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A Snake's Memorial
Date of Scene: 14 June 2015
Location: The Citadel - Hall of Doors
Synopsis: Lute takes Medusa to see the monument that was made for her, and Medusa asks Lute for a favour.
Cast of Characters: 22, 188

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute stands, in a specific section of the Hall of Doors, somewhat off from the center aisle of the area. He leans against one of the columns, hands in the pockets of his labcoat. A rather calm and pleasant smile rests upon his face. Floating near him is Imima, his I-Class Destroyer. Due to the attack by the Fleet Daughters on him some months ago, he's been keeping Imima with him at all times. And while an attack within the Citadel itself would be unlikely, he still sticks to the habit of bringing her with him wherever he chooses to go.

     Lute, for his part, is mostly just looking around right now, waiting for Medusa. He has a guess at which direction she'll come from, since most likely she'll be coming from Medical to here. He looks at the handful of people who are coming and going through this area while waiting, simply people watching.

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    After a busy day with both working and going through several rounds of physical therapy there's no wonder that Medusa Gorgon wants a break. It is useful to talk with her fellow Confederates as well, and learn just what has been going on. And Lute did do something special, did he not? It deserves to be told in greater detail.

    Lute doesn't have to wait for long, thankfully. The witch arrives, seated in a wheelchair that is being pushed by one of the nurses from medical. At first it might look like Medusa is somewhat asleep, her hands in her lap and her eyes closed. Though as she's pushed closer to Lute, she raises her head and opens her eyes, a soft smile crossing her lips.

    "I do pardon the wait, Lute... I'm afraid I do not have so much energy nowadays," she apologizes, then gestures to the nurse. "Wait here until I return. I'm certain Lute is able to take care of me for a little while." The nurse nods her head slightly, then steps back from the wheelchair.

    "So... how have you been these last months, Lute? You... look different," Medusa notes with some amusement.

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute smirks at Medusa. He actually wasn't expecting the wheelchair. But, he can handle it. He looks down at himself. Even he forgets some of the changes that came over him since Medusa died. In fact, the changes happened right around the same time, didn't they? He thinks back a bit, the thought on his face obvious.

     "...Well. I've had an interesting time of things, to put it lightly. It actually started happening around when you died as well. It's a long story, but I can sum it up. ...Though let's walk and talk at the same time."

     He moves behind the wheelchair, taking it from the nurse. He starts walking at a comfortable pace, making sure to be careful that Medusa has a relatively smooth ride. From how he is walking and looking around, it seems he has a specific route in mind.

     "...But let's see, where to start. Well. A bunch of Pokemon called Unown appeared. They came, and started looking for me. My memories started freaking out at the same point. We did some investigation, and it turned out that the Unown were leading me to a different Pokemon world. In fact, turned out a unification accident left me in the wrong world. Turns out I've got a Master's degree in Pokemon Research, and am super close to my doctorate. Also managed to catch a legendary Pokemon, a being worshipped as a God, known as Giratina."

     Lute continues walking a bit, but stops talking for a second. He shakes his head a little, "...Talking too much about myself, sorry. Buuut. Well. This was all going down right around when you died. Some of it is needed to understand the story of my duel with D."

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    The witch remains seated even as Lute begins pushing the wheelchair and starts filling her in on the events he has been through since her death. While she isn't too familiar with most Pokemon she does pay attention, turning her head slightly so her ear is turned towards him as Lute obviously begins heading somewhere.

    So... he's from a different world than he thought he was really from, and his memories were altered? To hear that he's close to getting a PhD though, now that earns a soft chuckle from Medusa. "Really...? I'm glad to hear so. And a legendary Pokemon, you say?" When he apologizes Medusa turns her head further, a smile crossing her lips. "I did want to know what you have gone through the last months, and that involves talking about yourself, dear. It's not like I have done much the last months myself, hmmm?" Her tone is teasing, and she does find amusement in this it appears.

