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Latest revision as of 11:03, 14 June 2015

Magical Inquiries
Date of Scene: 14 June 2015
Location: Southern Urbania
Synopsis: Medusa and Dorian meet by chance and exchange some chatter.
Cast of Characters: 22, 774

Dorian Pavus (774) has posed:
    Dorian's first two exposures to a city were ... less than pleasant -- one involved him getting arrested for someone else sacrificing a goat in a public park. However he's never been one to give up because of one or two bad experiences. Hence he's here again, in another city. This time the massive, sprawling, world-sized city known as 'Urbania'.

    This time he's dressed for the occasion. While the previous two times he'd found himself in a modern city have been pure coincidence, this time he's had time to research the proper attire to wear in a modern world. And in accordance with that, he's dressed less conspicuously for a modern city -- a long-sleeved, navy blue shirt, teal-colored tie, and a white blazer and dress slacks. Shiny black loafers completely the look. Though he does still look a bit out of place, because he does have his serpent-headed staff on his back.

    Currently he's merely walking down a street slowly, taking in the sights. He does have enough class not to look like a /complete/ country bumpkin, but he's quite impressed by it all. though he's trying not to look like he's too terribly impressed ...

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    It's been a few tiresome days, she won't deny that. Every physical task requires so much effort, so much more than she can ever remember it being. But then again, one does not expect newly born bodies to be strong, do they? It's a good thing that Medusa is a stubborn lady.

    After a busy day in medical and a brief nap she had found one of the many nurses on ward 17 and ordered them to get ready for a little trip.

    Perhaps the two stand out a bit, the poor nurse in a white nursing dress and with gloves on her hands, pushing a wheelchair with the witch in it. Medusa is still wearing a simple black dress, though she has also opted to wear a long scarf over her head and shoulders. For the most part it looks like she's asleep as she's wheeled around, but as they pass by store windows she occasionally opens her eyes.

    And then she mutters something for the nurse to hear, and the young woman lets out an affirmative yelp before she steers the wheelchair towards Dorian. Perhaps he hears the slight squeaking of the wheels, and if he turns his head he might notice the blonde woman in the black dress as she raises her still somewhat weak voice. "... pardon me, sir..." Her tone is polite enough, and she carefully raises her hand, pointing towards Dorian's back. "I was wondering if I could possibly have a look at your staff there...?"

Dorian Pavus (774) has posed:
    Dorian does indeed hear the squeaking of wheels, and turns his head to see the source. He also notices that she's heading in his direction. And so he offers a polite nod to the blonde woman. Her hail gets a smile and a, "What can I help you with, miss?" Never call a woman 'ma'am', after all -- that indicates age, and it's never polite to indicate anything about a woman's age!

    He blinks a little at her request. But he doesn't see the harm in it. "I ... suppose so," he agrees, his tone expressing confusion rather than dismay. He retrieves the staff and lays the haft of the weapon across his hands to offer it to her. The staff is made of wood, and the head of the staff is worked into the shapes of three serpents with pointed 'fins' running down their backs. They're probably meant to be serpent-like dragons. Several small crystals are set into the serpentine heads for eyes. But they are clearly magical, and Medusa's senses would probably be able to pick that up pretty easily.

    In fact, those crystals are not the only thing that's magical. Dorian himself reads as strongly magical. Not just carrying magical items, either. That's coming from him. It's in his blood.

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    How interesting... the assisting nurse looks just as confused as Dorian is, though she remains quiet as Medusa reaches out for the staff to take a closer look at it. "Thank you," she murmurs and studies the head off the staff closely. Sure, the design itself is what caught her attention at first, yet there's also something magical about it. It would serve well as a weapon for most witches, that is true. It's quite possibly the crystals that are the source of the magic, which would come as no surprise to the seasoned witch. "Such a pretty staff... I don't suppose you would be willing to part with it...?" she asks innocently enough with a cheerful smile on her face, though it's quite clear she expects the answer to be a 'no'. It's okay, she understands. Still, why would an ordinary man have something like this? There is something about the way this man carries himself... "Have you had it for long~?" she asks further, looking up at Dorian where he stands.

