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Bridge Carson Arrives!/Parachute Pants Over Angel Grove
Date of Scene: 02 June 2015
Location: Angel Grove
Synopsis: Bridge introduces himself to the other Rangers! They beat up robots. Bridge gives an aura reading! Annie is adorable.
Cast of Characters: 437, Ziggy Grover, 776, 786, 800

Bridge Carson (800) has posed:
The Youth Center! The legendary bustling hub of Teenagers with Attitude, a place that's gone down in history for all sorts of reasons. But here, in the mid 90s, it's just a normal place to hang out.

It's the 90s, so Bridge had to dress appropriately. A pair of loud green parachute pants, a Thriller jacket, some large black sunglasses, and a Power Glove. This should work.

He walks into the Youth Center, heading to the Juice Bar itself, then he takes a seat, ordering a cherry smoothie.

Now? Now he just turns away from the bar in his stool, staring out at the various youths. Somewhere, here, he's going to see one of the legendary first generation Power Rangers...

Kimberly Hart (786) has posed:
Kimberly Hart was glad to have the day off today. She had been tempted to go out, perhaps to the mall or even out somewhere in the multiverse, but she settles for something more practical, which is getting in some practice at the youth center. At the moment she works on the gymnastics beam, dressed in a pink and black leotard that leaves arms bare and covers her legs.

"It isn't all that hard, really." She says with a smile down at Ziggy and Tommy, who have accompanied her to the center today. "Just gotta center yourself and balance your weight." And just to show them, Kim bends down to set hands on the beam before pushing herself up into a handstand and holding it a moment until she starts to walk forward on her hands.

Tommy Oliver (776) has posed:
The green sleeveless tank and the green karate pants only serve to show just how much Tommy Oliver goes green. He's in full on Kermit mode as he stands nearby the balance beam and focuses his attention on Kimberly. He's got a duffle bag slung over one shoulder because he's prepping to get ready to either do some personal training or teach a class. "Looking good. Nice form." Tommy says with a bit of a smile on his lips. He doesn't linger his eyes or anything because he's more worried about keeping things platonic while out and about with their collective friends.

Ziggy Grover has posed:
"I don't... balance," Ziggy responds, tilting his head just to follow the handstand, until he was nearly 180, keeping his head roughly at eye level with Kim's. "That one, I don't think I can do without a lot of help." Clad in a leather jacket and green t-shirt, Ziggy would look more like he was going for the Fonzie Look with green instead of white. Well, and Dat Hair.

"I don't think I can keep my balance like that -without- a lot of wire action or something," he observes. "What do you think, Annie?"

Annie Sandberg (437) has posed:
     Annie, who'd accompanied Ziggy on this trip, smiles at Ziggy's modest assessment of his skills. "Well, it's something you have to practice really hard for," she points out. "That's why it's a sport after all! But if you put in a lot of training you might be able to learn to do it too," she says, reaching up to give him an encouraging pat on the arm. Of course, she got the feeling that Kimberly had probably been doing it for a while already, so it wasn't very likely that Ziggy would be able to catch up to Kim's skill... but it wouldn't do to say that!

Bridge Carson (800) has posed:
Bridge suddenly stands, trying to walk over to the group as he does his best to mimic traditional 90s walking swag. He allows his arms to loosely swing, his body dipping forward a little with each step. Yes, he has definitely mastered the 90s! "Yo, my home slices, it's totally radical to meet you. I'm Bridge Carson, I'm down with the clown and everything." He offers his Power Gloved hand to them.

Kimberly Hart (786) has posed:
"Annie's right, practice makes perfect!" Kimberly smiles upsidedown at her friends and flips back upright, stepping down beside Tommy after and nodding towards the juice bar. "Anyone up for a drink? I'm--"

But before she can speak any further, the oddity that is Bridge swaggers on up to them and.. well, it's fair to say her mouth hangs a bit open for a few good moments. "Uh.. Hey there.. homeslice." She bites her bottom lip and snickers with a suppressed laugh. "Kimberly Hart. You ah.. you new in town? Don't think I've seen you around before." Because seriously, you could spot that outfit from miles away.

Tommy Oliver (776) has posed:
"Heya'." Tommy just offers a smile at Bridge before he turns his attention back to Kim. "I'm Tommy. Welcome to Angel Grove." Tommy is all about trying to make sure the new guy gets to feel like someone out here is down for helping him get acclimated. He didn't get those chances for people to help him when he was new. Oh no. He only got to be turned into an evil Power Ranger! His eyes don't flash with green this time, though.

