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Earthbending and Beyond
Date of Scene: 25 May 2015
Location: New York-199999
Synopsis: Korra meets Toph again and gets an impromptu lesson in earthbending, with a promise for a bit more advanced bending in the future.
Cast of Characters: 20, 752

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Sunny, wonderful Malibu! It's warm and glorious in the late spring here, and it's the kind of weather that draws people outside to work on their tan, eat ice cream and relax. Or to work on their bending.

    Down on the beach by the large house of one Iron Man himself, Toph is already working on her sandbending as she stomps around. With every step rock pillars rise from the sand, and Toph then shapes them more with her hands, lashing out in quick succession in order to shoot small spikes out of the pillars. And once the spikes are in midair, Toph brings her arms up to raise even more pillars in their path. It's a good way to work on her precision and speed, not to mention her seismic sense when it comes to sand.

Korra (752) has posed:
    Being /right/ there was a bit of an exaggeration. As it was, Korra had to convince Tenzin that she would be training - and it was super-important to miss the afternoon meditation (she might have namedropped Toph, which made Tenzin a bit nervous, besides), and then it was the matter of /getting/ to Malibu.

    A starship appears on the horizon - a sleek spiky black thing with large nacelles providing thrust in the back. And a hatch on the side open, the Avatar herself hanging out the side of the thing with a wide grin. "Thanks!" she calls back inside, "I owe you one!" And with that, she lets herself fall out of the starship, before it turns and zooms off.

    There was that moment, that blissful moment of falling that was exciting and frightening all at once. Korra closes her eyes, and hears the wind rushing past her. Extending her arms to the sides, she falls, and... at the very last moment before hitting the water, she twists in the air, extending one leg as she orients her feet towards the earth, spinning - and a splash of water comes up to 'catch' her. Riding that wave forward, the wave carries Korra forward to the beach, a little smirk touching the edges of her lips as the wave dies, depositing Korra upon the beach proper.

    Bringing up a hand to brush her ponytails of her shoulder, she lifts a hand up to wave to Toph. "So... hi," she says. A beat, and she realizes the waving was probably not the best thing to do, and visibly winces.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    What the crud is that noise?

    Toph halts her bending as she raises her head to listen to the arrival of the starship. Though she does hear Korra's voice, recognizing it as the Avatar calls to whoever is inside. At the sound of water being bended though it makes sense, and Toph snorts slightly even if she grins a bit. Heh, that is a bit more spirited than Aang has ever been! Though really, Korra is Aang reborn.

    As the older girl arrives on the beach she will earn a slight shake of Toph's head. "Too bad that fancy entry was kinda lost on your audience, Twinkletoes," Toph calls. Though she does wave in return. Unlike the last time they met the blind earthbender seems far more energetic and with a mischievous smile crossing her lips. And even clad in shorts and a tanktini top she does seem to have a major presence despite her much smaller size. The last time they met she was tired, morose and barely had an appetite.

    Today Toph carries herself as if she owned this place. "How have you been? Haven't heard your voice on the radio in a long while."

Korra (752) has posed:
    Korra just had a slightly different life experience than the last airbender. Perhaps it was her father's influence, after all, ahem-hem. Even if Korra was still geeking out a little bit inside that this woman in front of her was /the/ Toph Beifong. But just a little. Most of the hero worship was gone, and all that was left was a little bit of... well.

    Korra was wondering just /how/ good of an earthbender Toph was.

    And Toph looks... different from the last time, as well. News and life seemed to flicker by so fast in this multiverse, it was hard to stay on top of everything all the time - but Korra had an idea what went on. But the smile on her lips only grows brighter at that.

    On Air Temple Island, it was either Airbender robes or Korra's Water Tribe outfit, and, you know, Korra /really really/ liked that outfit. It was martial, it didn't get in the way of her moving, and she enjoyed the link to her home. So that was what she was wearing now.

    "I've been good, I think," says Korra to Toph, bringing up a hand to kinda brush her hair over her shoulder. "I'm still stuck on the airbending, which is... /so frustrating/. I... uh..." A beat. "I think Tenzin was glad to have me off the island for a little bit. I think I broke this... ancient airbender training wheel thing."

    Even if she was sure the monks were gonna fix it up.

