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A Wo-nderful Goodbye
Date of Scene: 11 June 2015
Location: Heaven or Hell Tower <HoH>
Synopsis: Wo finally ends her extended vacation in Boston-666. To say goodbye, Psyber arranges a special tour.
Cast of Characters: 253, Wo, 637

Psyber (253) has posed:
    For her last day in Boston, Psyber has arranged for something somewhat special.

    It's nothing fancy or high-class, but it's more of an emotional sort of gift to say goodbye to the Wo-Class than an actual gift. Namely: Psyber has let Wo into his office. It had taken some time for him to reach that level of trust for the carrier, but she seemed to be genuine in her desires for socialization and protective of his city. These two facts made him a bit more lenient.

    And so that's why the half-angel is waiting in the lobby of his own office with a somewhat worried look on his face. Despite the invitation, it was still nervous. What if she opened fire in the building or something? He doubted she would, but he still had trust issues.

    "Nnn... I hope she finds her way here alright."

Wo has posed:
    The worry from Psyber is ultimately unnecessary. Ships of Wo's size have radar, you see. It's simply a matter of - okay, so she presumably has a compass, at least. Regardless, she seldom becomes actually lost, but Boston is a big place, with a lot of tall buildings to block the line of sight, and plenty of angry traffic and distractions. It is quite different than the freedom of movement the sea allows. Perhaps the half-angel's worries were rooted in reality, as the clock continues to tick upward toward the scheduled rendezvous time, with no trace of the Wo-class carrier in sight.

    He would not be left waiting much longer, though. A familiar dark shape approaches the door, steady in its gait, and the pendulous mass riding atop it betraying its identity as the awaited visitor. There's a pause right outside, and then a thump, as the flight deck's dimensions prove too much even for Heaven or Hell's accomodating front doors. A confused "Wo?" can briefly be heard, muffled through the door pane. Ah yes, a proper dignitary would remove her cover, regardless. Taking a moment to lift up the hat, she places it cumbersomely under her arm and then squeezes in the door, that way.

    "...I am - here, Psyber," she says, as her mutedly glowing, pale turquoise eyes scan the vicinity, her voice as monotone and vaguely autotuned as he would expect, yet somehow a tinge of sheepishness creeps through, at having her grand entrance spoiled. There is no way the hat would hang on any reasonable rack, so she simply chooses to check it in on whatever platform is nearby and available. She doesn't have to be armed here, since this is certainly not a trap! "So this is... Your - base?" Stepping into the lobby proper, she cranes her head this way and that, the stresses her movements cause on the fabric of her clothes clearly heard with the acoustics of the place. She has an idle thought, "Kon-gou...also lives, here."

    And since she's been on dry land for a week, she's barely dripping *any* sea water on Psyber's nice floor.

Kongou (637) has posed:
    And so Wo learns exactly why, just a few days ago, Zuihou had to resort to a Saiun just to find her way around town. Isuzu occasionally mentions this new 'super radar' thing called a 'gps', but it's just not as good as proper radar and reconnaissance! At least that's what the light carrier claims to cover her unfamiliarity with newfangled technologies.

    But Zuihou isn't here. Rather, from the elevator banks, Kongou clicks her heels across the lobby floor to stand a foot or so behind and to one side of Psyber, her arms folded behind her back and a welcoming smile on her face. Her rigging is nowhere to be seen, and as Wo relieves herself of her own monstrous flight deck, the battleship's posture simply shifts to a somewhat more proud, straight stance.

    "<See~?>" Leaning forward slightly, Kongou's eyes shift to Psyber's face, "She made it just fine." And then returning her attention to Wo, the brunette's face lights up, "Welcome~!"

Psyber (253) has posed:
    Psyber seems to look a bit more assured as Wo actually walks into the lobby of his building. The half-angel lets out a sigh of relief and says, "Oh good, you managed to make it. I'm so glad you found your way."

    The hat can easily be placed on a table if Wo is willing to move Magazines to do so. Or any one of the chairs in the waiting area. The half-angel waves around a bit, "This is uh... my office. I live and work here. A few other people live here too. So it's sort of my base, yeah. I figured, since you're gonna be leaving soon, I'd let you see it."

