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Unexpected Visitors
Date of Scene: 20 June 2015
Location: Dun Realtai
Synopsis: Inga gets some unexpected visitors at her new cottage in Dun Realtai--two of which come from a crashed spaceship!
Cast of Characters: Blurr, Inga, 796, 804

Inga has posed:
It's near sunset in Dun Realtai and Inga's hearthfire is burning hot, smoke rising from the chimney and drifting around the treetops in the still summer air. There's stew in the big pot, nearly ready to be eaten. A good deal of it, too. Almost as though she's expecting company.

Inga has been in the garden most of the day, getting all the plants she wants in the ground. There's dirt beneath her nails and on the hem of her dress but she is perfectly happy.

Brushing off her hands, she reaches for the nearby wooden staff and uses it to help pull herself back to her feet, moving to the water bucket pulled from the nearby well to clean her hands before she goes inside to have her supper--and perhaps recieve company.

Project MORDRED (804) has posed:
Though at first glance, he may look like any other handsome, armed man from the area; upon closer inspection there's some signs the knight who dismounts in front of Inga's cottage is not. His clothes are made out of synthetic materials, and have carefully hidden zippers instead of more traditional fasteners. Not just that, but the heraldry on his shield is unusual, the ancient astrological signs of Earth, Venus and Mars, blemished with the mark of the eldest son.

MORDRED knocks on the door, and then announces himself, "Pardon me, I have lost track of my path somewhere in my exploring of these lands, and I hoped I could receive directions here." Though he has a sword hanging from his hip, he makes no attempt to reach for it, instead going through his hair with his sword hand, a subtle gesture that is as effective at keeping his hand away from his weapon as raising his hand above his head would be.

Inga has posed:
Inga is just ladling out some soup when there's a knock at the door. She purses her lips thoughtfully for a moment, looking toward the door. He isn't the first visitor today, but it being so late, most of the villagers wouldn't come to call when it will be dark in a while.

Inga sets down the bowl and moves toward the door, hearing an unfamiliar voice outside. Still, she opens the door without hesitation and looks up.

Up, because she's on the petite side and is generally accustomed to looking upward.

A brow rises slightly, giving the man a quick lookover. "Lost the path? Were you headed anywhere in particular?" she inquires, her staff once again in hand. It is likely of the magical variety, carved with runes as it is, though she also leans on it for support it seems.

Her eyes are sharp, taking in details about his appearance that could give her information about him and his intentions. Weapon visible, well fitted clothes of a more modern fabric than is offered in these parts. Handsome. Probably dangerous.

Mentally, Inga shrugs. She's alone, which oddly makes her less worried. "Come, do you have time for a bowl of soup? I was just about to eat. I can show you back to the path afterwards," she offers, seemingly not put off by a strange armored man showing up at the door.

Blurr has posed:
    Blurr and Sarah Rogers had met in Urbania not long ago, and though the encounter had been sliiiiightly awkward, the two of them hit it off rather easily, having had a long and interesting conversation in the food court at Terlawk Mall.

    The Autobot had then allowed her to accompany him on a recon mission to determine the nature and extent of Blackbox Consortia activity in this particular sector of the galaxy. After all, having a -small- yet powerful ally accompany him on a stealth mission made perfect tactical sense. It had been going perfectly well, until their ship, the Proteus One, was discovered and they were forced to abort with the enemy hot on their trail. Sirens are shrieking all over the cockpit now, screaming the obvious which was that shields where completely down and they'd been hit in several vital areas. That Earth-looking planet nearby is going to be the only chance they've got at getting out of this alive--if they crash, the Consortia might not bother searching for them. And even if they did, it would take some time to find them...

    Hence, as Inga opens the door for Mordred, what looks like a blazing ball of fire can be seen in the sky behind him. At first, it looks like it might just be a comet or something, but no...it's getting bigger and bigger by the second as it comes closer!

    Meanwhile, inside the fireball:


    Blurr curses. "Tell me something I don't already know!" He pulls at the navigational controls uselessly, then gives up and glances at Sarah. "Frag it. Brace yourself...this is going to be rough."