    "You look /great/ though, Toph - how have you been?"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Toph huffs when Korra mentions airbending, and offes a shrug. "I can't help you with that, airbending is the opposite of earthbending. Lemmie tell you, you gave me so much trouble in your previous life." Training Aang wasn't exactly easy at first, no. Not when he wouldn't stop thinking like an airbender. So it's kind of ironic that his reincarnation can't get the hang of airbending, huh? That's when something strikes Toph, and she cants her head. "Can't you just contact Aang with your Avatar stuff and talk with him? Get a few pointers? He did it all the time with Avatar Roku." Though she does arch an eyebrow and looks confused for a moment. "Who is Tenzin? And why did you break ancient airbender stuff?" Aang seemed pretty concerned with airbending relics, even the stuff that didn't make sense to her.

    When Korra asks about her though, Toph grins. "I'm good! Things are back to normal, and even if it means I have to do my lessons again... eh, can't complain too much!" Toph cracks her knuckles. "So, you're born into the watertribe, right? That means you mastered water first? And then earth and fire?" Gotta follow the elemental cycle after all.

Korra (752) has posed:
    "W-well," Korra says at first. Mostly that awkwardness came when Toph mentions that Korra can just connect with her past lives just like that. "I... probably can," says Korra, kinda biting her lower lip. "According to Tenzin, it takes a clear mind and meditation to think back to past lives like that. And I guess I just never really had the need just yet?" she says, kinda crossing her arms over her front as she takes on a more confident stance again.

    "And maybe that's what I need to get past this hurdle," she says, accepting what Toph says - even if she looks a little hesitant about it. Meditation. Yuck.

    "I didn't break it on /purpose/, Toph. I was just trying to airbend, and get these silly little flags to turn, and I couldn't do more than just maybe a little breeze, so..." Korra clears her throat. "... I might have shot fire at them instead." Another moment. "It was just so /frustrating/," she says, opening her hands and kinda spreading her arms wide. "Don't you get frustrated too, Toph?" she asks.

    So she was a little grateful when the conversation swang back to Toph properly. "I know you had a tough time - and I'm glad you're back," says Korra at that. "But yeah, I did water first, and then earth and fire before I was six," she says, with a hint of pride touching her voice.

    "How old were you when you started bending?" she asks. "Did your parents like it?"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "What do you mean, probably?" Toph asks and crosses her arms across her chest where she stands. "You're the Avatar, you should be able to." Though she does look pensive where she stands. "If you don't know how to mediate, then you should probably practice. I mean, it's not that hard. It mostly takes patience." Then again, Toph's idea of meditation might be rather different from airbending meditation.

    The tale of the airbending training does get a reaction from Toph, who lets out an amused and undignified snort as she leans over a little bit. "Really? You blew it up? HAH!" Somehow she looks really amused, and Toph snickers a bit as she reaches a hand up to wipe a tear away from her face. "Oh man, that's hilarious, Twinkletoes! Who'd thunk that the meek airbender would turn into such a hot head!" she laughs. "He wouldn't even swat at small flies that landed on that bald head of his, and you... you wreck shops and airbender relics? HAH!" Does she ever get frustrated? Toph is still snickering a little as she nods. "Oh yeah, I do. But I don't wreck stuff I can't fix. For the most part anyway..." She does reach out and punches Korra in the arm. "You got guts, at least!"

    It was a rough month, the blind girl won't deny that. "Oh yeah, I had to focus on getting some Dragon Balls and help out, so I was a bit out of stuff when we met last. I had barely slept too, so..." she shrugs, as if trying to make it seem like less of a deal than it really was.

    There's some surprise though when she hears just how old Korra was when she first began bending. "Oh, really? Not bad!" Yeah, learning three types of bending before she was six is something she should be proud of. Though when Korra asks about her own bending, Toph's expression turns far more subdued, and she is no longer smiling. Though she does answer, at least. "I began learning for real when I was six. Though my parents didn't know I was a bender until later and got me a joke for a tutor. Though... no, they didn't really like it." There's clear that the blind earthbender is not too eager to talk about the subject.

Korra (752) has posed:
    "Patience, right," says Korra, "That's the part I'm not so good about," says Korra. There was a part of her that wanted everything right here, right now. And... a temper. And... well. There's a reason it's taken so long for her to earn airbending, and she was halfway mad about it, and halfway embarrassed. It was a weird combination. "I know how to meditate - at least, Tenzin is trying to teach me," she says.

