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Three Humans Walk Into A Bar
Date of Scene: 23 May 2015
Location: Bar and Grill at the Edge of the Multiverse
Synopsis: Ziggy and Kimberly decide to grab a bite to eat, only to run into Peter.
Cast of Characters: Ziggy Grover, 751, 786

Peter Quill (751) has posed:
When you're a Legendary Outlaw, you don't usually hold down a regular job and can do whatever you want with your stash of loot. So Peter is sitting at a BAR AT THE EDGE OF THE MULTIVERSE... again.

He has his boots up on his table, eating a bacon cheeseburger while he reads some newspaper from his version of Earth. "Justin Bieber goes to New York? What? What the hell is a Justin Bieber?"

Ziggy Grover has posed:
Having already encountered Peter Quill twice, both in incidents that ended up with him being held at gunpoint, the first thing that Ziggy Grover does upon seeing him is turn on his heel, nearly crashing into the person who was right behind him.

But the traffic was against him, and so Ziggy backs deeper into the restaurant. "Look, uh... I know this is neutral territory and we shouldn't have trouble here, but every time I see that guy, I end up staring down the business end of a pistol. Can't we eat somewhere else?"

Kimberly Hart (786) has posed:
Kimberly Hart is accompanying Ziggy to the multiverse bar yet again today. She's likely not to make it too much a habit, but it's certainly an interesting place and is helpful in meeting other people. Filing in with the other ranger now, she's stopped short when he almost crashes into her while going backwards.

"Huh? What guy?" Kim blinks, lifting up the new pair of slick blue shades she recently aquired and setting them on her head so she can get a better look at the person he indicates. "Doesn't look that bad to me." She muses with a smirk and hooks an arm around Ziggy's, pulling him along behind her. "C'mon, it'll be alright, I promise." And then they're off to find a table for themselves, ending up rather close to Peter's.

Peter Quill (751) has posed:
"Wow, so -that's- Pepper Potts..." Peter says as he continues to read the paper. But then -new- people enter the bar, and he's always aware of new people. Never know when someone might want to shoot him. "Heeeyy!" he says as he lowers and closes the paper, pulling his legs down to look at the two. "Ziggles! Is -that- the girlfriend who's always chewing you out? Great job!" He offers Ziggy a thumbs up and a nod of approval.

Ziggy Grover has posed:
"That guy? That's Peter Quill. He's a -mercenary-." Letting Kim lead him to the seat, Ziggy is too distracted with motioning with his hands just how the mercenary has a PISTOL to his head. "He's done that -twice-...!" Ziggy proclaims as he holds up two fingers, showing that he -can- count very well, with an offended look.

And then Ziggy discovers himself seated oh so close to Peter Quill, and offers a very broad, if insincere smile. "Peter, old friend! You, um, you know this is neutral grounds, right? Just so we're clear on that..." He holds up a finger. "That means no holding a gun on me, no holding me hostage, no -nothing-, right?"

Wait. Shaking his head, Ziggy sticks a finger in his ear. "Excuse me? What? No, no, I hardly know her. She's not the chewing out sort, so far. We just met, her name is Kim. Kim, this is Peter Quill. Outlaw."

Kimberly Hart (786) has posed:
Kimberly Hart is a positive thinker. And while she recognizes the fact that Peter has threatened Ziggy before, she figures nothing too bad will happen in an open space like this. Especially not while she's here. Looking over to Peter when he addresses the both of them, she greets him with a friendly smile and a bit of a chuckle. "Girlfriend? Heh, nah, just good friends."

Ziggy goes about introducing them, so she skips that and continues, "Good to meet you, Peter. So how do you know Ziggy?

Peter Quill (751) has posed:
"-Legendary- Outlaw. Some people know me as Star-Lord." Peter introduces -himself- to Kimberly, drawing one of his guns to spin it on his finger as he talks, as if he was just idly playing with it. "I was hired by this guy named Fresno Bob to kidnap him. He turned out to be something called a Power Ranger. Spandex, colorful weapons, the whole superhero deal. I let him go since he's so well-connected."

Ziggy Grover has posed:
"Ahahaha. I don't even want to know what made you think Kim here's the sort that yells at you. She's pretty nice. Nice and..." Ziggy pales, and checks his morpher. Reaching for a napkin, he wraps the napkin around it. Let it at least muffle the sound so Dr. K can't listen in. "Aheh. Anyway, Fresno Bob, ah... it was nothing but an infinitesimally small misunderstanding. Very small."

