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Sort of Siblings
Date of Scene: 04 June 2015
Location: New York-199999
Synopsis: James Rogers and Sarah Rogers visit the Stark mansion, and there is much talk about families as three teenagers get to know each other a little better.
Cast of Characters: 20, 796, 802

James Rogers (802) has posed:
Outside the Stark house an aircraft approaches slowly and lands using a VTOL system to land on the helipad outside.

Sarah Rogers (796) has posed:
Sarah's landed on the patio and starts tapping on the glass, "Toph? Jarvis? Someone let me in and tell me what's going on!?" She says in an exasperated tone, "There's too many Rogers around here already!"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    The blind girl is resting at home today, and since there are guests coming over she is busy preparing something. Since there's lots of leftovers from the barbeque last night.

    They really should be happy that she's dishing up such wonderful sandwiches. White bread with lots of butter, mayo, cheese and meat from the leftover meat, as well as some lettuce leaves. It doesn't take long though, and soon enough Toph has made three huge sandwiches. Perhaps they are not as good as Tony's, but they should fill most teenage stomachs. And with some iced tea they shouldn't be thirsty either.

    Her head raises though as she hears the aircraft approach and then land on the helicopter pad. Sounds like he is here!

    As James exits the aircraft he is greeted by a prim and proper British voice. "Good day, Mister Rogers. Miss Beifong is waiting in the entry way, please follow the path and enter. I do advise you that the downstairs workshop and second floor are off limits to guests."

    Sarah too gets greeted by Jarvis's voice. "There is no need to knock, Miss Rogers. Do come inside." The door slides open for her.

    And once the teens do enter the house, they should spot the young Asian girl as she walks towards him. And James might note that she's small for her size, only about five feet tall. The fact that she is wearing an oversized band t-shirt makes her seem even smaller. But she does grin, even if she doesn't look up at him, extending a hand. "Heya there, bro. Toph Beifong, in case you didn't notice." Though she does smile as Sarah enters, and she reaches out to punch the older girl in the arm. "You're back for more food today too, huh?"

James Rogers (802) has posed:
James walks down a ramp that lowers out from the bottom of the quinjet and pauses for a moment looking for where the voice is coming from. (That must be that Jarvis, Toph mentioned earlier) he thinks to himself and then says, "Alright," to what he is told. He walks to the door and smiles at Toph.

Like Toph, James is a little short for an eighteen year old also -- standing only five-foot-seven he is notically below average.

"Hi Toph, I'm James naturally." He then looks at the blond and says, "So... you're Sarah?"

Sarah Rogers (796) has posed:
Sarah's actually honored at being punched in the arm. Last night Toph wouldn't even let her touch her, but She doesn't let on. "If I'm a Grandmother in another dimension I'm absolutely going to *freak*!" She gasps, "I haven't even.. Nevermind." She blushes faintly. "Any excuse for free food is a good one! Is there any of that potato salad left?"

At 5'4 Sarah's the Middle Child in height, but at least she's the oldest of the bunch. She smiles to James and offers a hand, "Yes.. and I'm named for my Grandmother, which is where I hope the confusion is coming from, because I am *not* ready for kids of my own yet!"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Punching in the arm is different from hugging!

    Toph can't help but snicker when Sarah gets flustered, but she doesn't comment on it. "Yeah, Cap did bring a lot of that stuff. I did make sandwiches though." But she will let the two Captainlings get to say hi and such first, standing calmly by and waiting. It's not like the sandwiches are going to run off. Unless Buster tries to grab one, that is. But the cat is upstairs sleeping in the master bedroom.

James Rogers (802) has posed:
"The only Sarah Rogers /I/ know if is my grandmother," James explains. "When Toph mentioned you on the radio this morning I completely freaked thinking that you were her somehow...." he extends a hand to Sarah and says, "I'm James. Our father must have a thing about naming kids after people from his past. I'm named after his World War II friend Bucky."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "Lucky you. Goldie was hoping I was going to change my name to Rocket Bullet after I was adopted last year," Toph says with a snort.