    Mentioning his name again triggers a memory in Korra's mind. "Oh! You asked about Tenzin, huh," she says. "He's Aang's son - lives on Air Temple island with his family. I'm living with him for a while, and he's trying to help me get over my airbending hurdle," she says. Korra's embarrassment comes to the fore when she mentions blowing it up, and her cheeks colour subtlely. Even if she couldn't help her smile from coming to her lips at the praise. The punch on the arm - Korra rocks with the punch, but Toph might get the sense that Korra was athletic. Muscular, at least.

    "Thanks!" says Korra, giving her a brighter smile. "What are the dragon balls? It seemed like there was a lot of... drama surrounding them. Are they some kinda artifact?" she asks. Even if the back of her mind was telling her that Toph was likely hiding something. Korra wasn't the type to drag that sort of thing out into the open.

    Likewise, it was impossible to miss Toph's own expression becoming serious, her own features mirroring those and becoming a bit unsmiling as well. There was that awkward moment when Korra catches onto Toph's reluctance. "...well, at least what I know of you, you were one of the best Earth benders alive!" she says.

    It was at that moment that she stomps a boot into the ground, and Toph may feel the earth shift to Korra's will. She would attempt to shoot a pillar up and under Toph, that would launch her into the air backwards.

    There was Korra's smile again. Something... competitive in it. "...care to prove it?"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "If you don't have patience, then how could you have mastered earthbending?" Toph snorts. And yes, she did ask about Tenzin. When the answer is given though she blinks. "Huh, is that so? Lemmie guess... he married Katara, right?" Like he had eyes for anybody but her, it was obvious! "I guess practicing with an airbender is the best way to learn how to airbend. You'll get it sooner or later, don't worry about it. When Aang had to learn this stuff he only had a summer to do it in, but he managed. So you should be fine." After all, she seems to have more guts than Aang does.

    It's evident that Korra has far more muscles than Aang does too!

    The topic of the Dragon Balls is far easier to talk about now that the whole deal is over with. "They are some ancient gems or something, seven of them make a set. If you collect it you summon a big dragon that grants wishes. Basically it was done to end a war and to wish people back to life. Including my supervising officer and adoptive father," Toph responds almost too casually.

    Is that a sour look on Toph's face. "One of the best...? Twinkletoes, you are talking with the greatest earthbender of ALL TIME!" Toph corrects her. And her eyes narrow as she feels Korra raise her foot from the ground, and by the time Korra has stomped her boot down, Toph is already moving to the side, stepping out of the way as the pillar shoots up next to her. And Korra should get her reply when Toph is already raising her arms, and a sandwave rises behind the blind girl. Who is now grinning from ear to ear. "You want to see what real earthbending is like, Twinkletoes...?"

    The five foot girl might not be as impressive as the big statue in front of the Police Station in Republic City, but she certainly is moving differently from other earthbenders! Not to mention she looks rather confident as she pushes forward with both arms, sending the sand crashing down towards Korra, through the sand parts right behind Toph so it doesn't fall over her.

Korra (752) has posed:
    "Oh, earthbending is easy," says Korra - although she instantly felt that that was an entirely unfair statement to make. So one might see her expression flounder a bit, before she tries to run with it, her smile tugging up the edge of her lips. Falling into a flat horse stance, she brings her fists up in front of herself, one held high, the other straight in front of herself. "But yeah, he married Katara. He had..." Korra pauses a moment to think. How many siblings did Tenzin mention? "Two other siblings? He's the youngest, and the only Airbender, though."

    A beat.

    "Until he had his kids," says Korra, only grinning wider. If guts was all that Korra needed to learn airbending - then she would be an airbending expert by this point. But one step at a time. When Korra heard about Toph's adoptive father... understanding enters her eyes, and her martial stance softens.

    But it doesn't stay there for long. Tightening her stance after the attack, Korra turns her eyes towards Toph, grinning... until that wall of sand rises up. "You're a sandbender /and/ a metalbender?!" she says, sounding as if she were in disbelief. There hadn't been a lot of sand where she was from to practice on. Gesturing her hands before herself as Toph says what she does, Korra's forehead crinkles in concentration as she reaches out to the sand that Toph was lifting.