    A look is given over to Kongou, "Well. I was worried, okay? It's her first time trying to find the place in a big city," He grumbles before looking to Wo.

    "So welcome. Have you been feeling better?"

Wo has posed:
    Given her somewhat shakey, and well-earned, foundation with surface people still, it would not be a good idea for the Wo-class carrier to launch anything that could even vaguely be mistaken as an Abyssal aircraft, at least within the city itself. Zuihou has her at a disadvantage, there - and surely, that light carrier's unwillingness to adapt is not also contributed by wanting to play with her planes, given any chance. Regardless, she's here now, and barely any late. Walking around Boston on her own was...different. The cars honking and people milling around provided had provided much needed ambience, that kept her focused on her surroundings, instead of troublesome thoughts inside her head.

    The relative quiet of the inside of the building begins to let some of that seep back in, but the presence of Psyber, and suddenly Kongou, give her something to root onto. With her hat settled atop a magazine table, covered with ones noone was likely going to seriously read, anyway, she is free to examine every small detail of the interior. Surface buildings are still strange to her, just like the one the demon of the isolated island had camped out in. Her shoulders briefly tremble at a memory, but it is short-lived and easily dismissed. "Ah..." She responds to Psyber first, looking at him directly, "Admirality, office." She gives another thoughtful glance to some of the decor, "To be...invit-ed, here. ...it would have, been. Im-possible, before." The immense leap of trust that Psyber is taking here isn't lost on her, even being a monster from the depths. This is his livelihood. Surface people need those.

    She seems to level her focus on Kongou, next. Staring unflinchingly, as her human manners and body language still need some work, in areas. Funny, even as she'd mentioned the name the Ko-class had assumed for her earthly negotiations, and that she also bases here, she somehow hadn't expected her to join them. "Kon-gou," she confirms, each syllable cognate extended a bit longer than normal. Sadly, she can't return Kongou's smile, at least naturally, but in the interests of making things go smoothly, she lifts her gloved index fingers to the corners of her mouth, pulling it up into that reasonable facsimile. "It is...good, to see - that you are, well." Wishing the enemy well!? She wouldn't want to sink her at anything less than full strength, is all.

    To Psyber's earlier question, she actually breaks eye contact for a moment, but it seems more ponderous than actively avoiding the question. She finally sums up, truthfully, "I have...spent, a lot of - time. Think-ing. But... I am - okay, now." Her mouth creases slightly, as she folds her arms in front of her, "Please tell - Zui-hou. I will... Keep, the plane. Some-thing tells, me. It is...im-portant." But, after that disclosure, she seems intent on getting the full experience, and wonders, "Psy-ber, Kon-gou. Show me...your base."

Kongou (637) has posed:
    "Mm~! But sometimes it's good to see that you were worried for nothing, isn't it, Admiral?" Kongou teases the half angel. She can't fault him, though. Even she was a little concerned that some trouble might befall a lone aircraft carrier in the big city, and it's just a relief to see she had made it with no problem.

    To Wo, she nods once and straightens herself once more, "That's right~! I sortie from here as well as from our own base on the sea, depending on where I'm needed. Though with our agreement, work out of Boston rarely involves the Abyssal Navy." Eyes closing, she tilts her head and her smile takes an apologetic slant to it, "Ehh... Though, we're still at conflict, so I'm just happy you're willing to visit us at all, even in this neutral port." Admittedly something else Kongou had been nervous about. The Fifth Mobile still fights the Abyssal Fleet and other enemies of the Fleet Daughters, after all.

    "Ah," The battleship's eyes open again, "Zuihou is here, actually~! If you want to talk, I can call her down. But a tour--that's up to Admiral~! It's his building after all."

Psyber (253) has posed:
    "Oh, it's just... well. You're a friend and I thought you should get to hang out here at least once before you go," Psyber says pretty firmly. He's glad Wo seems to have realized that Psyber can have emotions besides 'Admiral' and 'Also Admiral', because that makes it a bit easier to relate to her and converse than when she keeps expecting him to he a flawless paragon of command.