Leaning back, Ziggy flashes a suspicious eye at the gun, flinching every time it seems to be aimed at him. "By the way, are you -done- hunting for Power coins?"

Kimberly Hart (786) has posed:
Kimberly Hart's smile drops just a bit when Peter withdraws a gun and spins it around without a care. "Er.. Can't say I've ever heard of you, unfortunately. Sorry." She smiles sheepishly and eases up a little. But it really doesn't help when she hears him mention that Ziggy is a Ranger, making her give him a questioning, sidelong glance that silently asks for confirmation. Seriously Ziggy? Secret identity found out? ..Though maybe the rules on that aren't as strict where he's from.

Anyway, back to Peter. "A Power Ranger? Heh, never heard of that either. You been keeping stuff from me, Zig?" She teases the green ranger, trying her best to play stupid and not give herself away. "Still, glad you didn't get into trouble."

Peter Quill (751) has posed:
"I'm done with Power Coins, the only person that'd pay for them would blow up the planet. I'm not -that- kind of outlaw." Peter assures, then stops spinning his gun. It points squarely at Ziggy as he leans in to inspect it, closing one eye as he starts to quickly rub the barrel on his sleeve.

Do those guns even -have- safeties? "And -I- don't need a Power Coin. The last thing I need to do is run around in spandex getting yelled at by a woman on a speaker."

Ziggy Grover has posed:
"Keep things from you? Aheh... well, sometimes, you know, you have to keep things private enough so that you can grow as a person. Besides, I don't need -fangirls- chasing me. Not that you would, but you know what I mean. Power Rangers are very important, you know, to the fabric of the multiverse. Who else could save the day from the bad guys?" Ziggy is quite animated during that little speech, pausing long enough to lift a finger and push the pistol's barrel back towards Peter. "You mind pointing that thing somewhere else?"

Tilting his head, Ziggy flinches long enough for a muffled scream. "IT'S NOT SPANDEX!" Ziggy's morpher echoes, Dr K's muffled voice resounding through it.

Grabbing another napkin, Ziggy covers it up even more. "Man, she's -really- sensitive about that word..."

Kimberly Hart (786) has posed:
Kimberly Hart looks a tad nervous at all the gun pointing, but Ziggy bravely pushes it away and allows her to give a soft sigh of relief. "So what's your world like, Peter?" She questions, taking a sip from her complimentary water that's brought to the table.

And then he goes and mentions spandex, drawing the screeching anger of someone on Ziggy's communicator. It makes Kim jump a little and eye him, a little startled. "Does she.. always listen in on your conversations?"

Peter Quill (751) has posed:
"You sure you wanna touch a complicated space gun?" Peter says after Ziggy moves it. "How do you know I don't have crazy security measures where it automatically shots people who touch-- OH NO!!!" He points the gun at Ziggy suddenly, eyes wide.

Then he laughs and just holsters it. "Actually, I was abducted by aliens in 1989, when I was a little kid. I lived in space for my whole life. I only recently returned to Earth, 2015 Earth. It has superheroes, villains, you know, the usual. Hey, that other Green Ranger is from the mid 90's, I might hang out there. I bet they still have arcades."

Ziggy Grover has posed:
"Dr. K? She keeps an ear out on her rangers, a lot. She calls herself our..." And here Ziggy air-quotes. "'mentor.' She's -younger- than us, though. And she doesn't even -know- my name. It's always 'Ranger Green' or 'Ranger Series Operator Green'. The name's ZIGGY!"

Any further glaring down at his morpher is disrupted as Peter speaks. Starting, Ziggy jerks up a hand, knocking the glass over across the table towards Peter. "Aw man, don't do that," he exclaims, looking for another napkin. Sadly, he'd already grabbed most of them trying to quiet things down.

Kimberly Hart (786) has posed:
"Seems a bit.. invasive? I mean-- Er! Ziggy.." Water goes splashing across the table, Kimberly quickly standing in reaction and sighing in exhasperation. "Hold on, I'll get some more." At least it's only water. She steps away a second to go pillage nearby empty tables of their napkins, but she can't help freezing up upon hearing Peter talk about another green ranger. ..Can't be.