    It was... different. To Korra, Earthbending was a solid, steady discipline. The earth and her were the same thing, she was just rooted within it. And when she was rooted within it, she could call to it. Sand was... similar but different in her mind. And to her head, it was like trying to get ahold of a million million little things at once, and she couldn't quite get the strong 'grasp' on it that she could with the earth, only a handful of grains at once, and... and...

    Korra worked best under pressure. But she didn't have enough time.

    Releasing her attempt to hold onto the sandwall, Korra makes a wide gesture instead, and stomps on the ground - a triangular-shaped wall bursting out of the ground before herself. What she was hoping was that the sand wave would break around it - then she would kick the wall in three separate pieces towards Toph.

    If she got that far.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Okay, she will have to ask more about Tenzin and Aang's other kids, and grandkids, later. Now her honour as the greatest earthbender ever has been poked. The sand rises, and Toph /grins/. "Of course! Sand is just another form of earth!" Toph calls as she unleashes the wave, sand washing over the area where Korra stands. Yet it seems that the Avatar isn't easily defeated.

    The wall protects Korra against the attack, and Toph 'sees' it well enough. Even when the three pieces are sent towards her. Toph kicks her heel into the ground, and an earthen pillar rises up in front of her, effectively blocking the three pieces as they partially shatter and are thrown aside. At the same moment Toph lashes out with her hands, and an earthen plate rolls out of the ground next to Korra, intending to smack her on her butt and hopefully send her sprawling unless she is quick or balanced enough.

    "I invented metalbending while I was still twelve, and they had claimed it was impossible for millenia! Avatar Aang /begged/ me to teach him! And you have the nerve to insinuate that I'm merely one of the best...?" the blind girl teases the older teen. Hell yeah, she is cocky!

Korra (752) has posed:
    Temptation to call upon the waters of the ocean - so close to her, does tickle through Korra's mind, but... wouldn't it be cool if she could beat someone like Toph using /just/ the element of Earth? That would /have/ to be something the Avatar could do. Right?

    Maybe she was a little cocky as well.

    She would have to ask Toph how to sandbend... but later. Ducking low - and sweeping out a kick to the side, away from Toph, Korra digs her heels in the sand, causing a bit to poof up with the passage of her foot.

    It was about that time that the earthen plate rolls out of the ground, and Korra was quick, and balanced - but it was obvious that it nearly knocked her over. It was the earth that told her, really. Completing that kick, Korra allows herself to follow through with the momentum of that motions, spinning herself totally around, her back to Toph - and she does a quick little flip forward to clear that rolling plate.

    Another stomp into the earth, and two plates of her own lift.

    Korra twists back towards Toph then, sending them flying her way. And as they fly... Korra stomps again, and the earth tries to lift a little pillar up at an angle, to smack Toph in her own butt. Vengeful much? "I don't know! I think you might need more practice before being the /very/ greatest!" Korra teases in return, her smile wide on her lips.

    She was loving this.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    It does seem like Korra is used to fighting and sparring at least. Good. Then again, she has the physique for it too. Which means that there's no reason to hold back!

    As the earthen plates comes towards her Toph is stepping forward, ready as she reaches out with both hands, using her bending to influence the trajectory of the plates and sending them flying past her on either side of her, not even turning her head as they crash into the ground. Her foot stomps into the ground, and she jumps up right before the earthen pillar can hit her behind.

    "Don't talk to /me/ about practice!" Toph laughs, then crashes back onto the ground, at the same time making the ground and sand underneath Korra's feet rumble and open up into a hole! "Heck, in your previous life you couldn't even figure out metalbending!" Oh yes, she has teased Aang a lot about that!

Korra (752) has posed:
    Likewise, Korra hadn't ever fought anyone as talented as Toph was. At least when it comes to bending. Grinning even wider as Toph bends her earthen plates out of the way, Korra can't help but grin. "Maybe I learned a thing or two since then!" Korra calls back, lifts up her foot, and stomps... ...

    Okay, the earth gives away under her stomping foot. This was an /easy/ challenge for the avatar to overcome. Just airbend upwards, and...! ... ... ...

    Korra falls, landing upon her back in the hole, the air driven out from her. For a moment, she just lies there, staring at the serene sky through the mouth of the hole, her blue eyes kinda unfocused for a second. Not too many people surprised her as well. "Okay! Is a hole the best you can do?" she calls out, kippuping to her feet at the floor of the hole.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Toph steps forward to the edge of the hole and leans over, her hands in her hips. "Nopes!" she responds cheerfully and with a smile on her face. "I don't need to do the advanced stuff to beat you, after all. Why should I work up a sweat when it's so hot out today?" Why, the blind girl even raises a hand and fans her face, clearly teasing Korra where she is at the bottom of the hole.