    "Do continue. I am eager to hear more. It must have been quite an experience for you to suddenly learn so much about yourself~"

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute continues walking. He lets out a little bit of a chuckle, and shrugs, "Well, alright. I guess you weren't doing much, though. Catching Giratina was a big deal, and it was something that I apparently was working on before my unification incident, even having made a deal with him before. But the next part I'm going to tell you is where my story and your death crossed."

     He continues walking. He knows it isn't much longer now. And, with Lute being Lute, he's a bit of a fan of being dramatic. So he'll have to time this right.

     "When you died, I was furious. I actually blamed myself, and Crona. Because as I heard it, D killed you with his sword. And Crona gave the sword back during the date she had with me. Both of us were somewhat responsible."

     A smile is still on Lute's face. He's obviously come to terms with what happened, at least, and his role in things.

     "So there I was, pissed, and in the middle of my own crisis. I called D out, almost immediately, upon hearing the news. Challenged him to a one on one duel. He accepted, and so I got ready for it. ...The pressure of the situation even taught me a new trick. I merged with my Unown, these glyph-like Pokemon, and they powered me up."

     "And so I fought D. One on one, in the rain. I used a blessed silver sword to fight. It was an incredibly close fight. At the end, though? I triumphed. I managed to stab D through with the sword. I had an opportunity to actually /kill/ him. But from talking to him, and others, about the connection you and him had? I decided not to. Because I wanted him to have a chance to become a pure monster. I felt that was what you would have wanted, though it was just my best guess."

     A smile on Lute's face. He continues walking. And, finally, the two arrive at a memorial. A large marble slab, about as tall as a person. A snake-like design frames it, and a silver sword is stabbed into the ground in front of it. On the memorial slab, Medusa's name, and the date of her death, is written.

     "...And that would be the sword I beat D with. Figured it'd be a good gift to you, posthumously. ...But hey, if you want it /now/, feel free to take it. Not like you're dead anymore."

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    It doesn't sound like a small feat, capturing a legendary Pokemon. Nor is beating D a trivial matter. Medusa is all ears, leaning back in the wheelchair and listening intently to Lute as he speaks. Is that a smile crossing her lips when he talks about how furious he was when she died? And she nods once. "Yes... D did stab me through the heart. It's the last thing I remember, seeing how furious he was. As for Crona..." Her child is a different matter. "Do not blame yourself and Crona. D is a dangerous man, and he would have killed me with any tool at his disposal given the chance. I do not bear ill will towards either of you," she says in a completely calm tone.

    Then again, she does not hate D any for directly being the bringer of her demise.

    It's something else to hear him talk about the duel itself though, that is more interesting. In the rain, using blessed silver and his Pokemon. "It sounds like you did your homework~" Would he had been able to kill D though? He's a tough opponent. To hear that he knowingly spared the dhampir, that makes Medusa chuckle. "You know me so well, Lute. I'm so touched~" she croons with approval, amusement glimmering in her eyes as she turns in the wheelchair to smile up at him. Indeed, she does want D to become something more than what he already is. A monster. "D might very well deny it, but... there is something there. And whether he likes it or not, I will make him fulfil his potential. He was well on his way last year, he was so... beautiful," she sighs wistfully. Chances are it's not his appearance she meant.

    The memorial is quite a sight, isn't it? Medusa tilts her head to the side as they arrive at the marble slab, and she studies the written words, the snake-like design as well as the silver sword that Lute used to defeat D. Even as Lute explains matters regarding the sword the snake witch remains quiet, studying the monument. When he finishes talking though, she chuckles softly. "Lute... how /thoughtful/ of you~" Why, Medusa looks quite pleased where she sits, reaching a hand up towards Lute's. "You did this all for me~?"

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute nods a little bit as Medusa comments on his own guilt, "...Well. I came to terms with my guilt, anyways. Part of why I did the duel. I have no idea about Crona, though. Crona has not been seen, at all, since your death. No one has any idea what happened to her either, I think."