Ziggy Grover has posed:
"I don't know about this..." Ziggy squints, looking quite skeptically as his eyes shifts up to the legs in the air, before he straightens up as Kim flips back upright. "I think I'd just look more like an upside down duck and nothing as smooth as she makes it look."

Pausing, as Bridge greets everyone, Ziggy's eyebrows go up almost into his hairline. "Homeslice...? What, are we referring to people like bread now? Is this some sort of permutation of the language here that I'm not getting?"

Bridge Carson (800) has posed:
"Well, I'm not -technically- new, but I lived here some other time. Now I'm back, wearing the latest 90s fashion, fitting in." Bridge reaches into the pocket of his jacket, then pulls out a small notepad and pen to hold it out to her. "This might sound crazy, but can I get your autograph, just in case you're famous one day?" he asks her, then looks to Tommy. "You too, Tommy!"

He shakes his head at Ziggy. "It's the mid-90s, we have a lot of hip slang to keep up with if you wanna fit in." Though, he suddenly realizes something as he looks around at them. "Actually, you all seem a lot more normal than I was expecting..."

Annie Sandberg (437) has posed:
     Annie looks thoroughly confused at Bridge's introduction. "...I don't have any idea what he's talking about either." As far as she could tell people didn't talk like that in the 1990s. The people she'd met here certainly didn't. "...well, my name's Annie. And... yeah, I think most of the people here are normal!" Well, Annie was very much not normal for this particular area, but she wasn't sure how well people would react to having an android in their midst around here. Seven-year-old girls, however, were usually fine!

Kimberly Hart (786) has posed:
Yeah, now she's a bit suspicious of this guy, especially with his odd reference to the 90s as well as asking them for their autograph. "Er.. I dunno about that, Bridge." Lips skew a little and brows pinch slightly in a troubled look, though she eventually narrows her eyes a hair at that last comment.

"Hold up. What do you mean by 'expecting'? Just who are you..?" Hands on her hips now, Kimberly fixes Bridge with a stern look that demands answers.

Tommy Oliver (776) has posed:
Tommy is a bit more relaxed at this show of fanboyishness. In fact, he just kind of reaches out for the notepad and the pen. "Hey, if the man wants our autograph, let's give it to 'im." Tommy gives the pen a little twirl before he's scrawling his Tommy Oliverness down on the notepad. He even makes the T look like a dude doing a karate kick. Don't ask how he manages to do this, he just does. It has a lot to do with this being the 90s. When he offers the Notepad back to Bridge, he makes sure to use the communicator laden arm.

Ziggy Grover has posed:
"Uh... what would you want to give him autographs for...?" Ziggy asks. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't you more concerned about -what- he knows you for? I mean... 90s fashion? This is the 90s?"

Scratching his head, Ziggy shakes his head. "I don't remember seeing anyone dressed quite like this.." he comments, before regarding Tommy's outfit. Hmmm. "Well..."

Bridge Carson (800) has posed:
"Whoa, hey, there's nothing suspicious going on here!" Bridge says as he holds his hands up. Then suddenly there's an explosion out in the park! A Blue-Head Krybot carries a megaphone, and is surrounded by ten other regular Krybots who all wiggle around, making robot sounds.

The Blue-Head announces. "Power Ranger, I know you're alone in this world. Your friends aren't here, so come out and hand yourself over!"

Bridge looks around as they hear the strangely loud announcement, then checks his Power Glove as if it's a watch. "Wow, I need to get to class. I hope the Power Rangers get there in time!" he says before heading off, right to the bathroom!

Annie Sandberg (437) has posed:
     Annie just watches curiously, still not sure what's going on. "Um... do you want my autograph too?" she asks innocently. Technically, she had been on TV... or at least one of her model had been, in advertisements for herself. But before she can find something to write her name with, a commotion erupts! "Ahh! What was that?!"

Kimberly Hart (786) has posed:
Kimberly Hart is two seconds from interrogating Bridge further, but the explosion outside grabs all of her attention and has her head whipping around to the front door. "What the-- Hey!" She turns back to see Bridge running off and grumbles, "Darnit.. Tommy, Ziggy, you know what we gotta do. Annie, you stay safe!" With a nod to them all, Kim grabs up her nearby bag and dashes off to the hallway that's conveniently empty.

