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Lights, Music, Game On
Date of Scene: 29 May 2015
Location: Strait of the Americas
Synopsis: Jazz takes Kimberly out for a night on the town! However, they encounter a certain Decepticon along the way.
Cast of Characters: 552, 762, 786

Jazz (762) has posed:
The evening has fallen over the area. The many cities are lit up and the streets are full with people in some locations, others it has gone quiet. Instead of driving everywhere-- Jazz has taken Kimberly to the streets for a walk to perhaps his favorite locations to browse around.

Given that a Mall was a pretty common place and he wasn't really in the mood for the arcade. The section of the city they were in had some odd races mixed in with the normal human population. Stores lined the area from clothing shops, restaurants, thrifty stores, and even some ice cream parlors.

Not far from the location was also a dance club rocking some heavy dance hits across the Multiverse and heck of a DJ-- though the music can't really be heard outside, beyond once and awhile when they open the door to let some guests in.

Thankfully the evening is nice and the heat isn't completely sticking around.

Kimberly Hart (786) has posed:
While Kim has found driving around with Jazz to be really fun, she's more than happy to take a slower pace and walk along amongst the city nightlife. And so far she's been enjoying herself, already holding a small bag of some earlier shopping in a hand and beaming as she walks beside him. "I'm so glad we went out, Jazz. It's been awesome to finally step out more into the Multiverse! Seriously, there's so much cool stuff here."

Tonight's attire is fitting for the setting, Kim sporting high-waisted shorts with black stockings, ankle boots, and a sleeveless, floral blouse to finish the look. "So where'd you wanna go next?" She asks and looks to him with a sunny smile, eager to explore.

Soundwave (552) has posed:
Crowds. Why does it have to be at a mall? At least it isn't the weekend, as one of Soundwave's agents had so unhelpfully mentioned before radio-silence was enforced. If he didn't need more practice with his holomatter avatar amongst the unknowing masses, he wouldn't BE here at all. But he does, and here he is.

For now, he's decided to take a breather on one of the many provided park benches, arms sprawled over the back, head resting against the same, and legs crossed at the knee. Whether his suit-and-tie outfit makes him look like a store manager just off his shift or someone of a far higher class absolutely bored and killing time, he doesn't care. At least the crowd noise has dulled to an annoying low-frequency buzz between his ears.

Jazz (762) has posed:
Jazz keeps an easy pace beside Kimberly as they walk. He smiles softly as she expresses her enjoyment thus far. His hands are in his jean pockets, while his white vinyl blazer on. He also has his pair of shades back and the bandanna is still up on his head.

He does have his handgun on him, but its tucked away slightly to the back, concealed really by his jacket. This is mostly because on never knows what they will run into in the Multiverse.

The Caucasian African American looks over to her and hrms softly, before looking up at the night sky, stroking his chin in idle thought before he speaks up, "Not ta sure, really. It really comes down ta where ya like ta go next. We could get somethin' for ya ta eat or... maybe check out another store if ya like..."

Jazz does look toward where the Dance Club is across the way. "Would offer ta go inta the club, bu' not sure if your up for tha' kinda party." Though Jazz does take notice of the poor dude chilling on a bench and leans in close to Kim, before he whispers softly. "At least we ain't like him, seemin' ever lovin' bored our of our minds, huh?"

He pulls down his shades ever so slightly, before giving her a playful wink from those brilliant blue eyes, before he pushes the shades back up. Seriously though-- who wears sunglasses at night? If they every do ask-- Jazz would just point them at an 80s tune!

Jazz has no idea the one he just jabbed at, even in whisper, was--- perhaps his worst nemesis.

Kimberly Hart (786) has posed:
Kimberly Hart had her own pair of shades, thanks to Jazz, but they've since been tucked away in her bag since it's nighttime and whatnot. Clearly Jazz is just too cool to take his off. Food is tempting, as is more shopping, but she can help but snicker and give him a thoughtful look at his last suggestion. "Jazz, I'm from the 90s. We're kinda all about nightclubs." Meaning yes, she'd love to!

But she pauses when he mentions someone else, drawing her eye to the worn out looking man on the bench. This prompts her to whisper back, "I dunno, he looks beat to me. Kinda weird to see someone all dressed up around here at this time of night, though.." Seriously, it's a time to party!

Soundwave (552) has posed:
Soundwave's eyebrow rises as he lifts a hand to pinch at the bridge of his nose, one hazel eye sliding over to stare at Jazz and Kim. Especially Jazz. Then at Kim as she whispers back. Surely it's just a coincidence and he can't actually /hear/ them?