Dorian Pavus (774) has posed:
    Dorian smiles politely at the offer to buy the staff. "I'm afraid I can't part with this one. It's such a bother attuning the crystals properly. But I know where a similar one can be gotten. I assume it's the design you fancy?" He means the serpent/dragon heads, of course.

    Indeed, Dorian has a certain air about him. Beyond the impeccable grooming, there is a regal, almost noble bearing to him. This is a man that radiates confidence. Given his statements -- that he knows how to attune crystals and can find other magical staves -- he probably isn't exactly a 'normal' man.

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    "I understand," Medusa says sweetly and nods, running her slender fingers over the heads of the snakelike dragons with great care. Though she keeps her fingers away from the crystals. "What sort of crystals are these, if you don't mind me asking...?" she murmurs. "And where can I acquire a staff like this?"

    The nurse steering the wheelchair looks slightly uncomfortable where she stands, swallowing softly.

    The wheelchairbound woman tilts her head slightly and smiles up at him. "What brings a man like yourself to Urbania...? There are so rare to meet magical individuals here."

Dorian Pavus (774) has posed:
    "The eyes are made of nuummite," Dorian replies. "It seems particularly suited to channeling magic. Every little bit helps, even with natural talent as I have." He at least seems pretty confident in himself, that's for sure.

    As for the magical staff? "This one was made in Thedas, where I'm from," he explains. As for 'magical people'? "Well, there aren't many people like me in my own world, that's for certain." A smirk.

    But I'm getting significantly ahead of myself. Placing a hand on his chest, he offers, "I am Dorian of House Pavus, Altus mage of Tevinter. How do you do?" He bows politely.

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    "Nuummite..." Medusa nods her head slightly, listening to Dorian as he speaks and confirms her suspicions. How considerate of him.

    "I have not been in Thedas... and is that so?" She arches an eyebrow, then holds the staff out for him to take back.

    "I see, so you're a mage. That explains the staff then," she chuckles softly. As he bows Medusa inclines her head. "I am fairly well, thank you. I am Medusa Gorgon, a Confederate nurse. Pardon my curiosity, I have always been fond of learning more about the various people of the multiverse."

Dorian Pavus (774) has posed:
    Dorian accepts the staff back and puts it back where it was, on his back. "The way I understand it, Thedas is a relatively new addition to this Multiverse," he explains. "Not completely new, but one of the more recent additions." Here a bit of wryness enter his voice. "I'd suggest it as a vacation spot if it weren't for the great, glowing hole in the sky vomiting demons upon the lands below." From his tone, this is supposed to be a deterrent to visiting there.

    He nods to confirm that he is indeed a mage. "The gift has been in my family for ages. We trace our lineage back to the dreamers, the mages who could speak to the Old gods in the Fade."

    The mention of her curiosity gets a chuckle. "I don't mind. I /am/ a rather fascinating man." And a bit arrogant, it seems. Though the statement is tempered by an almost teasing tone, so he may or may not be completely serious.

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    Amusement flickers over the woman's face, and she smiles. "Some people might consider that a good spot for vacation if they are fond of demons or of slaying them," she points out. Perhaps she should visit that place sometime...

    "Ah, really? Are you a gifted mage then, young man? What sort of magic is it that you do?" There's obvious curiosity there. It's always interesting to learn about different types of magic, to see if she can perhaps learn something new. His arrogance and teasing tone doesn't phase her either, and she just continues smiling amiably. "Indeed you are, I seem to be in luck~! I so enjoy conversing with fascinating people..."

    All through this the poor nurse doesn't speak up, simply standing by and glancing between Medusa and Dorian.

Dorian Pavus (774) has posed:
    "That is true," Dorian acknowledges. "It's a dangerous pastime, but I'm told there are some 'demon hunters' in the Multiverse." He pauses, raises a hand to his chin. "Though perhaps that would prove a useful way to decrease the number of demons, advertise it as a place where one can slay demons to one's heart's content." From the sounds of it he's only half-kidding.

    "I do consider myself a gifted mage, yes," he replies. "I've a bit of knowledge of all four schools of magic, though admittedly my knowledge is mostly in Inferno and Storm. I've less knowledge of Winter magic, but enough to cause damage. Spirit I have sadly been neglecting." It probably won't take long for Medusa to figure out these schools are probably a little different than what she's used to.