Sarah Rogers (796) has posed:
    Maybe getting to know a manic speed freak autobot wasn't the best idea after all. "Aw Hell, you told me you knew what you were doing! Look, I'm tough but I've never tried using myself as a re-entry vehicle before. I'm not keen on finding out what happens if I try!" Sarah makes sure her harnesses are secure, The frutrating part is, the controls for this ship aren't terribly different from others she's seen, but they're designed for giant robots. "Why is that light flashing red? Is that thing an external heat warning? Why does *That* thing look really angry!?"

Project MORDRED (804) has posed:
MORDRED enters willingly, "I was headed to Dun Realtai, my lady. I am MORDRED, Knight Errant, and I accept your gracious hospitality." The way he says that, it's clear he takes hospitality to mean a couple things, more than simply being welcome in someone's home. He keeps his hands far away from his blade, and as he turns around to put his shield on the ground, he notices the fireball approaching. He quickly calculates its trajectory and does spectrum analysis, coming to the conclusion it's going to land close, is pretty big, and appears to be more than a mere hunk of metal.

Thus, he activates his Armour. Glare-NT leaves the cave it's been stored in, and takes to the sky on a trajectory to intercept the falling spacecraft. Then, once in the right position, holds his hands forward to catch the ship and matches its calculates trajectory, though at a lower velocity to guarantee impact. Once the impact occurs, the ablative heat shield helps Glare-NT handle the heat, and the armour and some redundancy systems help the empty Armour survive the impact. Then, thrusters fire at maximum power in retrograde direction. It won't make for the most gentle landing, but it should create only a minimal crater.

On the ground, MORDRED pretends for the moment he is not interacting at all with that. "Your soup smells delicious, my lady. Would you mind entertaining me with your name?" He takes a seat at the table, it's like he hasn't noticed the impending impact at all.

Inga has posed:
The golden light of the sun at sunset shines upon her face...

No, that's not the sun. That's a giant meteor falling to earth!

Inga's eyes go wise as saucers, her brownish green eyes reflecting the sight of the rapidly descending object. A strangled sound escapes her throat, a scream cut off. Please gods, don't hit the village! She's out in the woods quite a bit, maybe it will just destroy some trees!

Still, there is the issue of FIRE!

"Odin's bones!" she curses, grabbing a bucket and heading for the well as if that would help /at all/ if a forest fire starts up.

Then, some other.../thing/ is there, intercepting the crashing object, helping at least to soften the impact...

Inga turns and looks to Mordred. For the time being, she doesn't even seem to process his name, even though it is one she knows. She's too dumbfounded by him accepting her hospitality and going inside as if a meteor/ship was crashing to earth and there wasn't some kind of giant suit of armor out there.

Briefly, Inga stutters as her mind just overloads for a moment. "Ah....Inga. Inga Freyasdottir, wisewoman," she replies vacantly, then shakes her head. Her own voice pulls her out of inaction. "That...we should...get a bucket, if that thing is still on fire we have to put it out," she says, pointing to the bucket. Tch! Why doesn't she know a water related spell!?

Well, Inga begins to move toward the site of impact, bucket in one hand, staff in the other, ungainly moving as quickly as possible.

A chivalrous knight would bloody well follow!

Blurr has posed:
    Blurr sighs. "Sorry Rogers but I guess you're just really catching me on an off cycle. This kind of slag happens all the time in my line of work. We at least figured out who might be--" Suddenly, Mordred's Glare-NT pops up on the sensor arrays, though they are damaged. "The slag is -that- thing?" he wonders, confused. Hopefully it doesn't want to shoot them, and hopefully it doesn't belong to the Consortia.

    Fortunately though, despite the massive size of the ship, the NT is able to survive the collossal impact and direct the vessel away from the village, instead sending it to rest in the woods nearby. Several trees are flattened and set ablaze in the crater that results, but none of the locals have been harmed, thanks to the resident Knight. Just how villainous is Mordred anyway? Villains don't save the day! Do they?

Sarah Rogers (796) has posed:
    "We're alive!" Sarah proclaims, honestly surprised that the ship managed to make something approaching a soft landing. "If we'd managed to miss the trees that wouldn't have been a half bad landing! I'm pretty sure the locals know we're here though. We should probably go apologize and uh.. fix the woods?"