     He just watches Medusa as she looks at the monument. He's more curious about her reaction than anything else. He looks at the monument on occasion himself, smiling.

     "...Yeah, I know a lot about vampires. I took some guesses on him. The rain just was luck, though. I had some other things ready in case I needed it though. I didn't fight... /entirely/ fair. Sword duels don't usually involve flasks of holy water, after all. But... Yeah. Glad I guessed right on the not killing him thing, though."

     A pause.

     "I /did/ strip him naked, and give his clothes to Slogra, though. One of Dracula's minions. That sort of pissed some people off in the Union. ...Also since I wasn't going to kill him /anyways/, I bartered with the Union on the assumption I'd be killing him, and got a favor from Nathan Hall for it. Which we later exchanged for a an artifact from the Union."

     He makes no comment on the whole 'D is beautiful' thing. Instead he is just silently jealous. Because, this being Lute, he is of course smitten with Medusa's looks. Because it's Medusa.

     Medusa's hands touching his own actually takes him entirely by surprise. She doesn't seem like the type who would willingly touch him. A soft smile appears on his face, as he looks directly at her.

     "Yeah. I did this all for you. You had no right dying how you did. You've been kind to me. I'm just... glad you're back."

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    "I'm glad you did," Medusa responds softly. As for Crona? "Crona will be back. My own child won't stay away for long." She sounds almost so certain of this. Then again, as Crona's mother she does know a fair bit more about the peculiar mister than most.

    Fighting fair is overrated, and there's nothing to suggest that Medusa is upset at Lute cheating to win against D. "Most duels aren't fought between a Pokemon master and a vampire hunter," she calmly comments. "Only a fool wouldn't take advantage of their opponent's weaknesses. Because he is not one to hold back either."

    For some seconds Medusa is quiet... only to /laugh/. Lute gave D's clothes to Slogra? And it pissed people off? It does sound like Lute planned the entire thing well, especially if he got a favour from the Union General as well. Not bad, not bad... "I'm only sorry I wasn't there to watch it myself," she says. "I bet it was quite the sight~"

    His surprise isn't lost on the witch, and she continues smiling. "I don't plan on dying again anytime soon. In my current state I need to take it easy, no matter how much I wish to cut loose. This body can't even walk properly yet." She does lack the muscle she did before her previous body was destroyed. Slender she might have been, but looks had been deceiving and hidden physical strength she used to supplement her magic. Melee combat had been her preference, after all. "And I'm kind to those who can be useful to me." Her eyes narrow slightly. "Do you want to be even more useful to me, Lute...?" she asks, her tone still sweet, yet there's an undertone to it.

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute sighs in relief at the mention of Crona likely coming back eventually, "That... is a relief. Because I'm sure Crona took it hard. Probably not a huge surprise, but I'm pretty fond of her, too. I can only imagine how she took your death. I'm an orphan myself."

     "And yeah, the fight was pretty amazing. I took a lot of damage, myself. D is insanely strong, even when weakened like that. But at the least, I came out on top, despite the odds. Also Slogra looks fabulous in D's outfit."

     In many ways, Lute is definitely the best pawn a person like Medusa could ask for. He doesn't think as clearly when it comes to women, and is willing to do much for them. It's a large part of why he's become a close ally of the Abyssal Fleet. And so, when asked if he would like to be more useful, there is only one answer he can give.

     "Oh, of course I'll be more useful to you! What do you need?"

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    "Crona is a tough child, Lute. Do not worry." Perhaps this can even be used to her advantage somewhat.

    The vampire hunter is never one to be underestimated, and it's a good thing that Lute prepared and did whatever he could to win. It almost makes her want to fight him again, but no... not now. There will be other times. It's not like he will run from a chance to fight her either. When the time comes, he is sure to respond to her call. They both have all the time in the world.