Once there, she activates her wrist communicator and teleports away, only to teleport outside in her Ranger outfit. "Whoa, never seen these guys before." The Pink Ranger exclaims in surprise, though this won't stop her. "Alright, metalhead! Tell us why you're here or we're gonna have to kick your butts back to wherever it is you came from!"

Tommy Oliver (776) has posed:
Tommy follows after the Pink Ranger and ends up reaching behind his back, "Right behind you!" He grabs the Power Morpher off his belt and makes sure that nobody is watching before he goes into his own trip to the Morphin' Grid. "Dragonzord!"

When things finish up, the Green Ranger is coming in hot from above, having done one of his many super leaps. "Yeah! You heard the lady! Back off or you're gonna' have to feel the fury of the Power Rangers!"

Ziggy Grover has posed:
"But they called up the..." Ziggy stammers after Kimberly, before... "Oh yeah...! Uh, this is where we're supposed to find a... well, uh... I think nature's calling, and I'd better answer it before I, uh... you know, mess."

Off he dashes... into the closest bathroom.


And now in the stall, Ranger Green taps at his teleporter. "Let's see. Just got to concentrate, this time, and..."

... BLEEP...

"Perfect! I did it right this time! I..." Ranger Green's voice trails off, as he suddenly realizes he's just teleported right in the middle of the swarm of Krybots. "Uh... hi guys. Can I just note that my face bruises very easily...?"

Bridge Carson (800) has posed:
"Krybots!" says Bridge as he lands after flipping from behind the trees, bent on one knee with his fist against the grass. "Nailed it. Just like in special entrance class!" Now he's in his full SPD uniform, looking more like a cop than some tacky 90s guy.

The Krybots are already trying to beat up and swarm Ziggy. The Blue-head looks back at Ziggy, then Bridge. "This must be the Green Ranger, grab him!" he orders as they start trying to grab Ziggy.

"Not so fast!" Bridge stands up straight now, then reaches to his belt, pulling out the Delta morpher before extending it in the direction of the Blue-Head. "SPD, Emergency!" That's when he suddenly does a backflip, and his Ranger suit materializes onto his body. "Teaming up with the first generation Power Rangers. You guys don't stand a chance! I don't know who that guy is, but back off!" He pulls the Deltamax Striker from his belt, in Ranged mode, firing lasers at Krybots, which inexplicably create large explosions, to try and make an opening for Ziggy to escape them.

Annie Sandberg (437) has posed:
     Annie stays inside, but watches through the window. "I guess in here is probably the best place to be right now," she observes. "I wish there was something I could do to help, though." At the moment, though, it didn't look like there was much. The civilians who were inside seemed to be safe; those who were outside didn't seem to be being prevented from getting away. The best she could do would be to cheer on the Rangers, who had appeared from nowhere just as quickly as the others had disappeared. Hmm, suspicious!

Kimberly Hart (786) has posed:
The Pink Ranger gets in one step before Ziggy.. oh damnit. "Ugh, Ziggy.." She sighs and runs a hand down her helmet. "C'mon, we better go help him." With a nod to Tommy she springs into action, leaping into the fray with a dramatic flip between two Krybots that she takes down with a double kick! "Yeesh, these guys are like Putties, what the heck!"

She's tempted to take on the Blue-Head after punching another Krybot back, but a voice nearby prevents her for now and forces her to look up. "Huh..? Hey, it's that Bridge guy. What's he-- Whoa, what!" She almost gasps in surprise when seeing him morph into.. a ranger! And one she's never seen before!

Tommy Oliver (776) has posed:
"Huh." The Mighty Morphin' Green Ranger looks up as Bridge morphs and he probably is smiling beneath that helmet of his. "I have to admit, I'm really diggin' his color." This Green Ranger is leaping into action, sending kicks into Krybots to make them, well, kry out in pain. "Give it up, bad dudes! You're no match for the Power Rangers! And the other Power Rangers!" He's got to work on a better shout phrase for these growing ranks.

Ziggy Grover has posed:
"I said not the face, not the face!" Flailing about, Ziggy squirms around, grasping his pistol, which morphs into a Power Axe, and begins swinging it around, helping Bridge clear some room quickly. Swing! Swing, SWI... Wait, no, don't swing at Bridge. "Sorry," he offers, leapfrogging over a bent-over krybot to swing again, bouncing off another krybot like a pinball bumper and punching, as sparks fly everywhere. "We've got -another- ranger? Maybe we should form like, a new cry... Rangers, United!?" he asks the Pink Ranger.