    To the both of them, though, Psyber nods his head, "Sure. I'm fine with giving a tour. I always think there's importance in a line between war and peace. And where the battlefield ends. I like to imagine we can all be friends off the field, after all one of my best friends is a Confederate." He explains as he leads them both to an elevator.

    When both of them are in the elevator with him, Psyber will hit a button and swipe his pass-card. The elevator lurches to a movement and then again to a stop, opening the doors to find a living-area and gathering point up on the residential floors. Couches and TVs mostly, some snacks for people to munch on throughout the day, "This is where most of the residents hang out during downtime. Barracks, I guess, would be your term."

Wo has posed:
    "Ah..." The Wo-class thinks on Kongou's offer, first, regarding Zuihou. After a few moments, she gives a light shake of her head, even though her facial expression never shifts from 'impossible to read', "No... I - made her, so worried. ...last time. Just, passing it along - is fine." Her eyebrows twist visibly at something else the battleship said. She didn't need to be reminded that they are enemies, insomuch, even though she is not as voracious as many of her sisters. But to hear it in Kongou's casually enthusiastic voice strikes an odd chord, which prompts her to bring a balled up, gloved fist to her chest. "May-be, someday... We won't need...neutral zones." She had made her wishes for the peace of the sea clear, but it might be hard to interpret exactly what scenario she was thinking of, with that.

    A brief news reel like mental image replays. Even before their current dealings, she and Kongou - Ko-class at the time - were no strangers. Several operations together, Kongou's own Abyssal sins run deep. She wordlessly pivots her eyes to Psyber again, wondering how this surface dweller, talented a commander though he may be, was somehow able to change her heart so much. A question she leaves unvoiced, since this is not the time or place. Maybe she's also a bit afraid of the answer.

    "Sor-ry," she says, seeming to visibly snap out of whatever thoughts she was having with an odd twitch of her body. "Guess...still not, one-hundred per-cent." As she moves to follow Psyber and Kongou into the elevator, she takes note of something the former had said, milling it over with a genuine curiosity that manages to breach even her strange intonations, "...friend?" It was a term that only the surface dwelling folk really used. Abyssal ties course so much deeper, at least at her level. But, considering it carefully, and resting her arms in front of her to make the elevator more comfortable, she comes to an agreeable conclusion, "Psy-ber... Is, a sur-face person, I trust. So...yes, friends."

Kongou (637) has posed:
    Kongou trots alongside Psyber in order to keep up with the taller angel, and also so she can meet him by the door and welcome Wo inside. Like this, she ensures she's the last person to enter the elevator. Hands resting on the railings, she barely moves when the elevator lifts (What incredible machinery to lift a battleship and an aircraft carrier!) (oh wait she only weighs a couple dozen kilograms like this), hands resting on the rails but not really clinging or anything. In her corner, the battleship practically glows, "That you could call someone outside of your fleet 'friend', even if it's Admiral... This is a <Happy Time!>"

    When the doors open out into the common room, two faces swivel in the elevator's direction, followed by two more. The first pair are not human, eye-like rangefinders blinking and ear-like cannon barrels raised alertly. Recognizing the wo-class, both Choujuucentihou-chan gun turrets raise their little flippers and let out identical 'Vwrr~!' noises, which draws the attention of the two much more human faces turning to peek over the back of the couch. It's Akizuki and Hayashimo, naturally. Fumbling, the taller of the two destroyers, grabs for a remote to pause the movie they're watching, then turns back, "Ah? Miss Wo class? You're here, now?"

    "...Welcome," Hayashimo murmurs, "...It is good to see you... have recovered." She doesn't say any more, though, simply offering a nod. Given her history, the quiet destroyer probably understands more than she lets on.

    "Girls!" Kongou leans forward, out of the elevator, "It had better not be a bad movie!"

    "...Scary movies are fun," is the only response Hayashimo offers.

Psyber (253) has posed:
    "Well, I mean, you can call it whatever you want. It'd be REALLY weird if you started calling me your Admiral too, though. I understood when Kongou and the Fourth started it, but I felt mega awkward about most others," He confesses to Wo with a bit of humor in his voice. Another rare insight she can get into his mentality, "But hey, you know, whatever makes em happy."

