keeping people safe, y'know?"

Jazz (762) has posed:
"People stayin' safe is always important." Jazz agrees. "Wha' ya do is no easy task an' ya should be proud of ya'self for it." The 'human' male easily glides the stick shift as they hit the more open road heading for the look out point.

It almost seems so instinctive how he controls the car, as if he was almost one with it--- which is not far from the truth at all. Far-- far-- from it. "Maybe if I ain't ta busy, I'll be able ta lend ya guys a hand one day. Love ta kick some monsters in tha face myself, haha. Be nice ta get a break from wha' I normally do." Jazz admits as he seems to relax a bit as he drives. "An' before ya ask... jus' a bit of history on my end... where I come from--- we been at a long time war, long enough... tha' our world is... pretty much dead."

The African America frowns at this, but his wrap around shades hide the pain in his eyes, hides the old wounds of memories that have been with him for millions of years. A number he is pretty sure would just shoot over a human's head. "So I hate ta see another world suffer tha' fate, its always why I love culture, ya know?"

"Culture is wha' makes a society. Makes a people. You lose tha' culture--- you lose away of life." Jazz says with a smile on his face. "I'm also one heck of a dancer too and been told I'm a purty good singer." He chuckles. "Though not sure I ever have tha time to make it a career."

"Ya got any dreams of ya own? Beyond bein' a Ranger and savin' people?"

Once they do arrive at the top, he slows down and places the car in park. Thankfully it is void of anyone else and she can easily see he is judging distances. After all--- he did tell her he would show her some tricks. "..an' by tha way... given we got no one up here, I'm gonna go for broke, so once I do, ya hold on an' dun be scared none."

"You're in tha safest hands ever." Jazz says with a soft smile. "Though somethin' tell me, it take allot ta scare ya."

Kimberly Hart (786) has posed:
Kimberly Hart brightens up at that and smiles warmly to him beside her. "We'd definitely love to have you along on a mission sometime. Some of the guys they summon can be pretty tough sometimes, so we'd welcome the help." She isn't sure what Jazz is capable of in a fight, but she starts to get an idea when he speaks of his own planet's demise. "Oh.." Brows knit and a frown of sympathy marrs her features. "I'm.. sorry to hear that. Though I'd be more than willing to help you out too, if you ever needed it."

Kim would never want to see her world end up like that. And even though Jazz already lost his, she'd still be more than happy to help him protect others in danger of the same fate. "Agreed." She smiles faintly at the talk of culture, though raises a brow after. "Wait, you sing and dance? Heh, remind me to break out my guitar next time I see you. Maybe we could put on a show." She giggles softly and leans her shoulder in to the door. "My dreams though... I kinda wanna be a teacher, honestly. Or own a gym. It's a hard toss-up, but I'm sure I'll settle on something eventually once all this is said and done." When that'll be? Who knows.

It doesn't take too long before they're finally on the outskirts of the city and viewing it in all its glittering, sunlit glory from on high. One would argue that it'd be a better sight at night time, but they likely won't end up sitting here all night just to see that. "Angel Grove.. Home sweet home." Kimberly marvels at the view, her expression soft and thoughtful with a trace of glimmer in her eyes. It's a simple town, bt it's /her/ simple town. Staring a moment longer, Jazz's voice finally pulls her attention back and she looks his way, only to pause and blink. Scared..? "What.. do you mean..?" She ask hesitantly while sinking slightly in her seat and pressing back just a bit into the door. Her tension is noticeable, as is the rosy hue now coloring her cheeks. Kim initially felt she could trust him, because he's part of the Union, but.. just what is he planning?

Jazz (762) has posed:
Jazz listens to her and smiles softly, though when they get to the fun part he gets a devilish grin by her reaction. He was a good boy, really he was--- bu' he did have his wild side and his job did give him a bit of a devil's own way of doing things.

He lifts up his shades for only a moment to give her a playful, perhaps reassuring wink. "Tha ride of your life." He says with an equal playful tone in his voice, before those shades pop down over his face. There was a roar in the engine as the Porsche suddenly accelerated. He did tell her what he was going to do and he was going to have a little fun with her.