    She flies up to hit the button to open the external hatch. and makes her way outside. Her outfit comes so close to being able to fit in in a world like this. Except that chainmail halter tops probably aren't that common and the Red White and Blue Star shield on her back *might* be some kind of bizarre heraldry. There's also the fact that she was At the mall recent and got a violet streak in her hair and her nails done to match while she was there. (Her gloves are stuffed in a belt pouch) Also, she's flying with no visible means of support. Way to be inconspicuous!

Project MORDRED (804) has posed:
MORDRED does follow Inga out, grabbing the bucket as he goes, and mounts his horse. "Need a ride, Lady Freyasdottir?" He asks, staying near Inga as he starts to get to the landing site, giving her an opportunity to climb on before he rushes onwards, with or without her. He doesn't curse, he stays calm, but he does act with a certain sense of urgency now that he's been properly alerted of the events that occurred.

Glare-NT pushes itself out of the crash site, and retreats towards the cave MORDRED has been using to store it out of sight. No word is spoken by the empty Armour to those who fell, but Sarah can probably recognize it, and even if she can't, it's almost certainly in Union files by now. It's MORDRED's. When he reaches the site he starts working on firefighting with the bucket, at the same time, he shouts, "Hello, anyone made it through?" The voice is the same as when it comes from within the Armour.

Inga has posed:
Inga looks up at Mordred. A horse. A man with a horse. Oh, she does love this place. Horses, she knows! This makes sense. "Yes, that would be quite appreciated Sir Mordred," she says, accepting any help offered to get her into the saddle. And they're off!

A few moments later, when Sarah emergest, a woman is waiting at the edge of the impact site with a bucket and a stick, looking rather alarmed as a girl in strange clothing (how is chain mail even useful when worn like that!?) who is /flying/ appears from out of the craft.

Stupified, Inga throws the bucket of water onto one of the fallen trees. The fire hisses as a bit of smoke rises, but that's about it. She's officially out of helpfulness in that regard.

She is however, fairly proficient with healing. "Are you hurt? I am a healer!" she calls. How will they put out this fire? Would rain be too much to hope for?

Blurr has posed:
    The fire actually isn't too substantial, some of it had been put out when the NT grabbed onto the hull, and as the craft had slowed drastically when the drone pushed back against it, the friction with the atmosphere had also decreased in intensity, causing the extreme heat to have mostly dissipated by the time it struck the ground. There are a few flames and burning cinders here and there, but mostly just a lot of smoke.

    No response comes from Blurr, however, at least not yet. He appears to still be stuck in the wreckage.

Sarah Rogers (796) has posed:
Sarah watches the Glare-NT IT as it retreats. It makes her a bit uncomfortable since she's pretty sure she saw a report about something that looked like it, but there are more pressing concerns. "Uh.. Hi there, Thank you but we're fine! We're more worried about you. Was anyone hurt? Sorry about the mess, We'll do everything we can to help clean up!"

    She glares back inside the ship, "Won't we!?" She calls in accusingly "Do you have water jets to cool the ship down? Maybe we can help put the fires out?"

Project MORDRED (804) has posed:
"I don't think anyone was, unless there's others inside that vessel of yours." MORDRED keeps trying to put the fires out, fortunately it's not too bad. He doesn't immediately respond to Sarah's glare, until he gets closer to her, and speaks softly, "My lady, please do not be alerted. I am a guest in these lands, honour bound to do my part in keeping it safe. Even if I had quarrel with you, I would not pursue it here. Glare-NT caught you falling out of the sky, and is now going back to base. I have been told the locals don't handle high tech very well."

MORDRED then distances himself from Sarah again, and just keeps working on helping the area clean. For the benefit of Sarah, he introduces himself again, "I am MORDRED, Knight Errant; and this lady is Inga Freyasdottir, wisewoman." He keeps his hands busy and filled, certain to complicate drawing the sword on his hip.

Inga has posed:
Inga blinks several times, then shakes her head. Perhaps she'll have to bring a fire extinguisher or two from the apartment. That's really a rather good idea. If nothing else, Inga has taken away a bit more wisdom from this experience. "No, no one is hurt. Might not have been the case if not for...whatever that thing was. You are alright? Well, I am glad to hear it...wait--there is still someone in there?" she asks, relief turned quickly back to alarm.

As the woman doesn't seem worried however, Inga calms herself. "As it seems that your...plane? has crashed, I imagine you will need some assistance. My home is nearby. I was just ready to serve supper. I would be willing to expand my hospitality further," she tells Sarah.