Coming back, she hands Ziggy the extra napkins and peers down at the outlaw, fixing him with a curious, yet somewhat troubled look. "Wait, what do you mean another Ranger from the 90's..?" And then it hits her. Holy crap it's him! From the juice bar! Kim was busy practicing her gymnastics at the time, so she didn't get a good look at him, but now she realizes Peter was the one Tommy was talking to. ...Oh please don't recognize her.

Peter Quill (751) has posed:
"She's just teasing you because she likes you, that's what young girls do." Peter explains to Ziggy like a big brother! then takes another bite of his burger as he takes a good look at Kimberly. "Heeeyy, you're that girl with the spandex! I mean, I wasn't looking or anything. It was a -Youth Center-, I'm not some creepy old guy."

Ziggy Grover has posed:
"Hah... she's the sort that doesn't know what 'personal space' means. This is the person who built a -cannon- into the fridge. What kind of person builds a cannon into the fridge?"

A look at Peter, and a snort. "Ha! No she doesn't..." Ziggy replies, pausing to double-check.

There was no mortal scream at the word spandex. Or maybe she actually -could- tell context. Or maybe he'd succeeded in finally muffling her listening in. "Uh, Ranger from the 90's? He was looking for the other Green Ranger," Ziggy responds. At least he'd gotten -some- notion that other Rangers were a lot more protective of their identities, based on Dr. K's whole 'Need to know basis' speech about Zordon and -his- rangers. Though what the difference was between Zordon and Venjix, Ziggy wasn't quite sure of. Something about aliens.

Kimberly Hart (786) has posed:
So much for not being recognized. Kimberly ends up rather flighty and defensive in response, laughing softly in a somewhat nervous fashion while trying to dodge the fact, a hand rubbing the back of her neck. "Eheh.. Yeeaah, that was me. I guess I go to the same gym as him, who knew. Can you, ah, excuse me a minute? I'm gonna go order something.." She could very well just flag down a waiter, but she needs to step away for a second to calm herself. And so, with a nod, the young woman swiftly moves towards the bar for a few minutes, likely actually ordering something while she's there.

Peter Quill (751) has posed:
"He thought you were evil. That was pretty funny. Good thing I saved you. I'm sure you'll learn to fight one day." Peter assures with a firm nod, watching as Kimberly walks off. "If you don't think the doctor likes you, you should date -that- girl." He nods to Kimberly. "Just put on a little weight, and all that's left is to lay on the charm."

Ziggy Grover has posed:
"Oh, could you get me a coke and a pizza while you're at it, please, Kim?" Ziggy calls out after her, before turning his attention towards Peter. "Uh huh. I mean, look at me, would anyone -think- I could possibly be evil? Well, other than Fresno Bob, and, uh, Dr. K, and Colonel Truman... um... you know, I think we're not going to talk about that."

Eyes shifts towards Kimberly as she walks off, and Ziggy considers. "Well, she's definitely got her charms, but you know, I'm probably -not- the best person to talk about laying on the charm. I still need to work on the one-liners, and girls love the bad boys, you know? It's something about that whole brooding, wounded lone wolf thing that makes girls think they can tame them. I mean, I bet, she'd go after Dillon in a heartbeat the way Summer does, instead of Scott. Summer's got it bad."

Kimberly Hart (786) has posed:
Kimberly Hart luckily can't hear what the other two are saying about her. Not that she'd care right now in this moment, too busy worrying over her secret identity possibly being blown. But Peter didn't seem like he'd persue it much, so maybe she's safe for the moment. With that in mind she settles down and makes her way back, a tray in hand with two slices of pizza and two drinks. Ziggy gets the coke and she gets the sprite, Kim looking happier now that she has some food to distract her.

"Sorry about that, I just really needed something, was starving." Oblivious to their conversation, which has likely stopped while she was walking back, Kimberly continues on a previous topic. "So you were saying you were abducted, then brought back like.. 26 years later? Man, you missed out on the whole 90s." Which she assumes was like her 90's. "But hey, I guess you can revisit it over on my Earth, heh."

Peter Quill (751) has posed:
"I wasn't brought -back-, I could have come back whenever I wanted, but there wasn't anything there for me. I was abducted at a kind of... traumatic moment. To say the least. But in space, I could fly ships, find treasure, shoot lasers. What kid wouldn't want to stay?" Peter motions to his boots. "Look, I've got rocket attachments on my boots, how cool is that? You can't get that on Earth, unless you're Tony Stark."

He stands up, giving Ziggy a slight wink. "Well, I better get out of here, leave you two alone."