Sarah Rogers (796) has posed:
"Plenty of people do that." Sarah says with a nod, "But I was starting to understand what Cap must be going through seeing me when I heard I might be a Grandma." She explains a little more seriously than she intended, "I hope he doesn't have a meltdown when he meets you"

"Alright, Let's get down to business." She takes a breath, sets her shield down next to James as if this is a perfectly normal thing to do now, and heads into the kitchen. "Food!" She calls happily from inside. A few moments later she emerges with a large platter containing everything Toph has prepared balanced on one hand and sets it down on the coffee table.

James Rogers (802) has posed:
James unslings his shield and sets it down next to Sarah's -- he is otherwise unarmed currently. He also takes off his signature 'Blackstar' jacket and lays it down next to his shield leaving himself in a white t-shirt and his blue uniform pants and red boots. "I hear you had barbeque last night," he says as he follows his sisters to the food.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Sarah is hungry, isn't she? Toph snickers slightly and follows after her, then gestures for James to follow her into the kitchen. "Come on, let's grab our sandwiches too. And yeah, we had a barbeque, it was awesome. Goldie really knows how to work a grill."

    As she picks up her plate and follows Sarah out to the living room she does look a bit curious however, and she sets her plate down as she uses her bending to open her can with a simple twist of her fingers. "So... now I'm kinda wondering how different the Avengers are in your worlds. Compared to this one, I mean..."

Sarah Rogers (796) has posed:
Sarah grabs a plate and plops and sandwich and some potato salad on it, that stuff's always better the second day! After sitting down and having a few bites of food she reaches out to tap on James' shield curiously, "Huh.. This one's not Vibranium, makes too much noise. And it's got a gadget on the back."

She settles back and looks to Toph, "On the Battleworld they were mostly retried and raising kids, but they told stories of their Heyday and It sounded like it was very close to what you've got in this world, minus the whole Multiverse thing. My friends and I fancied ourselves ourselves the new Avengers when we came here hoping to find a way home, which we're still doing, we've just split up for now and we're scouring various worlds looking for tech or magic that might help."

James Rogers (802) has posed:
James also grabbed one of the offered plates and sits down. "No, Ultron had father's shield in his trophy wall, plus he'd managed to crack it somehow. That one is one that Tony made out of the shield I captured from the Iron Avengers. Its equipped with an energy field powered by an arc reactor," he explains.

He then sits back and starts tackling the sandwich while listening to Sarah's explination of her upbringing. "Who's we?" he asks between bites.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "Wait... Iron Avengers...?" Toph asks, arching an eyebrow. "Did your version of Tony make suits for the Avengers or something?" Because that is what it sounds like. "In Sarah's world Tony wasn't Iron Man, somebody else was. It's really weird to think about..."

    She does take a bite of her sandwich though, talking with her mouth relatively full. "Just let us know when you need help in your worlds though, and we will help out as much as we are able to."

Sarah Rogers (796) has posed:
Sarah arches a brow at the mention of the Iron Avengers curiously and grins, "That totally sounds like something he'd do, even slaped his Brand Name on them!" She chuckles, "We.. Me, Balder, Clint, Matthew and Kendall. We're all the kids of Superheroes with impressive pedigrees." She assures her new friends. "Hopefully we'll get the gang back together soon and you can meet them." She looks frustrated for a moment when Toph offers help, "My world isn't in danger or anything, we just don't know how to get back there again. The People on the station have assured me that since we're here, it's unified, It just in deep, deep space." She sighs.

James Rogers (802) has posed:
James indicates to Toph that he'll explain with a 'one moment' hand sign as he listens to Sarah's continued explination. Then, when she finishes and he's swallowed his most recent bite of sandwich, he clarifies. "After the Avengers fell to Ultron, Tony made robots of Giant Man, Hawkeye, Black Panther, Thor and my parents -- Captain America and Black Widow. He didn't send them out against him because by the time they were ready Ultron could take control of other robots by touching them." He pauses and decides not to start at the end like that so he begins again after taking a sip of the offered ice tea.

