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Latest revision as of 20:31, 22 June 2015

Breakfast at Misha's Take Two The Pancakening: Son of Pancakes
Date of Scene: 21 June 2015
Location: Njorun Station - Deployment
Synopsis: Misha makes breakfast for the Union again.
Cast of Characters: 279, 757, 802, 818

Misha (757) has posed:
    Away from all the hustle and bustle of the hangars, mech repair bays, troop stationing points, and other collective, controlled chaos involved in a deployment and staging area, there are some quieter rooms. Small lounges set aside for Elites to just kick back and take a load off, or dump things in their lockers.
    Misha's picked an appropriate spot though, an unused mess hall gives her full access to the supplies, ingredients, and utensils she needs to make a good and proper breakfast.
    It looks like she's had a few minutes to set up shop, because the hiss and pop of sizzling bacon can be heard, and the smell of strong, fresh brewed, coffee wafting through the deployment center as she works over a skillet, dark hair tied back in two short pigtails and... It looks like she hasn't even bothered to get out of her pajamas.

James Rogers (802) has posed:
Bacon! It is like a clarion call to James. Having grown up on hydroponically grown vegitables -- including tofu pseudo meats -- /real/ meat is a luxury he always enjoys when he can. Having been up already and communicating with his family back home in his quinjet, he didn't have far to go to meet Misha when she offered to do a community breakfast.

Having seen her arrival and work to set up, James quickly came out of the plane -- adjusting the fasteners on his recently doned jacket -- and offered his help in setting up the cooking and serving tables and then, as she begins the preparations, a set of matching chairs as well for at least half a dozen people just in case... leaving additional chairs and tables folded but available to fetch if they turned out to be needed.

Tijah El-Borak (818) has posed:
    From Galandia, Tijah was a bit lost in being allied with the Union. Mostly she did it for a chance to get a pass out of school...and also for a chance to challenge herself constantly. She is less interested in the war, or starting problems for people, and more about pushing her to her limits. She isn't a leader, she can't stand leading...

    So it's nice when free breakfast is called, because she can meet new people, and break bread with them! You can not say you really, truly know someone until you break bread with them! So without much warning, a dark skinned lady with a shield on her back, light armor, and a sword on her hip almost bounds into the formerly abandoned chow hall. Even with being up a good chunk of the night, and living life to the fullest, she is still a fountain of energy at this hour.

    "Hello! Nice to meet you!" She says, towards people as she looks over the cooks shoulder.

Maxine Sandberg (279) has posed:
Maxine's decided she could use a real breakfast for once and not something out of a vending machine. She staggers a bit as she makes her way into the chow hall after having pulled another all-nighter. She adjusts her glasses a bit to make she has to the right location and to see who else is present, "Good morning..." She says it a bit wearily as she heads straight for the coffee.

Misha (757) has posed:
    It's probably a good thing James decided to show up and be so helpful when he did. It allows Misha to focuse more on the task of actually cooking. And considering how she's a small girl, moving furniture around and setting up the tables and chairs probably would have been a hassle for her. Well, her short stature makes it easy to get a look over her shoulder though; tongue sticking out from the corner of her mouth as she whisks up a bowl full of batter. "Phew, thanks for the help... James right? You're pretty new to the Union aren't you?" Idle conversation as she works, dumping out blobs of the batter right onto the skillet, by the time Tijah and Maxine show up. "Annnnnnd you're a new face. Have a seat, this'll be ready in no time." The Reyvateil murmurs before sliding the steaming urn of coffee right on over, "Working late, Maxine?"

James Rogers (802) has posed:
"Yes, James Rogers," the young man replies to Misha's first question and then adds, "Unified about two and a half weeks ago. Met Tomoe and a little guy named Golden. Joined the Union within a day."

As the others arrive James greets them. "Hello," he says to Tijah and then also to Maxine until Misha identifies her at which point he asks, "Maxine Sandberg? Annie's 'mother', right?" of her and adds, "Sorry that our meeting you and Annie was delayed." Something in his tone hints to relief though also.