    Oh, but the nurse is not forgotten. He looks in her direction, and offers a pleasant, "Do please forgive me for not speaking up sooner. But your patient is a fascinating woman. I'm sure she's in perfectly safe hands, but do take good care of her, won't you?" He even throws in a little wink for good measure!

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    "Why not do so?" Medusa replies, rather seriously. "There are enough people who like to slay demons for sport, why not let them indulge in that?"

    Inferno, Storm, Winter and Spirit... Medusa makes a note to remember those four names, as perhaps they can come in handy sometime. Indeed they are different from her own type of magic, but that's the good thing about the multiverse. You can learn so many new things. And why not take the chance to learn more?

    The nurse blinks when she's addressed, and she looks momentarily startled before she nods her head slightly. "A-ah yes... I'm taking good care of Miss Gorgon." Is that a blush at the wink? Quite possibly. Medusa herself chuckles. "Oh, she's quite a dear, taking me out here for some fresh air and some light food..."

Dorian Pavus (774) has posed:
    "I'd honestly rather not randomly send people to their deaths," Dorian answers. "I'd think the Syndicate, if not at least /one/ of the two superfactions, would take exception to that. Doesn't one of them fancy themselves 'the good guys'?" From his tone he doesn't subscribe to that whole 'good guys vs bad guys' mentality anyway.

    He chuckles a bit at the possible blush. "I'm glad to hear it," he notes, addressing them both. Then he asks, "Might I ask, is your health only temporarily bad? Do forgive me if the question is a prying one. You don't have to answer, of course. I was merely curious."

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    "You'd be surprised at how many people there are who can handle themselves... or who enjoy putting themselves in dangerous situations," Medusa says with a slight shrug. "As long as you are upfront about the dangers, then what's the problem? There are people who want to help, just as there are people who enjoy the rush and danger of battle."

    It appears the man is curious as well, and Medusa can't fault him. "Yes... I will recover," she responds before the nurse has a chance to speak up. "I have been ill for half a year, but I get better day by day. Though I was quite sick of hospital food, and some sunlight never hurt me," Medusa smiles. Sure, she looks like she has little muscle to her, and she's slightly pale in addition to her voice being weak. But her smile seems genuine at least.

Dorian Pavus (774) has posed:
    "I suppose that's true enough," Dorian replies. "The only problem would be getting a proper reward together. Sadly, I'm not exactly on good terms with my family currently, so I don't expect they'd allow me to a dip in the family's coffers for rewards for demon hunters." Bad enough he'd had to sell his amulet with his family's seal on it. There is a frown at this thought, but he doesn't say anything about it.

    His frown turns to one of concern when Medusa mentions she's been sick for so long. The mention of being sick of hospital food gets a chuckle, though. "I've been in that situation too. Granted, not for so long as that. But I do wish you a speedy recovery."

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    "For some it might be reward enough to be able to fight those demons," Medusa states softly. And perhaps fighting these creatures would be interesting once she regains her strength. Perhaps they can be useful as materials of some sort? It's worth looking into.

    "Sickness is part of life." As is death. "Thank you, sir Pavus." The blonde woman smiles warmly, then she gestures for the nurse. "I do believe we need to get going. It was a pleasure making your acquaintance, and I do hope we get to speak again another time. Do have a pleasant day." With that she nods, and the nurse gives Dorian a brief smile before she begins pushing the wheelchair down the sidewalk.

Dorian Pavus (774) has posed:
    "That's also true," Dorian acknowledges. "Though then I'd be worried about the quality of those I'd get to volunteer, and whether they'd consider more sport afterwards." Such sarcasm! But he smirks nonetheless. "I'll consider that. There must be enough people who just love to kill demons in the Multiverse to thin the numbers somewhat. And hopefully enough altruistic idiot heroes in the Multiverse to keep them in line."

    When Medusa makes her desire to continue on her journey known, Dorian steps to one side and bows politely. "Of course, Miss Gorgon. Do take care of yourself." He also returns the smile from the nurse as well.