    He reaches out towards Wo when she stares at him and then musses her hair. It's a surface-dweller form of affection, really! He then smiles at her, "Relax." He comments before looking as the elevator doors open.

    "Probably not TOO regularly, since her work will keep her busy. She can stop by once in a while nowadays, though," Psyber says to the two girls that are hanging out around the office, "But only if you all can get along. The one that starts trouble gets banned till they can behave," He says to them both chidingly.

    "So what's on the tube today?"

Wo has posed:
    Conventional social interaction, while not as difficult for her as it had been for the Ri-class that visited a while back, can still completely consume the Wo-class. It takes a few moments, and a set and a half of new eyes, and a pair of new voices, to make her completely absorb what Psyber had just described to her. "Ah...yes, li-ving quarters," she says with some belated recognition, thankfully not as extravagant as Wake had gathered around herself, blue-green eyes wide open and staring unashamedly at the interior, as well as its occupants.

    That is, before Psyber performs the hair muss maneuver. Without her flight deck to get in the way, the silvery strands are unarmored and vulnerable. She visibly jerks, but the involuntary reaction isn't enough to yank her out of grasp's reach, and after the moment her shock turns to a dull confusion, which she voices with a simple, "Wo?" Is this something that 'friends' also do with each other? Leaning up on her heeled boots, she reaches up a gloved hand as best she can to make up the height difference, and return the gesture. This seems meaningless, but so do a lot of surface customs.

    Kongou's enthusiasm is somehow as infectious as it is, at times, embarassing. Having regained her normal speech faculties, or what passes for them, she addresses the battleship maiden, "In war...we are - still enemies. But...in Boston, it is o-kay." That goes for the both of them, but at least she's coming to understand that there can be a civility in between the battles. To any concerns that she'd start calling him her admiral, too, she gives a shake of her head, "No... Psy-ber, is not my ad-miral. That...would be - weird."

    With that said, she steps to walk out of the elevator, because gosh darn it, there are Destroyers here, even if they aren't cute Abyssal ones. Well, Hayashimo having a familiar atmosphere around her aside. She confirms Psyber's own statement, "For to-day, Psyber...is showing me, your base." Her eyes stare down Akizuki and Hayashimo in turn, perhaps lingering just a little longer on the latter, whom she specifically addresses, "..just...need-ed, some rest. ...is all." Since Psyber taught her how to do it, she reaches out a gloved hand to try and give Hayashimo's eye-concealing hair a muss.

    "Tele-vision," she glances at the paused movie, momentarily distracted. There was one in her hotel room, but she hadn't even turned it on, not really thinking to do so. "...they don't work - in Iron Bottom Sound." A few of the more surface savvy fleet members have tried. It didn't go well.

Kongou (637) has posed:
    "I know!" Akizuki chides Psyber, "And I made sure Hayashimo knows the rules too. We're not gonna cause problems an' neither is Choujuucentihou-chan. Right, guys?"

    Vwrr! A noise that, while not the same as the buzzing Wo might hear from her sisters, may at least be a little nostalgic. The little rabbit-like turrets swivel their heads back around towards the paused screen, not seeming to realize it's paused. Look, they're gun turrets, they aren't exactly smart.

    Hayashimo's single visible eye closes and she simply accepts the (admittedly, kind of awkward) hairmussing Wo provides. Though her bangs fall back into place quickly, there's the faintest glimpse of the Hidden Legend that is Hayashimo's left eye. Maybe it DOES exist. The right, visible and unobscured, opens once more, "...Rest is good. I was told.. that I rested for several days. ...You recovered quickly. You must be... strong."

    At Psyber's question, she turns her head towards the angel, simply stating, "...The Cube. ...Three Dimensions of Fear." SHe might be quoting the box, there. Eye closing, she shrugs, "...I've seen better. ...But it is okay."

    Immediately, in the elevator doorway, Kongou puffs out her cheeks, "Mou! That's not for little destroyers, <Eighteen And Older!>"

    "I'm seventy-six!" Akizuki objects.

