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Latest revision as of 12:37, 21 June 2015

Adventures on Dagobah
Date of Scene: 21 June 2015
Location: Faraway Galaxy <FG>
Synopsis: Two very different masters meet.
Cast of Characters: 20, 820

Yoda (820) has posed:
    Dagobah is a dark, dark place. It's not just the limited sunlight, nor the thick clouds and mists that sweep across the marshes. Everything from the mossy rocks and leaves underfoot to the twisted branches of mangled trees. From the smallest birds that sing haunted shrills, to the giant lake monsters that writhe in the bodies of water. Everything just seems to ooze a sort of 'darkness' that simply cannot be explained. That feeling where you just have the hairs on the back of your neck, waiting for something to happen... but it never does. Always being watched, but nothing ever reveals itself.
    It's an odd place to choose as your home, that's for sure! Yoda has set up a small hut right in the base of a valley. Made of naught but stone and wood, the soft glow of candlelight can be seen shining out through the small rounded windows. At only about five and a half feet total in height, this hut is clearly made for little people. And that's just the way Yoda likes it.
    With a subtle glance, the diminutive Master, dressed in his normal brown robes, looks outside the window with a narrow eye. The rain was coming down quite heavy at this point, pattering upon the earthern roof above his head.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    This place smells really funky. Not to mention it's wet!

    But unlike most teenage girls, Toph is hardly the type to complain about mud and soggy ground. Her feet are steady as she ventures deeper into the swamp like area. This is the first time she's been here, but already this place seems promising. The ground here is slightly different than other places she's been, and there's some trace amounts of minerals around. Perhaps there's some different kind of metal here? It doesn't hurt to check!

    The darkness hardly bothers her either, as she doesn't even know the difference between light and dark to begin with. For her it's always dark. Sure, the water isn't something she likes, and while the heavy rain is something she can tolerate with the help of a an earthen plate that she's bended and keeping afloat over her head, the large bodies of water on the ground is something the blind girl steers away from that easily enough. Though she does halt as she reaches the edge of a larger body of water. Rather than wading through it though, she steps forward... and kicks her heel into the ground, which causes the mud and earth to shift and rise up through the water in the form of a makeshift bridge that is solid rock.

    When she steps forward though her eyebrows raise, and she notices something ahead of her. Is that... a house? And there's somebody small inside too? Well, if there is somebody there perhaps she can seek shelter from the rain for a while. So the young girl hurries onward toward the door and knocks on the door with her free hand. It sounds like there's a fireplace inside too, might just be a cold and wet traveller needs.

Yoda (820) has posed:
    Squelch Squelch Squelch. Those will be the noises that Toph makes as she trudges along the way. Even as she approaches the home the softness doesn't look to relent! Here's hoping the home had a nice floor, huh?
    The raps upon the door draw the movement of Yoda within, who slowly hobbles to the entryway with walking stick gripped tightly in his right hand. It's something he heavily leans on for support, seemingly unable to walk without it much at all. Opening the door slowly, his head tilts at the visitor. A smirk is on his face, wise eyes looking at her completely soaked form.
    Then, a slow chuckle rumbles out from his lips, as he turns to beckon Toph in. "Hello." He greets, sounding friendly enough. "For warmth of your skin, blankets I have. For warmth of your insides, soup the fire has."
    The entirety of the interior of the little home is bathed in a nice warm glow, sourced from a hearth with fireplace on top. The result? A much warmer -- and just as importantly -- dryer experience on Dagobah. "Come far, have you?" Yoda asks, hobbling over to the stove in his typical slow shuffle.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "Hey! It's raining squirrel cats and wolf bats out here!" Toph says as the door opens. Huh, this guy isn't all that tall, is he? But he seems relaxed and hospitable enough, and there's nothing about this situation that actually strikes her as dangerous. And huh, he has soup? Even if he's talking a bit weirdly... At least she can understand him. So she grins, clearly appreciating the offer. And with one flick of her hand the earthen plate she's been bending above her head is tossed aside and lands by the edge of the water. "Never one to turn down grub and the chance to get some warmth back into my feet!"

    Luckily she's not in any danger of bumping her head as she steps inside, and the five foot tall girl might not be looking at Yoda nor at anything for that matter, that much he is bound to notice. But she moves with ease, not bumping into anything as she makes her place towards the hearth. "Oh yeah, I came through the warp gates. I'm on a study trip of sorts. Didn't know anybody lived in this swamp though, most people prefer big cities it seems." She does sniff the air slightly as she flops down on her butt to warm her feet, wriggling her dirty toes a bit.