Mordred intruduces himself, and her. It is only now that it seems to click. She looks to Mordred with slightly wide eyes. "Mordred? From the stories?" she asks. Possibility he'll think she's a weirdo is high, but ah well. Today is just going to be one of those days.

Blurr has posed:
    Isn't it kind of -always- one of those days? This is the Multiverse, after all. However, despite Sarah's calls, no response comes from within, save for a shower of sparks from a broken panel. That certainly doesn't bode well...

Sarah Rogers (796) has posed:
     Sarah gives a respectful nod to Mordred, "I believe you, and I'm in no mood to fight at the moment. I'm glad you didn't see our little accident as a sign of aggression." She says in relief, "I'm Sarah Marie Rogers, sometimes known as Crusader. It's nice to meet you both. I wish it was under better circumstances."

    She glances back inside the ship worriedly, "Thank you for your hospitality, but I think we may need some help after all. More of the mechanical sort than medical though." She heads back inside the ship to see what's causing the sparks.

Project MORDRED (804) has posed:
"Yes, MORDRED, eldest son of King Arthur, I've been told the legend is common, though I wouldn't call it particularly accurate. I do not believe this is particularly important right now, however, people need our aid." MORDRED answers Inga patiently, as he heads into the ship as well, analysing the broken machinery inside. "I fear I was never a great engineer to begin with, and this technology is completely alien to me, I'm afraid I can't be of much help, other than setting up a beacon for allies of yours to come collect you." At least he offers to do that much.

"Otherwise, it's my pleasure to meet you properly, Lady Rogers. I believe I might have seen you on the battlefield, but never directly engaging me in combat. Even if we had, however, it would surely have been in the context of executing our respective duties, which I do not consider a cause for quarrel."

Inga has posed:
Inga's mouth dips into a frown, peering over at the ship as sparks fly. Indeed, that is worrisome, especially if someone is still inside. She looks back to Sarah, blinking. "Well I am afraid I will be no help to you in that," she replies. Inga is lucky she can work a radio.

What is also a bit worrisome, is the interchange between Sarah and Mordred. To this, Inga merely raises an expectant eyebrow toward Mordred. He's accepted her hospitality. She's like to know if there's anything she should be worried about here.

Mordred kindly answers her question, anyway. "Ah, well, I did not expect it to be as it is in the stories. Nothing is," she replies with a sigh.

So, the two are enemies? This is getting quite trying. Inga is hungry and there is perfectly good soup waiting!

Blurr has posed:
    As Sarah and Mordred begin to approach the ship, a flash of light suddenly appears in front of them. It looks like a human, though oddly dressed in comparison to the locals. Sarah will recognize it though, as Blurr's holomatter avatar--not unlike SHIELD's Light Model Decoys or hard light holograms. But unlike before when they were at the mall, it flickers as if struggling to remain in existence, a panicked expression on its face. "S-s-s--d-don't--kk---g--b--f--leaking--!" It's hard to pick through the static and other inscruable sounds that might remind one of a broken playback device.

Sarah Rogers (796) has posed:
    Sarah gets a pained look in her face, "The only part of that I understood was leaking! What's leaking!?" She says in an almost panicked tone. She starts to look for Blurr's actual body, presuamably still in the cockpit, and maybe buried under peices of the ship? "This is bad.. my friend is probably *more* complicated than this whole ship!"

Project MORDRED (804) has posed:
MORDRED would fix Blurr up if he could, but he can't, so he settles for, "If you know anyone who could fix your friend, I will help you contact them. I wish I could do more, but I am utterly unfamiliar with this technology, I would likely do more harm than good." He is already setting up his internal radio to broadcast audio signals he receives from the vicinity. "I'm sorry that I have not yet been able to taste your soup, Lady Freyasdottir, it smelled delicious. Can it be warmed up easily once we return?"

Inga has posed:
As the hologram appears, Inga takes an involuntary step back in surprise. Then, her brow furrows, recognition dawning. "Blurr?" she asks.

Then Inga sighs heavily, shoulders slumping. Well, that explains everything.

"Blurr? Are you alright?" she asks. She has no idea what she can do, but she'll help if she can.