"We grew up on stories of the Avengers and their fall to Ultron. We being me and my brothers and sister -- Torunn, the daughter of Thor and Sif; Henry Pym Junior, the son of Giant man and the Wasp; Azani, the son of Black Panther and his Queen. We also met up with Barton after Ultron found our home a few years ago. That was becuse I accidentally activated the Iron Avengers though...." He trails off at that, his most grevious mistake to date.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    This really is different, huh... Toph eats her sandwhich, just listening where she sits and chews. Lots of unfamiliar names. Though her eyes widen and she /chokes/ on her food at something that James says. She leans forward, slamming her fist against her chest!

Sarah Rogers (796) has posed:
"A lot of those names sound familiar from my bedtime stories." Sarah Muses, and when she notices Toph's reaction to.. something. she stands up and hovers over her with concern, "Are you okay?" She asks worriedly. Once she's satisfied the Earthbender's okay she decides to share more in hopes of getting another surprise out of her, also to compare notes with James. "In my world, Balder's the son of Thor, and The Enchantress, who I never knew much about, but she was Asgardian. Every year on his Birthday we'd take him to try and lift his Dad's hammer.." She trails off, leaving something unsaid as a hand goes to her necklace for a moment. "Clint is the son of She Hulk and Clint Barton. Matt's Johnny Storm and Janet's kid, and Kendall's the Daughter of Storm and Wolverine."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Eventually Toph manages to calm down, and she 'stares' ahead. "Black Widow is your MOTHER?! /Stalkerina/?!" she gasps... and then begins laughing! She even reaches out and punches James square in the arm, laughing and gasping for breath all together.

    "Oh, this is riiiiich...!"

    Oh yes, she's fine. But she never thought she would hear about things like this.

    Eventually though she does takes a deep breath, stopping the laugh. "Okay. Your family trees are too messed up for me to follow, I don't know who even half of these people are."

James Rogers (802) has posed:
James looks over at Toph but seeing that Sarah has made sure she's ok he says, "Tony didn't tell us much about non-Avengers actually but from what you're saying your Balder and my Torunn are half siblings, Francis..." he snickers remembering Pym's reaction to that name and then comes the punch in the arm which makes him laugh, knowing where he's going with this.

He continues along, punching Toph in the arm also. "Francis is Clint's half brother... lets see... Is Janet the Wasp? I think that was her name... and if so that makes your Matt Pym's brother and Kendall is Azani's sibling -- same mother. What with you and me sharing a father and Toph and me sharing an adopted father..." He laughs and says, "We really are all related. And yes, Toph, this is much more complicated than I thought it was going to be."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "That's it. We're siblings. I've decided," Toph declares, holding up her hand. "No matter what Goldie says." Which brings her to her next question. "Sooo... what's Goldie like in your worlds?" she asks, clearly curious where she sits. "And when did your Tony adopt you?" she adds to James.

    Sarah too gets a question. "Goldie also said that he... kinda went through a thing here in this world. And that he was kind of a real asshole. Was he like that in your world?"

Sarah Rogers (796) has posed:
"Stalkerina? Okay.. Tell me more about her, Captain Princess doesn't sound so bad now!" Sarah says eagerly as she sits back down. "That all sounds about right." She confirms to James, "But, I'll let you draw up the family tree. Just thinking about it's giving me a headache now."

Focusing back on Toph she gives a shrug, "I never knew the Tony from my world. He was back on earth, and Rhodey talked about him like he was the greatest thing since sliced bread. He was the brains and the money behind Iron Man even if he didn't suit up himself." She pauses and thinks a moment, "Come to think of it, he did mention him changing a lot after he got the Shrapnel in his chest, but He didn't talk much about what he was like before. Now that I've met him, I think he was embarrassed."