Yoda (820) has posed:
    "Wolf bats? Hrm. Think that unlikely I do. Squirrels and cats? Yes." Any comment on her blindness isn't made, though he gives way for Toph as she navigates the interior of the home and falls flat on her butt to try and heat up. She seemed able enough! With a slow shuffling limp he begins to assemble some locally sourced soup, swishing around the chunky contents in a big pot via wooden spoon.
    "Warp gates... Hm. Much to learn, have you?" His nose wrinkles, ears twitching. "Just moved in, I have. Good place for home, this is, hrm? No noises." With a bowl now filled with the soup, steam rising from the surface of it, he hands the wooden dish to Toph with a shaky hand. His good one, but still shaky. A blanket is fetched and handed to her direction not long after, before Yoda himself takes a seat nearby. Not on the floor, but on his little hoverchair. Currently unactivated, of course.
    "Tell me. What study you do? Knowledge about swamps, you wish to achieve?" His hands settle in his lap, just as he leans forward. Curious on this young intruder if nothing else.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "Hey, wolf bats are common in my world. Nasty creatures, they don't like people much," Toph shrugs. "The multiverse has tons of different creatures."

    Man, that warmth feels nice on her feet.

    As for whether she has much to learn? Toph shrugs, seemingly not too bothered by that question. "Eh, I think I know most of what I need to know," she responds rather bluntly with typical youthlike bravado, though she does seem awfully confident as she says those words. "But I'm always interested in getting more practice and training."

    She's a bit surprised to hear that this guy just moved in. "Really? Huh, you really did pick a nice spot in the swamp at least. Nice and cozy!" And she nods when he comments on there not being any noises. "You don't have to worry about that, no." Some people might question how nice it is to live in a swamp of all places, but the blind girl doesn't seem like she's about to comment on it nor ask why he decided to move here. If he wants peace and quiet, then a swamp is the place to live.

    As the bowl is handed out towards her Toph raises her hand, immediately reaching out to take it without fumbling. "Thanks," she offers, then raises it to her nose to take a sniff. Hmm, doesn't smell bad. She takes a sip, nods once as she smacks her lips, then she takes another sip. Nope, she's not picky about her food. And she offers another 'thanks' when she's given the blanket, and she takes the chance to wrap herself properly up.

    Before Yoda gets a response to his question the blind girl... lets out a rather unladylike burp. "I'm an earthbending master," Toph replies, wiping the back of her hand across her mouth. "I often go to different worlds to check out the earth there and bend it. And look for different sorts of metal that I can practice on." Oh hell, she forgot to introduce herself, didn't she? She extends her right and somewhat dirty hand for him to shake if he wants to. "Toph Beifong. I'm from the Union if you've heard of it."

Yoda (820) has posed:
    Yoda watches, hands rested upon the top of his walking stick as Toph eats and speaks. The bravado and lack of refinery doesn't seem to bother him. On the contrary, he actually seems to like it! There is a near constant smile on his face, even if the young female is unable to see it. "Earthbending master? First time hearing that sort of power for me, it is. Explains, it does, how you stayed dry outside." Yoda leans back a little at this point, content to think upon this revelation.
    "Good to meet you it is, Toph. Yoda, my name is. Heard of the Union I have. Just joined it recently, I did. Lots of names... lots of noises." He shakes his head a little at the thought of being back in the main base again. "Enjoy the mind of a youngling, I do. Exploring. Learning. Even for a master to want to learn? Impressive that is, Toph. Earthbending... explain this to me, can you? Curious, I am, to learn of different powers in this Multiverse."
    Meanwhile, the rain continues to fall heavily outside. Various birds and other animals can still be heard actively going on outside, despite the harsh weather. It seems it doesn't bother them much at all! Perhaps once you live here for long enough, you just get used to it.
    "Confused, I am." Yoda speaks again. "Earth, you bend? Or metal?"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "Oh yeah, bending is something native to my world, some compare it to magic, though I feel it's kinda different myself." Of course she should know what bending is better than most, considering she is a master of her craft.

    When he introduces himself and even reveals that he has indeed joined the Union, Toph looks momentarily surprised, though it's obvious she thinks of this as good news as she grins. "Really? Heh, I don't check my radio too often when I head out on these trips of mine. But yeah, lots of names and lots of noises. Some of them talk a whole lot. Most of them are really nice people though, even if they can be a bit stubborn." Herself included. She focuses on eating more of her soup, clearly hungry.

    Though she does seem pleased when he doesn't question her claim of being a master earthbender, and even approves of her wandering around. "Only dunderheads stop trying to get better at what they do," she comments with an impish grin. And hey, he wants to know about earthbending? If there's something the blind girl doesn't mind talking about, it's bending.