Bridge Carson (800) has posed:
"This is so cool! You're the first Green Ranger, and you're the first Pink Ranger! It's like seeing Neil Armstrong land on the moon! Or Stanley Kubrick film it... you know some people still believe that the moon landing was fake in the future?" Bridge rambles a bit as he suddenly extends his Deltamax Striker into a sword, and goes swinging at Krybot after Krybot, until they've taken them all out, except the Blue-Head.

"I'll take care of this one, guys." He holds out his morpher, clicking the JUDGE button. "I'm charging you for the crime of disturbing the peace, trying to beat up some weird Green Ranger not found in any historical database, and exploding something around here somewhere. I'll find it! How do you plead?"

"I'm innocent! I swear!" the Blue-Head pleads.

"Guilty!" he says as his morpher displays a red X, then suddenly the Blue-Head is blasted with some sort of energy, and a card lands on the ground.

He walks over to it, leaning over to pick it up off the ground, where the Blue-Head seems to be banging against a window. "Whew."

Annie Sandberg (437) has posed:
     Annie grins as she watches the fight. Ziggy's being silly as usual, but all in all they're doing well! "Go get 'em!" she called out, like a kid watching a stunt show at a theme park, though they probably couldn't hear her from outside. At last, the battle concludes with... the newer Green Ranger turning the bad guy into a card? Well, that's interesting. "They did it!" she announces to the others inside the youth center who might not have been able to see.

Kimberly Hart (786) has posed:
Kimberly Hart wants to question this new Ranger, but it'll have to wait as right now they've got enemies to fight! A roundhouse kick sends a Krybot stumbling back into another, both of them falling into a pathetic heap as the rest are dispatched by her teammates. That just leaves the leader, who Bridge dispatches in a surprisingly professional manner and traps in an odd little card.

With a soft puff of minor exhertion, Kim stands up straight and nods to the others. "Good work, Rangers! But as for you.." She turns to Bridge and steps up to him, placing a hand on her hip and observing him with a light tilt of the head.

"Had a feeling you weren't from around here. Gotta say, though, that was impressive! As for you know us.. Are you some sort of future Ranger or something? Where are you from?"

Ziggy Grover has posed:
"Niiiice effect," Ranger Green comments as the last of the mooks are gone. But the whole judgment/trial thing... "Uh, what -were- you doing with that...? Is that some kind of judge and jury thing...? Are you some kind of cop? Because uh... what happens if you're innocent, or you confess...?"

Bridge Carson (800) has posed:
"I don't decide the sentences." Bridge explains to Ziggy as he suddenly powers down, sliding the card into his pocket. He's heading back for the Youth Center, where he'll find a nice empty hall to talk in. "If someone's innocent, the Delta Morpher won't do anything. I'm SPD, Space Patrol Delta, B-Squad Green Ranger." He walks over to Kimberly, holding out his hand for her. "It's an honor to meet you! Without your team, I wouldn't be able to do what I do. There would be no SPD, no academy! It all started here."

Annie Sandberg (437) has posed:
     Given that the rangers now seem to be talking to each other, Annie presumed that the coast was clear; there didn't seem to be any more enemies or traps around, so she left the youth center and ran towards the rangers happily. "That was great! You beat all the bad guys!" she exclaimed with admiration. "You might even be as cool as the Kamen Riders!" The Kamen Riders are pretty cool though... it's a tough choice between them!

Kimberly Hart (786) has posed:
Kimberly Hart snickers at Ziggy's odd questioning, but nods and follows Bridge back where she demorphs once no others are looking. And yes, she's still in her leotard. Smiling at Bridge, she gladly takes his hand and shakes it. "Well I dunno what this future's like, but I'm just glad we could help make it happen and have people like you keeping it safe. You'll have to show us your world sometime now that you're with the multiverse. Heh, maybe we could all team up even, yeah?" To Annie's arrival, Kim smiles and nods, though ends up pursing her lips and tapping chin. "Y'know, I need to meet these Kamen Riders sometime. I keep hearing about them now and then."

Ziggy Grover has posed:
"Uh huh..." Ranger Green wasn't about to say -anything- about his time with Fresno Bob and the cartels. Not if he wanted to avoid being carded.

Instead, he follows Kimberly, quickly demorphing when they were clear enough, and falling in step. "I got no idea what kamen riders are, though..."

