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Medical Care for the Nurse
Date of Scene: 11 June 2015
Location: The Citadel - Ward 17 <CW>
Synopsis: Hiei is dead set on visiting Medusa in medical, and Sanary does her best to work amidst his demands. Which evokes a response from Medusa herself.
Cast of Characters: 22, Sanary Rondel, 772
Tinyplot: The Great Work

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    Ward 17 has been rather quiet for the last months ever since the head nurse of the ward itself was killed in action. Ever since then not much has happened besides the usual medical care. If nothing else, the nurses employed there at the ward have been working closely with physicians, breathing easier and been far less nervous.

    Until tonight.

    After Medusa Gorgon had been brought back to the Citadel and wheeled into Ward 17, nearly every test had been performed to evaluate the witch. And every test will be just as conclusive; this is indeed the same woman who ran the ward with an iron fist just half a year ago. Blood tests, brain scans, dental records... they all show the same.

    After a few hours though the other Elites are allowed into the room where the witch is resting. For now she's being closely monitored just in case. IV bags are up and feeding her fluids intravenously, as well as medicine. There are electrodes fastened on various parts of her torso. It also looks like she is sleeping, her eyes closed and her breathing steady.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     This was going to be an interesting night. The formerly deceased head nurse alive again! Hiei, although not technically dead at any point prior, also alive! So many questions for Sanary to ask, but not nearly enough time to do that. Her focus was on her work, first and foremost, and her chance to actually ask questions had to wait until after all the preliminary tests and treatment were complete.

     Still, once that's out of the way? It's time to... Watch Medusa sleep. Probably not the best time to ask questions, either. That won't stop Sanary from doing what she's been trained to over the past few months, though: Provide decent-ish bedside care!

     It's for that reason she's coming in with a bag full of assorted snacks and drinks, trying not to draw too much attention to the bag nor make too much noise on the way in. This has to be against protocol. "Uh... Miss Medusa?" She speaks in a hushed tone. "You awake there...?"

Hiei (772) has posed:
Hiei's still wearing his fancy outfit (rtxWEhg.jpg) from earlier in the night when he arrives. He moves in to take a chair and sit next to the bed. He crosses his arms, though doesn't show any of the familiarity or general concern that other Confederates might for her. "You'll be my key to getting out of this servitude."

Though when Sanary arrives, he immediately looks over at her. "I'll make sure she awakens if it's the last thing I do."

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
"... I already am awake," comes a tired reply from the bed.

    But the snake witch's eyes are still closed where she lies, and she doesn't move. Her voice is still weak however, and she lets out a sigh. "I am not aware of who you two are, or why you are here in my room."

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     Sanary nearly jumps out of her skin when both Hiei and Medusa greet her, not having expected to see anyone else in the room, never mind hearing both of them talking.

     "Wha-uh. Hey, Hiei. Miss Gorgon. I was helping out with some of your treatment earlier and... Er. Started working here not long after you died." She sounds somewhat nervous as she approaches the bed, holding the bag of foodstuffs up to eye level while bowing. Is this even a good idea, considering Medusa' position as the head nurse?

     "Sanary Rondel. Good to meet you. Erm... I brought snacks." She turns to Hiei next. "Uh... Not sure why Hiei's here, though. Need some healing or patchwork done?"

Hiei (772) has posed:
"If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't be alive, and you possibly wouldn't have made it this far even if you did manage to come back." Hiei explains as he rests his arms on the rests of the chair. "Hiei." he introduces himself, even though Sanary's already said his name. "And I'm here until I know for sure if this faction will release me from my servitude for aiding in your revival. If they don't, then I will simply take my hard work back."

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    Sanary's quiet words earn no response at first, as Medusa seems to focus on breathing for now. So... this girl is a worker in medical, is she? Somebody who joined after her demise.

    The words that Hiei state draw her attention, even if it doesn't show on her calm and unchanging expression. When he states his demands though, something happens.

    There's pressure in the room, as if the air suddenly got slightly heavier. It all happens at the same time as Medusa opens her eyes, turns her head and /stares/ at Hiei where he sits next to her bed. "... /your/ hard work?" she asks softly, serpentine eyes staring at him that would make most people uneasy.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     "Hey. No threatening the patients." Sanary levels a serious stare at Hiei, her sole eye narrowing briefly while ignoring the fact that she's wearing her coat rather than any sort of armored clothing and completely lacking in any sort of weaponry. "The higher ups will take care of it. Hasn't even been a day yet, so they're probably figuring it out right now."

     That increase in the room's pressure doesn't go unnoticed, though, and there's an uncomfortable-sounding hum lingering in the back of her throat as she turns to Medusa. She looks between the two slowly, hesitating for a while before shaking the bag of snacks and drinks again with a nervous chuckle to try and defuse the tension.

     "... Snacks? Soda? Got some pretty good boxed milk tea, too."

Hiei (772) has posed:
"Yes, my hard work. I meticulously created the sealed jar to hold the living lightning. I was burned my acid and had my sword destroyed when we tried to get that unburnable ore. I patiently avoided putting Pius out of his misery, instead waiting to see what the inevitable fruit of all of this would be." Hiei suddenly points at her, his third, unblinking, unmoving eye seemingly staring at her from the angle with which he looks down at her.

He suddenly hunches at the pressure in the room, slowly dragging his head back up to stare at her. "Your life belongs to -me- until I've received payment. Once I have what I want, then we will be allies, -then- you can depend on me for altruism. But I'm a slave, and as a slave, I will do everything in my power to regain my freedom. I stabbed D, I betrayed Pius, I was willing to slaughter that village if D tried to come after you. I did everything I could to claim your life so that I could gain my reward. No amount of intimidation will sway my desires..."