    "In my world, there are four nations and four elements. Fire Nation, Water tribes, Air nomads and Earth Kingdom. I'm from the Earth Kingdom myself in case that wasn't obvious. Anyway, some people from each nation are able to manipulate the element of their country. And I happen to be the greatest earthbender of all time!" This is said with no small degree of pride, though it seems that she honesty believes it too. But there's not just pride there, it's... happiness and a sense of accomplishment. "Bending... is you sort of connect with the element and work with it, imposing your will on it." That is something else that Yoda should be able to sense, that the tiny girl has an immense amount of willpower and mental fortitude. There is barely any shred of doubt in her. "As for what I bend? Both. As a matter of fact I invented metalbending. Metal has trace amounts of earth in it, though not every earthbender is able to sense it. I can though."

    With that said she takes one final sip of the soup, finishing the rest of of it. Of course she lets out another burp when done, then she sets the bowl down next to her before she moves her right foot into her lap... and begins picking her toes clean. "So what do you do, Yoda? Since you joined the Union, I mean." He must be an Elite or something since he joined, she figures.

Yoda (820) has posed:
    Yoda once again listens intently, fascinated to hear the lore, culture and abilities of another world. Not just another world, but another Universe completely! It was something he was still trying to wrap his head around.
    "Great mental strength I feel in you, Toph. Great willpower. Enable you to do the things you say, it does." He states cryptically, exhaling as he shuts his eyes. "Agree, I do, that on the life journey, much learning must always occur. To never stop, the goal this is." When the question is posed to Yoda about what he does, his eyes open just a little bit, and he smiles a bit more.
    "Do? Hrm. Do nothing, Yoda does." His tone suggests he /might/ be joking, but it's hard to know for sure. "Sit here. Make soup. When rain fades, gardening I do." He shifts in his seat. "To learn of a terrible War in this Multiverse... Greatly saddened to hear about this, I was. Then... when learn, I did, of Vader..." He takes another breath. "Little choice I had in joining the Union." With another breath, he seems to lighten up.
    "Offer guidance, I can. Offer training, perhaps. Wisdom. Ideas. Searching for these are you, Toph? Or just new earth?"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Even as she picks her toes, Toph is clearly listening as Yoda speaks. This is made clear as she nods. "Well, you kinda need willpower to bend earth. Earth is a stubborn element, and the only way you will get it to move is by showing it who's boss!" she states firmly. "If I had stopped after mastering earthbending, then there's no way I would have invented metalbending..." And if she had done that...

    Her expression is dour for a second before she turns her head a bit towards him. "What's the point of being good at something if you don't work at it and become even better?" Ah, if only she had the same attitude when it came to reading, writing and swimming...

    The joking tone is easily heard, and Toph arches an eyebrow. "I think that counts for doing something," she points out. Though when he starts talking about more serious matters however, her expression sobers. Only to drop when he mentions a certain Sith Lord, recognition settling on her features and she raises her head, instantly forgetting about her important task of picking her toes clean. She's clearly not glad to hear that name. "Wait... you know about that guy?" she asks. Does this guy from the same world or a similar one at least?

    "So... you're some kind of sifu, huh?" Sifu. Master and teacher is the best translation the translation effect can offer. It means both. "Don't take this the wrong way, but you seem a bit... old. What sort of training do you offer, exactly?" Hey, it doesn't hurt to ask. As for what she is searching for? "Guidance is never bad, and hey, if you want to share wisdom and ideas..." she shrugs. "If you know this Vader guy, then that might help. He's after some... well, I guess you could call them friends of mine. They used to be in the Confederacy, but they had to leave when they actually listened to their conscience instead of mindlessly following orders," she explains.

Yoda (820) has posed:
    "Regretful, I am, that responsible for his training I was." Yoda reveals. "Vader... a young boy, he once was. Named Skywalker then, before the Council he was presented. So gifted. Rumoured to be the Saviour, he was. Blinded, we were... By the every growing darkness. Train him we did. Train him well. But..." Yoda's eyes close again as he remembers an all too recent memory. "Fall and lured into the darkness he was. Dead, Skywalker now is. Replaced by the husk that is now Vader. A storm that is the Dark Side swells within him, driving him to eliminate all of the remaining Jedi. And your friends, it sounds."
    Yoda leans back into his seat into a more comfortable position, where he chuckles at the observation of him being old. "When many centuries old you reach, Master Toph. Move as well, I would like to see /you/ do." Opening his eyes wide again, he contemplates. "Control, I can teach. Control of mental states. Physical skills. Focus. Mmm..." Wrinkling his nose, Yoda's head tilts. "Your friends. Fleeing and on the run, they are? Names? What aid do you wish I give them?"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    The young earhtbender listens intently as Yoda speaks, clearly paying attention. And her expression is serious, especially when Yoda seems to recall something that isn't a nice memory. "So you're a Jedi, huh?" Toph concludes. Blind she might be, but she's perceptive. She's heard about Jedi as well as the Dark Side more than enough since she arrived in the multiverse. "Seems like too many people in the multiverse decide to join this Dark Side if you ask me... Though there are Jedi in the Union too." So not all hope is lost, right?