Those tires bit the pavement as if it /owned/ the road, the turns were sharp, but at no point did the car ever want to show giving up the ground. In the open parking lot, the steering wheel was turned tight and that back end spun around like a master of drifting was behind the wheel--- but more importantly....

Jazz was controlling the G-forces. He knew if he got to wild, it could hurt her... he didn't want that, but what he wanted to see if he could do--- was to get her to holler, maybe even laugh. It had been a long time since he had the pleasure of having human company /this/ close to him. Most of the time it was him kidnapping them and forcing information out of them.

He wanted to have fun with one, the good kinda fun, and this was his chance.

With a well controlled spin, he spun the Porsche around, threw it into reverse in a snap and slid her right into the parking spot with perfect precision. The sight of the city was now behind them with the guard railing to the Porsche's bumper. Jazz himself was grinning, his head back and smiling.

He did though look over to her, checking on her. Her reflection probably in his blue tinted visor, perhaps seeing if she was smiling, laughing, had fun-- or if she was panicking, clawing to get out. Maybe he over did it-- that was his fear-- but maybe she enjoyed herself too...

Kimberly Hart (786) has posed:
"Wait wha- Ah!" Kimberly is about to question his motives and just what he means by that, but Jazz is more than willing to show her instead. In an instant she's slammed back in her seat and pressed upon by the sudden g-forces, her entirety locking up in response and fingers digging into the upholstery as jaw clenches and eyes fly wide as ever.

Oh crap, oh crap, she wasn't expecting these sort of tricks! At least not while in the car! Still, she tries to hold on for dear life, yelling out as if she were on a roller coaster.. that's whipping around at crazy speeds and skidding across the tarmac like a wheeled demon! And then he does something insane by forcing them into a spin, and pressing her into the door, right back into the same parking spot they were just in.

Kimberly is... well, stunned seems appropriate. She's still clinging to the interior with widened eyes and somewhat tousled hair, even sounding a bit shaken when she finally begins to speak. "That... was... AWESOME!" All tension leaves her at once and she sinks into the seat, grinning wide as ever and running a hand through her hair to push it from her face. "Excuse me, but /holy shit/ that was wild."

And that's when a warm, hearty laugh escapes her and she sits up to turn to him fully and meet him with eyes shining in excitement. "I had no idea you could pull off stunts like that, that was so much fun! Oh man, I seriously need to take you up in my zord sometime and show you some of my own moves!" Yep, she loved it.

Jazz (762) has posed:
Jazz watched her expression, he could feel those finger tips digging in when it was over. He could pick up the sound of her heart beat racing from his own sensitive audios. He was honestly worried at first, that instead of making someone have fun---- for once--- he instead did as he has always done. Brought a sense of terror within these confinements. That was, until Kimberly at last spoke.

She excited causing him to grin and how polite she was, even when she cursed made him smile even more, Watching her push back her hair, before turning to face him. Jazz can only keep a boyish grin on his face before he shrugged gently at her compliment to his skills. "I'd love ta one day." He says her about the Zord. Only in truth, he know he'll never have that chance.

Holomatter have a very long range, sure, but they do have limits. They are still generated bodies. They don't eat, drink, because they are completely solid matter. A faulting Jazz hated, because there was times he wished-- how he wished.

"Bu'," He starts out as he unbuckles his seat belt. "Tha' have ta be for another time." He then shuts down the engine and goes to get out of the car, while sliding his shades up on the top of his head. Thankfully-- his jacket was still over his holster and glock or Kimberly may be in for another shocker.

Once Jazz gets out he stretches a bit, placing one arm behind him, before the other. Much like one would expect to see before someone does some martial arts. Though he didn't have to do this, he /wanted/ too. Maybe in one way--- to show off-- the other... he really did want to transform and stretch his /real/ legs. Ye he wasn't sure, he wasn't sure how she would handle it.