He shifts his weight forwards, uncrossing his legs as he stands up with little effort. A slight tug on his jacket and cuffs to straighten himself a bit, and then he walks right towards the two of them. He doesn't seem angry, a calm expression on his face and the faintest hint of a smile playing at the corners of his mouth. He tucks his hands into his jacket pockets as he stops a good few feet away from Jazz and Kim.

"Aren't you two being a bit rude, talking behind a man's back like that." His voice is a standard tenor, as calm and non-confrontational as his expression.

Jazz (762) has posed:
Jazz shrugs his shoulders a bit, "Maybe he hasn't closed up shop yet, then again in some places..." Jazz returns keeping his voice down, but when the man stands. This gives the autobot a bit of pause. Is he reacting to them?

It would seem so when the man comes to stop in front of them fixing his cuffs and speaking his words. Jazz also pauses in his steps and tilts his head ever so slightly to the side. There was a minor jaw twinge before the man smirks faintly. "Didn't realize we were bein' tha' loud." Jazz gives a faint shrug. "Bu' if ya took any offense ta wha' we were sayin', dun take no hard feelin's."

The African American then takes his hands out of his pockets at last, continuing to stand casually however. "Jus' given tha night. Ya look like a guy who dun seem ta be enjoy it much. Given tha weather an' all bein' beautiful."

Kimberly Hart (786) has posed:
"I guess so--" Kim begins to reply, but stops upon seeing the well dressed man looking their way and standing. Oh crap, did he hear them..? Impossible! And yet he's walking their way and stopping before commenting on their whispering. This has Kim go a bit stiff in shock as a wave embarrassment passes through her and turns cheeks a slightly rosy hue.

"Er.. Sorry about that, I guess we didn't expect you'd have such good hearing. We, ah.. didn't mean anything by it, honest." She smiles apologetically and more or less lets Jazz try to defuse the situation.

Soundwave (552) has posed:
Soundwave's eyes narrow slightly at Jazz, but it seems Kim's apology is what actually diffuses the situation. "Ah. In that case, keep in mind that the Multiverse will always find some way to surprise you." He chuckles softly. "There is always more than meets the eye."

To Jazz, though, his voice turns a bit frosty. "The climate is fine. The people are not." He waves back towards the mall proper. "It seems if the threat of trampling isn't enough, it's the constant barrage of noise. You would forgive me for allowing myself a moment of respite after spending quite a bit of time constantly dealing with all that." It seems he doesn't appreciate Jazz's attitude.

Jazz (762) has posed:
"Not a people person huh?" Jazz says to him before raising an eye brow. Something about this guy... something about hi is really-- bugging him. "Well, either way. Sorry for tha intrusion on tha evening for ya."

Jazz then goes to step around the guy as he waves to Kim to follow along. He does peer over his shoulder, toward the man however. Something-- just something-- is making the proverbial hairs on the back of his neck stand up.

Kimberly Hart (786) has posed:
"Er, yeah.. Still getting used to it." Kim admits with a sheepish smile, though perks up a bit at his next statement and smirks, nodding. "Well, can't blame yah there. Nice nights like this one, it can get pretty hectic with everyone coming out."

Unfortunately Jazz doesn't wanna stick around any longer to chit-chat, so at his beckoning wave she nods and tails after him, though waves to the strange man as she goes and holds her smile. "Well, sorry to bug you. Have a good night!" Once they're a god enough distance, Kim glances to Jazz and offers him a worried look. "You okay? Seemed a bit tense around that guy.."

Soundwave (552) has posed:
Soundwave dips his head as if to silently wish Kim farewell, seeming amicable enough. However, as Jazz passes by him, he suddenly smiles a grin that clearly does not reach his eyes. His head turns to follow Jazz as his voice drops to a familiar conspiratorial murmur of a single word:


He suddenly strides away at an easy loping pace, hands tucked into the small of his back. If you're quick enough, you might catch up to him before he disappears into the crowd.

Jazz (762) has posed:
Jazz goes to respond to Kimberly to only hear that voice. There was a sudden stop in his step, his movements for a moment are just slightly off as his own true body does a quick check around himself, because he /knows/ that voice and he /knows/ what he is capable of.

If--- he wants to start something.

Jazz then turns around and looks, His mouth slightly open as he stares onward as the man starts to move toward the crowd. "For good reason..." He says to Kimberly. His voice taking a far more serious tone then what the young lady may have heard from him thus far.

The Spec ops takes a step forward before he calls out, "Soundwave." Then slowly a smirk came to the edge of his lips, he couldn't help but smirk. Though it wasn't the friendly kind, no--- the Decepticon pretty much confirmed what the Autobot has been worried about. "I see ya got it converted over. Pretty sly, I'll give ya tha'. Give yourself another point."