    There's a deadpan look on her face however when Yoda reveals that he is indeed old. "When I'm many centuries old I'll be dust for another earthbender to manipulate," she snorts, then goes back to picking at her toes again. "I learned the importance of control early when I first began bending. And control is one of the first things that I teach my own students," she shrugs. That and to do as she says. "And if my students can't focus, then they're not going to get those rocks moving. But yeah, how do you teach control?" It doesn't hurt to compare notes. "Physical skills... heh, bending requires movements, so you're bound to get physically fit." Toph might not have a lot of physical muscle to her, but she's no weakling either.

    Since Yoda is in the Union, then there is little need to hide what's going on. It's public information anyway. "Juno Eclipse and Galen Marek. I think Galen was an apprentice of Vader's or something. Juno was his pilot, though now they're on the run from the Empire and Vader. It's really messed up and all... though Juno did talk with me some times after this entire mess started. I did agree to help teach Galen control, though I'm not into that spiritual mumbo jumbo stuff," she says as she raises her hands and wiggles her fingers. Nopes, not very spiritual at all, this girl. "So maybe he might learn something useful from you if you're a Jedi. Juno doesn't want him to fall to the Dark Side incase something happens to her, and he himself doesn't want to either. They just want to be free and do what's right."

Yoda (820) has posed:
    "Hrm. Jedi. Perhaps." Yoda seems to cloud his own position with a bit more fog, just to make things a bit more difficult! "Choice? Believe you do, that people choose to go to the Dark Side?" Yoda considers this for a moment. "True, that is. But rare. Often, they fall with little choice of their own. Manipulated, they are. Consumed." The green Master shrugs his shoulders, rolling them around just a bit. Standing up from his seated position, Yoda progresses and shuffles along the ground, hobbling over to the hearth to gain some more heat.
    "Advanced you are, Master Toph. Many ways I have to teach. If you wish to try, perhaps, I can, show you some methods at a later date." He smiles, before listening to the rest of the tale. He leans heavily on that walking stick once more, considering the options.
    "Meditate and consider on these events, I will." Yoda acknowledges, not yet answering on whether he will help or not. "Concerned, I am, of Galen. As Vader's apprentice, corrupted already he may be." Turning about, he moves to face his seat once more and sit down.
    "Free you are to stay. Or leave and explore. Think and ponder my thoughts, I will." And with this, he simply closes his eyes and appears to drift into a subtle sleep! Sitting up, but motionless.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "It seems a bit unlikely that they are all manipulated, isn't it?" Toph points out. No, she clearly doesn't know much about the Force, the Dark Side, nor does she understand it. "And if they fall, isn't there a way to help them back up?" It only seems logical to her! Even if her own way is a little bit naive. For earthbending there is only control, focus, connecting with the earth. Sure, fire can consume, she knows. For water bending there is bloodbending, which is just creepy. "And can't they reclaim control of themselves?"

    Learning more might not be a bad idea, and hey, if it's not something particularly useful for her, then there's no rule that she can't just leave, right? So Toph nods her head. "Sure thing. I'll bring lunch next time."

    If he's going to consider helping Galen and Juno, then that's a start. "Juno is concerned and worried about him too. And Galen might be a bit rough around the edges, but he risked his life to save Juno. He's not uncaring, at least. And that should be good for /something/." It's one redeeming quality in Toph's opinion, there are too many unfeeling assholes out there.

    Free to stay, huh? Toph nods, though she blinks when Yoda seems... to fall asleep. It's easily heard through his breathing and his calm heart beat. Seems it really is true that old people can fall asleep anywhere at anytime.

    Though she does finish picking her toes clean before she dries herself off with the slightly drenched blanket and hangs it off somewhere to dry, and then she is actually quiet for once as she leaves the small house and braves the rain again, which fortunately is a bit lighter now. Might as well explore this place some more.

    And perhaps Yoda might appreciate the few bridges that have seemingly popped up over night in this place when he ventures outside again next.