Psyber (253) has posed:
    "Bless you," Psyber says to Akizuki reflexively when she says the name of her turret.

    The half-angel then has an awkward moment where he bends over to let Wo ruffle his hair a bit. He doesn't resist the gesture as she reciprocates, and his hair looks pretty decent even more mussed up than usual, "That would be a showing of affection. A sort of exchange of teasing between friends," He contextualizes for her.
    To the defense of the destroyers he jumps a moment later, "Oh, come on, Kongou. If they're old enough to go to war, they're old enough to watch a scary movie. You're lucky I'm not giving em scotch and cigars, you know," He points out to the battleship hanging out in his elevator.

    Then back to Wo, "Yeah, electricity messed up under water, I imagine. Plus the signals required to watch it can't hit that deep."

Wo has posed:
    The seemingly self-animated turrets do get a momentary look from the carrier, after she's withdrawn her hand from poor Hayashimo, victim of her vicious hair ruffling. The sound they make is familiar, a slightly more melodic version of some of the sounds 'lesser' Abyssals, and even her aircraft, can make to communicate. Being able to actually understand it is a bit beyond the boundaries between them, though, so she merely watches them curiously. She does remark to Akizuki, though, seemingly complimentary, "...they seem - to like, you. Must take...good care, of them." She doesn't receive the relentless hair assault that Hayashimo did, perhaps her more perfect himecut trim repels her hand. More likely, she just doesn't have the same familiar air around her as her friend does.

    A bit belatedly, to Psyber's explanation since she's already enacting it, she gives a thoughtful look as a softly ponderous sound rises from her throat. Without the filter of the haunting reverb that many of her kind seem to possess, it might almost pass as human. "...so. Physical con-tact, play-ful. Is something...friendly surface people, do." She cannot say it makes perfect sense to her, but there was something oddly soothing about it, once the shock had worn off. And Hayashimo did not recoil away from her, so that is also progress. Speaking of that Destroyer, she is next in line for Wo to give a wondering look to, and then a surprisingly solid statement, "...I am, strong. I kept - coming back." But there's somehow a tinge of sadness to her voice as the confidence falters, "...but - I do not know, what makes me - strong."

    That is perhaps what troubles her the most. The fractured memories, the feelings of having spiritual chains around her, certainly take their toll. Yet, imagine knowing you have a reason for being here, but that it has been lost to you. Her gloved hands clench and unclench a few times, her head dipping forward. Thankfully this time she manages to keep things well-managed, enough that she's soon joining Psyber in the Destroyer's defense, "Let them...have their fan-tasy, Kon-gou. ...they see, e-nough, real tragedy." She's aware enough of fictional movie materials, because as she soon reveals with a subtle nod to Kongou's Admiral of her Heart, they aren't completely bereft of entertainment technology, even there. "We do...have some film. Pro-jectors... I-class and Ha-class, enjoy them."

Kongou (637) has posed:
    The mention of scotch and cigars only deepens Kongou's pouting. She puffs up at Psyber's teasing, ahoge almost swishing on its own but that's certainly not the actual truth-- Such powers are unique to Kuma class cruisers. It's Wo's words that bring an end to the playful tantrum. Not specifically what she said--but the fact that she said it. Kongou immediately deflates, blinking at the carrier. After a moment, she looks down, "You're right. And they're old enough anyway~. Don't mind me."

    The remarkably stubborn Kongou has been caught on the back foot by this display of real empathy from an enemy that she often wondered might have forgotten what empathy is. Though she does leave the elevator, simply standing beside it, turning quiet and thoughtful. Though she spares a glance Psyber's way, all she offers is a wordless, somewhat apologetic smile over her behavior.

    Akizuki squints at Kongou for a moment, then closes her eyes with a little 'huh' noise and a shrug, "Some day, Commander, I'll get you to say the name right instead of pretending it's a sneeze." Towards Wo, she adds, "I sure do! Keeping them clean and well oiled, supplied, and making sure the barrels are replaced frequently, all make for a happy Choujuucentihou-chan."