This lead the African American resting his hands eventually on the guard rail and looking out over the city. Those striking blue eyes just staring out with a soft smile on his face. "Its a beautiful city." He tells her before looking over to her. "Absolutely gorgeous." Then his eyes trail back out to the view before them.

Kimberly Hart (786) has posed:
Kimberly Hart's heart still races from the adrenaline coursing through her veins, though it gradually begins to calm as Jazz cuts the engines and steps out. The young woman gives a soft sigh to calm the last of her wired nerves before following, the fresh air welcomed with a deep breath.

The view really is wonderful from way out here and it's something Kim with admire each and every time she sees it, now standing beside Jazz. "It really is.." Words are soft and thoughtful when looking out. At least until she notices his look and gains a somewhat bashful smile, gaze flicking quickly back to the city.

"..You're a cool guy, Jazz. Glad we could hang out like this." Sincere words, to be sure. True, their meeting hasn't been very long, but already Kim has a good sense of him and hopes to be fast friends. "..And y'know, I'd show you my own tricks, but I try to save that for battle." She chuckles and smiles to him.

Jazz (762) has posed:
Jazz gives a grin as she calls him cool and leans back a bit. "Ya think so huh? Well your a pretty awesome gal ya'self, Kim." Jazz says with a warm smile on his face, before he gives a mild sigh. "Bu' I also promised when we got out here, I'd tell ya about my world more... an' I'm tryin' ta decide righ' now..."

Jazz turns around and leans his back against the rail. "...If it be all ta much ta take in on one day." He lowers his head a bit, his warm smile becoming soft and sad almost. Hard to say what he was thinking as his eyes go distant. "Cause in tha line of work I do, I dun tend ta keep friends. They become targets ya see. Heck, in some circles, I'm known as Meister." The young adult explains as he looks over to her.

"Remember when I told ya I was Special Operations Officer? If ya know anythin' about spy movies and secret agents. I'm kinda like tha', ya know? Same dangers apply too, includin' ta those I know." Jazz looks away from her once more. "Bu'..." He licks his lips in thought, biting the bottom one for a moment, before he gives a shrug with a heavy sigh. "...your a strong gal, tha' I can tell... an' maybe this is one of those cases tha more ya know, tha better off you'll be."

"Cause if ya got my attention," He then pushes off the rail before he goes to stand up fully. "You're gonna get someone elses'."

Kimberly Hart (786) has posed:
Kimberly Hart presses lips in worry as the young man's mood becomes more somber. But she doesn't utter a word, listening to every word and only speaking once he finishes. "Jazz.." She begins softly, "I understand you wanting to keep me and everyone else here safe, but.. The moment I became a Ranger I knew I had to wake up and see that the world didn't revolve around my plain little life anymore. I had to learn to be open to the idea that not everything is as it seems and, even though that might be scary, I have to accept and embrace it."

A step brings her to him and she rests a hand on his shoulder, squeezing in reassurance and smiling sweetly. "And besides, now that I'm part of the Multiverse, I've been forced to accept that even more. Whatever it is, I can handle it. And if me knowing means someone coming for me? Well you can bet I'll kick their ass for even thinking they can mess with a Ranger."

Jazz (762) has posed:
Jazz feels her hand on his shoulder and smiles softly. He then looks at her, before he reaches up and takes his shades off. "I admire your spirit, bu' tha' is wha' I love about you humans. Tha' spirit... makes me envy you."

"Bu' if ya think ya can handle it, then I got one more surprise for ya, Kim." If his words already didn't cause her some confusion, he then hands her the shades. "Hold onta these for me, will ya?" She would find if her hand remained on his shoulder or arm, that he seem to slowly fade from existence. Like the matter of his entire body returning to nothing but back to the particles of empty space.

Then she will hear it behind her. The shifting of metal and parts, the whirling of gears and then a shadow that looms over hear. A nearly twenty to thirty foot robot that stands tall, looking down at her with a flicker of his visor. "Bu' ya gotta understand one important thing-- tha guy I'm worried about findin' ya... is allot like me, only he ain't as nice..."

