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Latest revision as of 17:17, 20 June 2015

A Deamon
Date of Scene: 18 June 2015
Location: Urbania
Synopsis: Kotone is hired by a local government to look into some strange happenings. What she finds are some teenagers playing about with dangerous summoning magic.
Cast of Characters: Kotone Yamakawa, 817

Asteroth (817) has posed:
Many unusual events happen in the multiverse. Some come to the attention of various agencies, investigative bureaus, and other types of organizations. In one part of Urbania, there has been an uptick in occult events. The cases have been (seemingly) unrelated, but...obviously connected in some way. Nerds suddenly becoming extremely athletic, young soldiers healing of grevious injuries, criminals vanishing from prison with nothing left behind but strange sigils, or internet research of demonology. Just enough to connect the cases, but without anything specific. It could have been cooincidence, but there are enough little stories that online social media in the local schools is beginning to talk - something strange is afoot, and powerful. Several students, united by an interest in the occult, have even started forming clubs, sometimes afterschool, in the better cases, or gangs, in the worst urbane cases, studying occult demonology, which they have apparently been learning and sharing off of the internet. Local officials are beginning to get concerned...

One meeting, described by online adherants to 'reveal the secret knowledge' and to "fight back against the Powers" and various teen whiny emo-stuff, mixed with vague promises of mysticism, is being held after-hours in a public park, one of the rare few spaces in the middle of the infinite urban wasteland, which also happens to have wifi access, just after midnight.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa has been well taking random jobs at time given it would lead into snooping into things that were strange. This was not uite what she was expecting but given her history in Kingsmouth she had some idea of what she was up to. Still it was experiance and no one else had taken the case here. She had caught that info and it had while seemed standard for what it sas? She was curious about this place. Kotone is keeping out of sight, thanks to her optic cameo and had tapped into the local wireless to see what was going on. She didn't expect them to be ready for something like herself.

Asteroth (817) has posed:
It is, as expected, mostly teenagers. They seem to all have cell-phones, and are gathered roughly in a circle, and are incessently texting other teenagers, sometimes even the ones /beside them/ instead of actually talking. There is a great deal of chatter, bravado, and nervousness. Eventually they come to some semblance of order. Apparently they've gotten their hands on magic texts, or at least, magic textbooks that have been scanned into PDF, somehow, and have spread them via email and their cellphones. Their teacher, supposedly a goddess named Ishtar, has been helping some of them learn magic. Others have made deals with her, and they plan to summon her again tonight. They've even brought several white lab mice, taken from school, for the purpose, and while some of the teens begin setting up a sterotypical pentagram, others begin translating chants using search engines. They don't seem to be very clear on what they are doing, other then the pleasure of having gotten into something their parents probably wouldn't approve of.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa sees it's teenagers the tech to her is pretty old school and the exploites are known as a matter of public fact. She however does see they do got some sort of legit magical tomes. This never ends well but she listens to hear about them planning to summon. Her Ghost for lack of a better term crawls as they move to summon. She thinks of what happened in Kingsmouth, in Ainsley's home city. Idiots fucking with things best left alone. First off she's going to quickly grab all the kids personal information. So they will have no where to hide, because she's pretty sure the Union would love this information for later. She also moves to grab the texts but to dump those in an isolated flash drive for someone like Ainsley or Heaven and hell to look over. She dares not load that crap into her cybertrain directly.

with that handled she now moves hack into their devices.

<You toy with things that will get you killed.>

She knows it's a faint hope but she's going to give them a chance to stop. She also moves to disable thier ability to text. God people talk to ethoerh more in her world at least by cyberton. At least that's actually talking.

Asteroth (817) has posed:
Hacking into the systems and messing with them is, like, totally uncool Kotone. Totally uncool. At least, thats what the kids would say.

As it is, when their files are deleted and their phones stop working, the reactions are mixed. Some seem to think their phones have hit an error, others try resetting them. A few start to put together that its ... /all/ the phones.

"Hey, is this part of the like, the ritual?" a goth girl asks.

"Man, dude, I think we've been hacked!" says a young athletic-looking jock.

"Might be the government!" says another.

"Are you an idiot? Its 4chan! The government wouldn't threaten us!"

"You kidding, the government probably does this stuff everyime they want evidence of something, man. Its like, been going on for years. Look it up!"