James Rogers (802) has posed:
"I'm not going to try to diagram it!" he says to Sarah about the family tree suggestion before addressing Toph's question. "I was..." he has to think for a moment "... about three when he took us to the refuge. Torunn was around the same age but she had been born in Asgard. Azani is about a year younger and Pym was still crib-bound at the time." He then grins as he imagines that Toph will now be picturing Tony changing diapers... and it was amusing at first he vaguely recalls.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Okay, that is a whole story on its own. So Toph sighs. "This world's Black Widow... Natasha Romanova, didn't like me much. Or rather, SHIELD didn't. Not after I was adopted. She spied on me, and..." Another sigh, and Toph picks at her sandwhich.

    So... the Tony in Sarah's world got shrapnel in his chest too, huh? Even if he didn't become Iron Man. "My Tony," just to differentiate, "loves suiting up and making new models, he's working on Mark 43 now." As for the shrapnel and what he was like before? "Yeah..." Toph is a bit quiet as she nods. "He doesn't want to talk about it much. But he's not lying when he says he was different then. I've only known him as he is now."

    Woah, three?! "That young...? Do you remember your biological parents?" Toph asks with a concerned look on her face. She herself ran away from home when she was twelve, her own choice. But James...

    The seriousness is washed away when she realizes something. "Wait. Your Tony... adopted a whole group of kids. By himself?"

    Yes. She is totally imagining Tony changing diapers and doing all of those other things. "Man, the Tony in this world got it easy! He only has to worry about whether or not I'll get injured during multiversal fights and get to squirm from girly talk!" she laughs with a wide grin.

Sarah Rogers (796) has posed:
"...And you don't want to talk about it. No problem." Sarah says compassionately, "I'll keep an eye out for her and be careful." She relaxes as the conversation gets more normal, "Sounds like your Tony mellowed out and got responsible." She says to James, then adds with a grin. "Started the Stark Industries Day Care Center!"

James Rogers (802) has posed:
James listens to the description of the woman who in another world and time was his mother and only seems slightly startled. "Tony's bedtime story for us was about our parents -- the Avengers naturally -- but he used nicknames for them. My mother was always referred to as 'the Spy' so...." Yeah, he's ok with Toph's story, /sure/.

James responds to Sarah's grin with a similar one of his own as he says, "We actually didn't even /know/ he was an Avenger for most of our lives. Naturally, in his stories, Iron Man was called 'the Knight' so mellowed... sure, but I can see why you'd have to say that about him in hindsight."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Toph waves it off. "She seems to realize I'm not actually about to kill my dad, and that I have full control of my powers," she assures Sarah. As for Tony being mellow? "I don't know about his Tony, but... Goldie is responsible, no matter how much he jokes and acts like an asshole."

    Bedtime stories about the Avengers? Huh. "Maybe you should tell us those tales sometime, bro," Toph suggests to James. "And... The Knight? Seriously?" She snorts. "Don't ever tell those to Goldie. His ego wouldn't be able to take it, it would explode and destroy all of us!"

Sarah Rogers (796) has posed:
"She sounds paranoid.. I think Tony's annoying too but I don't want to kill him. What have her that idea?" Sarah asks with slightly narrowed eyes, "Ego or not, the Knight kind of makes sense. He does wear a suit of armor after all, it's romantic." She smirks.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "They were worried I would use my metalbending and tear his arc reactor out," Toph responds truthfully, though... her expression looks sort of pained. "I mean, what? Yeah, sure. Let's kill the guy who's saved my life and took me in after I ran away from home. The guy who was first my supervising officer and later became my dad. And nah, Goldie isn't that romantic. He is more oogie than romantic."

James Rogers (802) has posed:
"I'll make sure to share them with you. Especially our favorite one. We asked for it every night and often more than once a night." James then says, "Oh, yeah, remembering them... really just impressions, Toph. My connection to my parents is more though the stories." Mirroring Sarah's comment about his mother, James says, "I guess I shouldn't expect a warm welcome from her myself..."