Tijah El-Borak (818) has posed:
    Tijah decides to watch over the stove for a bit.

    If she gets even remotely hot with the armor she has on, she doesn't even show it.

    "I suppose so..." She says, and turns, arms behind her back and saying back to a chair. "Don't want to be presumptious and aid where it is not wanted, and all!" and decides to pull up a seat to the gathering of tables.

    "Yeah, I am new. I am from Galianda, Ifrit to be exact."

    Tijah looks at the coffee desiring person, chuckling a little. She always found it so odd that other people need the stuff to function in the morning, even after a hard night. "Tijah El-Borak, is my name, you can just call me Tijah. No honorifics please, because if I am called lady, or ma'am, or miss, or the strange -san once more I might go crazy." She chuckles.

Maxine Sandberg (279) has posed:
"Yes, I have been. Thank you Misha." Maxine manages to smile a bit as she pours her coffee. "Correct, I'm Maxine Sandberg." She nods confiriming what James said. "It's alright I've been busy with work myself. She's pretty understanding. "It's a pleasure to meet you both. I have to admit I'm not that familiar with Galianda." She's heard the name before but that's about it.

Misha (757) has posed:
    "Galianda, huh? That's where Landon's from, isn't it? Uhhh. Ramuh or something I think." Just some idle conversation while Misha slaves away. Whistling to herself as she wields a spatula. With a flip and a few more moments to let sizzle, the Reyvateil glances back over her shoulder again, before using the utensil to catapult a dark brown pancake off the skillet and onto Jame's plate. A bright red one goes flying to land on Tijah's, and a deep green for Maxing. There's a smug little look as she serves the bacon and eggs in a much more tame manner. "Annnd done. I decided to try something a little different from plain old pancakes, sooooo. There's plenty of chocolate chip, red velvet, or green tea to go around.
    Of course there's also plain old normal pancakes too, but where's the fun in that?

James Rogers (802) has posed:
"No problem Tijah," James says to the young woman about his age and then nods to acknowledge Maxine's statment and says, "Thank you Mrs. Sandberg," to her. He then digs into breakfast as it is served to him, a smile and appreciative noises intially his only acknowledgement but then a quick, "Its very good, thanks," between bites is directed to Misha.

Tijah El-Borak (818) has posed:
    "Prince Landon of Ramud, yup. I am not anyone famous, myself, I am just a girl who was sent to Alexander Academy by her family of the Bonfire." She says, stretching.

    "Galianda is a world with a center, and several plates, all connected by a bridge. You can even walk to our moon, from said bridge." She says, putting on the air of a story teller, even as a pancake is flung onto her plate. She looks at it oddly...she has had pancakes, but the Ramuh version typically is not red.

    "Ramud is the land of eternal storms... Shiva is the land of ice and snow..." She says, almost spinning a tail.

    "Odin, the land of steel and death... Leviathan the land of deep waters.." a brief pause to get some eggs, bacon and other breakfast necessities.

    "Bahamut the land of enternal skies, and Titan the sky breaking mountain." she takes a bite, and looks approving! "And Ifrit, the enternal desert."

    "There is Chocobo the lunar metropolis as well. It is where I currently live, but not quite my home." Taking a few more bites, "Interesting...these pancakes are delicious. I have not experienced a red one before! I do so love new tastes!"

Misha (757) has posed:
    Flopping into her own seat, Misha helps herself to a lazy, cat-like- stretch before starting to whittle at her own meal. Having helped herself to some of the green tea pancakes. "Yeah he talked about the academy a bit. But to walk to the moon, huh?"
    It takes a severe effort of will for the Reyvateil to not shudder at the thought. "If I went I'd probably have to pass on that trip. Heights and I don't mix too well."

Maxine Sandberg (279) has posed:
Maxine's never had green tea pancakes before, well there's a first time for everything. "Certainly different from what I'm used to, but not bad." IT certainly beats vending machine food. "Having everywhere connected by a bridge would be convenient but it wouldn't be practical where I'm from. How do they handle traffic? She imagines it would get quite backed up."