Kimberly--- meet the real Jazz.

Kimberly Hart (786) has posed:
You humans? Is he not human? ..Or is he called something else where he's from? It's all a big jumble of confusion for Kimberly, especially when he says he has yet another surprise. "Er.. Alright." Unsure, she takes his shades for safekeeping and moves to ask what he's up to, but she's cut short when she finds him starting to disappear. "What the-- Jazz!" A surge of panic rushes through her and she finds herself waving through his evaporating body. "Come back!"

But in reality he never left. The real Jazz makes his presence known with the mechanical sound of transformation which quickly has Kim spinning around and coming face to face with... "..Oh my god..." Those are the only words she can muster right now, too stunned by the towering robotic lifeform to think of anything else.

The much smaller human takes a step or two back, cautious and a little scared, but.. the voice. It's still him. "Jazz.. you.." It's a bit of a struggle to even speak what with her breath caught in her lungs. "..Is this really you?" Her gaze falls to the shades still in her grasp, studying them as she processes all this, only to look back with a faint smile. "I knew there was something special about that car. Or well.. I guess the car is you." She rubs the back of her neck and sighs while sitting on the guard rail. "Well then, I wasn't expecting.. this. Just gonna.. need a moment."

Jazz (762) has posed:
Jazz stares down at her, before he steps back with a very easy step of his own foot. The metal lands down on the ground, but Kimberly will notice when her mind catches up to her, that the step was very light. Something his size shouldn't have that light of a step, yet he managed to do it some how.

When she asks if it is him, he kneels down making himself less of a towering titan to the small human. "Yeah, it's me Kim." He watches her reaction, how stunned she was by this. He tries to smile, but it was a nervous one. His face, while yes--- he was a 'machine' it moved life-like, living really. A living machine. "This is tha biggest cat out of the bag I can given ya, so dun worry about anythin' else."

Jazz lets her settle down, catch her breath. Put it all together. His gaze moving over to the city as she does so. He could explain things further, break it all down, but what good will that do when she is-- well-- having to now catch up with the reality that the man she was /just/ talking too is actually a giant robot. A giant robot that was a car she was just sitting in.

This isn't his first rodeo dealing with humans who get mind boggled by this--- he also know it will never be his last either. "Jus' catch ya breath, Kim. I'll answer anythin' ya throw at me."

Kimberly Hart (786) has posed:
Kimberly Hart releases a long, drawn out exhale while leaning back into the guard rail, keeping a tight hold upon it with one hand while the other clutches his sunglasses. "Jeez.." She mutters and reaches up to rub her face. "Even after all the stuff I've been through here, after all the monsters I've fought, this of all things still surprises me." She steadily begins to settle, however, and looks up to him with a weak smile. "Guess I'll never fully get used to what the Multiverse has to offer.."

Once she's confident that she can handle this, Kimberly stands and steps up to him, albeit slowly, and looks him over with an intrigued look of awe on her face. "It's just.. amazing. So you're a robot? And a car, too? But.. then what was that other form?" She motions to the shades in her hand. "Is it just another disguise and oh my god I just realized I was sitting /inside you/." The question blends seamlessly with her realization when it hits her like a truck, the young woman finding her cheeks burning bright at the thought. She had been sitting on him! ...Is that weird or is she just making it weird?

Jazz (762) has posed:
Jazz watches her, only tilting his head slightly. On his optical display he was zoomed in on her, running visual scans of her. Keep her in his tracking sensor. Then it zoomed on her face a bit more. "Tha Multiverse is a big place, Kim. Lots ta see, Lots of races. I'm jus' one of em." He says with a bit of a smirk.

Then come the questions of what is he. A robot? Yeah, sorta. A car-- not really. The other form, well... however that blends in with her sudden realization and he can't help but laugh a little as she becomes beat red. "Well," He wants to say something bad right now. Oh, he could have so much fun with this. It is even visible slightly as he looks upward and presses those metallic lips in thought before he continues, "At least your were comfortable." He can't help but smile a sheepish smile.

