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Latest revision as of 01:24, 23 May 2015

Magical Blood Money
Date of Scene: 03 March 2015
Location: The Great Ruin
Synopsis: Orphen sells Dracula's blood alchemy plans to Cell!
Cast of Characters: 696, 703

Orphen (703) has posed:
It's still early in the evening, the sun is just about to go down, but there's still plenty of light to not need any aids. Orphen is sitting in a cluster of ruins. Four alternate Great Pyramids that were either built near each other or collided in some unification disaster. Or maybe a wizard did it, who knows. But he's sitting on a small rock in front of one of them, arms crossed, a wrapped up piece of parchment in one hand.

Cell was sent the coordinates, and Orphen doesn't seem all that tense, he's calm and all business.

Cell (696) has posed:
     Orphen is alone for all of a few minutes before Cell arrives. The Red Ribbon Commander lands a bit away from the ruins, as is his cautious wont. He was paranoid and untrusting by nature and nurture alike, and he didn't exactly walk into meetings with a briefcase full of cash expecting the other guy to play fair.

     Cell adjusts his tuxedo as he walks towards the ruins. He has no tension, no nervousness - the bizarre bug-man in his bizarre bug-tuxedo is as cool as ice. No, colder than ice - there's a strange apathy in his horrid bug eyes, the sort of apathy that only someone who believes he in complete control can have.

     This is not because Cell is blind, or arrogant. Any number of things can go wrong during an exchange of valuable materials. He (or Orphen) could've been followed. There could be traps, an ambush. The materials could be trapped, or false.

     But Cell was confident in his ability to handle what came at him. He was a professional, with a lot of experience. He was a competent soldier and a powerful entity. And - most importantly - if something was beyond his ability to handle, he had *escape routes* planned. Always, always have an escape route.

     Cell stops in front of Orphen. The horrible cicada monster looms over him for a moment, adjusting his tie with a compulsive sort of behavior. It's barely crooked, but for Cell, that's unacceptable.

     "You have the merchandise?" His cicada-voice buzzes.

Orphen (703) has posed:
Orphen looks up at Cell, tilting his head as he looks over the creature's form. It's not the usual look of disgust that one might have, his is more one of pure curiosity, like he's taking in every inch of what this creature is and weighing it against a wealth of knowledge. It takes him a few seconds too long to answer, suggesting a distraction with his own thoughts.

"Oh, yeah." He shakes his head, snapping out of it, then unrolls the parchment in his hand. Insanely complicated alchemy. "I'm a sorcerer, but I don't understand an ounce of this. It's some complicated high level otherworldly alchemy. Entirely outside of my purview. But I'm sure you can find the right people to research it. Or I can, for a fee. You have the money for this thing?" Apparently he would be charging separately for his services, if requested.

Cell (696) has posed:
     Cell is vaguely impressed by the man's lack of disgust and fear. Disgust and fear are basically Cell's immediate stock in trade. He's unused to people not being slightly weirded out by him, so that gets a measure of consideration as well.

     "I think I can find someone, yes," Cell replies smoothly as he picks up the briefcase and pops it open. There's cash all the way through. If Orphen wants to count it, it's all there - granted, it's in zenny, but Orphen can probably find a way to exchange that.

     "You said this is alchemy, right? Happen to have any professionals you know who might be able to figure this out, on the off chance my people can't? I like to keep my network open."

Orphen (703) has posed:
"I've heard of a few alchemists, but it might be world dependent. There are different types of alchemy. I've been studying how things differ between worlds. Magic and science, and any mixtures of those two things. So the first place I'd look are worlds that are close to Dracula's." Orphen offers the parchment over, and at the same time holds his hand out for the briefcase. "So, what exactly are you? When it comes to evolution, you seem like a close to perfect species of whatever you are."

Cell (696) has posed:
     "Unique," Cell replies dryly. The perfect comment would've made him chuckle if he wasn't focused on the alchemical thing. He was a genius, after all; it couldn't be *that* hard to figure out this stuff. If he had to, he'd track down a wizard and learn for himself.

     "I'm unique, Mister Orphen. One-of-a-kind. I appreciate the compliment, however." He purses his horrible bug-lips as he exchanges the briefcase, still looking at the alchemy.

     "Fascinating. Something of Dracula's..."

Orphen (703) has posed:
"I've seen the product of that formula, when I broke into Castlevania." Orphen takes the briefcase and releases the parchment, taking a seat again to place it into his lap. "He had gigantic tubes of blood, an absolutely efficiently run mass production. I think the mixture of magic and technology is close to what it was in the ancient history of my world, or with some of the crazier researchers we have."

Cell (696) has posed:
     "Tubes of blood?" Cell inquires. Now /that/ had his curiousity piqued. "What for? What were they *doing*? What were they feeding? Were they just feeding him, or were they pumping out mass-production blood, or...?"

Orphen (703) has posed:
"Gigantic tubes of blood from the floor to the ceiling. I'm talking enough to fill a large hot spring. But I didn't have a chance to really analyze things as closely as I would have liked, was too busy dodging the absolutely gigantic demons crowding around the whole place, and I think he had imps doing alchemy. Maybe you could buy some of those guys from him." Orphen suggests, considering the possibilities as he flips through stacks of money in his fingers. "But I couldn't really tell what they were doing with the blood. However they get it in the tubes, I didn't notice any clues on what they do with it after that. But, Dracula is an extremely powerful vampire, so I'm guessing he needs it."

Cell (696) has posed:
     Cell very much doubts that he could buy anything from Dracula, but the mention of demons has him at least slightly curious. Maybe he could find a way to deal with them. He'd probably have to, given the close association Dracula had with the Saiyans. That would be a problem in the future, one Cell wasn't quite prepared to deal with yet.

     "Weird," says the pot, calling the kettle black. He stows the formula safely into his tuxedo and nods. "Well, whatever. I'll have someone look into this. I appreciate it. If you have any further mystical merchandise to unload, you have my attention and my money in the future. Keep me in mind, Mr. Orphen. I pay handsomely."

Orphen (703) has posed:
"I will. I'll be creating a magical bunker with this money, to keep artifacts and other dangerous things in. Anything to avoid the necessity of giving more power to the Tower of Fang." Orphen stands up, closing the briefcase, then shakes his head. "Sorry, personal issues. It was nice doing business with you, though."

Cell (696) has posed:
     "Not a problem. If you find yourself in need of any assistance, please, keep the Red Ribbon Regiment in mind. We're happy to help." Cell tries to smile.

     He has no lips and a vertical slit for a mouth. This doesn't go well.

     But it's the thought that counts.

     The insect-monster sticks its hands out to shake Orphen's. His grip, should Orphen take it, is terriffically firm.

Orphen (703) has posed:
Orphen takes Cell's hand without hesitation, nodding. "My services as a sorcerer are always available as well, though I won't help with the whole species extermination thing, not really what I'm about, I'm interested in learning more about you so I'm happy to help with small things like this." he nods to the alchemy plans.