James Rogers (802) has posed:
"Galianda sounds very unusual," James says after finishing his first pancake -- (As an aside he asks Misha, "May I have one of the red ones for my second one?") -- "I take it that your moon has an atmosphere just like the rest of the world?"

He then begins to eat his eggs, not quite inhaling them but still eating quickly like most hungry teenaged boys tend to do.

Tijah El-Borak (818) has posed:
    Tijah continues to eat..

    "Not that I see. Not as much traffic as you think on the roads, especially with flying machines being a thing." Tijah waves a hand, shrugging. "Also, while not every contient is nice as others, we all typically stay in our homes, save adventurers and merchants."

    "And yes, Chocobo has a atmosphere. I mean, it is about as livable as anywhere else!" she says. Continuing on. "I have shared my story...now I am curious about YOUR homes! Come now, stories are best shared...well around a fire, but the table will do forgoing an actual bonfire."

Maxine Sandberg (279) has posed:
"Well, my story certainly isn't that interesting. I'm just a roboticist with a daughter who works for a toy company." Maxine sounds pretty humble as she says that. "I'm not an adventurer or anything like that. Then again it's nice to live a quiet relatively peaceful life." She's not complaining but she doesn't want to bore them too much.

James Rogers (802) has posed:
James looks up from his by now half eaten red velvet pancake and smiles, "Oh where to start...." He ponders for a moment and says, "You may have met the Avengers here... my story starts with a version of them. Given an opportunity by an unusual time of peace they settled down and began to have families." With this he nods to Maxine acknowledging her comment about enjoying a relatively peaceful life.

"Unfortunately, it wasn't meant to last. Ultron, a robot with genocidal tendencies, arose and attacked the Avengers and then began to work towards destroying humanity as a whole." He pauses for a moment and then adds, "Not all the Avengers were killed. Tony Stark took me and three other children of his teammates to an arctic retreat and raised us in secret, preparing us for a day when we might be able to face our parents' killer..." he interrupts his own story to add "(Well, all of us except for Torunn, her parents had duties in Asgard so left her with Tony anyway.)" and then takes a break to finish his eggs.

Tijah El-Borak (818) has posed:
    Tijah waves a hand...

    "Toy company? That by far sounds too interesting! Do not sell yourself short...it is not what you do, or what story it is...but if you enjoy it. Not everyone can be an adventurer or super hero, or merchant, or whatever...we all gota be what we wana be. Drink life for what it gives you, and challenge yourself against it's rougher waters." She grins.

    Towards James she shrugs...she gets the brunt of it. "Sorry to hear that...losing your loved ones is never easy."

Maxine Sandberg (279) has posed:
Maxine can't but help to gasp as she hears James's story. Now, she can't help to feel bad for having it so easily. Granted she left some details out, but even then. "I'm so sorry, I don't know what to say. To have go through all that..." She can't believe the Avengers were defeated like that from what she knows about them.

James Rogers (802) has posed:
James shrugs, trying to make nothing of it, and says, "I was a toddler. I barely remember my parents." He makes a point of avoiding what that lead to by simplifying the rest of the story to: "Ultron found us years later and we ended up enlisting an ally of our parents in helping defeat him...."

James then changes subjects somewhat, turning more towards the question asked by Tijah. "So, the Earth is pretty ravaged at this point. We've been working on defeating the robotic armies left behind in Ultron's defeat and assiting in rebuilding efforts around the globe."

A smile washes over James' face as he remembers the way this next part facinated the Tony they would likely know. "We've relocated to a base in antarctica -- the southern pole, Tijah, incase you don't know Earth's geography -- in a place called the Savage Land. Its populated mostly by primitive tribes and prehistoric animals, including dinosaurs."

Tijah El-Borak (818) has posed:
    "Ah...sounds a little like home then." Tijah says with a small grin. "Large monsters, dangerous people, and dangerous terrain? Yeah, that's home." She says, taking some more bacon.

    "Ah so you gave him a good thrashing? That's good...that's good...so basically now it's cleaning the mess and trying to march forward?" She asks, shaking her head...