Ok that was bad, but hey. This is a rare prime chance right here!

He ahems softly and rubs the back of his metallic neck, before he continues to actually /explain/ things. That is-- if she isn't going on about his sudden remark and the realization that it actually could be taken in some odd fashion. Not that /he/ really saw it that way, but human minds man. They can go into some weird territory.

"Let me start from tha top here. I'm a Cybertronian from tha planet Cybertron. We are sentient, living robotic lifeforms-- bu' really, its a mouth full, so only gonna say tha' once." Jazz says with a bit of a hand gesture. "The vehicle? Is my alternate mode of transformation. Good for gettin' around an' stayin' low. We Cybertronians can be about anythin' electronic. Cars, jets, helicopters, probably even a toaster."

The Spec Ops hrms softly. "Actually tha one I'm worried about showin' up here? He is a hand held tap recorder and he can transform up ta my size." Yeah, take that Earth science! "As for tha other form..." He motions to the shades, "Tha' is wha' we call a Holomatter Avatar."

Kimberly Hart (786) has posed:
Oh gosh, and he even teases her! "Not helping." Kimberly pouts at him with a soft huff, feeling thoroughly embarrassed. Thankfully he changes topics soon enough and goes on to explain a little more about himself and his homeworld. "That's actually.. pretty amazing, honestly." She mulls over this new information, more or less understanding it despite just learning about it. In reality it's a pretty simple concept once you get around the fact that you're talking to a living, mechanical being.

"Holomatter Avatar? So it's like.. a projection of yourself? I'm surprised it was solid then. Cybertron must have some seriously advanced technology if you can pull that off." Says the girl, who pilots a dinosaur shaped jet made by an alien, to the sapient, transforming robot. Seriously, nothing should be a surprise at this point. "But uh.. Who's this other guy you've been mentioning?" A troubled look crosses her features. "Is he an enemy?"

Jazz (762) has posed:
Jazz listens to her, including all her questions. He avoids who this 'other guy' is for now, cause that is going to get complicated. "I dun know the exact science, cause I ain't no egg head, ya know? Bu' wha' I do know is it takes tha matter around the area an' generates an image. Like... if I was ta get a complete scan of ya, I could take on your looks."

"Bu' I dun like doin' stuff like tha'. Though it is useful for some applications." Jazz rubs his chin gently thinking about that. "Bu' tha Avatar has some issues... which I wish it didn't." He then frowns a bit at this. "Cause it is solid matter, it doesn't have any of tha internal workin's... if ya know wha' I mean." He says motioning at her a bit with his index finger.

"Also if I get injured like tha', like real bad... It can have serious impacts on me-me, includin' even ta puttin' me in stasis lock, which is like bein' knocked out real hard." He explains further before shifting a little. Kimberly may start to notice that as he started to relax how fluid his movements were. They were not jerky at all and everything about his face was very life like, almost like talking to a person really.

"Now as for tha' other guy, well... they are now as Decepticons. I'm an autobot," Jazz motions to the insignia on his chest. "This guy however is called Soundwave an' he an' I got a cat n' mouse game goin' on. He is real trouble an' not someone ya want to underestimate."

"Recently he took one of our holomatter generators, it is possible righ' now he already has it workin'." Jazz frowns at that, "...an' if out tha righ' kinda tech, its impossible by just sheer sight ta tell us apart like tha' from one of ya, beyond those lil things an' maybe if we are lucky... he doesn't have all tha stuff down/" That is when the Spec Ops frowns, "...bu' I doubt we ever be tha' lucky."

Kimberly Hart (786) has posed:
"Heh, I never thought of what it'd be like to have two of me walking around. ..Probably confusing." Kimberly muses softly, though tilts her head a tad when he motions at her. ...Internal workings. Her mind ends up wandering for a second, though she's quick to catch it and reel it back. Clearing her throat and glancing away, she continues, "Well ah.. I'm sure it has plenty of benefits to overcome that. ..And yeah, I can see that being a pretty big issue." That last comment is directed at the fact that the avatar can damage him, in a way. Bit of a flaw in the design there.