    People are all too easy to use at times, and especially men with a fondness for women. And Medusa is not one to not use this to her advantage. Any opportunity to control another person should be seized, after all. And since Lute is only all too eager to help... Her hand tugs slightly on his, gesturing for him to walk to the front of the wheelchair. "As I am now, it's difficult to get a good look at the entire situation. I want to know more about what is going on around the multiverse. Would you be my eyes and ears...?" she asks, her soft and slender fingers holding tightly onto Lute's hand.

Lute (188) has posed:
     "I'm still worried about Crona, but. Hey, if you're not worried, I shouldn't be either." Lute is normally the type who is all 'rebel against your parents', in most situations. But Medusa seems trustworthy enough on these situations. At the least, she's a lot cooler than most parents. How many parents would let their daughter go on a date to Hooters?

     The 'eyes and ears' comment actually causes Lute to pause for a bit. If it were as simple as just telling her what is going on, it wouldn't need so much asking, and so much build up. Already, he has a guess that it is a less metaphorical 'eyes and ears'. But, he still smiles, and answers, quite calmly.

     "Of course I'll be your eyes and ears, in whatever means you want. It can be hard to be stuck out of duty, so that's the least I can grant you. So, however you want me to be your eyes and ears for you? I'll do it."

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    Once Lute does as bidden and moves to the front of the wheelchair, Medusa smiles softly and reaches her hands out to him. "It's indeed hard to not be able to be out there... but it's only temporary," she says calmly. When he accepts her request that smile widens, and her hands moves up to cup his face. There's little physical strength in her at this point, but her golden eyes are intense as she watches him and slowly pulls his face closer.

    "My magic allows me to see many things, even when it's apart from me," she explains rather cryptically.

    Her left hand moves to the back of Lute's head as she pulls him closer to her face, and her right shifts to his shoulder. Closer and closer she pulls him, her lips parting as she narrows her eyes, watching him closely. And unless he pulls away, she will close what little distance remains between them and take his lips in a kiss, her hands remaining in place.

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute looks Medusa straight in the eyes as he gets in front of her, staying at eye level with her. As the hands touch his face, he is actually surprised. And, a bit wide-eyed. Even though he is a man who has quite an ego, and thinks /really/ highly of himself, and feels he is God's gift to women? It is not often a woman kisses him, before he has a chance to kiss her. So, Lute is incredibly puzzled as the lips meet. There is no sign of protest from him, though. He says nothing. He, of course, kisses back almost immediately.

     He does, somewhere in his head, realize that this is almost certainly just the method by which Medusa is casting her magic. He's heard of pact magic or similar that works via a kiss, before. But this is also not stopping Lute from assuming that most likely that he and her are approaching 'couple' status.

     Which is why Lute's own hands move to wrap around Medusa's waist and pull his own body close. He's so entranced it is unlikely he is going to realize what is actually happening to him, that'll make him Medusa's eyes and ears. He'll be speechless for a bit, even once the kiss is broken.

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    This is so much easier when they go with it...

    The witch does not object when Lute wraps his hands about her waist. It's something to keep him somewhat distracted as she deepens the kiss as he returns it, her tongue seeking entry. But just at that moment Lute might notice something else. As a contrast to the soft yet firm lips pressing against his, there's also something else about this. Something that he has certainly never felt before.

    Something tingling, and not in a good way. It's a faint feeling, but right now Medusa isn't doing anything to distract from it. Perhaps Lute will feel it, something moving down his throat for a brief second.

    The next moment the kiss is broken, and Medusa pulls back, opening her eyes and smiling at Lute despite his speechlessness. Her hand moves from the back of his head, stroking his cheek in a gentle manner. "If you could be there when Hiei and D have their duel... I would be eternally grateful to you, Lute," she murmurs as she looks down at him.

Lute (188) has posed:
     The feeling of something moving down Lute's throat actually throws off the moment quite a bit. It at least confirms that yes, this is connected to the magic. He tries to place what it feels like. But with how brief it is, he can't /quite/ place it.

     Still, though, when the kiss breaks, he's smiling. The stroking at his cheek helps. It makes it feel like he isn't just being used. She actually has some form of feelings for him! Once again, his string of incredible luck with the ladies is continuing.