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    "... Pius?" Medusa's eyebrows raise slightly. "That was that man's name? Huh." Her attention shifts slightly to Sanary, and she shakes her head weakly. "I'm not hungry, dear." Right now she is tired. And too tired to be treated in this manner as Hiei elaborates further.

    As he points to her the nurse shifts her glance towards him, her gaze intense.

    "Don't be such a /fool/."

    Her arms shake and quiver slightly as she suddenly pushes herself up and fastens him with a cold glare. "I have never met you. Nor have you met me before. But I am not yours to use as a bargaining chip. No amount of nonsense you babble will change facts," she states. "I am an officer. If I struck you dead right now, they would not mourn your death..."

    Then she /smiles/, her voice a hoarse whisper. "You really need a lesson in how to manipulate people~"

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     Sanary's eye twitches slightly, and she even manages to focus her stare at Hiei again even with the pressure. Very slight. "Hiei. Do /not/ threaten the patients. As long as Medusa's here and recovering, she's under my protection. Do you understand?"

     She's actually sounding irritated now! It's not a lie, after all, and she does take some pride in her work! Of course, that bluster does fade somewhat once Medusa speaks again, and her expression shifts back into a worried one when Medusa sits up in the bed outright. The one-eyed girl raises her mouth to say something before stopping, thinking better of it.

     Definitely not going to interrupt /that/ type of response. Even with that mix of irritation and nervousness on her face, though, there's something else showing through her expression. Is it... Awe?

Hiei (772) has posed:
"My life is absolutely worthless for the moment." Hiei suddenly sits up very straight, holding her gaze. "But yours isn't. And as it stands, your life is of absolutely no value to me as anything other than a bargaining chip." He rests his back against the chair again, releasing a long breath. "Your mind is chaotic, a work of art, really. I was reluctant to leave it, I wanted to penetrate further, learn the true depths of your soul. We can be allies, we don't need to antagonize each other. I'd rather not kill you and then be killed by the Confederacy, nor do I particularly desire to kill you in the process of you attempting to kill me."

He turns his chair to a small table, then raises his legs, propping his feet up onto it as he makes himself at home. "The question, then..." he calmly trails off into thought. "Is what could make us -both- happy. How could you help me gain what I want, and how -I- could -continue- to help you. As so far I've aided in your resurrection, I like to think I have a good head start on productivity."

Then he looks to Sanary, adding, "You have one eye, what are you going to do? You're not Toph."

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    "After today... do you really think death can stop me?" Medusa asks calmly.

    This man sure has guts, she will give him that. And even as the witch sits upright she shakes slightly before she allows herself to lie down again. "Most people would not want to go into the depths of a witch soul, trust me..." She takes a heavy breath and closes her eyes again. This man thinks he can use her to bargain for his freedom...?

    "If you really want me to vouch for you, you would get much further by not disturbing my rest. I'm tired. Everything has been hazy for a long period of time, but I can't tell how long." Either the physicians haven't told her, or she has forgotten. "If you truly helped me return, then I will remember that. But only if you leave after this conversation is over with. This ward is mine, and I can and will throw you out of here."

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     The healer relaxes slightly once Hiei moves over to that table, sighing lightly to herself before leaning against one of the few spots on the wall not occupied by equipment or furniture. She's still a little irritated at his jab about the eye, though, especially considering how he's not really /wrong/.

     "No... No, I'm not. She needs earthbending to do real damage. I don't." She actually grins slightly at that, although there's still some annoyance evident in her tone. Just how much damage could they both do at their best, anyway? Something to find out another day, probably.

     "But seriously. Miss Gorgon needs her rest, and she'll be in a better state of mind to help you out if she's not... You know. Getting threatened or pissed off." As she speaks, she sets the bag of snacks and drinks near the bed within arm's reach. Even if they're probably not recommended because of the whole IV fluids and nutrition thing... Probably tastes better, at least.

Hiei (772) has posed:
"If you want to sleep, I can help guide you through that chaos right now." Hiei offers, perhaps as an olive branch. "Consider it an apology for my treatment of you. We will treat each other as allies until we know for sure where we stand after the bargaining."

He can't help but smile, offering his hand to her. "I have to respect your ability to, well, command respect. Perhaps our relationship truly -can- be mutually beneficial."

Though, despite his earlier offer, he stands instead. I'll help you sleep next time. Perhaps "Good night."

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    "I do not require help sleeping. If you're referring to my chaotic nature, it does not bother me the slightest." She was born as a witch, so she has never known anything else.

    The snacks and treats are ignored for now, and Medusa seems to settle back down in bed. Instead of addressing Hiei as he departs, Medusa does speak up one final time. "Sanary." Her voice is calm, and indifferent rather than cold as it was when she challened Hiei earlier. "Make sure I do not get bothered. And get me a radio. I will use the callbell if I require any assistance when I wake up.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     The talk of help with sleeping and guiding draws a blank stare from Sanary. Is Hiei some kind of doctor, too? Even more questions to ask, yet not enough time to really ask any of them. At least they weren't on a time limit for the foreseeable future.

     "Er... Night, Hiei." Raising a hand in a slow wave, the confused look lingers for a while until Medusa addresses her. She nods slowly at the head nurse's directions, checking her pockets once before nodding again in quick succession.

     "Understood. I'll bring that right away and leave it somewhere you can reach without having to get up." There's an intrigued tone in her voice, and even her expression shows some of that as she heads for the door to get started on that.

     "It's good to finally meet you, Miss Gorgon. And to have you back with us."

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    No verbal response is given, though the witch does nod her head slightly without opening her eyes where she lies. At least the monitors should tell anybody with basic medical knowledge that Medusa is stable, even if she is clearly fatigued from whatever ordeal she has gone through.