"This Soundwave guy sounds like bad news, though." Lips press thin at the thought of another Cybertronian slinking about as a human. Even worse, he turns into a tape recorder, which makes Kim hope he never ends up in her world. They'd never find him amongst all this 90s tech! "But.." She begins slowly, turning gaze back up to him and meet his optical visor with a confident smile. "I promise if I ever see him or hear anything that'll help, you'll be the first to know. Heck, I'll even help fight him with you if I have to." A heavy promise, but she means it.

Afterwards, Kim hesitates, fingers fiddling with the glasses in hand. She's obviously turning some thought around in her head, but it takes her a moment to properly articulate it and ask, "By the way, I have another question. Can I... touch you?" An odd request since she was riding in him a moment ago, but it's different now somehow. With the avatar gone, Jazz's body is entirely mechanical, a fact that sparks her curiosity. Even his face is, even though it moves as anything but. And that visor... Are there even eyes beneath? So many things are spinning in Kim' head right now.

Jazz (762) has posed:
Jazz smiles softly about helping him fight Soundwave, "Tha' be mighty fine of ya, Kim." He says with that smile becoming a grin. When she does ask if she can touch him, Jazz's visor flickers gently. The Autobot then lets out a soft chuckle, before shifting a bit to then lower down his black hand to her.

He kept his palm up and his fingers slightly out, lowering it close to the ground as he could for her to run her own hands along his own. "Sure. It ain't gonna bother me none. Though I hear tha' medics and tech types got far more sensitive hands then I do. Never tested tha theory though." It made sense in his mind however. They were the ones always building, always fixing. They had to have more sensitive senors in their hands in order to pick up all those little things that some Cybertronians would look over.

Yet he himself though had very sensitive hearing, but he was never a comm specialist, so he really did need to watch his own wording. After all Jazz would hate to be back in that little box of a society that Cybertron once was. How dull those days were... how he does not miss them at all.

As Kimberly probably examined his hand, she would find the metal was smooth and it wasn't overly cold like normal steel, instead it was generating a bit of warmth. There was also a type of padding around the fingers and areas where grip was important, though it was still metal-- wasn't it? As she did examine, Jazz spoke up to her, "Ya know-- if ya like those shades. Ya can keep 'em. Consider it a token of our first meetin'."

Kimberly Hart (786) has posed:
Kimberly Hart is visibly brimming with excitement when Jazz agrees to let her examine him, her lips curling into a wide smile and eyes nearly sparkling with wonder at the presented hand. Gingerly, as if she'd somehow hurt him, the young woman reaches out in turn and meets his palm with a brush of fingertips. "So cool.." She breathes softly and continues on, delicately tracing along the seams of his armor and the intricate joints until she smooths along his fingers. It's a mechanical marvel, really.

Kimberly doesn't expect him to gift her his sunglasses, so the offer catches her a bit off guard and pulls her gaze back up to him. "Really? That's.." Surprise melts into appreciation with her smile reflecting a sincere sweetness. "..That's really sweet of you, thanks Jazz." And then she slips the slick pair of shades on and beams. "There, now we match."

Jazz (762) has posed:
Jazz watches as she traces her fingers along his hand. He makes sure to keep his hand steady as he can, even when you much smaller finger move along the crevices that almost make him a laugh a touch because that actually tickles a bit.

He listens to her words in marvel and how she reacts to what she sees, as she gets close to his finger tip, it only twitches a little to her touch. I mild reaction, much like any perhaps would have. Then he watches her smile become one of sincerity when he tells her she can keep the shades. This brings a wide smile and a soft chuckle as she tries them on. Including the part about now they match.

"Sure does look like it huh? Get ya a white jacket, with some white shorts... an' ya be stylin' alrigh'." Jazz's smile turns into a mild mischievous grin. "Ain't careful ya gonna make all 'em boys jealous tha' ya be hangin' with a sweet ride like myself an' not over them." There was playfulness in those words. A fun tease really.