     He smiles at the mention of watching the D and Hiei duel. He keeps his hands at Medusa's hips and waist, unless she does anything to stop him from this. "I'll do what I can. D might not appreciate me being there, but I'm sure I can work something out. Hiei is dangerous, though. He's tough, but he's an undirected and pointless rage. He needs to grow up a bit."

     "Of course, if you need anything else to be watched, or anything else for me to do? Let me know. I'll do whatever I can, dear."

     Oh god he's talking to her in cutesy romantic terms.

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    The snake witch sits calmly in the wheelchair, still resting a hand on his shoulder as she makes her request. "D... rarely appreciates of anything, in my opinion. Though I do think he will be focused on Hiei. I doubt they will kill one another, but I want to see what happens. Hiei seems to think we have something in common." She herself does not like when people think they can use her.

    It's usually the other way around, after all.

    When Lute asks what else he should keep an eye on, Medusa smiles warmly and brightly, canting her head to the side in a cutesy manner. If she's upset by him calling her 'dear', then she's doing a damn good job of hiding it. "Try to listen to the radio as much as you can. It's easy for me to get info on our fellow Confederates, but the Union..." Her hands pull back, moving to rest in her lap again. "I'm certain you will let me know if you find anything interesting, hmmm~?"

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute just continues smiling, and looking at Medusa. In a lot of way, he's like a puppy, eager to please. He nods along as she speak of D and Hiei, "Well, I'm sure I can figure out a way to get in on it. At the least, I can probably find some way to convince Hiei to let me witness the fight. Hiei really has nothing in common with you, though. His main goal is just to get stronger, for no reason other than to just be strong. He's violent and murderous, but without a purpose."

     Lute pulls back a little bit as Medusa sets her own hands on her lap, mostly to follow her own lead. He assumes she is likely to be winded soon as well. He stays at her eye level.

     "I'll do what I can to listen out, then. Keep an eye on Union stuff, try to respond to it, and keep you informed on things. I'll look for /anything/ even remotely interesting to you. I have some guesses at what you might like, even."

     And then a pause. Lute's face changes a bit. His eyes narrow, his smile fades. And he frowns.

     "I do not trust you for even one second."

     And then he looks like himself again. A sigh.

     "...Sorry about him. The other side of my personality can be an asshole."

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    Good. With that settled she can rest assured that she will get some proper info on the fight. If Lute is there, then she can see through his eyes and hear through his ears. She looks amused when he comments on Hiei however, and even lets out a slight giggle. "Oh, I figured~ That young man has quite the temper, he even thought he could use my life as a bargaining chip for a promotion..." How cute. She had corrected him quickly however. But still, why is he so interested in D? That's worthy of her attention. While he might have been able to disable D while the vampire hunter was intent on killing her again, there's nothing that will ensure his victory against D in a duel from what she knows.

    It's a good thing Lute agrees to helping her, and she's just about to comment on it when his face changes... and he says something completely unexpected. Aaah. Her pupils constrict slightly to slits for a moment.

    When he returns to his 'idiot' self however, she chuckles and tilts her head, her caduceus braid shifting slightly. "I do not fault him for being honest~" she responds calmly, then presses the issue. "Do /you/ trust me?"

Lute (188) has posed:
     With Lute back to his normal self, he stands tall for a second, shrugging. He slides his hands into his labcoat pockets for a second again, as he speaks, "Yeaaah, of course I trust you. You don't seem like the type who'd turn against me, at least. And you seem really honest and trustworthy in general. So... Yeah, I can trust you. Besides, I mean. We're suddenly a lot closer now, right?" A smirk. Lute looks a bit cocky right now. It's the look of a man who is dating a really hot mom, and also their similarly hot daughter. Even though he's only been on one date with Crona. And even though the situation is just him being used in various ways.