    Hayashimo remains quiet, though, while the carrier dotes on her a little. She doesn't shy away or recoil, but does dip her head long after Wo's hand has left her hair. In a deliberate motion, she reaches out and traps that hand between both of hers, looking up towards Wo's face, "...If you are that strong. ...Please keep coming back." Though she doesn't voice it, the dark haired destroyer feels that if her plea is heard, the abyssal carrier will someday find the answer she's looking for.

    Hayashimo holds this posture for a few seconds that may seem longer than they actually are, before she finally releases, "...The Commander would be sad... if you didn't."

Psyber (253) has posed:
    When Kongou gives him a smile, Wo can see the efficacy of the physical affection method external to herself. Psyber reaches out a hand, puts it atop Kongou's head, and pet-ruffles her gently, giving her a smile back, "Thanks for watching them so closely. I'm sure they appreciate it deep down."

    To Wo, "Sorry it's not more... amazing or spectacular. Just an office building with some sections where people live," Of course, he hasn't shown Wo the library, vault, garage, or armory yet. But she probably doesn't care about those too much.

    "But hey, if you phone ahead I'm sure you can stop by sometime again."

Wo has posed:
    One never knows about what these zany ship people want. Wo's current form looks human enough, certainly, and she's beginning to come to terms with a lot of surface people conventions, even if understanding is a ways off. But there's still a certain alien feel to a lot of what goes on around her, even now. What isn't, though, is when she goes to move away from Hayashimo, but instead finds her hand captured. She doesn't appear startled by this, but she does give an initially puzzled wrinkle of her eyebrows to the girl.

    This one, she has a certain understanding that the others don't. It's clear from her words before, and especially now. Perhaps, even now, the lines that once tied them are only sketched on in pencil instead of clearly severed. There's a moment of paralysis in the carrier's body, before her unreadable face manages to convey some semblance of a determined look, and she places her free hand over one of Hayashimo's, "I won't...let any-one down. A-gain." 'Again?' It seems she hadn't consciously caught the word, herself, since it doesn't seem to have any additional meaning, but it is certainly an intriguing piece of the puzzle when combined with other glimpses. "There will..be sad-ness," she warns, it is unavoidable in a war, both between their kinds as well as the greater Union and Confederate battles. "But... With times, such as this. Also, room...for happi-ness."

    With this much of a promise as she can offer, she gives an approving glance to Akizuki, "Please - con-tinue to be, a good friend. To this girl...and your Chouj--cho--" She hesitates, before settling on, "Tur-rets." And then it is Psyber, and Kongou, that she lifts her frame towards, eyes settling on them. She gives a light shake of her head to her angelic host, "I think...as long as, you are sur-rounded. By your 'friends'. The looks...don't matter. It is...the same, for Abyssals." Iron Bottom Sound is basically a glorified scrap heap, you know.

    This thinking has got her on another train of thought, and her head quirks to the side at a sudden realization. Now is the perfect time. She announces, "Want to eat... Kon-gou's curry. If it's...o-kay."

Kongou (637) has posed:
    "...It is a promise," Hayashimo states with a surprisingly firm nod of her own. She then sinks back behind the couch, merely watching, just over the backrest. Always watching.

    "Of course, you can count on me, Akizuki is a dependable girl!" The second destroyer taps herself over the collarbone proudly. And then Wo mentions Kongou's curry. Both destroyers exchange a single glance. Akizuki glances back towards the three adults, "Ah... We'll skip on that, I think! We already ate, you see." She then sinks similarly down behind the couch, both girls returning their attention to the TV, which resumes--with much applause from the Choujuucentihou-chans.

    "A <Fantasy Castle> or a <Card Board Box,>" Kongou declares, throwing her arms out suddenly and throwing herself about Psyber's neck, "With love, the surroundings don't matter~!" She's remarkably light for a thousands-tons battleship, as the elevator can attest. Rolling her head towards Wo, she beams, "<Curry?> It would just happen I was making a fresh batch when you arrived~! If the destroyers are going to pass, that's all the more for us~! Please have all you want~!"