    "Maybe I should go drink all the lemonade I prepared... Hmm. Yeah, I think I'll do that." The earthbender turns and moves to step away from the hole.

Korra (752) has posed:
    Korra shades her eyes when she sees Toph's own face peering over the edge. Okay - that teasing was getting on her nerves just a little bit. Reaching out her hands, Korra concentrates a moment, and - in an horse stance - tugs a wide chunk of earth - hopefully, the bit that Toph was standing on.

    And Korra hopes to fling that chunk out towards the ocean.

    The attack was twofold. If Toph hoped to stay on the chunk of earth, she would find herself in the ocean instead. And if Toph fell down instead, she might tumble into the little ramp that the chunk's removal had left, leaving her to tumble down into the hole with Korra.

    Of course, Toph might get around Korra's clever plan, but there it was.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Just what is she doing now? Toph arches an eyebrow as she feels the earth shift underneath her feet. Immediately she widens her stance, her expression determined as she works on breathing up the earth into sand and dust. Though even as Korra moves it, it's a bit hard for Toph to judge how far the other bender has shifted the earth from its original position. Which has humorous results.

    A yelp leaves Toph as she stumbles... and trips. Since Korra moved the earth towards the ocean, it's a bit closer than Toph imagined it would be. Which makes it a bigger shock to her when she lands into the water, though fortunately not too far out. Still, the blind girl lets out a brief and startled shriek as she pushes herself up from where she fell facefirst into the water, kelp clinging to her hair that sticks to her face, and she coughs up saltwater.

    Oh, she didn't...!

    Her arm moves in an upwards punch, and the earth and sand at the bottom of the hole that Korra is in shoots upwards, and Toph coughs more as she stumbles to her feet, spitting to get rid of the salt water still left in her mouth. "That's /cheating/...!" she protests.

Korra (752) has posed:
    When Korra's amazing gambit works, Korra allows herself a grin of a cat that ate the canary. While she couldn't see the effect of her attack, she squares her stands, and gets ready to shift the earth beneath herself up to ground level when... okay, Korra never thought she would ever hear Toph shriek. And that kinda worried her, actually. A thousand possibilities run through her mind. What if Toph couldn't swim at all? What if she...

    "Woo-ooops!" she calls out. That earth and sand raises Korra /far faster/ than she wanted to be raised, her arms flapping as if trying to get ahold of the air. For the second time in the evening... if only she knew how to airbend! "Whaaaaa!" she calls out, desperately twisting this way and that - but she was offbalance, and she couldn't get her feet under herself in time for her to land on her front in the sand, bracing herself on her forearms. "...ow," she says, glancing up towards Toph slowly.

    "It wasn't cheating! I only earthbent!" she defends.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    As Korra crashes into the sand next to her, Toph is already shaking her head to try and get her hair somewhat dry. Which isn't going to happen anytime soon, as the young girl seems to have a lot of hair, and it is all drenched. "Just great...!" Toph mutters. As for Korra's question? "You could have aimed for elsewhere! What if you had sent me way out there and you hadn't been able to get out of the freaking hole?" she questions, then leans down to hit Korra over the head. "I could have drowned!" Sure, she's had swimming lessons, but still! There's a difference between a swimming pool and the freaking ocean.

    Toph reaches a hand up to undo her hairband, all while she lets out a sigh. "Do that again, and I will reconsider training you. Sheesh, here I felt generous and all..." she mutters, reaching a hand up to shake some water out of her massive hair.

Korra (752) has posed:
    Korra didn't find it funny. But she was smiling - with a newfound glitter in her eye. Okay, maybe she didn't beat Toph in /straight up/ earthbending, and maybe she didn't really beat Toph, but she'll take it. "I'm sorry," she says honestly, "Are you okay?" Yeah, she was okay. If Korra didn't know it by the way she spoke, she would know it when Toph tromped over and hit her right over the head like that. "Ow!" she says.

    It didn't hurt that bad, but it did surprise her.

    Flipping over to sit on the sandy beach, she kinda looks up at Toph as she undoes her hairband like that, tilting her head a little bit to the side. "You mean..." Korra begins. "You don't know how to swim?"