Bridge Carson (800) has posed:
"I don't know what a Kamen Rider is, but I'm glad we could help!" Bridge takes a seat on some stairs, considering the situation. "Sure, I can show you the future. But I can't let you see what you become or what you do in the future. I have to let you have your own destiny and everything." He moves his hands quite enthusiastically as he speaks. "Our eras unified as completely distinct worlds, but our timelines are the same. Even though what I do here won't change anything in my world, it would be unethical if I tell you your future! Even a good future could be emotionally distressing to know."

"But don't worry, I'm a professional, I'll give you a safe guided tour of the future!" Then he looks to Ziggy, tilting his head in confusion. He reaches down to remove one of his gloves, then waves a hand, which makes the empty space distort where he passes his hand through for a brief few moments. He's trying to read their auras to see, at their base, what sort of person they might be. Good, super good, kinda good, neutral, bad? Robin Hoodish alignment? He'll interpret these things through colors. "Hey, why don't I recognize you? You're not in any historical Ranger database. Trust me, I checked all the green ones! And, uh, not to be rude or anything, but you could really use some training!"

Annie Sandberg (437) has posed:
     Annie rather conveniently missed the demorphings, but followed around soon afterwards. If Bridge were to scan her aura, he'd be in for a bit of a surprise- it was definitely not that of a human. It had something of an iridescent appearance, however, and Bridge would be able to tell that Annie was good at heart.

Kimberly Hart (786) has posed:
"That'd be great!" Kim is certainly enthusiastic about the prospect of a tour, especially one of the future! So cool! "I'd love to know what all of our hard work has lead to." And then he removes his glove and passes his hand through the air, making it ripple oddly. This has Kim staring in awe, brows lofting in intrigue. "Whoa.. Do people have superpowers or something in the future?" Or is it some sort of technology she can't see?

Either way, Bridge will find her to have a warm, comforting aura of pink. No malevolence or bad intentions taint it. Rather the opposite as she overflows with goodheartedness and strong confidence.

Ziggy Grover has posed:
The man who was Ranger Green had a ripped up polka-dotted aura... bright green aura for Ziggy, tinted by jags of grey and lots of little white lies. "Oh that... Doc K explained that once... we're supposed to be the only Power Rangers in our universe. Crossing over into alternate universes where there were other rangers... I mean, in our universe, your Morphin grid is our Bio-energy field." Squinting, Ziggy adds, "And why are we discussing this -here-? Can't we like, squeeze into Kim's apartment?"

Bridge Carson (800) has posed:
"Actually, the only people I've ever seen with special abilities are on the B-Squad team. Maybe we're evolving!" Bridge says with a good-natured laugh, always looking on the bright side.

He pulls his glove back on, straightening it carefully. "I have psychometry. I was reading your auras. You're a kind of weird rainbowish iridescent color, like a bubble or something... you seem kind hearted."

Then he looks to Kimberly, smiling. "Your aura is this kind of... warm, comforting pink kind of color, like you could fill a whole swimming pool with how good you are! There's a kind of... I think it's a lot of confidence? I think that's what that shade means..."

Then to Ziggy, Bridge is massaging his forehead as he goes over that. "It's... like... green polka-dots, on a green aura, there's all of these... well you're not evil at least." he decides, smiling a bit sympathetically.

Annie Sandberg (437) has posed:
     Annie smiles, glad to hear her aura is nice-looking. "I wasn't sure I'd even have one... um, if it's any different it's probably because I'm an android," she explains. "But since you know I'm nice that probably isn't a problem!" Logical! "So I guess this means we can all be friends."

Kimberly Hart (786) has posed:
"That is so cool." Kimberly marvels, her smile bright and excited, though it turns a tad embarrassed when he mentions her aura. "Heh, well, y'know.. I try to be nice as much as I can. But I think confident is right, too. I'm not gonna back down when it comes to standing up to someone or protecting my friends." She nods and smirks, looking to Annie as well. "Hey now, I thought we were all already friends! Seriously, you all should stop in more often. Though I have a feeling you'll be back, Bridge." She grins at him, figuring he'd wanna soak up the past.

Bridge Carson (800) has posed:
"I'll be around! I'll even make you some toast in the morning." Bridge decides as he reaches over to rub Annie's head, then shake Kimberly's hand one more time. "It's buttery." he assures, raising his hand to wiggle his fingers before he can shake. "See you guys around!"