Sarah Rogers (796) has posed:
"I.. don't even understand that line of thought." Sarah furrows her brow, "Pop always did have a love-hate relationship with Shield in my world." She ponders. "Talked about them a lot like a Boss you don't see eye to eye with." She looks to James, "I don't know if this is going to help or hurt, but the Captain America here looks *exactly* like my Father, and acts a lot like a younger version of him. I hope you can find a way to get to know him without it getting.." She pauses to search for a word, and glances to Toph for a moment. "Oogie" She grins,then leans back and yawns, "I wonder if Tony would mind if I spent the night.. looks like you have plenty of room here."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Yeah, he better share those stories! It's kind of bitter sweet, though. Only knowing of your parents through words. It's rather different than her own upbringing, really. Where her parents were there... yet not.

    When Sarah misuses the word 'oogie' though, Toph frowns. "That word... does not go there. Trust me." Just no.

    "As long as you guys don't go down into the workshop, or head upstairs to Goldie and Pepper's room, I don't see why you can't stay. There's tons of guest rooms. And hey, you two are practically family. About time I had a sleepover anyway!" the blind girl grins.

James Rogers (802) has posed:
James snorts back laughter at the 'oogie' comments. "I appreciate the offer. I was going to be returning to Njorun and taking a bunk in the barracks there. Its that or sleeping in the quinjet again."

Sarah Rogers (796) has posed:
Sarah bites her lip nervously, "What does oogie mean then?" She asks quietly, almost as if she's afraid to know the answer. She looks hopefully at James, "Mooching off a Billionaire's house sounds way better than either of those options, and we were sort of invited!

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Back to Njorun?!

    Toph cants her head. "I lived at Njorun for nearly a year before I unofficially moved in here. Not about to move out. Far more sun, less crowded, and the beds are way comfier," Toph states to James.

    But Sarah doesn't know what 'oogie' means? Toph arches an eyebrow at that, then holds out her right hand. "Gimmie you hand, and I'll show you."

James Rogers (802) has posed:
James thought he knew what oogie meant but... well... his expression shows he thinks this will be interesting. He just sits back and puts his feet up on the coffee table as he sips at the last of his iced tea.

Sarah Rogers (796) has posed:
Sarah blinks a couple times and slowly, cautiously extends her hand to Toph, she yanks it back twice before getting up the courage to actually take Toph's hand. The irony is she could stand there and let the Earthbender pelt her with boulders and barely get bruised.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    The earthbender sits completely still on the couch with her hand out and waits until Sarah complies. "Seriously? I'm not going to /bite/ you!" Toph says in a tone as if suggesting Sarah is acting like a baby. Though once the older girl does give her her hand, Toph moves her hand up slightly, leans foward as she clears her throat...

    And licks Sarah's hand as she opens her mouth wide, trying to get as much saliva on Sarah's hand as possible. And considering she has just eaten a meaty sandwich and drunk some sugary iced tea, there's crumbs and lots of sticky spit to it. And not only does Toph have a big mouth, it certainly feels like her tongue is aaaaaall over Sarah's hand.

James Rogers (802) has posed:
James chuckles at Sarah's hesitancy. "Nervous there, Sarah?" he asks and then it happens. And those chuckles turn into deep throated gaffaws mixed with an expression of pleasure over his not having volunteered for such a treatment. "Oh my," he says holding his sides, "That's amazing!"

Sarah Rogers (796) has posed:
"EEEEEEEWWWWWWW!!" Sarah shrieks. She's saying something but her voice has lost all coherence. She's just squealing like a little girl climbing on top of a table to get away from a spider. Is she actually crying a little? A moment later she's making a mad dash for the kitchen, through the *air*! The sound of running water can be heard, for rather longer than should be necessary to wash one's hands, but finally she calms down, "I can't /believe/ you did that!" She calls from the other room.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    You better believe that Toph is laughing her ass off as she leans back on the couch as Sarah yanks her hand free. Why, she even reaches a hand out to high five James. "Ooooh man, tell me the look on her face was priceless!" she cackles.

    Yeah, she can like these two new sort-of-siblings of hers!