     He looks down at Medusa. Caringly. He speaks, with a soft tone. "I know my other self can be a pain, but I hope it didn't cause you too much stress. ...How are you doing, though? I'm worried about your health. You just came back to life, after all. ...you hungry or anything? I mean I know the medical food can suck. ...No offense, I know you work in medical usually."

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    He strikes her as somebody who is unable to lie effectively. At least to her and about things that really matters. The little lies do not bother her for several reasons. She's tempted to laugh however when he comments on her seeming honest and trustworthy... poor Lute. Whether they are a lot closer or not, she doesn't respond to. "Why would I turn against you~?" she says instead with a look of amusement. No, for now it's handy to have Lute on her good side so he can be of use to her.

    How is she doing? "Ah, I'm fine aside from the fact that I have to build up physical strength. This body of mine had never been used before I got it, and so can't do most things that well. Even eating and drinking was bothersome at first." But one does still need food, Medusa knows how a body functions better than most. "I could use some proper food, indeed. And the chefs aren't the best, now are they?" she laughs, looking rather amused.

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute's smile widens as Medusa says that. He speaks, still softly. He looks a bit to the side, into the distance, "Oh, well, I haven't been betrayed often by people in the Confederacy. The worst is probably Juno. I was friends with her, and then she turned traitor. I know there was a situation around it that forced her hand, buuuuut still hurts." He turns his gaze back to Medusa, "...But yeah. I can at least trust you. You seem super trustworthy and nice."

     Lute moves behind the wheelchair. He's considering the implications of a completely brand new body. It's weird to think about. And being able to move from one body, to another... It's interesting to him.

     "...Have you ever considered having a number of backup bodies on hand? I mean, it sounds like it was really hard to make /this/ one, but even just having /something/ ready would be useful."

     He grabs the back of the wheelchair, smiling, "So. Let's go get you some food. Any preferences? I mean there are a ton of warp gates nearby, we could go get most any type of food you want."

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    Ah, right. Juno. "I heard... it's most unfortunate, Juno was a patient of mine. Perhaps we can talk some sense into her~?" If not, that means that there is nothing holding her back from using her medical knowledge for other purposes.

    The talk about bodies is curious indeed, and Medusa shrugs. "Bodies are not easy to make. Besides, they will decay if they are not used. It's better to take an already living body, and I tried it this time, though that failed," the serpentine witch explains. "It's not hard to make, it just requires various materials that the alchemist did not have handy. I can create something like this easily enough."

    Off they go to get food, and Medusa looks untroubled by the suggestion to go outside of the Citadel. "Ah, something easy on the stomach, I doubt that I can stomach tougher foods just yet. Perhaps soup or some fried vegetables?" she suggests with a soft smile. Hey, if Lute wants to get her some tasty food she won't deny him that pleasure.

Lute (188) has posed:
     Juno is a sore spot for Lute. He looks to the side for a moment, frowning. "...Well. Seeing her situation, it's unlikely she can be talked back. From what she said before it happened, and the situation? ...Well. She felt the Empire might eventually decide she outlived her usefulness, and I'd bet that's what she felt happened. Though last I heard, Vader has decided that it isn't necessary to kill her at the moment. I got no clue what all is going on, though. ...Why is she so terrified of you, anyways?"

     He nods and listens to the bodyswap thing. It's a bit beyond what he can understand as far as the mechanics of it. "...Well, guess it makes sense. Cool that you're able to do that, and a shame you couldn't manage sooner. At least it worked, eventually."

     He pushes Medusa along, smiling, "I know some good date resteraunts with good soup. I'll take you to one of them."

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    A bright smile crosses Medusa's lips at the question about why Juno is so scared of her. "Juno... is easily disturbed by non-standard practices, even if it allows for faster healtimes. Even after I reconstructed her eye and saved her depth perception she's been wary of the fact that I'm a witch." Or rather, her ability to enjoy her job.

    All aspects of it, to be precise.

    Date restaurants, huh? Medusa doesn't see any point in correcting Lute, instead she leans back in the wheelchair again, closing her eyes as she allows Lute to wheel her to get some food before it's back to medical.