Jazz can almost at this point be seen just slightly stepping in front of Kimberly, but he wants to follow, its easy to see in his movements, how he wants to lunge... but to start something here in all places. The man can only lean back on his heels and chill.

He probably should also warn Kim about Soundwave's special little gift, but that may be harder to do now...

Kimberly Hart (786) has posed:
Kimberly Hart is looking increasingly worried by the second at Jazz's odd behavior, but the reason as to why comes crashing onto her with a force with but that single name. "That's.. /That's/ Soundwave??" Her voice remains low, but uneasy while she peers around Jazz to spy the retreating man.

"..What are we gonna do?" A look to the man beside her shows the contemplating look on her face. "I dunno if he wants to fight, but if it comes down to it, we gotta be careful.." Yes, we. As in she'd throw her hat into the ring as well if it came down to it.

Soundwave (552) has posed:
Jazz's true form will find nothing wrong. No Decepticon agents attempting a sneak-attack, no Confederates looking to start trouble in the area. Then again, the fact that it is indeed quiet is probably far /worse/, all things considered.

Soundwave pauses as Jazz calls out his name, half-turning back while keeping his hands folded at the small of his back. The very picture of calm neutrality, contrary to Jazz's tensed defense. "-I can do far more.-" His voice holds a menacing promise in such a simple statement, but his shoulders immediately lift in a careless shrug. "-But this is enough for now.-"

He lifts one hand in a carefree wave as he turns away again. "-Enjoy your night.-" And with that, he's gone into the crowd. He doesn't need to start something -- their sense of security has already been shaken. Their imaginations can do the rest.

Jazz (762) has posed:
Jazz tsks softly as Soundwave tasks his leave, he can only really after that inhale deeply and exhale a unrequired breath of air. Though with a tense moment, the Autobot is back to being pretty calm himself, perhaps for Kim's sake. Perhaps for his own. "Yeah... tha' was ol' Sounders."

The spec ops frowns a bit before he decides to walk the other way, leading them toward the club, but in a very casual stroll. "He an' I go back some. Got a lil' cat n' mouse game ya see... worse now that he has one of our generators an' nothin' ta be dun about it either."

He then shakes his head. "Though as a future note, Kim." Jazz looks over to her. "Watch yur thoughts around 'em."

Kimberly Hart (786) has posed:
Kimberly Hart is indeed a bit shaken at the little exchange. Meeting one Cybertronian was shocking enough, so she can only imagine what Soundwave looks like behind his holomatter disguise. Thankfully he leaves, though not without ruffling both their proverbial feathers first.

Shoulders sink somewhat in relief once Soundwave disappears into the crowd, Kim turning back to Jazz and gladly following close beside him to the club. "Jeez.. He didn't even do anything and I've got goosebumps." She rubs an arm and glances to the man next to her, nodding and sending a worried glance back to the crowds before they get to the door. Soundwave knows about her now and she can only hope he doesn't act on this new knowledge. "Yeah, I'll.. do my best."

Jazz (762) has posed:
Jazz looks over at her and notices her concern in her face; Though fully understanding given who they are dealing with. He lets out a soft smile before he steps around in front her of, lifting up his shades. His own brilliant blue eyes looking directly at her as he places his hands gently at the side of her arms. "Hey. Dun let him get ta ya, alrigh'? He just likes ta get under tha ol' skin an' stick there. If ya let 'em... he wins."

Jazz then smirks softly before he gives her right arm a gentle pat, then goes to slide his hands away as he talks. "An' maybe one day, I'll teach ya a few tricks I learned in when dealin' with Soundwave." With that said, he hooks his arm around for her to take.

"Now, lets head on inside an' have some fun dancin' tha night away, hm? Put a good cap on tha nigh'." He says with a wink, before tapping his shades back down over his eyes.

Kimberly Hart (786) has posed:
Kimberly Hart usually wasn't scared when it came to monsters and the like from her own world. She was used to it and it was all predictable. But out here.. You honestly never know what's going to happen. Thankfully, however, she has people to reassure her and one of them is Jazz while now when he sets his hands on her arms.

Steadily Kim's nerves begin to ease and melt away into a more confident attitude as she smirks. "You're right, I can't let him bug me like that." As for his comment about teaching, she can't help a soft chuckle while grinning. "I'll need it, since one day I'm sure I'll be helpin' you kick his ass."

But enough worrying. They came out tonight to have fun, so fun they'll have! Kimberly links her arm with him and nods, beaming and accompanying him inside. "Time to party!"