    "Assuming you don't get a massive army from the super jerks telling you it is better if they rule you." She shrugs. Still, she listens.. "Sounds like quite a story, but still not finished."

Maxine Sandberg (279) has posed:
"I see, is that part of why you wanted to meet with me?" Maxine figures that most likely partly be the reason. "I don't think the south pole would be the ideal place for dinosaurs unless there's been severe climate change. Granted your Earth is different then mine." She can't picture dinosaurs living there though, even if they weren't extinct.

James Rogers (802) has posed:
"Ancient alien technology rather than a global climate change," James explains and then adds, "Although, the way it unified I'm actually surprised that it isn't experiencing something like that now... although I understand that this place--" he waves about indicating the multiverse "-- operates under Clarke's Third Law anyway."

He takes a moment to finish his red velvet pancake and then addresses Tijah. "Yeah, well... he was beating us until Pym -- one of my 'brothers' -- got the Hulk to get involved in the fight. But... yeah, clean up and there are still the occasional death machine or a band of killer robots even to stop."

After dodging it for a few moments he returns to Maxine's initial question prmoted by his story. "My sister Sarah thinks it would be good for me to meet Annie," James says. "I... I have problems with robots due to...." He trails off indicating that he doesn't really want to discuss the circumstances.

Tijah El-Borak (818) has posed:
    "Well, it's not all robots, I imagine...but rather specific jerk robots." Tijah says.

    "Though I can guess why you don't like them after...well that." She shrugs. "Don't got much for robots at home, though. I think we got those Murasame bots, but I wouldn't call them real robots, more like soulless husks." Robotics isn't her field.

    "I don't understand the multiverse much, it seems to just do what it wants."

Maxine Sandberg (279) has posed:
"I see, that's understandable. I don't think I would be so open-minded about robots myself if I grew up in a world like that." Maxine doesn't show any signs of resentment. "But yes thankfully most sapient robots want a peaceful world just like everyone else. Though it's easy to exploit those who aren't." She sighs a bit at that.

James Rogers (802) has posed:
James nods. "I know some AIs that I trust... and I've met a couple in the MUltiverse that people I trust trust...." He trails off for a moment and says, "I've begun thinking that I need some help actually."

Tijah El-Borak (818) has posed:
    "Like what, for lifting or killing those jerk robots?" Tijah doesn't get the phrase

Maxine Sandberg (279) has posed:
"Well, I'm not a psychologist but I'm willing to listen." Maxine's assuming that what he means, if he does mean the other kind of help she's sure there's plenty of people who will do that.

James Rogers (802) has posed:
"Well, yeah, we will need that I'm sure," James says to Tijah but then nods to Maxine, "Yeah... its mostly that... I...." While James is normally confident he's obviously nervous now and unsure how to proceed. He ends by just shaking his head and then eating some bacon.

Tijah El-Borak (818) has posed:
    Tijah raises a brow, but does not speak... hmmm...this is getting heavy.

    "Let me get something for us to drink."

Maxine Sandberg (279) has posed:
"But yes these robots will have to be dealt with before you can start rebuilding your world. I can understand why you feel uncomfortable though." Maxine's quite sympathetic about all this. "Yes, I suppose I should drink something other than coffee if I want to sleep later on." She should get some after they finish here.

James Rogers (802) has posed:
"A drink sounds great," James says. "Is there any orange juice available?"

Tijah El-Borak (818) has posed:
    Tijah looks up...

    "What's an orange anyway?" She says, finding a jug of orange stuff. "I mean, I know it's a color, but I didn't know you could juice colors...weird."

Maxine Sandberg (279) has posed:
"It's a fruit that's generally the same color." Maxine figures that's the simplest way to explain it. Sure, there's also blood oranges but there was no need to complicate things.

Misha (757) has posed:
    There is, in fact, orange juice. A whole pitcher completely fresh squeezed that Misha ssssssliiiiides on over surrepetitiously. She's been quiet, but here.

James Rogers (802) has posed:
"They grow on trees and yeah... its named after the color of its flesh and rind." James, like Maxine, chooses not to go into the complexities of other species.