Jazz then tilts his head slightly to his hand, "Why dun you climb on in, get ya chance ta see your city from an evenin' higher prospective." Jazz frowns a bit, but he tries to smile still. "Then probably gonna have ta get ya back. Hate for anyone ta start gettin' worried an' think some punk ran off with ya inta tha wilds." There was another tease of a joke breaking his own disappointment that soon this day would need to come to an end.

Kimberly Hart (786) has posed:
Kimberly Hart shrugs nonchalantly and grins. "I think 'giant robot that transforms into an awesome car' kinda trumps all guys, honestly." She chuckles softly and nods eagerly to his next off, readily stepping into his hand, though she does feel a little guilty about treading all over them with her shoes.

"Well this punk showed me a good time today, so I don't care what they think." Kim teases back a little and steadies herself whenever he decides to lift her up to view the city from a higher vantage point. And boy is it pretty. A quietness is left hanging between them for a moment, Kim enjoying the sight, until she finally speaks up and glances his way. "Wish we could hang out longer, but.. I know we've both got stuff we've gotta do. And plus, we've got our radios to chat. You're a cool guy, Jazz, and I'm glad you could visit." A warm smile curls her lips with eyes remaining unreadable behind the shades. "Hopefully we can do this again soon. It'd be awesome if you could come meeet the others sometime."

Jazz (762) has posed:
Jazz lifts her up with ease only laughing a bit at her tease back. Once he gets her up and rises up to his feet, he places his other free hand on his own mechanical hip. Just enjoying the view himself, including the silence--- at least the silence that such a place can provide beyond some of the distant background noise.

He actually almost loses himself in his own thoughts and the sight, till Kimberly brings him back to reality, looking over to her as she speaks to him. "I'm always available if ya ever wanna chat. Heck, maybe I'll take ya for a spin some time around tha Multiverse. Show ya few of tha malls or even some of tha other Earths an' like." He smiles to this, before his gaze goes back out to the sight before them.

"As for vistin' again. I'd love ta. Maybe I can get a hold of Blurr, a buddy of mine-- another autobot like myself," Jazz then smirks, "Only he ain't as cool as I am or as stylin." There was that playful grin before he lets out a soft sigh. "But I'd really love ta, Kim an' meet ya own friends as well."

After a bit more silence falls over them and he goes to lower his hand resting on his hip with a slight shift in his weight from one leg to the other, he at last looks at her again. "Mmm... righ' then." Jazz once more kneels down to let her get back on her own two feet.

Once she gets off his hand and gets some clearance from him, he transforms back down to an alternate mode, before the passenger door pops open not to long after, and there is mister 'charming' Avatar looking right at her from the driver's side. With those blue eyes matching that warm smile. "Let's get ya back where ya need ta go an' hey-- if ya like a bite ta eat, I can swing by a place before droppin' ya off."

Kimberly Hart (786) has posed:
"I'd love that." Kim replies happily to the idea of world hopping. She's always ready for adventure and she feels like she'd get into plenty with the likes of him. "Heh, and I'd definitely love to meet this Blurr." She even snickers at the 'not as cool' comment, but she's nice enough not to poke fun at the mystery bot.

She really doesn't want to part ways just yet, but it has to be done. At least they're allowed a little bit longer due to the drive back. And speaking of, Kimberly is just left staring in wonder at the sight of his transformation back to his altmode, stunned at how quick he does it with all those moving parts.

"Heh, now there's a familiar face." A playful reply to seeing his avatar once more when the door opens and she slips in, only a little more carefully this time. "Oh, no, it's alright. I wouldn't want to make a mess of your interior or anything." God forbid she got crumbs in him or, even worse, spilled a drink. How would that even feel to someone like him? Anyway, she forgoes the offer for food this time and just gives him directions back to her place. Wonder what her parents will think when they see her pulling up in this.. Kim can only hope they're not home right now, because that explaination wouldn't be very easy.