Some of them begin arguing, others begin to bolt - the ones who sense trouble. Being teenagers, they were a skittish lot to begin with. Others mostly seem confused that they can't text and have to talk, and look about, quietly, as if unsure what to do when required to move their mouth instead of their fingers. Those teenagers mull about in mute confusion, glaring at their phones as if betrayed.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone is now watching some of them run. They talk about the government and the like. No Kotone things spec ops on a world where the government is aware of summoning, might be very likely to take a lethal approach from the get go. She's quite glad she's wearing shock gloves if it comes to it. She's got non lethal options. The ones who flee? Good that's useful, Kotone knows what she needs to do next.

<<It was not a threat, it was a warning See the price of what you dabble with.>>

Kotone now is moving to come up behind them and she speaks.

"So your traffic in dangerous powers blindly and yet you continue?"

her cameo is up so she'd be fairly hard to spot if not impossible with her holding still.

Asteroth (817) has posed:
The kids don't really care at this point what Kotone has to say. She's already spooked them. Teenagers getting into trouble are like cats on the counter, they don't even need to be trained to run, its instinctual. When in doubt, flee! This 'teenager scattering behavior' has been observed by ecologists, police officers, parents, and numerous authority figures inturrupting parties, nighttime games in parks that are closed after dark, and trouble of all sort. Really, its quite efficient.

One of them, a boy in black robes, pauses to shake his fist at the air. "You'll see! We'll get our revenge! We are going to be powerful wizards someday! Common people can fight back! And get girlfriends! Just because we are teens doesn't mean you can kick us around! You'll see!"

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa ses the rest scatter she looks at the boy whose speaking about it. She can get the idea to learn magic but she knows there are other paths to power, safer ones. Schools, those who'd teach the right way the safer /way/. The way that didn't unleahs horrible things into the world and doom your self.

"There are other ways to learn, there are scores of magic schools within the multivese. Are you so bent on summoning unknown things into this world? You do not care about the fallout from it? Or the effects it might have?"

Asteroth (817) has posed:
The boy glances around, as if looking for the source of the voice. "Oh, hell with you. How many trillions are there, compared to those few schools? Hundreds of trillions?" He sniffs his nose up in the air, like a dog, and hides behind a tree. Meanwhile, the other teenagers are continuing to flee, and are no longer in sight. Or if they are, it is very distant backsides. "You know, this could be considered a hate crime!"

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa decloaks now she's a woman not that tall but she's clad in some odd body suiut like armour, There's clearly several weappons on her form, looking like a ide arm of some sort She's not got them out her arms are folded.

"Your playing with magic in such a fashion that your going on to the internet with no firewall, no anti viral and you used your password as password. Hate crime? I haven't even tried to harm you, had I been trying to harm any of you. We'd not have had this coverstation now would we? What is it are you seeking power because youe weak? Being stepped on all the time?"

Asteroth (817) has posed:
The boy grumbles. "Whatever! You still broke my phone." he grumbles. "I don't need to justify myself to you!" he says, crinkling his nose. "If you hadn't waltzed on in and done...whatever, we'd be receiving lessons right now from the Goddess Ishtar! What do you you about it? Tell you what, I'm going to walk away, and then do it tomorrow. What are you gonna do?" He even sounds like a pimply snot nosed kid.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa says "It's disabled. Really that fact your dealing with a being who claims to be Ishtar? All account she's a very fickle and spiteful sort whose love was fatal even for other gods, for one. Sure you can walk away go ahead, I have connections that could get you a shot at a proper magical school if you do have the knack for it. Learn from people who know what they are doing and not risk delaing with something that may just be impersonating Ishtar. You just don't know it's not like you went to a holy site of here's to worship did you?"

She's made an offer and she now sees how they will take it.

Asteroth (817) has posed:
The boy frowns suspiciously. "Why would I do that? I'm not priest. This isn't about me, you know. Millions of people can't all study magic in some school. I'll take your offer, lady. But this isn't about me, and won't end with me." He pauses. "Besides, why would you offer this to me?"

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa Says "There are entire worlds where people know magic. Galdina for example every last soul can. Because I been weak I been a bug, I know what it's like to bw walked over. I understand that desire to be something more. That's why I'm making you the offer, because it's far better for you, and for everyone else. In this situation we both win."

Asteroth (817) has posed:
"Alright." The boy shrugs. "Guess killing mice didn't really sound so fun anyways." He kicks at the dirt, a bit sulkily, then tries to act tough and confident. "What now?"

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa says "I get in contnact with some people who can get you the shot your looking for."

She's going toi pass the names of these kids on to some friends to keep an eye on. Least something prey upon them all, right?