Another sigh, Inga looks to Mordred. "Yes, yes, easily enough. Do not trouble yourself. It will still be there," she explains, waving a hand.

If there's anything she can do, she'll do it, otherwise, Inga extends her invitation once more then heads back to eat her supper.

Sarah Rogers (796) has posed:
     Blurr's Holomatter Avatar flickers out of existence. Sarah meanwhile. is poking around his real body trying to figure out what the problem is. She can lift debris off him as if it;s made of plastic, but that doesn't seem to help, nor does he appear to be leaking anything she can identify.

    A few moments later she emerges from the ship, actually walking this time. "I'm no engineer either." She sighs, "He's got a couple lights on and there's a sound of active machinery inside him, but He's not moving." She pauses and looks back inside, "I could drag him out of there, but I have to assume it would be just as bad as moving an injured human, The best thing I know to do if Call for help and hope they get here in time" She looks worried and frustrated.

Project MORDRED (804) has posed:
Any nearby radio capable devices, in the broad sense of nearby, suddenly pick up a quick emergency call 'Mechanical life form needs urgent repairs, presumed Union ally or member, please avoid arriving in anything overly high tech.' This message keeps repeating, and it's in MORDRED's voice. He hasn't spoken it, however. What he does speak is this, "I've activated a distress call. If there's nothing else we can do, perhaps we should eat and check out to see if you need any medical aid, Lady Rogers?"

Inga has posed:
Inga frowns gently when the hologram disappears. A bit worrying, but she's talked to Blurr before about what he is, and she is fairly sure that he will actually be alright. "I am sure he will be alright, but we will not be far. Help will arrive shortly I imagine. I do believe Blurr is with the Union. They're quite good about aid like this," she says, hoping to assuage Sarah's fears.

Inga nods to Mordred. "Indeed, I have hot soup and bread baked earlier today. Come and join us for supper," she says to Sarah, motioning for her to follow. Inga's certainly going to eat, and that's that.

It isn't a far trip back to Inga's cottage and as soon as she arrives she moves to reheat the soup. The hearth fire is still going strong, the soup piping hot again in no time.

In contrast to most of the home, there is a recognizably modern table. It's probably IKEA. Inga motions for her guests to take a seat while she gets bowls and starts passing everything out.

Sarah Rogers (796) has posed:
    "Thank you, Mordred was it?" The only Mordred Sarah knows is from Arthurian Legends, and she didn't imagine him to be anything like this man. "The few Confederates I've met have turned out to be far more amiable than I was told to expect."

There's a look of guilt on her face at Inga's suggestion, and she looks back towards the ship a couple times before she accepts the offer, "Alright.." She says in defeat, "I am pretty hungry." She doesn't mention anything about the offered medical aid, she's quite certain she's fine. She's also rather overconfident about herself.

Project MORDRED (804) has posed:
"My name is MORDRED, yes." MORDRED agrees, and as they return, he takes a seat. His eyes take a good look at Sarah, nothing remotely lecherous, just trying to see if she has any wounds that she is not admitting to having. "The Confederacy is a varied group, some of us are more amiable than others. I am a Knight and the heir to my father's throne. My duties and my honour would not allow me to treat my enemies with disrespect unless they earned in a manner deserving of it." As he receives his soup, he starts eating it. After a few spoonfuls, he covers up a small burp. "This is delicious, Lady Freyasdottir. Thank you for sharing."

Inga has posed:
Inga sits as well with her dinner. "I've ale too, if either of you would like some," she offers. Hall's have been burnt down for not offering ale to guests when there is ale to offer. Vikings are serious about this.
% The soup is good and meaty, chicken with rice, carrots and celery. It's certainly homemade, as is the bread. "I am pleased that you enjoy it," she says with a genuine smile.

Inga blinks then. "Ah, so you are in the Confederacy Sir Morded?" she confirms, no sign of dislike or fear. Just interest. "I'm with the Union as well. What brings you to Dun Realtai Sir Mordred?" she asks.

Inga then looks to Sarah, brow rising. "And you and Blurr...I take it the visit wasn't intended?"

Sarah Rogers (796) has posed:
    Sarah sits down as sips a spoonful of soup suspicously at first, and then quickly follows up with a couple large mouthfuls, "This is amazing! So this is what they meant by home cooking!" Most of the food she's eaten came out of a sort of replicator. "Ale would be great!" She says hopefully, There's no way she'd be legal drinking age in a modern world.