    Another beat.

    So that was training, huh? Korra couldn't help but let a little smile - one more fond, cross her lips. "I'll make sure not to dump you into the ocean again," she says, voice warm. "If I can help it." Beat. "Promise."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    A heavy sigh leaves Toph, and she seems to ponder something for a moment. Then she speaks. "I can't 'see' in water. But yeah, I can swim a little. Enough to stay afloat. But I still don't like being in water." She goes on to wringe some water out of her hair, leaning forward where she stands. "Goldie did make me take swimming lessons and reading lessons when he first became my supervising officer. Last year he made me start playing the guqin too, though it was mostly at the insistence of my parents," Toph adds with a huff.

    "So yeah, no dumping me in the ocean. It's not as fun as Goldie makes it sound."

    When Toph stands up straight again, her hair looks rather poofy and more massive than when it was placed in a hairbun.

Korra (752) has posed:
    Kinda jumping up from the ground into a squat, Korra lifts herself to her full height, brushing some sand out of her hair. Korra wasn't quite smiling anymore - thrilling over victory wasn't so good if said opponent was in mortal fear for their life. Unless, well... sad opponent was a bad guy. In which case mortal fear was tolerated, even encouraged.


    "Goldie is your father then?" says Korra, "I'd love to meet him," she adds. Yeah, Toph said she had other parents, but she had mentioned Goldie as her adoptive father. So she assumed that superceded things.

    "I guess I have a different view on water, but, um... I am Southern Water Tribe," says Korra, beaming a brilliant grin. "And the avatar," she adds.

    Of course the poofy hair was looked at, but all it did was make Korra smile more. And perhaps put a little bit of laughter in her voice.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Toph nods her head at the question. "Yeah, Goldie is one of my nicknames for him. Tony Stark, major in the Union, known as Iron Man in this world... he's a billionaire super hero, kind of an asshole... but he's a good guy," Toph assures Korra. As for meeting him? "Hey, you could always come to his birtday party this Friday. If not you're bound to meet him if you keep on dropping by here, as that," she begins and points up to the fancy house on the cliff face, "right there is his house." And what a house! It's certainly modern, with glass windows all around, and it's certainly not a small cottage.

    It makes sense that Korra has a different relationship with water, and Toph rolls her eyes. "Yeah yeah, you guys grow up around it. I prefer it in smaller amounts, and preferably in a glass."

    "Aside from the little swim it was fun though, you should stop by again and I'll see if I can prepare lunch. And maybe Goldie can show you his suits, he loves showing off." Toph can't help but grin a little at that, which might be a weird sight considering her poofy hair right now.

Korra (752) has posed:
    The house looked pretty alien to Korra.

    Bringing up her hand, she shields her eyes - lifting her chin and kinda letting her blue eyes glance over it. She smiles, nonetheless, looking back to Toph and inclining her head to her. "It looks... like nothing I've seen before. Do you like it there?" she says then.

    A beat, though, and she takes a step away, nodding her head. "I'll be sure to visit sometime in the future - after all, I'd love to learn how to sandbend too," she says, the wink she gives Toph no doubt heard in her playful voice.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    There's no hesitation as Toph nods, and she is grinning again. "Yup! I have my own room there, it's like a small apartment. Not to mention Goldie and Pepper lets me do what I need to do as an Union member and as a bender. And it's a good home, especially with all the luxury. It makes things kinda comfy, really," she replies.

    If Korra wasn't coming back, then Toph would have had to force her back somehow. But to hear that the Avatar is up for gracing Malibu with her presence again, that is certainly something. Not to mention it's fun to meet some new friends. Korra might be new, but she's a reincarnation of Aang, which is close enough to consider her a friend, right? A friend who can take a punch and seems to enjoy fighting.

    Though she seems to lack some ambition... "Pfffft!" Toph snorts when Korra talks about learning sandbending. "Any dunderhead can learn how to bend sand!" Toph claims and waves it off. "Give me an hour and I'll punch the concept into your head! I'm more curious about whether you can get the concept of metalbending through that thick skull of yours. But not today! Now I need to get all this damn saltwater out of my hair. And I showered three days ago, blerg...!"

    With that the blind girl heads off towards the house, waving goodbye to Korra. "Catch you later, Twinkletoes!"