Ziggy Grover has posed:
"It's not, uh, a problem. And missing out on the 90s was probably a good thing, really... I mean, what's there? I missed most of the 90s. I wasn't even -born- till... oh, late 90s? Time goes by in a hurry or something, and I remember more of the aughts. Although you know, I think you remind me of this -movie- I saw once, with some guy who had a jetpack and a helmet and flew around. It was an interesting movie, but I remember the brunette woman on it more..."

Getting the coke, Ziggy flashes a grin. "Thank you!" Slurping through the straw, Ziggy blinks. "Wait, what? No, that's okay, we're just hanging out and talking. Don't feel like you have to leave on our account, unless you've got, you know, people to hunt."

Kimberly Hart (786) has posed:
"Heh, yeah, I don't blame you for not coming back.. But we still have some pretty cool stuff." Maybe not jet boots cool, but hey, you deal with what you're dealt. Kimberly is already into a bite of her pizza when Peter decides its time to take his leave, making her perk in response and ask after swallowing. "Oh, you sure? I mean, if you've got somewhere to be, that's cool. Was still good to meet you, Peter." A light smirk meets him. He's a bit.. odd, but nice enough, even if he's somewhat loose with his firearms.

Peter Quill (751) has posed:
"Oh yeah, get to know each other, hang out, go to an arcade." Peter reaches into his pocket, then pulls out a bunch of golden credit coins, which are about the value of a quarter. Then he dumps them out on their table. "Have fun." before he heads off for the exit.

Ziggy Grover has posed:
"That was the idea," Ziggy begins, before pausing, holding up a finger. "Wait, wait, wait... are you talking about some -other- thing about 'getting to know each other?' Because I got to tell you, I think we're supposed to be like, celibate or something until we -save the world-. Unless you're talking about -something- else, in which case... I don't know. Hey, Kimberly, are we like, 'getting to know each other' or what?"

Kimberly Hart (786) has posed:
Kimberly Hart raises a brow at Peter and the odd gold coins he drops on the table for them. "Uh.. Thanks. Seeya later then, I guess." She shakes her head once he heads out and returns to her meal. ...And Ziggy just has to ask that while Kimberly is drinking her soda, doesn't he? Cue the poor ranger's eyes going wide right before a bit of her drink goes down the wrong tube and she ends up in a bit of a coughing fit.

"Ergh.." Luckily it isn't too bad and she comes back from it well enough, staring at Ziggy in surprise while wiping her mouth and croaking out. "W-What exactly do you mean by that, Ziggy..?" It's fair to say she also has some color on her cheeks at this point, feeling flustered.

Ziggy Grover has posed:
"I... you know. I have no idea. Peter's got my head all turned around here. I think he thinks we're on a..." Leaning over conspiratorically, Ziggy whispers, "-date-. You know what that's all about...? He's from the 90s, right, do you just basically go 'hey, boy, girl, date...' in that era, or is it something more like 'hey, let's hang out...?'

Kimberly Hart (786) has posed:
This is officially crossing into embarrassing territory.. "Er.. I uh.." Kimberly wasn't expecting this at all, so she's caught completely offguard even has he leans in to whisper. "Maybe..? But I mean.. this is just us hanging out. Two friends just enjoying some pizza, right?" A friendly, hopeful smile is cast to him while lifting her half eaten slice in a 'toasting' fashion. Yep, that's all this is. Friends and pizza... She hopes Ziggy doesn't get the wrong idea, she just met the guy!

Ziggy Grover has posed:
"Good, good. Hanging out. Because that guy has some -weird- thoughts about this whole gender-relations thing, right...?" Waggling his eyebrows, Ziggy leans back. "Glad you agree. We should just hook -him- up with someone who's more with the times, right? So like, don't get me wrong, but I just met -you-. I'm not asking to like, skip into everything, but that guy sure has the wrong idea... let's just make him watch a few chick flicks, and maybe he'll think it over again. Deal?"

Kimberly Hart (786) has posed:
Kimberly Hart just kinda.. blinks at Ziggy's little tangent, not entirely sure how to respond. "....Sure, deal." She eventually answers with a thoughtful smile. Oh, Ziggy, such a goofy guy. "Now let's enjoy this pizza before it gets cold. I'm thinking maybe we can grab some dessert after before heading back out." And so she returns to her food, happy to just relax and chat with him for a while before they have to leave.