    She offers a smile to MORDRED, "I hope that we won't have to call each other enemies any time soon." She looks back to Inga and blushes a bit, "We were just trying to head home, but.. Blur tends to be in a hurry to get everywhere. Maybe this will get him to slow down."

Project MORDRED (804) has posed:
"I am here because after I had fought Saber in a friendly duel, she invited me to stay in these lands as a guest. I am exploring the area, because many of the people here, Saber included, fascinate me. It helps that it's far more pleasant than home. Ale would be appreciated." MORDRED explains his reasons for being here, and then he smiles to Sarah. "We are enemies, but that doesn't mean we have to dislike eachother. I have no quarrel with you, and I do not consider your allegiance a defining feature of who you are. I would rather you would not sully my honour by acting as though I have pretended not to be." He empties his bowl, "Rest assured it's nothing personal, and that according to the laws of hospitality, I am honour bound not to engage in hostilities while I am a guest."

Inga has posed:
Inga does not care about legal drinking ages. The mere concept is completely ridiculous to her. It wouldn't even occur to her to question Saah's age. She's not a baby, and is therefore able to drink ale. As she is also obviously not a small child, she can also drink non watered down ale.

With a smile, Inga reaches over to the ice box, pulling out three bottles of ale, bottled in Chicago at a place called Mac's. "Yes, Blurr does like to go fast, doesn't he. He nearly scared the life out of me when we first met," she says, shaking her head. Blurr had been there that very first night. What a night that had been...

Inga shakes her head slightly to clear it of the memories, looking from Sarah to Mordred. "Ah, you dueld Lady Arturia? I have seen her duel once. A great shield-maiden indeed. I'm sure Sir Bedivere was grittig his teeth all the while," she adds with a small smile.

Inga nods at his mention of hospitality, looking pleased. "It is good that you understand the importance of these things. Now...you are not from the same world as Sir Bedivere and Lady Arturia then? What is your world like?" she asks. "Or you could show me, I suppose...but that...can be complicated," she adds, pursing her lips slightly. Curiousity wars with caution--her visions can be unpredictable.

Sarah Rogers (796) has posed:
    Sarah stares at Mordred for a long moment. trying to make sense of what he just said. "I... Uh.. I'm sorry." She murmurs finally, deciding to focus on her food for now. She's quite suprised when the 'ale' comes in a modern bottle, She was expecting, even hoping it would be from a barrel and served in a wooden or metal mug. But Hey, it's booze! She decides to keep quiet for now and let Mordred talk about himself, maybe she'll find something out that will explain his strange code of honor.

Project MORDRED (804) has posed:
Opening up his Ale with nothing but his fingers, MORDRED proceeds to take a deep sip before he settles into storytime. "My father. John Arthur, is the High King of Earth, Valerie la Guin, the Queen of Venus, is his vassal and Wife, L4-NC3-L07, the Slave King of Mars, is his vassal and right hand. His heraldry consists of the signs of those planets, with empty slots for the planets that haven't acknowledged his tyrant's justice." He sounds like he's unhappy with the situation, "Because he does not acknowledge me as a legitimate son, my mother raised me in exile on Mercury, beyond his reach, so he could not kill me."

"I intend to force his abdication and take his throne, end his wasteful war." He empties up his bottle, glancing towards the ice box. "A war in which Knights die each year fighting an enemy that does not yield any ground despite his efforts, but because this enemy does not wish to yield to his demands, he refuses to grant both his own people and his enemy's peace. I wish it didn't have to be this way, but there is no other option."

Inga has posed:
Inga opens her ale with an opener, sipping as Mordred begins to explain.

At the very beginning, Inga's eyebrows begin to rise. John Arthur? High King of /EARTH/!? Queen of VENUS!? Something confusing with letters and numbers, a Slave King of Mars!? EXILE ON MERCURY!?

Her expression, at first, is one of 'you're /insane/'. She chokes slightly on her next sip of ale while she gives herself a mental peptalk.

This is the multiverse, Inga. This isn't the weirdest thing you've heard. A flying ship just crashed near your house. Cars exist. People can /fly/. YOU'VE MET THOR!

A deep breath is taken, eyes closing for a moment...and she's back in control. "I'm...sorry. That was...not what I was expecting. I am from Uppsala...a country now called Sweden, on Earth. I was brought...forward in time," she explains with a quiet sigh. "The Multiverse has been quite a shock to me. But I am acclimating," she adds, raising her chin slightly. Proud.

"That sounds terrible Sir Mordred. I hope that the war can be resolved, for you make it sound as if many are tired of losing their lives for it," she says, collected now and sympathetic.

"Where do you hail from, Sarah Rogers?" she asks then, looking to Sarah. "You mentioned you are in the Union. You must be new. Newer than I, anyway."

Sarah Rogers (796) has posed:
     Sarah tries her best not to laugh at Inga's reactions, but a few snickers slip out, "Are You going to be okay? You know the 20 foot Blue Robot who oowns the thing outside and you this *his* story is crazy? Mine is at least as Bizarre." She grins, "My parents were kidnapped to a planet far across the universe to fight a private little war. We have no idea where it is because there were no stars in the sky. The Two major players managed to kill each other and leave everyone else stranded. Eventually they stopped fighting, made peace, and settled down to raise families."

    She pauses and pulls the shield down off her back, "My Father was.. is Steve Rogers." She says this like the name is all they would need to understand the shield, "Not the same one that's in the union though, it's very.. Multiverse." She sighs, "We used a combination of magic and technology to get here and try to prove to our parents that they way home was safe. In retrospect, not a great idea. But we still hope to find the location of our homeworld and build a warpgate there so we can be reunited."

Project MORDRED (804) has posed:
"I hope I can resolve the matter without further bloodshed, or if blood must be shed, through an honourable duel between me and my father." MORDRED sighs, as he looks at his empty ale. "Alas, I fear that it won't be as clean as that. Even though I hope for the best, I am forced to plan for the worst. And to do so, I need resources. I found people who offered me the opportunity to earn those, and I accepted it." He doesn't sound like he regrets the decision, but the way he phrases it, it sounds like he may have decided otherwise if he had to make the choice now instead of when he did. "Honour demands I respect my oath of loyalty." He listens to Sarah's story, and at the end of it, "That sounds like a messy situation, I'm sorry to hear about it."

Inga has posed:
Inga looks to Sarah, blushing slightly. "As I said, the Multiverse has been quite a shock to me. When he said he was Mordred I thought...well, I was wrong," she says.

Somehow, in trying /not/ to stare at Sarah's strange clothing, Inga had missed the mjolnir pendant aroud her neck. Steve Rogers and the shield mean little to her, but that? That gets her immediate attetion. "Oh!" she exclaims, reaching forward. "You are a follower of the gods!?" she asks, clearly excited, reaching to pull out her own mjolnir pedant that had fallen beneath the neckline of her dress.

Inga looks back to Mordred, nodding grimly. "Indeed, things are rarely so neat. Perhaps I could help. I can consult the wyrd perhaps. I am a Seer," she explains.

Mjolnir buddies! Inga is so ready to make another friend that worships her gods! There may be a mental fantasy of her, Sarah and Valka frollicking through the woods the sacrificing a goat to Thor currently playing out.

Sarah Rogers (796) has posed:
Sarah gives Mordred a nervous but respectful look, "Good luck in your quest." say says simply, but genuinely. Inga's voice draws her attention back tyo her, and she goes wide eyed when she sees the other Mjolnir necklace. "Follower of the gods!?" She gasps, fingering her own necklace nervously, "I uh... well, Kind of? Not exactly..." She swallows and tries to think of a way to explain this. "Ah... Thor in my world and I had.. an understanding?"

Sarah Rogers (796) has posed:
    Sarah finishes up by taking a *long* swig from her bottle.

Inga has posed:
Inga blinks. "I do not understand. You know Thor!? You have an...understanding?" she asks, blank.

Then, after a moment, something seems to dawn on her. "Oh...OOH, I see. You do not mean my god, but the Thor in the Union. Ah so you...Aaaah..." she says, calming as she rapidly jumps to conclusions.

Sarah Rogers (796) has posed:
    Sarah takes a deep breath. Okay, you can do this! "Remember when I said the Poeple of my world stopped fighting and settled down peacefully? Thor was among them, and to seal the peace, he forswore Mjolnir and laid it down at a site comemeorating the end of the war. Again, Not the Thor in the UNion, but a very similar version from my world. 25 years later. I was in a desperate situation and.. uhm.. picked it up." She blushes a bit. "Pop was *so* mad at me.. But Thor calmed him down and said since I was able to lift it, It belonged to me." The story is probably pretty unbelievavble on it's own, so she demonstrates, reaching up to touch her necklace, and suddenly Mjolnir is in her hand. She sets in down on the table with a sheepish grin.

Blurr has posed:
    Suddenly, Sarah's comms activate. << Rogers! Theslagareyoudoing? >> Yep, it's Blurr, and he doesn't sound happy. << You know he's a Fed, right?!?! And you know the Consortia were after us, we can't endanger these people by hanging around! >> Unfortunately, war is a much more serious thing for the Autobot. Opposite factions aren't taken lightly...there's a reason the Decepticons are as hated as they are. Deceptions, and anyone who allies with them, including the Confederacy.

    The avatar then also appears in the room abruptly. "Sorry to interrupt guys, but...SarahandIreallyhavetogetgoing." He blurts out the last part in a string of nearly-incomprehensible words all run together, as is typical of his speech patterns when he's...less in control. The holomatter shoots a suspicious glare at Mordred as he speaks.

Inga has posed:
Inga gawks as Sarah explains. Her jaw reaches surprising new levels as Mjolnir is set upon her table.

Something in her mind just short-circuits. Her eyes roll back in her head as he muscles go limp.

Fainted, right as Blurr appears.

Eh, she'll be fine.

Sarah Rogers (796) has posed:
    Sarah has to tug the comlink out of her ear when Blurr starts yelling over it, "What the hell!? We thought you were dead! Okay okay.. The situation isn't as bad as it looks.. Just give me a minute alright? And then tell me what happened, you said you were leaking something!" She picks up Mjolnir and points it at Mordred, "On your Honor. You will make sure this woman recovers!" It's stated rather like a command.

Blurr has posed:
    Blurr gawks at Inga as she faints. He -knew- it, that Fed was up to no good! And then...Sarah is -trusting- him to take care of her?? He stares at her. "Are you insane?! You're telling -him- to take care of her? We're taking her to Njorun. -Now-. And I don't get killed easily, I didn't survive four million Earth years of war by sheer luck."

    Outside, the Autobot's vehicle form is waiting for her. "A team en route to the extraction point, let's not keep them waiting."

Sarah Rogers (796) has posed:
    "Look, he was nothing but honest about who he was!" Sarah tries to explain to the projection, "He has a code of Honor, same as me, same as my Pop! That why we weren't fighting! If I don't respect that than I shouldn't be carrying this thing around!" She waves her God-Hammer at him. "If you absolutely insist on tqaking her with us, I'll help, but It could be seen as kidnapping!"

Project MORDRED (804) has posed:
MORDRED looks at Blurr incredulously, "You insult my honour. I can't let that slide, but I can delay your recompense." He states, calmly, emotionlessly. "If you insist on not trusting me, let Lady Rogers take her to the nearby town. Its leaders are aligned with the Union. Saber and Sir Bedivere. I am here as their guest." He keeps an eye on Inga, and on Blurr, but makes no move for his weapons. "They stated their preference that nothing too overtly multiversal, and that includes a mechanical lifeform, would enter Dun Realtai."

Blurr has posed:
    "Kidnapping?" Blurr asks, flabberghasted. "We're on her -team-, duh. She clearly needs medical assistance. It'd be wrong to leave her alone with him! Okay, maybe he does have a 'code of honor' like yours, or whatever, but what if he's lying? We can't take that risk. Now get her inside, so we can get her the help she needs." And then Mordred even agrees with him. Good! "See, even -he- agrees with me. Now let's get going, before the Consortia show up and raze this place to the ground looking for us"

Sarah Rogers (796) has posed:
    "Fine.." Sarah says through gritted teeth. "But whatever happens as a consquence of this is *your* responsibility, got it!?" She turns to Mordred and looks him in the eyes. "I ask forgiveness on behalf of my friend. And for what it's worth. I apologize for this." She sighs, puts her weapons away, and goes to lift Inga gently into her arms, handling her rather like a oversized infant. and heads out the door towards their ship.